LEGION The magazine of Legion Scotland Issue 1 Spring 2014 www.legionscotland.org.uk
At the heart of the Scottish veterans community
Royal British Legion Scotland At the heart of the Scottish veterans community
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At the heart of the Scottish veterans community
A new era Legion Scotland New Haig House, Logie Green Road, Edinburgh EH7 4HQ Patron Her Majesty The Queen President Lieutenant General Sir Alistair Irwin KCB CBE MA National Chairman Robert Allan Vice Chairman Jan Harvey National Vice Chairman Andy Alexander Chief Executive Officer Kevin Gray MM EDITOR Christie McMonagle MANAGING EDITORS Jack Kibble-White, Fiona McKinlay DESIGNERS Mark Davies, Alistair McGown, Katherine Pentney SUB-EDITOR Sian Campbell GROUP ACCOUNT MANAGER John Innes john.innes@thinkpublishing.co.uk STORIES TO SHARE? Please contact Christie McMonagle at c.mcmonagle@legionscotland.org.uk or by calling 0131 550 1549. Submissions received by 12 June will be considered for inclusion. We cannot guarantee inclusion and articles are likely to be edited. Sending high-resolution images as email attachments will increase the chances of us being able to use your story. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Published on behalf of Legion Scotland by Think Publishing Ltd Woodside House, 20-23 Woodside Place Glasgow G3 7QF 0141 582 1280
ADVERTISING Sophie Conway sophie.conway@thinkpublishing.co.uk 020 3181 0943 Copyright © Legion Scotland 2014. All rights reserved. Legion Scotland is a trading name of the Royal British Legion Scotland, Scottish Charity No.SC003323
WELCOME TO THE NEW-LOOK LEGION SCOTLAND MEMBERS MAGAZINE! We have just launched our new brand, at this year’s Annual Conference (where many will be reading this for the first time), and hope it will pave the way for a brighter future. Our core values remain the same, but we are now more driven than ever to do our best to assist and support ex-servicemen and women across Scotland. This relaunch is about far more than a new name – Legion Scotland is evolving, and as we welcome more younger members from recent conflicts, we want to ensure we continue to represent each generation of our membership. As the largest veteran membership charity in Scotland, we offer comradeship through our branches and clubs, advice and support not only to ex-service personnel, but also their families, we are custodians of remembrance of those who have fallen in support of our country, and we offer grants to those in need. We work with a number of other veteran charities too. In the 100th anniversary year of the commencement of World War One, we have launched three new grants: the Branch Assistance Fund, Legion Veterans Fund and World War One Commemorations Fund. We are also launching a pilot Wellbeing programme, which you can read about on pages 18 and 19. The new-look magazine will be a quarterly publication, with a branch newsletter for office bearers fulfilling some of its previous purposes. By the next issue we will be putting arrangements in place to deliver the magazine to your door. Please make sure your branch passes on your address to head office for this. We hope you enjoy the new look and will continue to support our work. Thanks,
Kevin Gray MM CEO Legion Scotland
SPRING 2014 www.legionscotland.org.uk 1
Let’s make Scotland a place where we all love later life.
w: www.agescotland.org.uk e: fundraising@agescotland.org.uk p: 0845 833 0200
As we grow older we all want to keep doing the things we love, remain independent and have a fulfilling life. However, as we age we may face new challenges perhaps even loneliness, isolation, discrimination or poverty. That’s why Age Scotland is here. We are dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We support local groups where older people can come together and be part of a community. We improve the quality of life for thousands of older people every year by providing life-changing information and advice. Where we find disadvantage and unfairness we stand up and speak for those who need us. With your help, we can make Scotland a place where we all love later life. When you visit your solicitor, and you have taken care of your loved ones, please remember Age Scotland in your will - even a small gift can make a massive difference.
Age Scotland Department SLN Causewayside House 160 Causewayside Edinburgh EH9 1PR Charity No: SC010100 Age Scotland, part of the Age Network, is an independent charity dedicated to improving the later lives of everyone on the ageing journey, within a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in Scotland. Registration Number: 153343 Charity Number: SC010100 Registered Office: Causewayside House, 160 Causewayside, Edinburgh EH9 1PR.
14 18
The latest stories from Legion Scotland head office and beyond, including our events listings, a look at the Ayrshire area’s school visits programme, news from Poppyscotland, our Tattoo competition and more
ON THE COVER Afghan War veteran and powerlifter Micky Yule is due to compete in this summer’s Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. PHOTO: Alistair Devine/ Team Scotland
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14 18
THE LEGION SCOTLAND LEGACY Looking back at our story so far, from 1921 to the present day A NEW APPROACH FOR A NEW AGE Introducing our Wellbeing programme
Powerlifter Micky Yule prepares for Glasgow 2014
NOTES FROM A BOAT Stoker Andrew Stewart’s World War One diaries
The latest from the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force
A guide to Legion Scotland’s branches and clubs across the country
LAST POST Fond notes of remembrance from branches
On board the Empire Mace during the D-Day Landings
SPRING 2014 www.legionscotland.org.uk 3
Keeping you up to date with events in your area
Extra funds Three new grants announced at Annual Conference 2014
YOUNG FILMMAKERS RELIVE WORLD WAR School pupils uncover history of local war heroes TWO PRIMARY schools have been named joint winners in a competition organised by Legion Scotland. Pupils from St Andrews (above) and Fair Isle (inset) primary schools made evocative films of the personal histories of local soldiers who fought in WWI, using research from records of service and interviews with relatives of veterans. One of the stories discovered by the children at Fair Isle, where 26 went to war from a population of 139, was that of the McLean brothers who served in the same division. The two brothers died three days apart in the trenches in France. Teachers have praised the War
Memorial Competition as an opportunity for children to develop an in-depth understanding of the impact of the world wars on their communities. St Andrews Primary School teacher Joanne Aitken said: “The children have been so enthused by this project. It was their idea to shoot the film as if they were in the trenches. Then they decided they wanted to act in the film and get into the character of soldiers they learned about.” Kevin Gray, CEO of Legion Scotland, added: “The films by Fair Isle and St Andrews showed how much they had engaged with their history and war memorial heritage through the stories of real people.” To view the films, visit www.legionscotland.org.uk/ schools
4 SPRING 2014 www.legionscotland.org.uk
Simply the best Branch bowler Lauren Baillie heads to Glasgow 2014 A LEGION Scotland branch committee member has been selected for Scotland’s lawn bowling team at the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. Lauren Baillie from the Cockenzie & Port Seton branch (pictured far left, with fellow Team Scotland bowlers), is known to branch colleagues as ‘Simply The Best’ in reference to a tattoo she bears. Lauren helped the Branch achieve bowling glory at last year’s Scottish Legion Nationals in Nairn.
LEGION SCOTLAND has launched three new grants, each with a fund of £10k for this financial year: Branch Assistance Fund to help start up new branches, Legion Veterans Fund for those with an immediate financial need, and the World War One Commemorations Fund for commemorative projects and events. These are in addition to our continuing TravelAid and War Graves Visits funds. For full details visit www.legionscotland.org.uk, call Helen Henderson on 0131 500 1562 (Branch Assistance/WW1 Commemorations Funds) or Stephen Baird on 0131 550 1560 (all others).
Give us a break Edinburgh & The Lothians area launches respite care programme A PROGRAMME has been launched in the Edinburgh & The Lothians area to offer respite care to veterans of the Armed Forces, the Merchant Navy and their widows. Area Secretary Freddie Wood is heading the campaign and has secured funding from local councils to support this. His aim is to send 12 suitable candidates for a
week of respite care at the Erskine Home in Bishopton this summer and, if successful, he hopes this can be repeated in future years. During their stay, veterans can enjoy social activities and outings, extensive gardens, library services, a hairdresser and excellent care. While they continue to fundraise and make arrangements for the first recipients, Edinburgh & The Lothians area welcomes suggestions of veterans and widows who could benefit from respite care.
Win a VIP night at the Tattoo ONE LUCKY reader will be treated to a night for two at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo in August, with a black tie dinner in the Officers’ Mess (within Edinburgh Castle) and £100 towards travel expenses. To enter, send your name, address and telephone number to Tattoo Competition, Legion Scotland, New Haig House, Logie Green Road, Edinburgh EH7 4HQ, or email c.mcmonagle@legionscotland.org.uk with Tattoo Competition in the subject line. See www.legionscotland.org.uk/news-events for T&Cs.
LEGION LEGACIES LEGION SCOTLAND is always looking for new ways to help the ex-service community, and this requires funding. Leaving Legion Scotland a legacy in your will can provide a massive and ongoing contribution to our work and make a real difference to the services we can provide. We are working on a legacy pack to make this as easy as possible for you. In the meantime, if you would like more information please contact Sheena Stone, Head of Marketing & Fundraising, on 0131 500 1554 or s.stone@legionscotland.org.uk
■ Co-operative Funeralcare, sponsor of our Annual Conference this year, raised £328 for Legion Scotland at the Curling Championships in February. ■ Big Lottery Fund has extended its Heroes Return 2 programme, which offers funding for veterans to make commemorative visits within the UK and abroad, until the end of 2015. More information is available via the helpline on 0845 00 00 121 or at www.biglotteryfund.org. uk/heroesreturn ■ Tickets For Troops has a new partnership with viagogo to make more tickets for sports and entertainment events available to current servicemen and women, and recently injured veterans. See www. ticketsfortroops.org.uk ■ Three grants from the Scottish Government’s Scottish Veterans Fund have been awarded to Legion Scotland. These will fund a comradeship programme, a pilot wellbeing signposting service and the Schools War Memorial Competition. ■ Legion Scotland is working on a new product range that will be available online and by catalogue. Watch this space! ■ The 38th Miniband Competition took place in April at The Army School of Bagpipe Music and Highland Drumming, Edinburgh. Kirkcaldy B won the Margaret Bisset trophy.
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ARMED FORCES DAY Stirling Saturday 28 June www.stirlingarmedforcesday.co.uk Giving thanks for the hard work of the UK Armed Forces past and present, Stirling is the host city for this year’s national Armed Forces Day. Festivities will kick off with an impressive parade of tri-Service personnel, veterans and cadets, supported by bands, marching from ancient Stirling Castle and making its way through the streets of the city down to the events field below the castle. A Drumhead service will follow, concluded by a gun salute from 105 Regiment Royal Artillery. Throughout the afternoon, military demonstrations will feature daring fastropes of elite Royal Marines from Sea King helicopters with close air support from the Royal Air Force and an Army Apache helicopter. Visitors will be treated to parachute drops from the Red Devils – the Parachute Regiment Display Team – and the RAF Falcons. Drawing a close to the memorable day will be an impressive flypast of current and historic aircraft. The city will host performances from musicians, comedians and entertainers throughout the day. Events will also be held in Edinburgh on Sunday 22 June and Glasgow on Sunday 29 June. NATIONAL SPORTS FINALS Angus and Perthshire Saturday 31 May – Saturday 23 August Winners of branch and area heats from across Legion Scotland will compete in national finals in sports including golf,
Stirling will host Armed Forces Day
fly fishing and snooker. Members can contact their local area sports secretary for further details. D-DAY LANDINGS ANNIVERSARY Dunblane Friday 6 June Looking back on the D-Day Landings on their 70th anniversary, Dunblane Museum will host an exhibition on the Hitler Atlantic Wall which was constructed in Sheriffmuir in 1943, and a commemorative Culzean service will take place in Dunblane Cathedral. Other activities will include a 1940s-themed event at Victoria Hall with dancing.
LEGION SCOTLAND FOUNDERS DAY Dryburgh Abbey Sunday 22 June A church service will be followed by a wreath-laying ceremony, commemorating the birthday of Earl Haig, who is buried within the ruins of the abbey. For more information contact h.henderson@legionscotland.org.uk 6 SPRING 2014 www.legionscotland.org.uk
WORLD WAR ONE COMMEMORATIONS Glasgow Monday 4 August A special service at Glasgow Cathedral will be followed by wreath laying at the city’s Cenotaph on the day after the closing ceremony of the Commonwealth Games. The UK Government is inviting Commonwealth leaders from across the globe to stay on in the city for the centenary service. WORLD WAR ONE COMMEMORATIONS Edinburgh Sunday 10 August Replicating services held on the front line, a Drumhead service will be held at Edinburgh Castle Esplanade using neatly piled drums draped with flags as altars. FORCES IN THE FIELD Culzean Castle Saturday 30 August – Sunday 31 August A military-themed great day out for the whole family. Ex-service men and women, standard bearers, pipe bands, the Riders Branch and various youth organisations will be among those represented, with a range of activities and performances at Culzean Castle.
Looking at the excellent work carried out by our branches and members
School children dress up for a flavour of wartime Scotland
Legion Scotland members talk to pupils about the realities of war
YRSHIRE AREA’S school visits programme reaches out to the younger generation to engage and inform them about the noble work of our Armed Forces. Teams from the area’s Legion Scotland branches have made 50 school visits over the past eight years. Recently, a team from the Saltcoats, Ardrossan, Stevenston and Largs branch, led by Alastair Kennedy, paid their fifth visit to Glengarnock Primary School to talk to the P7 class and show them artefacts from both World Wars and more recently issued items. The presentation given by James Wilson, Richard Holmes, Victor Lees and Alastair Kennedy, (l-r, pictured inset) was linked to class projects, giving students access to first-hand evidence and bringing stories from the history books to life. The teacher, Janice Ross-Hays, said: “The children love the stories of what the Legion Scotland members have done and where they have been, and having someone who has served and actually lost friends brings home to them that this is real.” The team brought military clothing and helmets from various eras for the pupils to dress up in. The children were
also able to try on the current Army issue gas masks. They talked about field dressings – standard issue with a uniform in WW1 and still the case today. If you helped a colleague, they explained, you always used his dressing for him first: “You might need yours.” Each veteran explained their background and experience of military service, telling the class of each conflict they had been in, and how many friends they had lost. They spoke of their visit to Flanders, where they laid crosses not only for their own comrades, but on a German grave too: “It wasn’t his fault”. The team also showed the winning film from the previously run national Primary Schools War Memorial Competition. Gaining young people’s interest in the past and present of our Armed Forces is an invaluable way to positively influence their generation, and a great way to honour the admirable efforts of fallen comrades and ex-service men and women. Legion Scotland is delighted to see local branches carrying out such excellent work. Veterans bring history to life
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TOP GEAR SINCE OCTOBER 2013 Riders and HQ branch members have been able to join online via the Legion Scotland website, making the process of recruiting new members quick and easy. More than 85 members have already joined using this method and the hope is to roll out this process further over the coming years. To find out more visit www.legionscotland. org.uk
LARGS BRANCH REBORN EFFORTS HAVE been successful in reforming the Legion Scotland branch in Largs following a well-supported campaign. An initial meeting to discuss the proposal met with positive coverage in the local news and was attended by eight ex-service personnel. The group was given approval by the Ardrossan and Saltcoats branch and the Ayrshire area council, and will be officially launched soon.
WW1 commemoration services held TWO COMMONWEALTH War Graves Commission (CWGC) services have taken place to remember servicemen from World War One. The services were held at the graveyards in Thornhill and Penpont and were organised by Thornhill and District Legion Scotland President J Smith, Rev S Mill and historian Mrs G Cuttle. A total of 15 war graves were honoured with prayers and a moving recitation of Laurence Binyon’s fourth verse from For the Fallen. PIPE BAND
Tartan day in NY COCKENZIE & PORT SETON RBLS Pipes & Drums have recently returned from their trip of a lifetime to perform at the New York Tattoo and take part in the 16th annual Tartan Day Parade, marching down the Big Apple’s famous 6th Avenue. During their five-day trip, the group also found time to visit the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Ground Zero and Central Park in a yellow school bus kindly provided by First Bus.
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Legion Scotland wreaths were hung beside the new CWGC notices on the gates of the graveyards. Thirty one members from Legion Scotland and relatives of those buried in the graveyards joined Reverend Mill in prayers and thanks for the memories. All the graves were for returning servicemen who were wounded on the battlefield, evacuated home and died of their wounds. Members of the Penpont Church provided welcome refreshments on this cold day.
A trip to remember Pipe band honours dead with tribute journey to Ypres
Full-throttle fundraising The Riders Branch attended the Scottish Motorcycle Show in March and raised more than £600 in donations to Voices For Veterans. They were also invited to provide a guard of honour at the funeral of John Meechan of the Queen’s Own Highlanders. Thirty seven riders attended. TO COMMEMORATE the 100th anniversary of the start of World War One, Isle of Cumbrae RBLS Pipe Band will be making a return visit to Ypres in Belgium, the town most synonymous with the conflict. The band will be visiting from 17–20 October to mark the centenary of the First Battle of Ypres, when the Salient was forged. They will visit various sites and memorials in Belgium and northern France and will lay memorial crosses to some of the dead named there who originated from North Ayrshire, in particular those identified as being killed between those dates in 1914. While in Ypres the band will again play in the Last Post ceremony at the Menin Gate, where since 1928 the bugles have sounded in memory of the many thousands of Commonwealth soldiers lost there. The band will be staying in the Peace Village at Messines and will participate in commemorations in Armentières and visit memorials at Loos, Le Touret and Messines. The band last visited Belgium in August 2007 when they took part in the unveiling of a monument in Zonnebeke to commemorate Scottish soldiers and those of Scottish descent who fought in Flanders and on the Western Front in WWI. While the exact schedule for their visit is yet to be finalised, the band would be pleased to hear from any families or organisations which would like a memorial cross or wreath laid in memory of anyone commemorated at the named memorials. The band can be contacted at secretary@iocpb.org
Spring spruce-up for Creich memorial FUNDS HAVE been secured to restore the railings around the Creich (Bonar Bridge) War Memorial, which was originally installed in 1923. The E-On Rosehall Community Fund and the Centenary Memorial Restoration Fund will be providing almost £15k to complete the project. Paths around the monument will be closed during the work. Siemens has kindly agreed to arrange and fund the remaining
maintenance and restoration work on the memorial. This is expected to include replacing the edging around the flower beds, levelling and replenishing the gravel and touching up lettering on the monument. A temporary ramp will be made available for events at the memorial to enable wheelchair users to access the gardens. There will be a rededication ceremony once all the work is complete.
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A POPPY APPEAL TO BE PROUD OF! The final forecast total for the 2013 Scottish Poppy Appeal is £2,643,821 – a fantastic result for Scotland’s Armed Forces community. Members and branches of the Legion raised a terrific £927,603 and Poppyscotland extends a huge thank you to all involved for their exemplary support. The following totals were not finalised in time for the last edition of the magazine: Black Isle £5,177; Canisbay £799; Carnoustie £5,858; Inverness £42,790; Lossiemouth £2,495; Methlick £688; Paisley Comrades £12,770; and Wick £10,033. 10 SPRING 2014 www.legionscotland.org.uk
Soldier’s daughter wins competition PORT GLASGOW school pupil Chloe Duncan (11), the daughter of a soldier deployed in Afghanistan, has won a public vote to become the overall winner of Poppyscotland’s poppy poster competition. The competition formed part of Poppyscotland’s education project, Sowing the Poppy Seed. More than 1,400 entries were received from primary and secondary school pupils who were invited to create a poster to mark the 100year anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War. A panel of judges then chose nine finalists before the online voting opened. On finding out she had won, Chloe, from St John’s Primary, said: “I didn’t expect to win so I
was very surprised when I found out. I am really pleased and my mum and dad are happy too. My dad is in Afghanistan just now and he is looking forward to seeing the poster when he comes home.” Chloe’s design will be enlarged to an A2 poster and will be included in Poppyscotland’s education pack, which will be sent to every school in September. Chloe’s class will receive a twoday art workshop with a Glasgowbased artist and Chloe will receive a Kindle Fire.
Pedal power in Lothians sportive
POPPYSCOTLAND HAS revealed it will hold its inaugural East Lothian cycling sportive on 21 September. The 100km event is designed to suit riders of all levels of experience, with two routes allowing cyclists to take in the beautiful Law hills before finishing in Prestonpans.
Dozens of cycling enthusiasts signed up for the event at the 2014 Scottish Bike Show in April, where Sir Chris Hoy showed his support for the work done by Poppyscotland. To sign up contact Marianne Craig at m.craig@poppyscotland.org.uk or on 0131 550 1578
Soldiers walk West Highland Way
Lending a helping hand Poppyscotland’s Gary Gray provides an update on its welfare services “POPPYSCOTLAND HAS a proud history of assisting the Armed Forces community. We support people of all ages, whether their difficulties have arisen from their time in the Services or occur many years later. We also help the families of those who have served in the Forces, including partners, widows, widowers and dependent children. The profile of our client group has changed over the years; the majority of individuals accessing our services are now under the age of 50 and most present with multiple issues. Last year, we opened a dedicated welfare centre in the heart of Inverness to provide advice, information and support to the large number of serving and ex-service people living in the north of Scotland, estimated at 118,000. Poppyscotland offers financial assistance where it is needed, from household items and home repairs to mobility aids and clothing. We gave £580,000 to 1,200 people through our immediate grants scheme
over a 12-month period, helping to relieve financial distress and increase stability in the Armed Forces community. We also work with Citizens Advice Scotland on the Armed Services Advice Project (ASAP). Together we assisted 1,778 clients last year and brought a financial gain of almost £1m to help hundreds of members of the Armed Forces community. Short breaks can play a significant role in reducing stress and boosting health. Last year, 60 people benefited from our Poppy Break service, which provides respite, family or adventure holidays. Alongside our employment support grants scheme, we introduced three new services to help veterans with mental health issues, physical disabilities and those in the criminal justice system. These services have helped more than 120 veterans already. A significant part of our work is supporting specialist organisations which provide support to our mutual client groups. Last year we awarded grants in excess of £600,000 to 18 organisations that deliver a wide range of services to help Scotland’s veterans and their families.”
THREE SERVING soldiers have walked the West Highland Way to raise funds for Poppyscotland. Lance Corporal Alan Hamilton, Sapper Glenn Williams and Corporal Stephen Reilly from the 101 Engineer Regiment completed the 96-mile trek in under five days. Lance Corporal Hamilton, originally from Craigshill in Livingston, said “We are raising money for Poppyscotland because this is the centenary of the First World War. I have strong family links with the Scottish Poppy Appeal and my father has supported it for over 40 years. I know that the whole Armed Forces community will benefit from the money we raise through the work done by Poppyscotland in financial support, assistance and employability courses.”
To get help or get involved, visit www.poppyscotland.org.uk SPRING 2014 www.legionscotland.org.uk 11
Help us claim
At the heart of the Scottish veterans community
extra for every £1 you donate
If you are a member of Legion Scotland (Royal British Legion Scotland) and have paid a membership subscription for any of the last four years, either to Legion head office or through your local branch, these subscriptions can be treated as a donation and qualify for Gift Aid which enables Legion Scotland to claim back 25p for every £1 you have paid, provided you are a UK taxpayer. This costs you nothing but this money helps Legion Scotland to do so much more for veterans and their families. However, we require a signed declaration from you in order to claim this. ✓ Please tick appropriate boxes ❑ Please treat my membership subscriptions and all future
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Please notify Legion Scotland if you: - Wish to cancel this declaration - Change your name or home address - No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains
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Remember you must pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April one year to 5 April the next) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that the charity will reclaim on your gifts and donations for that tax year.
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Name on card: ...................................................................... Cardholder’s signature: ....................................................... I would like to give Legion Scotland the donation of £ .......... Donor’s signature: ............................................................... Date: (DD/MM/YY) Please return the completed form to: Legion Scotland, New Haig House, Logie Green Road, Edinburgh EH7 4HQ You can also complete this form online at www.legionscotland.org.uk/join For more information call 0131 550 1548
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Legion Scotland is a trading name of the Royal British Legion Scotland, Scottish Charity No.003323
SCOTTISH VETERANS RESIDENCES is now accepting applications for 21 flats in its new development at Bellrock Close in Glasgow’s Cranhill area. The one and two-bedroom flats have a fitted kitchen and living/dining room and are set in grounds with parking spaces and landscaped gardens. Two flats are wheelchair accessible. A gym, café and IT suite are available on site. Rent will be in the region of £75 to £85 per week. The closing date for applications is 30 May 2014 for entry in August 2014. For more details visit www.svronline.org or call 0131 556 0091
Artefacts appeal
SPVA joins with DBS
Items needed for Edinburgh exhibition on World War One SCOTTISH WAR BLINDED has launched an appeal for First World War artefacts, such as medals, pictures and military equipment, to include in an exhibition in Edinburgh this November. Focusing on the development of chemical warfare, attitudinal changes towards disability and the rehabilitation and training provided to blinded soldiers by Scottish War Blinded, it will take place at Edinburgh’s HELPLINE
Central Library from 10 to 15 November in partnership with the University of Edinburgh. Scottish War Blinded members have already contributed stories of relatives who served during the conflict featuring alongside art and craftwork produced by blinded exservice personnel at the Linburn Centre. If you can help, please email gary.seath@royalblind.org
THE SERVICE Personnel and Veterans Agency (SPVA) and Defence Business Services (DBS) have joined forces. A great deal of hard work from both organisations will ensure ‘business as usual’, and customers can expect no change to the services they receive. The new arrangement will serve some 1.2 million active serving end users, civilians and veterans. The SPVA brand will be phased out over the next few months.
New number for Veterans UK THE VETERANS UK helpline has changed its freephone telephone number. The new number – 0808 1914 2 18 – was launched earlier this year. This represents
the start and end dates of World War One, in its 100th anniversary year. The service is now available from 7.30am to 6.30pm Monday to Thursday and from 7.30am to 5pm on Fridays. An agreement with
Combat Stress and The Samaritans now allows callers to be routed to their helplines when calling out of hours. Veterans UK also has a dedicated bereavement line (0800 169 3458).
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In this first issue of our new-look magazine, we look back at our proud history, stretching over 10 decades
1921 1924 1926
14 SPRING 2014 www.legionscotland.org.uk
The Women’s Section, for wives, widows and children of men who served, was officially recognised.
INCE OUR foundation back in 1921, Legion Scotland, then The British Legion (Scotland), has been committed to helping Armed Forces veterans get on with their lives. We offer fellowship and comradeship and provide practical support, including financial advice. We act as the custodian of remembrance in Scotland, and we open the door to opportunities for those looking to take their lives in a new direction. The ways in which the Legion has supported veterans have changed over the years, but as we take a look back at our distinguished history and look forward to the future, our core strengths consistently shine through. For the last 93 years we have been there for the servicemen and women returning to civilian life. And long may we continue.
With around four million soldiers returning to civilian life at the end of the First World War, the need to create some kind of organisation to support this massive influx was compelling. Originally named British Legion, with ‘(Scotland)’ added retrospectively when the British Legion formed down south, the story started at a conference in Edinburgh’s Usher Hall on 18 June 1921, bringing together more than 100 existing veteran support organisations thanks to the influence of Field Marshal Earl Haig. A disablement pensions advice service was a unique feature from the start. By 1939, 10,000 cases had been represented at pensions appeal tribunals. We still represent 200 people every year today, and give advice to more than 2,000.
The Lady Haig Poppy Factory opened at Whitefoord House on the Canongate in Edinburgh on 8 March. In its first year 1.8 million poppies were produced. Today the factory (now located on Logie Green Road in Edinburgh) produces five million poppies a year.
A ROYAL PATRON Queen Elizabeth II, then Princess, became the Legion’s Royal Patron. The following year, The Duke of Edinburgh became a member of the organisation.
On 26 June Edward, Prince of Wales addressed members of the British Legion (Scotland) at the annual conference in Inverness. The following year’s conference also took place in the Highland capital. However, in 1933 the conference was held on Rothesay.
With war raging in Europe, many members of the British Legion (Scotland) were back in uniform and serving overseas – including the Legion’s Chairman. This year would come to be known as the organisation’s ‘Active Service’ year. The reduction in available members put pressure on those running the local branches. They had to continue the important work of supporting ex-servicemen and women, including assisting 5,000 families in obtaining allowance grants from the government.
1946 1952 JOIN OUR CLUB
As many Legion branches did not have premises in which their members could meet, a philanthropist came to the rescue with funding to buy suitable properties. This created the first Legion clubs, with many other branches raising funds and following suit over coming years.
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The Legion established a welfare service to provide advice and support to veterans who have a range of problems resulting from military service, such as unemployment, housing issues, bereavement, and benefits among others. This kind of support remains integral to the Legion.
As reported on the front cover of the April 1984 edition of Legion magazine Claymore, The Scottish Poppy Appeal exceeded £500,000 for the first time. Ten years later, the appeal topped £1million, and in 2013 was more than £2.6million, with the contribution of Legion branches being over £927,000.
On 18 May, the Legion’s Grand President, HM Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother attended the Women’s Section Jubilee Conference in Inverness, marking the section’s 50th anniversary. “Our aims are the same – to do all we can ex-service men and women who need help,” said Admiral Sir Nigel Henderson, the National President of The Royal British Legion Scotland. “You have had a wonderful 50 years, and with your care and guidance, you have played a large part in what has been done.”
16 SPRING 2014 www.legionscotland.org.uk
Around 360 Legion members were flown from Scotland down to London on a donated jumbo jet to take part in the VJ Day Drumhead service and march, taking place along The Mall.
1995 1997
For the first time, the Legion staged the Beating Retreat event on the esplanade at Edinburgh Castle on the Military Tattoo’s night off. The event took place before an audience of 6,500 and proved to be hugely popular. “The audience said it all!” reported Convenor of the Royal British Legion Scotland Piping Committee, David Lawson. “Our branch Pipe Bands, Central Band and all Colour Bearers were on trial and watched by many expert eyes. Information indicated that experts were suitably impressed.”
On 30 November (St Andrew’s Day), 60 members of the Legion came together in Glenrothes to form the Riders Branch – a specialist branch for those with a love of motorcycles. Today this branch has more than 700 members, and makes fundraising and awarenessraising visits to hundreds of events each year.
2003 SPRING 2014 www.legionscotland.org.uk 17
2014 LOOKING BACK WITH PRIDE AND ON TOWARDS THE FUTURE Legion Scotland has always been an organisation that considers how it can best support veterans and their families, and as times change so must we. This year brings with it a fresh new look, a new day-to-day trading name of Legion Scotland, and new opportunities. However, our commitment to Scotland’s ex-servicemen and women is unchanged and after 10 decades remains as solid and strong as ever.
18 SPRING 2014 www.legionscotland.org.uk
A NEW APPROACH FOR A NEW AGE Legion Scotland launches its new wellbeing and befriending service
WE NEED YOU Legion Scotland is looking for veterans, or those with a strong experience of service, who might be interested in volunteering as an Area Wellbeing Coordinator and Local Branch Befriender. You don’t need to be a current member of Legion Scotland and the role is a real opportunity to give back to the veteran community. If you are interested please contact Stephen Baird, National Wellbeing Coordinator, on 0131 550 1560 or s.baird@ legionscotland.org.uk or visit www.legionscotland.org.uk for more information.
provide even greater levels of support. Our motto, ‘Service, not Self ’ remains central to our purpose. A NEW START Our new wellbeing and befriending service will help all ex-service personnel but will have a particular focus on linking up with those who have very recently been, or are still going through the transition process back to civilian life. It will be run by a team of specially trained, locally based volunteers. We are trialling the service in selected locations from Inverness down the east coast to the Borders, and will capitalise on the excellent local knowledge our members have of the many veterans’ charities that operate across Scotland. This will allow us to direct veterans to the appropriate support services we provide, plus other charities that can help meet specific needs.
E KNOW that Legion Scotland has made an enormous contribution to the lives of veterans and their families for many years now. However, in order for us to remain truly effective we have to ensure we keep in step with modern-day society. We have welfare officers and coordinators situated right across Scotland, working to support ex-service personnel within their communities, and receive more than 2,000 disablement pensions enquiries per year. As we move towards an exciting new look for our organisation, it’s also time to reshape these crucial roles, enabling our people to
A cup of tea and a listening ear: befrienders at work.
A NATIONAL STRUCTURE Stephen Baird, National Wellbeing Coordinator, based at head office, will head up the service and there will be three Regional Wellbeing Coordinators reporting to him. At a local level we are bringing in two different types of volunteer role: Local Branch Befrienders, who will visit members of the ex-service community and direct those requiring further assistance to the Area Wellbeing Coordinators, who will offer more specialised help. We hope that many of you will get involved in this new project and help us nurture our veterans community. SPRING 2014 www.legionscotland.org.uk 19
Micky Yule was photographed at BAE Systems’ shipyard in Govan, Glasgow, as part of Team Scotland’s Ones To Watch campaign earlier this year. The shots by Alistair Devine (and others by Stuart Gray) depict Team Scotland’s prospective team members and medal hopefuls in iconic Scottish settings.
20 SPRING 2014 www.legionscotland.org.uk
Afghan War veteran Micky Yule, who lost both his legs in action, is going for gold at the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow
USSELBURGH-BORN VETERAN Micky Yule was a Staff Sergeant in the Royal Engineers working out of Helmand province, leading an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) search team when a device detonated beneath him. “We were tasked to clear a route which had previously been targeted by the insurgents, so we knew we’d have a hard day ahead,” he recalls. “I knew instantly I had been hit and could see the damage to my legs When I was selected once my head had cleared. The lads on my patrol reacted brilliantly as a potential for and administered immediate first aid and carried me to the helicopter the Commonwealth rendezvous site (RV) and then on to Camp Bastion. Games, it gave me “I was flown back to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham and was in a coma for six days. I stayed in intensive care for three weeks something else to before I was well enough to move into the ward. I spent eight weeks focus on and briefly in hospital before being moved to Headley Court. I have had 42 forget about the pain operations and counting. and the operations “[Walking with prosthetics] is very hard and painful in the beginning, but you have to stick with it and try to ignore the pain, and eventually it will get better. Learning to walk again at 32 was mentally very tough and certainly tested my resolve something else to focus on and briefly forget about the to keep going, but with hard work and pain and the operations. The goal-setting and discipline of support from family and friends, you get it training was similar to being in the Army, which I loved.” in the end.” His intensive regime includes regular camps in Leeds and Micky’s determination has already Edinburgh, although the majority is self-led at home. He taken him much further. He recently trains “seven or eight times a week… I always double up on placed fifth at the 2014 International a Monday: I like smashing my body after the weekend”. Paralympic Committee Powerlifting World The adjustment to civilian life has been an odd one for Championships in Dubai. Micky. “I am only recently getting my head around being a “I was always lifting weights and had veteran. I miss the banter with the lads and the work hard, previously won Army and national play hard attitude that soldiers have. There is a close bond competitions, so was very keen to pursue you get with friends that civvies just can’t understand.” this again through Paralympic sport,” He and his family have not had to go through it all alone: he says. “We have had some great support from different military Although the full line-up for Team charities, with adapting my new house and accommodating Scotland is yet to be announced, he is fully my family while I was in hospital. expected to take part: “I have very tough “My best advice to anyone would be to believe in yourself competition, especially from the Nigerian and surround yourself with positive people. I was told team, but my training is going great. hundreds of times that I couldn’t succeed and it would be “When I was selected as a potential for too quick to go to the Commonwealth Games after my the Commonwealth Games, it gave me injuries, but I have used that as motivation to push harder.”
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Andrew Stewart
World War One diaries of a stoker aboard HMS Southampton
NDREW STEWART was a delivery boy from Anderston, Glasgow, when he decided to run away to sea aged just 14 – two days after his father died. He joined HMS Southampton and was based at Rosyth on the Firth of Forth. From the start of the war, Andy kept a secret diary, documenting details of battles and his day-to-day life on board. After he passed away in 1976, Andy’s son Gordon found his father’s diaries, and with them memories of Sunday mornings curled up in bed, listening to his wartime tales. He said: “I remember I was very young when he first showed me the diaries. As kids, my sister and I, many a time, would lie in bed with him on a Sunday morning and listen to his stories about where he had been and things that had happened to him over the 30-odd years he was at sea, including during the war. He was a great storyteller.” Working as a stoker, it is surprising that Andy was privy to so much information as battles unfolded. Gordon said: “The detail is incredible and it all
HMS Southampton
22 SPRING 2014 www.legionscotland.org.uk
We gave orders to the destroyers to save life but had to retire owing to a Zeppelin dropping bombs on them
Battle of Heligoland Bight
checks out – it is very accurate. How did he manage to obtain so much detail? First, the only means of communication on a ship were radio and flag signals, but that was the preserve of the captain and other officers on the bridge, so how did the information find its way to a stoker in the engine room?” Recording all the action in which HMS Southampton was involved, there are accounts of the battles of Heligoland Bight (28 August 1914), Dogger Bank (24 January 1915) and Jutland (31 May/1 June 1916). He tells the story of a teenager who fell overboard and died on his 18th birthday. He wrote: “At sea steaming along at 16 knots when one boy fell overboard. One officer jumped immediately after him with all clothes and boots on. We lowered a boat, boy must have struck propeller blade never came up.” His diaries also include entries from the end of the war on 11 November 1918 and how he and his fellow crewmembers cheered King George V from the deck several days later. He wrote on 20 November 1918: “In the River Forth the Kings steamed up in a destroyer through the fleet. We all manned ships and cheered him.” Andy’s last account was on February 1919: “A. Stewart Stoker paid off and Demobilized arrived in Glasgow on February 13, 1919. Not sorry.”
EXTRACTS FROM ANDREW STEWART’S DIARIES 28 AUGUST 1914 – BATTLE OF HELIGOLAND BIGHT “Proceeded to sea at 24 knots. Our Commander told us all to be ready for an action. Just off Heligoland at 3.30am called hands at 4am prepare for action 7.30am. “Our destroyer was in action with the German Destroyers but it was very hazy. At 11am we sighted four German Cruisers which was out. We engaged the Mainze which were sunk, also the Koln and Ariadne.
1st Light Cruiser Squadron crippled them and 2nd Battle Cruiser Squadron blew them off the surface of the water. When the Mainze was lying helplessly we gave orders to the Destroyers to save life so they lowered the boats. “One of the German boats opened fire on them so they left one of their boats full of German sailors. But one of our submarines came up to the top and took all the crew off and left the empty boat for the Germans swimming about.” 24 JANUARY 1915 – BATTLE OF DOGGER BANK “8am we engaged them and then our battle cruiser let rip and they done the same so the firing kept up some time. “We watched the Blucher keeling over. We all had a rip at her as we passed by we fired 35 rounds on her. “We gave orders to the destroyers to save life but had to retire owing to a Zeppelin dropping bombs on them. “At 12.20pm the Blucher plunged to the bottom. It was splendid weather.” Battle of Dogger Bank
Voices of Veterans is a Legion Scotland campaign paying tribute to brave veterans of all ages who have served in past and present conflicts by sharing their stories. Commemorating the centenary of World War One, the four-year project will focus on key dates and events: the outbreak of war and Armistice Day, major battles such as Jutland and Gallipoli and important domestic incidents like the loss of HMS Iolaire. If you have a story to share, whether you left service yesterday or 50 years ago, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Christie McMonagle on 0131 550 1549 or c.mcmonagle@legionscotland.org.uk
SPRING 2014 www.legionscotland.org.uk 23
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28/04/2014 14:50
FORCES UPDATE Latest news from the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force
HMS ALLIANCE, the jewel in the crown of the Royal Navy Submarine Museum in Gosport, has been unveiled after a £7m refit. Funded by a mix of public donations and lottery money, Britain’s only WWII-era submarine has received an extensive refurbishment, allowing people to see the boat as she was in her heyday. Over the past two and a half years, the Alliance has been fully restored inside and out, and a jetty has been built beneath her so visitors to the museum can walk underneath for the first time. The museum has also added ‘soundscapes’ to bring the boat to life, with clips ranging from banter in the messdecks to taking the submarine to periscope depth.
A new Alliance Navy submarine restored to wartime glory after £7m refit
Army evolution THE NEWLY named 51st Infantry Brigade and Headquarters Scotland – previously 51 (Scottish) Brigade – has become the first of the Army’s Adaptable Force Brigades. Renamed on 31 March, the brigade will now be used for a wide range of tasks including providing headquarters and units
TWENTY BRITISH soldiers have been reburied in northern France almost 100 years after their deaths. Killed in action at the Battle of Loos in 1915, the soldiers’ remains were found during clearance work for the construction of buildings near Vendin-le-Vieil, north of Arras, back in 2010. The soldiers have now been reinterred in the Commonwealth War Graves Commission’s Loos British Cemetery in a procession led by Corporal Stuart Gillies of the 2nd Battalion Royal Regiment and were accorded full military honours. Many were found without their identity discs, making it impossible to trace who they were. The only soldier identified was a Scottish one from 7th Battalion the Royal Scottish Fusiliers, whose step-great-nephew Stephen McLeod was present at the ceremony.
for lengthy operations, overseas defence engagement and UK civil engagement. This comes as part of the creation of Army 2020 – the transformation of the British Army for the 2020s and beyond – in response to the strategic challenges it is likely to face in the future.
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Final salute for historic RAF squadrons in Lossiemouth
Exercise Joint Warrior returns
TWO RAF squadrons bid farewell to active service last month in a disbandment parade in front of His Royal Highness The Duke of York at the RAF station in Lossiemouth. The Number 12 (Bomber) and 617 Squadrons have had a fundamental role in successful operations throughout history from both the world wars to the wars in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan.
Many former 12 Squadron personnel will remain at RAF Lossiemouth as the station takes on the vital mission of Quick Reaction Alert, in which they will help maintain Typhoons, the world’s most versatile aircraft, at a constant state of readiness to launch in defence of the UK. From 2018, 617 Squadron will reform and the Dambusters will once again fly at the forefront of developing technology, this time in Lightning IIs, the fifth-generation, multi-role supersonic stealth aircraft.
RAF WINNING FOR WOMEN THE ROYAL Air Force has been recognised as leading the way on the inclusion and progress of women in the workplace. Not only did it win the ‘Inspiring the
26 SPRING 2014 www.legionscotland.org.uk
Workforce of the Future’ prize at the Opportunity Now Excellence in Practice Awards on 3 April, it has also been named as one of The Times Top 50 Employers for Women 2014. The awards recognise public and privatesector organisations that have put gender at the heart of their business and are committed to creating inclusive workplaces for women at all levels. Kathryn Nawrockyi, Director of Opportunity Now, said: “The RAF are a great example of strong leadership; of how putting gender equality at the core of a business can create real, sustainable change for women, organisations and society as a whole. “I hope other employers will be inspired by their work and use it to accelerate progress for women in their workforce.”
A fond farewell
Testing, testing THIS SPRING, 13,584 personnel from nine nations took part in Exercise Joint Warrior. The biannual training exercise involves the Royal Navy, Army and RAF and aims to test the Armed Forces’ responses and, particularly, how well forces from across the globe can work together in the face of crisis. This Joint Warrior exercise has been dubbed “the most complicated and largest”, with 33 ships, three submarines, 88 aircraft and more than 1,750 training objectives. Personnel from France, Denmark, Norway and the US were among the participants, with aircraft from as far away as New Zealand and Canada. Lasting almost three weeks, the exercise took place across Scotland and northern England and simulated the results of political and military tension in a fictional nation. Planning has already begun for the new Exercise Joint Warrior, which will take place in the autumn.
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LEGION SCOTLAND has nearly 170 branches across Scotland in locations from Kirkwall to Dumfries, and the Isle of Bute to Edinburgh. Every branch is run by volunteers and every one of them is different. What they all have in common is their desire to work towards improving the circumstances of ex-service people across Scotland. When you join your local branch of Legion Scotland your membership also entitles you to make use of any other branch across Scotland (a separate fee may apply for making use of a branch with a club). To make it easier to find the branch closest to you, we’ve split Scotland into nine different areas and have listed the branches in each area in alphabetical order. Those branches listed in BLUE also have a legion club affiliated to them.
Oldmachar Oldmeldrum Peterhead Stonehaven Strichen Tarves & District Turriff & District Upper Donside ANGUS & PERTHSHIRE 01241 873 964 Alyth Arbroath Blairgowrie, Rattray & District Braco & Greenloaning
ABERDEEN BANFF & KINCARDINE 01224 707 768 Aberdeen Aboyne Alford Ballater & District Banchory Buckie & District Bucksburn Dufftown Ellon Fraserburgh Fyvie Inverurie Keith & District Kincardine O’Neil Longside Lumphanan Methlick New Deer New Pitsligo 28 SPRING 2014 www.legionscotland.org.uk
Brechin Callander & District Carnoustie City Of Dundee Crieff Dunblane Dunkeld & Birnam Forfar Montrose Pitlochry & Blair Atholl
Irvine Isle Of Bute Kilmarnock Kilwinning Maybole Monkton & Prestwick Muirkirk Saltcoats, Ardrossan, Stevenston & Largs Troon
AYRSHIRE 01294 552 013 Ayr Cumnock & District Garnock Valley Girvan
BORDERS 01361 883 696 Coldstream Duns Eyemouth Galashiels Hawick Jedburgh Kelso Liddesdale Melrose Peebles Selkirk & Ettrick Forest St Boswells DUMFRIES & GALLOWAY 01683 221 295 Annan Castle Douglas Dalbeattie Dumfries & Maxwelltown Gatehouse & District Kirkcudbright Langholm Lockerbie Moffat Newton Stewart Sanquhar Stranraer Thornhill EDINBURGH & THE LOTHIANS 0131 550 1590 Bathgate Bonnyrigg Cockenzie & Port Seton Dalkeith Dunbar Edinburgh Central Edinburgh HQ Linburn Livingston Longniddry Newbattle & Gorebridge North Berwick Penicuik Portobello Prestonpans Roslin
FIFE 01592 568 601 Anstruther Ceres & District Crail Crossgates Cupar Dunfermline Glenrothes Kennoway Kirkcaldy Leven Markinch Newburgh St Andrews Tayport GLASGOW & WESTERN COUNTIES 0141 276 9755/ 07979 006 536 Biggar Bridge of Weir Campbeltown Clackmannanshire & District Cumbernauld Easdale East Kilbride Forth Glasgow City Glasgow HQ Grangemouth Hamilton Helensburgh Inverary Knightswood Millport Milngavie & Bearsden Newton Mearns Oban Paisley Comrades Stirling
HIGHLANDS & ISLANDS 01463 233 743 Assynt Aviemore & Rothiemurchus Badenoch Beauly Black Isle Canisbay & District Creich & Kincardine Dingwall Dornoch Forres Fort Augustus Fort William Glenurquhart Golspie Helmsdale Invergordon Inverness Kirkwall Latheron Lerwick Lewis Lochalsh Lochbroom Lossiemouth Nairn North Skye Rogart & Lairg Sanday Scalloway Strathpeffer Strathspey Stromness Tain Thurso Uist Wick For more information see www.legionscotland.org.uk
HEADQUARTERS BRANCH 0131 550 1583 Ideal for those abroad, or with no branch nearby RIDERS BRANCH 07884 004890 WOMEN’S SECTION 07826 104879 Arbroath Ayr & Prestwick Banchory Blairgowrie & Rattray Bridge of Weir Cockenzie & Port Seton Coldstream Crail Dingwall Dunbar Dundee Earlston Ellon Forfar Fyvie Galashiels Glenrothes Inverness Inverurie Jedburgh Larkhall Loanhead Lossiemouth Maybole Methilhill Montrose Oldmachar Oldmeldrum Paisley Peterhead Stonehaven Turriff
SPRING 2014 www.legionscotland.org.uk 29
Join us Legion Scotland looks after the interests of Scottish ex-service men and women and their families, both practically by providing comradeship and support as well as by fundraising for veteran causes and perpetuating remembrance. Anyone who supports these aims can become a member.
Why join?
■ show your support for veterans of all ages ■ access to around 170 branches and 70
associated well-equipped branch clubs What we do ■ comradeship through branches and clubs and
a programme of sporting and music events ■ advise veterans through our wellbeing
signposting service ■ offer a befriending service for veterans ■ provide a disablement pensions advice service ■ organise remembrance events around Scotland ■ raise money for veteran charities including the
Scottish Poppy Appeal ■ provide a range of grants for ex-service
personnel ■ campaign for better conditions for veterans
At the heart of the Scottish veterans community
For more information or to request a membership form, call 0131 550 1583, visit www.legionscotland.org.uk, email info@legionscotland.org.uk, or write to Legion Scotland, New Haig House, Logie Green Road, Edinburgh EH7 4HQ
Paying tribute to recently departed Legion members from across the country CUPAR
Andrew Philp
Branch members said their farewells to Captain Andrew Philp on Monday 17 March at Cupar Old & St Michael of Tarvit Parish Church. Andrew, a member of the branch for 57 years, was well known and well liked in the town, having been a town councillor and church elder. He joined the Fife & Forfar Yeomanry at the outbreak of WW2 and entered the Royal Armoured Corps, then was transferred to the Parachute Regiment. He was a lifelong member of the Fife & Forfar Yeomanry Association, an active case worker for SAFFA, a member of Cupar Probus, being awarded a 25-year long-service award by Cupar Probus this year.
He was also a fundraiser for RNLI and an active member of the National Trust for Scotland. He will be sorely missed by his Cupar Branch comrades. HAWICK
John Fisher
It is with regret that the Hawick branch reports on the passing of one of their members, John Fisher. Born in Glasgow, he served in the Highland Light Infantry for his National Service where he saw action during the Cyprus uprising. He was awarded the 1945 General Service Medal with Cyprus Bar. John and his best mate, Terrance Underhill (Parachute Regiment/ Parachute Royal Engineers), who passed away in June 2012, both gave valuable
service to the Hawick branch and were characters who always had a laugh and a ready smile and were ready to help when needed. Our thoughts are with both wives and families. ST ANDREWS
William F Laver
It is with great regret that the St Andrews branch announces the death of a long-time member. William F Laver had been a member since the late 1940s. He was posted to St Andrews in the early days of World War Two with the Middlesex regiment. They were tasked with anti-invasion duties on the Fife coast. He finished his war service as a sergeant. He returned to St Andrews in 1947, where he remained for the rest of his days. He died suddenly at home on 30 March 2014. THORNHILL & DISTRICT
It is with sadness that the Thornhill and District branch records the passing of three members recently: Hugh Kirkpartick Tom Brash Jack Hough
Hugh Kirkpatrick served in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers; Tom Brash in the Parachute Regiment; and Jack Hough in the Scots Guards.
Jack and his wife were both in separate residential homes. They died one day apart, and had a joint funeral. Members of the Legion attended all three funerals, laying wreaths and reciting Binyon’s well-known verse ‘they shall grow not old’ from the Ode of Remembrance. UPPER DONSIDE
William (Bill) James Duncan
It is with deep regret that Upper Donside branch reports the passing on 10 February of William James Duncan, known to all as Bill. Born in Glenbuchat on 11 May 1923, after leaving school at age 14 he went to work as a kennel boy at Drummuir near Keith. He was called up at 18 and joined the Gordon Highlanders. After training, he was posted to Africa, where he was wounded. He then served 18 months as a prisoner of war in Anzio. On demob he returned to work as a gamekeeper. In 1954 he moved to Townhead, Corgarff, to work for Lord Cowdray and was promoted to head keeper in 1968. Bill married Mona in 1946, but sadly Mona died in 2008. They had three children – Sadie, Sandy and June. Bill will be missed by all.
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A MARVELLOUS SHIP Peter Myers shares the story of a Merchant Navy cook aboard the Empire Mace as it approached Normandy
The view from HMS Empire Mace during the D-Day Landings
N 6 JUNE 1944, the Empire Mace, commanded by Captain RH Harrison, lay off Gold Beach with the troopships Empire Halberd, Empire Lance and Empire Rapier. The Empire Mace’s Royal Marines, who manned her landing craft, had prepared for the invasion with exercises in Scottish waters and off the south coast of England. After the first troops, from the 69th Infantry Brigade, had been dispatched, Empire Mace returned across the Channel to load more troops for other beaches, including the
32 SPRING 2014 www.legionscotland.org.uk
American sector. Jack Thompson, a cook in the Merchant Navy, spoke of it being “a marvellous ship with plenty of everything”, including a shower in his cabin. When some female US military personnel discovered Jack’s cabin had a shower, he was turfed out. After he reoccupied it, he said it smelt like a harem and provoked no end of teasing from his shipmates! Jack came ashore in 1945 and worked as a hospital cook in Glasgow until he retired in 1978. He sadly passed away in 2001, aged 87.
Get ready to take part in Erskine Week, 1st-8th June 2014 Please help us care for veterans. To take part, host an event or set yourself a challenge call 0300 123 1203, email gopurple@erskine.org.uk or visit www.erskine.org.uk/erskineweek.
Erskine is the trading name of Erskine Hospital, Scottish Charity Number SC006609
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