January 2011 / Issue 2 / Free / letsthinklocal.co.uk
INSIDE NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS How to make a difference in 2011
Interview with the band members
Local produce, Restaurants & Recipes Inside this issue: Food / Technology / Local Business / Art / Shopping
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Contents: Issue 2
Contents Cover Story 8
New Year’s Resolutions A comprehensive guide to your new years resolutions.
Features 16
Best Buy Cameras We talk to Jessops to find the best digital camera to suit your needs.
White Lies Interview Exclusive Interview with one of the UK’s biggest bands.
Local Produce Guide Eddie Jones takes a tour around the area to find the best local produce.
SSB Consulting A small, locally based business with big aspirations for the future.
Your eBay Business Think Local’s tips on creating a successful eBay company.
Alverstoke Tea Rooms A hidden gem serving great home cooking to fulfill all your needs.
Aspex Gallery We delve inside the contemporary gallery and review their new artist.
Shoppers Survival Guide How to approach the January sales and emerge clean on the other side.
44 think local
20% off food and drink Available until the 13th of February Any time Monday to Friday Subject to availability offer excludes the daily menu du jour
Quote ‘think local’
www.oldhousehotel.co.uk • 01329 833049 • enquiries@oldhousehotel.co.uk The Square, Wickham, Hampshire PO175JG
Welcome: Issue 2
Welcome Think Local Ltd, 25 Barnes Wallis Road, Segensworth East, Fareham. PO15 5TT Phone: 01489 560881 Email: sales@letsthinklocal.co.uk Web: www.letsthinklocal.co.uk
Editorial Team Editor: Eddie Jones, eddie@letsthinklocal.co.uk Fashion Writer: Kat Nicholls
“We are delighted to announce that our digital platform to support the magazine is now live...offering you a web experience that we believe is arguably the best in its field”
Creatives Senior Designer: Tom O’Malley, design@letsthinklocal.co.uk Designer: Janette Pearcey, design@letsthinklocal.co.uk Photographer: Andrew Yardley
A sincere welcome to Issue 2 of Think Local. We were extremely pleased with the reaction and feedback from Issue 1 and would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our readers and advertisers who have been so supportive during the products continued early development.
Advertising Account Manager: Rebecca Gyles, sales@letsthinklocal.co.uk Account Manager: Debbie Ellis, sales@letsthinklocal.co.uk Think Local Publishers Dominic Lewis, dominic@letsthinklocal.co.uk Richard Waldron, richard@letsthinklocal.co.uk
NEXT ISSUE: Feburary 2011
It’s been another exceptionally busy and exciting month for the team and with the festive season now behind us we decided to focus on the challenges and goals that face us all at the start of a new year. Once again we have worked to bring you a content rich experience, continuing with the expansion of regular features such as fashion, technology, food and business combined with more seasonal guest articles that relate to the here and now.
Printed by: Precision Colour Printing
© Lets Think Local Limited 2010. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be used or reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Lets Think Local Limited (company number 07435909) is registered in England and Wales. The Trading address of Lets Think Local Limited is 25 Barnes Wallis Road, Segensworth, East Fareham, PO15 5TT. Lets Think Local Limited use due care and dilligence in the preparation of the magazine but is not responsible or liable for any mistakes, misprints or typographical errors. The views expressed by contributors both professional and amateur are not necessarily those of the publisher or Lets Think Local Limited. Lets Think Local Limited accepts no liability for any loss which may be suffered by any person who relied either wholly or in part upon any description, photograph or statement contained herein. Lets Think Local Limited will however investigate any written complaints. All rights reserved.
We are delighted to announce that our digital platform to support the magazine is now live, and after several weeks of continual development from our designers and developers we are able to offer you a web experience that we believe is arguably the best in its field. As always we actively encourage feedback from our readers on any subject you see fit, from questions on content to events that you would like us to feature in a future issue.
Eddie Jones January cover
On the web DIG
January 2011 / Issue 2 / Free / letsthinklocal.co.uk
twitter.com/ letsthinklocal letsthinklocal. co.uk
INSIDE NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS How to make a difference in 2011
Interview with the band members
Local produce, Restaurants & Recipes Inside this issue: Food / Technology / Local Business / Art / Shopping
Innocent: Competition
An innocent competition
Fruit with faces
What’s going on? Think Local have created a fun filled competition to keep you entertained throughout January. It’s that time of year when you will undoubtabley be making some new years resolutions, so why not make one of them to start doodling more...Starting with this competition.
The competition It’s a fruit with faces doodle competition! It’s simple really, your task is to doodle faces on your favourite fruit and name them. You can illustrate it on paper or on the fruit itself, grab a photo and email it to us. Be as creative with it as you want. When we have received all the entries at the end of the month, we will judge the best doodles and choose a group of winners who will receive free fruit tubes from innocent. Don’t forget to name your fruit!
How to enter? Entering is easy. You can email your entries to competitions@letsthinklocal. co.uk with the subject fruit with faces, or alternatively you can post your entries to our HQ at 25 Barnes Wallis Road, Segensworth, East Fareham, PO15 5TT. You can also upload your entry to our facebook group www.facebook.com and search lets think local or tweet us at www.twitter.com/letsthinklocal
Innocent are giving away free fruit tubes to the winners of the fruit with faces competition 1st Prize: Innocent are kindly supplying a months worth of fruit tubes to the winner of the competition. Runners up: The 5 runners up of the competiton will receive a generous supply of fruit tubes to keep you going.
The winners will be announced when the next issue comes out in February. We will also try and post the best digital entries on the Think Local blog.
Happy doodling
Terms: The competition will be running from the 6th January 2011 untill the 1st February 2011. Entries accepted via post, email, facebook and twitter. The winner will be announced in the next issue. Winners will be required to pick up their prize.
Become a foster carer
Full-time and part-time opportunities available Action for Children is looking for foster carers who can help children and young people transform their lives with the right care and support, for periods of up to 12 months for full-time applicants or a minimum of two weekends a month for part-time. This is an exciting opportunity to work on an innovative programme as part of a professional team. You will assist in delivering a therapeutic intervention to support young people to make positive changes in their lives. As a foster carer, you will provide high levels of support and commitment to a child over the age of 12 who requires stability, clear structure and boundaries. In return you will receive comprehensive training, exceptional levels of support, weekly foster carer meetings, respite breaks, 24-hour behaviour management support, an allowance of ÂŁ550 a week and great job satisfaction.
For more information, please call Paul Hargreaves on 01329 666930 Registered charity nos. 1097940/SC038092 Company no. 4764232
Feature: New Year’s Resolutions
Your New Year’s Resolutions Welcome to Think Local’s definitive guide to helping you succeed with your personal challenges this year. Wouldn’t it be great to have a guide to succeeding with your New Year’s resolutions? A way to make the most daunting of challenges just that little bit easier. Well come on in and close the door as we bring you our comprehensive guide to New Year’s resolutions. Making resolutions isn’t everybody’s cup of tea, but the fact is that as 2011 begins many of us will even subconsciously take the opportunity to make a clear and deliberate change to our lives, it’s a natural reaction to the start of a new year, a clean slate if you will. It could be that you want to learn a new skill or give up a habit that you have grown less than fond of. Whatever the challenge you set yourself the truth is that it is far easier to identify and make a resolution than it is to stick to it.
The Cold Hard Truth Recent statistics show that only 12% of those who make resolutions go on to achieve them, a truly meagre figure by any one’s standards, but why? The main reason is because they are designed to test you to your limits. It’s the nature of the beast that we choose something that will challenge us and the real threat of failure that makes our choice of resolution all the more appealing. Failure need not be such a regular occurrence and success is no accident, it all begins with a well-conceived plan. You can achieve any goal you set your mind to if you devise a disciplined plan of action and use the facilities and help that exists all around you in Fareham and its surroundings. We visited Fareham town centre to find out what a select few of you are hoping to achieve with your New Year’s resolutions and look at how we can not only help you but those with similar goals.
Feature: New Year’s Resolutions
James Bliss, Translator ‘I had to give up rugby due to work commitments, now that I have my weekends available to me again I would love to go back to playing rugby to the standard that I once did.’ It’s never too late to get involved in sport at any level and Fareham has no shortage of clubs in a wide variety of Sports that would welcome new and keen members. If you’re looking for a local rugby club why not try Gosport and Fareham RFC, a well funded and run club, playing membership for the year costs £70 with other tariffs applying to various age ranges and levels of participation. Players of all abilities are welcome with 3 senior teams as well as a veteran XV, you should find a level that you are comfortable at. There are several clubs in the area that also offer membership so take your time and find the club that is right for you. The important thing is to take your time and try not to do too much too quickly. If you’re enjoying it rather than daunted by it you’re far more likely to keep it up. www.gosportandfarehamrfc.co.uk Get active, fit or just lose a few pounds Trying to be more active is a very popular New Year’s resolution. There are hundreds of ways you can get active, get fit or attempt to shed a few pounds. The trick is to find something you enjoy enough to keep doing. Joining a club is one way of working towards your goals. Fareham Borough Council have created a website with the details of every club imaginable, most of which are constantly looking for new members and participants. Joining
“There are hundreds of ways you can get active, get fit or attempt to shed a few pounds, a club can not only be a great way to get healthy it can also be a social and supportive way of achieving your goals.
Sports Clubs An a-z of your local clubs www.fareham.gov.uk/farehams_ community/people/active_lifestyles/ alpha.aspx Everyone Active Phone: 01329 233652 www.everyoneactive.com
Joining a gym is a popular resolution every year and more often than not is one of the easiest things to fail at, but if you read last month’s issue you might know that going to the gym need no longer be a monotonous chore. One of the reasons that getting active is such a hard resolution to keep is that previously going to the gym has simply not been enjoyable, however if done right a good session in the gym can make you feel better, work better, sleep better and fill you with energy. Everyone Active in Fareham have spent extensive time and effort in making their gym an enjoyable and interactive experience, offering activities for absolutely everybody, from weight training to dancing. If competitive sport or trips to the gym just simply aren’t your thing why not just get out and enjoy the wonderful countryside around Fareham and Hampshire. There are literally hundreds of beautiful walks in the area to be enjoyed. www.bestwalks.com offers not only a list of every popular walk in Hampshire but a route distance and short description as well.
Feature: New Year’s Resolutions
Charities in Fareham Angus Macgregor, Regimental Band ‘I am determined to give up some of my time to charity this year. I have never got round to it in the past but I think this year I could finally be involved in something I feel strongly about.’ Charities all over the country rely upon volunteer work to keep going. It doesn’t take too much effort to do a small bit to help out and it can be extremely rewarding. Whilst you could offer to work a number of hours at some of the well-known charities on the high street you can also just help out in your local area. Why not find out if anybody in the area is struggling and could do with your help, and offer a couple of hours each week or even each month to help them with chores, cook for them or just offer your company. If a resolution feels like it’s worthwhile and rewarding you are far more likely to continue with it. Krystal James, Saltwater PR ‘I recently found a job where I should be financially stable but I still don’t seem to be able to keep money in my pocket. This year I would love to be able to save some money for something special.’ It’s a problem most of us have and can be one of the most difficult things to achieve, but saving money is possible with a few
British Red Cross Telephone: 01329 230900 www.redcross.org.uk helpful tips and a whole lot of willpower. There are several tips that can help you with the saving process: All to often if we look closely through our bank statements we find we are paying out for monthly subscriptions and memberships that we have long forgotten about. Try to cancel any payments that you simply don’t use any more, it sounds simple but you will be surprised how many of us do it. When at work we often spend a lot of money on eating out or on quick snacks, not only are they more often than not an unhealthy choice they also hit your wallet hard and eat a large proportion of the money you are earning. If possible bring food prepared at home; either as a packed lunch or even leftovers from the night before, you will soon notice the difference. If you find something that you like but isn’t a necessity then just wait for a while. Give yourself some time to think, perhaps 4 or 5 days until your pulse has dropped and you can make an objective decision. If you still must have it then that’s fine, but use the time to shop for the best price possible or think of a cheaper more economic alternative.
British Heart Foundation Telephone: 01329 826025 www.bhf.org.uk Oxfam Telephone: 01329 286531 www.oxfam.org.uk The Rainbow Centre Telephone: 01329 289500 www.rainbowcentre.org Hampshire Autistic Society Telephone: 01489 880881 www.has.org.uk Solent Diabetes Association Telephone: 01329 827314 Mancap Telephone: 01329 826422 www.mencap.org.uk YMCA Telephone: 02392 215500 www.ymca.org.uk The Salvation Army Telephone: 01489 566800 www.salvationarmy.org.uk
Feature: New Year’s Resolutions
Money Saving Websites myvouchercodes.co.uk Taking advantage of any offers and deals on offer when shopping is essential. This site offers access to thousands of money saving promotional codes from just about every retailer imaginable. Well designed and easy to navigate, there must be a reason that they receive over 4.5 million visitors to the site each month. mysupermarket.co.uk Very, very simple. Fill your online trolley with all the items that you usually buy during your weekly shop and then let the website go to work. By comparing prices from Asda, Tesco, Sainsburys and Ocado it works out who can supply your items for the lowest price and enables you to order it there and then. mySupermarket claims to save you as much as 20% on your weekly shop. moneysavingexpert.com A site absolutely heaving with money saving tips and deals relating to every expenditure imaginable. Also containing a forum for users so that as soon as an opportunity to save money arises, you will be the first to know about it.
Here’s the simplest tip but one of the most effective. Just try watching the pennies, put a jar aside and count how much loose change you gather in a couple of weeks, it will probably surprise you. Instead of keeping your hoard in plain view make sure you take it to your bank on a regular basis and stick it in a savings account.
Quit Smoking Southampton City Quitters Telephone: 02380515221 Quit4Life – Hampshire Stop Smoking Service Telephone: 08456024663
‘To travel more’ will be a New Year’s Resolution for many this year but a soar in prices has made opportunities to get away all that more rare. Plenty of sites promise to trawl through the thousand of discount and last minute flights available online, but none do it quite as well as Skyscanner, you won’t get bombarded with unwanted car hire and hotel deals either – unless you’re looking for them. Hannah Colebrook, River Island ‘It’s a pretty regular resolution but I really need to give up smoking, It seems simple but I’m sure as many people know its just not easy.’ To quit smoking is an incredible feat and one that requires unbelievable will power and commitment. Non-smokers rarely understand how difficult it can be to kick the habit. Whilst there are hundreds of tips, techniques and pieces of equipment that claim to help you it is important to find the ones that are right for you. As with many addictive habits trying to quit alone without help can make it impossibly hard so try and find an organisation or person to help you through the hardest times. Fareham is close to a number of NHS supported services that are put together to help smokers quit. Photo: Andrew Yardley
Feature: New Year’s Resolutions
The Fareham Gallery Telephone: 01329 281830 e-mail: thefarehamgallery@btinternet.com www.thefarehamgallery.co.uk
Richard Boreham, Retired ‘It’s always been a goal of mine to get into sailing, I used to sail dinghies when I was younger but due to one thing or another I never continued, its something I would love to get back into.’ Depending on the sort of sailing that you are looking to do, there are a number of courses run at nearby locations that could be perfect. A great idea might be to take a course that allows you to find your sea legs again. The ‘RYA Start Yachting Taster Weekend’ in Hamble is aimed at the complete novice and less experienced sailors. It offers a taste of sailing before committing to anything more serious. The emphasis is on fun and enjoyment whilst learning basic skills needed to further your knowledge of sailing. Skills such as basic sea term, rigging and sails, rope-work and rules of the sea are covered all in a weekend, meaning that you need not lose any holiday time. The course costs £190 in low season (Oct-Mar) rising to £210 in high season (Apr-Sept). Mercury Yacht Harbour, Hamble Telephone: 02380 452668 e-mail: tuition@hamble.co.uk Tony Askins, Postman ‘This year I am determined to re-indulge in my passion for painting, it’s been a hobby for a while but I would love to get some lessons and take my passion to the next level.’ You needn’t look far if you’re looking for a place to expand your painting horizons, The Fareham Gallery are currently
running an in-store Acrylic painting class covering painting techniques in a fun and relaxed manner. Classes run mornings and afternoons, so if like Tony you work unusual hours you should be able to find a time to suit you. The gallery also offers painting holidays for those who are interested in combining their interest with a relaxing break.
Sailing Clubs Hill Head Sailing Club Contact: Andy Rolfe Telephone: 01329 664843 E-mail: admin@hillheadsc.org.uk www.hillheadsc.org.uk Seafarers Sailing Club (Dingy Sailing) Contact: Michael John Burlington Contact No: 01329 663532 E-mail: secretary@seafarerssailing-club.org.uk www.seafarers-sailing-club.org.uk
Learning a new skill is a great New Year’s Resolution and can relate to all manner of things. Challenging yourself to discover something that you either gave up or have always wanted to do can not only be rewarding but can end up being extremely useful in the future. Adult Education Given the current economic climate any new strings to your bow can help you stand out from the increasing number of people who are looking for work or even just looking for a change of scene. At Fareham College there is an opportunity for individuals to boost their earning power and employability by improving their skills and qualifications. You can choose from a wide range of courses that allow you to pursue an interest or hobby in your spare time. Why not make it your New Year’s Resolution to chase that career that you have always wanted to pursue but never quite had the time for. Fareham College Advice & Guidence team Telephone: 01329 815229 E-mail: info@fareham.ac.uk There is absolutely no reason why you can’t achieve exactly what you want to from 2011, whether you actively set yourself goals by way of a New Year’s resolution or not. Fareham has a fantastic support system that means that whatever challenges you set yourself you need not do so alone.
Win a FREE months membership... To enter simply answer this question; What is the name of the Group that owns the Hampshire Tennis & Health Club? Email your answers with your contact details to MembershipManager.Hampshire@Esporta.com
Closing date: 31st January 2011
Hampshire Health & Racquets Club Botley Road, West End, Southampton, Hampshire, SO30 3XA Tel: 0238 036 0360 Web: www.esporta.com Club opening hours: Monday - Friday 06:30 - 23:00 Saturday - Sunday 08:00 - 22:00
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22/12/2010 10:33
New Year, New Schedule, New Sound Like everyone in the world, a New Year means a new start and Express FM is no different. On the 4th January Adrian Knight will be taking over the Breakfast Show from 6am9am, Monday-Friday. He will be waking the South with fresh upbeat sounds to get you going. Plus, News on the hour, as well as regular Travel and Weather updates, making sure your journey to work is a safe one. New features will include The Wake Up Call and regular reviews of the headlines every 20 minutes to keep you abreast of the days events. Add to that a host of regular guests and you have the perfect Breakfast Show recipe! “The move from The Big Drive Home to the Breakfast Show will be a bit of an adjustment for the body clock, but I am excited by the prospect of waking up the South. Simon Gibbons has left big shoes to fill but I have plenty planned to entertain and inform the listeners every morning. I can’t wait to get started.” Comments Adrian Knight.
Join Adrian every weekday morning from 6am starting on January 4th! For radio that is fresh, different, surprising, accessible and local then make sure you tune your dial to 93.7 Express FM.
Express FM is delighted to be one of Think Local's business associates.
A Day Trip to London for 2 people
Tel: 023 92359168 Fax: 023 9236 1253 Email: visiontravels@aol.com 3A Spur Road, Cosham, Portsmouth, PO6 3DY. Office hours: 8am-5pm Monday to Friday and 8am-11am Saturday
Trip to Ireland
5th May 2011 Spectacular Ireland in Spring 6 days • Ring of Kerry • Blarney Stone • Puck Fair • Whiskey Distillery • Lily of Killarney Cruise • Waterford Crystal
• London Shows • Markets • Garden Centres • Theme Parks • Other Local Attraction A Selection of short breaks • Schools • Clubs • Private • Corporate
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Feature: Technology
Snap Happy Finding the perfect camera for you. Most of us can claim to own a camera of some description. Whether it’s a dust ridden disposable only brought out for the most special of occasions, or an all guns blazing digital SLR that never leaves the straps around your neck, finding the right camera for you is both essential and often extremely difficult. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, the information and data expressed in a well taken photo can match any written
explanation. However too often great photos go wasted, left unused and unseen on our computer desktop. Here at Think Local we believe that January offers the perfect excuse to use photography to its full potential, be it a New Years party or a misty winters morning. We visited Jessops in Fareham and spoke to store manager Simon Chappell to try and find the perfect digital camera to suit your needs, and how to make the most of photos once you have them.
“We visited Jessops in Fareham and spoke to store manager Simon Chappell to try and find the perfect digital camera to suit your needs”
On a Budget HP CB350 Features: 12.2 megapixels • Face modes • Low light sensitivity • Charged by traditional AA batteries There is no reason that you can’t enjoy photography and create great pictures for a low price. Whether you have to tighten the purse strings or just don’t think a high price tag wont justify its use, there are several reasons why having a cheap and versatile camera at your disposal can come in useful. ‘The HP CB350’ offers high specifications with a number of features.
Price £39 Kit £15
The Adventurer Fujifilm Finepix XP10 Features: 12 Megapixels • 5x Zoom Lens • High Definition recording • Scene recognition • Face Detection
Price £119 Kit £30
For those of you that like to push the limits of yourself and your kit, this camera should be more than up to the task. Designed to operate in conditions that others cameras cant the ‘Fujifilm Finepix XP10’ is waterproof to 3 meters, Shockproof to 1 meter, dustproof and freezeproof to -10°C. However just because its designed for hard wear doesn’t mean it compromises on picture quality. The camera is light, slim and stylish and its features easily compete with other digital cameras.
Feature: Technology
The All Rounder
Canon Powershot SX210 IS Features: 14x optical zoom, 28mm wide-angle • 14.1 Megapixels • Optical Imager Stabilizer • HD Movies • Smart Auto, Face Detection • Creative shooting modes • Smart Shutter Not the most expensive camera of its type but certainly one of the best all-round snappers on the market. Both powerful and user friendly the ‘Canon PowerShot SX210 IS’ may be a mouthful but boasts a huge array of features for the price. With a massive 14.1 megapixels and a 14x optical zoom pictures can be increased to large sizes with no reduction in quality. Its small and compact casing means it’s the perfect fit for your handbag or rucksack.
Price £179 Kit £50
The keen amateur
Samsung NX-5 18-55mm Compact System
Price £349 Kit £100
Features: Top Image Quality • clear and crisp images with minimum graininess • Large Monitor and Electronic Viewfinder • HD movie capture • Easy navigation A halfway point between a digital SLR and a digital compact camera the ‘Samsung NX-5 18-55mm’ takes photography to a new level whilst still offering the compactness and ease of operation found in smaller and more recreational compact cameras. If you’re thinking of getting into photography more seriously but don’t fancy laying out thousands of pounds in the process this is the perfect camera to ease you in gently whilst creating fantastic looking pictures for a very reasonable price.
The aspiring professional Cannon EOS 7D + 18-135mm KIT
Features: 18 Megapixels • 8 frames per second shooting • ISO range up to 12800 • Full HD movie capable • 3 inch Clear View LCD screen • Magnesium alloy body with environmental protection If you have decided that you’re really passionate about your photography you might think it’s a good time to upgrade to a full-blown SLR camera. Blending uncompromising performance with versatility, the Canon EOS 7D is a superb base and if you add an 18-135mm lens to the equation you will have incredible photo power at an incredible price for a camera of its quality.
Price £1159
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Feature: Digital Feature: Platform Name
“This is an example of a three column grid based layout. This is an example of a three column grid Business basedOWNER? layout. This is an Add your today! example oflisting a three column grid based layout.”
Caption: this is a captionFeriti re pa volorem quia que officia quidebit, ut
It’s Alive The Heading
Our digital platform showing what’s hot where Ventintibus et moluptas etus sustium fuga. Tem dipsundit, si It’s difficult not to be smugminctatur with our beaquam eos arum vellabori cus sapic temodit “...you canvite findetall new digital platform. We are proud of our new website and believe it is the best place to find out what is happening in your local area. The platform is crammed full of information business, offers and Ario conon re local volorion plaboribus, cus, deals with content designed specifi to quibernam ento dignis delit, quically coritio. keep youaut in touch with what’s goingmi, on sus in Et undi laboratiorem nonse the local area. mollupt iumquae vollect uriorehene voluptat. So what does our website offer you? To startquassi with you canUciis find all thefugitatio. best offers Latur, ut unt. sam Et and deals in the area.simagnis You can use harum hiliquo iurlocal aboratur maio the website to quatur search re, for non the suppliers and temoloria quo conseratem businesses thatasyou need with a few clicks harum ullicipit ipsus doloreped eum of your velit quimouse. blab ipiet laut ommos est la quiat dolorem voluptatiae optisquias dolorer We have addedvolupta a hugetempore amount of online uptati nonsero perest content exclusive online articles aceaqui including dolupta quaersped molupta on events, business, deslocal auda iminis fashion, solorerum rescil ipsum, technology a wholeeic lottomore. A full voluptae offiand cti aspero eiumentis version of the magazine goes to print is alique voluptam repudis that modisit iduntem also available for your convenience simus doluptatus. Comment your own local experiences Ectatur auton prat excesto volorpo runtibus and interact nectat with other users tosiboost repratibusa volorerundi dolo your knowledge of the eatis area. volore Sign up to our blaut velectiorias laborem regular e-newsletter providing the most up sundaepercit eum reptat quo conseni to dateiuscimi Think Local content strait millab ncipisoffers quideand quuntur to your mailbox. si corem nieniendes dellate re rem explaborum et dolute voluptium am, que preicim nonsequiae perion What isqui stilldenim to come? etwhole idelliquibus expelescipis A range et of esequias exciting features will be ditae. Et ullaut laboris quibea in the appearing on the Thinkquatese Local website eiumfuture. num adiscipiciet alibeaquas et pa near
the best offers & deals in the local nost, commodit laccatemquas et ditia area...Search for vit ut et volo volores conseque adigend the suppliers and emporero id ea quasitia dem. Et et doloremqui di blautatibea peliquatis quis businesses you need”. essit asperor erferci asinus delenim ra sunt vernati busdae. Ihil inumquae. Et Use Think Local to book a table at yournum intiaes ditatur simusaperum nulparum favorite local restaurant with the added quo bereium quam volupidel miliqui non bonus discountsquatur simplysifor using our nullatq of uaspicatur, abo. Borepud platform. Leaving free to save both icillautas ant rerchilyou invel etur? Ne dolent time and imus money. dolorem apitis sundios vel iur? Qui ut laborem voluptur, offictis modit peritium Book a local event or hire a arcim venue vendae with et verchitium eum facimillor the to let the online eumopportunity fuga. Conserum quoentire int quiducitatis community about it. qui cumqui know dolupisint alignam, sunt. Need a job donenullecto quicklydoloria and cheaply? Use Dis nimporrum Think Local to fiverere nd local and log conecaborrum deltradesman mi, sita dolor your job to receive aboreictur? Aquos quotes aperumfrom que trustworthy, eicil reputable firms.odit dolupta veremquam, molorro esseri ommos acepturitae. Et es restis sunt, eos Use Think Local Marketplace to buy and inis prorepero odisci iuntotatquis et ulpa trade products and quibusapel even searchipsaped for or corestion nectaecti place job adverts andreiuntint opportunities. quia verchit faccabo ratiis nem rae. Itaspel latectio molorepre esseque dit We lotsdel of opportunities fornam localet dit pro have delentia ium reprat etus businesses to promote themselves online quis quatecae cum si omnimoluptis everis so please touchlaborporror with our team find doles ventget qui inquunt samto quo out more, its totally freevelignam, to sign up cuptaquia quia quam, sitand re, add your business/deals today! cuptiunti
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Feature: Interview
Talking to White Lies
Listening to the White Lies is a Think Local Ritual
Feature: Interview
what the general public think or the media think then more than likely everything will become a little contrived. So our process is a fairly selfish and personal one. It's fantastic that people enjoy the results as much as they do.
Since the White Lies formed in late 2007 not even they could have imagined the level of success that they would achieve in such a short period of time. They are the archetypal success story and have gone from garage band, months away from giving up the dream of a music career to unquestionably one of the UK’s most popular and best selling acts. In January 2009 their first album ‘To Lose My Life…’ made them the first British band of the year to achieve number one in the UK album chart and built upon what was already a hive of excitement surrounding them. Sell out tours with some of the biggest names in the music industry such as MUSE and The Kings of Leon followed and now 2 years on Eddie Jones spoke to band member and drummer Jack Lawrence-Brown about their brand new album ‘Ritual’ and their mind blowing success. Eddie: Hi Jack, thanks for taking the time out of what must be a busy schedule to talk to us. For those who may not have heard of the White Lies before perhaps you could tell us a bit about the band, where you are from and the music that you make? Jack: Certainly. White Lies is a group of 3 friends who met somewhere between the ages of 6 and 15 years old in various locations across west London. Myself and Charles Cave (bassist / lyricist in the band) are originally from Ealing and Harry McVeigh (singer, guitarist) is originally from Shepherd's Bush. As a band White Lies is a musical incarnation we started in late 2007, and have been thoroughly enjoying ever since. It is almost impossible
E: Having been together for so long was there ever a point where you thought it might not happen for you? J: Certainly. When we were 19, we had all taken a gap year and had places at various Uni's around the country to go to. We met in a pub in central London, sat down together and agreed we'd all take a second gap year. If things hadn't gone well in the ensuing months I think the band wouldn't exist today. However, it was something we had all committed so much time and love towards over the previous few years, we really did want to give ourselves the chance
“To Lose My Life…’ made them the first British band of the year to achieve number one in the UK album chart ” for a band to describe their own sound successfully, so I'd simply say, you'll find White Lies in 'Rock & Pop' section of your local HMV.
to make it as full time musicians. I think the thought of impending student life was the push we all needed to throw caution to the wind and make it happen.
E: When you first formed did you ever imagine that you would be playing to sell out venues all over the globe? J: I'm sure we all had secret dreams and personal goals for the band, but we certainly were never expecting the level of success the first album achieved. The really fantastic thing for us is that we did put in a lot of hard work around the world when the first album came out. This has opened up loads of markets for us as a band, and means that we can travel all over the world and play to a fan base that we established early in our careers.
E: What advice would you give to bands still looking for their big break? J: I think the most important thing for a new band to consider, is that there is no way to make things happen quickly. It all takes time. We started playing music together when we were 15 years old, and didn't write a decent song until we were about 18. So take your time when starting out. Work out what music you like, and what you don't like. Build as big a collection of music as you can financially manage and expand your musical horizons as much as you can. That will really help with progression as a band, which for me is the most important thing creatively. Also, get in as much live practice early in your careers as you can, it will serve you well further down the line. Playing live (when it goes well), is one of the best things about being in a band. At the end of the day, if you're a good band and write good songs, you'll probably be discovered. The internet has made that all very possible.
E. The last few years have seen the band take off in style. At what point did you guys realise that you had found a sound that would be so popular? J: I think we knew from a fairly early stage of our live shows that we had written some songs people were going to connect with and enjoy. We've tried not to over think the sound or the style of music that we make, we'd rather just make music that we ourselves enjoy. If your focus changes to
Feature: Interview
I think fans of the band will appreciate this step forward. We've certainly achieved what we set out to with this album, so for us it is already a success.
01 02
E: How did you find playing the Isle of White Festival? J: A lot of fun. It was one of our first BIG festival slots, so I think we probably rushed through our set at breakneck speed with countless errors along the way. Hopefully next time we go there we'll be able to relax and take in the experience more!
“I think more than anything Ritual is a progression from the first record. A fairly big progression too.”
E: Your new album ‘Ritual’ is out this month, what can we expect from your second major release and how do you build upon the amazing success of your first album? J: Well, as I mentioned previously, progression will always be important for us as a group of musicians, and I think more than anything Ritual is a progression from the first record. A fairly big progression too. Over the last few years, playing live so much has completely changed what we are able to actually achieve as musicians individually and as a band, so that has affected a lot of the playing on Ritual. Also, on tour, we tend to buy a lot of music, and due to the expansion of our record collections we have a lot of new influences present on the record. There are quite a few electronic elements present that we haven't tried previously, things like processed drums, and even some RnB techniques such as multi-layered vocals.
E: Who are the artists that inspire you and your music the most? J: For me, Talk Talk are a very inspirational band, specifically towards their later albums, Spirit of Eden, Laughing Stock and Colour of Spring. I respect what they did massively. Also newer acts such as Blonde Redhead are real inspirations for me. I think as a group Talking Heads was the band that drew us all together to start making music, so they're also very important in the career of White Lies, even if you can't hear that directly in our sound. E: You have played with some of the biggest names in the British music industry, who were your personal favorites and do you feel you learnt anything from them? J: We have had amazing touring experiences with Coldplay, Kings of Leon and Muse, and we have certainly learnt a great deal from them all. We have played Wembley stadium 3 times in support of Coldplay and Muse, and that is just a total honour. A very bizarre thought really. So I'm incredibly grateful to those 2 bands for giving us that opportunity. They also really opened our eyes in regards as to how to put on an incredible live show on a massive scale. We certainly learnt a thing or 2 about how to perform to a massive number of people from them, which has really helped us with our festival shows. I think I had the most fun on our Kings of Leon support tour though, as it was all across the Mid West in the USA, which is an area we'd never been to as a band. It is also where they all grew up, so they knew the best places to hang out. I certainly learnt a lot from them about how to enjoy touring after a few of the shows! It is really great as a support act to feel wanted, and they made sure we hung out most nights after the shows, which is a really great thing for them to have done.
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23/12/2010 12:33
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23/12/2010 15:07
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23/12/2010 09:10
Feature: Food
A trip for the tastebuds
A journey around Fareham to find the extraordinary local produce on offer. So here I am, sitting at my desk, writing an article designed to convince you to shun your local supermarket in favor of sumptuous local produce. Potatoes fresh from the ground, dairy products from cows milked that morning and meat so tender it melts in your mouth are all readily available but it just isn’t as easy as that is it? If eating local produce were as convenient and cost effective as a trip to the nearest superstore then that superstore would never have been built. A pessimistic view on local produce I admit, but one that until a few weeks ago I strongly agreed with. When I challenged myself to find out what local produce was available in the area I was very pleasantly surprised with the results. I was able to find suppliers of almost every product imaginable from a local source. When I use the word local I like to think I mean local, there was a time when almost all the food that we ate came from within 20 miles of our homes. So our quest begins with a circle of that diameter drawn on the map with yours truly at the centre. I am not naive enough to believe that after reading this your going to dig up the garden and perform a re-enactment of ‘The Good Life’ but I do believe that incorporating local produce into your shopping routine will benefit both your life and your wallet. Starting from a location in central Fareham we set off on a search to put taste back on the menu.
Stop 1
Westlands Farm Shop Westlands Farm Shop is a family-run butcher’s shop which prides itself on the exceptional quality of its freerange meat. Everything comes from animals reared on the farm so fresh pork, beef and lamb means just that. It’s a friendly family run business with just about everything on offer. As well as lovely cuts of meat there are homemade sausages , burgers and traditionally cured bacons and gammons. Also on offer are a selection of seasonal vegetables grown on site, free range eggs and a wide variety of produce sourced from nearby such as Hampshire Looshanger Cheeses. As if putting real flavour back in mealtimes isn’t enough Westlands tell us that their prices are lower than the average supermarket! We’re off to a promising start… Address: Westlands Farm, Pricketts Hill, Shedfield, SO32 2JW. Distance from Fareham: 5.5 Miles Contact: 01329833832, www.westlandsfarmshop.co.uk
Our first port of call takes us north along the A32 to Wickham and a little further on the road to Shedfield we come to Pricketts Hill. It is here we stopped to investigate the first place on our list.
Feature: Food Stop 2
Barfoots of Botley I head South West to Little Abshott Farm in Titchfiled to find Barfoots of Botley. Looking for something slightly different in the way of veggies to accompany our already gathered produce, Barfoots of Botley are suppliers of semi-exotic vegetables. At Barfoots I found an amazing variety of vegetables including aubergines, sweetcorn, courgettes, chillies, luxury legumes, squashes, sweet potatoes and asparagus. I saw recipes for vegetable dishes that were not only different but full of nutritional goodness. What the people there don’t know about veggies ‘aint’ as they say, worth knowing. Definitely a place to put on the shopping circuit and on the doorstep. Did you know that in ideal conditions an asparagus spear can grow 10” in 24 hours! And that sweet potatoes are one of the oldest foodstuffs in the world, existing since prehistoric times with some scientists speculating that dinosaurs might even have eaten them! Address: Little Abshot Farm, Little Abshot Rd, Titchfield, PO14 4LN. Distance from Fareham: 4.7 Miles Contact: 01243268811
“Wickham Vineyard now produce award winning wine from 10 different grape varieties with a choice of red, white, rose or sparkling.”
Stop 3
Wickham Vineyard My regret at having to leave Titchfield was tempered by the thought that next on my list was a supplier of something which fell far more into my field of expertise. So heading North again over the motorway I was shortly at the delighful estate premises of the Wickham Vineyard. There is an interesting story attached to the origins of what now has a reputation of being one of the country’s leading wine producers. Back in the early 80’s some Roman wine containers found on the estate indicated that the area had a wine producing history. After some further research the initial vineyard was established, subsequently there’s been no looking back. Wickham Vineyard now produce award winning wine from 10 different grape varieties with a choice of red, white, rose or sparkling. Shopping for wine at the vineyard is a vastly different experience to perusing ranks of anonymous bottles on the supermarket shelf. For a start you can try before you buy and can even make a day of it with a visit to the vineyard’s beautiful nature reserve followed by lunch at the fine dining restaurant. Address: Wickham Vineyard, Botley Road, Shedfield SO32 2HL. Distance from Fareham: 6.6 Miles Phone: 01329 834042, www.wickhamvineyard.com
Feature: Food Stop 4
Chilli Jam Company Running out of reasons to tarry at Wickham Vineyard, I headed east on the motorway, destination Emsworth. Being the sort of guy who likes his curries with a kick to them I was intrigued by the products of the Chilli Jam Company. Now if your looking for something to add zing to cheese, salads and meats or want to spice up your own culinary creations such as casseroles, soups, curries and barbeques this is the place to head for. As it’s name implies, chilli finds its way into their delicious jams, chutneys, relishes and salad dressings. They have a wonderful range of products including jars of items with names like Picca Chilli Lilli, Mean Green, Happy Medium and Hot Hot Chilli Relish. But don’t worry, if your taste doesn’t run to fiery food there are lots of good things with just a hint of heat to tempt you. Very reasonably priced and with absolutely no additives or preservatives the Chilli Jam Company’s creations are a highlight on our local produce circuit. Address: The Chilli Jam Company, Emsworth, PO10 7UE Distance from Fareham: 13.4 Miles Contact: 01234 375464, www.thechillijamcompany.co.uk
Stop 5
Scarlet Bakes It seemed approriate that my last destination for the day would be for something that you may well want to serve up as the last course in your local produce dinner. Scarlet Bakes is comprised of two mum’s whose passion for baking is being passed on to those who just don’t have the time (or in my case the ability). Jo and Victoria have whipped up the perfect alternative to those less than inspiring supermarket mixes. Using local produce Scarlet Bakes have put together a range of mixes that just need the addition of eggs and butter to create scrumptious cookies in all sorts of wonderful flavours. White Chocolate and Cranberry Cookie Mix, Triple Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix, Mudlark Brownie Mix...the names alone sound good enough to eat. Impress your dinner guests with your baking skills ( just don’t mention exactly how you achieved it ).
“Scarlet Bakes is comprised of two mum’s whose passion for baking is being passed on to those who just don’t have the time”
Address: 10 Dean Villas, Knowle, PO17 5LR Distance from Fareham: 3.9 Miles Contact: 07713 328275, www.scarletbakes.co.uk
Time to go home So with the voyage of discovery over we point the car back towards Fareham and reflect on what we have found. It is certainly possible to find alternatives to mass produced, ready packaged and sometimes less than satisfying food and it is not a major exercise to find it.
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23/12/2010 09:00
Feature: Local Business
SSB Consulting We pay a visit to Simon Browning, Director of SSB Consulting to talk about his past, his future and his invaluable experience in the marketing industry.
SSB Consulting oozes ambition; the office is a hive of activity, boxes and small branded trinkets are stacked in one corner whilst the bright lights of a set and the flash of camera bulbs radiate from another. Simon more often than not can be found buried in his laptop, typing away with gusto. On this occasion however he has agreed to give an in-depth interview to Think Local. Think Local: Hi Simon, could you explain what exactly is it that SSB Consulting does?
Simon: We’re a marketing consultancy with a slight bias towards foodservice. I don’t have any one particular stump speech or elevator pitch like every one says you should to explain what we do accurately, so that’s the closest short explanation that I can come up with. It may change over time as we evolve but right now we carry out marketing projects for a variety of companies across the UK. We’re a resource for clients who have a project they need carrying out but quiet often don’t have the manpower or expertise in-house. We become part of their marketing team
and I think that’s been part of our success - having a close working relationship where we are thinking and acting in the best interest of the client, because we make sure we know what the client really does and what their long term goals are. As for work output it’s varied, for some we’re retained as a classic marketing resource, for others we run specialist projects, we develop, design and launch products, we print manage, we run sales promotions and we carry out market research. TL: Where did it all begin for you? S: Originally my life was born into catering, my father ran a hotel and catering was the natural step for me from an early age. I worked for TGI Fridays for nearly 10 years ending up as a marketing manager for the group. I really enjoyed the role and was lucky enough to win 2 Whitbread marketing awards in 2 years. I then worked for Nestlé as Food Solutions manager before the desire to run my own business finally got the better of me and I set up a catering company with a business partner. With that up and running and with an excellent manager in charge I had some time on my hands and bumped into an old business friend who ran a design agency serving the film industry. I began working as a consultant on a purely part time basis looking into the film industry and sales
01: Glorious! Souper t-shirt produced in conjunction with TSC foods. 02: Krispy Kreme bow tie logo produced as part of gift range 03: Kuoni print 04: Bespoke chocolate collection created exclusively for Krispy Kreme
Feature: Local Business
promotions. Within 3 months I had brought together The Simpsons Movie and KitKat for a massive UK promotion. I went from a 1 day a week hobby to a 6 day a week full time role overnight, selling my catering business along the way. The promotion ended up being Twentieth Century Fox’s biggest ever UK promotion going live on 55 million packs in July 2008 and that was me set, consulting in the London office. TL: Often in the history of any successful business there are times where things aren’t looking so good, were there any moments of doubt for you? S: Oh absolutely, I continued working as a marketing consultant retained to my friends business agency for 2 years until things went pear shaped in November 2009, when their owners had a massive falling out. Unfortunately they had un-reconcilable differences and their company ceased trading within about 6 weeks of me finding out, owing me a sizeable chunk of unpaid invoices. For me it was crunch time, I either went out on my own or return back into full time employment. I’m not sure I’d be the best employee these days so SSB Consulting Ltd was the very happy silver lining to that November cloud. TL: What’s been your main inspiration for doing what you do? S: Going with gut instinct. I absolutely love what I do now and this year’s been amazing with what we’ve achieved and the clients we’ve worked with. It wasn’t really something that 10 years ago I thought I’d be doing, I’m not classically marketing trained but life has a way of throwing up opportunities and you either choose to take them or not. Oh and Seth Godin - he’s a marketing genius - if you want inspiration read his books!
“Great clients teach you that work can be enjoyable and if you work together you get superior results.” TL: Often people can identify a few defining moments that led to the position they are in today what would you say have been yours? S: There certainly have been a few of those moments for me. My father worked for himself and I am and always will be proud to follow in his hard working footsteps. Being told to apply for my first marketing role was so important because someone believed I’d be good at it when previously the thought hadn’t even crossed my mind. I think I also have to pinpoint the period where the London agency I was retained to folded, if it hadn’t I’d still be working for them and not myself. I also have to mention the great clients I have worked with. Great clients teach you that work can be enjoyable and if you work together you get superior results. It may sound very straight forward but not all businesses and clients make it simple to do the role they want you to do, I find its so important to any working relationship. TL: What philosophy is your company built on? S: Work hard, that’s creatively and/or physically. I try to put us in the client’s shoes and do the best job we possibly can. These days more than ever budgets are tight so we always make sure we’re great value for money - that’s not to say we’re particularly cheap, we just do a great job. I’m always available for clients too, we don’t keep to regular office hours and if something’s needed we’ll get it done. We also don’t use the word hope, I’ll tell anybody if you hope it’s going to turn out alright 9 times out of 10 it won’t. You can bypass hope by making sure you know it’s going to work and that means you’ve got to do a little extra.
Krispy Kreme This year we launched an impulse and gifting range for Krispy Kreme UK. We’ve designed, sourced, produced and project managed a range of 25 products into all 47 of their UK stores, also going live online in time for Christmas. It’s been a superb project for us to run and the results have been fantastic. We’ve managed the whole process from scratch to launch including the merchandising and operational aspects of running the project. Utilising some of my past skills I’m particularly proud of their Krispy Kreme chocolate range, doughnut cufflinks and doughnuts for a year gift cards. I’d love to share the sales figures with you but lets just say what was originally a trial is now an important part of their sales mix and we continue to work alongside their marketing team on this project and other briefs.
Contact SSB Consulting Email: simon@ssbconsulting.co.uk www.ssbconsulting.co.uk
TL: Lastly, what does the future hold for SSB Consulting? S: In its first year SSB Consulting clients include Krispy Kreme, Kuoni, TSC Foods, Sony Pictures, Red Letter Days and First4Movies. I want to build the consultancy into a full service marketing agency. In our first year it’s gone from just me to 4 associates and I want to continue to grow to 6, adding another 4 clients during 2011
Feature: eBay
A New Year, A New Business Opportunity eBay is one of the fastest growing retail phenomenons of our time. To make sure you don’t miss the boat Think Local gives you five easy tips to creating your own e-bay business. The figures surrounding eBay are mind blowing. The online auction and shopping website has well over 180 million customers worldwide and an estimated 10 million in the UK alone. The opportunities available on eBay stretch far further than an opportunity to sell that coat you never wore or a pound coin touched by David Beckham. With over three million items from Britain on sale at any one time it is totally unsurprising that a huge number of business entrepreneurs have taken the opportunity to use the website to create an eBay business, as either a primary or secondary source of income. To make things easier and to give you a head start on the competition, Think Local has put together five essential tips to running a successful eBay business. Decide what to sell and properly source your stock. Finding a niche in the market is absolutely key. Healthy demand for your product means you can drive your prices higher. Why make a 10p profit on something that 1000 other sellers are offering instead of £100 profit on a product, sourced and sold uniquely by you. Experiment Once you have started selling on eBay don’t rest on your laurels, spend time learning what factors attract buyers to
your sale items. Research different ways of listing similar items, as far as changing the design of the photo that accompanies your product or even changing font types. Little things that make your eBay shop look more professional might seem small and unnecessary but they can really help in the long run. Get to know the workings of eBay Don’t get caught out by eBay’s rules and regulations. If you know the workings of eBay better than anyone else there is no reason you cant use it to your advantage by making sure that the way your eBay shop is run complies with the rules and regulation that exist within the site. The rules do tend to change from time to time so keeping yourself up to date with them gives you the chance to get ahead of the competition. Offer superb customer service A good feedback score is simple enough to achieve with a little work. Respond to every question from buyers as quickly as possible. Learn to anticipate frequently asked questions and mention them in your listings. Send items as soon as they sell and remember to send reminders to happy customers to give feedback on your service. Prepare for the future Whilst its possible to make money with your eBay business working manually but
the big money comes in when you can start selling in volume. If you rely on selling products on mass you will need to enlist the help of an automated tool to help you keep demand under control.
Battery Powered After serving 25 years in the Royal Navy, David Lowe understandably decided he wanted to spend more time at home when it came to finding a second career. After many months of research and trialing a number of different products he discovered a small niche is the sale of batteries and created an eBay shop. The success of the project quickly left David with the need to find a retail outlet in which to expand both his storage space and his selection of products. With the support of his wife Sharon who left her full time job to help with the project Finishing Touches gift shop on the seafront of Lee-on-theSolent was opened. Running his eBay business from the back of the store whilst Sharon helped run the gift shop worked for a period but as both business adventures continued to expand so did David’s ambition. The transformation of the business from a small niche seller of batteries to a top rated power seller on eBay and the growing interest in Finishing Touches dictated that another retail unit would be opened just down the road. The result was the opening of his second business named Gadget N Gizmo. David now runs the store that sells a huge selection of items from boy’s toys to watch straps. Both stores now boast customers from all over the globe and demand for their products continues to grow. All created from the small yet inspired decision to sell batteries on eBay. Finishing Touches www.finishingtouchesgiftshop.co.uk Gadgets n Gizmo www.gadgetngizmo.co.uk
A gift shop selling more than you might think - Open 7 days a week
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02392 581115 Page 33.indd 1
23/12/2010 15:24
Feature: Food Review
The Village Tea Rooms, Alverstoke Amidst the backstreets of Alverstoke lays a little known culinary delight, able to keep you captive for hours on end. It is so very rare to stumble across a hidden gem, a place where you could so easily spend half a day, slowly depleting the loose change in your pockets as you tuck into beautifully prepared homemade cooking and tea and coffee that warms the soul whilst enjoying a friendly atmosphere that will have you believing you have been a regular for years. Tucked away in the winding streets of the quaint village of Alverstoke, under the shadow of the imposing local church lies The Village Tea Rooms. A Dinner Party Just over 3 years ago Sally Thomas, a successful member of British Airways long haul cabin crew sat enjoying the company of friends at a dinner party where conversation passed to the availability of The Village Tea Rooms, whether it was the quantity of wine or her long established interest in the property, 3 weeks later Sally, with her then business partner Jan had possession of the keys.
Feature: Food Review
DISCOUNT When you quote “think local” Subject to availability
Feature: Food Review
“Sally decided to base her cooking philosophy around great local and fair trade produce. Using as many organic and local ingredients as possible to make simple, rustic homemade food...” On inspecting the tearoom a sense of panic ensued, after years of gradual decay the room looked far from welcoming. Dilapidated and tired the place had all the problems associated with old buildings that had seen better days, crumbling plaster, a leaking roof and a kitchen and bathroom that simply weren’t habitable. Rather than be daunted by the task it was seen as an opportunity to create a clean slate upon which to create something truly special. After 3 months hard graft and with help from friends and family they had transformed the place into the light, airy and welcoming haven that exists today. Local art adorns the walls and the cupboards brim with deli items, gift hampers and bags. 3 years on Sally who still works as cabin crew part time, runs the tearoom by herself with the help of her staff Victoria, Katy and Julie.
A commitment to great produce Having never been a chef or catered professionally Sally decided to base her cooking philosophy around great local and fair trade produce. Using as many organic and local ingredients as possible to make simple, rustic homemade food at a price accessible to everyone. The menu consists of daily homemade specials that show off the quality of the local produce available. Seasonal soup, tarts, quiches, sandwiches and cakes are joined by the house specials of ‘Alverstoke Rarebit’ and cream teas lovingly prepared with freshly baked scones, organic clotted cream and locally produced jam. Vegetables and hams are supplied by Sunnyfields Organic Farm, whilst cheeses come from Loosehanger and Bookhams. A priority for the Village Tea Rooms is of course the quality of its tea and coffee.
A word from Sally When asked about the last few years Sally commented ‘On the whole it’s been an incredibly enjoyable experience, although at first it was a very steep learning curve and much harder work than expected I don’t regret it for a moment. The recession has been hard on us but we just keep trying to keep our standards high and our customers wanting to come back, we have met so many wonderful and interesting people. If anyone has a dream of starting their own business I would strongly suggest you give it a go – if I can do it anyone can.’ You can find us at: - 2B Church Rd, Alverstoke, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 2LB or give us a call on 07954 056003 to book a table for lunch (served from 12 - 3.00pm).
Feature: Food Review
Winter opening hours Monday to Thursday 10.00 - 4.00pm, Friday & Saturday 10.00 - 4.30pm (open Sundays in the summer).
Only organic fair trade tea and Mezzo coffee are served which not only ensures acceptable working conditions and pay for those who work in the industry but also just so happens to create arguably the finest tasting tea and coffee in Hampshire. Sally describes the farmers markets that she visits as ‘a treasure trove of hampshire’s finest’. The Isle of White Tomato and Garlic Farms, Hill Farm Apple Juice, Chilli Jam Company, Cresson Creative and Pollen Organics all produce ingredients that Sally proudly sells and cooks with. Being fully licensed the Village Tea Rooms also serve Wickham Vineyard wines and a number of local beers. Sally also offers outside catering for functions and evening dining opportunities with bespoke menu options. It is this commitment to an enjoyable experience that has ensured that even in these harsh financial times Sally can boast a great number of loyal and regular customers.
Let’s get cooking “One of our most popular recipes is for Arabic Lentil Soup, which was given to me by one of the chefs in the Abu Dhabi Hilton. It’s fat free so a good one for the New Year after all the Christmas over-indulgence!” Ingredients: 300 g red lentils • 1 x large onion peeled & chopped • 2 x garlic cloves peeled & crushed (Isle of Wight if possible) • 1 x teasp ground cumin • 1 x teasp ground coriander • 1 litre of vegetable stock (we use Marigold Organic veg bouillon) How to cook 1. Wash the lentils & place in a large pan with all the other ingredients. Bring to the boil & simmer gently for 15-20 mins until the lentils are cooked. 2. Blend until smooth, season with freshly ground black pepper & the juice of half a lemon, serve with lemon slices & some nice crusty bread. 3. Although so simple to make, everyone loves it.
Contact us today and start planning your perfect trip.
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23 Night East Coast Extravaganza from £3395pp *Includes: Economy class flights with Qantas 4 nights Sydney. Four Seasons Hotel - Opera House View 7 night self-drive tour from Sydney to Brisbane with B&B accommodation. 2 nights Brisbane. Stamford Plaza Hotel 1 night on the Sunlander train in Queenslander Class 5 nights on the Whitsunday Coast. Coral Resort - Ocean View 4 Nights Port Douglas. Coconut Grove *Terms & Conditions Price valid for departures between 20 April and 20 June 2011. Other dates/prices available. Based in 2 adults sharing a double/twin room.
Australia - With its iconic attractions, its weird and wonderful wildlife and an enviable “beach and barbeque” lifestyle, Australia is consistently voted the world’s most desirable location by UK Travellers. Amity World Travel has a wealth of experience in travel to this amazing destination. Here is a favourite itinerary – and we have many more to tempt you!
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23/12/2010 10:33
Feature: Holiday
Australia with your local independent agent
Australia has so much to offer, whether its the wildlife, flora & fauna or just the positive can do attitude of the locals it is easy to see why it has become such a big seller for Amity World Travel. If there is a problem with visiting Australia then it is the sheer size; It’s almost impossible to see everything in one single trip. This means you need to prioritise what’s important to you and spend some time on the logistics of what can actually be fitted in to the time span you have allotted, that’s why you need to speak to an expert such as Jeff Kilby of Amity World Travel.
Australia, a vast colourful country of constantly changing landscapes, so completely different to anything you will in the Northern Hemisphere.
One of the most popular itineraries is to take a rail-drive along the Eastern Coast, this works for both first time visitors wishing to see Sydney and the reef as well as those looking for something new, with opportunities to break the rail journey at the Whitsundays and Fraser Island amongst others.
The rail journey north to Prosperine and the Whitsundays is very much part of the whole holiday experience rather than just a means of travel. The Queenslander is a premium, all inclusive style of travel featuring comfortable, twin-berth accommodation; fine dining in an exclusive restaurant car; and a host of special touches for a memorable experience.
A typical itinerary would include time in Sydney; this exciting and vibrant city always has plenty to offer from breathtaking Harbour views to singing waiters at the Opera House. Once out of town the 800 mile drive north to Brisbane has plenty of opportunities to break the journey and you can expect the warmest of welcomes with the Blue Mountains, Hunter Valley and Port Stephens amongst the most popular stopover destinations. As you amble up the coast your time will be easily spent with bushwalking, fine dinning, wine tasting, dolphin watching, surfing, in fact the list is almost endless. A great way to end this part of the itinerary is with a night or two high up in Lamingtons National Park at O’Reilly’s Rainforest retreat, a sub-tropical rainforest that will offer something very different to coastal scenery that’s gone before.
Next stop the Whitsundays, these idyllic islands offers something for everyone from a fun-filled, adventure-packed family holiday to a luxurious romantic escape for two. With so much natural beauty on our doorstep you can snorkel or scuba dive on the Great Barrier Reef, soak up the sun on Whitehaven Beach or sail around the Whitsunday Islands. You can choose to stay in one of the many beautiful island resorts or base yourself on the mainland and enjoy the fun & friendly atmosphere of Airlie Beach and surrounds with its lively nightlife and delectable restaurants. The hardest part will be choosing how to fit it all in.
Next stop Brisbane and it is time to hand back the car and let Rail Australia take control, the journey North to Cairns on the Sunlander (Queenslander class) is a
fantastic experience where you get the opportunity unwind and relax in the company of you fellow passengers.
The final leg of your journey takes you up to Tropical North Queensland, taking the Tilt Train from Proserpine to Cairns; this daytime service offers business seating throughout, with personal entertainment screens, and the option of in-seat dining or Club Car offering light meals and refreshments. You can be assured that on arrival in Cairns you will be well rested and ready for the adventure that waits in North Queensland from Tropical Rain Forest to the Barrier Reef, Aboriginal Culture to the Undara Lava Tubes and the Outback you can be sure this East Coast Extravaganza will be a truly memorable experience.
Feature: Creative
aspex gallery We are invited by aspex gallery to explore their visual exhibitons, with a sneak preview of the what they have in store for January and onwards.
When thinking of Portsmouth’s Gunwharf Quays many of us may instantly turn our thoughts to that of the Spinnaker Tower, the outlet shops or the imposing HMS Victory. What many people might not know however is that Portsmouth’s leading contemporary art gallery also calls Gunwharf its home. Whilst the appearance of a giant dinosaur on Southsea Common last year attracted attention from across the nation the gallery behind its creation remains a hidden gem. The gallery is a fantastic environment to take time out to discover contemporary visual art, to be inspired, learn to think differently, to try something new or just simply relax. The gallery specialises in supporting contemporary artists at an early stage in their career and is a showcase for new work being made at a local and global level. The Gallery’s track record for supporting artists dates back 30 years, with a long list of contemporary visual art’s great and good getting their much deserved break thanks to the institution. A History Established in 1981 by artist members of Art Space Portsmouth, aspex was based in a converted chapel on Southsea’s Brougham Road for 25 years. In 2006 the gallery relocated to the Vulcan Building, a formal naval storehouse on the waterfront at Gunwharf Quays. The conversion of the historic site into a gallery won a prestigious RIBA award and has since made aspex a major destination for Portsmouth residents and visitors alike.
Photo: Andrew Yardley 01
Ever Evolving The gallery shows four exhibitions a year in gallery 1, complemented by a fast-changing programme in gallery 2. There is a noticeable ethos between aspex and the artists with whom it works to push at boundaries to produce new, exciting and innovative art. The centre acts as a base from which the gallery reaches out to the wider community, delivering inventive off-site projects that many of you may be familiar with, some of which include the wallpapering of Portsmouth’s central library. The addition of a striking mural by Nils Norman in the subway at the entrance to Gunwharf Quays. Last summer aspex helped to temporarily transform the city’s skyline with the addition of Heather &
01: The main entrance to the gallery. 02: Stepping inside the gallery. 03: Walking with DInosaurs on Southsea Common. 04: A family atmosphere. 05: Contemporary art on display
Feature: Creative
Ivan Morison’s giant dinosaur sculpture at Luna Park on Southsea Common. Later this year aspex hopes to add to its extraordinary inventory of public art projects with the installation of a new lighting commission by S. Mark Gubb at the Hard Interchange.
Photo: Andrew Yardley 04
“The gallery is a fantastic environment to take time out to discover contemporary visual art, to be inspired, learn to think differently, to try something new or just simply relax.”
An interactive experience A lively Participation & Learning programme uses exhibiting artists’ themes and ideas as its starting point, providing fun and engaging activities and events for all ages, with the hope of developing artists and curators of the future. For families and children, the gallery runs artist-led creative workshops every other Saturday, and school holiday workshops. aspex also runs fun workshops for children with autism and Special Educational Needs and their families, with the support of Aiming High for Disabled Children and Portsmouth Autism Support Network. These free sessions are artist-led with the support of an Occupational Therapist, and take place once a month at the gallery. aspex has plenty on offer for adults too, including life drawing classes, talks and the gallery’s popular after hours event series, held on the first Thursday of every month. The gallery’s core work is regularly supported by Arts Council England, South East, Portsmouth City Council and is part-financed by the European Union. All profits made through the café, shop, hire, friends and Culture Club are reinvested to support aspex’s creative programme. Special exhibitions, education and other projects are funded by a number of public sources, trusts, foundations and sponsors.
Feature: Creative
Artist Review aspex gallery has proudly invited prestigious contemporary artist S.Mark Gubb to create a new exhibition beginning in January 2011 S. Mark Gubb grew up in the seaside town of Herne Bay in Kent. He works across a range of media including sculpture, video, sound installation and performance. His art has a strong connection with the influences he grew up with, featuring social, political and popular culture that caught his eye during his youth. He shares an equal fascination with things he finds so great and so terrible about the world that we live in and his work more often than not aims to bring together audiences from different cultural standpoints. His approach increasingly extends to using a non-arts audience in the production of the work. His journey has taken him through the weird and wonderful all in the name of art. He’s installed road signs in country parks, built churches in forests and had custard thrown at him in the streets of New York. His exhibitions are now well known and respected around the world, his work has been shown in some of the globes most prestigious galleries from New York to Krakow. Now S. Mark Gubb has been invited to the aspex gallery in Portsmouth. His exhibition will attempt to explore the nature of our very existence, a monumental task that
“He’s installed road signs in country parks, built churches in forests and had custard thrown at him in the streets of New York. ”
aspex info
01: How Should I Live? (Maybe That’s Not The Question) 02: A screen print titled ‘Free for all Forever’.
will call upon all the skill and experience he has gained. Inspired by and taking it’s title from a line in the film, Wings of Desire, by Wim Wenders, the exhibition offers us the opportunity to probe our ambitions, beliefs and values, by asking us to make interactive choices as we navigate our way through the gallery.
aspex has also commissioned S. Mark Gubb to create a new offsite piece in the shape of an illuminating sculpture for installation in the city. Keep your eye out for local press, the aspex website and facebook page or even sign up to the aspex gallery e-bulletin for further information.
aspex’s shop sells art and contemporary craft and stocks the largest selection of art journals in the city. With an emphasis on sustainable, eco-friendly and recycled products, the shop also stocks items that complement the gallery’s exhibitions. The podium programme showcases exceptional contemporary craft and design pieces from established and emerging makers. The kiddies’ corner has lots of gorgeous gifts and creative stuff to choose from. aspex’s family friendly café provides the perfect escape from the bustle of the City. Delicious cakes and coffee are served alongside a seasonal menu that always reflects the talents of local producers, from Buckwell’s famous pork pies to the gallery’s own legendary carrot cake. The café is part of the Yellow Kite network of community cafés. Further details can be found on aspex’s website, at www.aspex.org. uk. aspex is on Facebook & Twitter – follow us and join our email list for exciting gallery updates.
Wishes it’s members a happy and healthy
new year and looks forward to welcoming new members in 2011.
Cardio Equipment Area Cardio Equipment Resistance WeightsArea Resistance Weights Free Weights Free Weights Classes (over 30 a week and a junior time table) Classes 35 aHeated week and 16 metre(over Indoor Poola junior time table) 16 metre Courts Indoor Heated Pool 4 Squash 43 Tennis SquashCourts Courts 3Coffee TennisLounge Courtsand Bar Coffee Bar CrécheLounge 9.30amand to 12pm Créche 9.30am toweek 12pmfree) (first 2 hours per (first 2 hours per week free)
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23/12/2010 10:21
Feature: Shopping
January Sales
Photo: Andrew Yardley
Navigating the A Shoppers Survival Guide: Learn how to battle your way to bargains over this hectic period It’s that time of year again....you’ve just about recovered from your spending binge at Christmas and suddenly as far as the eye can see red and white ‘sale’ signs are appearing, promising unbeatable bargains. I know, you’re getting excited just thinking about it aren’t you? But before you run out all guns blazing, ready to grab every item in the shop, why not take five minutes and read our quick survival guide.... Planning your attack The night before your big day bargain hunting is the perfect opportunity for you to gain some focus. Open up your
wardrobe and have yourself a good clear out. Anything that hasn’t seen the light of day throughout 2010, get rid of it, after allyou’re unlikely to discover a new found love for it in 2011... why not donate it to charity? Anything that doesn’t fit quite right, is falling apart or simply isn’t you any more, add to the pile. This is your chance to really get to know your wardrobe and free up some space for all those bargains. Make a note of what you have and what you need, this will prove invaluable when shopping and will keep you focused on the day. Look up the opening times of your local shopping centres. Most January sales
actually start on Boxing day and will continue to the end of January. Now, the prime time to shop the sales is as early as possible. At the start of the day the sales are generally tidy and therefore much easier to shop. If you can get there on day number one of the sale, even better, this is the day when all of the best sale stock sells out. The early bird does indeed catch the worm in this case so set that alarm early and don’t be surprised if you see queues forming outside some of your favourite stores! Buddy up Now is the time to hunt down that friend with an honest streak and a kind tongue. You want someone that will tell you that the dress you’re trying on makes you look twice the size.....but does so in a nice way. You’ll want someone with stamina and strong arms too....and if all else fails, just try and get someone that you’ll have a giggle with!
Feature: Shopping
“If you can get there on day number one of the sale, even better, this is the day when all of the best sale stock sells out. The early bird does indeed catch the worm in this case so set that alarm early and don’t be surprised if you see queues forming outside some of your favourite stores!”
Choose your armour We would suggest flat, comfortable shoes that will withstand a lot of walking. Wear an outfit you feel comfortable in and one that is easy to change in and out of - this will make all that changing room drama that little bit easier. Try and pick an outfit that makes you feel good about yourself and throw on some lippy too, while you’re at it. If you head out feeling down about your appearance, chances are everything you try on will only make you feel worse, so pick a tried and trusted mood boosting outfit, (we all have one!). If you can, leave your coat or jumper in the car. The last thing you want is to be looking around in an overheated and over-crowded shop suffocating under layers of winter woollies. So think cool and collected when choosing your ensemble. Oh, take a bottle of water with you too if you can, all this spending can be dehydrating.... Let Battle Commence So you’ve gotten to the shops early, you’ve got your sale buddy with you, you look good and you have your carefully planned hit list of items to hand. One last tip before you enter the battle field? Go to the nearest ATM and draw out some cold, hard cash. Studies have shown that paying with cash
www.letsthinklocal.co.uk Photo: Andrew Yardley
Feature: Fashion
Opening Hours: West Quay Shopping Centre in Southampton: Boxing Day- 11:00 – 17:00 New Years Day: Closed Bank Holiday Monday (3/1/11): 10:00 – 17:00 Gunwharf Quays in Portsmouth: Boxing Day: 10:00 – 17:00 New Years Day: 10:00 – 19:00 Bank Holiday Monday (3/1/11): 10:00 – 19:00 Cascades Shopping Centre in Portsmouth: Boxing Day: 10:30 – 16:30 New Years Day: 9:00 – 17:30 Bank Holiday Monday (3/1/11): 10:30 – 16:30 Photo: Andrew Yardley
is more painful than paying with a card, meaning you are less likely to be frivolous. It also means you can draw out a set amount, giving yourself a mental limit to your spending. The key now is to stick to that hit list and not to let the excitement and panic buying mentality get to you! Try and keep yourself calm. Even the colours of sale signs are designed to get our heart rates up- these retailers have a lot of psychology working for them and they know exactly how to use it. When a crowd of people are all rushing to buy the same thing, our basic instinct tells us- we need that too, leading to that panic buying mentality and an instant grab reaction that ends up costing us so much money. Don’t forget The first thing to remember is to keep perspective. Whenever we see big numbers like 75% off, we get excited and barely even look at the garment itself. All we see is a bargain, and it’s this that leads to unwanted items cropping up in our wardrobe - remember all those bits you threw out when clearing your wardrobe last night? How many of those were ‘bargains’? Take a really good look at the price of the item of clothing, it may be 75% off, but 75% off £1,000 is still a lot of moneywould you pay that amount normally? If you’re happy with the price, the next thing to consider is the style - is it something you need? Is this garment on your hit list? Is it
“Whenever we see big numbers like 75% off, we get excited and barely even look at the garment itself.” something you would actually wear? What would you wear it with? (and this is when the wardrobe list you made earlier comes into play). After you’ve asked these questions take some time to really investigate the item, remember you’re looking for quality. Often sale stock is mistreated by staff and shoppers, leading to missing buttons, rips and tears. Check the stitching isn’t coming loose and that the sale ticket / security tag won’t leave a hole... just because you’re paying less doesn’t mean you should expect lower quality. After you’ve asked yourself all these questions and thoroughly checked the item, it’s time to walk away. Just for ten minutes or so. Continue looking around the shop, see what else there is to offer. If you are really unsure, walk out of the shop and have a coffee. Either way, once you return, you should have a clearer idea of how you feel. Do you still really want it, or have you found something better? Coming back to it, do you feel less enthralled? Walking away from a potential purchase is probably the best tip to take away from this guide. By walking away you’re giving your brain a chance to digest what it’s seen
Fareham Shopping Centre in Fareham: Boxing Day: 10:00 – 16:00 New Years Day: 10:00 – 16:00 Bank Holiday Monday (3/1/11): 10:00 – 16:00 Whiteleys Shopping Centre in Whiteley: Boxing Day: 12:00 – 18:00 New Years Day: 10:00 – 20:00 Bank Holiday Monday (3/1/11): 12:00 – 18:00
SALE and time to think logically. Sometimes you’ll leave the shop and return to find the item gone. You probably won’t mind as much as you thought you would, this is your gut telling you it wasn’t right... or fate telling you to shop elsewhere! The key is not getting caught up in the madness, just because everyone else is making a mad trolley dash and throwing the entire contents of the shop into a basket, doesn’t mean you have to. Lastly, before you make that crucial first purchase, familiarise yourself with the stores refund policy on sale items. Every shop differs here, so check each onesome simply don’t allow refunds on sale items, don’t get caught out. Now you’ve got the idea, you’re on your own- go hunt down some true bargains! Happy Shopping....
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Events: January
Events Theatre Peter Pan on Ice at the Kings Theatre Mysterious lands filled with pirates, Indians and ticking crocodiles will transport visitors back in time to a wonderful world of make-believe as Wild Rose Ice theatre brings the book to life. Where: Kings Theatre, Southsea, PO5 2QJ When: 25th – 29th January 2011 Price: From £18 - £25.50 Dick Whittington at the Point Westfield productions invite you to come and join in the fun of their latest family pantomime, Richard Whittington. This production is full of song, dance, stunning magical effects and will leave you with a smile and warmth in your heart. Where: The Point Theatre, Eastleigh, SO50 9DE When: 13th – 16th January 2011 Price: £9, concessions £7 Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at The Mayflower Retelling the Biblical story of Joseph, his eleven brothers and the coat of many colours, this magical musical is full of unforgettable songs including Any Dream Will Do, Close Every Door To Me and One More Angel. Where: The Mayflower Theatre, Southampton, SO15 1GE When: 18th – 23rd January 2011 Price: From £20 - £30 Kontakt at The Nuffield Do you dare make KONTACK? How often does an adult sit across a table from a young person and have a meaningful conversation? Inspired by the work of German conceptualist Hannah Herzig, KONTAKT us a series of one-toone performances with twenty
young people ages 15-21. Inviting the audience members to take a seat opposite them for a unique encounter. Where: The Nuffield Theatre, University Road, Southampton, SO17 1TR When: 11th – 15th January Price: £5 - £7
Gigs & concerts Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra – New years Viennese Gala Gunther Bauer-Schenk conducts soprano Elizabeth Watts for Viennese dance-hall favourites including Vienna Blood Waltz, Voices Of Spring, Pizzicato Polka, Poet & Peasant Overture and The Blue Danube. Where: Southampton Guildhall, Civic Centre, Southampton, SO14 7LP. When: 6th January 2011 Price: £9 - £21 The Hanover Band, Music in the Round One of the UK’s most prominent instrument ensembles, The Hanover Band gives audiences a fascinating insight into the world of 18th and 19th century music. Featuring classics from Handel, Rameau and Vivaldi.
Are Back In Town. Where: Southampton Guildhall, Civic Centre, Southampton, SO14 7LP When: 18th January 2011 Price: £23.50 Brendan Cole – Live and Unjudged Performing with a 14-piece band and four other former Strictly Come Dancing professionals, Brendan Cole brings his passion for dance to the stage. This is your chance to see some of the magic created on ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ first-hand by one of its most charismatic choreographers and performers. Where: Kings Theatre, Southsea, PO5 2QJ When: Saturday 22nd January 2011 Price: £25 - £29.50
Others Blitz 70: Portsmouth Remembers On the 10th of January 1941 the Portsmouth Guildhall was destroyed during the Blitz with 171 local residents being killed, To commermorate this and the numerous other bombing raids during the Blitz, an event is being held in the Guildhall Square to remember those who were killed during the bombing.
Where: New Theather Royal, 2024 Guilhall Walk, Portsmouth, PO1 2DD When: Friday 21st January Price: £14, Concessions £11.50.
Where: Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, PO1 2AD When: 10th January 2011, 11am. Price: Free
Thin Lizzy at Southampton Guild Hall One of the most important bands to come out of Ireland, Thin Lizzy transformed the hard rock scene. Performing live the iconic band perform iconic hits such as Whiskey in the Jar, Jailbreak and The Boys
No Child’s Play at the City Museum Held to coincide with Holocaust Memorial day, this small but powerful and moving exhibition will show the stories of particular children who were hidden from the Nazi holocaust. These stories of bravery are told through the simple
toys they were able to cling to for comfort. Where: 3 Museum Road, Portsmouth, PO1 2LE When: 21st January – 13th February Price: Free New Years Day Walk in the Old Cemetery Join the Friends of Southampton Old Cemetery for a heritage walk around some of the interesting monuments in this Victorian Cemetery. The walk starts at 2pm at the main gate by the Lodge at the end of Cemetery Road. Where: Southampton Old Cemetery, Cemetery Road, Southampton SO15 7NN When: 1st January 2011, 2pm Price: Free, donations welcome.
Contacts Kings Theatre, Portsmouth Tel: 02392 828282, www.kings-southsea.com The Point, Eastleigh Tel: 02380 652333 www.thepointeastleigh.co.uk The Mayflower, Southampton Tel: 02380 711811 www.mayflower.org.uk The Nuffield, Southampton Tel: 02380 671771 www.nuffieldtheatre.co.uk Southampton Guildhall Tel: 02380 632601 New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth Tel: 02392 649000 Blitz 70 Information Line: Tel: 02392 834109 Cemetery Walk Contact: Tel: 02380 349414
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23/12/2010 12:31
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Send us your views We really would like to hear your honest opinions about the magazine, local area, features, our digital platform. In fact, anything is welcome. Please email your views to hello@letsthinklocal.co.uk
hello@letsthinklocal.co.uk Now that the First issue is behind us, we have thought long and hard about how we can improve the link between you the reader and us at Think Local.
What everyone’s been saying about think local
Due to the unexpected and much welcomed interest to the introduction of Think Local we decided that something had to be done. Whilst we did out best to reply to everyone the resulting conversations between the two parties stayed buried in inboxes, only for the eyes of a select few. That is why for issue 3 we have decided to dedicate a space where we can publish your comments on the magazine, both positive and negative, taking the time to reply to any question or query that you might have. It’s so important to us that we can evolve as a magazine to create the most effective publication possible, and to do that the most important factor has to be the public that we serve. Communication between this magazine and its readers is an area of development that we are very interested in expanding.
We really do want to hear from you about anything at all. Perhaps you have some feedback on a feature we ran, an event in the local area that you think we should know about or maybe even a gripe about the way our over zealous designer has gone over the top with his design tools... If you have no thoughts at all on the magazine why not just get hold of us for a chat? It’s an office speciality. The beauty of putting your thoughts to print is that it gives us nowhere to hide. We can bask in the glory of your praise or drop our heads as you hit us with another salvo of disappointment. We can answer questions that other readers may be interested in and use your knowledge and response to improve our product it’s a win-win situation for just about everybody.
N Porter @letsthinklocal Arrived today, thought it was great, interesting iPhone app article, but the Marwell competition ended in November! - Good spot, Ed Kat Nicholls @letsthinklocal I thought the whole mag was brilliant, think everything has been covered so well! Looks so polished too.... Kat Nicholls How exciting, just recieved my copy of @letsthinklocal mag complete with a fashion article by me! If you’re in the Solent area, pick one up! @Stuart Wooster @letsthinklocal Where will we be able to pick up the magazine? Loving the idea of promoting local businesses.
Tweet us www.twitter.com/@letsthinklocal
Email: hello@letsthinklocal.co.uk
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22/11/2010 16:11
ABSTRAKT high gloss grey kitchen island*
The calm before the storm. Soon, 36 of your nearest and dearest will arrive. Sure, they’ll pop themselves on the worktop, and yeah, there’ll be a few spillages, but you won’t mind. That’s because we’ve already poured wine and coffee all over your kitchen, leaving it for a day to check it won’t stain. It’s just one of the many tests we do. Party-proof kitchens, that’s a happy host.
Start planning your perfect party kitchen at IKEA.co.uk/thekitchen
* What’s included in the price? The total price includes cabinets, worktops, interior fittings, hinges, cover panels, decostrips/mouldings, plinths and legs. Your choice of appliances, sinks, taps, knobs/handles and lighting are not included.
Think Local Jan.indd 1
HAPPY INSIDE 22/12/2010 11:57:42