WDC Annual Review 2017

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A WORLD WHERE EVERY WHALE AND DOLPHIN IS SAFE AND FREE As WDC enters its 30th anniversary year, we have been able to reflect on past successes for the charity and also look ahead to the challenges and uncertainties that face us in our fight to create a world where every whale and dolphin is safe and free. In 30 years we have seen many changes in that world, not least the growing public movement away from the idea that keeping whales and dolphins in captivity for our entertainment is acceptable. Our work to create wild sea sanctuaries for whales and dolphins is a reflection of that movement, and we are very excited by the developments in the past 12 months with our beluga sanctuary project. We are working with partner organisation Merlin Entertainments to create a large sea space for two belugas currently held in captivity to live out the rest of their lives in a more natural environment, without having to perform tricks for the public.


Over the coming 30 years we will continue to work in partnership with commercial companies that share our vision. In 2017 we cemented relationships with companies BRITA and SEGA, as well as seeking to increase the numbers of partnerships to help benefit whales and dolphins, all the while adapting to the changing fundraising landscape in the charity sector.

CONTENTS Stop whaling


Healthy seas


Prevent death in fishing gear


End captivity


Our mission


Partners and sponsors


It’s all thanks to you


Financial review


Thank you




We live in a politically uncertain time and this uncertainty has presented challenges for us as a charity. In 2017 we continued working to influence states regarding issues such as whaling, deaths of whales and dolphins in fishing nets, the scourge of plastic pollution and the creation of healthy seas. The successes you can read about in the pages of this Review would not be possible without the support of our corporate partners, volunteers, donors and individual members of the public. Thank you. Together we will continue to be the advocate for whales and dolphins.

Chris Butler-Stroud (CEO, WDC)

WHY WHALES AND DOLPHINS NEED OUR HELP ASIDE FROM the fact that whales, dolphins and porpoises face cruel threats every day from hunting, capture, pollution, excessive underwater noise and entanglement in fishing gear, WDC also believes that fighting to protect these magnificent creatures is important because they play a vital role in the health of our planet, and also have the right to life and freedom. Their well-being and abundance are integrally tied to the health of the planet, and other species, including our

own. For example, whales play a vital role in the marine ecosystem where they help provide up to 50% of our oxygen, combat climate change and sustain fish stocks. It is no longer enough to conserve vulnerable species anymore. We need to restore their ocean environment and allow populations to recover to levels that existed before industrial-scale whaling and fishing devastated the oceans. We should all be working to save these creatures, help save our planet, and ultimately save ourselves.







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STOP WHALING WDC IS FIGHTING TO KEEP THE BAN IN PLACE SLAUGHTERING WHALES has a devastating impact on the whale communities left behind. It is also cruel and pointless. Demand for meat is falling in those countries that eat whales and most whale meat is kept in frozen stockpiles. There is also an international ban on commercial whaling, yet a few countries continue hunting by exploiting loopholes. Around 50,000 whales have been killed since the ban came into effect, with Japan, Iceland and Norway the main culprits.

WE ARE... 1. Fighting to stop whaling in Europe, Japan and around the world by representing whales at international meetings such as the International Whaling Commission (IWC), cutting supply routes and exposing illegal sales of meat.

• There is no humane way to kill a whale at sea. • Populations already face many threats each day. • Regulating whaling to keep kills to a certain number is also very difficult.

3. Educating communities about whale watching as a financial alternative to hunting.

Commercial whaling is still a big threat and so WDC continues to fight it by lobbying and campaigning. We battle to keep the ban in place, to investigate and expose this cruel trade, to prevent new markets for whale products opening up, and to reduce the numbers of whales being slaughtered. WDC is working on three key areas to stop whaling for good.

2. Reducing demand for whale meat by, for example, dissuading tourists who may be tempted to try the meat, or highlighting the health risks around its consumption.

PETITIONS Almost 270,000 of you supported our ongoing campaign asking the European Union to say ‘no’ to a trade deal with Japan so long as Japan continues to kill whales. The EU’s own petitions committee is now raising our concerns with ALMOST the EU Trade Commissioner. And your pressure persuaded the EU Parliament to vote overwhelmingly for a resolution OF YOU SUPPORTED to stop whale meat being moved OUR ONGOING through EU ports. We will CAMPAIGN continue to push for this to become law.


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SAFE AND HEALTHY SEAS Protecting homes for whales and dolphins

TO PROTECT WHALES AND DOLPHINS from the threats they face, we must work together to safeguard more of the places in which they live. This is a huge but vital task – 70% of the Earth’s surface is water, yet only just over 5% of the ocean is currently protected. Planet Earth needs healthy oceans to survive. And healthy oceans need whales and dolphins. We can do this by establishing marine protected areas (MPAs). These are stretches of ocean where activities that can be harmful to whales and dolphins (such as oil and gas exploration and certain types of fishing) might be restricted, or ships are required to slow down. MPAs can be close to shore or far from land on the high seas. WDC is helping to create some of the most important protected areas the world has seen.

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Using national and international agreements, WDC is instrumental in designing, creating and implementing various kinds of MPAs. We also carry out scientific work essential to the creation of these vital protected areas. WDC is: • Working with international bodies and governments to designate protected areas in places whales and dolphins need them most • Carrying out scientific work to help identify important whale and dolphin habitats • Working with local communities to locate and maintain protected areas SUCCESS Nearly 9,000 of you joined our campaign for protected areas for harbour porpoises in

the seas around England and Wales. In 2017 these sites were finally designated. WDC helped increase a designated critical habitat for the endangered North Atlantic right whale along the east coast of the United States. We worked with partners to help produce a Hector’s dolphin sightings app that New Zealand residents are now using to identify where these rare creatures are located, and so help build a case for greater habitat protection in the country’s waters. We have also played a major part in the identification and implementation of protective measures and ocean zones (important marine mammal areas, or IMMAs) in the South Pacific region.

Plastic is a huge threat to marine life

Some 56% of whale and dolphin species have been recorded eating plastic Tyres and debris from tyre abrasion end up in our seas

A group of humpback whales thriving in clean waters



tonnes of carbon are transferred to the ocean floor by the bodies of dead whales each year. These so-called ‘whale falls’ also greatly enhance the diversity of ocean ecosystems

More than


species can inhabit a single whale skeleton during the final stages of decay. Whale carcasses provide food and habitats for many other creatures within the ecosystem

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NET HORROR Preventing whales and dolphins from dying in fishing gear

HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of whales and dolphins die a slow and painful death every year when they become entangled in fishing nets and gear. Known as ‘bycatch’, it is the biggest global threat to whales and dolphins and it has pushed some species to the brink of extinction. • WDC is working with governments to reduce this threat, ensuring laws are toughened up to stop dolphins, porpoises and whales dying in this horrific way. • We have teamed up with scientists and fishermen to find safer fishing methods, supporting scientists to find

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solutions and technologies, such as pingers, to help porpoises detect and avoid nets. • We are campaigning to save species that have been driven to the brink of extinction by entanglement. SUCCESS Almost 76,000 of you joined our campaign calling for strong laws to stop bycatch in UK seas. We took your petition to the UK fisheries minister who listened and agreed to become a ‘champion for whale and dolphin welfare’. As a result, the UK government is developing a bycatch strategy.

WDC worked in partnership with Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Creel Fishermen’s Federation and others to produce a Best Practice Guide to reduce whale entanglements in Scottish waters. We worked with the Convention of Migratory Species on a bycatch resolution; pushing countries to instigate new, more effective protection measures. WDC continued an educational project aimed at boat owners to encourage them to locate and report entangled whales to the proper authorities in the US. This led to the successful reporting of 16 entangled large whales to trained and permitted disentanglement teams.



Hector’s dolphins killed by a fishing net

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END CAPTIVITY A better future for whales and dolphins

AROUND 3,000 whales and dolphins are held in aquaria, zoos and marine parks globally. Capturing and keeping whales and dolphins in captivity is cruel. They are highly intelligent and live in complex social groups, but are taken from their homes, separated from their families and confined for human ‘entertainment’. Even though captive whales and dolphins are kept in an environment free of predators, pollution and other threats, they die young. WDC is working to create a better future for these amazing, intelligent creatures. We are concentrating efforts on three key areas that

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we believe will ultimately bring an end to this cruel practice. With your support we can end captivity... • WDC is helping to create sea sanctuaries where whales and dolphins held in captivity can be relocated to live more natural lives if they cannot be returned to the wild. • We are working to stop the supply of whales and dolphins to captive facilities. • WDC is campaigning to end the demand for whale and dolphin shows by stopping their promotion by tour operators.

3,000 AROUND


CAMPAIGN SUCCESSES THANKS TO your support we are establishing a sanctuary for captive beluga whales in Iceland, a wild environment where these intelligent individuals can live in peace. WDC has partnered with Merlin Entertainments in order to establish the sanctuary, prepare two captive belugas for relocation, gain permit applications, design the site and devise a care plan. We hope that this will be the first of many such sanctuaries around the world. WDC persuaded the Green and Left Party in Germany to include a commitment to ban dolphins in captivity in their election programmes. The Social Democratic Party also published a clear statement against dolphin captivity. With advice from WDC, the Christian Democratic Union of Germany has now asked the government’s agricultural ministry how a dolphin import ban could be implemented.

WDC is currently completing a major report, analysing years of aquaria data, showing the full extent of how limited and inconsistent care is for dolphins in captivity. With your help, our campaign to stop UK holiday companies supporting whale and dolphin captivity has achieved some success. Holiday giant Thomas Cook is the latest company to turn against this cruel practice. And pressure on Virgin Holidays has also paid off. The company will not sign up any new attractions that feature captive whales and dolphins for theatrical shows or swim-with contact sessions. WDC’s work with the National Marine Fisheries Service in the US led to an announcement that the Okhotsk beluga population would be listed as ‘depleted,’ which will – we hope – help lead to an end to captures from this vulnerable population.



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OUR MISSION WDC... Is the leading global charity dedicated to the conservation and protection of whales and dolphins OUR VISION... Is a world where every whale and dolphin is safe and free WE BELIEVE THAT WHALES AND DOLPHINS HAVE RIGHTS... • The right to swim where boats don’t injure them • The right to swim wild in clean, natural, noise-free waters • The right to swim free, not to be trapped in fishing nets • The right to be free, not held captive for human entertainment • The right to exist as nature intended, not as humans decide • The right to live, not to be hunted If you believe in these rights, please help us

Protecting w

whales and dolphins, and our shared planet

PARTNERS AND CORPORATE SUPPORTERS Thank you to our generous partners.who supported WDC’s work in 2017 WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP TO DELIVER A POSITIVE IMPACT FOR WHALES AND DOLPHINS Throughout 2017 WDC collaborated with companies, organisations and highprofile individuals from all over the world to raise vital funds to support our work to protect whales, dolphins and porpoises, and to reach new audiences with our vision of a world where every whale and dolphin is safe and free. As well as continuing to work with some of our fantastic long-term partners, we’ve teamed up with some exciting new brands that share our love of whales and dolphins, and want to ensure we help to maintain healthy seas. Our partnerships are diverse and include promoting products that help our supporters tackle plastic pollution,

raising awareness about WDC’s campaigns and generating income to support our work through sales of partner products. Our partners also run special fundraising events and promotions to encourage donations by their wonderful customers and staff, who continue to surprise us with their incredible generosity and passion for our cause. This year we launched a partnership with Alpha Insurance which, like WDC, believes no whale or dolphin should live their life in a concrete tank away from their family or be used for human ‘entertainment’. The company felt so strongly about this issue that it removed cover for swimming with dolphins both in captivity and in the wild from its holiday insurance packages and was happy to tell its customers why; helping to


WDC Patron Julia Bradbury (second from left) supporting the BRITA-funded #NotWhaleFood project

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raise both awareness of WDC’s work and vital funds. And it’s not just our anti-captivity campaign that has benefited from our work with companies. Our dive-wear partner Fourth Element and sportswear company GRN both help to tackle the threat of bycatch and entanglement by creating products from recycled ‘ghost gear’ and discarded fishing nets – helping to support important clean-up operations. The income that WDC receives through our partnerships helps to support all aspects of WDC’s work, including our campaigns, projects and fieldwork all over the world. We are so grateful for the support of our partners, all of whom have directly contributed to our major successes in 2017.


In 2017, BRITA continued to generously support WDC’s work on tackling ocean plastic pollution in both the UK and Germany. Thanks to a donation of £28,000 from BRITA UK, WDC was able to create a new website, www.notwhalefood.com, to help raise awareness of the threat of plastic pollution to the health of whales and dolphins and share information on positive changes we can all make to help in the fight for healthy seas. Their kind support also helped us to create a much-needed role in our policy team to focus on plastics and enabled us to start our #UrbanBeachClean project – providing supporters all over the UK with free equipment to help them tackle the problem of plastic litter where they live, stopping it from entering the ocean. More than 500,000 people engaged with the #NotWhaleFood project in 2017, including our patron, Julia Bradbury, and our wonderful #PlasticsHeroes who have inspired our supporters all over the world to take action on this vital issue.

Long-time WDC partners SEGA and Relic Entertainment joined the team on a whale watching trip in 2017, seeing the positive impact of their continued support first-hand

event brought together guest streamers and broadcasters, and individual fundraisers from all over the world to take part in a 24-hour gaming challenge, which raised an amazing $100k.


Our friends at online gaming channel, The Yogscast, helped us round off 2017 with another recordbreaking donation to support the work of WDC. With the help of the channel’s generous fans all across the world, The Yogscast’s 2017 Jingle Jam Christmas fundraiser raised a total of $5.2m for charity, with a whopping donation of almost $600k being made to WDC to support our vital work keeping whales and dolphins safe and free. To thank them for their incredible generosity WDC gave The Yogscast team the honour of officially naming one of the bottlenose dolphins that WDC helps to monitor and protect in the Moray Firth, Scotland. The team chose the name Honeydew for an impressive-looking male dolphin, after the nickname for Simon – one of The Yogscast's founder members. We are pleased to report that WDC field officer Charlie Phillips spotted Honeydew safe and well several times in 2017, including seeing him bow-riding a ship entering Cromarty.


We also had fantastic support from our other partners in the video games industry in 2017, including SEGA, Humble Bundle, 505 Games and Twitch. They helped us run our first-ever video games fundraiser – the Gamers for Orcas challenge. Launched on World Oceans Day, the

In September, WDC received a fantastic donation of nearly £8,000 from our long-time supporters Animal Friends Pet Insurance, one of the largest suppliers of pet insurance in the UK. As part of Animal Friends’ Facebook competition, WDC was chosen, along with two other ‘ocean’ charities, to share an amazing £20k donation. Some 1,200 WDC supporters from all over the world helped secure a donation of £7,800 for WDC by engaging with the competition on Facebook, which encouraged people to vote for one of the charities using a specific icon – in the case of WDC, the ‘ha ha’ emoji. The much-needed funds have been used to support our ongoing work to protect whales and dolphins around the globe.

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WDC and Care2

THANKS FOR YOUR BRILLIANT SUPPORT! Our supporters are our lifeblood and we are so grateful to all of you

EVERY WHALE and dolphin is a remarkable individual – and so are all our fantastic supporters. As a charity, we rely on your generosity and enthusiasm to fund our important work. You donate your money and your time, you sign our petitions and get involved with our campaigns, you adopt whales, dolphins and orcas, you swim, you run, you donate via your businesses and you join our fundraising events. Your energy and your love of whales and dolphins inspires and motivates us every day. Because of you, WDC will be here until every whale and dolphin is safe and free – whales and dolphins are lucky to have you on their side. We’d need many more pages to mention you all, but here are a few folk who have gone the extra mile.

NICOLA SAINSBURY Nicola describes her decision to take on the Great North Swim to raise money for whales and dolphins in the beautiful setting of Lake Windermere as a ‘moment of madness’. She thinks of herself as ‘a steady rather than a fast swimmer’ but she was determined to complete the challenge – and she did, raising almost £900 for WDC. Thank you Nicola and well done! LEAH SAUNDERS Leah took to the water as part of our BIG Splash Swim. She swam an Stacey Bethell

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amazing 128 km over a month and raised £423.25 to help keep whales and dolphins safe and free. Leah finished her swimming challenge in Scotland as she wanted to be as close as possible to the dolphins she loves. She met the WDC team at our Scottish Dolphin Centre and plans to return again in 2018 – it must have been the big slice of cake we gave her in our Centre café! EMILY BIRD Emily went whale watching for her birthday but didn't see any whales. When she heard


WDC were looking for someone to run the Loch Ness Marathon she joked that, if she did something for whales, maybe they'd be more obliging next time she went whale watching! She raised over £200 and, for her birthday in 2018, plans to run the Moscow Marathon to raise even more to help WDC keep whales and dolphins safe and free.



• Administer your donation efficiently, putting your gift to work quickly. • Use your donation carefully and responsibly. • Where you have donated to a particular project, respect your wish to allocate your donation to that project. • Thank you for your support and let you know what your donations have made possible. • Make the best use of our income by carrying out projects that have a demonstrable, positive impact on the lives of whales and dolphins. • Ensure that your personal details and donations are kept securely, and never share your personal data with other organisations. • Abide by the Institute of Fundraising’s Codes of Fundraising Practice (and any subsequent legislation) and ensure that all our activities are open and fair, honest and legal. • Communicate with you in the ways that you prefer and, if these change, adapt them to suit your needs. • Acknowledge any queries and complaints within three working days, and respond fully within 10 working days. • Never put any pressure on you to make a donation.

S Nicola

EVERYONE WHO JOINED US AT THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT Entanglement or 'bycatch' in fishing gear is the single biggest threat to whales, dolphins and porpoises and because of you, the UK Fisheries Minister, George Eustice, is taking action. A massive thanks to all of you who joined us at the Houses of Parliament to present our petition, and thank you also to all the 35,735 people who signed it. STACEY BETHELL Stacey has two major passions: orcas and video games. She combined them when she took part in our Gamers for Orcas 24-hour gaming marathon, raising a brilliant £650 and bringing the issues facing orcas to the attention of her many followers.

a in


Thanks to Stacey and all the other gamers who took part in this event. CAROLINE LEA Caroline has been taking on the issue of bins overflowing in her rather windy local community on Orkney. She contacted her local council about a seafront bin that was emptying its contents into the sea whenever the wind blew. They responded by changing it for one with rubber strips on the opening, keeping the rubbish in the bin and not in the sea, where it poses a massive danger to whales and dolphins. Great work Caroline!

Le a





ALL OUR AMAZING ARTISAN PARTNERS Individual artists, craftspeople and small businesses raised money and awareness for whales and dolphins. Our artisan partners contribute a percentage of their sales income or a fixed price per item to WDC, and talk to their customers about our work. Their offerings range from clothing and jewellery to gifts, ornaments and beer. The range and variety is growing and we hope to feature more of you lovely, talented people on our new website in the coming year.

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FINANCIAL REVIEW TOTAL INCOME for the year was £3,852,919. This increase of £310,473 from the 2016 level of £3,542,446 is due primarily to a large rise in income from corporate fundraising – £390,729, up from £20,297, largely due to donations received as a recipient of the Humble Bundle/Yogscast Jingle Jam promotion, and other corporate donations. Legacy income was similar to last year. While income from individuals was up by 4%, income from adoptions and Trusts were both lower than last year.

The cost of generating funds has reduced by 7%, from £920,495 to £856,240, which is a reflection on our ability to spend funds efficiently in the current difficult direct marketing market. We are also working to upgrade our website; the expenditure for this will happen in 2017-18, so spending in this area was down. Charitable expenditure in the year amounted to £2,965,079, an increase of 5% from last year. Charitable spend continues to be matched to budgeted regular donation income expected

Governance costs


Membership and adoption programmes Information and education Conservation and campaigns Merchandise, café, raffle and magazine Fundraising

4p 8p 5p 20p

62p CHARITABLE ACTIVITIES Conservation and campaigns

Unrestricted funds

Restricted funds

Total funds

Total funds for 2016





Information and education
















Adoption programmes Governance costs Charitable expenditure 16 WDC 2017

during the year. The US subsidiary is showing a net loss of £28,451 in the year. Although income from individuals hit the targets set, income from Trusts was lower than budgeted. The US subsidiary still carries a healthy net retained income into the current year to help any fluctuations in donation income from individuals, legacies and Trusts, which can be unpredictable. The German subsidiary had net income of £28,404. Corporate fundraising in Germany had a good year, with a partnership with BRITA contributing towards the positive net income. Income from individuals was as budgeted, with some new products being tested with current and new supporters. Germany is building on these successes to continue to produce a positive year-end result. The Trading company had a satisfactory year, although the weather affected visitor numbers, and therefore shop and café sales, at our Scottish Dolphin Centre in Moray. Online sales of merchandise were down, as we reduced the amount of shop emails to try to give our supporters the communications they want. As ever, the Trustees regularly review the activities of the Trading company and consider it useful to the charity, as it allows important activities to be undertaken which benefit the charitable objectives but may not be able to be undertaken by a charity. This is especially true as we expand our corporate activities – many of these can most effectively be done via the Trading company.



All thanks to you WDC would like to thank all of our partners for their important and ongoing support. We couldn’t do this without you


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

4Ocean BRITA UK PADI ORCA Design Teemill Humble Bundle Triodos Animal Friends Ecotricity Evergreen Insurance MBNA Recycling for Good Causes GRN Alpha Insurance Elite Eco Logistics Off the Map Travel eBay Ethical Superstore Fourth Element Twitch 505 Games Relic Entertainment 11 Bit Studios The Yogscast Sumo Digital Future Games of London

• 3d Computers • Auroch Digital • Codename • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Entertainment My Green World Unknown Worlds Good Gifts Konfidence Munchkin Merlin Entertainments Savoo The Storm Whale Drew Sutton Speyside Craft Brewery TwoThirds The Whale Company Top Cow StacyPlays Virtual Umbrella Alex Mustard Profile Oaken Palace Records BeefJack Giveacar GhostRobo The Gaming Beaver Stacey of Gotham Wild Sky Productions

• Mark Whelan, Conran Design Group and Havas Worldwide • Team17 • The Recycling Factory CORPORATE PARTNERS (GERMANY)

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Becela-design BRITA Designarmada Green Pearls Hotel Sand iChoc Iconeo Design Studio Infoscreen Langbrett Soulbottles Spanien Tourismus Sterzenbach.design Vaude


• Allstate Giving Campaign

• Amazon Smile

• American Express • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Employee Giving Program A Estes Art Anaheim Ducks Hockey Club, LLC Anonymous Benevity Cape Clasp Captain John Whale Watching Cars, Inc Design by Witt Franklin Templeton Investments Hyannis Whale Watcher Cruises In the Wild Productions/ Chris Hamilton JustGive Kamibashi My Buena Vida PayPal Giving Fund Pura Vida The Riviera Towel Company Sakroots SEGA Systems Marine, Inc

• Ternua • Theresa LaBrecque • The Unitarian Church of Barnstable

• West Marine


• Patagonia (DE) • Umweltstiftung Greenpeace (DE)

• The Karp-Haahr Family Fund

• Patagonia (US) • Richard J. Carney & Donna Carney Charitable Trust TRUSTS AND FOUNDATIONS (UK)

• Beatrice Partnership Fund

• Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust


• Acton Family Fund • Craigslist Charitable Fund

• European Outdoor • • • •

Conservation Association Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund The GE Foundation IBM International Foundation The Jessica Rekos Foundation (US)

• Focused on Nature • Kilverstone Wildlife Charitable Trust

• Millennium Oak Trust • Miss Joyce Cater Charitable Trust

• R G Hills Charitable Trust

• The Gordon and Ena Baxter Foundation

• The J & JR

Wilson Trust

• The Mackintosh Foundation

• The Pauline Meredith Charitable Trust

2017 WDC 17

GET IN TOUCH WDC WHALE AND DOLPHIN CONSERVATION Brookfield House, 38 St Paul Street, Chippenham SN15 1LJ, United Kingdom T +44 (0)1249 449500 E info@whales.org whales.org

WDC NORTH AMERICA 7 Nelson Street, Plymouth Massachusetts 02360, United States T +1 888 699 4253 E contact@whales.org

WDC DEUTSCHLAND Implerstr. 55, D81371 Munich, Germany T +49 89 6100 2393 E kontakt@whales.org

WDC AUSTRALASIA PO Box 720, Port Adelaide Business Centre, Port Adelaide, South Australia 5015, Australia T +61 (0)401 866 633 E info.au@whales.org

WDC SCOTTISH DOLPHIN CENTRE Spey Bay, Moray IV32 7PJ United Kingdom T +44 (0)1343 820339 E dolphincentre@whales.org

WDC LATIN AMERICA Cap. J.G. Bermúdez 1598 B1636EMB Olivos, Buenos Aires, Argentina E info.la@whales.org

All images by WDC and Shutterstock unless stated otherwise

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