Thique Issue 1

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Wynoka T h e To t a l P a c k a g e

1 0 S a v v y Wa y s To S p r u c e U p Yo u r P a d

METROSEXUAL WHAT ? The Consensus Behind It All



HOLDING IT DOWN: Representing The Struggle, The Hustle, The Grind



Who says milk doesn’t do a body good?







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T H I Q U E F L E S H F E AT U R E S No Endangered species in here. These ladies are far for visually challenging with the exception of getting all that ass to fit on one page.



FEATURES 36 PLAYAS CLOSET: MYA TELLS You asked real life questions and Mya’s giving kick-ass answers Wynoka

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40 WRITING A WINNING BUSINESS PLAN Your check list to Entrepreneurship 52 METROSEXUAL WHAT? The consensus behind it all

or email us at

78 IS THIQUE IN? HELL YEAH! The consensus is out! Get the real talk on Coke Bottle, Hourglass, Figure 8, and Pear Shapes as THIQUE gets physical.

Make a UTurn to the #1 Source in Marketing and Promotions

80 THE TOTAL PACKAGE Is your girl the total package? Think again!

On the cover and this page. Get Close and personal with this THIQUER Than A Snicker model on pages 74-77. Cover and this page Photography Kendall Carr

“We Make Your Business Big Business” 6





12 TAKING NOTICE / SOAPBOX THIQUE Mail / Thique Is.... THIQUE Asks / Physical Features She Can Get It / Sonja Carlise For the Ladies / Bedroom Etiquette 22

THAT’s THIQUE Tech Toys / Blue Team Go Riding THIQUE / Jaguar XJ8 Game Face / People To Look For 2006 THIQUE Exposure / Party In The City

38 SURVIVAL OF THE THIQUEST Financial Forcast / Your Credit Lifestyle / Spruce Up Your Pad Health & Fitness / Erectile Dysfunction Travel / Hedonism II: Fantasy Voyage 58 LIMELIGHT Lifestyles: THIQUE & Famous / Trina On the Come Up / Q-Bmore’s Own Sound Scene / New Music, The 80’s THIQUE Flesh Feature / Wynoka

Publication design Packaging design Web design DVD design Screenwriting for multimedia. Digital video production with DV format cameras. Postproduction with editing and special effects software. Animated stills and sequences redendered in 3D. Software Skills

80 MIND OVER MATTER THIQUE Relationships / Total Package THIQUE Inquiry, Fashion THIQUE & Creamy / Flesh Features Fellas In the City / Controversy Desperately Seeking THIQUE 100 IN THE THIQUE Holding It Down / Emora Horton In the News / The Clean Up After Bush In the Streets / Education Epidemic 108 SURVIVAL OF THE THIQUEST The Plot Thiquens / Spoken Word, Poet Heard THIQUE Art Cap / Line, Computer, and Painted Thiqueology / THIQUE Is What...




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irst, ask yourself if you’re ready to step inside these pages? Brace yourself to experience an unusual blend of editorial substance from debatable and thought-provoking, to true life write-ups and artistic page appeal. Our thiquer-than-a-snicker flesh features are not only for your mental. However, trust they will talk to your physical. As you enter Thique’s unpredictable pages, say yes to everything and no to nothing as you absorb the many intricate levels of Thique Magazine. The connotations of Thique can be used to express any circumstance, position, or interpretation. Thique has been created to deliver that which is best viewed realistically and can only be given through perspective at every angle and every curve. Welcome….

Publisher Lae Cole “Laede THIQUE”

Are You a Coke Bottle, Hourglass, Figure 8, or Pear Shape?

Operations Mia Ferguson Writers Poet Taylor Greg “Notty” Morton Sevon Johnson Daniel Simpson Jay A Reagan White Linda Evans Mark Mueller Alex Morfogen Kim Pleasants Copy Editor Gina L. McKinney

Laede THIQUE Publisher

Creative Jason Arouze Photography Jazmin Cryor Tyree Byron Kendal Carr Brent Whitmire Imaging & Layout Sylvia Saab New Media Desmond Graham

The Miss THIQUE Competition Is Waiting For You

Promotion Sweyn Brock Antonio Mottz Contributing Artist Shantee Williams John Stafford Bobby Dawkins

PUBLICATION DISCLOSURE THIQUE magazine is a bi-monthly publication of THIQUE Multimedia Group. All literary, visual, and artistic content within this publication are creative properties of THIQUE magazine andGroup, artistic contributors, or specified permission from THIQUE Affiliations. Artistic pieces, visual images, and photographs contained in this publication are utilized with consent from their respective owners. THIQUE magazine is a magazine of opinionated perspectives, expressed by contributors, readers, etc.; therefore, the views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect views of THIQUE Multimedia Group or THIQUE Magazine. THIQUE magazine assumes no responsibility nor incurs liability for advertisements in this publication. 10



Subscription request, address changes, and adjustments should be directed to THIQUE, info@thiquem a g . c o m. Attention music and clothing retailers: email, to sign up to sell THIQUE in your store.

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Live In Your World. Party In Ours!

What’s up all my people! This is Notty, journalist extraordinaire! Thique Magazine is thique...point blank! When you peer into these covers, you’re entering a realm consisting of thiquer-than-thique entrepreneurs, strategizing perspectives, and insight. Thique covers issues of social importance, including male and female relations. Some issues are discussed as hypothetical situations because these situations (though hypothetical) are potentially the reality of the audience. First, the Thique team comes up with topics and then we hit the block. We hit malls, college campuses, social events, and wherever something’s jumping off! We hustle to get the scoop. The words of our stories originate from the peoples’ voices. They come to our ears and finally make it your eyes. You, the reader, get a gift of highly in-depth, opinionated standpoints wrapped in hot pictures and artistic page design entitled Thique Magazine. Enjoy! -PEACENotty

Sky’s The Limit

This magazine rocks! The way Thique puts the word out is raw and unorthodox. I’m really digging the Playas Closet section. Those stories are wild. Ya’ll keep doing what you’re doing. Tyrone Higgins Atlanta, GA Thique, Boy, are you a sight for sore eyes! I’ve been doing the bush war thing for sometime and around here you either get t& a (which we do love) or everything else (which we also love…but hey it is minus the t&a) I’m happy to finally get a magazine that gives me both (although I wouldn’t mind a little more t&a) keep it coming…. Pvt. Derrick Thomas Iraq Happy to see you happy….we salute those of you over there protecting the home front…so much in fact we want your pictures from the battlefield….and oh yes of the women too….

Streetz Is Watchin’

Yo, I can’t wait for each issue to hit the street because I’m addicted to the Thique Body Squad. What are you all waiting for? Hurry up with the next issue. Damn! Skuzzy Washington, D.C 12



Who the hell writes this shit? since when is it ok for a men’s magazine to barely show all of the body…if I wanted a tease I’d tell my girl to come over…I can see women fully dressed for free… Timothy Jones, Esq Looking at your sister doesn’t count… no really it doesn’t…if pgs 24-27 this issue doesn’t do it for you nothing will

Before I say anything, know that I think writing to a magazine is for steers and queers. But I had to get this off my chest. Football, basketball, baseball, boxing and hockey are not the end all

SHE CAN GET IT! Sonja Carlise

Original Gangsta

Thique magazine is truly unpredictable. The minute I picked it up, it had my undivided attention. Thique is like 10 different magazines made into one. The originality keeps you glued to the pages. Phemie Richmond, Va

Is That So?

I’m tired of these so-called player dudes on campus! The same guys that have already been with some slut chicks are trying to holler at me now. I used to think some of them dudes were cute until I found out that they’d fuck any chick that gives it up! Here’s a good topic for you. Why do guys feel the need to sleep with whomever they can? Most respectable women don’t feel that need. Don’t men have some standards? Let me know something. Little Lisa Penn State

promoting, sponsoring and creating events that will capture the imagination, entice the sense, and craft wonder. Ladies, Can you get it ?. If you think you are thique enough email your pictures to thique


SONJA CARLISE Age: 24 Residence: Silver Spring, Maryland Star Sign: Libra Best Body Part: My ass My favorite Position: All of them What makes you THIQUE? The whole package, especially the fact that when I open my mouth you see that I am as smart as I am sexy! What is sexy to you? SEX, who doesn’t love sex! It’s one of those things that allow you to experience every emotion there is.

o t n o g om o c l . ag m e u q i th for ion at m r s o g f n n i i h t l al n o UE Q I TH

Things you can’t do without? A book, Law & Order (the whole franchise), being pampered, and Winnie the Pooh. So, is modeling all you do? Right now I’m doing a little of everything... I do research full-time, work with various youth enrichment programs, and I consultant for various entertainment companies as well as building my career as a model (i.e. glamour, fashion, and print). What do you say to people (women in general) who criticize or hate? Hey, this isn’t about them, it’s about me. Some women feel showing your body and delivery this kind of seduction is why women are always thought of as sex objects. I feel each women chooses how she is thought of and it’s how u present yourself so to HELL with everyone else!


Can you really get it? Twice a day! Three times if you’re nasty.

be all to fucking sports...what about us skateboarders? Skateboarding to the narrow minded asshole that signs his name to game face is a sport, where money is made...not everyone has to wear their women’s shorts or their bother’s jersey to make it happen...step ya game up..... T.O. NYC We believe that skateboarding is a sport; honest to goodness we do...but 14



so is river dancing...we appreciate you bringing skateboarding to the forefront...we do not appreciate the steers and queers comment...our boyfriends are sensitive...Tony Hawk talks turkey next issue....

magazine it makes me want to step my game up. Ya’ll are going to get some graffiti from me soon. Krylon Nice Baltimore City, MD

School for the Arts

THIQUE Asks: What’s Your Favorite THIQUE Physical Feature?

The way Thique Magazine gives respect due to artists is awesome. When I see all of the art in the page layout of the


Let us know: thique



There is something powerful about a woman’s walk. I myself love big behinds, but, many a time I have been magnetized by a woman’s walk across my bedroom floor when her behind wasn’t as large as I would have liked it to be. The way she looked over her shoulder with a sexy smile as she sauntered across my carpet really blew my mind. The way a woman moves to the chosen spot where the love making will begin is a powerful thing. Some women have it naturally, and a natural, un-rehearsed sensual gate will get my blood to a serious boiling point!






Some men are very picky about a woman’s attire in the bedroom, me...I am not a man who demands lavish silken gowns, and laced negligee’s on a woman, a tight short Tee that comes but a few inches below her breasts is a beautiful thing. I think one thing women dig about me is my flexibility when it comes to attire. I love a thong...but tight panties are fine too...but what fires me up are some very tight shorts that clutch her hips and ass...damn! My beautiful and honored queens... I must say loose panties, and baggy sweats is a definite NEGATIVE, that only becomes acceptable when we have been married for at least five

years, then that can be overlooked! Let’s address the fragrant aspect of it all... I never dug heavy perfumes. No, not at all...sometimes they reminded me too closely of my Grandmother, which definitely threw me off for a second or two (hahaha). I have always been a fan of apple flavored soaps, and peach type body washes which so euphorically draws me towards tasting her skin. There is also a captivating intensity in a woman’s natural odor, her sweat can be beautiful, a slight hint of under arm odor (follow me now y’all!) or the scent of her crotch on a summers day, after she comes from running or working out can move

a cat! I am a verbal man. Talk to me when me make love. Tell me how I make me feel...with honesty. Don’t try to sound TOO sexy! When we are face to face open your eyes, look into mine and let your lips move across mine as you speak to me, I want to feel your words on my mouth as well as hear them..that is a deadly tactic ladies...deadly! If that is done, I guarantee that ten out of ten times you will have a breakfast of your choice awaiting you when you wake the next morning.

gir far ls too t !

DOES SHE LOVE YOU OR YOUR LIFESTYLE An Entreprenuer On The Come Up Danielle Simpson Fortune and success can guarantee a lot of benefits for the individual who has worked so hard at achieving his goals. You find your life and the people around you changing from day to day. But at the end of your hard day’s labor, who can be trusted. Many have said, with riches come manipulators. Especially those females who are on the hunt to become financially secure. Antonio Carpenter, 27, founder of Fully Focused Delivery Services Incorporated, has found that while traveling the road of prosperity, he has encountered many of females who are only concerned with the paper chase. “Women get, instantly, turned on by the color of money.” When females inquire about his occupation, they are excited to find out that the young entrepreneur rakes in over $350,000 a year. “The may see me as a way out of a bad situation,” says Carpenter. He’s not looking for any insincere gold 18



diggers who cannot do well for themselves. “I need someone that can build onto my success and not piggy back off of my riches. Women who are only with me for the money don’t last long. Even when considering a woman as a future wife prospect, she has to love who I am and not the man she thinks the money makes me. Now that I’m getting older I stick to what I know. There comes a time in a man’s life where he does look for someone to grow with. The woman that I’m in a relationship with now has been with me for eight years. She is aware of the money that I make.” He remembers a time when he did not have two nickels to rub together. “But she’s been here since the beginning, before nothing. It has never been about money with her.” However, there was not always a time when his pockets gleamed toward the bank. Any man who finds himself climbing the ladder of success should look for

four common characteristics when getting involved with any women. Independence Any woman who can

stand on her own won’t look for a man to be her financial clutch. Men make sure that she can survive on




become a THIQUE model her own before you let her peep into your savings. Responsibility See where her head

is. If she’s not taking care of home and her then how can she get ready to move forward with you?

does your ad, video, or event desire an appealing edge?

Consistency Don’t deal with a lazy

woman. These types of women will completely wear you down. If her attitude begins to change when you can’t feed her expensive habits, get her out of your life. Motivation You may not always be

at the top. If she can’t be there to help fight your battles then she is a loss cause. Next. Success has no time for envy and negativity. Women who only see money as the key to love cannot tie down men like Antonio. When mixing money with women, one must understand that in some situations, green can be the root of evil. For that reason alone, Carpenter is careful about whom he keeps in his circle. “If money is all that she’s searching for then she can redirect her hunt in a different path. My gold digging technique has steered me clear thus far.” He has weeded out the weak from the strong. His longevity with his women is not based on what he can do for her, but rather what they can do for each other.

womentodesire is the agency to fulfill all of your desires log onto for a desirable model Send us your comments and questions on everything THIQUE.

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Let us know: thique



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1 The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!

Jabra BT250V Vibrating Alert $107.99 Jabra BT800 Vibrating Alert and Caller ID $149.99

12 Whatever your grind is hustle till you can’t hustle anymore!


Sony Ericsson HBH Caller ID $149.99

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26 HS80 Orgiginal OME Motorola Retractavle Mic $129.99

1 The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!

5 Hang a new Suit. You never know who might be watching.

Make use of all of her body (not just your favorite parts) Explore!


The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!

13 New week new goals. Start that work out. Summer is just around the coner.

20 A good meal isn’t hard to make. Check out the web. Healthy food is a healthy body.

27 The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!

The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!

7 V-day is near. Play your cards right. You may get the ride of your life. Play the game. Don’t let it play you!

14 The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!

21 The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!




6 The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!


2 The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!

8 The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!

15 The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!

22 Who will be that next THIQUE Flesh Feature?

9 THIQUE Thursday All Day Every Day!

Everything that has happened had to happen. Everything that must happen cannot be stopped.

1 The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!


3 Aquarius and Pisces it’s your time. Represent to the fullest!

10 The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!

16 Find that Happy Hour Spot! You might bring someone tastey home. Strap Up!

23 The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!

March – April Issue Coming Soon!



1 The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!

17 The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!

24 It’s never to late to save. Make your money work for you!

4 The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!

11 Strategy is better than strength -Hausa Proverb-

18 Might not be your favorite position, but it makes her scream. Easy way to boost your ego

25 The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!

1 The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!

1 The beginning of anew month “Pimp Your Crib!” Change is good!

-Dwayne Dyer-






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People To Look For In 2006 Reagan White

Granted, we haven’t even gotten to the Super Bowl or the NBA Finals, but with all these year-end specials (I don’t think I could survive without VH1’s Big in ’05 awards) I figured I’d just go ahead and tell all the sports nuts who are gonna show up on the front pages of all the newspapers next year. Oh sure, some guys tell you who’s gonna win the Super Bowl in August, but I’m gonna give you the goods on who’ll be the MVP of the ’07 Super Bowl. Pretty ballsy, huh? How about this? I’ll let you know who’ll be the World Series MVP. You might want to jump in on this now...once the season gets started, Vegas will start dropping the odds. Will I be out on a limb? Probably. You gonna say I’m nuts? Hell, that’ll be the nicest thing I’ve been called this week! So call your bookie, and get ready to burn up the children’s college fund. I’m about to drop the 10 biggest playa’s of 2007: LaDanian Tomlinson (San Diego Chargers) Yes, I realize that the Chargers didn’t even make the ’06 Playoffs, but this is for the entire year of ’06. Actually, the reality that San Diego didn’t make the playoffs this year makes them even scarier for next season. A potential top 20 draft pick to add to an already dangerous lineup (perhaps A.J. Hawk to go alongside future probowler Shawn Merriman)? Plus, they’ll get a decent return on the impending trade of Phillip Rivers. Here’s the bold prediction then……..LT goes for 2,000 and nabs the league MVP for ’06 on his way to a Super Bowl appearance in ’07. So, now that I’ve dropped all that knowledge on you, feel free to bet the house. Actually, I’m not sure I should’ve been so forthcoming. If you require any further assistance, it’ll cost you $3.95 a minute. Here, let me give you the number……. 26



1 thique



Carlos Beltran (New York Mets)

Stan Van Gundy (?)

This one is the fun one for me. Nothing will burn my brother-in-law’s ass quite like watching the F***in’ Mets win the World Series (he’s a Queen’s native, and a Yankees fan…… you can imagine how annoying this guy is). All that aside, Beltran was probably considered THE free agent bust of the ’05 season. He’ll make up for it this year. It was only 2 season’s ago that this kid took the Astros to the NLCS by himself. He’s still young, and this year he should be healthy. Combine that with the fact that Omar Minaya has put some serious talent around him, Steinbrenner will likely blow a gasket because the other New York team is going to get a parade in Manhattan this year.

Oh, I’m sure getting low-balled out of coaching the Miami Heat probably sucks at some level. However, with all the expectations surrounding this team, anything less than a title will seem like bad coaching. Fact is, this is a poorly conceived lineup. Pat Riley may think that this is his last shot at a title, but all he’s gonna get for his trouble is a Phil Jackson-sized headache. Come on, Gary Payton? Sure he’s got talent, but if Phil couldn’t get him on track (this is a guy who won with a nut like Dennis Rodman), what makes Pat think he can miracle this thing together. Meanwhile, Stan Van will get another coaching gig and a legitimate shot at proving he’s a pretty good coach (although, Dwayne Wade tends to help any coach look good).


Peyton Manning (Indianapolis Colts) So the Colts didn’t make it to 16-0. However, Tony Dungy finally got a serviceable defense to match that killer offense and I can’t fathom anyone waltzing into the RCA Dome and beatingthese guys come playoff time. With allthe records, all the big contracts, and all the wonderful MasterCard commercials, Manning has gotten a reputation for choking. This goes back to his days at the University of Tennessee. Right or wrong, he’s got to win a Super Bowl to shut everyone up (….and yes that includes his own kicker). So, come early February, Peyton can finally relax and concentrate on his burgeoning acting career, safe in the knowledge that he can win the big one.




4 Tim Duncan (San Antonio Spurs) Another year, another ring, another Finals MVP………ho hum. The only thing different this year will be his press conference attire, but that’s another story. I don’t care how small of a market San Antonio is, or how boring an interview he is, … this guy is an elite player. I find it fascinating to listen to people come up with reasons for why Duncan isn’t a dominate player. Shaq will probably be remembered as the single greatest player of this era, but exactly how far away IS Timmy?

5 6

Dale Earnhardt, Jr. (NASCAR) This one might bite me in the butt. I haven’t figured out why the Gearheads keep giving this guy a pass. I know his Dad is the greatest driver in the history of the sport, but he hasn’t won a thing. So to sit here and type that he’ll win the ’06 Nextel Cup gives me great pause. If nothing else, I’ll chalk this up to one of my Dad’s favorite sayings: “Son, even a blind hog finds an acorn occasionally.” thique


Roy Williams (North Carolina) No, not the Lions receiver! God knows, no one wearing that uniform will have a good ’06 (or ’07, or ’08, or ’09 for that matter). As far as the UNC coach goes, the 2005-2006 season is probably gonna be a tough one. That’ll happen to you will everyone leaves. That said, he’s assembled an awful lot of young talent. They’ll have to take their lumps this year, but come December 2007, they’ll be the number one team in the nation. Dare I say they’re cutting down the nets in April ’08? Sorry, even I’ll leave that one for Ms. Cleo!


Barry Bonds (San Francisco Giants) Probably the biggest no-brainer on the list. I think the more interesting question is, how MLB will treat the breaking the biggest record in sports. You think Victor Conte can get a weekend furlough from jail so he can attend?

7 9


Amare Stoudamire (Phoenix Suns) Truth be told, the entire current NBA is simply a battle for the right to lose to the Spurs in the playoffs. That said, the Suns have yet to receive the memo about how you have to play defense to win the title. They’ve got more than enough talent to get into the playoffs. Amare’s injury will cost the Suns the Pacific division, but they will have a fresh-legged Man-Child. Anyone in the Western Conference want to play these guys in the first round? Although they won’t win a title, Stoudamire will creep ever closer to, the elite of, the NBA.


Mark Texeira (Texas Rangers) This one’s a hard one for me considering I am a Rangers fan. If you’re a big baseball fan, you already know this guy. (And not because you’ve ever seen him in the playoffs.) A young, switch-hitting first baseman with an above average glove, Tex could easily hit 50 home runs this year. Problem is, he’s in the last year of his contract and his agent is Scott Boras. The Rangers have gotten burned on multiple occasions by the super agent (any Yankee fan will tell you about this with a smile) and have no desire to overpay again. Therefore, Tex will be a Yankee or a Red Sox player come July and probably push that team into the playoffs. Lest we forget, the Rangers are the kind of team that would trade Sammy Sosa and Wilson Alverez, for Harold Baines. 30



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THIQUE 1 This party is hot 2 Say hello 3 Go Deejay 4 Rock the mic 5 Swen, CEO UTurn 6 On the Hustle, on the Grind 7 Q








IN THE CITY 8 Pretty Ricky what they call him 9 UTurn, COO Thique 10 Rock the mic 11 Big L 12 Poet and Mason 13 Doing the damn thing! 14 It’s time to say good night

12 32





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12 3


1. Thique, Thique, and more Thique! Not only what you see, but also what you get. Free! She’s doing the damn thing. Please come back to TV, we miss you!

2. Absolutely Thique! Hip-Hop artist, thinker, writer. Common is making his statement to the world. All artist, or shall I say musicians in his case don’t have to “ROCK THE ICE” to prove something. Check out what he is doing. Taking his career to another level.

3. Thique Crib! Don’t know about you, but I want to look out my window every night and say Damn, that’s Thique! 4. Couldn’t even be doing what I’m doing now if it wasn’t for this man. He got Thique thoughts, and his Thique thoughts gave him Thique pockets! Bill Gates!!!!!!!!!!!!

5. Many have tried, but none have succeeded. Sprint’s latest is so Thique, it has the power of all combined! 6. Ain’t Nothin Thiquer Than a Snicker!! 7. There are many things you can rock on your hip, if it ain’t this, it ain’t Thique enough! They say never leave home without it.



log onto 34





She might have sold millions of albums. She might have toured all over the world performing smash hits. And she might have proved herself to be a triple threat hottie in the Academy Award winning film, Chicago. So, keeping in line with my emphasis of the word “might,” you just might know who Mya is. With as many accolades as she’s received, Mya can still hang with the best of the “Dr. Ruth’s” out there and dish out the goods when it comes to your life problems. L. Evans

flaws. In that case, word of advice try closing the blinds for when the sun comes up, drink more alcohol, pop a few more pills, or simply do not sleep with her or even let the broad spend the night so you won’t set yourself up for disappointment in the morning.

Got Real Life Questions? Then, we’ve got …Real Answers

How do I get a girl to stop calling me when I’m not interested? I already told her I didn’t think it was going to work out between us but she doesn’t get it. K. Bennett, New York

Me and my girl have been together for 3 years and I want to marry her. The thing is, I cheated on her a few months ago. Should I clear the air with her before I take that next step or should I just not say anything and hope I don’t dip out on her again? J. Allen, Virginia Mya: Hope you don’t “dip out” on her again”...damn! Well, first of all you don’t need to be getting married if you’re not even sure you can be faithful. But if you feel you’re ready to move forward and commit to a life long situation, you MUST clear the air. Otherwise it will catch up to the both of you, one way or another. Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? M. Abrams, Mass. Mya: First of all, ain’t nobody doin’ no stealin’ over this way. And who ever said they came out the jar?





recently got a great job offer in Chica go, but it requires relocation to the city. (I’m in Philly). My girlfriend of about a year and a half doesn’t want me to take the job because we’ll be separated. So I told her to move with me but she said no because she “likes Philly.” The thing is this: she has no job, no kids, no family in Philly (she’s from New York) and is already living with me in my apartment. What is her problem? What can I say to convince her to make that move? D. Stevens, Pennsylvania Mya: Hmm... It seems like your “girlfriend” is testing you. First of all, don’t

waste your time trying to “convince” a chick who is not supportive of your goals or career, etc., to make a move with you. She’s playing the role of a little girl and just wants to hear how broken you might be with the thought of not having her around... whatever. If she’s “AREADY” living with you, doesn’t have a job, no family, isn’t in school, or even supporting herself, no need to worry. She’ll most likely be right up under you in Chicago. I understand the fact that she may not want to relocate...OK, cool. But come on, if Ireally love my man, my man loves me and I’m secure with myself, I am not going to ask him to choose between a great job offer and ME. Get that paper and you’ll be fine with her, without her, or with someone else! I date a lot of chicks and I notice that I always seem to date the same kind of girls: Slim girls who aren’t that pretty in the face. I mean, the body is there but when they stay the night I can’t stand to look at them in the morning. Which is better: a slim girl with an ugly face or a fat girl with a pretty face? J. Allen, Texas

Mya: “Think” is not a reassuring word. Be straight up and firm. Tell her to stop calling you because you “know” it is not going to work out. You can choose to tell her why or not. It’s better if you explain so there is no more wondering or harassment on her part. If that doesn’t work, just change your #. But you gotta stop sleeping with her FIRST. If Bush placed a ban on all hygienic products, what would you use as a soap to wash your ass? B. Henry, Washington D.C. Mya: Yo’ mama’s dishrag, Palmolive and some water from whatever cup you drink out of! You deserved that one. You’re reppin’ my city, and that’s all you can come up with? Such a shame. A mind is a terrible thing to use sometimes.

Mya: Okay “Shallow Hal!” On a serious tip, you can wake up to the most physically beautiful person in the world and be disgusted due to the lack of character, lack of connection, trust issues, etc. But when you truly love someone, looks (which by the way are not consistent or guaranteed) don’t drive a relationship. You need to ask yourself, “What is it I am looking for?” It sounds to me, like you’re more focused on looks; therefore you’ll probably never be satisfied, ‘cause we all have physical thique



Thique Ways To Get Your Credit Game Up mortgages or car loans. Local banks or credit unions often don’t provide information to credit bureaus. If your credit file is missing information for accounts you pay on time, send the credit bureaus a copy of a recent account statement and copies of canceled checks showing your payment history.

1. Create a Spending Plan

4. Add Information Showing Stability to Your Credit File

Take a month or two to make lists of every outlay of cash or cash equivalent, such as checks or debit cards used to make purchases or pay bills. Also track your income for those months. At the end, list every category of expense, and then write down the total amount per month (taking an average if you tracked expenses for two months) you spent in that category.

Creditors like to see evidence of stability in your file. If any of the items listed below are missing, send a letter to the credit bureaus asking that the information be added. Enclose any documentation that verifies information you’re providing, such as your driver’s license, a canceled check, a bill addressed to you, a pay stub showing your employer’s name and address or anything else similar.

You are now ready to make a spending plan. One goal is to generate enough cash each month to put toward savings a necessary step in rebuilding your credit. Your list indicates how much you project spending each month. If the total exceeds your income or leaves you with little left over, you’ll have to cut back.

*Current employment - employer’s

2. Review your credit report and address any inaccuracies. Inaccurate information can be hurting your credit score. Make sure to take care of any problems on your report.

3. Add Positive Account Histories to Your Credit Files Often, credit reports don’t include acounts that you might expect to find. Somemajor commercial lenders don’t report 38



name and address and your job title

*Previous employment if you’ve had your current job under two years

*Current residence, and if you own it *Previous residence if you’ve been at your current place under two years *Telephone number, especially if it’s unlisted *Date of birth *Social Security number, or *Bank checking or savings account number.

Again, credit bureaus aren’t required to add this information, but they often do. Keep in mind: With most lenders, you’ll score better if you’ve been in the same job or working at the same company for at least a couple of years. That doesn’t mean you should stick with a job you

don’t like just to improve your credit score. But it does mean that if you are planning to leave your current employer and think you’ll need to apply for credit in the next year or so, do it now.

5. Get Credit In Your Own Name If you are married, separated or divorced, you’re entitled to a credit report issued in your own name. This is an excellent strategy for repairing your credit if: All or most of your financial problems can be attributed to your spouse or former spouse, or you and your spouse have gone through financial difficulties together, but most credit was in your spouse’s name only.

Even if both of you have had financial problems, separating your credit histories can help you both repair your credit. Contact all three credit bureaus and ask that a credit file be created in your name only. Then insist that the credit bureaus remove all accounts belonging to your spouse alone. If you want to obtain credit in your own name, complete credit applications in your name only.

6. Combine Your Credit History With Your Spouse’s If you are married, you and your spouse can ask that your credit histories be merged. The bureaus do not automatically merge histories. If you have bad credit and your spouse has good credit, getting his or her credit histories into your file may be just what you need.

a MasterCard, Visa, or Discover card.

8. Open Deposit Accounts and Pay Your Bills Having both a checking and a savings account can improve your credit score. Don’t worry about how much money you have in these accounts, it’s really just important that you have one of each. Creditors look for bank accounts as a sign of stability. They also look for bank accounts as a source of how you will pay your bills. If you fill out a credit application and cannot provide a bank account number, you won’t be given credit. often easier and you have more control in ensuring your payment gets posted on time. Eventually, the older, negative information will become less important in determining your credit score.

Write to the three credit bureaus and request that they merge your files. Once your request is complete, your file will contain your negative marks and your spouse’s positive ones. Your spouse must then write the credit bureaus to have your credit accounts removed from his or her file. (Step 5.)

7. Get Credit Cards and Use Them Wisely The simple truth is that if you don’t have - and use - credit, your score will suffer. Lenders need some history to get an idea of how you are likely to do in the future. Otherwise, they are not likely to approve credit for you. If you don’t currently have a credit card, apply for one. It’s often easiest to obtain a card from a department store or gasoline company. These companies usually open your account with a very low credit line. Then make sure to use your new card month and make your payments on time. Check to make sure that new credit line is being reported to the bureaus and soon your credit report will show steady and proper use of revolving credit. Once you have your first card, apply for a regular credit card from a bank, such as

10. Watch Your Debt

A savings account also will improve your standing with creditors, even if you never deposit additional money into theaccount. Having an account reassures creditors of two things: You are making an effort to build up savings, and if you don’t pay your bill and the creditor sues you, it has a source to collect.

It’s amazing how much credit card debt some people can rack up - and then still get offers for more. But, if you want to obtain lower interest rates, having too much debt may be a problem. There are two things that lenders may consider here: how much debt you have in comparison to your income as reported on your application (your “debt-to-income ratio”) and how close you are to your available credit limits. Since every lender is different, it’s hard to say how much is too much, but paying down your debts can only help improve your financial life.

9. Pay Your Bills On Time Paying your bills on time is one of the best things you can do to help your score. It really doesn’t matter whether you pay off your accounts in full each month, or can only afford the minimum due. What’s most important is that you mail those checks on time. If you’ve had late payments in the past, try from here on to make sure they’re paid promptly. That usually means mailing them at least 5 days before the due date to make sure they arrive on time. Or, look into paying your bills online. It’s thique


Writing A Winning Business Plan

United States Small Business Administration: Startup Basics Starting and managing a business takes motivation and talent. It also takes research and planning. Although initial mistakes are not always fatal, it takes extra skill, discipline, and hard work to regain the advantage. Take time beforehand to explore and evaluate your business and personal goals, then use this information to build a comprehensive and thoughtful business plan that will help you reach these goals. Developing a business plan will force you to think through some important issues that you may not otherwise consider. Your plan will become a valuable tool as you set out to raise money for your business, and it will provide milestones to gauge your success.

1 List your reasons for wanting to go into business. Some of the most common reasons for starting a business are: Self-management, Financial independence, Creative freedom Full use of personal skills and knowledge

2 Next determine what business is right for you. Ask yourself these questions: - What do I like to do with my time? - What technical skills have I learned or developed? - What do others say I am good at? - Will I have the support of my family? - How much time do I have to run a successful business? - Do I have any hobbies or interests that are marketable? 40



3 Identify your business niche. Research and answer these questions: - What business am I interested in starting? - What services or products will I sell? - Is my idea practical, and will it fill a need? - What is my competition? - What is my business’s advantage over existing firms? - Can I deliver a better quality service? - Can I create a demand for my business?

4 The final step before developing your plan is the pre-business checklist. You should answer these questions: - What skills and experience do I bring to the business?

- What legal structure will I use? - How will my company’s business records be maintined? - What insurance coverage will be needed? - What equipment or supplies will I need? - How will I compensate myself? - What are my resources? - What financing will I need? - Where will my business be located? - What will I name my business? Your answers will help you create a focused, well-researched business plan that will serve as a blueprint for business operations, management, and capitalization. SBA offers a tutorial on preparing a solid plan. Once you have completed your business plan, review it with a friend or business associate. When you feel comfortable with the content and structure, review and discuss it with your banker. The business plan is a flexible document that should change as your business grows.



Ten Savvy Ways To If the only thing you hear when people enter your place of residence are complaints, then it might be time for a change. Keeping in mind that everybody doesn’t have the same budget, time, or know how, it’s only right that you’re given the necessary tools to make a difference that won’t break your schedule or your pockets; but will be noticed by all, given the permission to step inside your pad.

1. Pick a Wall and Paint One of the easiest things to do is paint. A splash of color, depending on the shade, can make a big room cozier (normally a neutral color will do the trick) or a smaller room seem gigantic (a lighter color will help best for that effect). Either way, it’s normally the first thing you see when you walk into a room. So, why not do it? Even something as small as stripes can change a room from drab to fab, with seconds left to spare.

2. Put Your Lighters Up Okay, maybe not lighters, but lighting can make a whale of a difference. Besides making it easier to see things in the dark, lighting, depending on how it’s placed, can add a totally new dimension

to an ordinary room. From floor lamps to table lamps, the ultimate decision will be based on your personality, likes, and dislikes. Don’t forget that shades, and bases, also add flair. (Think wood, leather and cloth, as well.)

3. A Picture Can Speak a Thousand Words Anything conversational is always a safe bet. If your budget is tighter then seven THIQUE chicks in a two door neon, use what you have by taking your old calendars, cutting out of the pictures that move you and framing them. Step up your artistic game by adding a few classy remakes or even vintage posters. Anything is better to look at than a bare wall.

4. 1 + 1 = 2 That’s right! When a space is bare, add something there! It doesn’t have to be anything big. Try small things that won’t compromise your space; wine rack, cd tower, mini shelving unit, coat tree, and the list goes on. Try things that have universal uses, too; like an ottoman, serving as a seat or a foot rest, looks nice in a corner or somewhere out in the open. Additions will expand the barest of rooms, and will work, no matter the

space. Just add wisely; no one likes a clutter monkey!

5. Mean Green Plants! Hanging or floor plants instantly add to a room. Plants are good for more than cleaner air, although that’s a great benefit. Based on the height, color, width or look of the plant chosen, a certain quality will be added to the room in question. Positioned behind a sofa, in a corner, or against a doorway, the greenery explodes and will make a below average room come to life. Feeling frisky? Add flowers for an even more welcoming touch.

6. Who’s that Peeping Through My Window? Want to change a room instantly? Change the window. Instead of a shade, add mini blinds! Turn it up a notch and add colored mini blinds. Not your thing? Well, curtains can set the mood and tone for a room as well. Sheer, opaque, you name it. Don’t want to let go of the shade? Drape fabric in the color of your choice along the top of the window sill. Or add a curtain rod, twist the fabric around its bar and let it hang on the sides. Instant change, with minimum

Spruce Up Your Pad 42





7. Remix Why spend a dime when you already have above average things that could be improved upon? Sofa covers allow you to change the look of your sofa or love seat in one swift motion (may be a little more costly). Covers are now even available for chairs. Switch the angle or placement of furniture. When people walk in, the new set-up will look new, but only you’ll know that it was only a matter of switching the coffee table with a wall unit and putting the television where the sofa used to be. Take it a step further and swap pieces from one room with items of another.

8. Handling The Situation Want a new look, but minimal money spent? Change the doorknobs, light switches, cabinet handles, etc. A step further you say? Change faucet knåobs and watch the questions of what have you done come quicker than when you got some for the first time. NOTE: if you change one, you must change them all. This tip must be a consistent change for the effect to be noticed.

9. Look Who’s Walking Sure you take the floor for granted, but why would you? How could you? Ac-




cent rugs can change a room in an instant. Place one under your coffee table for starters (just make sure the table sits in the middle of said rug and isn’t hanging off of it). Area rugs are just the thing that brings attention to a certain area by adding a rug of a contrasting or matching color. Use different fabrics to add a different texture to a room, as well.

10. Who Says Only Women Accessorize? Throws/throw pillows, need I say more? Whether you throw them on the couch, in a corner, on the floor or the bed, throws and throw pillows instantly bring color and coziness to a room. Color not suite your needs? Then try them in a variety of styles, textures, and sizes. Ultimately, the choices you make to spruce up your place depend on you. Your home is just that--a reflection of you and your individual style, taste, and personality. Just don’t go overboard. If it serves no purpose, it should be hidden. These ten are just the tip of the iceberg and serve only as a guideline to navigate you in the right direction. Don’t know where to start…check your local Target or Ikea and build from there, depending on your budget and the amount of change you deem necessary.





THIQUEN YOUR SWING Your First Steps To Becoming A Competent Golfer

Ever notice how many players’ practice swings look better than their full swings? That’s because there’sno ball to hit and no outcome to be concerned with; hence, no anxiety. That’s the feeling you want on the first tee. So focus on your target and make a practice swing. Then step up and make your real swing. Provided there’s no interference in between the two, you should be able to make the same swing when it counts.

2 Zero in on your target and determine the shot shape you want. Visualize the ball landing in the middle of the fairway, and don’t look back. Resist making last-minute judgments or decisions born of anxiety. If your opponent just hit a mammoth tee shot and you’d like to incorporate something you saw in his backswing, now is not the time to change your swing.

1 Macho doesn’t count for much on your first shot. Pick a club, with which you’re comfortable hitting. If you lack confidence in your driver, leave it in the bag. Instead, choose a 3-wood, a long iron - whatever club gives you the best chance of hitting the fairway - and stick with it until you’ve developed enough confidence to give the driver a try. 46



4 Waggle the club, sensing the weight as you move the club-head back and forth. This is a great way to relieve tension in your grip, which helps to smooth your tempo and increase backswing turn. Another way to release tension is to focus on images that relax you. It could be sitting on a beach reading a book, or visualizing the ball flying to your target.

5 Once your swing is in motion, your only thought should be to complete a full backswing turn. The problem with anxiety is that it doesn’t slow you down; it speeds you up. Some people are in such a hurry to get the first shot over with that they fail to complete their backswing. This leads to a lack of power and poor contact.

Consistently incorporating these five techniques in your game will manifest itself in a far more stable and competent swing and therefore, golf game.. thique



Opened twenty-five years ago, Hedonism II is now the most widely recognized, and notorious, resort in the world. Hedonism II is located in Negril, on the west coast of Jamaica, 55 miles from the Montego Bay Airport. Hedonism II centers on private beaches. The only difference being on way it’s more then ok to walk around butterball naked and on the other it isn’t. After asking plenty of Hedonism II regulars what a typical day at the resort was like, we came up

Every man loves to eat, and Hedonism makes sure that your eating desires are fulfilled, and then some. Breakfast and lunch buffets; premium brand cocktails flowing day and night from 5 bars; buffet style dining that’s constantly changing in a large, open-air main dining room that serves Caribbean and traditional favorites; - in addition, there are 2 beach grills; one on the main beach and one on the nude beach. Once your pallet is satisfied, the world is your oyster.

Step equipment, as well as a varied assortment of free weights. Or, work it out in the air-conditioned aerobics center. Hedonism II is all about the power of individual choices.

with one genuine answer--there isn’t one. The days spent at Hedonism II are your choices to make, and you’re alone, no matter your influence. It could be the “not of this world” drinks served at any one of the bars strategically placed throughout the island, or the fact that mirrors are on every ceiling in every guest room. More importantly, what happens here stays here! It’s the unwritten code of any true Hedonist. Just what does Hedonism II offer? Let’s take a look, shall we?

Don’t know what to do with your days at Hedonism II? Try any of the many activities that aim to please. One guest favorite is the circus workshop, featuring a flying and swinging trapeze, trampoline clinics, juggling, tightrope walking, unicycle, and bicycle balancing acts. Not to mention reggae dance classes, to get, and keep, you in the mood of the island. You can even continue your daily work out routine, thanks to the enclosed, air-conditioned room equipped with lcarian machines, Lifecycle and Life

table tennis; cycling; aviary with Jamaican birds; secluded hammocks; games room; reading room; miniature golf course; hammock lounge; rock climbing wall; an outdoor games area with pool tables and ping-pong tables; gaming lounge and cool out gazebos. While in the water enjoy scuba diving; water-skiing; hobie cat; windsurfing school; sunfish sailing; sailing; snorkeling; freshwater pool; Jacuzzi; nude Jacuzzi; glass-bottom boats; kayaks; and cascading plunge pools with wa-

Hedonism II also has a sports area, which is divided into two groups: land sports and water sports. On the land, enjoy tennis courts, with pros twice daily; air-conditioned squash courts; badminton; basketball; volleyball; shuffleboard;

FANTASY VOYAGE They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but even that doesn’t compare to what happens at the Hedonism Resorts. For starters, both Hedonism Resorts have a minimum age restriction of 18; this is strictly a grown folk’s affair. Now let’s begin the tour… Poet Taylor






Then relax, relate, and release after a full day of activities, by treating yourself to any of the many spa treatments (minimal cost): customized massages; couples massage; reflexology; aromatherapy; seaweed wraps; facials; manicures; pedicures and more. Want to get wet or just soak up the sun? Try one of two private Hedonism II beaches, divided into two sections, one of which is for nude bathing. Or simply relax in the privacy of your own room: air-conditioned, double rooms, beach or garden view; tile floors, televisions and CD players in each room; mirrored ceilings above the bed; private shower and baths, equipped with radio and love seat. Rooms have either two twin beds or one king-sized bed, and are on

a “shared” basis; those of you traveling alone share with a resort guest of the same sex or you can opt to pay a single guest rate. Then when the nights come forward, mix and mingle at any one of Hedonism’s five bars, all stocked with premium liquors-- this is an all-inclusive trip, remember? For a change of bar scenery, try Veronica’s Piano Bar where depending on what night you go, you may be entertained by classical interludes, a pianist, or karaoke. If all else fails, you can get comfortable at the main terrace and enjoy a live band from 8:30 –12:30a.m. each night, except Fridays. Still have a party in your pants that needs an exit, then maybe the Reggae Beach Party, Pajama Party, or Toga Party suites your needs. No matter who you are, the Hedonism Resorts have

something just for you. It’s like the resort was planned with everyman in mind-including the marrying type. Hedonism II offers complimentary weddings and even throws in wedding cake, champagne, marriage license, non-denominational marriage officer, and flowers. They’ll even provide you with witnesses upon request. Even the paperwork, is handled by people of Hedonism II. It doesn’t stop there! Hedonism II even allows you to put together your own trip; so you can do it in your style, in your own way. Remember, what happens at Hedonism II, stays in Hedonism II. How could you go wrong with a voyage like this? You can’t! Log onto for more info. Photos by Hedonism II Resort design







What is a metrosexual? This bizarre term gained mainstream notoriety sometime in late 2003. I was curious to find if people really knew what a metrosexual was, so I asked. Surprisingly, a lot of folks knew. Those who didn’t, gave me some funny answers. One chick said, “Metrosexual…isn’t that like someone who tries to screw everybody they can in the city?” What! In reality a metrosexual is supposed to be a heterosexual male with homosexual tendencies. What! No, really! A metrosexual is supposed to be some hybrid, some midpoint between a heterosexual male and a homosexual 52



one. This metrosexual is very appearance-conscientious. He pays special attention to his hair, his nails, and how he dresses (Very well-groomed I should add). Ladies, you might see a metrosexual getting a manicure and pedicure at your favorite parlor or catch him shopping for scented exfoliation products at Bath and Body Works. Hold up! He’s not gay! I guess the term metrosexual is a politically correct way to describe a pretty boy. Am I right? Since these metrosexuals are not homosexuals, I wondered if women found them attractive and so, of course, I asked. The vast majority of women

claimed they liked a well-groomed, welldressed man but they didn’t like “girly,” vain types. Women say they hate when a guy is in the mirror more than they are. Therefore, metrosexuals are kind of attractive to an extent. “What extent?” you might wonder--the “as long as they’re not gay” extent! “Hmm,” that made me think. “I wonder if a pimp is a metrosexual; a real ‘Ho, go get my money’ pimp. There is only one way to find out. Ask!” And so, I sat and discussed the topic with a pimp. Iinformed him of what a metrosexual was and questioned if he considered himself to be one. “Naw, I’m a pimp!” he

quickly responded with a hint of disgust and amusement that existed simultaneously in his voice. Hold up! He was appearance-conscientious, well groomed, well dressed (hell even pretty) and yet wasn’t gay nor a metrosexual. What’s the deal? “Hmm,” that made me think again. Only this time I had an idea, not another question! I’ll get a little deeper into my conversation with the pimp and you see if you get the point. The pimp continued, “I am who I am. The way I dress is a reflection of my lifestyle young homey. Bitches like what

shines, so I got to shine. Dig me?” “Yeah I’m digging you pimp skillet,” I thought to myself and smirked.If you’re still wondering what point I gathered from the pimp, here it is: every man has his own swagger. Is it possible for a dude to exist as some imaginative median between a heterosexual and a homosexual? No, I don’t believe so! You’re either one or the other and that’s that! Is there actually some way for a guy to be masculine and still “in touch with his feminine side?” Of course, if by “in touch with his feminine side” you mean in touch with enough money to get a hair cut or in touch with a washcloth and a

bar of soap to clean his ass or in touch with some lotion to rub on his ashy legs or in touch with some cologne and deodorant to de-funktify his body! Shit, all of this in touch stuff is basic personal hygiene! Do you get the point yet? Does a man deserve an arty, nearly gay title just for looking sharp? If so, what do you call dirty dudes? Are they the real men, the man’s man? Hell no! For real for real, they’re simply bummy. Hey, I just invented a new term: the bummysexual! What do you think of that? Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? With all things considered I now wonder, “Hmm…is there even such a thing as a metrosexual?” thique


Erectile Dysfunction

They also tend to get it at a younger age than other men. High blood pressure High blood pressure (also called hypertension) can cause changes in your blood vessels leading to them stiffen or narrow. This can restrict the blood flow to your penis, leading to erectile problems. Some medicines used to treat high blood pressure can also contribute to erectile dysfunction, you should be aware of any medications with such side affects. Heart disease and high cholesterol Heart disease and high cholesterol levels can affect the flow of blood to your penis, leading to erectile dysfunction. High cholesterol levels are responsible for a build up in fatty deposits in the blood vessels leading to disturbances in the flow or a complete block in blood flow. Men with heart disease are twice as likely as other men to develop erectile problems.

Many men will insist that erectile dysfunction (impotence) is a sign of aging. However this assumption is false. Most scenarios of impotence are usually an affect of certain health conditions, medicines, or habits that hinder the blood flow through the body and penis. Some health conditions are more common in men as they age leading to the misconception that erectile dysfunction occurs due to old age; age itself does not cause erectile dysfunction.

6 Things That You Should Know: Health A good lifestyle can help improve male sexual health, for example a good diet, exercise, not smoking and drinking in moderation can all help improve erectile problems. Your health is of great significance because it is your health which affects the blood flow around the body (including to the penis), problems with blood flow are among the most common causes of erectile dysfunction. 54



Certain conditions can affect your health such as heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. Conditions such as these can cause damage to blood vessels (resulting in a restriction to blood flow), nerves, smooth muscle, or fibrous tissue involved in achieving and maintaining an erection. So to help yourself to a healthy sex life you should keep your heart and blood vessels in good order. Diabetes Diabetes is a life-long disease marked by high levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. There are two main types of diabetes, Type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 can be caused by too little insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas to regulate blood sugar) and type 2 by resistance to insulin, or both. Diabetes is a common risk factor for erectile dysfunction, and men with diabetes are up to four times as likely as other men to develop Erectile Dysfunction.

Depression Depression, stress, anxiety, and fear of failure can all affect the erectile capability of a man. However men who experience erectile dysfunction because of physical causes much as prostrate surgery (mentioned below) may also feel depressed, stressed, or anxious this is depression due to erectile dysfunction and is different form erectile dysfunction due to depression, stress etc. Prostate surgery Surgery for prostate cancer can cause erectile dysfunction by unintentionally injuring nerves and arteries that run near the prostate and act upon the penis. Other things that may lead to erectile dysfunction include Kidney disease, chronic alcoholism and Multiple Sclerosis. Walking, running and other activities that are considered forms of exercise will improve your blood circulation. Maintaining a routine relationship with your doctor can reduce the risks of these factors affecting you.



In The Balance Of Wisdom, Life & Time As men, there are many decisions that must be made in this journey we address as life. More importantly, these decisions are life choices that weigh logic and emotion against things like pride or humility. When faced with situations and circumstances that may or may not be within our control, we must fall back to the ever effective logic that what doesn’t kill us will only make us stronger. Therefore, we embrace the emotion and move further towards wisdom.

How THIQUE Is Your Ride?

No man will walk the path to wisdom and resolution without struggle. It is only natural that you must go through things in order to get over something. Then we wonder, “When will it be my time?” Time is a result of space and opportunity that reflect our past. Realize that time is the foremost dictation of our present, our future. When watching the time, remember that time is limitless to an unparallel mind. Our time is at our disposal if we use it wisely. Run your course.

Bike Clubs Log On 56





THE THIQUEST RAPPER ALIVE TRINA: DIAMOND PRINCESS For Miami-born and bred rapper Trina, life just can’t be as glamorous as she makes it look. But the sexy 5’3’ rapstress knows that it’s her job to do so. With her third studio album, suitably titled GLAMOREST LIFE, Trina is finally ready to give the world a peak at what it’s like to be the one, and only, diamond princess.“This album is about the best in life. There’s so much more of me on this album than any of the others that I’ve done,” she confidently confesses about her most personal work to date. “It’s not just about being glamorous, but it’s about being happy, being unhappy, going through situations, being in relationships, going through your ups and downs, but still being in control.” From diamonds, to cars, to houses, to boats, Trina’s life definitely has its share of glamour; and that lifestyle is front and center on this album. “This is where my life is at right now... being able to travel, go on vacation, have money, buy things, and do whatever it is I want to do,” she says of the new life her successful career has spawned. “I went in the studio with my friends, and had a good time. It was always like a party in there.” Trina debuted in 1998 on Slip-N-Slide label mate Trick Daddy’s ‘Nann,’ and quickly became a household name in hip-hop. With female rappers from the South not making much noise back then, Trina earned national attention. Adding a Southern twist to the explicit style that rappers like Lil’ Kim and Foxy 58



Brown had blown up off of, Trina easily became the queen of the South. But where her first two albums, Da Baddest Bitch (2000) and Diamond Princess (2002) focused on the raw and raunchy style that made her famous, Glamorest Life introduces a classier Trina; one who has lived and learned a lot, while picking up years of experience in the business. “On this album, I think what’s different is that I have evolved. I am more mature, I understand the business now, and I know what I want and don’t want to do,” she says strongly. “When you’re first coming out and you don’t know much, you play everything by ear. But this time, there’s more direction from me. I’m touching so many different areas. Lyrically, it’s not just about sex, money, jewelry or what have you. I put a lot more creativity into this album.”With production from Mannie Fresh, Jazze Pha, Cool and Dre, and others, GLAMOREST LIFE is a melting pot of hot tracks. In addition to having Destiny’s Child’s Kelly Rowland appear on the single, ‘Here We Go,’ Trina enlists a number of A-list rap artists for guest appearances. Lil Wayne pops up on ‘Don’t Trip,’ Snoop Dogg adds his West Coast lingo to the party cut ‘Sexy Gurl,’ and Lil Scrappy checks in for ‘Shake.’ Though she likes to ‘keep the private life private’ during interviews, Trina is comfortable talking about how her own personal experiences have inspired her writing. “I was in a relationship, and it was a good relationship, but some-

thing was just not right. No matter how much you put into it, no matter how much love you give, something can always go wrong. And that’s how the ‘Here We Go’ came about. It’s from a real-life experience.” Revealing her vulnerable side on songs like ‘Here We Go’, helps Trina’s persona resonate with other females. As one of hip-hop’s leading ladies, she’s determined to keep sisterhood amongst the women, a priority. “There’s only a handful of girls who are artists, and there’s not really enough love and connection between us. We need to be supportive of each other. Guys can rap and promote gangbanging and violence and shooting up somebody’s mama, but if a girl says anything, she gets criticized. I just think women need to stick together a little more to be able to make the money that the guys are making.” For Trina, business is a priority. Aside from her music, she has other business ventures and is intent on building an empire to grow her brand. “I’m trying to make myself more of a business person this time around,” she says before discussing her modeling agency, new Diamond Princess Fragrance, a clothing line called Denim and Diamonds, a proposed Vodka, and her future acting career (including recently completing the pilot for her show, With Friends Like That). thique


Q B-more’s Own After the shows; after the radio interviews; after the magazine interviews; what’s next!? This Baltimore native has rocked the stages of many colleges, clubs, and streets; with explosive opening performances for various, chart topping artists such as, Atlanta’s own T.I., Lil Scrappy, and the Ying Yang Twins; to award winning artists such as Fat Joe, Mike Jones, Slim Thug, Juelz Santana, and Jim Jones. This hot, young artist is not only recognized for his outstanding performances, but also for the unbreakable confidence he exudes in his writing. Q believes that “every life experience is a song waiting to be written. All it takes is the right track, environment, feeling and opportunity to bring those experiences to life.” He stands firmly behinds his belief and illustrates this in his music. He is currently being produced by, 2004 Mix Show DJ of the year, Clinton Sparks. Sparks is also the host of Q’s last project: “Let’s Get It”, Volume 1. He has also worked with ADS music writers. The producers and songwriters that brought you hit singles, such as Dru Hill’s, “I Should Be” and Russell Simmons new artist, Black Buttafly (Roc-A-Bye). He’s worked with Virgin Records own, One Up Productions and Baltimore’s own, Super Producer, Debonair Samir.




Although this young artist has just begun to make noise, his impact has been well-noticed. He has been featured on various mixed CD’s. DJ DNA’s, R&B Chronicles III; Street Radio, Vol. II, hosted by Kay Slay and DJ Radio; DJ Reddz, No More Games/ Just Having Fun; DTLR Mix CD Sampler; DJ Jabril’s, Ice Cold; and U-Turn and S&M Management’s Youth Explosion Mix CD, just to name a few. Q has had several live appearances on 92Q’s own Rap Attack, Smash Time radio, and various college radio stations. He has performed and spoken to many community outreach programs and high schools. This charismatic young artist allows his knowledge of the music industry, coupled with creative marketing and a supportive team, carry him to the top. Q’s business savvy attitude also adds, immensely, to his allure. So whether it’s his smash hit or an “unofficial remix” crushing your cities air waves; killing a show, or jumping on a mixed cd…… Q will not be content until he can have it all! thique



G-UNIT Mobb Deep & M.O.P

Taking G-Unit to the next level not that they are not already there.




Lead by Mrs. Jada Smith, this group has a wicked sound.




FATBOY These guys are on fire for the “06”




Look out for new music and concerts.



Who Loves The 80’s?

Not to sound like a cliché, but when it comes to music, “I Love the 80’s”. So, what better way to express my love, than to put together a list of the top 80 songs from the 80’s to download to your Ipod. The decade of decadence, as it is now called, was a perfect one for music. Top 40 radio included everything from hard rock acts like Def Leppard and Bon Jovi, to dance hits by Michael Jackson and Madonna. There was the controversy of George Michael singing about sex; acts like U2 and REM becoming mainstream; and Run DMC teaching us how to walk this way and reintroducing us to Aerosmith. Each song below will not only bring back memories, but may truly have you dancing on the ceiling. Enjoy! photography Brent Whitmire 66



Mark Mueller thique


1 The Reflex--Duran Duran: Their first number one, and still their best.

9 Livin’ On a Prayer--Bon Jovi

2 Pour Some Sugar on Me--Def Leppard: The band topped 1983’s “Pyromania” in ‘87 with “Hysteria”. “Sugar” was one of 6, top 20, hits off the album.

10 Cum On Feel the Noize--Quiet Riot

3 You Give Love a Bad Name --Bon Jovi: The only hard rockers to score 5 number one hits. This was their first, and their best.

11 Photograph--Def Leppard: The pinnacle of 80’s hard rock. “Pyromania” did for 80’s heavy metal, what Nirvana did for grunge in the 90’s.

4 Here I Go Again--Whitesnake: You know you fantasized about Tawny Kittaen on the hood of that car.

12 Keep on Lovin’ You--REO Speedwagon

5 Another Brick In the Wall--Pink Floyd: “The Wall”, released in 1979,this single reached number #1 in 1980.

13 I Ran--A Flock of Seagulls: I, somehow, could never get my hair to look like the guy in A Flock of Seagulls. He’s bald now, and I’m not.

6 Rock Me Amadeus--Falco

14 Down Under--Men At Work

7 Jump-Van Halen: David Lee Roth’s last album with Van Halen; and to many fans, still their best piece of work.

15 Like A Virgin-Madonna: In 1984, Madonna scored her first top 20 hit with “Holiday”. Later that year, she became a megastar with this song.

8 Hungry Like the Wolf--Duran Duran

16 The Power of Love--Huey Lewis & The News






17 Summer Of 69’--Bryan Adams 18 Why Can’t This Be Love--Van Halen: . . . and in came Sammy, and act 2 of Van Halen began. (note to Van Halen...Whatever you do, don’t bring in the guy from Extreme)

24 Billie Jean--Michael Jackson: There was a time when Michael Jackson was black and his music was red hot. “Thriller” is still the best selling album of all time. 25 Heat of the Moment--Asia

19 Magic--The Cars

26 You Shook Me All Night Long--AC/DC

20 Wild Boys--Duran Duran

27 Saved By Zero--The Fixx

21 Jessie’s Girl--Rick Springfield: Dr. Noah Drake is back. His music still sounds great!

28 Rock the Casbah--The Clash

22 The Tide is High--Blondie

29 New Year’s Day--U2: 5 years before U2 reached commercial success with “The Joshua Tree”, they had “War” and this classic.

23 Kyrie--Mr. Mister

30 Every Breath You Take--The Police






31 The Breakup Song--Greg Kihn Band 32 Let’s Go Crazy--Prince & The Revolution 33 867-5309/Jenny--Tommy Tutone: How many times did this number get dialed? You’re probably gonna try it again now. 34 St. Elmo’s Fire--John Parr 35 Owner of a Lonely Heart--Yes 36 Everybody Have Fun Tonight--Wang Chung 37 Kokamo--Beach Boys: There is no better song for a summer BBQ or beach party. 38 Urgent--Foreigner 39 Don’t You Want Me--Human League 40 Take on Me--A-Ha: Still one of the coolest videos of all time. 41 Ah Leah!--Donnie Iris 42 Games People Play--Alan Parsons Project 43 Money for Nothing--Dire Straits 44 Beat It--Michael Jackson 45 West End Girls--Pet Shop Boys 46 Out Of Touch--Hall & Oates 47 I Love Rock N’ Roll--Joan Jett & The Blackhearts 48 Don’t You Forget About Me--Simple Minds: Detention never sounded so good. I still love “The Breakfast Club”. 49 Round & Round--Ratt 50 Love Somebody--Rick Springfield 51 Shout--Tears For Fears 52 The One I Love—REM: In 1987 REM finally reached mainstream radio with the album “Document” and this single. 53 Who’s Crying Now--Journey 54 Walk Like an Egyptian—Bangles: Susannah Hoffs was hot! I’d like to hang out with her in a donut shop, oh-ay-oh. 55 Karma Chameleon--Culture Club 56 Your Love--The Outfield 57 Centerfold--J.Geils band 58 We Didn’t Start the Fire-Billy Joel: There’ll be a pop quiz on the song after you read this. 59 Major Tom (Coming Home)--Peter Schilling 60 Girls Just Wanna Have Fun--Cyndi Lauper: Somehow, I never knew “She Bop” was about masturbation. I guess girls really do know how to have fun! 61 Into the Groove--Madonna 62 Turn Me Loose--Loverboy 63 Stomp--Brothers Johnson: One of the last, great records of the disco revolution. 64 Never Gonna Give You Up--Rick Astley 65 Wild Wild West--The Escape Club

73 Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go--Wham!: Just what was he doing on that bed with Andrew Ridgeley?

66 Walk The Way--Run DMC & Aerosmith: Run DMC not only brought rap to top 40 radio, but gave us the second coming of Aerosmith.

74 Right on Track--Breakfast Club

67 Addicted To Love--Robert Palmer

75 Eye of the Tiger--Survivor

68 The Warrior--Scandal

76 Our House--Madness

69 Hit Me with Your Best Shot--Pat Benatar

77 Need You Tonight—Inxs: Why’d Michael Hutchins have to go and kill himself. The new Inxs rocks, though!

70 What’s on Your Mind?--Information Society: It’s a hit Mr. Spock!

78 The Safety Dance--Men Without Hats

71 I Want Your Sex--George Michael

79 Sledgehammer--Peter Gabriel

72 Harden My Heart--Quarterflash

80 Oh Sheila--Ready For The World: These guys could’ve been the first BoyZ II Men






photography Kendal Carr






Age: 23 Sign: Pisces Hometown: Being a military child I have no hometown, but I spent most of my time H-A-R-L-E-M, USA. Measurements: 34c-26-38 Do you spit or swallow? WOW!! I’m not going to answer that one, I don’t want people to think I’m dirty. The only way someone can find this out is if we get to that point. What is your ideal first date? My ideal first date would be really simple. A nice dinner and a enjoyable movie. You find out your mother was the driver in a hit and run that seriously hurt someone-Would you turn her in? No. I would help her find a really good lawyer and let him advise her on what she needs to do. What’s the last book you read? “Addicted” by Zane If you were a drink, which would you be/why? I love Hpnotiq...especially a Hpnotiq Wet....So, that would be me, and I’m sure you can figure out why....









Countless guys can relate to this statement and probably offer an encounter of their own to parallel.

on a mommy with Q-tips for legs. It’s like a Twinkie isn’t right without the cream filling! Thique is in…Hell yeah!

ity. Many guys share the same sentiment. Whatever your pleasure, the bottom line is that thique is in…Hell yeah!

The truth is, thique women are in – in style, in demand, and in every man’s fantasies. Nothing visually stimulates a man more than the sight of a confident, mature woman with the right measurements in an outfit that accentuate the femininity of her curvature; (unless of course he’s watching a porno starring a confident, mature woman with the right measurements working the femininity of her curvature). You get the point! The days of toothpick chicks are

“What physical features does a thique woman possess?” you might wonder. Well, I asked myself the same question as I put together this article - what is thique? I realize that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and, with that in mind, I conducted interviews, of mature adults, in order to obtain opinions. I found that people used thique to describe different features of the female anatomy and so, thique encompasses a diverse group of ladies; eac with

As I continued my interviews I discovered that most petite/skinny/bony girls would appreciate a few extra pounds here or there and many considered plastic surgery to supplement genetics. All of them complained that it was hard for them to find clothes that complimented their figure. They said that guys would tease them claiming they were easy to break, if you get the idea! I wasn’t surprised - just more reason to believe that thique is in!

…skinny girls, you are now officially allowed to eat something! You need substance! Men want meat and mass. long past. So, skinny girls, you are now officially allowed to eat something! You need substance! Men want meat and mass. Hell, some men even have a fetish for extra chunky ladies! “More cushion for the pushing,” they might say. In addition, fashion has evolved to suite the full-figured woman. ‘Less is more’ and ‘Tight is right’ motto today’s attractive clothing for females. A girl can’t parade her cleavage if she’s a member of the itty-bitty titty committee. Hip-huggers don’t look correct on a chick without hearty thighs for the jeans to embrace. Mini-skirts aren’t all that appealing to dudes when they’re 78



their own natural attributes. For example, a fly honey could be five feet and weigh one hundred and forty pounds. She is still kind of petite, but those pounds are strategically situated to lure men with the spectacle of her ass or thighs or breasts. On the other hand, a chick could be six feet and four inches tall, weighing one hundred and seventy- pounds (built like a stallion) and accomplish the same effect on playas. I call these types of ladies the Amazon women! Also, let’s not forget the hefty gals. Some dudes are enticed by them as I mentioned before! Personally, I like thique girls in all shapes and flavors, as long as they have certain proportional-

To sum things up, I must say the perception of the sexy woman has shifted from the dainty to the thique. The proof is in the pudding; excuse me – the jelly. I’m kidding! No really, the proof lies in male desire, fashion, and popular demand. So ladies, ask for seconds at dinner; hit the gym to sculpt your form, or just let it all hang out and watch the men stampede, because thique is in….Hell yeah! NOTE: I’d like to thank God for this interview subject. I got the chance to exchange numbers with numerous, banging thique chicks! I’ll holla at all ya’ll soon. thique


Fellas! Have you ever been dating a chick (among others) and you start feeling as though she could be “the one”? I mean, you love how she holds you down, but shorty bugging all the time – tripping! She’s always nagging and bitching, asking you questions like, “Where are you? Where have you been? What are you doing? Who are you screwing?” She is irritating as hell and you wonder if she even wants to be “the one” for you any more! NOTTY

Ladies! Have you ever been feeling a dude heavily and he won’t give you the time of day? I mean, you have given him your all – your body, your time, your house keys, your car keys, and even your home cooking but for some reason this fool isn’t giving you, wifey, credentials yet! Well, listen close to what I say because this type of thing happens every day! In relationships, fundamentally, men and women want the same things- love, admiration, respect, security, and personality compatibility. The misunderstanding between the sexes is a result of how each goes about acquiring their desires from the other. (Take Notes) Men look for their total package, the perfect woman, to start an exclusive relationship with. Women try to develop their total package, the perfect relationship, with a man they are attracted to. Can you recognize the basic difference in approach and opinion of what the total package is?




Photography Jazmin Cryor

I find men date a variety of chicks seeking “the one”, the woman with the right look, attitude, etc. What almost, always happens is, they come across a lot of girls that ain’t exactly what they want. Suddenly, men find themselves involved with a bunch of chicks that are lacking in some way. “Damn! What do I do with all these Broads?” men ask themselves. “Shit, I’m going to keep them all (either for sport or for potential) and continue the search,” men resolve. As time persists and men get more acquainted with whomever they’re dating, they may begin to realize that one of the chicks they deemed as deficient is actually “the

one”. Unfortunately, by this time she might not fuck with him like she used to. Maybe during his search she was overlooked and he acted indifferent towards her or she found out about his other chicks. Often, by the time a man figures out that a woman he is involved with is the total package, he has already, inadvertently fucked it up and she begins acting funny. Now let’s skip to the woman’s point of view. I find that women run into guys they are attracted to and almost instantly see potential for a relationship .(My momma always told me that a woman knows how far she’s willing to go with a man damn near at first sight) They plan to build something special, the total package relationship. Women commit their time and attention to a dude in an attempt to show him that she has all the qualities of a great girlfriend. When shorties begin to notice that a man doesn’t appreciate their value, their feelings for him diminish. Chicks begin to abandon their mission of creating the total package relationship with this man and cut off his benefits or seek other enticements. Women, basically, get tired of waiting for men to recognize the promise for an ideal relationship. It is clear to say that male and female approaches to relationships are in opposition. Men and women are awestruck by each other, primarily, in different ways. Also, their attraction levels move antagonistically. Men like a chick the least, initially. A man’s first and foremost allure is visual and physical. Once he satisfies his sexual urge for a female, he doesn’t notice the rest of her worth, yet. A man’s admiration grows with time. Women, on

the other hand, are fascinated by a guy the most, originally. True, part of their attraction is too visual and physical; however, chicks also grasp a man’s potential worth as a boyfriend. A woman’s admiration may decrease with time, in relation to what or how long it takes for a man to praise her. Men and women are like consumers with different shopping habits. A man sees something that he is interested in buying. He knows that there are other items on the market that are also appealing so he wants to sample all of them. He would probable be satisfied with any of them, but he wants the best deal. Men get the idea that as soon as they commit to buy one item, the others will go on sale, or a better selection will hit stores and they’ll miss out on the bargain of a lifetime! Women see something they’re interested in, want it and buy it on impulse. Of course, they’re aware of other items on the market but they’ll follow a hunch on this one and try it out for size. If they end up, later, not liking the item as much as when they purchased it, they’ll just return it or exchange it. Women keep receipts and put merchandise on layaway! (Note: Watch for a later story entitled “She Says I’m Just a Friend; Boyfriends on Lay-away”) Furthermore, men are very, incredibly and extremely, critical and judgmental of chicks when it comes to choosing a girlfriend. For instance, let’s say a man is dating two chicks. One has a perfect personality but she doesn’t look as good as the other. The other is a straight bitch, but she is THIQUE as hell. In this situation the man will choose neither for his girl but he’ll still fuck with both and keep sampling. A woman is more accepting as long as there is some potential and something attractive about the dude. Think back to the shopping metaphor I stated earlier. How many women buy shoes that hurt the hell out of their feet but they keep them because they look sexy as shit? A lot of girls apply the same tactics to dating. (Note: Many chicks get fucked over this way because they try to ignore the pain caused by the sexy shoes and by the men they accept!) thique


Don’t forget that relations aren’t an exact science. There are many exceptions to my analysis because, of course, people are individuals; misunderstandings in relationships between two can be a result of upbringing, experience, or what have you. However, I can offer a simple, yet complex solution to mediation. COMMUNICATION! Wow! What a novel approach. Well, there you have it. Ya’ll gotta talk! Ironically, there is something called honesty that works well with this communication thing. Guys, you should explain your feelings to your chicks as they grow or diminish. You’ll maintain a position of power. This will give hope to the chick’s plan for a relationship with 82



you, or maybe girls will respect your honesty enough to let you still enjoy benefits while you date others. (I know. Believe me; I know! Check another story: “Is Honesty Always the Best Policy”) Give her the choice of whether or not to continue dealing with you based on your honesty. If you tell her that your feelings are growing for her and she could be “the one” for you, then she is definitely going to keep giving you her all and she’ll believe that you appreciate her. Also, this honesty makes the transition from home-girl to wifey easy and romantic, for you and her. If you’ve told her that she can’t possibly be “the one” for you and she still gives you her all, then you’re big pimping and her feel-

ings are her problem! Now, don’t get too ambitious pimp! Some chicks will hit the road! However, be willing to let them go. Ladies, you’ve got to be patient and, maybe, even forgiving. Don’t place such high relationship expectations on a player too soon. Don’t give him your all so soon, either. You’ll lower your position of power this way. Once again, recall my shopping parable and ponder, “Why would a guy buy the floor display model?” Keep him guessing, but don’t tease. Men like to chase; it keeps them interested and confident that the capture is worth the hunt. Find this article debatable, write in and challenge it! thique


Hey THIQUE, I’m a beautiful young woman and I can’t find a good guy. I’ve been hurt by dudes so much that I think I want to try dating other women. I’ve always had an attraction to girls but I never explored it further. Should I go for it? Am I wrong? -Just Curious-

Reader Response One You can find love anywhere. You just have to look in the right places. I found someone whom I can share my emotions with; it just so happens that this someone is of my same gender. I think that most of the time, searching for someone of the same gender can be less stressful than searching for someone of a different gender. This is because two individuals of the same sex are able to connect on a level that provides

+ Strange Frute Bananas How do you tell that the person your considering as your significant other is bananas? You find out what signs to look for. In this issue of Strange Frute, we asked Fem Lesbians to give us their stories about the signs they saw that told them there mate or potential mate was bananas. If any of the following signs reminds you of your woman you may want to rethink your game plan.

a comfortable safety net for communication of feelings. My girl and I have not been dating for long, but she and I have a decent level of communication that flourishes our relationship. When I asked my woman to be my girlfriend, I asked only for her emotional self and not her physical because neither of us is ready to take that step, and we equally respect that. A lot of women are not looking for other women to have sex with; they are just searching for a partner who can be there for them in times of need. I’m not sure which category you fall into, but I do know that lesbian relationships are an experience and you have the power to experience life the way you want. -Ice Quyn-

Reader Response Two Baby girl live your life! If you want to fuck




it didn’t bother me until I noticed she was popping up all the time no matter where I was…first at my job then while I was out with friends to when I was at church with my family. Stalking is never sexy. I took the crazy hint and kept it moving.. Erica E., Bronx, NY

with other chicks just do it! However, don’t act like bad guys turned you away from straight relationships. You said yourself that you were always kind of attracted to girls. That’s why you want to explore. You didn’t say you never had a liking for chicks. All of a sudden, now, since dudes screwed you over, you want to be a les’. Get real! What really bites is the fact that you’re not guaranteed romantic fulfillment no matter what your sexual preference is. Hell, you’ll probably come across a bunch of sour ass chicks that’ll treat you no better than those guys in your past. Basically, all is fair in love and war! Don’t be afraid of the battle. Oh, I almost forgot. You’re not wrong to feel the way you do. However, if you’re as beautiful and young as you say you are, then it sucks that I never met you before. I bet I could get you back in the ball game. -Think about it-

+ the next level to hit, so I decided to play with my girl’s clit to get the festivities moving along. I almost fell off the couch when I touched her strap-on. Her only response was,”I’m all man baby…” To which I could only fake cramps and never come back… sure I wanted a Dom but damn… Nikita S- Cleveland, OH

1. They Pee Standing Up: I walked in on my girlfriend peeing and it wasn’t her peeing that bothered me, but the fact that she was standing up to do it. I knew she was the man in the relationship, but when Isaw that, I knew her ass was crazy and it made me think about how far would she be willing to go to be more like a man, today peeing standing up tomorrow who knows didn’t stick around long enough to find out. Sarah P., Jersey City, NJ

3. You Find Out They Had A Private Eye Following You: True the relationship was already on crash and burn status but we were still trying to make it work anyway. We were at that in between point where you want to give up but at the same time you want to keep trying. I came home one day to find not only the apartment we shared torn to bits and pieces but also pictures of me in my travels. From going to class to hanging with friends, to me and my new friend getting busy in her car. While I packed up my things, and surveyed the damaged I realized I finally knew what “crazy bitch” meant. Miss Kitty, Los Angeles, CA

5. You Catch Them Smelling Your Panties In The Hamper: I got off early from work and stopped by my girl’s house with a couple beers and a bag. I figured it would be a welcomed end to an otherwise pissy day. I used my key and walked towards her bedroom. I walked in to catch her sitting on the edge of the bed with the hamper in front of her smelling my panties that were in the hamper from my last couple of visits. She stopped what she was doing and walked over to me to kiss me hello, like what I saw was some everyday thing. Needless to sa I’m with a new woman now Kasha M., Miami, FL

2. They Know Your Schedule Better Then You Do: I could remember running into my at the time girlfriend and wondering… ”How the hell did she know I’d be here?”

4. They Never Take The Strap-On Off: It was like, a scene out of the movie “Boys Don’t Cry.” I’m on the couch getting the nipple licking of my life and was ready for

6. They Go With You Everywhere, Yes Even The Bathroom: My girlfriend would follow me everywhere I went. It didn’t really bother me at first I thought it was cute, doing




things together and all. I first noticed a serious problem when we went out for the first time. It was a mutual friend’s house party. From the moment we stepped through the door, it was as if my shadow had come to life. Everywhere I went, there she was. From the living room, to the kitchen, even when I stepped outside for a smoke. The deal breaker happened when I had to use the ladies room. Before I could unzip my pants, there was a knock on the door. It was her asking me to let her in real quick. She cam into the bathroom and just sat on the sink while I peed. I told her I had to take a shit and asked could she get me something to drink. I waited before sneaking out to my car and never looking back….. Katrina L. ,Houston, TX

dealing with her. She started telling me how she was possessive, very jealous, how she’s had to use physical abuse on past girlfriends and the list went on and it only got worse. By the time the check came I was so glad we agreed to meet at a mutual place. Anyone that comes with a warning, you know is going to be a problem. Minka J., Detroit, MI

7. She Has No Idea How To Eat The Pussy But She’s Been Gay Her Whole Life: I know this seems a little crazy but I dated a girl who claimed to be gay since she was in her teens. We met when I was 24 and she was 26. Fro three months I heard stories about how great the tongue was and how I would be turned out by the first lick and how she could wait to fuck me. When the moment finally happened, stretched out in the bed…legs parted, juices dripping. She goes down then stops and starts what can only be described as a puppy dog pussy lick. I knew she had to be crazy to pull a stunt like that…she turned me out all right! I’ve been with men ever since…. Nicole R., St. Louis, MO

Sex Tips

8. Her Ex Has A Restraining and a Peace Order: I was at my girlfriend’s crib when she stepped out to grab some food. While looking for the remote I came across copies of a restraining and peace order. The complaints her ex made went from the bad (her abusing her physically) to the extremely ugly (raping her with a dildo) Free food my ass. I was gone quicker then Kevin Ferderline’s album on store shelves. Chrissy L., Boston, MA 9. They Warn You About Themselves On The First Date: I met who I thought would be my soul mate at a local bookstore. When we finally got around to our first date. I was more then ready to give the goodies as dessert. Imagine my surprise when during our meal she started giving me all the reasons, why I should be cautious of

10. When Their (insert their family or friend’s name here) Tells You To Stay Away: A couple of weeks after going to with my girl-

This is relief for all you engines that could; for those that have heard “that size doesn’t matter” or “it’s OK, that happens to all men”. I’m here to give you tips on how to throw it right back in their faces. It’s not the motion of the ocean or the size of the boat, its how hard the winds blowing that will make your Lady’s eyes roll back into her throat. A few tricks of the trade that will give you a leg up when all the cards are on the table and you have to show and prove. Sex is merely a combination of what the mind wants and what the body is capable of. Therefore, when one aspect lacks, the other has to grow stronger in order to compensate. Before the physical act of sex, making love, or f***ing, make sure her mind is at the point of cumming. Remember, where the mind goes, the body will follow. Tantalize and tease your woman first, before you head for the box. Use everything to your advantage. Be sexual when you speak, but not perverted. Be interested in sex, but not consumed with it. She already knows you want to handle your biz-nass, but she has to be more eager than you, in order to get down and dirty. To make your job easier, she has to be in a mind frame of cumming before you even whip it out. Understand that a woman will tell you everything you need to know in order to make her happy. But you have to listen from how to hit it, what position, or if she wants it in the bed or the

friend to a family get together, I bumped into her sister and her sister’s boyfriend at the mall. While having small talk her sister simply stated that...”I was a nice girl and didn’t deserve to get caught up with her sister’s craziness.” She even went on to tell me about some of her sisters past relationships including a pistol whipping incident that she was still going to court for. I walked away thinking you must be truly bananas when your own family feels like they need to warn people. Tamia S.,Seattle, WA

kitchen. This information is vital in making your lady cum so once you get it, you don’t forget it. You’re not quite ready to do IT yet! First, using what she has told you, figure out a few places where you think she has never tried it before; somewhere she will always remember the sex; if not for how good it was but for how freaky; i.e., balcony of a theater, in the woods or park. Be certain these are not too risky. You, definitely, don’t want to get locked up for some lovin. Also, you must factor in your footing (there will be no climbing of the sheets). Make sure any position you get into, you’re able to use as much of your body as possible; i.e., back, legs, weight, etc. Now for the moment you’ve been waiting for...SEX! Don’t beast right off the top because no woman loves a quick draw; regardless of what caliber gun. Slow grind until you know that she is ready to cum; before you even begin to think of popping one. I don’t mean slow, steady, and boring. Enough to keep her hot! A good position that will get her hot and heavy is doggie-style, or wrapping her legs over your shoulders and slowly working her into a climax. The most important thing to look out for is feedback. Pay attention to all of the moans and groans, because that will be your guide on how to make your woman drop her jaw, tighten up her body, and shake with pleasure. - Jaythique


Where to Meet a Woman



Regardless of what you, or she did last in the club, the church is always a good place to redeem yourself and find a good woman.

For those of you that don’t like to dance, then, the lounge is for you. You can sip Louie XIII and Apple Martinis the whole night with a female and never leave your seat.

You can learn a lot about a woman when you meet her in the supermarket. The number one thing is can she cook if you see a lot of ready-made meals in her cart. Then you know, off hand, what you are getting into. Never the less, the supermarket is a good place because it shows you are self-sufficient and all that other stuff women like.

Women love a man that has a good sense of fashion, but at the same time, likes to dress their man. With that said, you can always “bag”, “pick-up”, or “flirt with” the saleswomen at Kenneth Cole, Express 4 Men, or Nordstrom by asking “Excuse me miss... I have an engagement that I have to attend tonight. I would like to be stylish. Could you help me?”

You can’t base her intelligence off of what she’s reading. However, if you’re looking for a good place to talk, a Barnes & Nobles is a great place to spark a conversation with a female.

Love, romance, alcohol, and emotion. Mix those together and you’ll get one hell of a “how we met” story. .

The train offers a blend of all different types of female so you can take your pick of what type you like; a plus!

Your boy can always give you the necessary info on a women if you don’t know it already.

Music + alcohol+ a reason to get very close to each other = a perfect place to meet females.

Don’t think walking up to a woman is played out if you’re confident you can start a conversation with any female that fits the bill.




HANGING A SUIT There are certain clues to a male’s personality, even his very essence, which you can pick up right off the bat. How firm is his handshake? Does he stand up straight? Does he maintain eye contact? How does he look in a suit?

one that works for you. I suggest a natural fiber such as a nice weight of wool. While synthetic materials may be less expensive, they don’t breathe as well as cotton or wool, or even as well as a blend of synthetic and natural fibers.

That’s right! How a man wears a suit is a very tell-tale sign of what he’s all about. When the suit is well made, it exudes an air of confidence. At the same time, if the suit fits poorly, you get that sleazy, car salesman kind of vibe. So here’s a quick guide to start you off on the best way to hang a suit.

Alright, so you’ve found a jacket that fits your shoulders. Let’s look at the collar and lapels. Once again, let’s keep it simple. The spread disco collar is not going to fly for job interviews or even on the job. Make sure it lays flat on; that it doesn’t pucker. Once you have the front of the jacket complete, check out the back. Do you need a vent? Is there nothing going on in the rear? You might not have to worry about it, unless you want that extra room.

Let’s start with the fit. This isn’t your granddaddy’s suit. A classic fit will go further in your wardrobe than following whatever the latest trend may be. Think simple. Approach this shopping experience knowing that you’re going to have to try on lots of suits before making a decision. Eat before you go to Brooks Brothers, Men’s Warehouse or whatever department store you choose. We don’t want your blood sugar dropping to lead you into making hasty decisions. Just get out of there!




The same thing applies to the pants. Please, oh pretty please, do NOT get pleated pants! They just end up looking sloppy. Flat front pants are a must. Say it with me – “FLAT FRONT PANTS”. Try them on in your bare feet and they should graze the floor. I, personally, am against cuffs – not the best look. They tend to shorten the leg and end up making you look square and squatty.

If there is one thing you MUST get right about the suit, it’s the jacket. The shoulders must fit. It should skim your body while allowing for ease of movement. There shouldn’t be any extra fabric across the back or any signs that it fits too tightly. Remember, broad shoulders = less padding, narrow shoulders = more padding (but don’t get too crazy, boys).

Remember, fellas, you don’t have to wear your suit in strictly business situations. Pair the jacket with jeans to wear to the club. It’s a nice touch that can pull together your entire look. A nice tweed or light wool jacket paired with a button down will catch the ladies’ eyes. Trust me – now that’s THIQUE!

Additionally, on a related side note, choose a material that transcends seasons and

Kim Pleasants thique


MS. LONDON If you could pimp slap anyone in the world who/why? Whitney Huston, for destroying her image on and off the small screen!! What CD should a man play to get you naked? Anything Reggea (of course slow) and old school always works, Jodeci, Boy II Men, Htown, Troop. Harder Conversation: Telling your friend she’s a ho? Well, I have a very small circle of female friends and YES we can all be very, very freaky, but we never over do it to ho statut, we very successful and smart women. Telling your man his dick is small? Well, I have a good judge of dick size when a man has his clothes on, so I have guess you can say I NEVER picked wrong.

Photography Kendall Carr 90






If you could have any super power what would it be/why? Reading minds, because there are a lot of fake people in the world ;-) What candy best describes you and your package? Now and Later Have you ever fed you man food that you dropped on the oor after it was cooked? Nope, wouldn’t want him to do that to me either! What line should a man never use to get your attention? Are you trying to go home or leave with him tonight.. What lesson should every man teach their son? Morals, values, respect, honor.. Women are queens and should be treated as queens. They are mothers of the earth..

Photography Kendall Carr 92





STAR Whose your inspiration to attaining your goals? My son is def. my inspiration, he’s the reason I do everything in life, to make him smile and be able to better support him as well as myself, there’s no greater feeling! Better movie “Goodfellas” or “The Godfather”? By far Goodfellas,them broads had everything! How do you tell a man his stoke on your course is off? I always liketo take the more direct approach, but doing so with out hurting feelings is always my game plan. Name one regret you have from your past. In order to survive you gotta learn to live with regrets, so I have none. Can a man kiss you after going downtown? Def., I know whats going on down there, and if Im feeling you enough to let you get that close to me, then Im def. feeling you enough to kiss you afterwards!

Photography Kendall Carr 94





CONTROVERSY: LET THE DEBATE BEGIN Dear readers. As I write this, I must admit I feel a sense of slight fear and nervousness inside of me that has me wondering if I’m going to be cast into eternal damnation, but as I allow myself to be objective, I understand that this fear comes from the constant psychological tactics of brainwashing and intimidation used by the religious powers that be and their terrorism.

rich lives. Do we have to wait until heaven to live? Are we only to have peace when we walk through those pearly gates? Today as days past, religious people die. Muslims pray five times a day, can it get more devoted than that? Look at the Middle East, men women and children die every day, where is God? I will not subscribe to poison. I will not rationalize genocide.

I guess I was born a Christian....although my mother never pushed the poisons of religion on me. Pressing my hands together often, down on my knees, I asked God to help me endure my pains as a child. There was never an answer. I knew there wouldn’t be a direct answer from the Supreme Being, but I had faith that things would get better but they never did. In my teen years I turned to Islam. But it was the same as making the sign of the cross, when I got in the proper position; eight points of my body touching the earth, making Salaat, praying to Allah.....the shit remained the same.

The Native Americans took care of the earth and all of its creatures like no other. They never abused the land, they hunted only when animals were abundant and when they weren’t they ate what they grew from the earth. They honored the stars, the sky, the wind, and the trees and they were exterminated. What in the eyes of your God did they do to deserve such a travesty?

My life was filled with turmoil. The streets were filled with death, poverty, and addiction. The world was, as is now, a stew of sadness, mixed with the ingredients of oppression, destruction, suffering and injustice. As I grew into a man, I would ask those who were wisely versed in all religions...WHY? The answers were always the same; riddles, quotations, and words of con and hustle. They weren’t answers at all. It was just a distraction to the real solutions, solutions that man and woman could manifest themselves. I read about men and women who fought for people, died for people. They made changes for people. I had my faith renewed, but it wasn’t in God. It was people. I was angered in the contradictions of God. There was supposed to be an all powerful being that was a righteous entity that protected the world but I never saw any of his work. Human beings were slaughtered all over the world. The African Holocaust, the Jewish Holocaust, the Native American Holocaust, those in the Middle East, the Serbians, the Guatemalans. The list went on and on ....and still does. What type of God would let his followers die horrible deaths? That was something I could not allow myself to believe in, ever. Stray bullets take a child’s life. They’d tell me it was that child’s time to go to heaven. Is there ever a time when a child, a CHILD needs to be taken away? Any God that would take one of my children away would be my eternal enemy. I cannot fathom trying to relate it all to God’s work. I utterly refuse. What type of God would grant one family a winning lottery ticket while another has no bread on the table, no shoes on their feet? Where is the goodness? Where is the righteousness of the holiest being of the universe? One that allows physical and mental devils to rule over the masses of the world. One that lets the brutal armies of Governments slaughter innocent civilians. They say that man has his own free will, and that is why wickedness exists. At what point does God intervene? How many billions have to die before this mystery God says enough? I have lost aunts, uncles grandparents, friends, who were good people. They died while some really evil people still live healthy, full, 96



As I grew to abolish the concept of a supreme being, I also grew to respect those that believe what they will. I don’t scoff at people who get their strength from going to church on Sundays if that is what gives them life and energy. I do however challenge those who use the scriptures from any book to give me a reason for why things are the way they are. I believe that Jesus existed, as I’m sure many Prophets did. But I believe they were fighters for the people not some kind of heaven sent angels. Man has used religion and God as a tool for control and greed. Man created God, not God created man. Man... selfish, abusive, bloodsucking man, the one who created the biggest, most powerful con in the history of human existence...God. This is man; who has the women of the world, the bearers of life, and the nurturers of our human race, believing that God is a He. My God is the earth that even after a nuclear war can regenerate itself. My God is the energy of nature that is not created by the science of man but by the wonders of the universe. My Gods are the people who live and die for the freedom and equality of all the human families of the world. If that God which the world reveres does exist than he, as you call him is my enemy. He is not righteous in the least, for if I had his power I would save any and everyone. I would stop this madness that has the world un-naturally rotating, and spinning...out of control. Many of you might deem my words as devilishness, but maybe there is a slight chance that you can think outside of your taped up, fear sheltered boxes that you call your minds. I would honestly think that even amongst those that are the most holiest and sincere men and women of the earth, they would have to agree with me that I should stand against evil and the devil. That would mean going to war with that earth moving, plague casting, righteous supreme being that doesn’t lift a damn finger to help the human race in its constant and continuous suffering...I ask you all....wouldn’t that be the “Godly” thing to do?

Hate it or Love it… Peace thique



PERSONALS Asian and African American woman seeking a straight man to get me and keep me in my place. Hello my name is Sasha. I am a very independent woman that realizes it takes a strong man to keep me in line. I am looking for a man who knows what it means to be a man and treat a woman ( a real woman) like a woman. Sonia - California Single white female looking for a single Asian male to practice all of his Karma Sutra with. I’m not affraid to try new things. Nothing ventured nothing gained! Samantha - New York African American woman tired of the played out lesbian scene looking for the right man to get me where I used




to be. There is nothing better then all of the parts put together that equal a man. Help me put my puzzel back together again. Tracey - Michigan Sexy Latino tired of the around the way boy. I’m looking for the safisticated man. Are there anymore professional men out there who are tired of sucking on their mothers nipple and are trying to give my nipple a try? I want a man who can be a man, but isn’t insecure to let his true feelings come out. Where are you? I’m waiting! Gabriella - Maryland Ex-stripper looking for somebody to love me for me. I have had a hard time trying to find someone who can appreciate a woman with all of my talent. Yeah, I

know! So what I use to be a stripper. We all have things in our past that we aren’t so proud of. Nothing I can do but grow If you think you are the man that isn’t affraid of my past drop me a line. Hey THIQUE! I wanna know how I can become a THIQUE Flesh Feature! Lisa - Georgia School Teacher by day, queen of the night by night. One look at me and you will never question what I am. I’m the best dream that you ever had. One date with me and you will never want to leave. Carrie - Washington, D.C

To respond to all thique personal ads go to




THE STRUGGLE & THE GRIND “Fear in starting your own business or “doing you” to survive is merely false expectations appearing real. There is nothing artificial in leading by example. Only you can exceed your expectations and the outlook of any naysayer. It’s a “shit, or get off the toilet” type of hustle, struggle, and grind that you exude to make your point and purpose in life authentic. Of course knowing the reality of what it takes to fill that role and dog those shoes is what sets the tone for representation.”

Name Emora Horton Age 32 Core Businesses Real Estate, twenty five properties to date Entertainment, Fluffs Bar & Lounge. TQ What was your start, your hustle? EH Truthfully, I was on your typical shiftchange; hustle and flow. Outside of pushing a catch 22 product, I wanted to be legal. It really taught me the rules of engagement of any business. At the end of the day it’s all about supply and demand. TQ How did you get started as an Entrepreneur? EH In 1997, after saving 50% of my earnings up to 10K, I bought my first house. I revamped it in three months and sold it at 50K. I made a 40K profit and reinvested my earnings into property after property. Then, in 1998, I bought my first bar at 25K from real estate profits. TQ What do you consider a struggle in starting a business?

build a loyal business foundation. Everybody wants to be on the up and up but not everyone is willing to do the foot and leg work that’s required to stay afloat. TQ Grind? EH The hardest grind in my startup cycle of business was obtaining a building with a liquor license and all the legalities that came with it. Word to the wise, know the area and the series of license and limitations before you step into the bar arena. TQ Where do you see yourself and your businesses in 5 years? EH I want to be 10 steps ahead of where I am now. I would like to open more entertainment spots, like sports bars and fully execute my upcoming record label, Smash Records. TQ What is your advice to upcoming Entrepreneurs? EH Save your chips, by any means necessary. Stay on your grind and always make positive moves towards your future goals.

EH Maintaining the right relationships to 100



thique 101

It Will Take Another Clinton To Clean Up After Another Bush

Mark Mueller

other side? And they should. There was a time when this country was racially divided by black and white now it’s 2005 and we are divided once again only this time it is by red and blue. As W’s approval ratings continue to decline many who voted to reelect him are now wondering if the “W” in George W. Bush is short for “What the hell was I thinking? On September 11, 2001 this country had a horrible thing happen to it. 3000 innocent Americans tragically lost their lives. It doesn’t matter if you are a republican, democrat, a catholic or a Jew, a black or a white you will always remember that day and where you were when you first heard or saw what was happening. After the events of 9/11 I felt pretty good about the way George W Bush was handling things. He got us in and out of Afghanistan and had one thing left to do. HUNT DOWN USAMA BIN LADEN!!!. Somehow W decided Bin Laden was not as high a priority as restarting a war his daddy started a decade earlier. So Bush sold the war to congress and managed to convince, or I think a better word is deceive congress to vote in favor of attacking Iraq. His main reason was weapons of mass destruction. During the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina rapper Kanye West made the statement on live television that George W. Bush doesn’t care about black people. I don’t believe that for one second. What I do believe is that George Bush is just so damn inexperienced to run this country. What’s ironic is the last time this country was in such disarray was when another man named Bush was running the country. It took Bill Clinton many years to clean up the mess of HW and balance the budget. Now the cur102



rent administration has spent 2/3rd of a trillion dollars on a war that did not need to happen. George W. Bush was reelected mainly because of two reasons. Republicans who make higher incomes than the average American and by what Green Day refers to as the “redneck agenda” in their hit American Idiot. But part of me wonders now as W’s approval ratings slip to all time lows how many of these people are crossing over to the

As the “War on Terror” moved on sure we removed Saddam Hussein from power which in the long run will make the world a better place, but was it our job and our wallets that should have done that? And of course there were no weapons of mass destruction either. As I am writing this article the number of U.S. soldiers killed in the war is 2500. That is a travesty. The right will say it is a war and there is death in war. That type of statement disgusts me. If we were

hunting down UBL there could be some justification to it but it is not. It is because of a war with Iraqthat never should have happened in the first place. The deaths of these soldiers are on the hands of George W Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and anyone else ultimately responsible for sending these kids to their death. Then the right wing W fanatics will say those kids signed up knowing this might happen. That is not true. The military promised most of these kids an education if they’d give up a weekend a month. Don’t tell me for one second this is what they signed up for. In 1999 I was considering taking a job in Los Angeles. I left BWI airport in Maryland where the nearby gas station was charging .99 cents a gallon for 87 octane gasoline. That is not a type-o, I said 99 cents a gallon as in under a buck. When I landed in LAX and got in a cab I was shocked at what I saw. The gas stations in California were charging 1.52 a gallon. They were having there own gas crisis in California at the time. I could not believe that gas was that high, something I had never seen before. That was one of the biggest factors as to why I did not take the job I was being offered. Fast forward six short years to 2005, prior to Katrina gas had reached 2.69 a gallon across the country. While republicans like to say the increase had nothing to do with this war we have waged in the Middle East they are wrong. There is no way you will convince me that if Al Gore had been elected and this war never would have taken place that gas prices would have gotten this high. Bottom line is sure gas prices would have gone up after Katrina but they would now have gone to almost 4 dol-

lars a gallon, maybe up to 2 dollars a gallon and then back down to where they should be. The thing that drives me crazy is to hear the right say that 4 dollars a gallon isn’t bad if you adjust it to inflation based on 1981 prices. If the republicans only knew how stupid they sound when they say things like this. Fine you want to adjust everything based on prices almost 25 years ago. Then the house you live in today that is worth say $400,000 would probably only be worth a little over $200,000. Then it wouldn’t cost over $100,000 or more to send each kid to college. So if you want to adjust the prices of gas to make yourselves feel better adjust everything else and you won’t feel that way. How will the recent gas prices affect the economy? The bus company that drive your kids to school spends that much more on fuel. The trucks that deliver food and other products to stores will spend that much more on fuel and merchandise will go up. This country will see the biggest increase in the cost of living under George W. Bush in the history of this country and no matter how much you adjust current prices and salaries to 1981’s the math won’t work in favor of American‘s.

a trillion dollars to date on this war. That money could have been used to help this country in so many ways. It could have been used to completely fund the Katrina and Rita cleanup, it could have gone to poor schools, it could have gone to the environment but where did it wage a war, a war that never should have happened in the first place. I heard a republican congressman on TV trying to justify the war by making the statement, “We didn‘t go to war because there were weapons of mass destruction, we went to war because we thought there were weapons of mass destruction.” In my opinion it will take another Clinton to solve another Bush’s economic woes. Sometime in Hilary’s second term she will most likely have balanced the budget and the country will once again begin to prosper.

I have only one band aid to help solve the mess caused by George W Bush and his administration and that is elect Hilary Clinton as president in 2008. In the early 90’s, the economic effects of the Persian Gulf War took this country into a downward recession. Then a very smart man was elected to run this country (and overwhelmingly reelected) because of his genius. This man named Bill Clinton brought this country back from recession and actually made it prosper. Then came W Bush. He has spent 2/3 of thique 103



Photography Jazmin Cryor There was a time when you would go to school, not because you wanted to but because you had to. The teacher would call your house because you just couldn’t seem to get it right, you didn’t understand, couldn’t follow with the class, or maybe she recognized that you were having a little bit more trouble then the other kids in your class. That was 1980, when the educational system was actually concerned with what children were learning. Today in 2006, technology providing us with all of the necessary tools to produce what will be our future, the school systems seem to only be concerned with tests. Our children go to school everyday to learn what one would think will be the foundation for mental growth and all they seem to be bogged down with is reading and math. What happened to spelling, science, social science, and writing? 104



School systems are provided funding every year based on reading and math scores. While all school administrations seem to care only about these test scores, our children are being labeled with all sorts of problems. Not because they have a problem, but because it justifies all of the aid that the schools receive to heighten the passing grades on the state assessment tests. While the school concentrates on the test scores who is concentrating on what our children aren’t learning. Students are being passed onto the next grade level while they have not successfully completed the previous grade level according to state requirements. No Child Left Behind is what we have to thank for this. Our tax paying dollars go toward education, yet our children are being slighted. No Child Left Behind says, “so what if

my 8th grade student can’t complete basic computation”, “so what if my 3rd grade student can’t spell their name”, and “who cares that 90 % of high school graduates who go to college end up in remedial math and reading”. It is time to recognize that though there are many educators out there doing there jobs the administration only seems to care about numbers and will get them by any means. Even if that means that our children don’t learn. It is time that we see what is going on in front of us. Get involved! As long as we don’t care, they won’t. Even if you were that student that couldn’t stand going to school each day, the school you went to in the 80’s or 90’s is no where close to being the one your child attends today. Don’t Leave Your Child Behind that’s what’s happening with No Child Left Behind!

“Get The Truth DLM Paternity Services 1-877-2-Get-DNA Pymt Plans/Results in 5-10 days

thique 105

..thique2 exposure









KEEPING 1 Sonar 2 De La Soul 3 Buddy 4 Jammin’ on the one 5 Mizery 6 I do what I do 7 Farrah Shanel



When you feed me shit I turn it into fertilizer! Photography Jazmin Cryor Words spoken by a man who has been on his own personal growth plan for years now. In the “I got mine you gotta get yours” era everyone is trying to make a statement. It may be the clothes they wear, haircut, or the newest car hot on the block. Everyone is trying to beat everyone at their own game. Some do it the old fashion way, they work for it! Others try to obtain by any means possible. It may look good on the surface, but who are you dealing with is the question! This takes us to one of the most important element of success. Real Recognize Real! There are going to be many that enter into your circle who seem as 106



if they should have been there from the start. If you find yourself questioning those around you that is your mind telling you to put those antenna’s up. Go with your instinct. When you Recognize that an individual is exactly what you think they are don’t change up. Never let them see that you see them for what they are. This is when the game gets good. You have to learn how to always have the upper hand. Observe! Yeah! You may want to let the whole world see that individual for what they really are. Play your cards right. Not only will the world see, but you may benefit from it. You move the pieces in the game. Don’t become the piece being moved.



THIQUE 8 Reppin’ Thique 9 Thique all day, every day 10 RNB Casting 11 Woodz 12 That’s Thique! 13 Thique in many Shades


13 thique 107

spoken word EYE CANDY

poet heard Notty

Baby you’re such eye candy, Butterscotch shorty been getting at me, Her ass is fat, tempting like a sticky apple, Baby, want me be your Sugar Daddy? You’re so sweet you make them kids all hyperactive, Attractive .... Don’t be tripping when I’m dipping with them Sour Patch Kids, Smooth, chocolate, natural, aphrodisiac chick, Baby I confess... I be dreaming, catching visions of your sugar plums dancing in my head. My Nutrageous Ding-Dong ain’t for them HoHos. Shorty I ain’t kidding, I reserve that for your twin Twinkies with the creamy filling in the middle. I know you break hearts as easy as peanut brittle, but you’re cute as Skittles. So, I long to taste your rainbow and savor your Starburst flavor. Baby you know I need you Now & Later, Your Bubbliscious Bubble Yum Honey Bun I love all of it. I often peep you with your girls – Mary Jane, Peppermint Pattie, and uh Whatchamacallit. You know who I mean shorty. I fantasize about the Milky Way in between the crotch of your seams gorgeous. And, I get cavities from these thoughts Of how your Gummy Drops out of them tight ass jean shorts. And I don’t care that Sweet Hearts turn sour like Sweet Tarts ‘Cause you’re such eye candy. 108






John Stafford 110



Shantee Williams thique 111

John Stafford 112



Bobby Dawkins thique 113

Bobby Dawkins 114



Shantee Williams thique 115

THIQUE IS WHAT? (thick):


Have you ever heard anyone say something similar to, “My hand hurts like hell?” Grammatically, this statement makes no sense. But in reality, if someone said this to you, you’d understand what was meant. This is kind of like what THIQUE is; only THIQUE is something original! THIQUE is anything you want it to be! For example, a girl’s ass could be THIQUE; the rims on a guy’s car could be THIQUE; a businesswoman’s schedule could be THIQUE; a Minister or Preacher’s spirituality could be THIQUE; a sport star’s success could be THIQUE, etc. It follows that almost anything could be THIQUE; however, all things THIQUE have a certain “pizzazz” that couldn’t be characterized any other way. For instance, getting turned down for a job can’t be THIQUE. On the other hand, the financial stress caused by not getting that job can be THIQUE! Get it! (Hopefully, you’re not in a THIQUE situation like the one just described.) The term “THIQUE” is demonstrated with such flavor and varied connotation that it has to be indicated as is; as something new and unique! THIQUE Magazine is THIQUE!




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