thinkpublic book 2011

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Cephus Akuklu, Community Coach. Coaching families to achieve their goals, Barnet.

Pam Peyton, High Street Heuer. Helping people back to work, Truro Library, Cornwall.

it’s time to think differently



IT IS TIME TO DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY The public sphere is facing unprecedented financial challenges. At the same time, citizens increasingly expect to have a greater say in how services are designed and run. In response, we must re-think the model of public services so that we meet the needs of citizens, both now and in the future. For seven years thinkpublic has demonstrated what is possible when the users of public services and front line staff are given the opportunity to change the way they work. We unlock the potential in citizens, communities and frontline staff. We harness the knowledge, capacity and passion of people to work together to co-design and co-deliver the public services of the future.



the benefits



We help our clients understand user needs to eliminate waste and commission effective, value-for-money services.

We engage staff and help them take part in reforming and improving services.

We help save money and time by rapidly prototyping services that work without running expensive pilots.

We create public services that work right first time for the people using them.

We enable citizens and community groups to play an active role in their local communities.

We equip citizens with valuable transferable skills.

making services that work



MAKING SERVICES THAT WORK We worked with the Alzheimer’s Society and people with dementia to co-design The Dementia Adviser Service. The service is now running across the UK with 70 Dementia Advisers with around 8,000 interactions. The project, directly influenced the National Dementia Strategy in 2009. It identified a specific need and has put in place a cost effective, preventative solution which stops people requiring emergency services in a state of crisis.

‘The service provides advice to people before diagnosis to make sure they’re getting the right advice and support and before they reach crisis point and need a hospital admission or GP visit.’ The Guardian July 2010



making efficiency savings

MAKING EFFICIENCY SAVINGS WITH FRONTLINE STAFF We worked with Lewisham’s housing services and the Design Council to help them better understand their users to help improve services. Frontline staff were equipped with the skills to take an active role in improving various aspects of the service, resulting in £386,000 of identified efficiency savings as well as a reduction in the use of costly temporary accommodation.

online relationships

DESIGNING ONLINE RELATIONSHIPS WITH GOVERNMENT We worked with the HMRC, Companies House and to streamline the company registration process, making it easier and cheaper to set up a business in the UK. The project is part of a broader aim to make it easier to communicate with government online and has anticipated efficiency savings of ÂŁ1.13 Million.





citizen-focused servces


We worked with The NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement to create the ‘Experience Based Design’ (EBD) toolkit – the first co-design methodology for healthcare. The toolkit has been used in hospitals all over the UK and beyond, to help make simple improvements that streamline health services resulting in patients feeling safer, happier and more valued. “I’ve never seen patients involved in improving services in this way.” Ward Sister “It’s an organisational philosophy.” CEO Luton and Dunstable Foundation Hospital

what we do



digital engagement

Using technology to involve the public in tackling social issues.

training & workshops

prototyping & co-production

Design and creativity capacity building for organisations and the public.

Working together to create, test and deliver high-quality, value for money services.


social research

Engaging frontline staff and citizens in tracking social issues.

Understanding complex social issues and organisational challenges.

social enterprise

Working with social entrepreneurs and social enterprise to achieve their goals.

service design

Working together to understand the whole service experience, followed by designing effective, value for money services with a heart.


Using film and new technology to give communities a voice.



who we work with

Studios 38-40, Fruit & Wool Exchange | 56 Brushfield Street, London, E1 6EU +44 (0)207 247 2255 | | follow us on twitter @thinkpublic We are a social design agency that helps tackle big social challenges. We work with the public sector, third sector and communities. Our aims are: • To design creative solutions to social issues that deliver value and impact • To radically re-design public services and how they are delivered • To activate people to realise their potential in society

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