Minerva April 2015

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Minerva Magazine for Members of the RDS SCIENTIFIC EXCELLENCE 2014 Boyle Medal Laureate Professor Seamus Martin

AWARDS RDS Champion of Champions Irish Forestry Awards

EVENTS Forum on Climate Smart Agriculture RDS Rising Stars Concert

FEATURE Robin Lewis-Crosby Legacy Irish Sport Horse Strategy

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Welcome to the spring edition of Minerva MATTHEW DEMPSEY RDS PRESIDENT APRIL 2015


EDITOR Diarmuid Hanifin

CONTRIBUTORS Eileen Byrne Susan Cox Mary Donnelly Emma Ellis Paul Farrelly Ann-Marie Hardiman Eve Lalor Paul O’Grady Dara O’Leary Claire Mulhall Joanna Quinn Karen Sheeran Gerard Whelan

DESIGN AND PRODUCTION Sub-editing and layout Think Media Ltd. Tel: 01 856 1166 www.thinkmedia.ie

Our broad remit means that we strive for

scientists, Prof. Seamus Martin, as he delivered a

excellence and impact across an exceptionally

lecture after receiving Ireland’s most prestigious

wide range of areas. 2015 is proving to be an

scientific award, the RDS Irish Times Boyle Medal.

exciting and fulfilling year for the Society, with

All of these undertakings are carried out in your

real progress already being achieved.

name, with the aim of improving Ireland


Impress Printing

In conjunction with the prestigious International

culturally and economically, the long-standing


Print Bureau

Institute for European Affairs, we recently

RDS mission. Helping us on this mission, we are

launched an initiative to find a practical solution

greatly appreciative of Members’ contributions –

to the interlinked problems of climate change

through time and effort given, as well as

and food security. The RDS can play a potentially

subscriptions. Starting this year and over the next

pivotal role in this debate, having a distinguished

five years, Membership subscriptions will be

history of involvement in both science and

standardised for city, country and overseas

agriculture. The newly launched ten-year

Members, regardless of when one joined,

strategic plan for the Irish sport horse is another

recognising that everyone is a Member for the

initiative in which we are integrally involved. The

ideals the RDS embodies and strives to realise.

RDS is a key contributor to this important

With Easter over, the Horse Show is appearing on

strategy, progressing important changes that will

the horizon. I trust and hope that I will see many

improve an aspect of rural Ireland that is

of you over the summer months. Thank you for

important socially and economically. Recently we

both your friendship and encouragement and, in

heard from one of Ireland’s most distinguished

many cases, active participation.

ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY Ballsbridge Dublin 4 T: 01 668 0866 F: 01 660 4014 www.rds.ie www.facebook.com/RDSdublin www.facebook.com/dublinhorseshow www.twitter.com/theRDS Minerva: General: RDS Foundation: RDS Membership:

minerva@rds.ie info@rds.ie foundation@rds.ie members@rds.ie

Contents 3

April 2015

Science 2015 RDS Primary Science Fair


Forging a new path for sustainable agriculture Champion of Champions Awards

www.rds.ie Minerva, the magazine for Members of the Royal Dublin Society is published tri-annually.



Events Increased funding for RDS arts awards

Any views expressed are not those necessarily held by the RDS or its Council. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission.


April 2015

Upcoming Members’ events

12 Features A lasting arts legacy Reaching New Heights

14 Members’ Club Horse Show hospitality Reciprocal clubs

Membership Dublin Horse Show 1931 Celebrating classical music at the RDS

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10 Calendar of Events

16 Review RDS developments

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Science Minerva


RDS Primary Science Fair 2015 Taking place alongside the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition, the RDS Primary Science Fair continues to go from strength to strength. This year, a number of distinguished visitors joined amost 3,000 young participants.

THE FUTURE OF SCIENCE US Ambassador to Ireland Kevin O'Malley, with RDS Past President Liam Connellan, meeting participants in the RDS Primary Science Fair.

PRIMARY ACHIEVEMENT Former President of Ireland Mary Robinson receiving an explanation of a project from students at the RDS Primary Science Fair 2015.

Boyle Medal Laureate Seamus J. Martin, Smurfit Professor of Medical Genetics, TCD, has been awarded the 2014 RDS Irish Times Boyle Medal for Scientific Excellence for his pioneering work in molecular biology and immunology. Inaugurated in 1899, the Boyle Medal is Ireland's premier science award. In 1999 the Boyle Medal became a joint venture between the RDS and The Irish Times. It is now awarded biennially and carries a cash prize of €20,000.

BOYLE MEDAL CONFERRAL From left: Kevin O’Sullivan, Editor, The Irish Times; Seamus Martin, Smurfit Professor of Medical Genetics, TCD, and Boyle Medal Laureate 2014; RDS President Matthew Dempsey; and, Dick Ahlstrom, Science Editor, The Irish Times.

Professor Martin has made outstanding contributions to

biology and which has

The Medal is named after the

elements and compounds,

the understanding of

significant implications for the

acclaimed ‘father of

and also propounded the

programmed cell death, a

treatment of major diseases

chemistry’, Robert Boyle

experimental method upon

process that underpins

such as cancer, Parkinson’s

(1627-1691), who in 1661

which all modern science is

numerous aspects of human

and autoimmunity.

introduced the concept of


April 2015

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Minerva Agriculture

Forging a new path for sustainable Irish agriculture The RDS and the IIEA recently launched an initiative to make Ireland an international leader in climate smart agriculture. Climate change and food

Director General Tom Arnold

security are the most

said that: “Climate change,

important issues of this

food security and malnutrition

century. Ireland has a

are among the greatest

responsibility in both areas: to

challenges faced by humanity,

be smart and effective in the

and implementing climate

way we produce higher quality

smart agriculture on farms can

food; and, to be responsible

help address all three”.

and diligent in tackling our

The RDS and the IIEA will host

greenhouse gas emissions

a series of high-level


consultations, seminars and

Straddling both the scientific

surveys over the next six

and the agriculture traditions,

months, before drawing up a report to be presented to

the RDS is perfectly positioned to try and forge an ambitious path to a place where Ireland is able to do both. Ireland is one

A VITAL ISSUE RDS President Matthew Dempsey launched the Leadership Forum on Climate Smart Agriculture with Tom Arnold, IIEA, and Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD (seated).

Government and other stakeholders in early 2016. The first public lecture in the series will take place in the

of the most recent signatories of the Global Alliance for

Society has a unique

future-proofing the long-term

RDS Library on Tuesday, April

Climate Smart Agriculture,

opportunity, through our

success and sustainability of

14, at 6.30pm when Mr

which was launched in

partnership with the Institute

Irish agriculture using the best

Forbes Elworthy of Craigmore

September 2014, with 18

of International and European

scientific evidence available.

Sustainable will speak on ‘The

other governments and

Affairs (IIEA), to provide the

Over the next year we will

opportunity of Climate Smart

multiple NGOs and

practical and policy leadership

hear from best practice

Agriculture, lessons from New

multinationals signing up, such

to chart a path to

internationally, consult with a

Zealand, Australia and the UK’.

as the World Bank, Rainforest

implementing climate smart

wide range of stakeholders,

The second lecture in the series

Alliance, the World Food

agriculture in Ireland through

identify the best climate

will see the Society welcome

Programme and Kellogg’s.

this Leadership Forum.

smart practices for Ireland

Dr Bruce Campbell of CGIAR,

Climate smart agriculture has a

Minister Simon Coveney

and communicate the

to discuss ‘Climate-Smart

triple win of objectives at its

launched this initiative in

collation of these findings to

Agriculture: the Global

core: increasing farm

March and was effusive in his

a wider audience. Our aim is

Research Agenda’. This lecture

productivity and incomes;

support for the project,

for Irish farming to become a

will take place on May 25 with

building resilience to the

praising both the RDS and the

climate smart agriculture

details still to be confirmed at

impacts of climate change;

IIEA for embarking upon this

leader in policy and practice,

time of going to print.

and, reducing agricultural

endeavour, which will focus

ensuring its sustainable

greenhouse gas emissions.

on inclusive solutions. Tom

long-term future”.

Admission to these lectures is free and open to all, but

Kirley, Chairman of the RDS

Unique opportunity

Agriculture Committee, and

The greatest challenges

booking is essential. Call 01

The RDS Committee of

formerly of Teagasc for many

Speaking at the launch of the

240 7206, or email

Agriculture and Rural Affairs

years, said: “The Leadership

IIEA-RDS Leadership Forum on

agriculture@rds.ie to book.

believes strongly that the

Forum is about

Climate Smart Agriculture, IIEA

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April 2015

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Best cattle in Ireland celebrated Each year the RDS rewards

discernible difference to a

and celebrates the best

farm’s bottom line and carbon

showing cattle at a ceremony


in Ballsbridge, presenting

An excellent example of the

cups and trophies that were

impact that improved genetics

used in the Spring Show for

can have on farm profitability

many years.

and efficiency is the winner of

Recognising the genetic

the 2015 RDS Champion of

quality of beef and dairy

Champions Economic

cattle, the RDS Champion of

Breeding Index Award, David

Champions Awards

Kerr’s Rossbheag Nuala, who

demonstrates the scientific

has an economic breeding

future for Irish farming and

index of €304, compared to

how farmers can exploit

the national average of €125.

genetics to maximise

Rossbheag Nuala is number

profitability. This emphasis on

one in the national EBI

science tallies with the recent

rankings and in her 15 years

ceremony, outgoing

productivity and output

venture into climate smart

she has had 13 calves, and

Committee Chairman Mr Tom

potential while at the same

agriculture by the RDS (see

yielded almost five tonnes of

Cannon said: “Scientifically

time reducing costs through

page 4), which hopes to

milk solids, with an average

informed breeding decisions

greater efficiency, allowing for

demonstrate how up-to-date

calving interval of 368 days.

will allow Irish beef and dairy

the practical adoption of

scientific measures can make a

Speaking at the awards

farmers to increase herd

climate smart agriculture”.

PRIZE PRESENTATIONS Ernest Mackey and David Kerr were recipients of RDS Champion of Champions medals in January 2015.

Irish Forestry Awards open for entry Forestry has an important and

Forestry Awards.

ever-evolving role to play in

With a prize fund of €10,000,

the Irish economy. Some

the Irish Forestry Awards

12,000 people are employed

recognise and reward farmers

in forestry and associated

and woodland owners who

industries such as timber

are employing the principles

processing at sawmills and

of climate smart agriculture

the wood energy sector.

on their properties, including:

The forestry sector has

sound commercial

enormous future potential in

management; environmental

terms of the economic,

protection; and, biodiversity.

environmental and

Everyone with woodlands is

recreational benefits that it

encouraged to enter the

can provide, and the RDS is

Awards as all woodlands,

committed to working with

large or small, are of merit.

via email from forestry@rds.ie.

please contact the RDS

the Forest Service to support

Application forms are

The closing date for entries is

Agriculture Foundation

the sustainable development

available on the RDS website

June 2, 2015. If you require

Department directly on 01

of the sector through the Irish

– www.rds.ie/agriculture – or

any additional information,

240 7215.

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Forestry has enormous potential for Ireland, in terms of environmental and economic benefits.

April 2015

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RDS supporting the arts

OBLIQUITY CHAIR Enda Scott, Award of Excellence winner at the RDS Craft Awards 2014, on his winning entry.

SWEET MUSIC 2014 RDS Music Bursary winner Clara Daly Donnellan.

2015 will see a €40,000 prize

Committee Joseph Lynch said:

fund for the RDS National Craft

“These Student Art and Craft

Awards and €20,000 awarded

Awards showcase and reward

at the RDS Student Art Awards,

work from the best craft-makers

both of which are now open

and graduating visual artists in

for entries, while the RDS Music

Ireland, encouraging and

Bursary has been increased to

assisting emerging talent in art

€15,000. The goal of the RDS

and craft towards a professional

Arts Committee is to help

career, while at the same time

emerging artists to make the

recognising the best established

breakthrough to professional

craftspeople in the country. This

artist and this substantial prize

year we have been able to

fund will significantly help in

increase the prize funds by

this. Running since 1860, the

almost 50%, with a top prize of

Taylor Art Award has past

€10,000 for the best

winners such as Louis Le

graduating student artist, and

Broquay and Dorothy Cross,

three prizes of €5,000 for

and RDS support for Irish craft

craft-makers. This year’s

Next month will see the first

prize to €15,000 by the RDS

has spanned three centuries.

awards take on even more

of the Rising Stars concerts

shows our genuine

The substantial prize fund for

importance with it being the

for 2015, in which Anna

commitment to this area,”

2015 demonstrates that the

Year of Design and the

Devin will star. Anna is a

said Joseph Lynch. "Making

RDS will continue to have a

additional sponsorship from

previous recipient of the RDS

the transition to professional

significant impact into the

Irish Design 2015 and the

Music Bursary and from that

musician is a costly one and

future too.

Design & Craft Council of

backing has gone on to have

the RDS Music Bursary is

Speaking on foot of the RDS

Ireland has helped to make

a real impact in the operatic

there to support emerging

Student Art Awards call for

2015’s a very substantial prize

scene across Europe. “The

Irish talent in doing this.”

entries, Chairman of the Arts


increase of the Music Bursary

Page 6

April 2015

UNITITLED #02, FROM ‘ORDINANCES AND ANGELS’ Ruth Moore is pictured with her Taylor Award winning work at the 2014 RDS Student Art Awards.

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RDS Library Speaker Series



International soprano at the RDS

Matthew Jebb

Philip Martin and John O’Conor

Plants, People and Places

Archives and Anecdotes

April 29

May 13

6.30pm, RDS Library

6.30pm, RDS Concert Hall

Matthew Jebb will talk about the historic

On the eve of the commencement of the

relationship people have with the

Dublin International Piano Competition

RDS Music Bursary winner for 2007, Anna

landscape and the importance of this in

2015, two of Ireland’s most

Devin, will be the guest performer at the first

understanding and protecting our flora

accomplished pianists will share and

Rising Stars concert of 2015, in the RDS

in the future. Matthew has been the

exchange anecdotes and musical

Concert Hall on May 7.

Director of the National Botanic Gardens

recollections from their extensive careers.

Anna will be joined by four Rising Stars

of Ireland since 2010. Formerly his role

This event complements the Library and

performers, third-level music students in

was that of horticultural taxonomist and

Archives exhibition ‘Pianissimo: over a

conservatories of music from all over Ireland

keeper of the National Herbarium since

century of classical music at the RDS’.

who have been chosen for their outstanding

1996. He is the current Chairman of

Following the talk the Library will be

talent. They are: Jane Hackett (violin), Royal

Plant Network: The Plant Collections

open to view the exhibition.

Irish Academy of Music; Gary Beecher

Network of Britain and Ireland, a role he

Pianist and composer Philip Martin’s

(piano), CIT & Freemasons Young Musician

has filled since 2004. He is also a

concert tours have taken him around the

of the Year; Eugene Alves (cello), CIT Cork

member of the European Consortium of

world. A prolific composer, he has

School of Music; and, Pablo

Botanic Gardens. Matthew spent many

written many major commissions, a

Manjón-Cabezas Guzmán (clarinet), DIT

years living and working in Papua New

symphony (RTÉ), three piano concertos,

Conservatory of Music and Drama.

Guinea, which he first visited in 1980,

over 300 songs and many instrumental

As the many regular attendees at the

organising and leading a five-month

and chamber works including seven

popular Rising Stars concerts will know, the

Oxford University expedition to study

piano trios.

concert is free of charge, but booking is


John O’Conor has been decorated Officier

required. Interest is expected to be high, so

His fascination with the living world

de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the

we advise RDS Members to book early.

stems from holidays spent among rock

French Government, awarded the

Full programme details are available on

pools and his taxonomic work has

Ehrenkreuz fur Wissenschaft und Kunst by

the RDS website. For further information

concentrated on plants with remarkable

the Austrian Government, and the Order

and to book your free tickets (required),

interactions with animal life, from

of the Rising Sun by the Japanese

visit www.rds.ie/risingstars.

carnivorous plants to plants that lead

Government, among other awards, during

symbiotic lives with ants.

his international piano career.

MUSICAL TALENT Former RDS Music Bursary recipient Anna Devin.

A pre-concert supper (€15 main course, tea/coffee) will be available in the RDS

Talks commence at 6.30pm and take place in the RDS Library, unless otherwise stated. Admission is free and open to all. Booking is essential on 01 240 7254, or via email at librarydesk@rds.ie.

Members' Club from 5.30pm. To book a table, please call 01 668 9244.

April 2015

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The Dublin Horse Show 1931

A SPECIAL GIFT Marianne van Pelt presented this fantastic photo album and scrapbook to the Society.

COMPETITOR 253 Mrs H. Davis Kenny rode ‘George B’ in the Ladies Challenge Trophy for Hunters in 1931.

Marianne van Pelt contacted the

horse sales at the Show. It also

from the album shows

‘George B’ and now, thanks to

Library recently to present a

has a loose page, which is of

competitor 253. It has been

Marianne's kind gesture, we can

fascinating gift of a photo

great significance. The page was

possible to identify from the

all share in remembering the

album and scrapbook. The

taken from a publication called

Horse Show catalogue that it

Show through such images

album was compiled in 1931 by

the ‘Irish Horse Show Annual’.

was entered by Mrs H. Davis

from 1931, the year the Society

an American couple visiting

Copies of the ‘Dublin Horse

Kenny of Shinrone, Co.

celebrated its bicentenary.

Ireland, and featured among

Show Annual’ can be found in

Tipperary. The woman seated

If any Member has or knows

the images are some from the

the Society’s Library with dates

side saddle is Mrs H. Davis

the whereabouts of copies of

Dublin Horse Show. Marianne

ranging from 1895-1914.

Kenny herself, taking part in

the ‘Irish Horse Show Annual’

purchased the album online,

The Library welcomes donations

Class 36, Ladies’ Challenge

or the ‘Dublin Horse Show

with the express intention of

of photographs, publications,

Trophy for Hunters, which

Annual’ from 1919 to the

presenting it to the Library. The

posters and related memorabilia

required that horses entered be

1930s, please contact the

album contains 13 original

from the Dublin Horse Show or

ridden by “Ladies side-saddle

Librarian, Gerard Whelan, on

photos from the Horse Show,

Spring Show. The photograph

and wearing Hunting

01 240 7256, or via email at

including an image from Goff’s

featured here (above, right)

Costume”. The horse was called


Collection for Tommy Brennan Exhibition The Library exhibition during

If you have trophies, medals,

the Discover Ireland Dublin

photographs or other

Horse Show this year will pay

associated items, which you

tribute to the late legendary

would be prepared to donate

showjumper Tommy Brennan.

or lend for the exhibition,

The exhibition will run from

please contact Gerard Whelan

Thursday July 30 to Friday

in the Library on 01 240

September 18.

7256, or via email at

The Library is still seeking

gerard.whelan @rds.ie, or

suitable memorabilia for

write to him at RDS Library,

possible use in the exhibition.

Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.

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April 2015

LEGENDARY Tommy Brennan is the subject of this year’s Horse Show exhibition.

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Pianissimo: over a century of classical music at the RDS To celebrate the 90th

best instrumental music”,

anniversary of the RDS Concert

stating that this would “enable

Hall and the 50th anniversary

music as an art to be

of the RDS Library building, the

systematically brought before

RDS Library and Archives will

the public as effectually as

be curating and hosting an

painting and sculpture are now

exhibition exploring the

in our public galleries…By

contribution the Society has

undertaking this work the Royal

made to classical music and its

Dublin Society will do

performance in Dublin from

important service to the cause

the 1880s until the present day.

of Art”.

On January 21, 1886, the

When the Irish Government

Council of the Royal Dublin

took over the RDS

Society appointed a committee

headquarters at Leinster House

“to spend a sum not exceeding

in 1922, the recitals were

of the 20th century who

RDS concert archive that will

£100 and the proceeds of the

moved temporarily to the

performed at the RDS.

give a fascinating insight into

sales of tickets, upon holding in

Abbey Theatre and then to the

Until the opening of the

the history of the

the lecture theatre of the

Theatre Royal. In 1925, on the

National Concert Hall on

performance of classical

Society a series of popular

completion of the RDS Concert

September 9, 1981, the RDS

music in Dublin, while

recitals from the work of the

Hall, the recitals were moved to

Concert Hall remained the

highlighting the support the

best composers of music to aid

their permanent home in

premier venue for the

RDS continues to offer to

in the development of an


performance of classical music

young musicians.

enlightened musical taste in

Nathan Milstein, Kathleen

in Dublin.


Ferrier, Rubinstein, Elisabeth

‘Pianissimo: over a century of

‘Pianissimo: over a century of

On March 4 of the same year

Schwarzkopf and Jacqueline du

classical music at the RDS’ is a

classical music at the RDS’

the Council approved weekly

Pre represent just a handful of

mixed media exhibition

will run in the RDS Library

performances of “works of the

the leading classical performers

utilising material from the

from May 7 to July 24, 2015.

GREAT PERFORMERS Elisabeth Schwarzkopf (left) sang in the RDS Concert Hall in the 1970s while Kathleen Ferrier sang there in 1949.

Free admission to Dublin Piano Competition at RDS RDS Members can avail of complimentary admission to the 10th International Dublin Piano Competition. The Competition will take place from May 15-26, 2015. As many as 60 young pianists will compete over four rounds to win this major international prize. The first and second

Members for these rounds, on

rounds will be held in the RDS

presentation of their

from May 15-21.

Membership card at the box

Admission is free for RDS

office in the RDS.

PIANO PRIZE Sixty young pianists will take part in this prestigious international competition.

April 2015

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Calendar of events

All information is correct at time of going to print. Members should telephone reception on 01 240 7296 or visit www.rds.ie to verify dates, times and locations.


Gala Charity Bridge Evening – 7.15pm – RDS Library


RDS Speaker Series: Peter Fox – Great Libraries of the World: Trinity College Library Dublin – 6.30pm –


Member Event: Visit to Gurteen College: A focus on rural Ireland

11 – 17

RDS Library

Hypoxia : From Basic Mechanism to Therapeutics (E3) – RDS Concert Hall

17 – 19

Spring Ideal Home Show – Hall 8C

18 – 19

Irish Cycling Show – Hall 1

18 – 20

Morgan O’Driscoll Fine Art – Minerva Suite

22 – 23

Allsop Space Property Auctions – RDS Concert Hall


Editorial Board Meeting for Hypoxia – Merrion Room

22 – 23

Smart Business Show – Hall 1

15 – 22

Dublin International Piano Competition in association

24 – 25

Fianna Fáil Ard Fheis – Hall 1

28 –2/5

Members’ Event: Overseas cultural tour to Barcelona


Insurance Institute of Ireland Examinations – Hall 2


RDS Speaker Series: Matthew Jebb –

21 – 23

Insurance Institute of Ireland Examinations – Hall 2

Plants, People and Places – 6.30pm – RDS Library


Pianissimo: over a century of classical music at the RDS.


RDS Speaker Series: Philip Martin and John O’Conor – Archives and Anecdotes – 6.30pm – RDS Concert Hall

with Steinway & Sons – RDS Concert Hall

Four talks by Ian Fox (2 of 4) – 12.00pm to 1.15pm – Members’ Club


RDS Members’ event: Evening Dining – 6.30pm –


Members’ Club 5 – 18

Networking Masterclass with Sean Weafer, RDS Library, 7.30am - 9.00am.

UCD Summer Exams – Hall 8C

22 – 26


RDS Rising Stars Gala concert – RDS Concert Hall

24 – 29

CAP 1 summer exams – Hall 8A


IOD Building Better Boards 2015 – Minerva Suite

24 – 26

The Cosmetics Association Christmas Trade Fair –


Thompson Insurances Meeting – Merrion Room

7 – 24/7

‘Pianissimo: over a century of classical music at the

Hall 1 25

Members’ Event: Visit to the Kildare Village Retail


Ballsbridge College of Further Education Graduation

RDS’ – RDS Library 8

Pianissimo: over a century of classical music at the RDS.


Four talks by Ian Fox (1 of 4) – 12.00pm to 1.15pm – Members’ Club 8


10 – 20

Page 10

Fine Art Auction – Hall 6

– RDS Concert Hall 29

Pianissimo: over a century of classical music at the RDS.

Guinness PRO12: Leinster Rugby v Benetton Treviso –

Four talks by Ian Fox (3 of 4) – 12.00pm to


1.15pm – Members’ Club

Edward Elgar, ‘The Apostles’, Presented by The Guinness Choir – RDS Concert Hall


Accounting Technicians Ireland exams – Hall 4


April 2015

RCSI Conferring Ceremonies – Hall 1

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Calendar of events



Remember to come to your Members’ Club when attending events at the RDS. Phone 01 668 9244 to book.


SCR Programme for Jigsaw Pre-School Darndale –


Dublin Aviation Air Ball – Hall 6 5

Members’ Club

Pianissimo: over a century of classical music at the RDS.


Allsop Space Property Auctions – RDS Concert Hall

Four talks by Ian Fox (4 of 4) – 12.00pm to 1.15pm


RDS Members’ Evening Race Meeting at

– Members’ Club 5


RDS Members’ event: Evening Dining – 6.30pm –


RDS Members’ event: Evening Dining – 6.30pm –


Members’ Event: A Day with Jim Bolger at Coolcullen

Members’ Club

31 – 1/8

Rock ‘n’ Roll Dublin Half Marathon Registration – Hall 3

Members’ Event: Visit to Stormont and Hillsborough with John Holohan (fully booked at


time of going to press)



CFA Institute Exams – Hall 1


9 – 30

Food Biosciences Conference – RDS Concert Hall

9 – 10

gradireland Summer Fair – Hall 3


Irish Funds Industry Association Meeting and Gala


Intensive Care Medicine Society – RDS Concert Hall


CoderDojo Foundation – Hall 1



National Construction Summit –


RDS Members’ event: Evening Dining – 6.30pm –


Bridge Classes with Peter Pigot (1 of 10) – 2.30pm to

Dinner – RDS Concert Hall

RIGPA Ireland – RDS Concert Hall


Meetings by Design – RDS Concert Hall

20 – 28

Dance Expo – Hall 8C

21 – 26

CAP 2 summer exams – Hall 1

26 – 27

Members’ Event: Attendance at the Boyle


National Charismatic Conference 2015 –

29 – 3/7

FAE Mock 2015 Exams – Hall 1

RDS Concert Hall

29 – 30

MCM Ireland Comic Con – Hall 8C

Members’ Club

4.30pm – Members’ Club 21

Improvers’ Computer Classes withi Deirdra Pickering, 10.45am - 12.15pm, Members' Club, 1 of 5.


Bridge Classes with Peter Pigot (2 of 10) – 2.30pm to 4.30pm – Members’ Club


Improvers’ Computer Classes with Deirdra Pickering, 10.45am - 12.15pm, Members’ Club, 2 of 5

RDS Bridge playing happens every Wednesday in the Library at 7:15pm. Members will be notified of any exceptions to this.


RCSI Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland – Thomas Prior Room

Summer School 27 – 28

RDS Members’ event: Evening Dining – 6.30pm – Members’ Club

RDS Concert Hall 18

The Dublin Horse Show

Ecocem Ireland Ltd – RDS Concert Hall

April 2015

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A lasting arts legacy Born 100 years ago, Robin Lewis-Crosby was a distinguished Member and President of the RDS, and bequeathed a legacy to the Society that still remains.


chartered accountant by training and a partner in Stokes Kennedy Crowley, Robin Lewis-Crosby had a busy professional life, which involved many directorships,

including deputy Governor of the Bank of Ireland. Happily married to his wife Peggy, who predeceased him, he was also a distinguished lay member of the Church of Ireland and Lay Canon of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh. As his centenary anniversary approaches, his son Antony Lewis-Crosby remembers him here and reflects on his contribution to the RDS, a Society he participated in at many levels. His lasting legacy is the RC Lewis-Crosby prize for painting, which he established and funded when chairman of the Taylor Art Trust, and to which he made an endowment to ensure its continuation after his death.

DEDICATION TO THE RDS Robin Lewis-Crosby presented with his Honorary Life Membership by then RDS President Michael Jacob, 2004

Knowing the joy this gave his father, and now his family, who remain closely involved, Antony Lewis-Crosby encourages other

this traditional skill was not being reflected sufficiently in the

members to consider remembering the RDS in this way and

student entries at the time.”

ensuring the Society’s continued contribution to future generations.

An enduring legacy Distinguished service

“He was also determined that the RC Lewis-Crosby prize should not

“Before my father died in 2008, he made it quite clear that two

cease when he died, and in his will he endowed a sum to be managed

parts of his life should be stressed at his funeral. Firstly, it was the

by the RDS for the RDS Student Art Awards and to ensure that the

Military Cross that he was awarded in the Second World War for

prize would continue. My sisters and I are delighted to work with the

distinguished service in the Royal Artillery in the Middle East, Italy

RDS to ensure that this legacy is maintained and developed, to the

and the Netherlands.

benefit of the RDS and of art students across the whole of Ireland.

Secondly, it was his distinguished service to the RDS, which took

There are many members of the RDS with similar dedication to the

various forms and was a large part of his life for 60 years. Despite a

Society and its aims and objectives, and it would give me great

busy professional life as a chartered accountant and as Deputy

pleasure to think that my father's example might spur someone else to

Governor of the Bank of Ireland, he served on several committees

consider leaving something in their will to ensure that the RDS can

and on the Council. He enjoyed his appointment, through the

continue to thrive into the future.

RDS, to serve on the Board of the National Gallery and the Alfred

We have been very happy with how the RDS has expertly managed

Beit Foundation. But he was immensely proud and honoured to be

the Fund bequeathed by my father, so what could be a better way,

elected to be President of the RDS and he served for three years

after looking after family and friends, to provide for the long-term

from 1983 to 1986 at a time of great change. In 2004 he was

future of the work of the RDS?”

further honoured with Honorary Life Membership of the Society. The arts were always a key part of his life and he served as a Trustee

Antony Lewis-Crosby

on the Taylor Arts Trust for over 50 years. That, of course, meant

Chairman, Taylor Art Trust, and RDS Member

that he took a deep interest in the RDS Student Art Awards and decided, a few years before he died, to create an award in his name –

For further information on legacies, contact Criona Cullen on

the RC Lewis-Crosby prize – particularly for painting, as he felt that

01 668 0866, or via email at Criona@rds.ie.

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Reaching New Heights ANN-MARIE HARDIMAN spoke to RDS Deputy CEO Pat Hanly about the Society’s role in the recently published Irish Sport Horse Industry Strategy.


he aim of the Strategy is to have, by 2025, “a horse sport

sector utilising the most sophisticated science and skills to breed and produce horses of the highest international

standards,” and to “develop our young people as breeders, producers and the international competitors of the future, and increase participation in all aspects of the sport”. Under the auspices of Horse Sport Ireland and its Chairman Pat Wall, an Honorary Life Member of the RDS, Horse Sport Ireland, the RDS and Teagasc came together to prepare this report, drawing on each organisation’s expertise, and that of a number of other specialists. The Strategy made a number of recommendations regarding breeding, education and training, and marketing, and the RDS, through the Equestrian Committee in particular, has a role to play in a number of key areas, as Pat Hanly explains.

HORSE SPORT STRATEGY LAUNCHED Simon Coveney TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine (third left) with (from left): Comdt. Brian MacSweeney, Officer Commanding at the Army Equitation School; Prof. Pat Wall, Horse Sport Ireland Chairman; Prof. Cathal O'Donoghue, Chairman, Sport Horse Strategy Committee; Pat Hanly, Deputy CEO, RDS; and, Commodore Mark Mellett, at the Army Equitation School.

Role of the RDS “Competition drives behaviour, and we are the biggest organiser of

hugely with the RDS as an educational body. “We would love to play a

competitions in the country, so we are looking at our competitions to

role in terms of the development of a national education pathway

ensure that they are consistent with the strategy,” he explains.

(NEP), as described in the report. Everyone in the sport horse sector

The Society has also embarked on a major three-year research project.

would have an involvement in that: it wouldn’t matter if you are in

Marcus O’Donnell has begun to research Irish competition pedigrees,

showjumping or eventing, your base qualification would come from

with the aim of developing a mare book identifying the best of

the NEP. In equestrianism, we have more things in common than

Ireland's sport horses. “This could potentially have a huge impact,”

there are differences, but we are repeating material in terms of course

according to Pat. “Unfortunately, our genetic base is in decline –

delivery across the different organisations, and not getting to the level

that’s why it’s so important that the genetically superior mares we do

of competence we should.”

have are bred correctly so we have another generation of horses that could potentially go to the top.”

What’s next?

The RDS has also campaigned long and hard for a national federation

Now that the report has been completed, each organisation is lining

with direct membership for horses and riders, and the Equestrian

up its activities to be consistent with the strategy, while awaiting a

Committee welcomes the inclusion in the report of a recommendation

ministerial decision to establish an implementation body. One of the

that such a federation should be established. “There is currently no

principal recommendations was for a structural review of the industry,

overall structure. There are many different organisations – for

and the Equestrian Committee hopes that this is imminent. In the

showjumping, eventing, and so forth – and all of those organisations

meantime, with its research project into the genetics of the Irish sport

have their own rules and classes for particular horses, based on the

horse, ongoing work to adapt competition criteria to fit the strategy

individual needs of that particular sport and membership. The focus is

recommendations, and strong input into educational development, the

on each individual sport instead of an industry-wide focus on

RDS will do its part to implement the strategy, and continue to play a

maximising the value of the animals that we have.”

pivotal role in the sport horse industry in Ireland.

An important element of the strategy is a focus on the education and

“We have seen plans in the equestrian sector before. To make this

development of young riders and young horses, and that resonates

successful we now have to focus on delivery.”

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Members’ Club

Dublin Horse Show hospitality

DUBLIN HORSE SHOW Be sure to enjoy the benefits of the RDS Members’ Club during the week of the Show.

THOMAS PRIOR ROOM Enjoy the hospitality of the RDS Members’ Club during Horse Show week, with a range of meeting and dining options available.

It may seem early to be

forward to welcoming all our

Club is open from 9.00am until

the course. The bar is open

thinking of August, but we find

Members coming from

7.00pm each day, and until

from 11.00am each day until

that the Horse Show always

overseas and those from less

6.00pm on Sunday, and if you

30 minutes after the end of the

comes around sooner than

far afield.

feel like heading into the ‘great

final event. Do remember that

expected. This year the Horse

It’s a time when familiar faces

outdoors’, you can make your

your membership card is

Show runs from Wednesday,

return to relish the stylish

way to the Members’ Bar at

required to gain entry.

August 5 until Sunday, August

ambience and atmosphere of

the Main Arena for more

In addition, a range of dining

9. Once again, we look

the RDS Members’ Club. The

hospitality directly overlooking

options are available.

Open the door to reciprocal clubs Were you skiiing in Switzerland

premier venues for the Swiss

this winter? Or does business

economic, political, art and

take you through or to Zurich?

cultural crowds. Good food is

Club zum Rennweg is one of

assured, with lunch and dinner

the RDS’ reciprocal clubs and

on offer. Regular evening

is delighted to host RDS

events with speakers from

Members when they are in

Switzerland and abroad take

Switzerland. Perfectly located

place with Members and

in the old town of Zurich, just

guests keen to contribute.

a stone's throw from the

Facilities include the Club

famous Bahnhofstrasse (corner

restaurant and bar, the private

Rennweg and Fortunagasse),

Circle Room restaurant, and

all you need is a letter of

conference facilities.

LUXURY IN THE ALPS RDS Members can sample the luxurious surroundings of Club zum Rennweg in Zurich.

introduction from the RDS to gain access to this exclusive

Opening hours

Members of the RDS must

RDS. Please contact

private club.

Monday to Friday:

present their valid

members@rds.ie or call

Club zum Rennweg prides

11:30am to 11.00pm

membership card and an

01 240 7296 for a letter of

itself on being one of the

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

introduction letter from the


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Members’ Club



Members’ events celebrate Library anniversary

SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE Members’ events this spring and summer will include a visit to Stormont, and an evening at Leopardstown races.

This year the current RDS

talks between May 8 and June 5

Boyle Summer School.

two powerful names in Irish

Library building celebrates its

in the Library. Upcoming events

The visit to the Stormont

racing. If you fancy an evening

50th anniversary, having been

also include a visit to Gurteen

Assembly Buildings and

at the races, then check out our

opened by President Eamon de

College, where students are

Hillsborough is fully booked at

Leopardstown race evening.

Valera in 1965. As part of the

nurtured in an environment of

time of going to press. Dazzled

For information on Members’

celebrations, Ian Fox will

agri-science and tradition. If

by the world of horse racing?

events, please contact the

recount the story of the RDS

you are fascinated by things

Then join us on July 17 in

Membership team on 01 240

Concert Hall, which also served

more directly scientific, then

Kildangan Stud, Co. Kildare,

7296, or via email at

as the Library until 1964, in four

come with us to Lismore for the

and Coolcullen, Co. Carlow –


Robert Boyle Summer School

Take a class!

RDS Members are invited to

n B&B at Lismore House Hotel;

Members’ classes resume in

wish to improve their skills

attend the prestigious Robert

the autumn with Peter Pigot

on their own personal

Boyle Summer School from

taking improvers’ bridge

devices such as iPads and

Friday, June 26 to Sunday, June

and Saturday; and,

classes, Sylvia Fleming of the

tablets. All classes provide

28, 2015. Members will travel

n a voucher for the Friday

Fitness League leading her

Members with opportunities

from Dublin to Thurles by train,

ladies to increased fitness,

to improve particular skills

with coach transfers to and

Members discovering artistic

and enjoy some downtime

from Lismore.

flair in art classes, Sally

relaxing in each other’s

Dawson hosting an afternoon

company either before or

Costs of this event are to be

bridge game and a new

after their class. Members’

confirmed, but will include:

addition: computer classes

events and classes require

n return coach transfer from

with teacher Deirdra

advanced booking and are

Thurles train station to

contact Susan Cox on 01 240

Pickering. These computer

open to non-Member guests

Lismore on Friday and

7296, or via email at

classes will serve those who

unless otherwise specified.

return on Sunday;


n tickets for talks on Friday

night BBQ. Lunches and dinner on Saturday are not included (dinner is an optional extra). For further information,

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RDS developments MICHAEL DUFFY reports on the plans for the Main Arena and the busy schedule of activity in the Society.


ollowing an international design competition, a jury appointed by the Society under the chairmanship of Professor Owen Lewis, selected architectural partners for the redevelopment of

the Main Arena. The successful entry was a consortium of architect firms, Dublin-based Newenham Mulligan Architects and London-based Grimshaw Architects. The jury was unanimous in their selection of the Newenham Mulligan/Grimshaw entry. Their winning concept represents an exciting design response to a complex brief. Entries had to accommodate professional rugby, world-class equestrianism and music concerts, in an already very busy events venue. These three elements were exceptionally well incorporated by the winning consortium, which stood out for its understanding of the multi-faceted nature of

MAJOR PLANS FOR THE RDS A front view of the proposed new stand for the Main Arena.

the development and vision for the RDS Arena. The Society now enters a phase of discussion with interested parties

underway, while our commercial events at the RDS are well booked

including our own Equestrian Committee, Leinster Rugby, caterers,

for this year. Our philanthropic work continues to grow successfully,

retailers, and supporters to finalise the design. Once that process is

increasing our impact in the arts, agriculture, industry and science, and

complete, a detailed cost for the project can be finalised. That will

you can read more about our work in this edition of Minerva.

allow the Society to proceed to the funding and planning permission

As a consequence of all of the above, the officers, committees,

stages, which are anticipated to take until mid-2016.

Members and staff have been working very hard to ensure that the

Funding will be sought primarily from three streams: the Society’s own

Society makes progress on all fronts.

resources; sponsorship; and, Government support. The Society will be solely responsible for sourcing the funding and the project

Survey of Members

management phase of the development, the Main Arena being one of

Some of you may have spoken to the market research company Red C

the prime assets of the RDS.

in late 2014. The survey results will give us a better insight into

If the funding and planning permission phases progress as envisaged,

Members’ interaction with the Society, including important issues such

construction on the new stand would commence after the Horse Show

as: communications with Members; Members’ participation; the

in 2016. Time taken to construct the Arena is likely to be around 18

mission of the Society; and, the Society’s work programme.

months. Planning is proceeding, taking into account Leinster Rugby’s

We have gained valuable information and will inform Members of the

desire to continue to play their home matches at the RDS during

findings after we have presented the results to Council. Thank you to


all who gave their time to participate.

The developments in the Main Arena (which would increase the capacity from 18,000 to 26,000) are in addition to a very busy agenda elsewhere for the Society. The existing planning permission for the second phase of office development (valid to 2019) will need to be amended to reflect the new market conditions. If this is approved, plans will be considered for this €40 million project. The first office block has been a notable success.

Chief Executive,

Naturally, our work on the 2015 Dublin Horse Show is already well

April 2015.

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