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“Parents have a huge role to play in raising morally sound children, children who can stand the test of time without wavering, children whose individuality cannot be crumbled by society and children who are kind and compassionate.”
by Victoria Nkoro
shy,donotonlytellthemtostandup for themselves because some things are easier said than done; instead, encourage them to walk up to whoever hurt their feelings and have aconversationwiththeperson.
Show up and cheer them on whenever they feel timid, and also inculcate these things in your own life, so that when they see you doing it,theycanemulateyou.
3.Focusonabilityratherthan stereotypicalroles
It is important to know your children’s individual strengths. Do not subject them to certain roles for simply being a specific gender, do not compare or force them to be like their peers, and do not make them feel inadequate for not picking interest in certain things, rather you shouldfocusontheirstrengths.
society, and children learn the values they take into the world when they areolder,fromtheirfamily.
Parents have a huge role to play in raising morally sound children, children who can stand the test of time without wavering, children whose individuality can not be crumbled by society, and children whoarekindandcompassionate.
Here are some tips to make sure your children exude all those qualities:
1.Parentsshouldbecomplete individualsfirst A saying goes, “You can not give what you do not have.” The truism because no one can give to others what they do not own themselves, andthesamegoesforparents.
Before parents can raise confident, successful, and emotionally sound children, they have to possess these qualities too; children learn best fromthethingstheyseeandhear.
As a parent, it is crucial to understand what it means to “show and not tell”. Instead of simply telling your children to be confident, showthemwhatconfidenceentails.
When a situation arises where their peers hurt their feelings, or someone talks to them wrongly, or they feel
When you act on your children’ s individual strengths, you make them see that they are just as good as the rest and that they are not aliens in a worldfilledwithimaginativeminds.
When they grow older, they will not try to fit into ridiculous societal standards, and they will not feel incomplete, instead, they will be confident, and they will keep getting innovativewiththeirstrengths.
If your child has a passion for fashion, or coding, or public speaking, invest in it in whatever way you can - words of affirmation, money, searching for opportunities, andmuchmore.
Your children’s passion might just end up making them successful in the future, and of course, there should be some monitoring as parents, but do not completely dismiss their dreams, ideas, passions, or opinions. This does not mean that you will not encourage them to venture into other things, but if they do not thrive in those things, do not judge, compare or condemn them. Everychildhastheirstrength. can run to when anxious, depressed, confused, or even suicidal. Tackle those problems with love when they come to you so that when they grow older they will not live with a traumatic burden that will delay theirgrowth. Makethemunderstand that their feelings are valid, show them that you see them, and you hearthem.
6.Payattentiontotheirphysical health
Parents ought to pay attention to theirchildren’sphysicalhealth. Make sure they are getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, and takingtherightsupplements.
7.Letthemexplore those things are not right for them, explain to them why they are not right, but when something will not affect them negatively, let them do it.
Let them hang out with friends, let them go out, and let them join educational clubs if they want to. This way, even when they grow older, they will not need to hide when doing certain things, and they will be proud of whatever they do andengagein.
“Parents ought to pay attention to their children’ s physical health.
It is important for parents to show their children love. Show them that you love them wholeheartedly; this should reflect in the way you talk to them, care for them, and even disciplinethem.
When parents raise children with the right amount of love and discipline, it reflects in every aspect of their lives when they grow older. They will be disciplined in their line of career, they will persevere, discard procrastination, and they willleadwithlove.
5.Focusonyourchildren’smental health
The World Health Organization (WHO) recorded that around 20% of children and adolescents between the age of 15-29 are suffering from mental health problems - depression and suicide being the major problemstheysufferfrom.
Hear your children out when they have something to say, do not act dismissive or nonchalant. If you notice any signs of mental health problems in any of your children, talktothem,listentothemwithrapt attention,andseekprofessionalhelp.
Show up for your children in their times of need. By doing this, they will feel seen and heard, and you will be their comforter - someone they
Themindofevery childswarms with curiosity, so let them explore. This does not mean that you will not direct them, but let them enjoy the simple frivolities of life. Do not let your children miss out on the fun thatcomeswithbeingacertainage.
Ifyour childis tenyears old, let him/ her experience the things a ten -old should do, and the same for an older child. When you stop your children from doing things they so much yearn to do in an unloving way, they resort to doing those thingsbehindyourback.Ifyoufeel
Make sure they are getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, and taking the right supplements.”
Raising children who exude confidence especially as a parent who is constantly trying to navigate life in the best way possible, can be diffi-
But with continuous practice, encouragement, understanding, discernment,andlove,parents canraise confidentandsuccessfulchildren.