Protection and vindication This edition looks at legislation that affects some of society’s most vulnerable, and informs practitioners on what they need to know to vindicate their clients’ rights. Recent events in Ukraine and the mass exodus of so many of its citizens have
requirements involved, he also sets out a draft precedent for practitioners.
brought the plight of refugees into sharp focus for neighbouring countries and
The Government’s review of the Defamation Act 2009 and the subsequent
for Europe as a whole. Those seeking protection and security often find themselves
recommendations for change come under scrutiny in our Closing Argument. The
split up from family members in the fall-out of war. Emily Farrell SC examines
proposal to remove juries from defamation trials could have a significant impact
family reunification for international protection beneficiaries and explains the
on outcomes and ultimately on the willingness of potential plaintiffs to initiate
different avenues open to those who have been granted international protection
proceedings. The Minister for Justice states that the legislation must balance the
in Ireland.
right to the protection of a good name and the freedom to express and inform.
Much-awaited and important elements of the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity)
Mark Harty SC ruminates on whether the proposed
Act 2015 are expected to be commenced in June of this year. Aisling Mulligan BL
changes can really achieve this aim.
explores the ramifications of the Act, and presents the history and background to the legislation. The statutory condition that must be satisfied prior to issuing legal proceedings against a charity is explored by Felix McEnroy SC. This article is
Helen Murray BL
essential reading for all practitioners instructed to draft proceedings involving a
charitable organisation. Not only does our colleague explain the legislative
The Bar Review
THE BAR REVIEW : Volume 27; Number 2 – April 2022