APRIL 2016
RDS CRAFT AWARDS Celebrating the work of emerging and established makers
MINERVA Welcome to the April Minerva
Diarmuid Hanifin
Taking the long-term view is something the
The freshly cut grass of April quickly gives
Society prides itself upon. Our resources
way to summer, and in the RDS that can
Susan Cox
are concentrated on the potential and talent
only mean one thing: the Dublin Horse
Natasha Serne
Paul Farrelly
of the next generation – where we can have
Show. As ever there is much anticipation
Ann-Marie Hardiman
Catherine Jordan
the most impact. We have made rapid
for this year’s event, and you can find
Katy Conneely
Paul O’Grady
progress in recent years, with our work
details on page 5. Please note the change in
Dara O’Leary
Joanna Quinn
programme now making a tangible
date this year to July 20-24 to accommodate
Contributors Eileen Byrne
Gerard Whelan
Design and Production Sub-editing and layout
Think Media Ltd. T: 01 856 1166 www.thinkmedia.ie Impress Printing Sooner than later
Print Distribution
difference in the areas of science, arts,
the Olympics in Rio (where we wish all the
agriculture and industry. This rapid
Irish teams the very best). I hope to meet
escalation has meant that our finances have
many of you before then at the many
been unable to keep pace, and we are
Members’ events listed in the calendar on
seeking additional ways to resource these
pages 14-15.
great programmes. Nobody knows the benefits of our work as well as RDS Members do; in a recent survey, many of
you indicated that you would be open to
Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.
financially contributing to these
T: 01 668 0866 F: 01 660 4014
programmes. In response, we have put
together a format that allows Members to contribute directly – if they so wish. I will
write to you in this regard shortly. There is
RDS Membership:
much to be gained in return for Members’
Minerva, the magazine for Members of the Royal Dublin Society, is published tri-annually. Any views expressed are not those necessarily held by the RDS or its Council. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission.
generosity. In this Minerva we look at our reciprocal clubs all over the world. From London to Melbourne, these exclusive clubs are yours to enjoy, and I hope that this article will encourage more Members to make use of this facility.
Cover image: Core II by John Lee, winner of the Irish Design 2015 Award of ¤5,000, RDS Craft Awards.
Contents 3
(01) 240 7255
(01) 240 7296
Events RDS Economic Vision 2020 lecture series
(01) 240 7289
Rural Affairs
(01) 240 7215
(01) 240 7296
(01) 240 7254
(01) 668 0866
Dublin Horse Show
Agriculture &
Reciprocal clubs
12 Members' gallery A pictorial reminder of recent events
Industry & Commerce
10 Membership
RDS Champion of Champions Awards
Science & Technology
(01) 240 7215
2 | MINERVA | APRIL 2016
Feature RDS Membership survey findings
14 Calendar of Members' events
16 RDS history
RDS Craft Awards
A brief history of agriculture at the RDS
RDS Economic Vision 2020 The RDS Economic Vision 2020
2006, Ding is Mark's fourth
lecture series has gotten off to a
start-up, and his talk
strong start for 2016. The
highlighted the many eventful
Society has welcomed three
experiences, successes and
speakers to date who have
challenges over a 20-year
spoken on three distinct topics:
career, which ultimately led to
digital, dairy and design. While
the establishment of Ding and
on the surface there might not
its recent astonishing growth.
be an obvious connection
Next up was Aidan Cotter,
between the three, each
Chief Executive Officer of Bord
presentation highlighted how
Bia, who discussed the great
Irish businesses are not only
success story that is the Irish
competing but succeeding on
agri-food industry, where six
the international stage.
years of consecutive growth
AGRI-FOOD SUCCESSES Bord Bia CEO Aidan Cotter speaking at the recent RDS Economic Vision 2020 lecture series.
The first lecture of the year saw
have seen the value of exports
series saw the RDS welcome
Details of the remaining
the RDS welcome Mark Roden,
in the sector rise to a record
Karen Hennessy, Chief
lectures in the spring
founder and CEO of Ding, to
level of €10.8 billion. In
Executive of the Design &
Economic Vision 2020 series
discuss his company’s story,
particular, Aidan discussed the
Crafts Council of Ireland and
can be found in the calendar
which saw him crowned EY
importance of the ground-
Irish Design 2015. Karen gave a
of Members’ events on pages
Entrepreneur of the Year in
breaking Origin Green
fascinating presentation, as she
14-15. The series is free to
2014. Drawing on his own
programme, which is designed
discussed how Irish designers
attend but booking is
business and life experiences,
to position Ireland’s food and
are turning their skills into
essential. For bookings, please
Mark shared his views on what
drink industry as a world
global business opportunities,
contact industry@rds.ie,
he believes is required to build
leader in sustainability.
and the impact this is having
Tel: 01 240 7215, or log on to
a great company. Established in
The most recent talk in the
on the Irish economy.
2016 Library Speaker Series in full bloom Aptly beginning the Spring
of today and that of 1916
Speaker Series in the RDS
together through an account
Library was critically
of the sizeable building
acclaimed author,
project that commenced in
photographer and champion
the aftermath of the 1916
of trees Thomas Pakenham.
Thomas kept his audience
Going further back in history,
rapt in attention at his
Wolfgang Steinicke brought
insights and stories of the
the science of the mid-
array of trees that are found
nineteenth century to life with
on his residence in Tullynally.
his articulation of just why
Following him, President of
the Birr Observatory was so
THOMAS PAKENHAM Thomas spoke about the beautiful trees of Tullynally.
the RIAI Robin Mandal gave
important to the development
a fascinating talk that
of astronomy and our
See the Calendar on pages 14-
Library Speaker Series events
brought the O’Connell Street
understanding of the stars.
15 for details of forthcoming
and how to book.
MINERVA | APRIL 2016 | 3
RDS rewards scientific breeding The 2016 RDS Champion of
farming, and shows how
Champions Awards were
farmers can exploit genetics to
presented in Dublin on March
maximise profitability, with the
3 to the best Irish cattle and
indices essentially being
sheep farmers from the 2015
measurements of profit from
show season.
breeding decisions.
With an annual prize fund of
“Scientifically informed
€10,000, the Awards are a
breeding decisions will allow
highlight for all pedigree
Irish beef and dairy farmers to
breeders, in particular the
increase productivity and
awards for the highest
output potential, while at the
Economic Breeding Index (EBI)
same time reducing costs
Dairy Cow and the Highest
through greater efficiency,
Replacement Index Beef Cow.
allowing for smarter, more
RECOGNISING GENETIC EXCELLENCE Replacement Index Beef Cow Award winner Actualite and her daughter Lisnagranchy Gertie.
progress in beef cattle
Noel Beecher from
These are the only awards of
effective farming. Making
breeding, it is necessary to
Castlemartyr in Cork, and
their kind in Ireland to
Ireland a leader in climate
assign economic values to the
Gerald Harney from Ardrahan
recognise the genetic excellence
smart agriculture is a central
breeding traits that affect
in Galway. Both produced
of the animals concerned.
objective of the current RDS
profitability, so that breeding
exceptional cattle that
In recognising the genetic
agricultural work programme,
indices can accurately reflect
showcase what genetic and
quality of these animals, the
and our top livestock awards
economic gains made at farm
data-driven selection can do
RDS Champion of Champions
reflect that,” says Tom Kirley,
level by improving these
for Irish farming.
Awards demonstrates the
Chair of the RDS Agriculture
See www.rds.ie/csa for
scientific future for Irish
Committee. “To enable
This year’s main winners were
more details.
terms of three years. Two
Current Members of the
Time to get involved? The RDS has announced a call
terms of three years. Two
for expressions of interest for
vacancies will arise on the
vacancies will arise on the
RDS wishing to be
nomination to the Society's
Board at the end of September
Committee at the end of
considered as possible
Foundation Board and
2016 and two at the end of
December 2016 and two at the
candidates to serve on the
Membership Committee.
September 2017.
end of December 2017.
Foundation Board or the Membership Committee are
Foundation Board – four vacancies
Membership Committee – four vacancies
asked to complete an
All expressions of interest are
expression of interest form,
The role of the Foundation
The role of the Membership
considered by the Nominations
available from the Registrar
Board of Council is to increase
Committee is to ensure the
Committee of the RDS Council,
(01-240 7221; or email
the impact of the philanthropic
support and involvement of
which will subsequently make
eileen.byrne@rds.ie) and
work programme of the RDS.
Members of the Society.
recommendations for
return it no later than Friday,
Meeting up to 10 times a year
Meeting up to six times a year
consideration and approval by
May 27, 2016, at 12 noon.
under the Chairmanship of
under the Chairmanship of
the RDS Council at its June
Informal enquiries may be
Michael Gleeson, the
Mary Sharp, the maximum
2016 meeting. All expressions
made to the Registrar or the
maximum term of service on
term of service on the 12-
of interest are treated in the
Foundation Director,
the 12-member Board is two
member Committee is two
strictest confidence.
Tel: 01 240 7299.
4 | MINERVA | APRIL 2016
Are you ready for the Horse Show? The 2016 Dublin Horse Show will soon be upon us, falling on the earlier dates of July 20-24 because of this year's Olympics in Rio.
JOIN US AT THE HORSE SHOW RDS Members can avail of complimentary access to the Dublin Horse Show, and there are a range of hospitality options once you arrive.
Here’s a handy guide for
basis (please note that
(advance booking for the
Main Arena directly
Members to help you prepare
Members’ complimentary
Dining Room is essential:
overlooks the course and
for this year's Show:
tickets for Friday are
call 01 668 9244 to book a
is open from 11.00am each
n Members have
complimentary access to
already fully allocated).
n The Members’ Club will
table). Both the Thursday
day until 30 minutes after
and Friday lunch sittings
the end of the final event.
the Show, but you must
be open from 9.00am to
are fully booked at time of
Membership cards are
have your Membership
7.00pm each day, and until
going to press.
required for entry, and a
card with you at all times.
6.00pm on Sunday.
Photo identification may
n A buffet will be served
also be required.
each day in the Thomas
may be booked via the
to 3.00pm.
n Tickets for the Main Arena Membership Desk
Prior Room from 12.00pm n A table d’hote menu will
n Afternoon tea will be
maximum of three guests
served each afternoon in
(one on Friday) may be
the Thomas Prior Room
signed in per Member.
from 3.30pm to 5.30pm.
n Evening dining will take
Remember, the Show is a great opportunity for
place on Friday night, with
Members to use their food
(members@rds.ie; or 01 240
be served in the Dining
orders taken between
and beverage credit,
7296). Tickets are allocated
Room from Wednesday to
6.30pm and 8.15pm.
which is valid until
on a first-come, first-served
Friday, 12.30pm to 2.30pm
n The Members’ Bar at the
October 31.
MINERVA | APRIL 2016 | 5
Valuing Membership The RDS carried out a survey to find out exactly what Members think of the Society, and how they use their Membership. RDS Members are at the heart of the Society. We continue to be a
gratified to see that the majority feel as we do, with 94% valuing
Member-led body, and the time and resources that Members give
their RDS Membership”.
to the RDS help to maintain it as the unique organisation it has
Members support RDS work programme
become. Each new Member joining changes the dynamic of the RDS, bringing new energy and verve, but also potentially
It was heartening to see that 92% of those surveyed believe in the
changing the understanding and the interests of the Membership
importance of the RDS work programme. The Committees of
body. So understanding the changing dynamic of RDS Members is
Agriculture & Rural Affairs, Arts, Industry & Commerce, and
more important to our organisation than to many other
Science & Technology have been actively transforming their
membership associations.
programmes to make them as relevant as possible. They are already
the acknowledgement of the importance of this work by so many is
In late 2014/2015, a quantitative survey was carried out to find
very welcome.
having a significantly greater impact in their respective areas, and
out exactly what the typical RDS Member thought, what they
Interestingly, the poll simultaneously revealed that 60% were
used their Membership for, and how they valued their
interested in learning more about the RDS work programme. This
Membership. The very respected polling company Red C was
could be interpreted in a number of ways. The most obvious is that
commissioned to carry this out and they conducted interviews
while they were generally aware of the importance of the RDS
over the telephone with 400 current Members, a very healthy
work programme, the speed of development in this area has left
sample size from a Membership body of just under 4,000.
those Members who aren’t directly involved with little time to fully
RDS Membership Committee Chair Mary Sharp takes up the
appreciate the impact and significance of the changes that have
story: “We wanted to find out what Members thought of the
happened in recent years.
RDS. Although everyone serving on the various committees,
Mary Sharp elaborates: “Information overload is not something
including the Membership Committee, are obviously all RDS
unique to the RDS or any individual; it has become increasingly
Members, we were aware that we needed to get a more
universal. As someone serving on a Committee I am quite up to
complete picture of how Members felt. We didn’t want to just
speed on the various changes and developments across the suite of
congratulate ourselves on having done a great job without
our programme in arts, science and agriculture especially. But even
knowing if the Society was doing everything that other
I would like to know more about the detail, about the impact and
Members expected. From the Members surveyed, we were
about the future plans – even about the history of RDS involvement
RDS WORK PROGRAMME Strongly believe in it 74%
5%1% Value a lot
Net: value 94%
Value a little Do not value much Do not value at all
Slightly believe in it 18%
72% Don't believe in it much 6% Don't believe in it at all 2% NET: Believe 92%
VALUE OF MEMBERSHIP Some 94% of RDS Members surveyed value their membership.
6 | MINERVA | APRIL 2016
RDS WORK PROGRAMME Some 92% of Members surveyed believe in the importance of RDS work programme activities.
in these areas. The poll helped to really put these ideas on the table.
“Members are the best recruitment ambassadors we have. To
Yet, at the same time, the poll also indicated that many were quite
have a healthy and vibrant Society, it is important that we have
satisfied with RDS communications to them”.
a regular influx of new Members, and like-minded people are
Michael Duffy, RDS CEO, explains how this was resolved: “Last
the best prospects,” said Catherine. "So current Members
year we decided to not only change the form and style of
speaking to friends or acquaintances about the RDS, the aims
communications to Members, but to reflect the Red C finding that
of the Society and the benefits you get from joining, is probably
Members wanted to know more about the RDS work programme,
the best recruitment tool we have. It’s great to see that 65% of
which after all is the core purpose of the Society. So a new emphasis
Members surveyed have encouraged others to join at some
on providing information about the impact of this work was
point.” Under the remit of the Membership Committee, a pilot
worked into our communications, leading to changes to Minerva in
programme of Member Ambassadors will be rolled out in the
both style and content, as well as the electronic communications
next few months, which encourages RDS Members to
that Members receive each month. We’ll be tweaking and adapting
proactively recruit their friends and colleagues as Members of
as we go, but ultimately we’re trying to be responsive to RDS
the Society.
Members and the data that this poll showed”.
Most Members are already very well equipped to speak about the many benefits of Membership, not least the Members’ Club
The best recruitment ambassadors
and the RDS Library (see pages 10-11 for more on reciprocal
As someone who has Membership recruitment under her remit,
clubs). But with greater emphasis in our communications to
new Membership Development Manager Catherine Jordan was
Members on the impact, reach and increasing significance of the
also intrigued to see the data the poll gave about Members
RDS work programme, it is hoped that Members will now also
have plenty of answers when asked: what does the RDS do?
Very interested 21%
Very aware 38% Quite interested 39%
Not very interested 26%
Yes 1
Not interested at all 14%
ENCOURAGING OTHERS 65% of Members surveyed have encouraged a Member to join at some point.
Read all of it 45%
Too often 4%
Read most of it 36%
Just right 85%
MINERVA READERSHIP The survey asked about readership levels of Minerva.
RECRUITMENT Members surveyed were aware of the importance of encouraging new Members to join.
VOLUME OF COMMUNICATIONS Much too much 1% A little too much 2%
Just the right amount 91%
Read a little bit of it 17% Don’t read it at all 2% Net: Read at all 98%
Not very aware 19% Not aware at all 10%
NET: Interested 60%
LEARNING MORE Interest in learning more about the RDS work programme was high among those surveyed.
Quite aware 33%
Not often enough 11%
MINERVA FREQUENCY A total of 85% of Members surveyed felt that the frequency of Minerva was just right.
A little too little 5% Much too little 1%
VOLUME OF COMMUNICATIONS Overall, Members surveyed were happy with the volume of communications from the Society.
MINERVA | APRIL 2016 | 7
2015 RDS CRAFT AWARDS Porcelain Tea Set by Chloë Dowds.
Emerging excellence The focus of the RDS Craft Awards has shifted to better reflect the Society’s core purpose by encouraging and showcasing emerging makers alongside more established craftspeople. Review As part of a major review of its work programme activities, the
The Awards’ prize fund also increased in 2015, thanks to the
RDS carried out evaluations of many of its projects to ensure
Design & Crafts Council of Ireland, which now sponsors the 24
that they continue to uphold the Society’s values. This re-
category prizes of €500 each. According to Karen Hennessy, CEO
evaluation extended to the RDS Craft Awards, and led to
of the Council, the Awards have an important place in Irish craft:
significant structural change, the purpose of which was to
“The RDS Craft Awards are a critically important way of
encourage more emerging makers to enter. As a result, the 2015
recognising the breadth of talent and creativity in Ireland. It gives
Awards featured not one but two major awards, the Established
[craftspeople] the time and space to develop their practice.
Maker Award of Excellence, and the Emerging Maker Award of
Change can be difficult, but what the RDS is doing will be very
Excellence, each carrying a prize of €5,000.
important to the industry in the longer term. It's really important
According to Joseph Lynch, Chair of the RDS Arts Committee,
that we continue to invest in standards and the new structure
the newly reconfigured Awards offer more opportunities to
will allow that”.
emerging craftspeople: “In the past it was not always easy for emerging craftspeople because they were competing with more
professional and experienced makers, so last year we put the
The new structure was an immediate success, with 303 entries to
emphasis on emerging makers, and we were delighted with the
the Awards, 171 of which were from emerging makers.
The winner of the Emerging Maker of Excellence Award 2015 was goldsmith Paula O'Callaghan.
To qualify as an emerging maker, entrants must:
Originally from Limerick but now living in Cork, Paula left a
be a student at third level;
career in retail to pursue a more creative path. She moved to
have set up a craft business in the last five years; or,
Kilkenny to attend the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland's
be new to a craft discipline within the last five years, either
jewellery and goldsmithing skills and design course, graduating in
studying via an apprenticeship, or as a lifelong learner on an
2015. Since then she has worked with Designworks Studio in Cork.
informal course.
For Paula, entering the RDS Craft Awards was a natural step:
8 | MINERVA | APRIL 2016
EMERGING STAR Industry Salt & Pepper Shakers by Paula O’Callaghan.
RECOGNISING EXCELLENCE From left: Committee of Arts Chair Joseph Lynch; Craft Working Group Chair Lorraine Egan; 2015 Award winners John Lee, Paula O'Callaghan and Joe Hogan; and, Design and Crafts Council of Ireland CEO Karen Hennessy.
“Before graduating I was taking stock of where I wanted to go
“Not only did I get the chance to sell my work directly to the
within the industry. I had a large body of work built up and felt
customer, I also had my work seen by many more people than I
that I would like to enter the RDS Craft Awards to have my
would have otherwise. Another advantage was to gain
jewellery evaluated by professionals, and within a national context.
experience in working at a big fair like that without the financial
When I realised that there was a new structure to the Awards
risk. There’s no question that this prize has been a huge boost to
whereby emerging practitioners were judged with other
my career. I’m very proud to have won an RDS Craft Award and
practitioners at a similar level I was delighted. It definitely made
people see the value in it as the standard of work for the Awards
the Awards seem more achievable for somebody at my level”.
is so very high”.
Winning the Award has been a major boost to her confidence, and
Another award, the IACI Muriel Gahan Award, offered a prize of
her career: “Winning was very affirming on both a professional and
€2,000 to a craftsperson to assist them in the development of their
personal level. The Award was incredibly beneficial as it allowed
business by funding equipment, materials, etc. This was won by
me to build up the necessary tools, equipment and resources that I
furniture designer Ryan Connolly. The winner of the Established
needed to produce my jewellery and develop new work. I now
Maker Award of Excellence was basketmaker Joe Hogan.
intend to develop new collections and gain more experience in the industry. I'm very grateful to the RDS Craft Awards; it’s such an
Continuing the good work
encouraging development for new emerging craftspeople to have
For the first time in 2016, the Craft Awards exhibition will occupy
these supportive awards more accessible to them”.
the entire RDS Concert Hall during the Horse Show, providing
The 2015 Awards also featured a new prize, the National Crafts
space for a greater number of exhibitors, and also for a new
& Design Fair Award, which gave the winner a stand, worth
feature – a demonstration area where visitors will be able to see
€2,000, at the National Crafts & Design Fair. the Fair takes place
makers at work. This year the featured crafts will be basketry and
in the RDS each December and is a major showcase for craft and
lacemaking, and they are sure to attract a crowd. After the Horse
design professionals. The winner of this Award was ceramic
Show, the entire exhibition will move to the National Museum of
artist Chloë Dowds.
Ireland – Country Life, in Turlough Park, Co. Mayo, and the
Chloë studied art, design and ceramics for nine years, including
winners will go on to exhibit at the National Crafts & Design Fair
the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland’s pottery course in
in the RDS in December.
Thomastown. For Chloë, the prestigious reputation of the RDS
For Joseph Lynch, this is the realisation of the goal of the RDS,
Craft Awards was an enormous attraction: “I was aware of the
and a reflection of the hard work of the three Committee of Arts
very high standard of work accepted by the competition. I knew it
Working Groups, in particular the Crafts Working Group: “We’re
would mean a lot to me to be considered in the same category as
delighted to increase the opportunities coming the way of
other exceptionally skilled craftspeople”.
emerging makers through the work of the Committee of Arts, and
Having the stand at the Craft Fair was a huge boost for Chloë as
of the Foundation Board of the RDS. We're very pleased with the
the owner of a small business.
Awards, and look forward to seeing what will happen this year”.
MINERVA | APRIL 2016 | 9
Use your Membership worldwide The RDS has reciprocal arrangements with clubs in more than 40 countries. Here is a flavour of what Members can expect.
The RDS maintains over 50 reciprocal club arrangements around
Membership card and RDS Members’ guests are permitted if
the world. When travelling, why not avail of this special
they are with a full RDS Member.
Membership benefit? It’s a treat to stay in one of our reciprocal
The RDS also has membership of the International Associate
clubs. All of these clubs will offer you facilities similar to our
Clubs (IAC), which means that you can also access over 250
own, and accommodation in many cases. In almost all cases, RDS
private members’ clubs in over 40 countries, including some golf
Members must present a letter of introduction with their valid
clubs and leisure facilities.
Ulster Reform Club
The Lansdowne Club
The Ulster Reform Club is situated on Royal Avenue in the
Set in the heart of Mayfair, just off Berkeley Square in the West
heart of Belfast City Centre. The old sandstone building is set
End, the Lansdowne Club is a private members' club steeped in
in the middle of Belfast’s main shopping district with the rear-
history, where 18th century grandeur meets stylish Art Deco
facing rooms looking out over the Antrim Hills. It opens from
interior design with 21st century vitality. Officially becoming a
8.30am-5.00pm Monday to Friday. It offers a business room, a
Club in 1935, unlike its contemporaries The Lansdowne Club
snooker room, a fitness centre and a Members’ Bar. There is no
has admitted men and women as equal Members since its doors
accommodation but members receive preferential rates with
opened. With premium sports facilities, a range of bars and
the Malmaison and Jury’s Inn in Belfast. RDS Members must
dining, business amenities and accommodation, The Lansdowne
present a letter of introduction with their valid Membership
Club is able to meet all of its Members’ requirements.
card and RDS Members’ guests are permitted if they are with a
The Club has a dress code and etiquette rules that must be
full RDS Member.
observed. RDS Members must present a letter of introduction.
See: www.ulsterreformclub.com
See: www.lansdowneclub.com
10 | MINERVA | APRIL 2016
The Anglo-German Club
The Athenaeum Club
Established in 1948 and located in a lovely villa, which was built
Established in 1868, The Athenaeum Club is firmly established
in 1860, in glorious green surroundings in central Hamburg on
as one of Australia’s finest clubs. In a superb central city
the Alster lake, the Anglo German Club has a lobby and club
location, it provides unobtrusive and personal service with
rooms like an English country house. Compared to the plush
outstanding facilities. Dining facilities are available every
foyers of the luxury hotels where members go about their
weekday, commencing with a light breakfast from 7.00am with
business in the world's great cities, the accent here is on other
full breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as light snacks
values. The Club has a particularly high standard of dining. It is
throughout the day and right up to 1.00am. Accommodation is
open from 12 noon until 11.00pm from Monday to Friday, and
in 16 rooms ranging from single to club suites. Other facilities
offers lunch and dinner. It does not offer accommodation. RDS
include a lounge, billiards room, business centre, a wine-tasting
Members must present a letter of introduction with their valid
centre, heated swimming pool and steam room. RDS Members
Membership card and RDS Members’ guests are permitted if
must present a letter of introduction with their valid
they are with a full RDS Member.
Membership card and RDS Members’ guests are permitted if
See: www.anglo-german-club.de
they are with a full RDS Member. See: www.athenaeumclub.com.au
New York Testimonials “As an RDS Member it was a wonderful experience to stay at the Lansdowne Club in London. I received a warm welcome and they were eager to introduce me to their facilities, which I found to be of a high standard. I no longer need to stay in a hotel when visiting London.” Ruth Kennelly Maguire “One of the huge benefits of RDS Membership for me is the reciprocal clubs arrangement. I use the ones in the USA regularly, as I travel there The Penn Club
quite extensively. I have used the Penn Club and the Princeton Club in
The handsome Penn Club is located in the heart of mid-town
New York and they have proven to be extremely elegant and a much
Manhattan and is walking distance from Times Square, Fifth
more suitable option than any hotel, not to mention much better value
Avenue and the Rockefeller Centre. It is ‘home’ to thousands of
for money. I have already booked the Harvard Club in Boston for my
Penn alumni. Open daily from 7.00am to 11.00pm, the Club has
trip in April. I became a Member of the RDS last year and within two
extensive dining facilities, including casual dining in the stylish
trips to the US, what I'd saved by staying in a reciprocal club had paid
Grill Room. The Penn Club has 39 rooms with ensuite facilities,
my RDS subscription.”
and comes with a fitness centre, a business centre and a library
John McKeon
with newspapers among other extras. RDS Members must present a letter of introduction with their valid Membership card and RDS Members’ guests are permitted if they are with a full RDS Member. See: www.pennclub.org
To find out more about our reciprocal clubs, ask in the Members’ Club or look on our website at www.rds.ie/reciprocalclubs.
MINERVA | APRIL 2016 | 11
Societal gatherings Networking and education were to the fore in recent RDS events, as the Society celebrated the best in Irish business, and in STEM teaching and learning, at a number of events.
DISCUSSING THE VISION RDS Member Barre Fitzpatrick takes the microphone at the RDS Economic Vision 2020 talk by Bord Bia CEO Aidan Cotter.
THE VALUE OF CRAFT CEO of the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland and RDS Member Karen Hennessy was the most recent speaker at the RDS Economic Vision 2020 series.
FOUNDATION David Markey speaks to RDS Committee of Arts member Alison Hackett at the RDS Foundation Dinner.
PRESENTATION Hilary Hough presenting Mark Roden of Ding with an RDS Minerva Medal after his RDS Economic Vision 2020 presentation.
12 | MINERVA | APRIL 2016
LIBRARY EXHIBITION At the recent launch of the Daniel Weinstock Exhibition in the RDS Library were (from left): Laura Mora, Mexican Embassy; Rafael Galetto, Embassy of Argentina (back turned); Enrique Palos, Mexican Embassy; and, Cuban Ambassador Dr Hermes Herrera.
SCIENCE FAIR Minister for Education and Skills Jan O’Sullivan opening the inaugural RDS Primary Science Fair in Limerick in January.
MAKING CONNECTIONS From left: Ian Young, Irish International; Michael Gaynor, Toyota Ireland; and, Daniela Anna Schwander, Coolmore Manor Hotel, join in at the RDS Business Networking Breakfast on finding your brand and articulating it.
NETWORKING RDS Member and guest speaker Kay McCarthy of MCCP with RDS CEO Michael Duffy at the first Members’ Breakfast Briefing of 2016.
MINERVA | APRIL 2016 | 13
Business Members’ Networking Breakfast Event –
RDS Library Speaker Series – RDS Minerva Suite – 6.30pm
Samuel Madden Room – 7.30am
Two Cities, One Book: Dublin, Belfast –
Sandra Hennessy, BeDynamic: 10 SEO tips
Turning a Novel Inside-Out and Upside
you need to know for your business
Down Lia Mills will describe the process of writing her novel Fallen – the Two Cities, One Book choice for 2016. She’ll talk about research and keeping your mind open to what it shows
you; about the stages of writing that lead from initial question to
Afternoon tea – Thomas Prior Room – 4.00pm-5.30pm.
finished book; and about how she – and the novel – changed
Advance booking essential.
along the way. 13
Ian Fox Talks – Celebrating Shakespeare in Music –
RDS Members’ Club – 12.00pm-1.15pm 19
Ian Fox Talks – Celebrating Shakespeare in Music – RDS Members’ Club – 12.00pm-1.15pm
RDS Economic Vison 2020 – RDS Merrion Room – 6.00pm
Colin Gordon, Chief Executive of Glanbia Consumer Products, will discuss the impact
RDS Library Speaker Series – RDS Library – 6.30pm
that changing consumer tastes are having
Law and Insurgency: the Irish experience
on the Irish agri-food sector.
of 1916 On the 100th anniversary of the execution of Patrick Pearse, Thomas
MacDonagh and Thomas Clarke, Robert
RDS Library Speaker Series – RDS Minerva Suite – 6.30pm
D. Marshall will examine the legal
Lords, Linen and Lace – The involvement of
framework available to the British Army in the aftermath of the
some O'Brien family members with the RDS
Rising and how it was applied.
Members of the O'Brien family have been involved with the RDS for over 250 years. In her talk, Veronica Rowe will cover some of the personalities and their undertakings with the Society, including Sir Lucius O'Brien in the eighteenth century, William Smith O'Brien in the nineteenth century, and Florence Vere O'Brien in the twentieth century. 20
Ian Fox Talks – Celebrating Shakespeare in Music RDS Members’ Club – 12.00pm-1.15pm
RDS Rising Stars concert – RDS Concert Hall – 7.30pm
Stated General Meeting – Minerva Suite – 6.00pm
'Ladies Who Lunch' with Grace O'Shaughnessy Members' Dining Room – 12.30pm-2.30pm. Cost applies.
Business Members’ Networking Breakfast Event Samuel Madden Room – 7.30am Rowan Manahan:
Celebrating Trees – A Visit to Kilmacurragh, Co. Wicklow,
The art and heart of speaking and with Head Gardener, Seamus O’Brien. Cost applies. presenting
Advance booking is essential for all Members' classes and events. Please contact Susan Cox, Tel: 01 240 7244, email: members@rds.ie, or log on to www.rds.ie/.
RDS Members’ Club opening hours Monday to Friday: 9.00am-6.00pm
Food and Beverage Credit Remember to use your Members’ Club Food and Beverage Credit by October 31, 2016
14 | MINERVA | APRIL 2016
MAY 12
Afternoon tea – Thomas Prior Room – 4.00pm-5.30pm.
Advance booking essential. 22
Members' racing day at the Curragh.
Attend the Tattersalls 1000 Guineas. Cost applies. 24
RDS Economic Vison 2020 – RDS Merrion Room – 6.00pm
Tour of Ballsbridge with John Holohan, with lunch in the Members’ Club. Cost applies. Afternoon tea – Thomas Prior Room – 4.00pm-5.30pm. Advance booking essential.
13 – 15 2016 RDS Craft Awards Exhibition
Alex Duncan, founder and CEO of
Also open during the Dublin Horse Show
Openmind Networks, will share his company’s story, which has seen it
14 – 2/9 RDS Library Dublin Horse Show Exhibition Aga Khan: 90 years of the Nations Cup at the Dublin Horse Show
become a world leader in the ICT sector. 15
Members' visit to Kildare Village retail outlet. Cost applies.
20 – 24 Dublin Horse Show
Afternoon tea – Thomas Prior Room – 4.00pm-5.30pm. Advance booking essential.
Lismore Opera Festival – An opportunity to attend Cosi
Fan Tutte, staying at Castlemartyr Resort, and visiting
Afternoon tea – Thomas Prior Room – 4.00pm-5.30pm. Advance booking essential.
Cappoquin House and Richmond House. Cost applies. 9 8
Business Members’ Networking Breakfast Event
RDS Craft Award Exhibition opens in National Museum of Ireland – Country Life, Turlough Park, Co. Mayo
Samuel Madden Room – 7.30am Dominic Rumbles, Head of
RDS Members' visit to National Museum of Ireland –
Communications, World Rugby:
Country Life, Turlough Park, Co. Mayo
Successfully engaging your
An opportunity to attend the launch of the RDS Craft Awards
clients/followers through social media
Exhibition in the company of RDS President Matthew Dempsey
Bloomsday breakfast with John Holohan – 1
Members’ Dining Room.
Afternoon tea – Thomas Prior Room – 4.00pm-5.30pm. Advance booking essential
Be sure to come dressed for the occasion – a la 1904! Cost applies. 9 24 – 26 Members’ trip to the 5th Robert Boyle Summer School,
RDS Library and Archives History of Agriculture Seminar RDS Library – 10.00am-5.00pm
Lismore, staying at Lismore House Hotel. Cost applies.
Member’s Evening Dining May June
6 3
Fine dining from 6.30pm on each
of these dates.
22 * *Dublin Horse Show
RDS Library Speaker Series4 Please join us for these fascinating presentations. Admission to lectures is free and open to the public, but booking is essential. Call 01-240 7254, email: librarydesk@rds.ie, or log on to www.rds.ie/speakerseries.
MINERVA | APRIL 2016 | 15
History and husbandry In response to requests from Members to know more about the Society's history, RDS Collections Librarian NATASHA SERNE gives a brief account of RDS involvement in agriculture. The minutes of the first meeting of the RDS in 1731 record the Society's founding aims as “improving husbandry [agriculture], manufactures and other useful arts…” in Ireland, and from its inception the RDS dedicated itself to the practical application of new technology in all these areas, particularly in agriculture.
Revolution The RDS was keen to apply the principles of the 18th century European agricultural revolution to Ireland, and founded a library to collect books on agricultural science, as well as asking Members to research a particular aspect of agriculture and present their findings at monthly meetings. The RDS introduced new ideas on agriculture to the public through their publications and lectures,
and in 1733 secured the use of the vaults of the Irish Parliament
and Winter Show all became popular fixtures. The last RDS Spring
building for a public display of agricultural tools and equipment.
Show was held at Ballsbridge in 1992. The foundation of the
This display, believed to be one of the oldest of its kind in the
Department of Agriculture in the 20th century meant that the RDS
world, formed the origin of the RDS Museum, which later became
again found itself less directly involved in the management of Irish
the National Museum of Ireland. In 1739, Samuel Madden’s 'Letter
agriculture. During this period the Society concentrated on the
to the Dublin Society' proposed the introduction of a premium
development of its shows and showgrounds. In the late 1950s the
scheme offering money to projects. The first premiums were
RDS purchased land at Simmonscourt, which allowed it to expand
advertised in 1740, and funded many diverse agricultural projects
the agricultural machinery exhibits for the Spring Show.
until the Society ceased to administer them in the early 1800s. In 1768 Parliament granted £7,000 to the Society to distribute to
Still innovative
individuals for agricultural and manufacturing improvements.
Today our innovative and supportive work in agriculture
Climate Smart Agriculture, which will report its findings this
By the beginning of the 19th century the RDS had redirected its
continues, with the latest initiative – the Leadership Forum on
efforts to the establishment and support of local farming societies. The RDS was involved in the foundation of the Royal Agricultural
The RDS Archives hold a wealth of material relating to the
Society of Ireland in the 1840s and in 1880 the two societies merged.
Society’s involvement with Irish agriculture and one of its
The first Spring Show was held in 1831 in the grounds of Leinster
objectives is to promote its collections at national and
House. The Show, which consisted of exhibits of livestock and
international level, through events, publications and scholarly
agricultural equipment, proved a great success and was thereafter
research. This year the RDS Library and Archives Research
held annually. Eventually it outgrew its surroundings, and in the
Bursary of €8,000 has been awarded to Dr Mícheál Ó Fathartaigh,
late 1870s the RDS purchased land from the Earl of Pembroke at
who will explore the role of the RDS in the support and
Ballsbridge to hold the Spring Show and the Dublin Horse Show.
development of farming in Ireland. In September 2016 the
The Kingstown Railway ran a special siding into Ballsbridge, which
Library will host a conference on the history of agriculture in
allowed livestock to be delivered directly to the showgrounds.
Ireland, which will include presentations from Irish and
With the extra space at Ballsbridge the Society was able to expand
international agricultural historians.
its agricultural show programme, and the Bull Show, Dairy Show
16 | MINERVA | APRIL 2016