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The RSS Feed | Robert Sovereign-Smith | Executive Editor
Weird is good!
a deen d’uoy taht dediced I ,driew eb ot tsuJ ,enohp ruoy esu ro …siht daer ot elba eb ot rorrim !evitaerc teg …ti rorrim dna ,erutcip ekat dna derih ev’I elpoep eht wenk ylno uoy fI evah I taht sraey 61 ylraen eht revo htiw dekrow dnarb siht taht wonk dluow uoy ,tigiD ta neeb evah ohw elpoep eht fo ynaM .driew no snur yteicos fo stifsim era ,em gnidulcni ,ereh dekrow ,esle erehwyna krow ot driew oot tsuj erew ohw taerg eb thgim stnemnorivne etaroproc elihw dna rof doog s’ti eveileb t’nod I ,krow fo senil emos rof .krow evitaerc ,sretrauqdaeh s’elgooG tuoba daer lla ev’uoY elbatrofmoc erom a etomorp yeht woh dna -no-emit-%02 rieht dna tnemnorivne gnikrow dna tsrif eht t’nerew yehT .aedi stcejorp-lanosrep erew M3 tcaf nI .tsal eht eb t’now ylniatrec yeht erofeb sedaced emit stcejorp etavirp %51 gniod ,drager siht ni nwonk llew era yeht ,tcaf nI .elgooG gniwolla reven ekil seicilop driew rehto evah dna yeht daetsni ;gnol oot rof rehtegot krow ot elpoep t’nod yeht elpoep fo smaet wen lla ot elpoep tfihs osla dna ,wen dna gniticxe ti peek ot tsuj ,wonk fo noitanibmoc driew elbissop yreve tuo gniyrt ...nac yeht smaet sevirht yllautca erutluc putrats eritne ehT erom gnileef tub ,krow ekil gnileef ton krow no yzarc a no gnikrow egelloc ni llits er’uoy ekil wonk ew ffuts eht si sihT .maet a sa tnemngissa rof no sucof elpoep ffuts eht si sihT .ydaerla tub ,noitcafsitas boj ro ,ytivitcudorp sa hcus sgniht ?ytivitaerc tuoba tahw ytivitaerc taht si tuoba tegrof netfo ew tahW evitaerc eb t’nac tI .driew ,noitinifed yrev sti yb si ,driew eb ot sah tI ?ti nac ecalpnommoc s’ti fi aidem laicoS .cte ,gnikcohs ,stun elttil a ,tnereffid serusne ti elihW .su no tceffe ynnuf a gnivah si ti ,ssendriew s’elpoep rehto no sucof ew taht .ni tif ot deen ew taht su secnivnoc osla wohemos dna evitaerc eb ot erised egnarts siht evah ew oS kcits ton ot ,emit emas eht ta tub ,suoenatnops taht slaog owt era hcihw ,bmuht eros a ekil tuo .ylsuoenatlumis eveihca ot elbissopmi era ,sboJ evetS etal eht tuoba tnaw uoy tahw yaS .suineg a saw nam eht eerga lliw enoyreve tub ,no sesucof enoyreve tahw si hcihw ,elppA tegroF remusnoc a gnieb ,elppA .raxiP ta kool daetsni dna reven dluoc ,ynapmoc erawtfos dna erawdrah redro ni tsuj eb ot dedeen raxiP sa evitaerc sa eb egaruocne ot od sboJ did tahw oS .evivrus ot raxiP fo maet eritne eht thguorb eH ?ytivitaerc
erus edam eh dna ,foor egral rehtar eno rednu gnihtyreve gnittup yb ,solis htiw yawa did eh thgir dedeen ereht dekrow ohw enoyreve taht muirta lartnec ehT .llah gib a fo ertnec eht ni eht morf ,nommoc saw taht gnihtyreve desuoh ,spohs eeffoc eht ,erots koob eht ot airetefac morf elpoep oS .smoorhtab eht neve ,sey dna htiw tcaretni ot decrof erew stnemtraped suoirav gniod nehw rehtona eno teem ot ,rehtona eno ni neve ro ,eeffoc gniknird ekil sgniht yadyreve oot knurd ev’uoy nehw oop ot enil ni gnitiaw sool !eeffoc hcum eeyolpme gnikcilc fo ycilop a sah ynapmoc enO rieht ot serih wen gnicnuonna dna serutcip derosnecnu era serutcip eht tpecxe …yrtsudni er’uoy tuB ?driew ooT !ytidun latnorf lluf htiw hcihw tuo dnif dna yrt ot elgooG ot gniog ?uoy t’nera ,si ti ynapmoc driew eht s’ti dna ,esnes sekam tsuj drieW enilno elpoep noillib 2 htiW .rebmemer uoy taht eb ot uoy rof yaw ylno eht tcaf ni si driew ,won dediced eussi siht yhw si hcihW !derebmemer ni sgniht driew eht no yletelpmoc sucof ot t’nseod tI .erutluc dna ecneics ,ygolonhcet kniht uoy erehw boj a ta krow uoy fi rettam .ton s’ti ,tseb si ni gnittif daeha teg ot gniog reve era uoy yaw ylno ehT dna ,uoy tuoba driew s’tahw ecarbme ot si efil ni lla ti tel t’nod uoy erus ekaM .ylwols tuo ti tel neht ,elbuort ni eb ot gniog er’uoy esle ro ,ecno ta tuo dna ylwols yawa kcab tsuj lliw elpoep esuaceb esingocer ot si yek ehT .gnimaercs yawa nur neht er’uoy nehw ,thguoht a gniudbus er’uoy nehw a tsuj tel ot neht dna ,ssendriew ruoy gnisserppus .hguorht ti fo elttil ,sub a ni ro ,noitats a ta er’uoy emit txen ehT ruoy ta kool tsuj ot egru ruoy thgif ,eueuq ni ro fI .noitasrevnoc a pu gnitrats yrt dna ,enohp a gnitrats yrt ,epyt evitaklat eht ydaerla er’uoy .gniklat fo daetsni gninetsil neht tub ,noitasrevnoc yadyreve elpmis ot sesnopser driew emos yrT sredro gnicalp nehw seman driew esU .ynotonom llet dna ylmodnar rebmun a laid tsuj ,doof rof ot no ti ssap ot meht ksA .ekoj )naelc( a meht .wonk t’nod yeht enoemos dna pu gnittes neewteb ecnereffid ehT doog a gnieb dna ynapmoc rallod noillib a gnidliub uoy litnu ksed emas eht ta stis ohw eeyolpme ruoy ecarbmE .ssendriew elttil a tsuj netfo si eriter ot rebmemer dna ;ffo ti wohs ,ssendriew renni ...od uoy fi em llet dna ni etirw
“Many of the people who have worked here, including me, are misfits of society who were just too weird to work anywhere else, and while corporate environments might be great for some lines of work, I don’t believe it’s good for creative work”
Liked or hated this column? Let me know at: | | @raaabo | September 2018 | Digit | 1
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Paranoid Android | Mithun Mohandas | Asst. Technical Editor
Protecting (sic) our data
ways to stem this technological inequality is to mandate a data localisation policy and tech companies don’t like it. Not one bit. One of the primary reasons is that the data is used to build newer and better products so if the data is unusable because of a localisation policy, then they have to reinvent the same product in each market. Also, the pace of product development is staggered because their reduced data set makes training AI components of products slower. Another pain point for the companies is the additional infrastructure expenditure that they incur. India being a country that’s undergoing rapid digitisation has resulted in an overabundance of data and all that data needs to go somewhere. If a data localisation policy is put in place, then the tech companies have to take a call whether to set up many data centres to capture all data or just a few and capture the most valuable data. Either way, they don’t like it one bit. Personally, I’m all for data localisation. The cloud service providers will have to spend a lot in our country to comply with the regulations leading to more jobs being generated. Also, with regional data being geofenced, products built for other markets will not work as intended here. Thus, requiring that India-specific products be made and that means more jobs. It would be illogical to assume that all these new jobs will be created here but you can be certain that a significant portion will be. As the laws around data collection and storage become even more complex, the companies providing data localisation services have even more to gain. In the end, we get better applications and services that were built specifically for the Indian market, our country gains leverage by not losing data to foreign entities, more jobs will be created within the country and the companies that are cribbing about data localisation get to build a new business vertical. I see a win-win with data localisation, what about you?
This being that one crazy issue that we bring out every year, I’ve decided to do a Raaabo and write my entire column upside down. So you’ll have to bear with me on this one as the topic of my column still remains a serious one. Data Localization is a term that you’ll be coming across frequently in the months to come. The Indian Government set up a committee to make recommendations for the cloud services operating in the country. Earlier this month, the very policy panel put forth its recommendations for India’s data policy and one of the key points in that framework is that the Indian Government mandate a data localisation policy for India. Data Localisation requires that companies which collect data from our citizens will have to store them in data centres within the country. This data could be anything from medical information, financial information, telecommunications data to even the metadata collected by the big advertising giants that currently rule the Internet. We aren’t the first country to consider data localisation laws. Several countries such as Germany, South Korea, Venezuela, Australia and even the United States have some form of data localisation laws in place. Germany is especially strict with its data laws requiring companies that want to transfer citizen data to ensure privacy is maintained even after the transfer. Localisation is very much understandable. Governments want to ensure that citizen privacy is maintained along with other motives which include but are not limited to security and law enforcement getting easy access to the same information without having to take an international conglomerate to court. One key motivation for data localisation is to prevent surveillance of said data by foreign entities. However, things are rarely as simple as they seem. Data is the new oxygen and every tech company on the surface of the planet is vying to collect as much of it as they can. In the end, whomsoever holds the most data has the most clout and countries such as the US and China which have a lot of technology companies will grow more powerful. So one of the
“Data Localisation requires that companies which collect data from our citizens will have to store them in data centres within the country.”
Let me know your thoughts on this column at: @mithun_mohandas |
2 | Digit | September 2018 |
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Tech Facts That’s Fun! >> Weird ’s That For? Way To Fail >> Wow e >> Why >> What Failur ? >> s Fresh! >> >> Worst Tech s Fantastic! ot The Fudge Whoa That’ Wow That’ ’t That Freak? >> Whiskey Tango Foxtr Frown? >> What To Fly >> Wasn shness? The What The Way >> Price ’s This Fooli The Frak? The Food? >> Why Future >> That >> What e’s >> Win The s The Fool? >> What stic! >> What’s `200 >> Wher The FAQ? Who’ A 9.9 Group The Face? That’s FantaWay To Fail >> Wow >> What To Fix? >> Wow Fire? at Publication What The The To Form Fish? >> s Fresh! >> Where’s e >> Why Waiting What The Whoa That’ t Tech Failur e’s The Fire? Friday >> Funny? >> Freak? >> >> Wors Thursday ot The Wher Head-onThe >> esday Foxtr >> What Tango Fudge? >> Wedn d Tech Facts y? >> What >> What The >> Whiskey ’t That Funn Frown? >> For? >> Weir What The Frak? esday The Wasn Wedn >> d >> Why >> ? >> shness? Way To Fly That’s Fun! For? >> Weir The Food Future >> ’s This Fooli >> What’s That Where’s >> What To Fly >> Face? >> stic! >> Win The ? >> Way The FAQ? >> Who’s The Fool? Wow That’s Fanta The Freak Thursday >> What >> Fix? What To To Format The Fudge? >> What s? >> Wednesday Tech Facts >> Fish? >> d Waiting shnes >> y Weir What Fooli >> >> Frida For? day ’s This Frown? Thursday >> What What’s That esday Thurs Why The Y o u r>> t e c h n o l o g Y n av i g at o r FAQ? | w w w. d i g i t. i n | v o l . 1 8 >> issue 09 | september 2018 Tech Facts Fire? >> What The That’s Fantastic! Foolishness? >> Wedn The Wow ’s This Where’s To Format s Fresh! What Waiting Whoa That’ Friday >> Freak? >> What The
CyCle vs CyCle
real , we look at just bizarre your mind! brilliant to blow Ranging from e that will and scienc technology
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Published and printed by Kanak Ghosh for and on behalf of the owners, 9.9 Group Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly known as Nine Dot Nine Mediaworx Private Limited) 121, Patparganj, Mayur Vihar Phase-1, Near Mandir Masjid, Delhi - 110091 and printed at International Print-O-Pac Limited, C/4-11, Hosiery Complex, Phase II Extension, Noida-201306 (U.P.) INDIA. Editor: Kanak Ghosh.
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6 | Digit | September 2018 | What is life without gaming? Catch up on all the latest in gaming news, reviews and shenanigans from our test labs
t real , we look a e r r a iz b t s d! t to ju w your min lo om brillian b fr l il g w in t g a n h a R et and scienc technology
The first WTF while in this issue is when you realise there is no cover story. It will not be the last. Keep a mirror ready, and be happy that at least there is a cover. tech - PAGE 14-52
26 | Startup Corner: Thinking outside the box
A number of enterprising Indian startups have built their businesses around a unique approach to solving a problem
september 2018 volume 18 issue 09
28 | WTF Android Apps
Did you know there was an uber for cuddles?
17 | Absurd Input Devices
The considerations of accessibility and ergonomics have resulted in some bizarre looking input devices that are straight out of sci-fi movies. One of them actually is!
18 | Deviant AI
When computer engineers give computers a mind, they are often surprised by the results.
20 | Unusual Computers
You just need logic gates to make a computer, and you can build one using anything from people to crabs.
22 | The many inventions of the computer mouse
The humble mouse was reinvented multiple times
8 | Digit | September 2018 |
30 | DIY: Slayer Exciter
Heard of Nikola Teslaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s crazy wireless power transmission ideas? Well, we show you how to build a variation with over 900 volts!
44 | Cycle vs Cycle
Trust us, we are scratching our heads over this one as much as you are.
46 | Agent 001
Agent001 is tempted to splurge on a brand spanking new graphics card. Nearly.
48 | Devworx: Lolcode For the luls.
52 | Inside the geek brain
The bottom panel of the expanding brain meme.
ALT - PAGE 78-96
On The DVD In India, the jugaad ethic means that there is no problem that cannot be solved with whatever is available in the vicinity.
56 | Crazy Collectors
Diecast models, comic books, and DC action figures, we profile some of the craziest collectors and the associated scenes.
The logical fallacies and how they are abused in technology advertising.
82 | Infoporn
TECH Audio mixing tools Acoustica Ardour Audacity FL Studio 20 LMMS Nero Wave Editor Ocenaudio WavePad WaveShop Wavosaur
The relentless march of miniaturisation has reduced the size and weight of almost every piece of modern computing hardware.
84 | Future Feature
58 | Good guy dark web
79 | Fallacy Advertising?
The dark web is not always bad news. At times, you get diamonds in the rough.
62 | Professional memelord
An AI psychologist counsels a talking squirrel... and a plant?
86 | Auto Tech
Yes, you can make a career memeing.
We have reviews of the Toyota Yaris and the 2018 KIA Optima!
skoar! - PAGE 97-111
SA 66 | Artist animals
Gorillas not only enjoy painting, they have even titled their work in sign language.
99 | What Money?
The amounts of cash spent on these virtual items is sure to drop some jaws.
68 | Not so superstitious
108 | The science of immersion
70 | Hacking the planet
107 | Reevu: Monster Hunter World
How science is used to fool the superstitious.
Can a solar shield at the L1 gravitational point halt global warming?
74 | Strange ISS experiments Two headed flatworms, frozen bull sperm, zero G spider webs - the ISS has seen it all.
How to games draw you in?
The madness of monster hunting makes its way to the PC.
108 | Reevu: Yakuza 0 Tired of cookie cutter AAA titles?
ALT Plastic Man comics Plastic Man (real name Patrick “”Eel”” O’Brian) is a superhero originally published by Quality Comics and later acquired by DC Comics. Created by cartoonist Jack Cole, Plastic Man was one of the first superheroes to incorporate humor into mainstream action storytelling.
54 | 1000 Words
AlumaOS AlumaOS is a free desktop operating system built to be simple and fast. It uses its own desktop environment called Affinity. Bliss OS An Open-Source OS, based on Android, for phones, tablets & PCs with Desktop GUI. Their focus is to bring the Open Source community a quality OS that can run as a daily driver, syncing your apps, settings and customizations across all platforms you run Bliss on. PC benchmarking tools GAS SSD ATTO Disk Benchmark CINEBENCH R15 CrystalDiskMark DNS Benchmark FurMark Geekbench HWMonitor MemTest86
CULT QuakeCon 2018 Fallout 76 and fan Q&A QuakeCon keynote SCI Human anatomy and physiology Circulatory System Meet the heart Flow through the heart Two circulations in the body Layers of the heart Respiratory System Meet the lungs People and plants The bronchial tree Gastrointestinal System Exocrine pancreas Endocrine pancreas Muscular System Myosin and actin Motor neurons | September 2018 | Digit | 9
Airbnb suing NYC
WWII plane discovered
Airbnb’s lawsuit against NYC alleges that a new NYC law violates its users’ constitutional rights.
on the magazine every month is is awesome (I salute them for that). I have a few questions: 1. How to become a big streamer on twitch or YouTube? 2. Which PC parts are best for gaming but in gaming? 3. Who is agent 001 in your company? Compliment: You should add cheap gadgets in your magazine, but only gadgets which will be durable. Waiting for a reply. –Syed Murtaza Rizvi
Send your feedback at
Hey Syed, Thank you for the compliments. I’ll make sure to pass it on to the team. They’re gaming right now, which is why I’m the one replying to your letter. Regarding your question on streaming, Abhijit has written a detailed article here ( As for becoming a “big streamer”, that comes down to your marketing skills. Go live on a regular basis and listen to your audience. Also, share your stream links in as many gaming communities as you can. This will help you get more viewers to begin with and then you should let the YouTube/Twitch algorithm work its magic. I don’t know if I got your question right but let me try answering anyway. For gaming, the CPU, graphics card, RAM and storage matters the most. That’s to get the game running on your PC. As for your experience with gaming, then a good audio solution along with the keyboard and mouse can make a world of a difference. And about me... Agent001 is an enigma. –Agent001
Feedback for the august 2018 issue of Digit
The lost squadron crash-landed in Greenland more than 70 years ago and was found only last month.
An overdose of anything will give negative results and that’s what is happening. –Chaitanya Vangala
Thank you Chaitanya, I really appreciate you taking the time to send me feedback. While it is true that a lot of data goes towards useless purposes, it’s also true that more people get access to the technology because of falling costs. We just have to hope that as you and I learned how to sift through the overdose of information that technology provided, eventually, people who have just come onto the internet will learn as well. Cutting them off from the internet will only keep them enslaved to the evils of caste politics, that you pointed out. Maybe it is my Digit bias, but I can’t seem to accept the idea that less technology for people is ever the right answer. Hopefully we can find a way that doesn’t involve something as drastic as that needing to be done. –Robert
Hi Robert, Good Morning. I was going through your article “Faking it” in Digit yesterday. Your points are absolutely valid. Educating the masses about such news is the most important thing. But there is a lot of groundwork to be done. They are many educated in the remote villages who still think about Upper and Lower caste. They do not understand that this is just a political game played by the politicians to get votes. Just like frog’s in a well. As you said, restricting them from get such information can do only some good. I have a suggestion: We need the help of Telecom Industry to restrict the usage of data by increasing the prices. Why I’m saying this is, before JIO entering the telecom industry, I paid Rs 275 for 1GB of data for 28 days to Airtel. That’s a lot of money! Now I’m paying Just Rs 99 for 2 GB data for 28 days, and full free calling to boot. This cost reduction has erupted the usage of data. There are people who utilize it very well, but a lot of it is used in the wrong way. Every useless News & Message is getting forwarded and causing a lot of disturbance in the society. The telecom industry is just trying to make money rather than taking some social responsibility. An old saying in Sanskrit: “ATHI SARVARTHRA VARJAYETH”
10 | Digit | September 2018 |
Hi digit, I am very honored to share feedback with you. Your magazine is very interesting, and good for todays tech geeks, and that’s why I love it. Your magazine is important to digital india, and last month’s Indian edition was very fascinating because it had science columns also. The design team’s work
Hi Arnab, I enjoy your columns in Digit. I have to do a paper on Start-ups for my IT subject in MBA. Can you please suggest some sources for: • History of digital start-ups. • Data - industries, etc • Success-failure factors etc. Very grateful to you. many thanks. PS: Will discuss your columns with friends and share our views –Nidhi
What’s New
NVIDIA announces RTX 2080 Ti, 2080 and 2070 Graphics cards
pricing for the GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Founders Edition is `1,02,500. The GeForce RTX 2080 is selling for `68,500 and the GeForce RTX 2070 at `51,200. Board partners will be selling their cards at much lower prices. While pre-order have begun on 20 August, 2018 for the new Turing based NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, 2080 and 2070, customers will only be getting their cards starting from September 20th.
Does this section even need an introduction? from computers to mobiles, and headphones to GPUs, it’s all here...
VIDIA held its muchawaited press event for the new Turingbased GeForce 20-series graphics cards at Gamescom 2018. NVIDIA CEO, Jensen Huang revealed the GeForce RTX 2080 Ti and the RTX 2080 as the first set of graphics cards from the 20-series. NVIDIA opted for the new RTX branding to promote the significant ray-tracing performance increment that the new RTX 2080 Ti, RTX 2080 and RTX 2070 are capapble of. Official Indian
Netflix starts showing its own ads between episodes
etflix has been lauded in the past for its ad-free approach. However, it has begun testing with ads in some markets. Netflix subscribers in the UK have started seeing promotional clips in between two episodes. As of now, these advertisements are simply recommendations from Netflix’s own libraries. Netflix justified this approach to Arstechnica by saying, “A couple of years ago, we introduced video previews
This month in tech: Prepare yourself for the weird side of tech as we show you the strangest input devices. how the mouse was invented three times, strange things AI can do and even weird things some computers are made out of. How about we also build an actual Tesla coil and teach your Lolcode?
Apple becomes first trilliondollar company Apple became the world’s first trillion-dollar company in early August due to a rise in its share price. The market capitalisation of Apple hit $1 Trillion about 42 years after Apple was founded in 1976.
Intel confirms discrete GPU for 2020
A tweet from Intel’s official twitter handle confirmed speculations that Intel is working on a discrete GPU and it’s set for a 2020 launch. This is not Intel’s first attempt at the GPU. This time around, the effort is spearheaded by Raja Koduri.
14 | Digit | September 2018 |
to the TV experience, because we saw that it significantly cut the time members spend browsing and helped them find something they would enjoy watching even faster.” These video previews autoplay
Facebook rating users’ trustworthiness
Facebook is rating its users between 0 to 1 on the basis of trustworthiness. This reputation score is part of Facebook’s efforts towards combating fake news and posts from people with a low trust score will supposedly not have a good reach.
between episodes and are not being received in a positive manner. Numerous users took to Netflix’s subreddit to voice their disapproval with many claiming that they moved to Netflix to escape advertisements. Some users even claimed that if Netflix offered a free subscription tier supported by ads, then they’d be fine with it. Netflix has included the ability to opt-out of this beta-test.
Amazon’s face recognition faux-pas
Rekognition, Amazon’s face recognition software falsely matched 28 US lawmakers with mugshots of criminals in a test. A large number of those misidentified were people of colour, raising concerns of racial bias in the AI.
a collection of pro tips for everything. Without being limited to a particular topic, these tips are from popular software, to coding, to browsers, search, storage rules, password rules, mobile device hacks, bios cracking, tweaks explained and everything tech under the sun.
There’s an app for that - WTF Android apps
Are you running Android? Are you tired of all those ‘productivity-enhancing’ apps cluttering your phone? In the mood for something out of the ordinary? Read ahead to find out about the weirdest results of that “Dude, we should totally make this an app” conversation everyone has had. Aabir Abubaker | Hold On, literally
App developers want to protect you from even the slightest inconveniences of human drudgery. Ever gulped down that soda a little too fast at the start of a thriller? RunPee tells you the best time to take a leak during any movie. But it doesn’t stop there - it’s a genuinely helpful movie companion, giving you synopses of parts you missed (even if you arrive late), vibrating discretely before the best moment to pee, and telling you in advance about after-credits scenes. Sometimes, a good thing starts as, well, just a weird thing.
Great for distracting young kids, putting yourself to sleep, or developing arthritis a few decades early, Hold On tests the true limits of human endurance. How long can you keep the button pressed? The developers were clearly expecting things to get competitive - they show you your time right up to the millisecond. Don’t miss its debut at the 2020 Olympics for People with Too Much Free Time. Note that this is not for the faint of heart. User Senpai Kawaii’s review: “65m & 55s 4/5 stars, but still better than Call of duty, by the way i broke my thumb”
RunPee during any movie
Exhilarating, right?
Uber for Cuddles
It’s a modern wasteland we’re living in, starved of human companionship, eyes and hands always glued to silicon-chip mistresses, souls atrophying in loneliness. Seeking Cuddles is here to heal you. On-demand cuddles to remind you of the warmth of a human’s touch, a simple conversation, and genuine friendliness.
28 | Digit | September 2018 |
“I told you, no hookups!”
Strictly platonic though, so no hookups.
Pooplog, a log for poop
Don’t you sometimes get the urge to… plot on a map every place you’ve ever, erm, unloaded? Doesn’t it bother you that you have no record of everywhere you’ve ever, erm, marked your territory? Isn’t it just the worst that you can’t ever share your toilet-related achievements with your family, friends, acquaintances, landlords, and every weirdo on your Facebook friend list? Pooplog makes all this and more possible. And in case you were wondering - yes, you can export your logs (ugh, pardon the pun) to Excel.
It’s the 21st century, yo. There isn’t that much to say anyway. Yo lets you say
Yo to all your friends. And then they can say Yo back to you. And you can reply, Yo. Sometimes, they might double-Yo you, and you can feel loved and important. Once in a while, you should do it back to them. No tripleYo’s though, that’s just needy .
Virtual Lighter
Smoking is terrible for you, and if you haven’t quit yet, let’s hope you’re the exception to the statistical facts. “But,” you implore, “then how can I do that cool lighter-waving thing at concerts?” There’s an app for that. Virtual Lighter lets you be old-school at concerts without enabling eventual lung cancer or draining your battery with the flash.
Doomsday Countdown
Doomsday Countdown is exactly what the doctor ordered for your paranoia. Just set the date that you know the world is going to end (giving the Mayans another chance, are we?), and let it tick down. No more last minute rush to get your apocalyptic supplies ready!
For better understanding of our ratings, hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a quick guide to our overall score to
71 91
Extremely poor product. Keep away!
Strictly OK.
Not recommended
Decent product.
to 100
Go for it, but there may be better products out there.
Very good product. Highly recommended.
Ground-breaking product.
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve never seen anything like it before. A definite must buy!
The Digit Test Centre receives hundreds of products every month. Each of these products is put through a series of tests and is finally given a score. The final score is arrived at after considering a number of factors and evaluating them in terms of features, performance, value for money, build quality, and, in the case of software, even ease of use.
The latest products reviewed For you
Boat Rockerz 275
ASUS Zenbook Pro 15
Intel Core i78086K
Samsung Galaxy Note 9
Xiaomi Mi A2
36 ADATA XPG Spectrix D80 36 Rapoo VPRO V26S 40 Corsair K70 RGB MK.2 42 Wooting One 43 Sound One Rock & MORE... | September 2018 | Digit | 35
Free iCloud space
ADATA XPG Spectrix D80 DDR4 RAM 16 GB 3600 MHz Price 0 18,00
Rapoo VPRO V26S Surprisingly good build quality
Price 2,999
he Rapoo V26S tries to make its place in the entry-level segment and brings some worthy pointers. In terms of looks, the mouse is illuminated with six RGB LEDs beneath a mesh pattern on the mouse. It definitely looks attractive with the RGB lighting that keeps cycling in a rainbow effect. A DPI button on the top allows you to switch between the seven DPI values up to around 3800 even though it advertises to reach a DPI value of 7000. When you cycle through the DPI values, all the LEDs blink a few times in different colours Performance...........55 for every DPI value. However, Features.....................32 once it has been set, there’s Build quality............81 no way to determine the acValue............................54 tive DPI value. The website mentions a software but the download links for the same is greyed out. With the absence of any software, it isn’t possible to customise and save mouse configurations onto the mouse. For the left and right clicks, the V26S uses the Huano blue shell white dot microswitches rated at 20 million clicks. It’s difficult to come across such high-rated switches in this price offering. The USB connector has been gold-plated as well. It’s clear that Rapoo was paying attention to build quality. Apart from that, the PMW3320 is an average sensor with a low maximum tracking speed that spins out on quick flicks. We all competitive FPS gamers to stay away from this one. We only recommended the V26S if you intend on using it for casual gaming and regular use. –Abhijit Dey
Hybrid liquid-air cooling
A "robust competition system" will have players square off against each other within the same match.
Fortnite going robust
New subscribers to iCloud on the four big US carriers can get 200GB free iCloud space for two months.
DATA came out with what it calls the world’s first hybrid liquid-air cooled RAM modules in the form of the ADATA XPG Performance...........81 Spectrix D80. The modules Build............................76 have a hermetically sealed Value for Money.....75 chamber on the top which houses some 3M Novec liquid which has high thermal conductivity but no electrical conductivity. Upon reading all the SPD data, we find that the ADATA XPG Spectrix D80 uses Samsung B-die chips. This fact in itself is reason enough to warrant consideration. There are two XMP profiles on the module with the default one being 2666 MHz running at 1.2 volts and the exotic one being 3600 MHz @ 1.35 volts. Using Super Pi these modules clocked in at 420.433 seconds, so they're are pretty fast. At peak, the aluminium heatsink clocked in at 46 degrees Celsius which is about five minutes into the SuperPi run. The ADATA XPG Spectrix D80 makes for a really exotic looking RGB memory kit. That’s just the looks, the hybrid liquid-air heatsink design is even more outlandish but not as effective. While ADATA’s claim does check out, the cooling efficacy of the liquid part is suspect given that it’s housed in a plastic chamber with poor thermal conductivity. All said and done, the Spectrix D80 is certainly a preferred kit among the enthusiasts. –Mithun Mohandas
Type: DDR4 | Capacity: 2x 8 GB | Rated speed: 3600 MHz | Timings: 17-18-18-38 | OEM: Samsung B-die | Part no: K4A8G085WB-BCPB | Ranks: 1 | Banks: 16 | Warranty: Lifetime
ADATA Technology (India) Pvt Ltd | Phone: 022-42868888 | Email: Online form | Website:
36 | Digit | September 2018 |
Sensor type: Optical | Sensor: PMW3320DB-TYDU | Left and right click switches: Huano blue shell white dot (20 million) | LED lighting: RGB | Polling rate: 500 Hz | Cable length: 2m | Dimensions: Width – 6.4 cm, Length – 13 cm, Height – 3.9 cm
Rapoo | Phone: NA | Email: | Website:
Magic Leap Dev Con
Magic Leap’s first developer conference is coming to Los Angeles this October on the 9th and the 10th.
Cycle. This means when you push down the pedals, the cycle will give you a boost using a motor sitting in the rear axle. All the juice is provided by the Panasonic Lithium-ion battery hidden in the frame inside the lower beam. A module sitting on the left handle allows you to control the hub motor across four power modes. These modes determine for how long the assistance should run while you’re pedaling including one mode that pushes the bike at a constant 6 km/ hr. It also comes with an accelerator on the right handle using which you can go vroom vroom just like a regular motorcycle. The vroom tops out at 25 km/hr. We really don’t know whether it wants to be a mountain bike or a road bike. The Hero Lectro EZephyr is priced at `26,999.
The Trek Émonda ALR 5 is a pure road biking machine. The moment we touched it, we realised that any damage will result in surrendering all our salaries for the next month. Not happening, so we were extra careful. This beast is intended for all sorts of bikers, whether beginner or advanced. Its lightweight structure got our heads spinning after discovering how it can be picked up even with just one hand - actually a couple of fingers. This is because of the different materials used in the frame and the fork. Every single part of the bike is made of high-end materials, and everything transparently listed down on the web site. This bike is directed towards riders who like going long distances faster. The Trek Émonda ALR 5 is priced at `1,09,250.
his month’s, we had the perfect opportunity to skip those boring comparisons. Bikes (the ones that run on fat) are something we’ve hardly covered in the last few years. “Cycle vs Cycle” was something that instantly appealed to us. So, we called in for a road bike and an electric bike. Our benchmarking and testing are usually conducted in a single room, but this time, we had to move out of our comfort zone for this one. We went through grunts and pants. We present this comparison that comes out of our blood and sweat, literally. Before we begin, let us tell you about the two bikes shall we? The Hero Lectro EZephyr brags about being India’s first Electric Pedal Assisted
Apple may adopt a new power-saving backplane technology for iPhone and Apple Watch displays in the long term.
Power saving Apple tech
Hero Lectro EZephyr
A bike’s frame determines a lot of things such as the durability, resistance to corrosion and weight. The Lectro EZephyr we got had what they call an “alloy” frame, and we assume this means an aluminium alloy. There are variants available that have a steel frame. Choosing the options can make you go wtf as you can add a steel and alloy frame simultaneously on their website.
Trek Émonda ALR 5
Things are more clearer on the Émonda side. The frame is built of aluminium that has been given one of those overly enthusiastic names, so it’s called Ultralight 300 Series Alpha Aluminum. Carbon is known to absorb bumps giving a better riding experience. The fork and steerer on this bike are made of carbon.
Cycle vs Cycle
The Hero Lectro EZephyr vs Trek Émonda ALR 5 Abhijit Dey |
44 | Digit | September 2018 |
tech agent001
Neanderthal Hybrid Discovered
Scientists are stunned by the discovery of a skeleton that can rewrite human history as we know it.
The story of NotPetya
The untold story of the deadliest cyberattack the world has ever witnessed
Pre-order? No thank you!
agent001 |
t’s been two whole years since the last GPU family launch from NVIDIA and one since AMD made their move into the high-end desktop graphics market. NVIDIA certainly had the upper hand and AMD couldn’t topple NVIDIA off the flagship pedestal. Suffice to say that it’s been a while since we’ve seen a proper Team Red vs Team Green battle. If the wait thus far hasn’t been excruciating on my mind then the sky-high prices of the graphics cards thanks to the mining craze did not help alleviate my frustration. There are many more sharing the same emotions as I so when news started to trickle about NVIDIA’s Gamescom announcement, I was already excited. Some early benchmarks from Chinese portals showed even more promise than I’d imagined and so I boarded the hype train. RSS feeds were set up and my search habits made Google’s algorithms send more NVIDIA news right into my smartphone. Every morning there’d be some new claim, leak or fakery that’d add to the hype as well as the confusion. Even as the day of the announcement came around, the hype was still strong. A few AIB cards had leaked the previous day and I was
all the more excited to see how they perform in current gen games. A good marker was to see which generation NVIDIA compared it against. If the cards were good, NVIDIA would compare it against the previous generation i.e. the 10-series. If the cards were average, then NVIDIA would compare it against the 9-series to showcase a wider performance gap. The keynote began and all the new features were being introduced one after the other. Even the cards had
Agent001 is nearly tempted to splurge on a brand spanking new graphics card.
46 | Digit | September 2018 |
nounced which made not just me but half the guys I was watching the livestream with, scratch their heads. The RTX 2080 Ti was priced at $1,199 and that too with a month-long pre-order gap. Following the RTX 2080 Ti was the RTX 2080 at $699 and RTX 2070 at $599. These were ridiculous prices with no justifiable reason shown in the press-conference. It took me a while to calm down and analyse the situation. The Ray Tracing features showcased during
$400 on your left, $1,199 on your right
been announced but none of the usual performance charts were shown. This was odd, extremely odd. Generally, NVIDIA just throws the performance graphs in your face but aside from just one obfuscated graph stating a 6x ray-tracing performance increase compared to the 10-series cards, there was no other meaningful metric shown. That’s when the prices were an-
the keynote forms a massive step in the graphics technology evolution. At such an early state in the introduction of a product, such price premiums are a common occurrence. Then a demo video surfaced of Shadow of the Tomb Raider from the NVIDIA Gamescom booth in which the flagship RTX 2080 Ti was supposedly struggling to maintain more than 30 FPS. This looked
> code / creativity / community >
For those geeks who like to get their hands dirty in code
The programming language equivalent of lolspeak. KThxBye.
Arunava Roy Choudhury |
Three Periods (…) The three periods is the opposite of the comma, it enables you to combine multiple lines of code into a single line or a single command by including (...) at the end of the line. This makes the compiler treat the content of the next line as the content of previous line. Infinite lines of code can be written together as a single command, as long as each line is ended with three periods. A comment is terminated by a newline. Please note that the line continuation (...) and (,) after the comment (BTW) are ignored by the lci.
f, after all the years you've spent on the internet, you weren't convinced that lolspeak is the greatest thing to happen to the internet since Rickrolling, you would be happy to know that one Adam Lindsay, researcher at the Computing Department of Lancaster University, created a programming language on it. Here's how it works.
Setting it up Installation on Mac: • Press Command+Space, and type Terminal and press enter/return key • Run in Terminal app $ git clone https://github. com/justinmeza/lci.git $ cd lci $ cmake. $ make && make install Installation on Windows: • First add MinGW and Python to your environment variables path. To do this, right click on My Computer, choose Properties, then select Advanced system settings. Select Environment Variables. In this box, select the PATH variable and then click Edit. • Now, add ;C:\MinGW\bin;C:\Python32 to the end of that path. • Next, open the Command Prompt and navigate to the project directory using the cd command, for example. • Run the script
SYNTAX Comma The comma in lolcode behaves like the equivalent of a newline in most languages, for example, \n in Java and C. You can write many commands in a single line in LOLCODE, provided that you separate them using a comma (,).
48 | Digit | September 2018 |
Too Long Didn’t Read Single line comments are written followed by the BTW keyword. They may occur anywhere inside a program body: it can be at the first line of program, in between the program, in some line, or at the end of a program. All of these are valid single line comments− I HAS A VAL ITZ 19 BTW VAL =19 I HAS A VAL ITZ 19,BTW VAL =19 I HAS A VAL ITZ 14 BTW VAR =14 In LOLCODE, multiple line comments are written followed by OBTW and they are ended with TLDR. This is a valid multi-line comment − I HAS A VAL ITZ 51
This begins a single comment line
This represents the entry point to a program and can be treated as the equivalent of main() function
I HAS A <type> <variable>
This represents the declaration of a variable of a specific type. Possible types are: • NUMBAH (int) • DECINUMBAH (double) • WORDZ (std::string)
GIMMEH <variable>
This asks for an input from user and assigns it to the required variable
This is the equivalent of break statement, usually used to break out of loops
This initiates an infinite loop and can be treated as the equivalent of while(true) for other languages. It can only be exit using GTFO command
IZ <expr1> <operator> <expr2>?:
This represents an if block where the operator can be one of BIGGER THAN, SMALLER THAN, SAEM AS.
What’s New
All the JL revelations by Snyder
said that Flash used the Cosmic Treadmill to communicate to indicate that Superman was a threat but nothing more was revealed. We are pretty sure that more of these will continue coming out. However, it’s time that fans moved on from expecting a Snyder Cut and look forward to the upcoming slate of DC projects.
geek culture is our way of life, and encompasses movies, games, comics, and trends from across the globe
n Vero, Zack Snyder has been teasing tiny details like storyboards and concepts that he implemented or had planned for the movie. If you remember the ‘Knightmare’ scene from BvS with evil Superman, Snyder had planned to connect it to feature the Anti-Life Equation’s use by Darkseid to control Superman. Many people had complained about the Zod turning into Doomsday but he said that the real Doomsday from the comics might be somewhere in the same universe. While fans thought that the damaged Robin’s costume belonged to Jason Todd, he revealed that it actually belonged to Dick Grayson. In BvS, you must have seen a glimpse of Flash from the future warning Bruce about Superman in the future. Snyder
The Big Bang Theory ending in 2019
hen it premiered back in 2007, The Big Bang Theory didn’t take long to become a massively popular TV show. Based around fandom and geek culture, it was the characters that made the show amusing to watch. After winning 10 Emmy awards and receiving 52 nominations during its run, the TV show has come a long way with its 12th season currently going on. However,
This month in Cult: We take a look at the comic collectors scene in India. In 1000-words, we look at some of the DIY tech jugaads from India. Finally, Boo-Man has a few things to say about himself.
Young Alfred Pennyworth Next in the list of DC Comics-based TV shows is Pennyworth. The plot is reported to revolve around a young Alfred being ordered by some villain to abduct a young Thomas Wayne. The search is on for an actor who will play him.
Death Note sequel
While we aren’t fans of the live-action Death Note movie by Netflix that was released last year, Netflix is planning on making a sequel. The chief content officer at Netflix, Ted Sarandos called the first Death Note a “sizable” success.
the show is likely to come to an end by 2019. This means that there won’t a new season after season 12. According to Entertainment Weekly, the reason behind these speculations are
Rick and Morty comics
Until we wait for the new season of Rick and Morty to arrive, a new comic is landing from the popular sci-fi animated series and it’s being called Rick and Morty Presents Sleepy Gary. Wubba lubba dub dub!
Jim Parsons opting to move on from the show. Although the show revolves around several characters, Parsons’ character of Sheldon Cooper has to be the most iconic one. Since the show is made up of an entire set of interconnected characters, it would be impossible to continue the show by adding a new face or character to replace Sheldon Cooper.
Hans Zimmer scoring WW84
Despite announcing his retirement from scoring superhero movies, Oscar winning composer Hans Zimmer is coming to the DCEU to score Wonder Woman 1984, directed by Patty Jenkins. | September 2018 | Digit | 53
Fight over largest rubber duck
Check out this dental clinic channeling the Guardians of the Galaxy in its commercials and billboards.
Make a living out of memes
Guardians of the Gums
Numerous rubber ducks around the world are vying for the top position when it comes to sheer size.
Always in tune with the latest memes on the internet? You could turn it into a career Arnab Mukherjee |
With the right approach, it can even make you an entrepreneur. So, why are you still sitting here and not minting money out of your meme knowledge? That’s because one simply does not walk into meme expertise.
hile they might be a routine element in your daily social media and online lives, memes are also quite important. We even did an entire issue themed on memes! (March 2017) Today, they’re used for a number of purposes. Apart from simply cracking a joke, memes are used in arguments to enforce a point, they’re used in protests, they’re used to express an opinion and a lot more. The world revolves around memes so much, that being a memelord is now a viable profession. You read that right. An expertise in memes today is of high value and can get you a good job with companies looking to market themselves as relatable, witty and millennial friendly.
62 | Digit | September 2018 |
Y tho? Gone are the days when you would head to some corner of reddit or 4chan to find fellow memesters who deal in the dankest of them memes. Today, everybody, from political figureheads to representatives of foreign nations are indulging in memeing - sometimes to generate public goodwill, sometimes to bring their opponents down. Some say that memes have reached the same position as propaganda posters of yesteryears. Along with that, with similar intentions, major companies are delv-
ing into memeing to generate a good rapport with their customer base and seem trendy. There was a certain level of interest towards memes during the late-1990s and the early 2000s. There are social media profiles of otherwise serious companies that indulge in a healthy dose of meme humour, and even encourage memes on themselves, to connect with their clientele. In such a market, someone with an expert-level knowledge of memes, someone who can put their finger on the next viral meme sensation to hit the interwebs is clearly invaluable.
Teach me, senpai So, how does one become a ‘meme expert’? Well, the obvious answer would be to dwell on the interwebs, the hallowed depths of reddit and 4chan, and know all about the latest memes. However, that merely makes you a memer, not a meme expert. For that title, you need to know the origins of memes, their true purpose, their variations and a lot more. A couple of canonical sources to do that would
What’s New
Laughing gas may have kickstarted life on Earth
This month in science:
possible that the most ancient life forms were actually breathing nitrous oxide rather than oxygen. There are similarities between the enzymes that organisms use to breathe nitrous oxide and oxygen.
Explore the artistic skills of animals, the outrageous plans to halt climate change, the out of this world experiments on board the International Space Station and the various attempts to bend light itself.
Science is the path to knowledge, and finding out about how our universe works. You can’t be a geek and not know your science!
n the very early days of Earth’s history, the Sun shone much more dimly than it does today. Despite that, a greenhouse gas effect kept the Earth warm and cozy. Carl Sagan referred to this condition as the “the Faint Young Sun Paradox”. While models have shown that there were high amounts of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere during the Proterozoic Eon, they together do not account for how warm the planet actually was. According to new research this gas could be nitrous oxide, better known as laughing gas. The study suggests that the quantity of nitrous oxide was sufficient to keep the Earth warm. It is also very
urrent scientific models of the behavior of pathogens within the host communities do not take one important factor into account - social behavior. The relationship between the spread of diseases and social factors is not understood very well. Human behavior may change in response to the outbreak of a disease, and this is not factored into
Spooky action at a distance confirmed by quasars
Using mathematics to understand disease spread
Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon where the properties of two particles are linked to each other, no matter what the distance between them. Einstein called the phenomenon “spooky action at a distance”. A team of researchers at MIT found correlations between 30,000 photons released by quasars 7.8 and 12.2 billion years ago, long before the experiments were concieved.
Are animals ageing gracefully?
Age related deterioration is known as “senescence”. A team of researchers at ANU are attempting to figure out how the process affects various species of animals and birds. The research shows that there is significant difference between individuals in every species.
the understanding of how the disease emerges and spreads. For example, humans may start wearing facemasks, and subsequently stop wearing them
Microbreweries to monitor radiation damage
Researchers have developed wearable microbreweries in disposable badges made of paper. The yeast within reacts with water to show the amount of radiation exposure. The badges can monitor radiation damage for workers in nuclear plants.
too soon. The disease reacts to the human responses, and the human attempts at controlling the spread of the disease. The response by humans is continuous through the duration of the outbreak. New models help healthcare workers come up with more calibrated responses to outbreaks, and prevent unwanted consequences.
Men and women see motion differently
A study of adult men and women showed that women took between 25-75% longer to report the direction in which black and white bars were moving. There is very little evidence for difference between the sexes over low level visual processing so far. | September 2018 | Digit | 65
Sheep licked salt
Attracted to Light
David Nyzio’s “Smoke and Mirrors” exhibition contained a number of scultpures made with the help of animals
This artwork captures the motion of moths through the air, then translates it to a 3D printed sculpture
it from the previous generations. However, there is an exception - the Lyrebird. This species of bird listens to the songs in its environment, and remixes them into a new song, which it sings to attract mates. At times, the bird incorporates sounds of human activity into its songs as well – chainsaws or human made music. An investigation into the vocalisations of the Australian magpie showed that the bird would sing even when they are alone. These songs cannot be explained by any other function – either of reproduction or territorial defense. The magpie is singing purely as a form of self expression. Additionally, the magpies attach a signature closing phrase, that is unique to each individual. Researchers have also found evidence to suggest that the ever mutating songs of the humpback whale is driven by a creative process – rather than constrained by any function.
The artistic
skills of animal s Art has long been thought of as something only humans can produce, but researchers are finding out that animals might have the emotional complexity for artistic expression as well
Credit: Joseph C Boone
A Satin Bowerbird in its nest, where it has collected and arranged small pieces of blue plastic rubbish
Aditya Madanapalle |
here is no commonly agreed upon definition of what exactly art is. Creativity and aesthetic appeal are commonly accepted aspects of art. While art is about beauty, artists also enjoy the commercial benefits of
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creating art. When considering the artistic abilities of animals, the definition for what is art to an animal might be completely different. For example, researchers may not consider songs of birds as music, because they do not follow human scales. There are other reasons why songs of birds, while known to be aesthetically pleasing, are not considered art. Most songbirds do not sit down and compose their own music. They learn
Animal Sculptors
David Nyzio is an American artist who showcased a number of artwork created with the help of animals in his show titled “Smoke and Mirrors”. An arch was crafted using stumps that had been chewed by beavers. There were also fifteen pieces of salt that had been licked by sheep which resulted in various shapes and forms. A number of artists have collaborated with the industrious bees to create sculptures. Aganetha Dyck, a Canadian artist, makes bees build hives around porcelain figurines and sports equipment in apiaries. For his “Yuansu Project” exhibition, Ren Ri, a Chinese “biomedia” artist showcased a number of sculptures created with the help of bees. The process involved carefully placing the queen bee at a strategic location, and then moving her so the bees would build around the queen. Tomas Libertiny, another artist who uses bees as a 3D printer, has produced hives in the form of vases. The bees were introduced inside wooden scaffolds of the requisite shape. Once the hive was constructed, the scaffolds were removed. The process took
Milky Way’s sibling found
New frog identified
Scientists have found the remnants of a long lost sibling of the Milky Way galaxy.
Sylvia’s Tree Frog has been identified as a new species after almost 20 years of research
The microgravity environment on the International Space Station (ISS) allows a number of experiments to be conducted, that are not possible on the Earth.
whole flatworms. In space, however, the flatworm grew two heads instead of one – one at each end of its body. Such a thing had never been observed on Earth before. The flatworm continued to make two heads as it further divided back on Earth. Spiders in Space was an educational experiment where Golden Orb spiders were made to spin their webs in space. A live stream from the ISS allowed students to compare the spiderwebs to the same species of spiders on the ground. The experiment found that the shape of the spider webs did not change much in space. They were more circular in comparison to the webs of the same species on Earth though.
Aditya Madanapalle |
Flatworms and Spiders
Flatworms have the capability of regenerating parts of their bodies that have been chopped off. To understand how gravity and the geomagnetic fields affects the process of regeneration, scientists chopped of the heads and tails of flatworms, sealed them in water pouches, and sent them up to the ISS. On their return the re-growth was analysed and compared to that of flatworms that had never left the Earth. The flatworms showed a number of changes on their return, including changes in their microbiomes, and showed an increase in the variety of preferences to light levels. One of the flatworms sent to space had been chopped in half, which typically results in two
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Astrobiology If you map the increasing complexity of life, then it is a straight line that
goes back to before the formation of the Earth. This is just one of the many pieces of evidence that suggests that life across the universe could be a result of life travelling in a dormant form between celestial bodies – piggybacking on rocky debris. The panspermia hypothesis, as outlandish as it may seem, has actually been tested on board the ISS. The experiment is known as The Astrobiology Exposure and Micrometeoroid Capture Experiments (Tanpopo), and is the first astrobiology experiment to be conducted on board the ISS. Blocks of a low density material called aerogel are exposed to space, to collect tiny particles. The particles include high altitude terrestrial particles as well as micrometeoroids, which could harbour organics. At the same time, microbes from Earth, extremophiles and organic compounds are exposed to the space environment. These aerogel blocks are later retrieved, and the particles evaluated. The analysis of the particles are still ongoing, but there is some early evidence to suggest that at least some microorganisms can survive
Credit: NASA
Strange ISS
A Golden Orb spider weaves a web on board the ISS
What’s New
The CryptoKitties mania is fading already, but it is the start for NFTs
ALT this month:
been numerous clones of it, but the trend of crypto collectibles is already fading. However, the game raised awareness over the concept of NFTs, or non-fungible tokens. NFTs are unique from units of cryptocurrencies, tokens with unique properties. The NFTs can be bought or traded, but not copied. Each NFT is unique. Cryptokitties and its clones are just the beginning of the new ways in which NFTs can be put to use.
This is technology, culture and science with a difference, and that difference is usually enough to make most normal people go “wtf?”
bout six months ago, CryptoKitties were the hottest thing in distributed ledger technologies. CryptoKitties is a blockchain based game, where you can collect and breed one of a kind digital cats. Think of them as collectibles, but the collectibles can spawn new collectibles. Breed two cryptokitties that you own, and you get a third, totally unique cryptokitty. There are new cattributes and mewtations emerging all the time. There have
US Senate hearing on why we should look for aliens
his is a senate hearing very different from the other ones making the news. Scientists and academia from US universities and NASA answered questions to the senate, on why the congress should fund the search for extraterrestrial life. One of the biggest considerations is that exciting projects like this attracts people to the field, and the result is technological progress that benefits the entire society. Additionally, the US risks getting
Do you find this section illogical? Well, we’ll explain logical fallacies to change your thought process first, and then we’ll dive into the mind of a typical geek. Not brainwashed enough? Step into the world of an AI psychologist treating a talking squirrel, a plant and more. If you’ve had enough weirdness by this part, our Auto section and DGT will provide just the right relief.
Teens worried about smartphone use A new study conducted by the Pew Research Center indicates that it is not only the parents of teens who are concerned about inordinate time spent with smartphones. The teens themselves are worried about the quantity and quality of the time they spend engaged in smartphone use.
The Slenderman phenomenon
Slenderman can be considered the first breakout creepypasta, copy pasted words often in combination with shooped images that have evolved over time to elicit a response of horror. Slenderman has escaped from the realms of dodgy underground forums.
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behind other countries, such as China, if funding for these initiatives dry up. One of the senators asked a scientist if there are advanced civilisations out there
Bacteria painting the Mona Lisa
This is not a photograph of the famous painting, but an image created by bacteria. A team of researchers used light sensitive bacteria to make them accumulate in the pattern seen above. A projector lens was replaced with a microscope lens to realise the image.
that humans might never be able to find. Ellen Stofan, the director of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum explained that the right approach was to first identify the variety of life possible, and the kind of conditions that would be suitable to harbour them. Understanding that would enable humans to identify the best locations in the galaxy to hunt for other advanced civilisations.
Kalashnikov Killer Robot
The weapons company Kalashnikov introduced a 13 foot tall golden killer robot at the Army 2018 fair in Moscow. The bulletproof bipedal walker has a cabin for an operator. The walker weighs 4.5 tons, and has two grasping arms to manipulate weapons and objects.
Selfie Deaths
Research shows that more than half of the selfie related deaths are caused by drowning
The story of the first Jetpack
This outrageous story involves a hammer fight, a murder, some karate, and a kidnapping.
alt feature
Not used just in online arguments, logical fallacies can be used to market stuff to you. Find out how to avoid falling for them.
Infancia Cardozo |
lbert Einstein once said that insanity was doing the same thing over and again and expecting different results, but what he didn’t realise is that most of us normal people fall into that category. We all have our comfort zones, our habits, and yes, even our biases, and it all adds up to us making the same mistakes over and over again. Whether it’s being a fanboy for a product, not learning from past mistakes when making impulse purchases, always shopping from the same online store despite knowing others may be cheaper… we constantly do things that may not work out to be the best decision in the long run. Anyone who has been in a serious argument online (and that’s almost everyone on social media these days), will be aware of the logical fallacies that people use to support their arguments. Even if you didn’t know that they were called “logical fallacies”, you will still recognise the fallacies we list here, because they’re so common. Now if you think those first two paragraphs just don’t link together at all… that’s what this third paragraph is for... Making use of our biases and
using logical fallacies to do so is what marketing gurus do best. Some very smart people are paid a lot of money to take advantage of our inbuilt flaws, and sell us products at prices that are exorbitant. However, it’s not just companies who are doing this, it’s other users as well, especially fanboys, and the shocking thing is that, unlike companies, they do so for no personal benefit at all. Heck, you might be guilty of doing the same yourself! We hope this article can help you spot these fallacies when you see them, and not just point them out, but stop committing them yourself.
Ad Hominem
The ad hominem fallacy, which translates from latin to “against the man”, is pretty straight forward. It’s an act of attacking a person’s character, instead of responding to an argument made by the person. More often than not, this fallacy is used in arguments along with some of the others that will follow it in this article.
In the tech world, you will come across this more from people you argue against. For example, when people used to debate Windows vs. Linux, a common argument against Windows was that it made Bill Gates rich, or that he stole some idea from someone, or something along those lines, which had absolutely nothing to do with whether Windows was better or Linux. Sometimes companies also use ad hominems against each other. They’re usually as snarky ads, even going as far as making fun of each other’s user base! When no one really has anything truly better to show off, you end up with such tactics.
Straw man This is usually a tactic used in an argument where a person builds up a flawed argument on behalf of an opponent, and then proceeds to counter it and point out the flaw, thereby giving people the illusion that he/she is victorious. Think of it as erecting a dummy of your opponent, made of straw, and | September 2018 | Digit | 79
2018 Kia4.8Optima review:
Glimpses of a bright future
The Kia Optima will not be among the company’s initial portfolio in India, but if this is an indication of what the brand has to offer, Kia Motors can well be one of the strongest brands of 2019. Souvik Das |
ia Motors’ announcement of its India launch was met with a whole lot of enthusiasm. Hyundai’s sister brand has been a popular choice in international markets, and buoyed by Hyundai’s success, has a very elaborate plan for India. It had the biggest show floor among all brands at the 2018 Auto Expo. The Kia Optima will possibly not be a part of the company’s portfolio when it rolls its first cars out on to the road, but going by what it has on offer, we certainly hope that it does make it to India some time ‘round.
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Design and aesthetics
There is no other way to put it - the 2018 Kia Optima is one gorgeous set of wheels. The nose is sharp and flat, with the uniquely shaped, chrome-studded grill easily setting it apart from Hyundai’s Fluidic design language. The panoramic glass roof is tinted and insulated to prevent greenhouse effect inside the car, should you choose to retract the fabric sheath and have only the glass expanse above your head. Then there are the alloys - the 18-inch five twin-spoke wheels that fit the arches perfectly, and the chrome
strip running along the car’s wheelbase further add definition to its design. The spillover LED tail lamps and the overall design of the car’s rear end does look similar to a Hyundai (in particular, the 2018 Hyundai Sonata that is not sold in India right now). That said, it is still classy, and in the muted shade of titanium that we got the Optima in, makes for one classy piece of car design.
Technology and electronics
When it comes to the infotainment package, the Kia Optima has just about enough to provide you all the basics that
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