Curtis McNeill 512-335-6601
Ride Your Wealth Horse A
verage Americans, like half of the working public, have less than $25,000 set aside in their retirement accounts. They spend more than they make. Furthermore, 46 percent of Americans say they will have to postpone retirement due to a lack of funds and an astounding one-third say they have no money saved in any kind of retirement account! They are probably house rich, cash poor and worried about their lack of retirement or college savings. Every month after they pay their bills, they realize that there is nothing left over. They have been doing everything according to what the government, the mass media and television financial gurus are telling them, yet they still can’t seem to get ahead. A nice retirement is beginning to seem like a long shot. But you can beat the odds by creating your own wealth horse. by David Muti
Change the Structure of Your Mortgage