Minerva April 2017

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Minerva for MeMBers of the rDs

supporting talent evolution of the rDs Music Bursary in 2017


Minerva Welcome to the april Minerva


Diarmuid hanifin

contributors susan Cox

paul farrelly

Working to ensure that the next generation

another project we intend funding in the

fulfils their potential is the stated goal of the

future is the digitisation of the rDs archives.

foundation Board. it is a goal that has quickly

the potential of this historical source has not been fully explored as this can only really be done once the archives have been digitised.

ann-Marie hardiman

Colm Quinn

become vital to the overall mission of the

Catherine Jordan

natasha serne

society. one significant way in which we meet

Dara o’leary

gerard Whelan

this goal is through the rDs Music Bursary.

this will lead to a fuller understanding of irish

this annual competition can have a

society over the last 300 years and the

Design and Production sub-editing and layout

think Media ltd. t: 01 856 1166 www.thinkmedia.ie

print Distribution

impress printing sooner than later

measurable and lasting impact upon a young

contribution made by the rDs during this

musician at a formative stage of their budding

time. you can read more about this project in

professional career. in this edition of Minerva

this edition of Minerva.

you can read just how important that Bursary can be and how it allows brilliant young talent to flourish. and it is thanks to rDs Members that we are able to nourish such talent. last year Members were asked to give to specific rDs projects and it was really encouraging to see the generosity

royal DuBlin soCiety Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.

of many Members in action. as a direct result

t: 01 668 0866 f: 01 660 4014

of two substantial gifts, we have been able to


offer a second prize at this year’s rDs Music Chy no.:

Bursary, as well as a stipend for all the student


musicians who participate. in total, this means general:


rDs Membership:


that we have doubled the amount of money

Minerva, the magazine for Members of the royal Dublin society, is published tri-annually. any views expressed are not those necessarily held by the rDs or its Council. no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission.

that the 2017 rDs Music Bursary will distribute later this month, making the Bursary a very significant contribution to the future of classical music in ireland.

Bernie Brennan rDS PreSiDent aPriL 2017

Front cover: aoife gibney, winner of the 2016 rDs Music Bursary.

Contents 3 DePartment contactS agriculture & rural affairs

(01) 240 7215



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(01) 240 7215



(01) 240 7290



(01) 240 7254



(01) 240 7296


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Science & technology



Catherine Day at rDs economic vision 2020

2 | Minerva | april 2017

membership Diplomatic engagement by the rDs

Wonderful trips for Members guide to Dublin horse show 2017


members' gallery awards and inspiring events



Feature Moving up the scale – rDs Music Bursary


calendar of members' events



rDS Library

the rDs and the development of scientific

Digitising the rDs library and archives

thinking in ireland



Catherine Day at rDs economic vision 2020 trust, confidence and

investing in education and

communication are required by

human capital is the best thing

ireland’s representatives and by

ireland can do to ensure its

the irish people over the next

economic future. according to

few years for ireland to prosper.

Catherine, the eu will

that is according to Dr

ultimately become more

Catherine Day, former secretary

integrated as we cope with

general of the eu, who spoke to

global problems such as the

a packed breakfast audience

migration crisis and climate

earlier this year as part of the

change. europe, she noted, was

rDs economic vision 2020

joined together by a conviction

series. inevitably, ireland’s

that was lacking in the uK and

relationship with the eu and

that ireland was much better

Britain was at the heart of the

off being secure in its position

talk and Catherine gave a fluent

in the eu, than in a much

and illuminating presentation

more isolated position outside

economic vision 2020 series.

foundation of the society.

on challenges that await the eu.

of the union.

this series follows an rDs

you can see details of further

echoing values that rDs

Catherine's wide-ranging

tradition of sharing new ideas

talks in this series in the

Members should recognise in

address was the first of this

and innovative thinking that

calendar in this magazine, or on

our own work, she spoke of how

year’s talks in the rDs

harks back to the very


DISCUSSING THE FUTURE Dr Catherine Day (left) speaking with RDS President Bernie Brennan after Catherine's talk in the RDS Concert Hall.

Wonderful trips for Members Join us at these fantastic events. Lismore opera Festival

trip to the rtÉ nSo Summer

trip to Venice

taking in all the city has to offer, as

June 2-4

Lunchtime concert

september 21-24

well as trips to the nearby historic

set in the stunning surrounds of

June 27

light skips over the water as

island of Murano and colourful

lismore Castle and gardens, and

as part of her 2016 rDs Music

gondolas ease by heading for the

Burano, Members are encouraged

in the beautiful and historic great

Bursary award, soprano aoife

rialto Bridge. glimpses of the

to sign up early for this superb trip.

homes along the river Blackwater,

gibney will perform a concerto

ornate architecture of piazza san

lismore opera festival is a true

with the rtÉ national symphony

Marco tease as you make your way

gem for lovers of music and the

orchestra in the national

through bustling cobbled streets

good life. it inspires not just with

Concert hall. this is an

on your way to this most famous

arias and choruses, but through

opportunity for Members to

venetian landmark.

the wonderful location,

enjoy the concert and a post-

With an evening attending La

surrounding countryside, stunning

concert reception and

Traviata at teatro la fenice, it

architecture, gardens, food, wine

opportunity to meet aoife. for

promises to be a very special day.

and more. Join fellow rDs

more information or to book,

reward yourself by joining rDs

trips, contact the Membership

Members on this special visit to a

contact susan Cox at

Members on a visit to the

desk on 01-240 7296 or via email

unique cultural experience.

susan@rds.ie or book online.

incredible city of venice.

at members@rds.ie.

for further details on all of these

Minerva | april 2017 | 3


2017 rDs visual art awards curator home with portraiture as he is

who will be invited to apply

with landscape painting.

online for the 2017 rDs visual art

he has lived in Co. sligo since


1993 and has captured much of

nick will lead a number of tours

the landscape surrounding him

of the exhibition during the week

from the back of a former

of the show and on thursday,

electrician’s truck, which was

october 26, will give a talk about

modified to serve as his mobile

his own work as part of the rDs

studio. his frank and honest

library speaker series.

approach to his work is evident in

for more information, see

this Truckscapes series of

www.rds.ie/visualart and

landscape paintings. Different


critics have compared him to artists such as van gogh and Jack B yeats, primarily because these From Cogan’s Shed Oil on linen, 2004. Nick Miller will curate the 2017 RDS Visual Art Awards.

artists are notable for their use of heavy impasto and work in an

artist nick Miller has been

ireland in 1984 and has been a

expressionist style.

appointed as the 2017 rDs visual

member of aosdána since 2001.

the annual rDs visual art

art awards exhibition curator.

in 2014, he won the inaugural

awards provide a platform for

the sligo-based painter will also

hennessy portrait prize at the

graduating artists as they

be a member of the awards’

national gallery of ireland for his

transition from study into early

judging panel, and as curator will

portrait of artist Barrie Cooke.

professional career. a team of

work with the selected art

equally adept in a number of

independent curators will view

graduates to bring the exhibition

genres, he moves between

the end of year degree shows in

to fruition.

drawing, watercolour and oil

selected colleges around the

Born in london, nick moved to

with confidence, and is as at

country and will longlist artists,

institute of physics dinner the Council of the institute of

young scientist and technology

physics (iop) met in the rDs

exhibition, as well as the rDs

in January. With a worldwide

primary science fair.

membership of over 51,000,

iop members attended both

this was the first time the

events and were taken with the

london-based Council met

engagement of participating

outside of the uK. the visit

students with science and the

coincided with the annual Bt

high calibre of work on display.

A GREAT EVENING Pictured at the Council of the Institute of Physics dinner are (from left): Chief Executive of the RDS Michael Duffy; Professor Roy Sambles, IOP President; President of the RDS Bernie Brennan; Professor Paul Hardaker, IOP Chief Executive; and, Past President of the RDS and co-founder of the Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition Dr Tony Scott.

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CURATOR Nick Miller.


guide to Dublin horse show 2017 (members@rds.ie; 01-240 7296). tickets are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

n Members’ complimentary tickets for friday are now fully allocated.

n the Members’ Club will be open from 9.00am-7.00pm Wednesday to saturday, and until 6.00pm on sunday.

n Children are welcome to the Members’ Club on the sunday of the Dublin horse show.

n a buffet will be served each day in the thomas prior room from 12.00pm-3.00pm.

n a table d’hôte menu will be served in the Dining room on Wednesday, thursday and friday from 12.30pm-2.30pm. advance booking is essential; call 01-668 9244 to book a table (no further bookings can be taken for friday, which is fully booked at time of going to press).

ON ITS WAY It won’t be long before the RDS Dublin Horse Show is here again.

n afternoon tea will be served each afternoon in the thomas prior room from 3.30pm-5.30pm.

the 2017 rDs Dublin horse show is steadily appearing on the horizon, so get yourself ready with this handy checklist: n this year’s rDs Dublin horse show takes place from august 9-13.

n Members have complimentary access to the show, but you must have

n evening dining takes place on friday night, with orders taken from 6.30pm-8.15pm.

n the Members’ Bar at the Main arena directly overlooks the show jumping and will be open from 11.00am each day until 30 minutes after the end of the final event. Membership cards are required for

your Membership card on you at all times and may be asked to

entry and a maximum of three guests (one on friday) can be signed in

produce photo identification also. Membership cards are strictly non

per Member.


n Members will have access to the rDs Dublin horse show with a valid rDs Membership card through the Members’ Club and the Belvedere gate (Membership cards must be produced to gain entry).

n tickets for the Main arena may be booked via the Membership desk

n for health and safety reasons, there is a limit of 30 people allowed in the Members’ Bar at any given time. your co-operation in this matter is much appreciated.

n the rDs Dublin horse show is a good opportunity for Members to use their food and beverage credit, which is valid until october 31.

foundation Board and Membership Committee vacancies foundation Board – two vacancies


the role of the foundation Board of Council is to increase the impact

all expressions of interest are considered by the nominations

of the philanthropic work programme of the rDs. Meeting up to 10

Committee of the rDs Council, which will subsequently make

times a year, the maximum term of service on the 12-member Board is

recommendations for consideration and approval by the rDs Council at

two terms of three years. two vacancies will arise on the Board at the

its June 2017 meeting. all expressions of interest are treated in the

end of september 2017.

strictest confidence. Current Members of the rDs wishing to be considered as possible

Membership Committee – two vacancies

candidates to serve on the foundation Board or the Membership

the role of the Membership Committee is to ensure the support and

Committee are asked to complete an expression of interest form,

involvement of Members of the society. Meeting up to six times a

available from the registrar on 01-240 7221, or via email at

year, the maximum term of service on the 12-member Committee is

eileen.byrne@rds.ie, and return it no later than friday, May 26, 2017 at 12

two terms of three years. two vacancies will arise on the Committee

noon. informal enquiries may be made to the registrar or the Director of

at the end of December 2017.

foundation on 01-240 7299, or via email at joanna.quinn@rds.ie.

Minerva | april 2017 | 5


Moving up the scale the rDS music Bursary has been supporting young musicians for over a decade and has recently seen some big changes, which will enable it to help even more.

YOUNG HOPEFULS Last year’s winner, Aoife Gibney (centre), pictured with other 2016 candidates.

TALENTED 2014 winner Clara Daly Donnellan.

through its Music Bursary, the rDs helps aspiring young irish musicians to

a previous rDs Music Bursary winner will be selected annually by the

succeed in becoming professional musicians. “the aim of the award is to

artistic Director of lismore opera, and will be given a performance

assist a young musician to develop his or her career through further study

opportunity at the lismore opera festival, which takes place in June in

at home or abroad, or for the purchase of a musical instrument,” said Chair

lismore, Co. Waterford. the first recipient will be violinist patrick rafter

of the rDs Committee of arts, Joseph lynch. “this challenge has never

(2015 rDs Music Bursary winner) who will give a recital in st Carthage's

been harder, or more costly, and the rDs Music Bursary gives young

Cathedral in lismore on sunday, June 4, during the festival.

musicians the opportunity to focus on mastering their craft at a formative

also supported by the o'Briens, each candidate who is called for interview

stage in their career progression.”

will receive a stipend to cover any travel and performance-related costs

the award has changed over the past few years and this year it will be

associated with attending the interview on april 20, something that will no

significantly different in a few important ways. Dara o’leary, rDs arts

doubt be appreciated by the student musicians who attend.

programme Manager, explained: “from this year on, the rDs Music Bursary has moved from one award to three. We’ve been adding to the value of the

new performance aspect

prizes by partnering with others who see the value in what we are doing,

these changes come on foot of the increase of the Bursary from €10,000

which means that this year we’re giving away more money than ever

to €15,000 two years ago. “if you do a master’s in london for example,

before”. along with the main rDs Music Bursary, where the winner receives

the fees alone average around £9,000 a year, so €10,000 just wasn’t

€15,000, a performance opportunity with the rtÉ national symphony

having the impact that we want the Bursary to have,” said Dara.

orchestra (nso) and a solo concert recital in london, two new prizes have

With the performance opportunities that are now part of the prizes, it is

been added this year courtesy of generous support by rDs Members.

important that the judging panel is able to assess the winner’s ability to

tom and ann Jago are sponsoring the new annual rDs Jago award, which

deliver on this very valuable part of the award. a performance aspect has

will see a second young musician receive €5,000 and a choice between

been introduced to the Bursary interview process. the musicians will do a

either a professional performance engagement with one of rtÉ's performing

short recital performance, followed by a panel interview.

groups or a studio recital broadcast opportunity with rtÉ lyric fm.

as Dara pointed out: “the whole point of what we’re doing here is to help

former winners of the rDs Music Bursary have the chance to be selected

people who want to have a professional career as a musician. it’s really

for a new performance award, which has been created thanks to the

only for exceptionally-committed and talented young musicians. it is a

support of rDs members Michael and loret o'Brien. the rDs Collins

very unique award and all the previous winners really value it”.

Memorial performance is in association with the lismore opera festival.

2015 rDs Music Bursary winner patrick rafter is one such grateful

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Máire Carroll, pianist – 2012 winner “Winning is a real honour because you’re representing a small group who have been selected over the last decade or so. there still aren’t that many winners and to be represented and supported by an organisation such as the rDs is something you’ll have forever. that’s certainly what i’ve discovered; my relationship with the rDs has grown from strength to strength over the past few years.”

a springboard of opportunities the opportunities that the rDs Music Bursary offers can lead to many CELEBRATED Patrick Rafter with the judges of 2015's competition, and RDS Arts Programme Manager Dara O’Leary (second right).

more achievements. after patrick’s performance with the rtÉ nso, courtesy of the rDs Music Bursary, the orchestra quickly wanted him back again.

recipient: “having lived in london for some years, i know the difficulty of

Clara’s performance with the nso led to her being recommended by

funding studies and how it often means not being allowed to focus

rtÉ when pop star adele contacted them looking for female brass

solely on your craft due to other work that acts as a fund. however, this

musicians for an irish concert. Clara performed alongside adele in front

award enabled me to focus solely on my studies and gave me financial

of 15,000 people in Belfast.

freedom to work in a healthy and financially free state of mind”. the rDs Bursary helped the 2014 winner, trombonist Clara Daly

patrick rafter, violinist – 2015 winner

Donnellan, pay for study at the hochschule der Künste in Bern, switzerland. she said the award is the envy of her international class:

“i was awarded first prize at the international valiant violin

“We all have very different experiences of the treatment of the arts in

Competition in switzerland – this was a competition where i was up

our countries. obviously, bursaries and things like that come up in

against some of europe’s finest young musicians. i believe that a key

conversation every now and then and i mentioned winning this and

part of that success comes through this award and thus i would like to

everybody said: ‘i wish i was irish’, because in so many other countries,

express my deepest gratitude to the rDs for their wonderful

support like this just doesn’t exist”.

philanthropic work.”

Máire Carroll, pianist and 2012 winner, said: "the generosity and investment by the rDs into your career and your future is really what’s

the goal of the rDs arts programme is to provide a platform that

exceptional about this Bursary. it’s not just that you’re handed some

supports the transition from student to emerging artist, encouraging the

money and that’s great and you represent the year. they’re really looking

pursuit of a career in visual arts, crafts or music. awarded on an annual

out for you and they really want you to succeed”.

basis since 2003, the rDs Music Bursary is open to winners of selected senior competitions in the esB feis Ceoil who are attending or have

Clara Daly Donnellan, trombonist – 2014 winner

completed a third-level music degree, or are studying at a similar level

“the existence of the rDs Bursary is wonderful. Musicians put a lot of

competitions in 2017 are: the Morris grant Bursary (piano); gervase elwes

hard work into their craft, and need real passion for what they do. for

Memorial Cup (vocal); McCullough Cup (woodwind); senior Brass recital

with a recognised teacher in ireland or abroad. the qualifying feis Ceoil

this to be encouraged by a group of people who commit their time and

(brass); and, the aileen gore Cup (strings). the judging panel will be

resources for no individual benefit, just to help someone do the thing

chaired by rtÉ's John o'Kane. the other members of the panel are:

that they love to do – that’s amazing.”

seamus Crimmins; Madeleine staunton; annette Cleary; and, philip Dodd.

Minerva | april 2017 | 7


the rDs and the development of scientific thinking in ireland Later this year the rDS will look back at the history of science in ireland, including moments when the Society played an important role in some historic scientific developments. from its very beginnings, the rDs set out to encourage scientific innovation and endeavour. By the mid-18th century the rDs was offering financial support to irish scientific and technological initiatives through the distribution of grants from the irish parliament and from its own premium scheme, which was first proposed by the rev. samuel Madden in 1739 and was administered by the society until the early 19th century.

early involvement Moving beyond support and into participation, in 1797 the rDs established a chemical laboratory at its premises on hawkins street, one of the earliest of its kind in ireland or Britain. initially established to encourage experimentation in “dyeing materials and other articles, wherein chymistry may assist the arts”, the rDs laboratory developed into a venue for the delivery of practical instruction in chemistry and physics. During this period the appointment of professional staff to deliver courses of lectures

INNOVATOR Professor John Joly, RDS President and founder of the Radium Institute.

on botany, chemistry, physics and geology also furthered the role of the rDs in the dissemination of scientific learning in ireland.

Moving on

in 1810 the rDs brought over english chemist and inventor humphrey Davy

in 1815 the rDs moved its headquarters to leinster house, where the

to deliver a series of lectures on electro-chemical subjects at hawkins

kitchen wing was refurbished to include the laboratory and a lecture

street. Davy returned to Dublin in 1811 to give another course of lectures on

theatre, which remained in use until 1899 when its new theatre, now better

chemical philosophy, and while in the city he was asked to supervise the

known as the Dáil chamber, opened. the rDs continued its programme of

construction of a ‘voltaic battery’ for the rDs laboratory. he was duly made

scientific lectures after the move to Ballsbridge in 1924. the rDs Concert

an honorary Member of the society.

hall opened in 1928 and became the venue for lectures, which continued to introduce new thinking in science and technology to the irish public. the rDs also sought to disseminate the latest thinking in science and

Celebrating science at the rDs

technology through its own publications. published from 1799 to the mid1980s the society’s journals featured articles by leading irish scientists

the rDs library & archives is engaged in a research project

including george Johnston stoney, george francis fitzgerald, ernest Walton,

focusing on the rDs science archive. this work will examine rDs

John Joly and robert stawell Ball. the rDs also entered into an exchange

involvement in irish scientific discoveries and innovative

programme with other national and international learned societies, which

technologies. a research bursary of €10,000 has been awarded to

enabled it to build an impressive collection of scientific periodicals.

Dr adrian Kirwan to complete a study on the radium institute. later this year the rDs library & archives will host a conference on the

recognising excellence

history of science, and will issue a call for papers on the history of

in 1899 the rDs awarded the first Boyle Medal to physicist george Johnstone

science and technology in ireland. please see

stoney, most famous for coining the term ‘electron’, which arose from his

www.rds.ie/librarybursary for further details.

work on the kinetic theory of gases and spectroscopy. still awarded today, the

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professor Dervilla Donnelly presented with Cunningham Medal

OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION Professor Dervilla Donnelly (right) receives the Cunningham Medal from Royal Irish Academy President Professor Mary Daly.

professor Dervilla Donnelly, the first female president of the rDs (1999), was last month acknowledged for her “outstanding ONGOING SCIENCE PROMOTION The RDS Primary Science Fair is one way in which the RDS continues this proud tradition.

contribution to science scholarship” with the Cunningham Medal, the highest honour that the royal irish academy (ria) can bestow, and one that is awarded every three years.

Boyle Medal recognises scientific research of exceptional merit. previous

professor Donnelly’s field of expertise is in phytochemistry, the study

Boyle laureates include thomas preston, John Joly, henry h. Dixon, phyllis

of chemicals with biological activity derived from plants, and her work

Clinch, patrick J. nolan and John l. synge. the current Boyle laureate is

in the area quickly gained international distinction. over the course

seamus J. Martin, smurfit professor of Medical genetics at trinity College

of her career her research was particularly focused on wood


chemistry, and she has applied her research findings to a number of

the radium institute was founded in 1914 on the rDs campus at the

complex problems in the irish forestry industry.

suggestion of John Joly, professor of geology at trinity College Dublin and

as well as holding various offices within the rDs, professor Donnelly

president of the society. Joly provided the radium bromide used by Dr Walter

also held many national and international appointments, including

Clegg stevenson to successfully treat a case of skin cancer at Dr steeven’s

Chair of the Custom house Docks Development authority, the

hospital in Dublin. Joly and stevenson’s collaboration resulted in a new

national education Convention, and the european science research

method of radium therapy, known as ‘the Dublin Method’, in which sealed

Council, and vice-president of the european science foundation. she

glass capillary tubes containing radon gas were loaded into serum needles

was also made a fellow of the royal society of Chemistry, awarded the

that were then injected directly into the tumour. the institute continued to

Boyle-higgins Medal from the institute of Chemistry of ireland, and

supply radium from its headquarters in the rDs for the treatment of cancer

served as Chair of the Dublin institute for advanced studies.

until 1947 when the state set up the radiological institute, and by 1952 its

at the Cunningham Medal conferral, professor Donnelly spoke of her

work and equipment had moved to st luke’s hospital, Dublin.

“great fondness for the rDs above all other organisations that i have

today the rDs continues its commitment to the promotion of science in

been involved with; it remains very close to my heart. i continue to

ireland through its science and technology work programme, the chief aim

admire how it renews and adapts to remain relevant to irish society”.

of which is to encourage the development of science and mathematical

the rDs would like to add its congratulations to professor Donnelly

skills in primary school-aged children by fostering educational innovation.

on receiving this prestigious award.

Minerva | april 2017 | 9


Diplomatic engagement by the rDs membership ambassadors have been a great success. rDs Members can be rightly proud of the society's contribution to irish society both past and present. the recent increase in scale and impact of the rDs work programme is clear for all to see and it provides an excellent opportunity for Members to demonstrate the rDs work in action to people in their network who might share the same values and ambitions as the society. of course there are many tangible benefits from rDs Membership, some of which you can read about below, but the mission of the rDs is of central importance to the society and Members are the custodians of that mission. a vital way in which Members can continue to keep the society vibrant is to recruit potential Members who share the aspirations of the rDs mission.

MEMBER AMBASSADORS Diane Scott and Stevan Griffiths.

does, and what can be gained from joining and getting involved.

Membership ambassadors

in some respects this process formalised the work that many rDs

to enable this, last year a pilot scheme of Member ambassadors was

Members already do to promote the society by inviting them to become

launched. one of the suggestions to arise from the survey carried out by

Member ambassadors. Membership Development Manager Catherine

red C on behalf of the rDs was the development of a Member

Jordan elaborates: "initially we ran this as a pilot scheme and held a briefing

ambassador programme within the society. these enthusiastic volunteers

supper for people who expressed an interest in becoming Member

champion rDs Membership both to existing Members and to their wider

ambassadors. there we discussed the history of the rDs, our philanthropic

network, with the aim of spreading the news about what the rDs is, what it

work, and how we link our work programme with rDs Membership.

Membership benefits of course, rDs Membership brings many benefits to Members too. there

Club, and during dessert and coffee, are enlightened by a guest

are myriad opportunities to get more out of your Membership experience.

speaker. topics have included 'getting your garden ready for spring' from award-winning garden designer paul Martin, and

rugby hospitality

'Colour and style – getting it right' from interior designer

the Members' Club has been open for all leinster games, offering pre-

ruth Kennelly.

match hospitality to rugby fans. also, for the first time this year, the

"these events encourage new faces in the Club, help people to meet

Club opened for away six nations matches, with big screens to show

with their friends and engage more with the Club," says Catherine.

the match, a full bar and a special rugby menu. Membership Development Manager Catherine Jordan says this is a

Business networking Breakfasts

really successful initiative:

the rDs Business networking Breakfasts have been running for

"the number of people coming for leinster games is increasing all the

about 18 months, and are for professionals who are looking for an

time, and we encourage Members to bring friends and guests to enjoy

opportunity to learn and network in pleasant surroundings.

the comforts of the Club".

taking place on the third Wednesday of the month in the samuel Madden room, they are sponsored by lyrath estate and Convention

lunch and learn

Centre, Kilkenny, and feature talks from high-profile speakers on

lunch and learn is another new initiative that has been a great

topics as diverse as career management, business motivation, brand

success. Members and their guests enjoy lunch in the Members'

purpose, Csr and much more.

10 | Minerva | april 2017


We wanted to encourage this group to use their wider social and business

difference. While i may have the badge that says i'm a Member

networks, to speak about the rDs and invite guests to our events".

ambassador, every Member should become an ambassador for the

the aim, she says, is to create a buzz around what the rDs is doing, to


remind Members that they are part of the rDs, and that they have a vital

Diane scott has been involved with the rDs since childhood and became a

role in promoting it: "We presume Members are telling their friends, but

Member ambassador as a result of her involvement with the young

that's not always the case. We want to encourage them to speak about us

Members' Working group. also a sports fan, she regularly visits the Club

as proud rDs Members, and to encourage people that they know who

for pre-match hospitality, as well as many other events: "i regularly attend

share the same values as the rDs to become Members themselves".

the library talks, the economic lecture series and breakfast briefings.

ambassadors receive a pack including a badge, calling cards and coffee

recently, i have been making use of the library's vast collection of thom's

vouchers to encourage them to bring like-minded people in to see the Club.

Directories as i am working on my family tree".

one such proud Member ambassador is stevan griffiths, a member of the

Diane says she feels privileged to be a Member ambassador, and "to

Membership Committee with a particular interest in the society's sporting

promote the wonderful place that the rDs is and the work that it does". she

links. he is especially keen that Members make the most of these, and that

is keen to invite both existing and prospective Members to visit the rDs

the rDs makes the most of its Members who have a strong interest in

and see all that it has to offer: "the benefits of membership only start when

sports: "the red C survey found that a significant number of Members are

you park your car in the Members' car park. have coffee, dine, read or have

also members of sporting clubs. i believe ireland is one of the world's

meetings in the elegant surroundings of the Members' bar, the dining room

strongest sporting countries, in terms of people participating in sport, and

and the thomas prior room. take a wander around the library and view the

there is significant economic and cultural benefit in this. it's not just about

vast array of books and desks where you can read or work in peace. Make a

the health of the nation; events like the heineken Cup final bring enormous

good impression on clients and business associates by hosting meetings in

economic gains and the rDs has a role to play in highlighting this".

the meeting rooms available to Members. the rDs is the ideal place to

he mentions in particular the campaign to bring the 2023 rugby World Cup

meet like-minded people and to establish new networks. you will have the

to ireland as something the rDs and its Members could play a major part

opportunity to learn through lectures and talks, and to attend some

in. he says he has enjoyed being a Member ambassador, and has recruited

amazing events such as the primary science fair and the rising stars. i

a number of new Members. his message to Members is simple:

believe we all have a role to play in promoting the rDs and its work as we

"participate, express your view – it will be listened to – and make a

look forward to the future and hopefully to another 280 years!"

friday evening dining fast becoming a tradition at the rDs, Members and their guests are welcome on the first and third fridays of the month to relax and enjoy a delicious meal and the comfortable surroundings of the Members' Club. the rDs kitchen is still something of a Dublin secret, so friday evening dining is a great way to introduce friends or colleagues to one of the hidden delights of the society.

rDs Jazz singers original rDs Choir founder Muireann ni ChinnĂŠide provided the inspiration for this fantastic group and Choir Director teddy Cetto officiates. the group, which now has 24 members, had its inaugural performance before Christmas. its next performance, due to take place on april 21 in the library prior to friday dining, is much anticipated. the rDs Jazz singers rehearse on thursday evenings from 7.00-9.00pm, and Members can contact Catherine if they'd like to get involved.

NETWORKING RDS Members and their guests enjoying one of our busy Business Networking Breakfasts, held monthly in the Samuel Madden Room in association with Lyrath Estate and Convention Centre.

Minerva | april 2017 | 11

MeMBers' gallery

awards and inspiring events From events to get the young interested in art and science, to awards that recognise agricultural innovators, rDS events this spring have covered a wide spectrum of interests.

presentation Niamh Bushnell (left), Dublin Commissioner for Startups, was presented with an RDS Silver Medal by Committee for Enterprise Chair Geri Thompson after her Economic Vision 2020 talk.

iMportant insight Catherine Day, former secretary general of the eu, on stage with hilary hough, rDs Committee of enterprise, who hosted the Q&a after her presentation.

12 | Minerva | april 2017

inspiring the young From left: Cllr. Kieran O'Hanlon, Mayor of Limerick; RDS President Bernie Brennan; and, Eugene Wall, VicePresident of Mary Immaculate College Limerick at the opening of the 2017 RDS Primary Science Fair, Limerick.

BreaKfast Briefing RDS Vice-President Prof. J. Owen Lewis (left) and Chair of the Foundation Board Michael Gleeson at the Catherine Day Economic Vision 2020 talk.

MeMBers' gallery

Best in stoCK Dr Gary Lanigan, Teagasc, presenting at the 2017 RDS Spring Awards.

reCoMMenDeD reaDing Caroline, Martha and Hugo Kennelly-Maguire at the recent RDS book clinic for younger readers held in the RDS Library, where a book was suggested to each child based on their interests.

on the rise proMoting sCienCe Andrew Doyle TD, Minister of State for Food, Forestry and Horticulture (left) and RDS President Bernie Brennan (right) Simon Harris TD, Minister for Health, with the boys of St Michael's Junior School, with Mark and Fiona Magennis, Glencar, Co. Sligo, winners of Best New Forestry Entrant at the 2017 RDS Spring Awards. Ballsbridge at the RDS Primary Science Fair, Dublin.

Minerva | april 2017 | 13

v CalenDar of events open to MeMBers

Calendar APRIL 5


Business members’ networking Breakfast – members' club,

members/€25 non-members (includes lunch)

Samuel madden room – 7.30am – €10

ian Whyte, Whyte’s auctioneers: Collecting

John Casey, trilogy technology: Information

and Valuing Art and Collectibles. ian offers his

Security Risks – The Modern Landscape

expertise from years of collecting and valuing art.

9 10

Lunch and Learn – Dining room – 1.00pm – €20

Lunch and Learn – Dining room – 1.00pm – €20 members/

rDS rising Stars concert – rDS concert Hall – 7.30pm Contact arts@rds.ie or book online at www.rds.ie/risingstars.

€25 non-members (includes lunch)

pre-concert supper available in the Members’ Club – contact

John grennan, Consultant genealogist: Finding


Your Ancestors – The Easy Way. tips on finding your family roots.


ian Fox and Siobhan campbell: 'Great cities in art and music – Venice' – Presidents’ room – 12.00pm-1.15pm


rDS Library Speaker Series – rDS Library – 6.30pm

the first of four talks from ian and siobhan on venice, london,

Dr Christopher fitz-simon: Tyrone Guthrie in

vienna and paris.

WWII; From Dunkirk to Belfast. the director’s unusual tour of the uK during the


Business members’ networking Breakfast – members' club,

second World War.

Samuel madden room – 7.30am – €10 patrick ronaldson, founding partner and


Pre-match hospitality – Leinster vs connacht – members’

strategic Director, rothco advertising agency:

club – 4.00pm-7.35pm

AIB: Back from the Brink of Brand Extinction

(kick-off 7.35pm) 17 19

rDS Bridge club charity bridge evening – rDS concert Hall –

ian Fox and Siobhan campbell: 'Great cities in art and music – London' – conference room – 12.00pm-1.15pm

7.30pm (see panel on page 15.)


ian Fox and Siobhan campbell: 'Great cities in art and music – Vienna' – Presidents’ room – 12.00pm-1.15pm


rDS Jazz Singers performance – rDS Library – 7.00pm 25


rDS economic Vision 2020 Breakfast – rDS concert Hall – 7.30am Martin shanahan, Ceo, iDa ireland

rDS economic Vision 2020 Breakfast – rDS Library – 7.30am

to book email enterprise@rds.ie

philip Moynagh, Coo, Carbongistics to book, email enterprise@rds.ie.


Summertime shopping at the Kildare Village retail outlet and newbridge Silverware shop.

28, 29, 30 Pre-match hospitality – Leinster vs Glasgow Warriors – time and

Contact susan Cox at susan@rds.ie for further information or

date are match dependent

classes Bridge, fitness, computer and art classes will resume in late september and october.

14 | Minerva | april 2017

book online. €20 Members/€24 non-Members

members’ evening Dining april






members are reminded that the




dress code in the members’ club




area is smart casual and that dress



must be neat and tidy at all times.

CalenDar of events open to MeMBers

MAY 31

ian Fox and Siobhan campbell: 'Great cities in art and


music: Paris' – Presidents’ room – 12.00pm-1.15pm

rtÉ national Symphony orchestra summer lunchtime concert – national concert Hall – 1.05pm as part of her 2016 rDs Music Bursary award,


soprano aoife gibney will perform a concerto 2-4

rDS members’ annual trip to Lismore opera – Lismore,

with the rtÉ national symphony orchestra in

co. Waterford

the national Concert hall. this is an opportunity

Come with us to the eighth lismore opera festival for this

for Members to enjoy the concert and a post-

year’s performance of Donizetti’s L’Elisir d’Amore and enjoy a

concert reception and opportunity to meet

weekend of wonderful music in stunning locations.

aoife. for more information or to book, contact

Contact susan Cox at susan@rds.ie for further information or

susan Cox at susan@rds.ie or book online.

book online.



rDS Primary Science Fair, Belfast – Belfast Waterfront


‘noble above nobility– a Glimpse of Westmeath’. an opportunity to visit Mullingar and its environs with


Lunch and Learn – Dining room – 1.00pm – €20 member/€25

alastair graham and John holohan.

non-members (includes lunch)


laura allen, Bank of ireland: Keeping up to date with technology – Get the most out of being online this is an excellent opportunity to work together


2017 rDS craft awards exhibition

with laura and gain an introduction to the basics of

the exhibition, including award-winning work, runs in the rDs

the digital world.

Concert hall from august 2-4 and during the rDs Dublin horse show from august 9-13, 2017.


Business members’ networking Breakfast – members' club, Samuel madden room – 7.30am – €10



rDS Dublin Horse Show

Jane feighery, social entrepreneurs ireland:

Members have access to the rDs Dublin horse show

Developing an impact-driven CSR Strategy to

(with a valid rDs Membership card) through the

meaningfully tackle Ireland’s social problems

Members’ Club and the Belvedere gate.


an evening at the races in the company of Jim Bolger – Leopardstown racecourse (see panel below right.) 21-24

rDS members’ cultural trip to Venice venice, the city of Marco polo, Casanova, Cannaletto; the home of Murano glass, gondolas and exquisite palazzi. this trip will include an evening at the beautiful teatro la fenice for a performance of La Traviata, and it’s a must for any culturally curious rDs Members. for more information or to book, contact susan Cox at susan@rds.ie or book online.

rDS Bridge club Gala charity Bridge evening – in aid of the royal Hospital Donnybrook

June 22: an opportunity for Members to enjoy the company of the

april 19 – rDs Concert hall (access via the Club)

celebrated race trainer and rDs honorary life Member Jim Bolger.

play commences at 7.30pm sharp. subscription of €15 includes light

enjoy a wine reception in the Members' Club before transport to

an evening at the races with Jim Bolger

refreshments. sections: Masters, intermediate a & B and novices.

leopardstown for a three-course dinner and a wealth of information

there will be first and second prizes in each section and a raffle on the

from Mr Bolger, all for just €118. Book early to avoid disappointment.

night too. enquiries to Josephine fitzpatrick at 01 288 5525.

Contact susan Cox at susan@rds.ie or book online.

Minerva | april 2017 | 15

rDs liBrary

Digitising the rDs library & archives’ collections centuries of material is being preserved and made more accessible to researchers and members.

Digitisation project in 2017 the rDs library & archives will embark on an extensive five-year project to digitise a significant part of our archival collections. Digitising the rDs archival collections will help to ensure their future survival, while making them available to a greater number of rDs Members, historians, researchers and the general public, without exposing them to the risk of over-handling and other potential sources of damage. Digitisation will also enrich the rDs library & archives collections by drawing together material from different parts of our collections to create a digital archive that will provide a single point of access for information. this will significantly enhance user experience by enabling researchers to analyse information across a range of archival sources, a task that is currently virtually impossible because of the amount of time required to draw together data from multiple sources, and will also offer access to the collections to those unable to physically visit the rDs. Digitising our collections also gives us an opportunity to link with other cultural institutions with similar collections, providing scope for us to host stand-alone or collaborative online exhibitions that will allow us to reveal parts of the collections not usually seen by rDs Members or the public. the first phase of the rDs library & archives digitisation project involves the digitisation of the rDs proceedings, the printed record of the society’s VALUABLE ARCHIVE A work by Arthur Dobbs.

business, for the years 1831-1900. it was decided to digitise the rDs proceedings first as they are one of the most requested items in the collections. Making digital versions available online will allow researchers

“as an historical researcher in the fields of political and economic history

to access these historically important records while significantly reducing

i found the rDs library & archives to be an invaluable, and surprisingly

the risk of damage to the original copies.

untapped resource.”

if you would like to find out more about the rDs library & archives

Mícheál Ó fathartaigh, Dublin Business school

digitisation project please drop into the library or contact us via the library Desk.

as well as providing a lending service and a quiet working space for rDs Members, the rDs library & archives is the repository for the corporate memory of the society. the rDs archival collections contain material relating to the business of the society dating back to its foundation in 1731 and comprising a wealth of items relating to the rDs and irish society. the rDs archival collections serve as a record of the contribution the rDs has made to the cultural and economic history of ireland, which is of interest not only to rDs Members but also to the wider academic community and the general public. they include the society’s first manuscript minute books, the Dublin horse show and spring show archives, and the rDs concert archive. they are a great, and largely untapped, archive of original source material that can potentially contribute towards a greater understanding of irish history since the mid-18th century.

16 | Minerva | april 2017

PRICELESS RESOURCE Manuscript by Lactantius.

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