Think is the new quarterly research magazine that opens a window to the University of Malta. It tells the stories of students, alumni, researchers, and professors.
Within Think, readers will find articles on how mothers juggle research and children, or ask the question: Why did humans develop a large brain? A hint: gravity. Underwater robots also feature, as does the largest telescope ever built. Local researchers are also scanning human's brain, reading brain patterns and translating these signals to move objects. Imagine moving a wheelchair with just your thoughts. Bright lights also shine on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Dr Neville Vassallo is looking into new compounds in our diet to combat these life debilitating diseases.Apart from in-depth articles, the magazine sneaks in a fun section with book and game reviews, a fact or fiction section and a 100-word idea to change Malta. There's even a few surprising internet Memes.