TCD - UCD Engineering Design Innovation Day April 27, 2010
Event schedule
Future energy needs
Sustainability, infrastructure and environment
Information, communications and media technology
Bioengineering for health
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Noel Crawford
Brian Donlon
Mark Dyer
Noel Crawford has worked for IBM in Ireland since
2005 Brian has been the Research Manager with the
2003 in a variety of roles including infrastructure
EPA on the STRIVE Research Programme, and is
project management and business development. He is
National Delegate for the EC 7th Framework
currently IBM’s Innovation Centre and ISV/Developer
Programme. He is responsible for the EPA’s Cleaner
Partner Relations Manager in Ireland. He is tasked with
Greener Production Programme, which challenges and
enabling Smarter Planet and Smarter City partnerships
supports organisations to produce goods and services
and relationships, and also with the delivery of services
in innovative and more environmentally friendly ways.
to IBM partners, including IBM’s Global Entrepreneur
Brian Motherway is Chief Operations Officer and Head
Program. He is responsible for the delivery if IBM’s
of Strategy in the Sustainable Energy Authority of
SmartCamp in Ireland and consults for IBM on
Ireland. He is responsible for strategic and policy issues
SmartCamp in France and Sweden. Noel also maintains
and for the SEAI’s work in modelling, analysis,
relationships in Ireland with non-traditional IBM
enterprise and innovation. He joined the SEAI three
partners such as Dublin City Council. He is a leader of
years ago as Head of the Industry Department. Brian
IBM’s global partner team for software frameworks for
holds Bachelors and Masters degrees in engineering
Smarter Cities. Crucially, Noel also looks after the IBM
and a PhD in social science.
Academic Initiative Program in Ireland. Prior to working in IBM Noel worked for Diageo PLC, the global
Professor Mark Dyer was appointed to the Michael
beverages brand organisation, as a senior technology
McNamara Chair in Construction Innovation at Trinity
manager. He holds an MA from TCD.
College Dublin in 2008, where he leads TrinityHaus, a research centre for innovation in construction, energy
Dr Brian Donlon has a BSc in biotechnology (DCU)
and design. Before moving to Ireland, Mark pursued a
and a PhD in microbiology (UCG). In his early career,
career in both academia and the construction industry.
Brian worked for two years in Wageningen, The
He was the Professor in Civil Engineering at Strathclyde
Netherlands, researching and developing methods for
University between 2004 and 2008, as well as
the biological treatment (anaerobic, aerobic) of textile
Chairman of the David Livingstone Centre for
and chemical industry wastewaters, and spent six years
Sustainability. Prior to Strathclyde, he worked for over
at NUIG as a PhD student and post-doc researcher on
20 years on the design and construction of
the treatment of industrial (distillery and
infrastructure projects, including highways, power
pharmaceutical) and agricultural wastewaters,
stations, offshore oil platforms, flood defences, tailing
primarily using anaerobic treatment methods. Brian
dams, and landfills in Europe, Africa and Asia. In 1997
joined the Environmental Protection Agency in
he received a Foresight Award from the Royal
February 1996 and worked for nine years as a senior
Academy of Engineering, which led to his
inspector in IPPC licensing and enforcement. Since
appointment at Durham University for four years and, TCD - UCD Engineering Design Innovation Day | 5
Tony Fagan
Chris Horn
more recently, in 2008, he was awarded a Japanese
collaborative environment for Ireland’s wireless
Society for Promotion of Science Research Fellowship.
industries. He is an associate professor at UCD and is the
He has been appointed as a consultant for several
Director of the Communications and Optoelectronics
organisations, including the UK Environment Agency,
Research Centre. He is a member of the Editorial board
HR Wallingford and Studio Geotecncio Italiano, and is
of the Elsevier Journal Digital Signal Processing.
a visiting professor at the University of Sienna, Italy, and the University of Karsetsat, Bangkok.
Dr Chris Horn is an electronics engineer with Bachelor and PhD degrees from Trinity College Dublin.
Professor Anthony (Tony) Fagan received in his
He was on the faculty of the Computer Science
PhD in electronic engineering from University College
Department of TCD until 1991, when he co-founded
Dublin (UCD) in 1978. He then spent two years
and became CEO of IONA Technologies. Starting with
working on advance modem design at Marconi
an initial investment of €1,250 each, with Sean Baker
Research laboratories in England. On his return to UCD
and Annrai O’Toole, Chris grew the company, without
in 1980 he established the DSP research group there.
any venture capital but taking a minority investment
Through this group he has helped to establish a strong
from Sun Microsystems in Mountain View in 1993.
signal processing industry in Ireland with many
They took the company public using Lehman in what
companies being founded by his research graduates,
was the fifth largest IPO in the history of Nasdaq in
especially in the area of physical-layer communications
1997. At one point during this period the company
design. Well over 100 research graduates have been
was one of the top ten software companies by revenue
produced by the group, with Tony personally
in the world. Chris retired as CEO and Chairman in
supervising 70 of these. Co-operation with industry has
2000, but returned as CEO from 2003 until 2005 to
been a distinguishing feature of his academic career
rebuild the company. The company was sold in
with much of his funding coming directly from these
September 2008. Chris is currently involved in the
contacts. On a number of occasions, in order to
following companies and initiatives: President of
expedite product development, he has temporarily
Engineers Ireland, the professional body for
taken direct charge of industrial signal processing
engineering in Ireland; China Crest, a Beijing-based
design groups and given them their day-to-day
consultancy business; Cloudsmith, a web-based
direction while still tending to his academic duties in
software community; Gridstore, a Dublin-based grid
UCD. Several spin-off companies have emerged from
company; The Science Gallery, an outreach initiative
his research group. He is a director of Decawave, a
for young adults, first as chair of the fundraising board
pioneering fabless semiconductor company that designs
and now the current operating board, and including
ultrawideband communications devices with a built in
the appointment of Michael John Gorman as CEO; and
ranging capability. He is also a co-founder and director
CTVR, a research initiative in advanced
of WirelessLab, a centre of excellence that provides a
telecommunications. He is also a current member of
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Brian Motherway
Eugene O’Brien
John O’Dea
Gregory O’Hare
the Innovation Taskforce, an advisory group
General Manager of Respironics Ireland. In the past 20
established by An Taoiseach, Brian Cowen.
years he has held R&D management positions in Nellcor Puritan Bennett and engineering positions in
Brian Motherway is Chief Operations Officer and
Digital Equipment Inc. and Dataproducts Inc. He is a
Head of Strategy in the Sustainable Energy Authority of
named author on six US patents. He is currently a
Ireland. He is responsible for strategic and policy issues
board member of the Irish Medical Device
and for the SEAI’s work in modelling, analysis,
Association. He has twice been a finalist in the Irish
enterprise and innovation. He joined the SEAI three
Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year competition.
years ago as Head of the Industry Department. Brian
He holds Bachelor and Masters Degrees in mechanical
holds Bachelors and Masters degrees in engineering
engineering and a PhD in electronic engineering, all
and a PhD in social science.
from University College Dublin.
Professor Eugene O’Brien worked with firms of
Professor Gregory O’Hare is an associate professor
consulting engineers for five years before moving to
in UCD’s School of Computer Science & Informatics.
the university sector in 1990. Since 1998 he has been
He has been Head of the Department of Computer
Professor and Head of Civil Engineering at University
Science at UCD (2001-2004), has published over 320
College Dublin. He is the author of two books and
refereed publications in journals and international
more than 100 papers on bridge dynamics and bridge
conferences, seven books, and has won significant
traffic loading. He has had research projects in the
grant income (c. €28.00m). He is an established
4th, 5th, 6th and 7th European Framework
researcher of international repute. His research
Programmes. He is co-founder and chairman of
interests are in the areas of distributed artificial
Roughan ODonovan Innovative Solutions, a subsidiary
intelligence and multi-agent systems (MAS), and
of the well known Engineering firm of Roughan
mobile and ubiquitous computing, autonomic
ODonovan, designers of landmark structures such as
systems and wireless sensor networks.
the Taney and Drogheda cable-stayed bridges.
He has supervised some 17 PhD and 29 MSc theses to date. In 2003 he received the prestigious Cooperative
Dr John O’Dea has 18 years’ experience in the
Information Agents (CIA) System Innovation Award for
medical device industry, and has overseen the
ACCESS: An Agent Architecture for Ubiquitous Service
successful launch of seven electronic medical device
Delivery. He is a Fellow of the British Computer
products in the past 13 years. He co-founded
Society, a Fellow of the Irish Computer Society, a
Caradyne, an Irish respiratory medical device
member of the ACM, the AAAI, and is a Chartered
company, in 1998, which was selling products in 30
Engineer. He is the Chair of the European Research
countries prior to its acquisition by Respironics Inc. in
Consortium on Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM)
2004. Prior to founding Crospon, he served as
Working Group on Sensor Web. He has also held a TCD - UCD Engineering Design Innovation Day | 7
Feargal Ó Móráin
Richard Reilly
prestigious Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Principal
and its predecessor organisations, including the
Investigator Award 2003-2007. He is one of the
Industrial Development Authority (IDA). These include
principal investigators and founders of the Science
Director of Strategy and Administration, Manager of
Foundation Ireland-funded (€16.4m) Centre for
Industrial Property Portfolio and Manager of Company
Science and Engineering Technologies (CSET)
Development Activities. Feargal is currently Chairman
entitled CLARITY: The Centre for Sensor Web
of Enterprise Ireland Committees of Research &
Technologies (2008-2013). In 2008-2009 he secured
Development (R&D), Industrial Research
a visiting research fellowship to the University of
Commercialisation Committee (IRCC), and is a
Oxford, while in 2010 he was awarded a Fulbright
member of a number of committees, including the
Visiting Scholar position to Massachusetts Institute of
Investment Committee of Enterprise Ireland and the
Technology (MIT), Computer Science & Informatics
Investment Portfolio Review Committee of the Board
Laboratory (CSAIL).
of Enterprise Ireland; member of Governing Body of University College of Ireland Galway; Board member
Feargal Ó Móráin is currently Director of
of Bank of Ireland Venture Capital Limited and Board
Innovation, Commercialisation and Investment with
member of Invent Dublin City University Limited.
Enterprise Ireland. Enterprise Ireland is an agency of the Irish Government charged with supporting and
Professor Richard Reilly holds the Chair of Neural
stimulating the development of indigenous
Engineering at Trinity College Dublin, a joint position
manufacturing and traded services in Ireland. The
between the School of Medicine and the School of
agency has a wide remit, which includes:
Engineering. He is Director of the Trinity Centre for
■ supporting the commercialisation of intellectual
BioEngineering, and is a PI in the Trinity College
property arising from research undertaken in the
Institute of Neuroscience and the Centre for
higher education sector;
Excellence for Ageing. He has served as Chairman of
■ stimulating the establishment of new high
the Biomedical Engineering Division of the Institution
potential start-up firms with financial support,
of Engineers of Ireland and as Academic Director of
including equity investment and advice;
the TRIL Centre, a multi-institutional project on ageing
■ stimulating established firms to develop and to invest in R&D and training; and, ■ supporting its client companies in exporting their products and services around the world.
and independent living. His research expertise is in the area of neural engineering and biomedical signal processing. Professor Reilly received BE, MEngSc and PhD degrees from UCD, and has held research and
Feargal holds postgraduate degrees in economics
teaching positions at the Institute of Electrical
(University College DublinUCD) and business strategy
Engineers and at the Cognitive Neuroscience
(University of Dublin, Trinity CollegeTCD), and has
laboratory in the Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric
held a range of senior positions in Enterprise Ireland
Research, New York.
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