2 minute read


by Bimbo Komolafe

Welcome to quarter two! Now that quarter one is over, it is a good time to examine your performance vis a visyour2023financialtargets.


This is a good time to check on your financial goals for the year. It does not matter if your 2023 goal is earning more money, saving more, paying off debt, buying a house, or investing in the capital or money market. What is important is to stay on track and make progress towards your goals. Achieving your goals can be challenging, but you can achieve them with adequate financial education, determination, and the rightmindset.

In support of your walk towards FinancialFreedom,Iwanttoprovide you with some important information regarding your financial goalsandtargets.

HAVE A FINANCIAL PLAN: The starting point to achieving your targets is to have a clear financial plan on how you want to make your goals a reality. Your financial plan is the detailed proposal and roadmap that will guide you to your desired destination. Your plan must consider certain issues; available cashflow, (i.e. how you want to earn, what you want to do to earn), cost of living, the season of life you are in, your risk appetite, what you can save towards your goals, how much and for how long, debtlevel to fundsome of your goals, etc. Draw out a plan and take action according to the plan.

CREATE A BUDGET: Creating a budget is a great way to track your spending and ensure that you are staying within your means. Make sure to consider all your expenses, including fixed expenses like rent or mortgage payments, as well as variable expenses like groceries and entertainment. Effective use of your budget will help you identify pressures as well as possible room forsavings.

USE TECHNOLOGY TO YOUR ADVANTAGE: Many apps and tools are available to help you keep track of your finances, from budgeting apps to investment templates. Take advantage of these tools to help you stay organized and on track. Use technologywelltostayinformedtoo.

STAY INFORMED: Pay attention to financial education. Be determined to stay informed and aware of happenings in the finance world. This will help you position yourself ready to take advantage of money opportunities to help you meet your financial targets. Join relevant finance communities and make good use of your connection to these

STAY MOTIVATED: It can be easy to lose motivation when it comes to finances, especially if progress is slow. Try to stay focused on your goals and remind yourself why you settheminthefirstplace.

DON’T WALK ALONE. SEEK PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT: Get an accountability partner to help you on the journey. Do not be afraid to ask for help or support when it comes toyourfinances.Whetheritis a financial advisor, finance coach, or financial mentor, have someone you can talk to for guidance in money choices.


Remember, keeping up with your financial targets takes time and effort, but note that the payoff is worth it. By staying focused and following these tips, you can achieve your financial goals and build a brighterfinancialfutureforyourself. Take advantage of financial education by taking necessary action. Don’t just learn, DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY. If you need support, and you do not have a 2023 budget it is not too late. Request for support or a copy of the FCBK Budget template by sending anemailto financecoachtoday@gmail.com.

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