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DATES The event will take place in Istanbul from the 2nd - 9th of July 2013.

INVITED PROFESSORS AND PROFESSIONALS Emre Arolat EAA - Mimarlık - Istanbul, Stefano Boeri Architect and editor – Milan, Eduard Bru Bistuer ETSAB – Barcelona, Giancarlo Mazzanti Mazzanti architects - Bogotá, Manuel Mateus , Mateus Architects – Lisbon, Han Tumertekin Han Tumertekin, Architect – Istanbul, Manuel Gausa UNIGE-Genova/ Dean IAAC-Barcelona, Mehmet Kütücküoğlü Teğet Mimarlık - Istanbul, Francisco Burgos ETSAM - Burgos y Garrido, Luca Molinari, critic and curator - Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, Frederic Levrat Columbia University - NY, Gennaro Postiglione Politecnico di Milano, Remo Dorigati Politecnico di Milano, Murat Vefkioğlu Architect-Urban Designer – Istanbul, Burcu Kütücküoğlü Bilgi University, Deniz Inceday Mimar Sinan University, Hayriye Esbah Istanbul Teknik University, Nezih Aysel Mimar Sinan University , Yüksel Demir Istanbul Teknik University, Blanca Lleó ETSAM – Madrid, Flavio Barbini UAL-Lisbon, SO? Mimarlık - Istanbul, SuperPool Mimarlık - Istanbul, Buket Bas Architect, Paolo Belloni Politecnico di Milano, Ana Hidalgo ICOA Istanbul, Mariona Benain AJAC Catalonia PROGRAM Eight days workshop in a small working groups about a project with urban relevance. Lectures by tutors and professors. Lectures hold by invited professors with international relevance. Final presentation and exhibition of the projects with invited institutions. Private architectural offices invited to participate with their projects. Cultural Institutions will be involved in the program. LOCATION The lectures and seminars will be hosted in the Istanbul Modern within the scope of YAP Istanbul Modern. The workshops with students will take place at the Chamber of Architects, Tütün Deposu-DEPO.The final presentation will take place at Istanbul Modern Museum. ADMISSION The participation to the workshop involves the payment of a fee for an amount of 300 euros, including tutoring and the participation to all the activities, lectures, documentation. Travel, room and board are excluded. To formalize the entry candidates have to send their request to the organization with a synthetic portfolio and, after the acceptance, they have to finalize the entry with the payment of the fee. Fellowships or any other economical support has to be asked to the universities or institutions of origin. People interested in participating has to send an e-mail to to receive the relative information. The deadline for the submission is fixed for May the 31st 2013. CREDITS The recognition of academic credits is demanded to each University. At the end of the workshop all the participants will receive a certificate of attendance. PROMOTED BY Archiforum, ICOA Istanbul, Politecnico di Milano. WITH THE PATRONAGE AND COLLABORATION OF Istanbul Chamber of Architects, Istanbul Modern within the scope of YAP ISTANBUL MODERN, ARKITERA, YEM – Yapi Endustri Merkezi, Instituto Cervantes – Istanbul, The Italian Institute of Culture – Istanbul, Spanish Institute of Foreign Commerce ICEX - Ankara, AJAC Asociación Jóvenes Arquitectos de Cataluña, COAC Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña ETSAM Madrid, Bilgi University, Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul Teknik University, Kadir Has University. ORGANISING UNIVERSITIES




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an architecture inter national meeting in


workshops lectures and round tables exhibitions

TH IN KIN G TH E E D GE – WATE R & C U LTU RE Is tanb ul J ul y 2013 i s an i nter nati onal , m ul ti d i s ci p l i nar y archi tectur al ev ent that w i l l tak e p l ace i n Is tanb ul , focus i ng on b ui l d i ng a natur al env i ronm ent and the noti on of ed g e as a d y nam i c i nterchang e am ong real i ti es , m ater i al s , cul tures , i d enti ti es and m em or i es . TH IN KIN G TH E E D GE – WATE R & C U LTU RE w as b or n as a res ul t of the p rev i ous s ucces s es of Thi nk i ng The E d g e M i l ano 2010 and Water Front H ong Kong 2011. Is tanb ul p rov i d es the p er fect s etti ng for an archi tectur al ev ent that ex p l ores the d y nam i c rel ati ons b etw een w ater and cul ture, ex em p l i fi ed b y an ev er chang i ng , m ul ti cul tur al s oci ety and i ts b el ov ed Bos p hor us . TH IN KIN G TH E E D GE – WATE R & C U LTU RE ev ents w i l l i ncl ud e: W ORKS H OP S attend ed b y s tud ents from tw el v e uni v er s i ti es al l ov er the w or l d , S E M IN ARS and ROU N D TABLE S chai red b y p rom i nent rep res entati v es of the archi tectur al and i nterd i s ci p l i nar y fi el d s , as w el l as E X H IBITION S and a C OM P E TITION op ened to s tud ents and p rofes s i onal s . The ev ent w i l l p rov i d e a for um and op p or tuni ty to m eet a v ar i ety of w el l - renow ned archi tects from Tur k ey and from ab road .

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