ISSN 2306-0735
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nnovation breeds change, and with the current state of affairs change is in the pipeline. The tricky part is determining the right alterations for society—
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with research playing a huge role. We start with our cover story, introducing a new and innovative way to raise
funds for charity while urging altruistic runners to perform better. Dr Franco Curmi and a diverse team (pg. 32) have designed a baton connected to social media that is carried by the jogger. A community of online supporters can
To see our best photos and illustrations
contribute to the cause by logging in to the platform and donate to cheer the runner on. Helping children get through tough times is a team led by Prof. Carmel Cefai (pg. 20). Together, they have created manuals for students, teachers, and parents to help build resilience in younger generations. Investing in children
To view some great videos
means investing in our future. Moving on to clean energy. At the Faculty of Engineering, wind and waves are being combined in a system that will work to both cool and power buildings (pg. 42). On a related green note, alumni are working to ensure
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cleaner food for us all (pg. 56).
Looking inwardly, this edition also re-addresses history. Two stories talk about Malta’s past—one relates to the lost knowledge of the neolithic Kordin III site (pg. 24), while the other tries to uncover the facts from several myths surrounding The Great Siege of Malta (pg. 15). But perhaps the most important part of being human is leaving this world a better place. And this is what the RIDT are trying to do, having just launched a
For our archive from the University of Malta Library
new initiative to encourage people to leave legacy gifts for research (pg. 54)— a chance to leave a mark on Malta’s future.
Edward Duca EDITOR-IN-CHIEF @DwardD
Cassi Camilleri
Are you a student, staff, or researcher at the University of Malta? Would you like to contribute to THINK magazine? If interested, please get in touch to discuss your article on or call +356 2340 3451
Testing MEMS
Bridging (through) the performing arts
Prostitution and cyberbullying
Why write?
Curses and protection against misfortunes
Research has shown that athletes who are cheered on during sporting events have an edge over those who don't.
Computer recognition of sheet music
Time to go
The Heartlink Project seeks to investigate how to cheer athletes on remotely during sporting events.
Robot see, robot maps
Where is the crowd?
The design by Roberta Scerri communicates the positive effect of remote participation on a runner through a flourish of colour.
CONTRIBUTORS TOOLKIT Prof. Ing. Edward Gatt WITHOUT BORDERS Dr Stefan Aquilina DESIGN ARTICLE Dr Raphael Vella OPINION Prof. Victor Grech
STUDENT ARTICLES Joseph Bezzina Rachael N. Darmanin Kristina Mifsud Yanika Schembri Fava FEATURE ARTICLES Dr Gianmarco Alberti Stefano Calleja Cassi Camilleri Dr Ing. Owen Casha Prof. Carmel Cefai Dr Franco Curmi Jessica Edwards Isabelle Farrugia Dr Ing. Robert N. Farrugia
Dr Katrin Fenech Matthew Galea Prof. Ing. Edward Gatt Jordan Lee Gauci Josef Magri Tuovi Mäkipere Prof. Victor Mallia-Milanes Shelby Marter Dr David Mifsud Prof. Ing. Tonio Sant Clive Seguna Prof. Nicholas Vella Marika Vella Montebello
RESEARCH ARTICLE Wilfred Kenely Sarah Spiteri CULTURE ARTICLE Valletta 2018 Foundation ALUMNI ARTICLE Prof. Shirley Ann Micallef Veronica Stivala FUN ARTICLES David Chircop Dr Rebecca Dalli Gonzi David Reuben Grech Alexander Hili
Dr Ġorġ Mallia Charlo Pisani ILLUSTRATIONS Roberta Scerri PHOTOGRAPHY Dr Edward Duca Jean Claude Vancell WEBSITE Cassi Camilleri Roberta Scerri Jean Claude Vancell
THINK is a quarterly research magazine published by the Marketing, Communications & Alumni Office at the University of Malta To subscribe to our blog log into and fill in your details. � For advertising opportunities, please call 2340 3475 or get in touch by email on Advertising rates are available on
1565: Was it that great?
Never take anything at face value. Not even history
Road to Resilience
Training our children to bounce back from hard times
Digging up stories untold FEATURE
Insects taking over A new endemic species has been found in Malta. Have you met it yet?
The Kordin Temples are finally handing over their secrets
Sea breeze
Working towards a brighter, cleaner future using renewables
Leaving a legacy CULTURE
Ephemeral spaces
56 FUN
Reviews (Books, Film, Games)
Green fingers Everyone loves their food. Find out what goes into yours
100 word idea: Think critically, think Malta
Fact or fiction?
ISSN 2306-0735 Copyright © University of Malta, 2016 The right of the University of Malta to be identified as Publisher of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright Act, 2001. University of Malta, Msida, Malta Tel: (356) 2340 2340 Fax: (356) 2340 2342 All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purpose of research and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. The publisher has used its best endeavours to ensure that the URLs for external websites referred to in this magazine are correct and active at the time of going to press. However the publisher has no responsibility for the websites and can make no guarantee that a site will remain live or that the content is or will remain appropriate. Every effort has been made to trace all copyright holders, but if any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to include any necessary credits in any subsequent issues.
Veronica Stivala PROOF READING
Gutenberg Press, Malta
ow do you test the sensors in smartphones,
mechanical properties (for example shear testing
smartwatches, and up-and-coming medical
and flexure testing) of tiny mirrors that can be used
devices? With a Femtotools FT-RS1002 Microrobotic
to turn phones into high-quality projectors (part of
System of course! In 2016 the Department of
the Lab4MEMS2 project part-funded by the EU).
Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics (Faculty of
a station that can have additional add-ons to widen
probe, prod and poke devices up to a resolution of
its applications. Now the team wants to buy more
1 nm (thinner than the diameter of a human hair).
sensitive microforce probes and microgrippers that will
The team of computer scientists collaborated with
This toolkit’s micromechanical testing can be used in
to produce MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems).
many research and industrial applications. This way,
MEMS are the tiny sensors or devices often found in
the horizon is open for studies into semiconductor
smartphones that allow them to act like a compass,
technology, microsystem development, materials
know how fast a person is going, or detect sound. In
science, micromedicine, or biotechnology—
Malta, the new equipment is being used to measure
placing Malta on the semiconductor map.
• Number of axes: 3 • Maximum velocity: 5 mm/s • Minimum motion increment: 1 nm • Actuation principle: Piezoelectric scanning/ stepping • Sensor probe tip area: 50 µm x 50 µm • FT-S100000 sensor force range: ±100000 µN • FT-S100000 sensor resolution at 10Hz: ±5 µN • Operating temperature: 5°C to 100°C
allow the manipulation and assembly of microsystems.
global semiconductor chip maker ST Microelectronics
This toolkit is incredibly versatile, forming part of
ICT, UoM) set up a slew of devices to be able to to
Photos by Jean Claude Vancell
Without Borders
1, 3: White—A devised performance by SPA students. Directed by Mario Frendo and Lucía Piquero. 2 and main image: inFragments—A devised performance by SPA Dance and Theatre students. Directed by Mario Frendo and Lucía Piquero. Photos by Darrin Zammit Lupi.
Bridging (through) the performing arts T
heatre, dance, and music are changing at the University of Malta. Recently, three new research groups were
launched by the School of Performing Arts (SPA) with the aim of bridging different disciplines through the development of shared work processes and research areas. Through interdisciplinary research, these groups want to look outwards towards new concepts. The groups cover three themes. First, ‘Twenty-first-Century Studies in Performance’, which is committed to the locating, reimagining, and development of performance practices in the 21st century. Second, ‘Culture and Performance’, which is guided by the premise that culture and performance refer to complexities that emerge from the multitude of phenomena these terms describe. Third, ‘Performing Arts Histories and Historiographies’, which investigates and archives material related to historical events across the performing arts. These themes are possible thanks to a web of local and international collaborations, ranging from the Digital Arts and Humanities to Cognitive Science and Intelligent Computer Systems. These new research platforms seek to facilitate dialogue between scholars and practitioners, academics and citizens.
SPA has an upcoming conference featuring some of the above topics called Interweaving Cultures: Theory and Practice in March 2017. For more information contact Dr Stefan Aquilina ( or, on the conference, Prof. Vicki Ann Cremona (
Without Borders
The artworks on this page are from 4th year Bachelor of Education (Hons) students supervised by Dr Raphael Vella.
Prostitution no.2 by Abigail Attard
Prostitution is known as the oldest profession. It is also the one with the highest human cost. This artwork reflects the pain female prostitutes feel contrasted by the coldness of the men who fuel the business. Attard was inspired by news items on these issues, and her belief that more measures are needed to bring an end to the business that fuels the objectification of women.
Wooden Sculpture no.1 by John Paul Muscat This artwork’s imagery reflects multiculturalism. It is the artist’s first wood carving.
Untitled 1 by Lara Gove This artwork is part of a series interpreting a text known as Cities and the Dead 4 which is found in Italo Calvino’s book Invisible Cities. The painting reflects a state of decay, an entire city turned into a burial ground with confined spaces with restricted movement.
Hollow by Cristina Formosa Cyberbullying can have dreadful repercussions. This art installation with figures made of transparent tape reflects the emptiness a person can feel when they are the victims of online harassment. The figures merged with their surroundings and became part of the space, with an almost ghost-like effect.
Many idioms reflect how curiosity is not always a good thing. This artwork personifies the mental struggle suffered when a curious mind tries to seek tranquility. It also represents a person’s cautiousness sheltering the self from exposing their state of mind.
CuriouSedative by Sharon McLean
Why write? Prof. Victor Grech
ll academics are constantly
been given official public recognition. Not only
encouraged to share their
this, but even if one has a worthwhile research
research with the world through
project to investigate and write up, there are
journals. Furthering knowledge
many intervening steps that must be negotiated
is the aim, providing colleagues
before a paper can be completed; from drafting
far and wide with a building block on which
a proposal for ethics and data protection,
to potentially further their own work. But
to opting co-authors, all the way to dealing
are these noble motivations what really drive
with rejections, editors, and resubmissions,
researchers to publish? According to a study by
the road to publication is a rocky one.
Bryan Coles (1993), the short answer is no. It has been shown that authors in the sciences
Understandably, the process can be daunting for many. Thankfully, there are people and
publish primarily to disseminate their own work
courses specifically tailored to help researchers
(54%). Other reasons are the furthering of career
with this. How to Write a Scientific Paper
prospects (20%), improving funding opportunities
(WASP) is one of them: this is a three-day
(13%), ego (9%), and patent protection (4%).
intensive course being held in London at the
Clearly, there are huge personal motivations to
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health,
publish, and with good reason. Globalisation has
with formal lectures and interactive sessions
seen job competition skyrocket. Today, finding a
that will help researchers not only start their
job opening is hard enough, let alone climbing the
journey to publishing, but also see it through.
career ladder. The term ‘publish or perish’ takes
The organisers are also tentatively
on a more threatening and terrifying overtone
planning to hold another of these
as this is now literal and no longer a metaphor.
courses in Malta in 2017.
Careers depend on publishing. If research is
conducted without being written up as a paper and
For more information, visit:
accepted in a reputable journal, then it is almost and
as if it has simply not been done at all. It has not
Curses and protection against misfortunes Yanika Schembri Fava
tories, superstition, and rituals belong to every culture the world over. They give rise to magical
Schembri Fava researched the folklore behind these magical verses and spoke to
sayings and versifications which stand the test of
people who still believe in them. She felt that
time, proof of their relevance in people’s lives.
this approach was vital to help bring these
Yanika Schembri Fava (supervised by Dr Bernard
verses to life by speaking to those who still
Micallef) focused on Malta’s own expressions and
give voice to them. The interviews helped
sayings and their social function within society
colour intonation, body movements, rituals,
as part of her thesis. In the past people believed
and any other accessory that was an essential
they needed protection from curses. Rituals were
component in carrying out the magical ritual.
created as a form of magical versification powerful
It is important that every so often such
enough to calm an entire community. These rituals
versifications are researched. They need to
also served as a means of proof, if you will, that a
be preserved so that changes in tradition
particular misfortune had been overcome. These
can be studied over the years, effectively
verses served both those who exorcised: “San
mapping cultural changes. Such reflections
Barnabaw, jekk haw’ xi daqqa t’għajn tmur minn
dig deep into a part of Maltese society.
haw’, San Pietru ta’ Ruma, jekk haw’ xi daqqa t’għajn
Schembri Fava hopes to develop
terġa’ lura” ("Saint Barnabas, let the evil eye turn
these studies into a book on popular
away from us, Saint Peter of Rome, let the evil eye
Maltese superstitious verses.
cursed, “Seħta bedudu jdur ma’ jdejk, u jaqtagħlek
This research was carried out as part
nofs idejk” ("May the curse worm its way around
of a Bachelor in Maltese at the Faculty
your hand and cut half of it off", Judith Schembri).
of Arts, University of Malta.
go back home", Carmena Fenech), and those who
Computer recognition of sheet music Joseph Bezzina
n his book This is Your Brain on
stage, each different symbol is
could be read. Most systems ignored
localised and grouped with similar
for any reason, music is there.’ From
basic musical rules such as accidentals
symbols. In the final stage, the pitch
weddings and funerals, to graduation
(symbols placed before a note on a
of each individual note is measured
parties and men marching off to
music sheet in order to raise or lower
and musical rules are implemented to
war, ‘music is and was [always] part
the pitch of a note). Building on this,
give the different symbols a musical
of the fabric of everyday life.’
the goal of Joseph Bezzina’s research
meaning. All this data is then converted
(supervised by Dr Alexandra Bonnici)
to MIDI format in order for the musical
culture, and preservation is key. Thanks
was to create an OMR system capable
piece to be able to be heard digitally.
to computers, we can digitally store
of reading complex score sheets
music, and this does not just mean
acquired using a mobile or tablet
94% was achieved when tested with
preserving recordings: Optical music
camera, instead of a scanner.
complex musical scores containing
recognition (OMR) refers to a discipline
To implement the OMR system,
With this system, a precision rate of
accidentals and key signatures which
that investigates how scanners or
Bezzina loosely followed the structure
affect the note’s pitch value. In the
cameras can automatically transform
most researchers have used. The
future, Bezzina and his team wish to
scanned sheet music into a computer-
structure is made up of three sub-tasks,
extend this work to include a larger
readable format.
namely: staff line (the long horizontal
variety of music notation, especially
lines in a music sheet) identification
notation associated with music’s
OMR. For one, a musician can listen
and isolation, symbol localisation, and
expressive quality.
to a piece of music before trying to
musical recognition. In the staff line
learn it, by converting the printed score
detection and isolation stage, staff
This research was carried
sheet into an audio file. Beginners, on
lines are removed from the score sheet
out as part of a B.Eng.
the other hand, can play along to the
image, since staff lines make the next
(Hons) in Electrical and
There are many applications for
music. OMR could also be performed
Electronics Engineering at
on a musical score for re-configuration
the Faculty of Engineering
of the music by, for example,
(Department of Systems
transposing it to a more suitable key, or
& Control Engineering),
re-writing it for musicians with special
University of Malta.
reading requirements, like Braille for the visually impaired. Research in OMR started in the 1960s when scientist Dennis Pruslin first attempted the automatic recognition of sheet music. From there, the field of OMR flourished, seeing the creation of systems such as the MUSER, LEMON, and CANTOR. All these systems achieved high performance values above 95% Students
step harder. In the symbol localisation
‘Whenever humans come together
Music is an essential part of human
However, these systems had their restrictions. Only simple score sheets
Music, Daniel Levitin writes,
Time to go Kristina Mifsud their children to school using their
benefits far exceeded these costs! For
year can bring about feelings
private vehicles. The results were
every €1 invested by the government
of excitement to some and dread
very promising with more than 70%
into this school transportation
to others. After the relatively quiet
of mothers indicating that they would
system, society would reap €2.66 in
summer months, children need to
switch to the government-provided
benefits. Additionally, the direct cost
start making their way to school in
school transport if it was implemented.
(time and fuel) of individual school
the mornings. The result is traffic,
Those who said they would not take
runs per child per year amounts to
an ugly monster that brings Malta
up the service gave three main reasons
€993.22, based on the average time
to a standstill every morning. One
for this: mistrust of minivan drivers,
taken per child of 48.8 minutes per
solution could be the grouping of
their children being too young, and that
school day. Given that the average fee
school trips to and from homes.
the drive to school was a distraction-
by minivan drivers for a year worth
free time with their children.
of school runs is around €600, the
Kristina Mifsud (supervised by Ms Amanda Borg) decided to investigate
Then Mifsud estimated the
minivan school transport option is
the issue of traffic congestion caused
benefits and costs for the service
much more sensible, economically
by school transport by studying a
using the take-up percentage
speaking, and all the more so with
hypothetical scenario in which the
from the questionnaire. The list of
regards to protecting our environment
free school transport policy for
benefits was plentiful; time and fuel
and solving the traffic headache.
government-run schools was extended
would be saved, while air pollution
to church and independent schools.
and environmental costs would be
This research was carried out as
First she conducted a survey: parents
reduced. The costs included the
part of a Bachelor of Commerce
who have children at church and
initial investment (minivans), fuel,
in Economics at the Faculty of
independent schools answered a
maintenance, and staff payment.
Economics, Management and
questionnaire. These parents drove
When compared, the total estimated
Accountancy, University of Malta.
he start of a new scholastic
Robot see, robot maps Rachael N. Darmanin
he term ‘robot’ tends to conjure
(SLAM). For the robot to decide which
of the environment to evaluate the
up images of well-known metal
location to explore next, however, an
robot’s mapping accuracy. The Next
characters like C-3P0, R2-D2, and
exploration strategy would need to be
Best View approach generated the
WALL-E. The robotics research
devised, and the path planner would
most accurate maps.
boom has in the end enabled the
guide the robot to navigate to the next
Mobile robots with autonomous
introduction of real robots into our
location, which increases the map’s size.
exploration and mapping capabilities
homes, workspaces, and recreational
have massive relevance to society. They
places. The pop culture icons we
by Dr Ing. Marvin Bugeja), used a
can aid hazardous exploration, like
loved have now been replaced with
software framework called Robot
nuclear disasters, or access uncharted
the likes of robot vacuums such as
Operating System (ROS) to develop
archaeological sites. They could also
the Roomba and home-automated
a robot system that can explore and
help in search and rescue operations
systems for smoke detectors, or
map an unknown environment on its
where they would be used to navigate
WIFI-enabled thermostats, such
own. Darmanin used a differential-
in disaster-stricken environments. For
as the Nest. Nonetheless, building
drive-wheeled mobile robot, dubbed
her doctorate, Darmanin is now looking
a fully autonomous mobile robot
PowerBot, equipped with a laser
into how multiple robots can work
is still a momentous task. In order
scanner (LIDAR) and wheel encoders.
together to survey a large area—with a
to purposefully travel around its
The algorithms responsible for
few other solutions in between.
environment, a mobile robot has
localising the robot analyse the sensors’
to answer the questions ‘where am
data and construct the map. In her
This research was carried out as part
I?’, ‘where should I go next?’ and
experiments, Darmanin implemented
of a Master of Science in Engineering,
‘how am I going to get there?’
two different exploration strategies,
Faculty of Engineering, University of
the Nearest Frontier and the Next
Malta. It was funded by the Master
must have some awareness of their
Best View, on the same system to
it! Scholarship Scheme (Malta).
surroundings in order to carry out tasks
map the Control Systems Engineering
This scholarship is part-financed
autonomously. A map comes in handy
Laboratory. Each experiment ran for
by the European Union European
for humans. A robot could build the
approximately two minutes until the
Social Fund (ESF) under Operational
map itself while exploring an unknown
robot finished its exploration and
Programme II Cohesion Policy
environment—this is a process called
produced a map of its surroundings.
2007–2013, Empowering People for
Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping
This was then compared to a map
More Jobs and a Better Quality Of Life.
Like humans, mobile robots
Rachael Darmanin (supervised
A historical discovery does not always equal the unearthing of new documents or artefacts. Sometimes it’s about re-evaluating what we already know. Prof. Victor Mallia-Milanes tells Tuovi Mäkipere more.
he old adage goes;
be garnered without the use of the
confrontation? The seeds were sown
‘History is written by
aforementioned time machine. Mallia-
in 1113, when Pope Paschal II took the
the victors.’ As far as
Milanes disagrees, in part. While
order under his wing, finally formally
accuracy is concerned,
there have been no new revelations
recognising it as a privileged order of
stories from decades
or archival discoveries made in recent
the Church. Based in Rhodes, the order
past should be taken with a grain
years, there is always the wider
made itself a thorn in the Ottoman
of salt. Scribes’ biases need to
context to be taken into account when
Empire’s side, attacking Turkish trade
be accounted for. Unless science
evaluating any phenomenon in history.
ships doing business in the Levant
develops a working time machine that
The Great Siege is one such example.
and making a mockery of them. The
will allow researchers to experience
Maltese history is interwoven
events first-hand, the past will have
with the Mediterranean’s, however,
twice, proving successful in taking
to be reconstructed through careful
as Mallia-Milanes notes, ‘traditional
the island on their second attempt
analysis of facts based on empirical
historians have tended to approach
in 1522. Not long after, Sicily’s King
evidence and their re-evaluation.
the island in almost complete
Charles V gave the Maltese Islands
isolation, which doesn't make
and the port of Tripoli to the order.
(Department of History, Faculty of
sense at all. No event or series of
1551 rolled around, Tripoli was taken
Arts, University of Malta) believes
events at any point in time can
by the Ottomans, and the order made
that this ‘reconstruction’ can be made
make complete sense outside its
a gruesome stand. It proceeded with
through various means, namely ‘the
wider context if it is weaned off its
fury to prove its indispensability as
discovery of new facts, a new method
broader framework.’ To understand
widely and convincingly as possible,
of approach, a new interpretation of
the Great Siege, he explains, we
looting Muslim villages, disrupting
the significance of long-established
need to look at the bigger picture.
Muslim trade and commerce, and
Prof. Victor Mallia-Milanes
dragging Muslim men, women, and
facts, or a combination of them all.’ Questioning the traditional panorama, the established perception of the past, lies at the core of these efforts.
Mallia-Milanes exhibits his point
Ottomans reacted, attacking Rhodes
MALTA AND THE KNIGHTS 1565 In 1565, the Ottomans besieged Malta
children into slavery. In doing so, the order thwarted the Ottoman Empire's expansion westward. During the 1560s, Malta still
with one of the most famous events
for four bloody months, laying waste
formed part of the late medieval
in Maltese history—the Great Siege
the island which the Knights Hospitaller
Mediterranean world. With a native
of 1565. With all the research
of the Order of St John called their
population numbering between 25,000
conducted around the siege, it is hard
home. Atrocities abounded, one worse
and 30,000, the island was rural and
to imagine what new information can
than the other. But what led to this
its economy predominantly agrarian.
Matteo Perez d'Aleccio, (c. 16th Cent.) The Siege of Malta (1565) — The capture of St Elmo. Oil on canvas. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Caird Collection.
fortified. The small fort St Angelo, equally poor in its fortifications, guarded the entrance to the island's deep and spacious harbour, with Birgu as its suburb. The forts lulled the native population into a false sense of security, but this was rectified after the loss of Tripoli, with the construction of two new forts: St Elmo and St Michael. Hospitaller activity made Malta a target. The Ottoman Sultan Süleyman I sought to besiege Malta and bring the knightsʼ headquarters down. ‘The only way to bring such hospitaller hostility to an end was to try and eliminate the institution that sustained it once and for all. That, and only
The only way to bring such hospitaller hostility to an end was to try and eliminate the institution that sustained it once and for all. That, and only that, explains 1565.
that, explains 1565. Francisco Balbi
that saved the day. But the price to be paid for that victory was steep. The island lay in ruins. The countryside was ravaged and devastated. The victorious Grand Master de la Valette rose above it all, focusing on his victory and celebrating it with the construction of a new fortified city that would bear his name—Valletta.
INNOVATIONS IN HISTORY The enlightened French philosopher Voltaire once wrote; ‘Rien n'est plus connu que le siège de Malte.’ (Nothing is better known than the Siege of Malta). But plenty of questions remain. Mallia-Milanes dissects its very name. What makes the ‘Great Siege’
di Correggio's [who served in the
Grand Master Jean de la Valette, 500
great? This is the innovation in
Spanish contingent during the siege]
hospitallers, and around 8,000 Maltese
history he speaks of—the qualifying
claim that the sultan wanted Malta
men rallied, grossly outnumbered by
term which denotes the essence
to garner a stepping stone to invade
the Ottomans. Battles and bloodshed
of the siege; ‘It does not consist of
Sicily and make larger-scale enterprises
pushed the island and its people to the
any discovery of new documentary
more feasible does not sound very
brink that summer, but by the second
facts. It is a re-evaluation, a rethink,’
convincing,’ reveals Mallia-Milanes.
week of September, the invincible
he asserts. The question regarding
On 18 May 1565, the Ottoman
Ottoman armada was sailing back
what makes the siege ‘great’ seeks to
armada with some 25,000 men made
home, embarrassed and humiliated. It
determine the criteria that could be
their terrifying appearance in Maltese
was Spain's gran soccorso (great relief),
adopted to measure greatness. Since
waters. Under the leadership of the
consisting of an 8,000-strong army,
a continuous process of change
The capital city, Mdina, was weakly
constitutes the quintessence of history,
Dragut destroyed seven more Spanish
the siege.’ What did they do? What
the criterion the professor adopts
galleys. In 1562 a storm wrecked the
was their role in this huge war?
here is to assess the phenomenon’s
armada’s remaining 25 galleys off
capacity to bring about any long-term
the coast of Malaga on the western
structural change of direction. In this
shore of the Mediterranean. By then,
sense, how historically significant was
Spain was in no position to offer any
‘The humiliating departure of the
the siege? The answer proves quite
naval assistance to the hospitallers.
besiegers in September 1565
controversial. The episode and its
‘The Ottomans could not have been
confirmed the orderʼs permanent
outcome did not bring about major
unaware of these dramatic events,’
sojourn [on Malta],’ notes Mallia-
changes. As Mallia Milanes states, ‘In
notes Mallia-Milanes. That would have
Milanes. For Malta and the Maltese,
the long-term historical development
been the ideal moment to strike, but
the order’s long stay on the island
of the early modern Mediterranean,
the Ottomans failed to do so until
‘constituted a revolutionary force
no radical, no permanent changes
a new Habsburg armada had been
in its own right, whose ingredients
may be convincingly attributed to
constructed, equipped, and fully armed.
included long-standing hospitaller
the Ottoman siege of Malta.’
Mallia-Milanes continues: ‘This failure
traditions, practices, a highly elitist
on the part of the Ottomans, whatever
lifestyle, courtly manners, ambitions,
concerns the timing of the siege: why
the reason, may explain the outcome
aspirations, values, their social
did the Ottomans decide to besiege
of their hostile expedition to Malta.’
assumptions, and social patterns,
Another controversial issue
Mallia-Milanes also points out
hospitaller Malta in 1565 and not
their widespread network of prioral
two or three years earlier? In 1560
that barely anything is known
communications, and especially
most of the Spanish armada had
about ‘the part played by most of
their revenue, flowing regularly from
been destroyed at Djerba (present
the members of the local clergy
their massive land ownership in
Tunisia). In 1561 the Ottoman Admiral
and the Maltese nobility during
Europe into the Common Treasury
sighted off the coast of Malta
The Turks land at Marsaxlokk. Some 23,000– 25,000 men disembark
The Turks make the first move against Fort St Elmo
is transported towards St Elmo
MAY Siege of Fort St Elmo begins
arrives in Malta with some 2,500 men, establishing his headquarters at St George's Bay. He then sets up a gun emplacement at Tigne Point
Dragut is struck by a piece of rock and dies 5 days later
Fall of Fort St Elmo
And while the rule of the Knights
to be invested in Malta to finance their activities and to render the
in Malta ended some 226 years
infrastructure more efficient,’
ago, this was by no means the end
Mallia-Milanes comments. These
of the history of the order. ‘The
elements drastically transformed
history of the Order of the Hospital
Maltaʼs social and economic reality,
spans more than 900 years and still
triggering the island to move from late
shows no signs, no symptoms, of
medieval into early modern times.
waning,’ Mallia-Milanes explicates.
The knights invested lavishly in
The resilience of the institution, its
Malta, fortified it, urbanised it, and
capacity to recover quickly from any
Europeanised it. The population
crisis, is what makes it so enthralling.
grew steadily from some 12,000 to
The beauty of historical research
well over 80,000 between 1530 and
lies in the fact that nobody can claim
1789, during the time the order ruled
the last word. There are no time
Malta. Cotton and cumin industries
machines to bring the theories and
flourished, as did the island's slave
musing to an undeniable conclusion.
Prof. Victor Mallia-Milanes
market. The inhabitants enjoyed
And that is not necessarily a bad thing. As Mallia-Milanes notes:
advanced by the standards of the
asserts Mallia-Milanes. For hospitaller
‘It is always healthy to revise and
time. ‘[…] Malta of 1530 or 1565
Malta, the long-term impact of the
update our knowledge of the past;
and Malta of 1800 were two widely
siege was ‘great’, highly significant
it is necessary and vital to rethink
distinct islands. The knights placed the
and important. And the same may
it. It is in this sense that the past is
island firmly on the geopolitical map,’
be said of the Order of St John.
always present, always alive.’
A small relief force of 700 men (the piccolo soccorso) arrives to help Hospitallers
King Hasan of Algiers arrives in Malta to aid the Turks
all their efforts on Fort St Michael on the Senglea promontory and on Fort St Angelo and Birgu
from Mdina hurled 'itself upon the Turkish rearguard' spreading
Philip II's great relief force (the gran soccorso), under Don Garcia de Toledo, lands in the north of Malta.
efficient medical and social services,
R Feature
Hardships do not befall us all in equal measure. Cassi Camilleri talks to Prof. Carmel Cefai about his work at the Centre for Resilience and Socio-Emotional Health and the dedicated curriculum that seeks to impart the skill of resilience to those who need it most.
ate Reardon states that
multicultural European society that
needed to overcome such challenges
one of the signs of a ‘good
is currently facing various challenges
in their lives in the hope that they
school’ is its ability to
in this regard. The project focuses on
too will achieve academic success
teach its students how
early years and primary education,
and social and emotional wellbeing.
to overcome difficult
targeting young, vulnerable children
The University of Malta has been
stumbling blocks life puts in their
exposed to potential disadvantage,
involved in RESCUR since its inception,
way and ensure they keep growing
discrimination and exclusion. Cefai
with Cefai kicking off the project as
academically, socially, and emotionally.
highlights the struggles of children
its coordinator along with various
Director of the Centre for Resilience
from Roma communities throughout
European counterparts, including
and Socio-Emotional Health Professor
Europe as an example of the people
Italy, Croatia, Portugal, Sweden, and
Carmel Cefai would agree. Interested
who will benefit from the programme.
Greece. Cefai was involved throughout
in the development of resilience in
These are children who come from
the project’s journey, starting with
children from marginalised contexts,
the biggest minority on the continent,
the construction of a resilience
Cefai is working with five other
he says, who face risks such as
curriculum in the first year. Activities
European universities on a project
absenteeism and early school leaving,
are spread over six major themes such
that seeks to equip young people
unemployment and social exclusion.
as developing healthy relationships,
from difficult backgrounds with the
Closer to home, the curriculum also
developing a growth mindset,
skills they need to grow healthily. This
targets immigrant children and children
developing self determination and
project is the resilience curriculum
with disability and learning difficulties
turning challenges into opportunities.
—RESCUR Surfing the Waves.
amongst others. Through intercultural
What followed after was a process of
and transnational collaboration, this
evaluation including piloting, internal
transactional process between
new curriculum takes into account
evaluation, and external evaluation.
individual qualities a person has
current social, economic, and
and the context within which they
technological needs while developing
curriculum was carried out in 199
operate. It is a process of successful
in learners the knowledge and skills
classrooms with 1,935 students
Cefai defines resilience as a
The pilot evaluation of the
adaptation and transformation despite risk and adversity. Resilience is not nor is it one that is automatically kept once achieved, it is about learning to overcome obstacles and adapt effectively in order to continue growing and thriving. RESCUR Surfing the Waves seeks to promote equity, social inclusion and social justice within a
Resilience is not a trait a child will inherently have [...] it is about learning to overcome obstacles and adapt effectively in order to continue growing and thriving.
a trait a child will inherently have,
spanning six countries. Activities
complaining at every given opportunity.
included mindfulness, storytelling
It was later determined that this
with puppets, role plays, music, drama,
behaviour stemmed from his belief
drawing, and take home activities,
that his mother showed preference
among others. Teachers Marika Vella Montebello and Isabelle Farrugia, active participants in the project, said the use of visual tools was very useful. Six-year-olds with short attention spans need something attractive to keep them interested, they said, so the use of visuals combined with movement was very effective. While the exercises were to be conducted just once a week, Isabelle notes that she also tried taking the ideas and reinforcing them across the curriculum throughout the rest of the week. Marisa noted the positive effect the exercises were having on her students. She spoke of one boy in particular who portrayed distinctly pessimistic behaviour in the classroom,
Material is not only translated to the country’s language but stories are adapted, with characters getting local names and contexts changed to reflect the child’s real-world surroundings.
to his sister. Over the year, with the RESCUR programme, his positivity improved greatly, Marisa says. Interestingly, while the structure of the curriculum is very present, the flexibility allowed during implementation stage is noteworthy. Material is not only translated to the country’s language but stories are adapted, with characters getting local names and environments changed to reflect the child’s real-world surroundings. In Malta, for example, the forests and mountains in the stories were changed to hills and gardens to create a familiarity that would have otherwise been missing. That said, the basic structure of the curriculum and its themes remain
RESCUR Surfing the Waves seeks to promote equity, social inclusion and social justice within a multicultural European society that is currently facing various challenges in this regard. The project focuses on early years and primary education, targeting young, vulnerable children exposed to potential disadvantage, discrimination and exclusion.
Teachers Marika Vella Montebello and Isabelle Farrugia
intact. it is important to preserve
designed specifically to be completed
curriculum. On this note, when asked
programme integrity, Cefai emphasises.
by the parents with their children.
what happens next with RESCUR,
Parents also receive a Parents’ Guide
Cefai has a very clear view of the road
who need to be resilient. ‘We know
with tips and strategies they can
to be travelled. The curriculum now
that teachers will be in a stronger
employ to build up their children’s
needs to undergo rigorous evaluation.
position to promote student resilience
strengths. There is, however, something
if they are resilient themselves,’
more important that parents need to do
is already very apparent with a
notes Cefai. In fact, RESCUR has
for the curriculum to be fully covered.
cluster of Maltese schools in Malta
made teacher training mandatory,
As in the case of the classroom’s
expressing interest in implementing
instructing educators on how best to
teachers, parents are encouraged
the curriculum in their classrooms.
use their activities, how to respond to
to be good role models of the skills
And not only that—the appeal has
the student interventions and so on.
being learnt for their children.
traveled beyond Europe, Cefai states.
Respect is also high on the priority list,
The preliminary results from the
Locally, enthusiasm for the project
USA and Australia have their eye on
and teachers always need to ensure
pilot implementation of the curriculum
the valuable work being done despite
that they are following a specific
were overwhelmingly positive.
the numerous programmes already
pedagogical approach, caring and
Teachers and learners alike found it
developed on that side of the world.
inclusive, where all children can have a
‘highly enjoyable, useful, relevant,
sense of belonging, and engagement.
and easy to use.’ It was even said
that which everyone already
that they looked forward to having
knows—investing in children means
important part of the equation here.
the programme implemented on a
investing in our own future. What
Home tasks within the curriculum are
regular basis as part of the mainstream
could be more valuable?
The child’s parents are a very
All of this continues to reinforce
Of course, it is not just the children
umankind has a powerful inclination
from the British School at Rome. Made up of three
to preserve its stories for future
temple complexes, the find was unprecedented at
generations. This has given rise to
the time. Now, 100 years later, Prof. Nicholas Vella
entire industries and technologies.
(Department of Classics and Archaeology, Faculty
From internet fora, to blogs and
of Arts, University of Malta) and his team are sifting
vlogs, to documentary filmmaking and so much
through that soil again in order to gain insight into
more, we are ever keen to document and discuss
the prehistoric culture that built them, focusing
our lives, our stories. But there was a time when
on the only surviving complex currently under the
all this was not possible, a time even before the
care of Heritage Malta—Kordin III. Using a variety
written word, which has seen so many stories being
of approaches and research methods, they are
lost. Now, a team of research fellows, graduate,
seeking to give an understanding of what life was
and undergraduate students are working hard to
actually like in the Maltese Islands over 5,000 years
get them back.
ago. What was the temple’s role in the economy at the
Dating as far back as 3600 BC, the Kordin
time? How did it shape the surrounding environment?
Temples were dug up for the first time in 1909
The smallest of discoveries, a piece of pottery or a
by archaeologists Thomas Ashby and T. Eric Peet
soil sample, could help answer these questions.
Malta’s megaliths have attracted droves of archaeology and history enthusiasts over the years, all clamouring for the rich narrative our little rock has to offer. Shelby Marter talks to Prof. Nicholas Vella and his team as they dig up the past in Kordin and attempt to piece together long lost stories. Photography by Faisal Sadegh and Dr Edward Duca.
DIGGING UP THE PAST Long days in the hot summer sun might not seem like the ideal way of spending their holidays for most undergraduates, but the opportunity to complete coursework by excavating a prehistoric temple complex alongside specialised researchers has been an excellent opportunity for archaeology students from the University of Malta to put what they learn in class into practice. So far, the students have found bits of pottery, obsidian (volcanic glass), bone, and painted plaster. These finds might not seem particularly exciting to the untrained eye, but as second-year archaeology student Gabriel Farrugia wisely remarks: Kordin III ‘must be seen within the whole context of the area.’ These finds will be able to tell us much more after they have been analysed with the appropriate scientific techniques that were unavailable at the time of the first dig. Naturally, working alongside professional researchers is what makes this experience so valuable for students. Farrugia explains: ‘We learn from them, they teach us new techniques, new ideas, and it’s interesting to see how they look at prehistoric Malta.’ First year anthropology and archaeology student Gavin Borg comments: ‘Seeing different approaches to the discipline is rewarding.’ The variety of experience levels and research backgrounds united by this project enable undergraduates to become fully involved in the multidisciplinary
approach necessary to discover the
unwritten stories of the past.
For Prof. Nicholas Vella, this project is interesting because it allows him to pursue his research while also training his undergraduate students.
SIMPLIFYING THE COMPLEX Overseeing the undergraduate coursework and archaeological fieldwork at Kordin is Vella. For him, this project is interesting because it allows him to pursue his research while also training his undergraduate students. For several members of the team, this is the first time that they are working within the precincts of a prehistoric temple. Excited about the finds, he introduces many of the main features of the complex, and describes
the significance of several temple design features. The temple builders probably approached the site from what is called the forecourt, the area that sticks out of the two contiguous temple buildings. At Kordin, this feature is paved and creates a tiered level in front of the temple complex building, which Vella explains is quite significant because paved forecourts like this do not exist at other sites. This fact is an important detail, he says, ‘even the layout, the curve defining the outer limit is perfect.’ Across the forecourt are two temple entrances. To enter the main one to the left, one must mind a large step, or sill stone. Vella explains that the temple builders appear to have deliberately placed the sill in the doorway to emphasise that it is an entrance to an important place. Once inside, there is a feature unique to Kordin III: a stone block described in the original 1909 site report as a ‘boat shaped receptacle.’ This “boat” is made out of hard Coralline Limestone, which is different from the softer Globigerina Limestone used in the rest of the
monument. It does not quite fit into
This excavation at Kordin III was developed as a result of Fragility
position either, as if it was placed there
and Sustainability in Restricted Island Environments (FRAGSUS), a
at a later stage. Because of this, ‘it’s
larger initiative made possible by the European Research Council,
very clear it’s special,’ he notes.
which is funding several excavations in Malta and Gozo over a
Yet what does a prehistoric
five-year period. The overall goal of this programme is to gain
representation of a boat, or dugout
insight into the lives of people who left no written records. As a
canoe, tell us about this site? Vella
result of FRAGSUS support, researchers from Queen’s University
notes how the site is relatively close
Belfast, the University of Cambridge, the University of Malta,
to the sea. ‘We are at the head of a
the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage (Malta) and Heritage
promontory that juts into the Grand
Malta are able to collaborate on this project. From experienced
Harbour. It would take us a few
archaeologists to first year undergraduates, a variety of viewpoints
minutes to walk to the water’s edge, in
and experience levels are helping put together this story.
(Department of Conservation
Marsa. My colleague, Dr Reuben Grima
MEET THE RESEARCHER DR KATRIN FENECH Fuelled by the potential unearthing of extinct or yet-to-be-discovered snail species, Fenech is working on sediment cores from all over the archipelago—Mgarr ix-Xini in Gozo, Xemxija, Wied Żembaq in Birżebbuġa and Marsa among others, in a bid to investigate the past environment and the impact humans may have had on it. Under Prof. Patrick J. Schembri’s (Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Malta) and Vella’s supervision, and with the aid of radiocarbon dating, Fenech has made strides in putting together the puzzle our ancestors left behind. In fact it revisits many of the issues raised in a seminal article written thirty years ago by Prof. Anthony Bonanno (Department of Classics and Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of Malta) which looked at Malta’s prehistory from a socio-economic perspective. The Xemxija cores reveal that the environment prior to the arrival of the first food-producing settlers in the sixth millennium BC was open country, mainly grassland and karstland. There was also a body of freshwater, possibly even a small lake, in the area. Very interestingly, the study shows that Malta boasted woodland during the beginning of the Temple Period around 4000 BC and persisted into the Bronze Age, until around 1800 BC. At the same time, charcoal was only found in very small amounts, suggesting that there were no human fires set to clear any kind of vegetation. All this seems to lay to rest the long-standing theory that the first settlers found a forested environment and cleared the pristine vegetation to make space for agriculture. The environment was already open prior to the settlers’ arrival, meaning that erosion of land and vegetation
changes happened due to climate changes and storm surges.
and Built Heritage, Faculty for the Built Environment, University of Malta), who is supervising students on the other side of the site boundary wall, has suggested that the court area of the temple, where the stone “boat” is found, could represent the sea, one of two cosmological domains of importance to the prehistoric islanders,’ explains Prof. Vella. ‘When it rains, the court area gets flooded and the stone boat appears as though it is floating’ he remarks. Pointing in the direction of Sicily, he adds, ‘the sea facilitated mobility, would have brought the prehistoric islanders in contact with the world beyond the horizon, with raw materials not available locally, and other exotic objects.’ Whoever had ideas, its knowledge traditions, must have had a special role in the society that built the temples. Other members of that society, including shepherds and farmers, will have been concerned with the other cosmological domain—the land—the source of food for humans and animals alike.
This is a rare opportunity to explore below the floors of a prehistoric temple structure.
were eating, or perhaps feasting on. Focusing on the molluscs in particular is Dr Katrin Fenech (Department of Classics and Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of Malta) whose studies provide answers to the question of what impact humans have had on our environment. All this work, in combination with an understanding of the ecology of the time, will provide a fascinating glimpse into life in prehistoric Malta. Malone explains that the team is also
Most of the team is focused on
before they were built. This is a rare
examining temple structures and
opportunity to explore below the floors
finding animal bones from very young
finding artefacts, yet perhaps the story
of a prehistoric temple structure, and to
livestock, mostly lambs and piglets, in
of the temple people is not revealed by
do so, the team is carefully digging up
the deposits below the paving stones.
the artefacts in the soil, but instead by
part of the stone paving slabs which sit
Evidence from the first few samples
the soil itself. Prof. Caroline Malone,
over a thin layer of crushed limestone.
of charred bone demonstrates that
from Queen’s University Belfast leads
Underneath, they have found dark soil
everything from these animals was
the FRAGSUS project and is overseeing
deposit, signifying organic activity.
boiled down for meat—nothing was
the analysis and recovery of soil
Large samples of these deposits from
wasted. However, Malone explains
samples being carried out by several
the site are being taken back to the lab
that the young animals were too small
specialists in an effort to understand
to be analysed. Searching this soil for
to justify for a decent meat payback,
what type of activity was taking
organic remains such as shells, seeds,
and may have been killed before the
place at the site while the temples
pollen, and animal bone might provide
summer set in due to the lack of fodder
were being used, and even perhaps
clues as to what the temple builders
available. Understanding the temple
access to this world, to its objects, its
builders’ diet offers greater insight into the culture as a whole. ‘What you eat is who you are, in part. It distinguishes us. So food becomes a huge matter of cultural symbolism,’ Malone comments.
At Kordin III, the archaeologists retrieved soil samples to allow
This anthropogenic activity suggested
specialists to reconstruct the natural environment of the area at
by the dark soil, the pottery, and the
the time the temples were in use. In order to put this evidence in
human and animal rubbish has led the
context and to gain a long-term view of how the islanders modified
team to believe that the temple sites
their environment, Alberti has spent two years working with
were probably special gathering places.
Grima and Vella to develop a logistic regression model in GIS to
‘We don’t think they’re necessarily
understand possible determinants of agricultural quality before heavy
religious in the way we would see
mechanisation. To do this, a sample of 1860s land-use maps of British
religious buildings today,’ Malone
Crown property in Malta was chosen. The model has highlighted
explains. The divide between sacred
how drastically the quality of the land, and its exploitation, can vary
and profane that we envision in our
over small distances. Micro-environments and ecological niches are
modern society might have been looked
characteristic of Mediterranean islands, providing affordances which
upon very differently in the past.
make it possible for human groups to thrive in otherwise inhospitable
The finds are important, but the
environments. The cultural responses to such challenges are richly
difficult part comes in organising the
documented in historic periods; for archaeologists these insights
data. Malone explains: ‘The simple
may allow questions to be posed for prehistory when evidence may
story here is that we have a multiphase
be meagre. The results of the modelling may allow archaeologists to
temple structure and a creation of
predict where evidence of earlier landscapes is likely to be located.
building upon building, layer upon
Alberti has also created 3D visualisations of some of these maps.
layer.’ The time period that the first
His work gave geographical references to around a hundred of them,
samples are providing are from a two-
through a painstaking and time-consuming GIS-based procedure.
thousand-year span of history, so the
These were then digitised and fed into a geographic database he built;
team is trying to refine the data they
some of these maps were wrapped over a digital model of the terrain.
are collecting to the earliest phase of
Future students and researchers will be able to use these tools for
temple development. ‘We are dealing
their own research. Even more importantly, search tools can be used
with a range of time that was as old
to data mine the maps. For example, researchers can retrieve the
to the ancient Greeks as the ancient
precise locations of nineteenth-century farmhouses in the study area,
Greeks are to us,’ she says. The data
then compare these data with water availability and the type of crops
is difficult to piece together, but by
grown, besides the existence of grazing grounds—an immeasurably
analysing dated information from
useful tool.
the site in the hopes of linking soil samples to culture material to organic remains, the team can unravel the story of the temple builders. Malone notes: ‘We have so many questions, and yet, they’re very simple questions. They relate to trying to reconstruct the environment of the ancient temple builders, how that environment changed over time.’
VISUALISING THE PAST With the project focused on
scrutinising the role of the temples
within prehistoric Maltese society,
Whoever had access to this world, to its objects, its ideas, its knowledge traditions, must have had a special role in the society that built the temples.
work (Department of Classics and Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of Malta), Bennett hopes to model the landscape changes over time to show the changing environment on the islands in the hope of connecting our modern views with the prehistoric landscape the temple culture would have experienced.
‘Archaeology is inherently destructive,’
Piecing together a story as important
on the islands is vital for visualising
Bennett explains, because to collect
as that of the temple builders takes
the context of the finds at this site.
valuable data, this team had to disturb
multiple approaches and methods, and
Jeremy Bennett, a Ph.D. student
the prehistoric floors. However, the 3D
the insights of Jeremy Bennett, Prof.
from Cambridge University is one of
scans from this excavation might easily
Caroline Malone, Prof. Nicholas Vella,
the researchers contributing to the
address post-excavation questions that
and the undergraduate archaeology
project by helping the team scrutinise
arise, and preserve as much information
students are only just a representation
this environment in a high-tech
as possible for future researchers,
of the larger team this initiative
way. He operates a Leica C-10 laser
or even scholars within this same
encompasses. As a result, the dig at
scanner that creates 3D visuals of
excavation project. Working in the
the Kordin temple complex is a true
the excavations the team is carrying
FRAGSUS project, different researchers
testament to the spirit of collaboration.
out. This scanner, which takes over
focus on varying details of the temple
Although the finds might at first
260 camera images of the objects it
culture. Bennett is specifically studying
glance appear unexciting, it certainly
is placed in front of, then calculates
terracing and agricultural change in
does not mean they are insignificant;
the distance of degree, and meshes
Malta and Gozo, while others focus
every sample of soil, shard of pottery,
the images together to create a 3D
on the information provided by the
or piece of animal bone connects the
bubbled effect. The result is a vantage
human remains, the pollen from the
dots of a story that hasn’t been told for
point from a 3D perspective that helps
soil samples, or the human story as a
5,000 years.
the team easily visualise the site or the
whole. Using drones and LiDAR data
recovered objects and easily save the
obtained from the Planning Authority,
For more information visit
scanned images to a flash drive.
and building on Dr Gianmarco Alberti’s
understanding environmental change
Athletes who are cheered on during sporting activities are likely to perform better than athletes who don't. The HeartLink project is investigating how to remotely cheer athletes while they are participating in sporting events. Dr Franco Curmi writes about his work for the HeartLink project.
are waiting for you at the finish line some ten
You are halfway through the 42-kilometre task
kilometres ahead. You smile and keep on running.
and are truly struggling. Your friends came to
The above is an imagined scenario based on
cheer you when the race started, but at this
the HeartLink project I (Dr Franco Curmi) am
point you are alone, and exhaustion is rapidly
developing between Lancaster University and the
kicking in. Perhaps you want to call it a day and
University of Malta. The idea is for an athlete to
stop, as you are about to hit the fatigue wall
be wearing a vest measuring all their vitals, which
runners suffer. Maybe if your loved ones could just
would be transmitted to social media. Online
push you to keep on trying, it would give you the
friends could then track the runner through
extra boost needed to run that extra mile or ten.
biometric data and share their experience and well-
Through the vest you are wearing, your
wishes via a live video stream. These Facebook
friends’ voices start petering in as they notice
friends could even see whether it is raining, how
your running stats sagging. But they are not
many other athletes there are, or if their friend
anywhere near the course and are instead
is in a tight spot. The idea is that they would
distributed across different continents. Sara
egg the athletes on when they are struggling.
(the Facebook addict) is in Malta, Peter (who
The athletes should be cheered right when
managed three marathons this year) in Los
they need it most. And this is where it becomes
Angeles, while John (your workaholic boss) and
interesting: while the athletes might think it’s their
your sister Rebecca have just buzzed in that they
lucky day that their friends plugged in just
magine you are running the London Marathon.
when they needed them, in reality we have developed an algorithm that understands when a runner is unmotivated or tired and which nudges their friends right when help is needed. It has been called an empathetic algorithm, which collects real-time data from the biometric sensors within the vest, and with some help from a neural network, it understands the athlete’s feelings and subliminally nudges supporters. The HeartLink project explores
how crowds can remotely support
others during challenging times in an
Dr Franco Curmi
This ‘cheering’ is what is meant to
work is supported by the UK Research Council, Lancaster University, and the University of Malta. We have been working on the project for four years with a team that includes designers, managers, and computer scientists. This diverse team has already built the HeartLink App (, which can do the above. The app can be installed and downloaded by the participants and their friends. Through a ‘cheer’ button they can instantly send vibrations and sounds to the athlete.
The idea is for an athlete to be wearing a vest measuring all their vitals, which would be transmitted on social media.
make the athlete aware that a crowd is following their performance. Together we looked into different ways these cheers can be communicated to the athletes. These varied from vibrations or sound effects, to live audio streaming from their friends’ devices, among others. By analysing data from social networks and the athletes’ performance, we then explored how to improve the design of systems, technologies, and final product. How can we seamlessly interact with
event through social networks. The
the athletes? How can we improve
mile relay race across the UK with
engagement between the spectators
650 spectators across the globe.
and athletes to motivate them? Our
to remotely cheer and support others
vision is to turn HeartLink into a
device to find out how to connect
in real-time. The app and the tools
household name. HeartLink will be for
athletes remotely. For example, one
we developed for it let us measure
cheering what Skype is for meetings.
idea we developed is a relay baton for
the effectiveness of this support
long distance relays (e.g. the Queen’s
on the athletes and monitor their
of experiments to figure out if
Relay Race or the British Relay Race).
performance. Performing research
athletes who receive cheers from
The baton collects data from biometric
through social networks lets us
remotely located supporters
and location sensors, and broadcasts
gather data on the people cheering.
perform better. There is already
this data to spectators instantaneously.
For example, which spectator is
plenty of research that shows that
The baton communicates the cheers
best? The athlete’s partner cheering
athletes perform better when they
to the athletes through small,
them on or a thousand strangers?
are cheered on during sporting
controlled vibrations, allowing the
events. We trial ran our app in a
athlete to be aware that the crowd
was most effective during charity
charity run, a triathlon, and a 170-
is following their performance.
events. People seem to prefer remote
We trialled our app in a series
This research helped us tweak our
Through HeartLink we could compare and contrast different ways
We found that the HeartLink app
relationships between spectators
for a good cause. To answer the
and athletes. As an unexpected
above question, the data showed that
consequence, it has also helped build
cheers by mum and dad are not the
the relationship between Lancaster
most relevant, acquaintances seem
University and the University of
to have a more powerful effect. Put
Malta and their Faculties of ICT
differently, you would expect your
and Economics, Management and
partner to be cheering you on, but
Accountancy (FEMA). We are now
finding your boss rooting for you
working with NGOs and industrial
instead on a Saturday morning may
partners to turn this research into
be more surprising and effective.
an app that people can and want to
After starting as a Ph.D.
use. We want to make it possible
adventure at Lancaster University,
for people to raise money through
the HeartLink project has now
this app while supporting their loved
evolved into an underlying platform
ones in fundraising events—perhaps
that facilitates the building of
at the next London Marathon.
Which spectator is best? The athlete’s partner cheering them on or a thousand strangers?
cheering when the athlete is running
Malta is thought to harbour around 6,000 to 8,000 species of insects. In the last two years almost 200 new records of these fascinating creatures were found around the Maltese Islands, and a new endemic species, unique to Malta, was also described as new to science. Jessica Edwards meets up with Dr David Mifsud to find out more about these amazing findings and why insects really do run the world. Photography by Dr Edward Duca.
Dr David Mifsud examining a tiger beetle.
nsects are mostly thought of as creatures with
(supervised by David Dandria and Edwin Lanfranco
far too many legs that disturb our sleep and
respectively) that led to his first placement on
dreams, or often as unwelcome kitchen visitors
whiteflies on the Maltese Islands. He then flew to
on hot summer nights, and sometimes as the
Switzerland for his doctorate (supervised by Daniel
transmitters of diseases in humans and domestic
Burckhardt) managing to revise 30 new species
animals. But with over 1 million named species,
from South East Asia and the African Tropical
they are key to the world we live in. Some insects
Region—he hasn’t stopped since.
keep our economy running by pollinating flowers
Mifsud is also a workaholic. He has over 150
and crops, and by controlling pests that would
scientific papers to his name, most on insect
otherwise devastate crops. Insects eat waste,
research in Malta. He spends a good chunk of
helping to break it down, while being gobbled
the interview showing me how to capture the
up themselves—they are a vital part of the food
very small insects found growing on mouldy plant
web. Dr David Mifsud (Institute of Earth Systems,
bushes: first, place a white paper underneath the
University of Malta) is one of the few people to
plant, shake it, then collect any insects present
have dedicated most of his life to studying these
using a test-tube, rubber stopper, and pipe. These
beautiful creatures.
are then preserved, viewed, and sorted using a
Mifsud is passionate about insects, a passion
microscope. This technique is one of the methods
which has been with him since childhood. ‘When
Mifsud uses to collect specimens for identification
I was a small boy I used to spend most of my
and for studying various insect groups, varying
time in my parents’ garden, looking at ants and
according to what insects are being collected.
woodlice. This probably sparked my love for teacher Guido Lanfranco ‘used to bring boxes
full of pinned insects and other animals—I loved
Mifsud has described over fifty new species, eight to
them.’ The flames turned into an all-consuming fire
ten of which are only found in Malta. One of the most
with an undergrad and master's degree in Malta
recently described species Mifsud discovered
insects.’ The spark was fanned; his sixth form
dates back to two years ago. Known as a gall midge, Asphondylia scopuli is an insect that causes pea-like galls to develop in an endemic saltbush plant (Atriplex lanfrancoi) found on seaside cliffs. To date, he has managed to provide original information on around 1,800 different species of insects. So how has he managed to do it? In order to identify species, field samples need to be gathered. With some groups of species, keys (a tool
Dr David Mifsud
used to identify species according to distinguishing characteristics by a process of elimination) can be used. With other insects, when little is known about them, specimens are compared to those found in museums. Mifsud explains that, ‘usually you would need to collaborate with scientists abroad since they have access to museums, material, and can compare with actual specimens.’ In Malta, things are not as simple since information and infrastructure are limited. The situation
Mifsud has described over fifty new species, eight to ten of which are only found in Malta.
is much better now than 30 years ago
Many feed on them (known as phytophagous). These relationships seem to have co-evolved, with both needing the other to survive. An example of positive co-evolution between plants and insects is seen in plants that have developed bees. The bees fly from one flower
to two university students per year to
mother, males are very rare. Peripsocus
to the other, gathering pollen but
work with him.
stagnivagus has been known under
also pollinating the flower. Both the
many different names in the new world
plant and the bee need each other to
in Mifsud’s field samples is a
and in the Palaearctic (a habitat type
survive; the plant needs the bee to
booklouse (Peripsocus stagnivagus)
found in Malta). The discovery of the
be fertilised and the bee needs the
which reproduces asexually. The
first male specimen in Verdala Palace
pollen from the flower for food. On
offspring normally develop from
in Malta proved that they were the
the other hand, negative co-evolution
unfertilised eggs—no men allowed—a
same species that had spread around
occurs because the plants develop
mechanism known as parthenogenesis.
the world. Mifsud collected over 2,000
new strategies to fend off parasitic
Parthenogenesis is advantageous when
insect specimens to find that very
insects. In turn, the insects develop
it is difficult to find a mate. Another
rare male that was key to unlocking
new strategies to keep surviving and
benefit is that the parent passes on all
this puzzle. Booklice were previously
reproducing on the plants. This drives
of their genes to their offspring instead
unknown in Malta, and now research
the evolution of the plants—only
of half of them. Since the offspring
has led to the discovery of 30 different
those plants and insects with new
produced asexually are clones of the
species locally.
strategies survive, the rest die off.
One of the many species identified
Most insects live on plants.
brightly coloured flowers to attract
and he manages to attract around one
plant galls in Malta for these last
released the eighth volume of its
plants produce abnormal growths
fifteen years. So far, more than 120
bulletin. In these eight years, Mifsud
called galls. These galls have similar
different galls have been identified
has managed to gather over ninety
properties to cancerous growths
and others are still being discovered.
scientists from all over the world to
As a reaction to parasitic infection,
in humans. These galls are usually
Most of the insect-related research
work on Maltese insects. Together,
induced by organisms such as insects,
that happens in Malta is published
they have generated over 130 peer-
mites, fungi, bacteria, viruses, or
in the journal of the Entomological
reviewed papers, placing Malta and
nematodes. Mifsud has been studying
Society of Malta which has just
its insects on the scientific map. Together with another twenty partners from across Europe, Mifsud is also currently working on a bee conservation project called Smart Bees. The main aim of this project is to revive indigenous European subspecies of bees, including the Maltese bee, Apis mellifera ruttneri. Bees have a great economic importance because of their role as the main pollinators of various agricultural crops and flowers. Bees are worth billions. Apart from their economic worth, insects are vital to safeguard nature. While there are only around 1,000 vascular plants, 25 breeding birds, ten mammals, few reptiles, and two amphibians in Malta, there are thousands of insects. Without knowledge of insects it is impossible to understand the environment including maintaining farmland and nature reserves. Basic knowledge about the nature around us and the species within it is critical not only to preserve it but also to create wealth from it. Such research allows for a better understanding of the interactions between the different species found and their environmental impact. Mifsud’s final comment is that ‘what we know so far is just a tip of the iceberg and many more things are still unknown!’
Galls induced by a gall midge, Cystophora sochii on Sochus sp.
a 42
Malta’s long Mediterranean summers mean that ACs are everyone’s best friend. In a country endowed by sun and wind, renewable energies cannot be an afterthought, yet they are. The UoM’s OWTEP project is creating a cuttingedge solution by combining an offshore wind turbine with a district cooling system. Prof. Ing. Tonio Sant and Dr Ing. Robert N. Farrugia speak to Tuovi Mäkipere.
Se U
nrelenting heat is a thorn in the side of Malta’s electrical
perfect scenario for cooling buildings on land. In the OWTEP concept, the wind turbines
infrastructure. In summer the
do not generate electricity, but pump cold,
energy peaks substantially as
deep seawater through a pipeline to a land-
most of the population and
based district cooling plant. This district cooling
their grandmas hit the power button on
system would then work to transfer water to the
their AC remote. Cooling is a big deal here,
buildings which need cooling. What is unique
and the electrical demand is massive.
about this project is that the transfer occurs
Despite this, the country is almost exclusively
without electrical power, unlike in traditional wind
dependent on fossil fuels and imported
turbines. The floating turbines would use only
electrical energy through the interconnector.
hydraulic power. This is all about the ‘hybridisation
This year just 5% of the island's electricity
of renewable energy sources,’ explains Sant.
was generated by renewables; mostly from Talk of wind farms in Malta has garnered
different reactions from politicians and the public,
To understand where to place wind turbines, one
with the government now leaning away from
needs the construction of a wind-flow model
wind power to meet EU 2020 renewable energy
of the Maltese Islands. Enter Dr Ing. Robert
targets. Many point to the size of the island, the
N. Farrugia (Institute of Sustainable Energy,
high population density and the environment as
UoM) who has done precisely that. His work is
deal breakers, but while the area of some 316
important in determining the ideal positioning of
km2 could be a limitation, all this really means is
the turbines. ‘Wind is site—and height—specific,’
that we need to look beyond our shores. Malta's
clarifies Farrugia, meaning that wind conditions
renewable energy potential offshore is enormous
depend on the site, any unique features of the
given the availability of large territorial waters.
area, and the fact that wind speeds increase with
This was the starting point for Prof. Ing. Tonio
height. Over several months, measurements were
Sant (Department of Mechanical Engineering,
taken from four locations, namely Wied Rini and
Faculty of Engineering, UoM), project leader of
Aħrax Point in the west and Ħal Far and Bengħajsa
the University of Malta’s Offshore Wind and
in the south of Malta. Sites in the west boasted
Thermocline Energy Production (OWTEP) project.
fairly ‘complex terrain’, reveals Farrugia, while
The idea is to have floating wind turbines
the eastern sites had ‘higher surface roughness
located in deeper waters. The traditional wind
and obstacle characteristics.’ By analysing long
turbine foundations as seen in the North Sea
and short term datasets, Farrugia could make
would not be viable for far offshore sites due
comparisons between the two sitesʼ wind
to the deeper sea depths of the Mediterranean.
patterns and validates his computer models.
That said, what some might perceive as a
Farrugia’s results were used by a Ph.D. student
geographical disadvantage can actually provide
in his research. Ing. Daniel Buhagiar (Department
new opportunities. Because solar radiation
of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
doesn’t reach beyond a certain depth, known as
UoM) became involved in the OWTEP project
the thermocline, this means that the deep sea
when, as part of his masters, he created an
water is colder than the water at the surface—a
OWTEP turbine simulation.
solar PV panels. Change is needed fast.
NREL 5MW Reference Turbine Motor
Variable-Displacement Piston Pump
Air Intake
Shaft Power
Pressure Boost System
GRE/GRP Pipeline
Pelton Wheel
WIND ENERGY Electric fans use electricity to create an air flow. Wind turbines work in the opposite way, using wind to rotate their blades and generate electricity. A typical wind turbine consists of the tower, the blades and a hub (rotor), and the nacelle, which is the enclosure on the top of the tower and behind the blades. The tower is typically 25 to 135 metres in height because wind is faster and less turbulent above the Earth’s surface, and the rotor blade diameter usually varies between 20 and 160 metres. The wind turns the rotor blades around an axle. The turbine axle is connected to a generator, which converts the rotational energy into electrical energy. There is usually a gearbox between the rotor and generator which steps up the rotation speed from about 10 to 60 rpm (revolutions per minute) up to between 1,000 and 1,800 rpm. A wind farm can consist of a few or even scores of turbines. The distance between the turbines in a wind farm is usually five to ten times the rotor diameter, to avoid power losses which would occur if the turbines are located too close to each other. To maximise the energy generated, the rotor/nacelle combination is turned automatically to face the direction of the wind. Moreover, the blades can have their angle of attack regulated to maximise energy capture. If the wind speed rises over 25 m/s, the turbine shuts down to avoid unwanted wear of the mechanism.
Air Cycle Machine
ol o C ict iD str
in g
k wor t e N
Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchanger
Heat Exchanger Pump 45
Buhagiar in now running his Ph.D. research on hydraulic power transmission and offshore energy storage. Instead of modelling a single turbine, he now models groups of turbines working together. ‘Our aim is to have a model of an OWTEP wind farm with different turbine configurations, capable of running simulations, with or without integrated energy storage,’ he remarks. Energy storage is another aspect
Prof. Ing. Tonio Sant, Ing. Robert N. Farrugia, Daniel Buhagiar and Matthew Galea. Photo by Jean Claude Vancell
worth consideration in wind systems.
conversion, making it less efficient.
venture, the technology behind it
Being that wind is only available
However, the cold sea water may
can still be improved by integrating
sporadically, energy storage helps with
be used to increase the energy
other components. The OWTEP
overcome the problem of intermittent
performance efficiency of large-scale
project plans to make use of the
supply and continuous demand. With
cooling processes. This was when M.Sc.
wind turbine’s floating platform to
this in mind, Buhagiar developed a
student Matthew Galea stepped in.
generate energy. The idea is to install
novel energy system. The system uses
Galea has developed a mathematical model to analyse the efficiency of an
‘We want to use the same platform
and an external floating chamber to
OWTEP system coupled with a large-
to harvest solar energy,’ claims
stabilise pressure. This can be directly
scale air conditioning plant. According
Sant. ‘Integration of technologies
integrated into the OWTEP system to
to his study, while the efficiency of air
is the future,’ he emphasises.
store cold deep sea water. ‘This has a
cycle machines is not ideal, this can
dual advantage,’ maintains Sant, adding
be increased considerably when these
Directive has ‘set a binding target of
that, ‘energy is stored in directly usable
are driven by cold deep sea water
20% final energy consumption from
form, as pressurised fluid, while also
supplied by OWTEP turbines under
renewable sources by 2020. To achieve
retaining its cold temperature.’ The
hot and humid climate conditions
this, EU countries have committed
development of this storage device
such as Maltaʼs. the pressure from the
to reaching their own national
has recently received funding (FUSION
turbines, coupled with the availability
renewables targets. For Malta, this is
Research and Innovation Technology
of cold seawater, is perfect for a hot
10%, double the current levels. It was
Program, Malta Council of Science
and humid climate such as Malta’s.
found that PV systems could offer
and Technology). This will lead to the development of a proof-of-concept prototype over the next three years. In traditional electricity-generating
The EU’s Renewable Energy
9.1%, onshore wind farms 5.4%, and
offshore wind farms 3.4%. There is still
The project is moving along at
these goals and avoid being fined.
a long way to go for Malta to reach
turbines, the rotor is mechanically
a fast pace and ‘there is parallel
coupled to the electrical generator
research being conducted right now
could be a part of renewable energy
to directly convert the kinetic energy
to commercialise the floating wind
generation in Malta. Buhagiar
available into electricity before
turbine technology,’ discloses Sant.
contends that ‘more detailed modelling
transmitting to the shore. In the case
In fact, there are already full-scale
and prototyping need to be carried
of the OWTEP turbine, however,
prototypes in production, with the
out before implementation. We
the rotor drives a hydraulic pump to
latest turbine being installed at
haven’t done any detailed analysis
pressurise deep sea water, transmitting
Fukushima, Japan, by Mitsubishi.
on the materials yet,’ he says. The
it to shore through a pipeline before
a photovoltaic (PV) system on board.
a submerged pressure accumulator
However, while the idea of
That said, the OWTEP concept
study is essential to determine
having it converted to electricity via
combining the turbine with a district
costs that are always an issue—a
a hydraulic turbine. This convoluted
cooling system is already unique,
brighter, cleaner, and more energy-
process results in energy loss during
with Malta at the forefront of this
efficient future awaits.
UPGRADES, UPDATES & ALICE Business, research, education—whatever you do, having up-todate tech is no longer an option in today’s world. CERN is no different. Cassi Camilleri talks to Prof. Ing. Edward Gatt, Dr Ing. Owen Casha and their team about their indispensable work in upgrading the tech in Europe’s Nuclear Research Centre.
produced by the collisions in the LHC. One of
Nuclear Research (CERN) is a place
those detectors is the High Momentum Particle
synonymous with innovation. Every
Identification system (HMPID) which takes
day since its inception, it has tested
‘snapshots’ of the faint patterns generated by the
the boundaries of what is thought
high-energy collisions for analysis, a process that
to be humanly possible. One of the biggest tests
generates a terabyte of data per second. Cue the
is ALICE, a massive experiment that attempts to
team from the University of Malta.
answer the basic but infinitely complex question:
Prof. Ing. Edward Gatt and Dr Ing. Owen Casha,
What is everything in the world made of? How did
together with their team of talented Masters
we come to be?
and Ph.D. students from the Faculty of ICT, are
The process, on the other hand, is far less elegant.
working hell bent to keep the technology that
In fact, it is beastly, involving the acceleration of
makes the ALICE experiment possible updated
lead ions to tremendous speeds and smashing
and efficient. In a world where advances are
them together in a machine that has now become a
considered out-of-date in the span of months,
household name—the famous Large Hadron Collider
this is no mean feat.
(LHC). Massive detectors then pick up whatever
‘What we’re doing is improving the electronic
particles are produced. This is how the Higgs Boson
systems in the HMPID detector to work more
was discovered and how many more yet-unknown
efficiently and process data at a higher speed,’
particles will hopefully be identified in future.
Prof. Ing. Edward Gatt clarifies, ‘enabling it to
There are fifteen detectors in ALICE, all
gather even more information.’ Picking up the
playing a key role in the identification of particles
camera metaphor once more, Ph.D. student
he European Organisation for
Jordan Lee Gauci explains simply, ‘It’s like having a movie camera which we are upgrading from 30 to 60 frames per second. We are working on the raw interface to gather and transmit more data; to get a clearer picture.’
BREAKING THINGS DOWN Working on the transmission side of things in the ALICE experiment means that to improve one part of the system, work on the various other parts has to be done in tandem. The team reflects this in that each group works on their own projects, but all are moving towards one common goal. ‘To improve one part, you need to improve the other,’ confirms Josef Magri. ‘You get the data, gather it as quickly as possible, you convert and transmit to computers and servers, and then your job is done. It’s a closed loop which needs to be coordinated.’ This is, as one might imagine, easier said than done. The HMPID detector is located in the bowels of ALICE,
meaning that one cannot access it
It’s like having a movie camera which we are upgrading from 30 to 60 frames per second. Top to bottom: Prof. Ing. Edward Gatt and Dr Ing. Owen Casha. Photos by Jean Claude Vancell.
Construction of the ALICE chamber (2003). Photo by Maximilien Brice for CERN.
easily to replace hardware. ‘If you want
detector, improving its throughput and
which collisions are read from 4 kHz to
to have access in HMPID, you have
making it more efficient.
50 kHz. This means that the detector
As part of his Masters, Josef Magri
will be able to follow the interactions
practically impossible. Logistically, they
is currently optimising the electronic
in true real time, effectively creating a
can only take it out in the shutdown,’
circuits and control boards within the
moving recording of the collision, rather
says Casha. Magri confirms, noting
HMPID detector to improve how data
than a set of photographs. Seguna’s
how during his time at CERN he
are handled. He aims to effectively
research will also be taken on at CERN
saw machines that are still made up
manipulate computer processes
around 2020.
of discrete components. ‘This is an
to create parallelism, meaning
environment where they can’t afford
that processes which previously
combines all these efforts, working on
to stop processes, to stop working. It
happened in sequence can now occur
the design and the implementation of
might be old tech but if they work, they
simultaneously. This, together with
a trigger module—an electronic card
work,’ he states.
high-throughput interconnects, is
—which will be the interface between
Ph.D. student Jordan Lee Gauci
expected to increase data collection
the trigger system in ALICE and the
Calleja had to face. As part of his
tenfold. Magri’s work will be integrated
detector. Casha interjects to explain,
Masters thesis, Calleja focused on the
within the system by 2020 in order
‘The system is very large. Cables run for
readout firmware development. To do
to improve the detector’s accuracy,
miles. If you assume the signals from
this, he tested the available hardware
potentially revealing building blocks of
the particles will arrive at the exact
to see if it would manage to process
matter yet unseen.
time on that detector, you would be
This was the challenge Stefano
information as fast as it needed to
Using Magri’s work as a springboard,
very wrong. You need to account for the
when one trigger was removed.
Ph.D. student Clive Seguna will upgrade
time it will take for the electrical signal
Realising that it could, Calleja removed
the electronic circuitry for the HMPID
itself to travel. What Jordan is doing is
one of the three triggers within the
detector which will boost the speed at
creating a delay in certain parts
to remove all the other detectors. It’s
The ALICE chamber. Photo by Mona Schweizer for CERN.
that will synchronise the whole thing.’ Picking up the camera analogy once more, Gauci clarifies, ‘This is one large camera made up of many small ones. They need to be triggered at different times to go off at the same time, when everything is in place. This is my job.’
THE WORK NEVER STOPS What is interesting about this project is its continuity. Magri notes how ‘all this work is part of the same upgrade but the work done now can be used for the next one. Even with the same
upgrade, they continue to make it
better until the very last moment
Magri’s work will be integrated within the system by 2020 to improve the detector’s accuracy, potentially revealing building blocks of matter yet unseen.
when they need to move on to the next thing.’ This philosophy of striving continuously to better the situation, it seems, is how CERN always stays at the cutting edge. But there is more to it. The scale of CERN can be daunting. Gauci reveals how the building he was working in was twenty minutes away from where experiment was actually happening. Gatt laughs at his own memories, ‘I was driven from one detector to the other in a car.’ However, despite this, everyone felt welcome as part of a worldwide team of professionals. ‘The sense of trust and collaboration that the place is
fosters is impressive,’ says Casha. ‘It is definitely something we should learn from here in Malta. We need to drop the silo mentality and work together in a better way.’ What lies ahead for the team from UoM’s Faculty of ICT? Casha confides that the plan is for them to go to CERN early next year in February 2017 and start implementing some of the work they have developed remotely onto the actual machines. In the future, Gatt hopes to have biannual trips to CERN’s facilities. With more contact comes more contribution and more lessons there was one.
Top to bottom: Stefano Calleja, Clive Seguna, Josef Magri, and Jordan Lee Gauci. Photos by Jean Claude Vancell.
to be learnt. That’s a triple win if ever
Photo by Joshua Choukroun
Ephemeral Spaces Valletta 2018 Foundation
s the beginning of
We Camp, a non-profit organisation
local initiatives with specific skills
Valletta’s term as
which brought together professionals
and tools—from creating a local radio
European Capital of
from various walks of life to create new
station to setting up outdoor cinemas,
Culture draws ever
or repurposed transient spaces within
or even creating a pop-up kitchen in
closer, stakeholders in
the framework of the city. ‘We had
social housing. ‘The way we intervene
the tourism industry are increasingly
the idea of a place that would be open
can be different, but the objective is
excited about the opportunities the
all summer long, seven days a week,
always to surprise people and get them
title will bring for Malta. Despite the
gathering visitors, artists, neighbours,
involved, in a festive and family-friendly
economy’s diversification, tourism
and tourists,’ Nicolas, the organisation’s
atmosphere, through our creativity,’
remains its backbone, and there is a
founder and director, explains.
notes Nicolas.
hope that the throngs of new visitors
Yes We Camp’s current large-scale
Valletta 2018 will attract will drive
describes as ‘an artistic campsite’,
project is Les Grands Voisins (The
income to hotels, restaurants, bars,
seeing tourists housed in modules
Great Neighbours), the occupation
pubs, shops, and more. It is a buzz that
designed by artists who formed part
of a former hospital in the middle of
is all too familiar to Nicolas Détrie,
of the collective. ‘We had room for
Paris, which the organisation is sharing
born and bred in Marseille. ‘When
artistic residencies, sports activities,
with a number of other non-profit
the news broke that Marseille would
music, shows, and food and bar
organisations. ‘This project provides
be the European Capital of Culture in
services. The sanitary facilities on the
emergency housing for 600 people,
2013, there was a kind of frenzy about
campsite were ecological prototypes
cheap working spaces for craftspersons
the income that it would generate
like solar showers with phytosanitation.’
and small companies, and many
for touristic operators. But we saw
The whole endeavour was driven by
facilities for local people and other
it as something more—a fantastic
a community of like-minded people.
citizens, including a sports ground, a
opportunity for Marseille to showcase
This was a project with no funding,
steam bath, a campsite, a gallery, and
not just its hospitality, but also its
realised in a collective way, with the
so on. When working with vulnerable
help of hundreds of volunteers. Smaller
people, our role is to create an
projects followed. One included the
intermediate space, different from their
use of customised caravans to support
daily spaces but also different from the
The idea of combining these two
The first project was what Nicolas
elements led to the foundation of Yes
fast, brutal merchant spaces that are
but if they are offered the possibility to
typical of mainstream urban life. We
get involved and contribute, they will,’
encourage everyone to get involved,
reflects Nicolas. ‘We strongly believe
bringing innovative opportunities
in concomitance. We do our best to
through shared work and the creation
attract different social groups and make
of a new kind of urban park. We aim
them first cohabit, and maybe mix or at
to show that it is possible to create
least get to know each other. We like to
a space with multiple uses for the
feel that we are catalysts for this kind of
common good of everyone.’
social action.’
This is certainly an appealing prospect to consider for Malta as one of the most densely-populated countries in the world. The cramped situation of the island is worsened by an excruciatingly high number of vacant properties—226 for every square kilometre—the highest in Europe. The social repercussions of leaving vast quantities of properties abandoned and disused need little elaboration. The inflation of property prices, the encroachment on fresh lands for new developments instead of repurposing old ones, the creation of an unsafe and unpleasant environment— these are all headline-grabbing topics of
Although ephemerality is a key concept in Yes We Camp’s projects, Nicolas believes that the projects can also have a longterm impact.
Although ephemerality is a key concept in Yes We Camp’s projects, Nicolas believes that the projects can also have a long-term impact. ‘Being constrained to a short time-frame gives us the freedom to experiment and innovate. We have to be low-tech, lowcost, use the resources close at hand, involve local communities and their skills, and last but not least, have fun! By doing so, we try to collectively prove that with just a little creativity and heart, you can change a lot—and that’s the longest-lasting impact we’d like to leave on society.’
late in Malta. All this begs the question: Can Yes We Camp’s projects cohere with the more permanent infrastructure and social fabric of the cities they take place in? ‘Before we take action in a new place, we first take time to listen, to understand the context and figure out what the needs of the community really are. Then we do our best to create something, ignite a feeling of possibility which will then hopefully spread far beyond where it started manage a building or a vacant space,
from. People are not always able to
Leaving a
Legacy The University of Malta has
future donation to a
world-class research in a number of
charity or trust which
fields being carried out by dedicated
is given through a will
teams including cancer, motor neuron
or other designation. It
diseases, stroke, and epilepsy, to
allows individuals to express personal
mention a few. Making a gift to the
values by integrating charitable, family,
University of Malta in a will to support
and financial goals. Planned gifts drawn
this research can be one of the greatest
up in wills can be made in cash, or by
gifts one can make. After providing for
donating assets such as stocks, real
loved ones, why not make an impact
estate, and art pieces. The possibilities
on future generations and leave a
are endless.
donation to the University of Malta
Legacies represent a key source of
Dr Samuel Godfrey, Cancer Research UK
through the Research Trust (RIDT)?
revenue for research activity around
There is no minimum or maximum
the world. More than a third of major
amount for legacy gifts. Even a modest
research funders’ income, such as
amount will make a huge difference to
Cancer Research UK, comes from
the University. Legacy gifts can also
legacy giving.
be left specifically for certain research. They can also take the form of personal
items such as books, which can become
Research in the medical, environmental,
which will continue to benefit future
agricultural, and other fields, needs
students and staff.
part of the University collection and
financial assistance to happen. When a person leaves a legacy gift in their
Contact the RIDT on
will they help research teams make an
to discuss ideas. Total confidentiality
important difference in the community.
will be applied throughout the
These teams have an impact on our
process. Gifts large and small are
lives and wellbeing.
important. Help us make a difference!
‘As a survivor of cancer, having been in hospital for treatments, I’ve seen what cancer research has done. When you donate a legacy gift, it is to help all future generations. Cancer research could aid children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.’ Testimonial from a Cancer Survivor
legacy gift is a planned
‘Without legacy gifts, our cancer research would not be the force that it is today. Our research is world-leading. We have been integral in seeing survival go from 1-in-4 people in 1970 to 2-in-4 people today, and a third of that can be attributed to legacies.’
oast pumpkin with soft
food system, the risks associated with
goat cheese strewn on a
producing, handling, transporting, and
bed of basil and drizzled in
storing food, as well as how tenuous
a herby olive oil dressing.
food safety can be.’ Micallef’s course
What’s your favourite salad?
about the microbiological safety of
While this is certainly a more common
fresh produce is enriched by the
question than: How safe is your salad?,
diversity in academic backgrounds
the latter is probably the one we should
among the students it attracts. ‘Most
be asking. In fact, How safe is your
people only think about it when
salad? is the title of an intriguing course
something goes wrong, but for people
run by Assistant Professor Shirley
in the agriculture and food industry,
Micallef (University of Maryland).
food safety pervades many decisions
‘Everyone eats, everyone has an opinion about food, how it is made
they make,’ explains Micallef. It comes as no surprise that in her
and where it comes from,’ notes
free time Micallef can be found happily
Micallef. ‘However, few are aware of
pottering away in her garden. ‘The
the complexity and globalisation of the
botanist inside me is still there,’ Alumni
A love for botany, the birth of her children, and a strong interest in public health problems—this is what led Assistant Professor Shirley Micallef to her current position in the Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture (University of Maryland). She speaks to Veronica Stivala about beer brewing, native plant gardening, and the safety of our salads.
‘I think it is challenging for most scientists to communicate the significance of our work to people outside of their field,’ she confides. she confides, sharing how she has
for public health problems all inform
filled her back yard with native
my multidisciplinary research on
species to attract and support wildlife,
the interaction of human pathogens
including the local bee population.
with plants that we grow for food,
Micallef has a zest for life and the
using a Salmonella-tomato model
natural world. It is autumn when we
system.’ This work will ultimately
speak and she mentions how the season
provide a better understanding of
means that her and her family can now
foodborne diseases and reveal better,
pick apples and pumpkins, bake pies,
more effective ways of reducing
brew beer and celebrate Halloween.
their transmission and incidence.
Indeed Micallef’s children helped
has been present since childhood
with food. ‘After having our daughter,
when the subject was at the top of
I became more aware and interested
the list when it came to her favourites
in food and nutrition, so when the
in school. At university she went on
opportunity for a postdoc in food
to study botany and ecology. This
safety microbiology came along,
scientist also ventured underwater and
I went for it,’ she recalls. ‘A few
studied seagrasses for her Masters
years later I was offered my current
in Plant Biology (University of Malta).
position [as Assistant Professor in
‘Eventually,’ she says, ‘I did a Ph.D.
the Department of Plant Science and
in plant and soil microbiology at the
Landscape Architecture] where I finally
University of Massachusetts, which
found a way to tie all my studies and
kept me mostly in a lab running
experiences together. My background
molecular biology experiments.’
in plant science, my training in Alumni
microbiology, and my enthusiasm
Micallef’s fascination with biology
her develop such a strong relationship
Her love for botany stands out prominently in our exchange. Micallef
spent a while working in Malta as an
her scientific field, Micallef reveals
do believe knowledge is power, so
environmental biologist, mostly bringing
that rather than the science, it is
I feel I can make very good choices
botanist skills to the table. However,
the communication that can be
when buying and preparing food,’ she
although she loved this work, Micallef
tough. ‘I think it is challenging for
notes. There are only a few things she
admits that there came a point where
most scientists to communicate the
will not touch with a 10-foot pole:
she felt she needed a new challenge
significance of our work to people
undercooked minced beef, raw milk.
and a change. ‘That is how I ended up in
outside of their field,’ she confides.
She is wary of raw sprouts, and while
the US, studying how plants influence
That can make it hard to acquire
she will never give up raw oysters,
the type of microbes that colonise
funding or garner attention. She
she does avoid them in the summer.
their root system,’ she comments.
goes on to note how, in her current
What advice does Micallef
position, the most challenging aspects
have for anyone who is
science and the microbiology of plants.
are securing external funding for
interested in Plant Biology?
By managing to attract externally-
her research, which works not only
‘Plant biology, or anything—go for
funded research programmes, she
to conduct research but to support
it. Seek out advice if you can, but do
now leads a team of post-docs, and
postgraduate students. ‘The more
not be discouraged if it looks hard
doctoral, Masters, and undergraduate
personal challenge,’ she goes on to
or info is lacking. You cannot plan it
students. The team conducts field and
note, ‘is keeping up with work while
all. When I came to the US, 16 years
laboratory research on plant-bacterial
maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
ago, I knew very little about this
interactions. Recently, Micallef and her
I love my job, I am dedicated to my
part of the world, the educational
team, in collaboration with the US Food
students, but I also need to keep some
system here or where I would end
and Drug Administration (FDA), have
space for my own personal life.’
up, but I followed my interests and
been looking at how soil fertilisation,
Micallef admits that knowing
opportunities that I came across,
rain, and insects affect the microbiome
so much about food safety and its
and a path unfolded. Academically,
of tomato and cucumber crops.
contamination means she is ‘acutely
we are in an era of multidisciplinary
aware of the risks.’ But, sensibly,
thinking—so seek out opportunities
she also tries not to be paranoid. ‘I
that broaden your perspectives.’
When asked about what she thinks is the most difficult aspect of
Micallef’s research fuses both plant
BOOK REVIEW by David Reuben Grech
Newton and the Counterfeiter THOMAS LEVENSON
etective stories are exhilarating. There’s no
in London. The author sets the stage, explaining
argument against it. The recent resurgence
that the British currency is in crisis, held hostage
in Sherlock Holmes’ popularity peaked with TV
by counterfeiters pumping an unprecedented
programmes like Sherlock and Elementary. However,
number of fake coins into circulation. Despite
the problem with these stories, some might say,
initial hesitance, Newton eventually sets off on a
is that they are quite adept at stretching the truth
mission to hunt down the people responsible.
when it comes to certain practices in forensic
Newton’s main antagonist by the name of William
people looking for a fictional detective story with
Chaloner. Levinson does an excellent job of
solid roots in reality, look no further than Newton
humanising the antagonist, taking the reader on a
and the Counterfeiter: The Unknown Detective
journey into his past. We see Chaloner using his
Career of the World’s Greatest Scientist by author
brilliance to rise from the ashes of poverty and
and documentary-maker Thomas Levenson.
build his own empire as one of London’s most
Isaac Newton was a revolutionary in modern
clash is tantalising, with the two engaged in an
gravity and the laws of motion. He then
intricate game of wit. The struggle between
turned 26. And boredom reigned. So what
them is exhilarating, with both utilising their
did he do for some mental stimulation? He
influential ranks in society to one-up the other.
Levenson recounts the journey of Newton from
prominent counterfeiters. Newton and Chaloner’s
physics, a man famous for his theories on
became the new Warden of the Royal Mint.
The book’s title refers to ‘the Counterfeiter’,
science and cybersecurity. If you are one of those
This book’s primary selling point is its look into Newton’s story as a detective, a relatively unknown
his humble beginnings as a rather incompetent
part of the famous scientist’s life. Apart from
sheep herder to the final days of his life, taking time
this, the book has a captivating narrative and it
to focus on his stint as Warden of the Royal Mint
definitely deserves a spot on your reading list.
GAME REVIEW by Costantino Oliva
Trump the
Thumper Platform:
Playstation 4 (version tested), Steam
THUMP to be here by now? The idea
Thumper uses a synergy of minimal audio signals, intense speed, and
of putting on some bulky headset
obscure visual settings. The result is
to be projected into a digital world
a heightened feeling of danger fused
already looked passé about 15 years
with a brutal challenge that modern
ago. However, in an unexpected turn
games have mostly forgotten about.
of events, in 2016 a plethora of slick
No easy gratifications are to be
devices have finally become available
found in the alienating, unforgiving
to consumers. Enter the Oculus Rift,
repetition cycles of Thumper.
Samsung Gear VR, and the more game-oriented Playstation VR. Thumper can be played on a regular
The game was created by a diminutive two-man team that aimed for a confrontational,
TV screen or Playstation VR. Its retro-
uncompromising style. Brian Gibson
futurism embeds visions of dystopian
is better known as the bass player
virtual realities. The game is set in a dark
of the ultra-kinetic noise rock band
world, where what looks like a metallic
Lightning Bolt, which explains the
space beetle is propelled at breakneck
original mix of influences that makes
speed over an infinite rollercoaster
the game stand out. Far from the
ride. This race cannot be stopped, but
idea of an ideal, peaceful virtual
players will quickly discover that the
reality simulation, Thumper is
sparse musical elements being played
aesthetically the marriage of
are deeply meaningful. Players use them
the Nintendo classic F-Zero with
as cues to collect objects, anticipate
the challenging nature of 1980s’
sudden steerings, and survive a veritable
arcade and contemporary rhythm
rain of crushing obstacles. Precision and
games. The game will revolutionise
rapid reaction times are imperative for
your thoughts on the VR
avoiding spectacular impacts.
experience—if you dare play it. Fun
asn’t virtual reality supposed
BOARD GAME REVIEW by David Chircop
Martian Renaissance M
ars themes had a renaissance
cash wins. It becomes the market
most exquisite and intricate game
this year. No less than three
leader in humanity’s next chapter.
engines in recent memory. The
games set on Mars were released at
The game centres around project
game is vastly different every time
the Essen Game Fair in October 2016.
cards. These all require cash, or
it is played. It all depends on which
While not everyone cares for the red
megacredits, to invest in. There
projects come up during the game.
planet, it cannot be denied that it has
are hundreds of these cards, and
It takes a bit too long to play, but
spawned many interesting games,
many are unique. The crux of the
is satisfying till the very end.
particularly with game mechanics.
game lies in carefully investing in
Terraforming Mars satisfies
At Essen, Terraforming Mars was
those projects that best benefit the
the classic idiom ‘don’t judge a
the talk of the town. When I visited
player’s corporation. Each of these
book by its cover’, so cave in to
their stand to see what all the fuss
cards does something different on
peer pressure and buy it!
was about, I was unimpressed by
Mars, affecting the planet’s state,
the unappealing art and graphic
or terraform rating. This rating
design, and left the booth without a
identifies how valuable a contributor
copy. I bought a copy when only one
your corporation is in making Mars
was left due to the fear of missing
a better place for everyone.
out. The fair was full of people carrying a copy of this game.
These game mechanics give Terraforming Mars one of the
Terraforming Mars Designer:
Jacob Fryxelius
Fryxgames/ Stronghold
Terraforming Mars is not a pretty game. Its sense of graphic design oozes ‘amateur’ or ‘1990s’. It feels like a relative or friend was hired to keep costs down. The situation became increasingly giggle card images are credited to the ‘Fryxelius’ surname, which appears very often in the credit list. So how is the game played? A player heads a corporation trying to make the planet’s environment habitable. The game ends when the temperature, the landscape, and oxygen levels have reached levels amenable for life. At this point, the corporation
that has built the most respect and
Photos by Nate Anderson/
worthy after realising that most
FILM REVIEW by Charlo Pisani
Somewhere also receives a text message on his
explores the world of showbiz by
phone from what seems to be a stalker.
delving into those intimate instances when a famous actor is by himself. The opening sequence lays the
The stalker subplot, likely a major narrative driving force in most other films, is reduced to yet another incident
blueprint for the film’s cinematic
which is touched upon transiently.
mood and language. Two roads split
Instead, Somewhere sees its protagonist
the screen diagonally. A car zooms
following a more personal, existential
past, flitting in and out of the frame.
journey in which he must decide upon
The camera remains motionless.
what future holds—in or out of showbiz.
The car races back in... and out
What holds our attention throughout
Somewhere Year of release: 2010 Director:
Sofia Coppola
Production company:
Pathé Distribution, Medusa Film, Tohokushinsha, American Zoetrope
again. The camera pans out and
the film is the close, intimate view
we realise the driver is going round
of the protagonist, as he takes in his
in circles, alone, in what seems
surroundings and the people around
emotions, he tries to re-establish
to be the Californian desert.
him. Coppola frequently keeps the
contact with his ex-wife with whom
camera focused on the same image after
he shares custody of his daughter. In
famous actor Johnny Marco (Stephen
the action has finished, as if refusing
the end, Johnny ends up where he
Dorff) between films while recovering
the cut, thus emptying the space which
started: driving alone in the desert with
from a minor hand injury. He spends
nevertheless demands our attention.
a smile on his face. Did his meditative
most of the time by himself, travelling,
This way, she introverts the narrative
efforts lead him ‘somewhere’?
checking into different hotels. On
through a repetition of stasis rather
other occasions, he attends press
than the introduction of new action.
At a basic level, the film follows
conferences and parties where he
Luckily, Johnny’s redemptive
While Coppola’s other films, such as Marie Antoinette (2006), explore more elaborate aspects of gender,
finds his next conquest. He should
chances stare him in the face through
Somewhere excels in minimalist but
be reading the new scripts that are
his eleven-year-old, unspoilt, multi-
effective cinematic language and plot.
being sent to him of course, but that
talented daughter Cleo (Elle Fanning).
It remains one of the more engaging
matters little. From time to time, he
As he comes to terms with his fatherly
films in her respectable oeuvre. Fun
ofia Coppola’s film Somewhere
his is a murky area to discuss. Cognitive-Enhancing drugs are usually used to treat conditions such
as sleeping disorders and ADHD. However, if taken by a person (and we do not recommend these pills)
Dr Rebecca Dalli Gonzi
without these conditions, they can enhance the brain for a short time. But no gain comes without pain. Side effects are a problem. Take coffee, a weak stimulant that increases focus for a short period. A person slowly builds up tolerance and an addiction to the effect of caffeine. The ability to maintain a normal state of focus now requires that cup of coffee. Mind enhancement drugs
The Continuity Product
taken without a prescription could lead to sharper wits in the short term, however they could lead to addiction in the long term. Ritalin and
Individuals crave security, stability, continuity, and the option to create change. How? By retaining project progress. Your Continuity Product can make this happen. Your policy, concept, or idea
Adderall, prescribed for ADHD, can also lead to heart problems. The benefits many of these drugs give are usually
is for the benefit of humanity, not just your
minor—nothing like the
lifetime. Even though Steve Jobs has passed
movie Limitless. But while our
away, your iPhone still blinks. A continuity mind
minds do have limits, they are
frame is what lies behind successful enterprise.
probably fewer than one might
A continuity product is packaged in four parts:
expect, especially if we push
one, your team is indifferent to pressure; two,
ourselves that extra mile.
you are not in recovery mode, you take action; three, key resources are always ready; four, Big Data will manage your stats and your impacts.
Send in your science questions to
by Ġorġ Mallia