Six Pieces of Evidence

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Six Pieces of Evidence One Judge, One Lawyer and One Accused Mysteries written by your children

Enjoy! The Siron Robber By Santiago B.

One day I found that my things were despairing so I tell to my guards to be attentive. That night a noise made me wake up so I went to the safe. There was a robber! I tell to my guards to arrest him in the jail of the castle. We go to the court and there is where I am now. It is like a normal court of the planet earth you know the brown walls… the judge is fat he have a wig that was white but what really call my attention was that he was wearing a tennis clothe I am the lawyer I am wearing a red tie and a blazer. The accused is named Samuel Montaño he was wearing a white shirt with blue strips. He was scared but at the same time very relaxed. “Ok your honor” I said “I have 6 evidences that he rob things of my planet: 1,there was a bullet and a nail gullible inside the safe 2 there was a photo of the pope Juan Pablo 2 ¿why did in my planet be a photo of the pope ?. The number 3 he wear glasses don’t he? Ok, he doesn’t bring his glasses because he forgets them in the safe of my castle. Number four there were a paint of Alejandro Forero and a crayon what means that he was painting a photo. Number 5 there was two buttons in the safe and the cams saw Alejandro with a jacket of 3 buttons! And finally number six there was a glove and a napkin inside the shelf.

“OK BORRÁS, I think all of the evidence proves that Alejandro is guilty but first let’s listen his defense.” I tell him that I will hear the defense. After the defense I tell the judge that I will talk about what he rob me and to my hole planet so I talk to the judge and he said that he just rob me a lot of things and he said that he think he can be guilty because I just saw him that is the opinion of the judge. My opinion is that he is guilty because he just go to my planet ¿why can be someone in other people planet? 2 he entre to my castle without be invited. 3 he entry to my safe and I am the one that I can entry to the safe. And 4 the night we catch Alejandro Forero the door of my safe was broken like if someone just entry at the force the policeman of my planet said that it was open with a kind of explosive of the planet earth what means that he go to the earth for an explosive and then he go to my planet but then everything changes they call me of other planets to tell me that a men rob them. I tell to the judge but after that Alejandro just said “! Stop, I rob you and my real name is Bob de la espriella and I rob you because I want to do a good thing for you planet I was trying to do a machine that can clone people. If someone is sick you can clonate him and his clone can be perfect”. He said. “I can get 1 of that in each corner men”. He feels terrible. At the end I decided to pardon him because he was just trying to do something good to my planet. He give me all the items he have rob me.

By Andrés Julian M The Laboratory Case 1 The court is big and it is made of wood And it construer in the year 2,222. The Jude is old every case he have the reason. The case is in 8 of October of 3,333. And I am the aware of me. 2 The case is that I was in my laboratory and something split and kill 5 people and now is my fault. 3 I am not accused and I have 6 pieces of evidence 1LA GALA THET IS 5 PEOPLE THE SING IN A GRUP ENTER TO SONA PROIVIDA 2 THE PEOPLE OF THE GRUP NEED TO HAVE TO NEED TO HAVE GLASSES. 3 THE KING PUT IN THE NEWS PAPER THAT THE BGALA NEED TO BE AT 800 OCLOCK IN HIS HAUSE. 4 THERE ARE TO PHOROS THAT SAI NO PAST AND ONE BALA THAT DEMOSTRATE THAT ERE ARMADOS. 5 THEY ROVE 2 BOTTONS. 6 I WAS CERFOL AND I HAVE GLOVS AND A TRAPITO. 4 1The gala can’t enter to son provide. 2 they don’t have glasses and is his fall to nod have. 3 they are not in his house and that his fall. 4 the 2 pictures say no past And they don died and one balab that show that there are not armadas and that’s illegal. 5 thei do a rov of to bottons rove is a delito. 6and you dont want to have that. 5 why are you contruir that machine sases the judeand I say that I am an inventor so I was doing a machine to help my planet. 6 you era not acuset because you have evidens that say that you don heventention of do that and they can’t stop and they don’t want and you try to do something good to the planet.

Chapter 1 My name is Camilo, I am one of the most professional lawyers in the entire world, and there is no one case I haven’t resolved. This story starts with a normal day of work, I wake up, I eat breakfast and then I continue with my investigations that in this story are about a new, particular and strange case. This case is really different to anyone you had ever seen before. During 3 whole years I had been investigating about the biggest stealing of the history. But this one is really different to any case because this happened in a huge, strange and hidden planet of our solar system called Iguaque. This planet is not known by most people because it is hidden behind Jupiter, this planet is really different of every planet you had seen until today. What I had been investigating about this case had helped the court to identify some suspects and some facts about the crime, for example: I think that a Jung man that was born in the United states, a scientist, is the person that started to stole lots of technology and information of Iguaque. This man that I think is called Fredrik had stolen in total about 567,893,213,000 euros in strange artifacts and private information of the planet. I think that Fredrick is trying to create a strange machine. To prove all of that I must go to the biggest court of planet earth, which is complete hidden below the most famous library of the United States, in New York. I travelhours and hours from Colombia to New York, and when I arrive I go directly to the underground court. When I enter to the huge court everything and everyone looks dark. In the center of the room Fredrik is siting, and next to him there’s a table with all the clues I had been investigating. Fredrik looks really pale, he is really scare and nervous, he trembles so much that it seems to have seizures, he is really shame. Fredrik is about 24 years old. Just in front of him the judge is sitting. His name is Gordon he is really negative, serious, fat, old and angry. He is really good at work and he is never smiling and he is 78 years old. The rest of the jury is really similar to him. Two of them are gazebos of Iguaque.

Chapter 2 I will tell the readers what were the 7 proofs and how did I get them. First one is one of the most common in most crimes, a glove and a handkerchief. Criminals normally use them for touching things without letting any mark of prove that could give him away. But Fredrik was so fool and hurried he forgot to take with him the glove and the handkerchief. I heard about the crime and when I entered to the tent he was stealing I founded both things in the floor. The second proof is one of the most useful ones, because it is a note where, with the hand writing of Fredrik, it says clearly the place where the criminal was going to go, at what hour and it also says the name of one person that was working with him. This was found in the jacket of the criminal when he was

cached. The other one is a special clock that is sell inIguaque that has an special function and an article were it says the function of the clock. This was also found in the criminal’s cloth. The other one, I think is not so important and it is a broken black glasses and a photo of Benedict 16. This was found in in one vehicle that Fredrik theft a long time ago in New Mexico. The clue number 4 is also found on his car and it is some Uruguay money, a chalk and some photos also of Uruguay. And the last 2 clues are some buttons of his jacket and one security camera that show someone really similar to him, another person and his car entering to a tent and stealing some things.

Chapter 3 Now I will say what I think and say about each piece of evidence. For the glove and the handkerchief I think they could contain ADN information for confirming if Fredrik is or is not innocent and it could also help us to identify what the criminal was stealing and who was helping him, I really think this information is important, true and useful. For the note I think it could contain secret information, personal or about the criminal and the persons that helps him or about the crime, that if we decipher that secret, we could resolve the crime and we could understand what the criminal was trying to do and who was also involved in the crime, I think this is the best clue we have. I don’t think that the photo and the glasses could contain really useful information, but they could contain also ADN information and personal information. About the clock and the article I have understood that the note says that this artifact contains lots of functions that could help the criminals to coordinate the crime, so I think that this clue could help us to identify the criminals by searching their ADN and to understand more about the crime. About the chalk, I think it just could contain ADN, but the photos and the money tell me that the criminal might be from Uruguay or he has a relationship with it. And the security video I think the man that is on it is Fredrik but I am not sure.

Chapter 4 Now I will tell a resume of what the judge say about the evidence,he say that the first clue, the glove and the handkerchief, could contain false ADN information and that he does not believes that those two things were of Fredrik. About the note he says that it does not has clear information, he even thinks that information is not important, clear and about any crime. He also says that the photo and glasses are normal and non-useful. About the clock and the article he says that having a clock and a newspaper is not a crime, that everyone has the right of having a clock. He says that the chalk and the photos are things that everyone could have, that they are not property of the criminal and that they don’t contain relevant information. He says also that the money could be of any one and that maybe Fredrik had them because of any particular reason. And about the video he says that it could be distorted and he also says he even doesn’t believe that Fredrik is the responsible of any crime. After this the rest of the jury starts to look confused, everyone is quiet and no one moves. Fredrik seems to be calmed after Mr. Gordon’s talk.

Chapter 5

This is the moment when I will say a resume of the version that Fredrik has about the crime. Fredrik that is sitting at his chair starts to talk with energy, he is staring to recover his color and now he has a slight smile. The first thing he says, to my great surprise and relief, is that he had made lots of steals in both planets, he starts to tell us each one of his millions of steals, describing how he did them and who helped him. At this point everyone was bewildered. Then he explained to us that he made all the clues and he dropped them all so I could find them and order the police to arrest him. Everyone starts to think he is crazy, until he says this:” I knew that Camilo was going to take me to the court, where I planned to be for years, and because when I was scientist in my university I thought I discovered a way of reducing pollution and global warming on earth. But no one believed me, I was alone. But I was not going to give up so easily. I decided that I had to capture governs attention if I wanted them to hear my proposal. I started to steal lots of tents, but govern was more interested in stealing the city money making campaigns for cheating the citizens and taxing. But when I listen about Iguaque I went directly to there in secret with one friend of the NASA that was uncharged to go to a secret mission there. When we got there I started to steal like crazy recording myself. Then I forced my friend to give this prove to Camilo. When I was there I saw all of that technology and I started to modify my machine.” Then he made a description of the machine he created, like this: my machine is like a half ball that you put in the roof and you connect to all the electric things in your house. The half sphere made of crystal acts like a solar panel, but this triplicates the solar energy. Then half of the energy is used in the house or in any electronic thing, it can also giveenough energy for making a car to go at 70 km per hour during 1 entire day. The other half creates so much energy that it is thrown away and it takes 8 km squared of pollution and then it makes a hole in the atmosphere that lets pollution go away. But then this energy is so fast it becomes into mass that covers always the hole and it stays there for years because of its composition until the atmosphere completely reappears. This cycle will repeat and repeat all the time.

Chapter 6 After this everyone is really impressed, even Mr. Gordon is with his mouth open. Everything stays quiet for some minutes, until Mr. Gordon says really loud this: “the persons that approves the accused conduct” lots of persons put their left hands up, even Mr. Gordon did that. Then he says: “the persons that are against the accused” and also lots of persons put their hand up, I also raised my hand. They were exactly the same amount of persons! So Mr. Gordon says “You are going to be prisoner for a week more, because of the steals you have made in earth. I hope you reflect about your actions. The crimes that you had made on Iguaque will have a punishment that the gazebos of Iguaque will chose” then he calls the gazebos of iguaque that after making some signals to the person that is going to talk for him, because creatures of iguaque can’t talk,the person that is uncharged of traducing says. “You normally could be sentenced to death, but you didn’t make any crime were you were helping our enemy, the other empire of Iguaque, so you will be sentenced to 4 years of prison in Iguaque. But your invent is going to be used in all our empire, thank you”. Then Fredrik stand up and asks to the interpreter, that asks to the Iguaque’s gazebos and then he says “about 48 earth years” Fredrik starts shouting furious and in a second the police

catch him and then he and the police officers get out of the court. Then Gordon shouts “case closed!!!” then some people starts to clap. Finally everyone starts to get out of the court. I’m the last to get out with Gordon and I think “finally I have some free time, I think I need that”. Then Gordon turns and tell me” Camilo, you are one of the best lawyer I had ever seen, so please, can you help me with one huge case I had been trying to close a long time ago, but it is so difficult for me? Please can you?” well I think I have to forget my vacations. So I say “yes” I think it is a good opportunity. By Camilo R.

The Six Mysterious Pieces of Evidences By Arturo A.

It was a cold morning in Cachimaduro. It was February 12 of 1932. John Peters, a tall man with a long hair and a strong body, with sun glasses and chewing a bubble gum, was accused of stilling 6 evidences of Cachimaduro. The first one was money and a piece of paper with information and an address. The second one was a glasses and a picture of the pope. The third one was a watch and a piece of newspaper. The fourth one was two pictures of two women and a chalk. The fifth one was two buttons. And the sixth one was a napkin and a plastic glove. For this reason, Peters had to go to the court to defend itself. So, that morning he went there too worried thinking about if he would be punished. When he arrived, he noticed that the court was so, so big. It had space for 100 people (the jury), one big chair for the judge, another chair for the lawyer and another little chair for the accused. It had a very big door divided in two parts and there was one guardian or police man protecting one part of the door. The judge was called George Sebastian, it was too old, it had white curly hair and it was so hard to convince. And for surprise of everyone, I

am the lawyer of this case. My name is Arturo Acuña, I like a lot to play soccer in my free time but also I like to be the lawyer in many cases. I measure 140 cm and I weigh 33 kg.

At exactly 10 am, the case began. After one minute of complete silence, George Sebastian said this words “This case is going to be divided in 5 parts. The first one is going to be the crime that Peters is accused for. The second one is what the lawyer (Acuña) thinks about each evidence. The third one is what I, the judge, think about each evidence. The fourth one is what the accused says in order to defend itself. And the fifth one is the decision of me and the jury if he deserves to be punished. Let´s begin with the first part.” I knew that in that part of the case, I had to stand up and said the crime that Peters was accused of. So, I stood up and said “Good morning to everyone. I am Arturo Acuña and I am the lawyer of this case. This morning I want to accuse John Peters of stealing 6 evidences of our planet “Cachimaduro”. And according to the evidences I think that he is trying to kill the pope. That´s why he is here.” Instantly I sat down and Sebastian said “Ok, let´s continue to the second one”. So, I stood up again and said “Well, the first evidence is a paper with an address and some coins. This address can be the pope´s house and Peters is trying to get there and kill the pope. And the coins are not very useful but whatever. The second evidence is a glasses and picture of the pope. The picture of the pope would be useful for him to identify the pope and kill him easier. And the glasses, well I don’t know very well a way to kill someone with a glasses but it does not matter. The third one is a watch and a piece of newspaper. The watch is useful for him because with the watch,

he knows how much time he has to do the crime. And with the piece of newspaper, he could search for pope´s news and get more information of him to do the crime. The fourth one is two pictures of two girls and a chalk. The two women that are in the pictures could be their accomplices and the chalk would be useful for him because with the chalk, he could paint his face for the pope and the people to don’t recognize him. The fifth one is two buttons. That doesn’t say too much of the crime but that buttons could be of the clothes of the pope. And the sixth one is a napkin and a glove. The glove would be helpful for him because if he uses the glove at the moment of the crime, it´s tactile traces wouldn’t be marked in the weapon and the policeman wouldn’t recognize him. And the napkin would help him to clean the blood after the crime”. “Ok, let´s continue with the third part” the judge said and instantly he stood up to said what he thought about each evidence. “Well, according to the first evidence, I think that there are many addresses in “Cachimaduro”, so that address would be of any house. And referring to the coins, I agree with Acuña. For the second evidence, I don’t find any problem because he maybe is catholic and he wants a photo of the pope to pray. And he maybe has a bad vision so he stilled glasses to see well. For the third evidence I don’t find any problem because he maybe stole a watch to know the hour and he maybe likes to read so he stole a piece of newspaper. For the fourth evidence, I think that he stole those pictures because maybe he likes to see pictures of beautiful girls and according to the chalk, maybe he bought a board without a chalk so he stole it to write in the board. For the fifth evidence, I don’t find any problem with two buttons. Maybe he stole them to

put them in a t-shirt or something. And referring to the sixth evidence I think that maybe he stole the glove to eat chicken without soiling and the napkin to clean his hands after eating. “Let´s continue with the fourth point” Sebastian said. So the accused stood up and said “Hello to everyone, I am John Peters and I am accused of stealing 6 evidences or objects from Cachimaduro. Well you maybe ask: why does he do that? Or he is very bad and he wants to destroy Cachimaduro. But it is the contrary. I stole all things because there is one foundation of poor kids that is called “making a better world” where they take care of animals and they plant many plants and cultives to protect the ecosystem. So with all the materials, I am going to make a guide where says how to donate things to that kids and help that kids to continue with their project of taking care of the world and to make a better world. So the money I will use it to contribute to the poor kids. The address is of that foundation so I will put it on the guide; to the people know where to take the money to contribute. The glasses I will use it to disguise and make a funny show to the kids. The photo of the pope I will use it to put it on the foundation and explain to the kids that always we have to try to be like that person; the pope. The watch I will give it to the kids for them to know how much is left for the plant to grow. The piece of newspaper I will take it to the foundation and give to the kids an example of how to recycle. The pictures of the two women I will show it to the kids and I will tell them that they are the founders of this foundation and the chalk I will use it to write all the things in the guide. The buttons I will use them to give them to the kids for they to put them in a t-shirt or something. The glove I will give it to them for planting plants

without soiling their clothes. And the napkin I also going to give it to them and teach them that always after eating, we have to clean our mouth with a napkin to get good manners. That’s why I stole all of those things. Instantly, the jury stood up to clap because that was a very good action. Then they sat down and the judge said “Well, I noticed that you stole all those things for a good reason. So I think that is fare that you don’t be punished and you have freedom.” So, too happy, Peters said “Thank you a lot for give me freedom. I promise you that those kids will be too thankful with you and with me for this nice action.” The juries again stood up and clap. And finally all were too happy and the rest is the common in all stories “And they lived happy for all the eternity”.


The Pope by Jose Daniel S. One day I was in a court because I have to defend one accused of kill the pope. But this court was so scary, was dark, and has no so many lights. And the accused were so scary because the judge want to kill him, but I were

no so scary because I have all the proves too private that he were innocent. The accused have a big noose, and little eyes, and a big mouse, and he were so pale but I think that is because the stress. BUT IN A MOMENT I THINK THAT I CANT WIN THE FIGHT. When the mitting finish I went to all the parts the pope go the day that he dead, and I try to find some evidences that make approve the judge that the accused were not guilty of the crime. And what I find were these things ‌

Chapter 2

The evidences The first evidence was a note that says la gala llego la Luna 8:50 pm avenida los pobles no. 324 and also I find money. The second is some glasses and a picture of the pope. The third one was a clock and a note of the newspaper. The other is a girl and a picture of the girl making like a potion. The firth one is 2 buttons of a close. And the other is a glove and a bag. And when I say that I have some evidences he was quiet. But this makes only problems.

Chapter 3 What I think

What I think of each piece of evidence that the first one is that he go to buy a present and the direction was where he have to deliver but the judge think that he buy the gun for kill the pope and the direction to know where he live. In the second one is the glasses to look better and the image is to look his holy, but the judge think that use the glasses also to look better and the photo to know who is going to kill. The other is the clock to look the and the note is the part he don’t read. The bottom is what falls down of his close. The photos of the girl were the photos of his girlfriend. The glove is what he uses in his work and the bag is for put inside a present.

Chapter 4

The judge The judge continues thinking bad thinks about the evidences. About the first evidence they think that the money is to buy a gun and the direction is to know where the pope lives. About the second one the judge thinks that he uses the glasses to look better and the photo is to know at who he is going to kill. About the third they think that the clock is to look at what our he is going to attack and the part of the newspaper is to look where he is going to be at the hour the pope is going to be in thehouse. The judge thinks about the other that is the buttons of the clothing of the pope. About the photos of the girl they thinkthat she where the accomplice of the people. And the glove they think that he use for not leave Touch trace and the bag to put the things he is going to steal. So now I have to resolve this problem. WHAT THEY THINK WHERE BAD.

Chapter 5 The good version If we have this problem the accused have to talk so he say that what he make was a thing for the new planet. The money is to buy the materials and the direction is to know the part he is going to make the work. The glasses are to make the work better and look better and the photo is to look his holy. The clock is to look the hour and to look at what time he starts to work and the newspaper is for read the sports. The buttons is some materials he buys. The photos of the girl are to look all the days at his girlfriend and the potion is because she is a scientist.And the

glove is to don’t damage the paint and in the bag where somescrews.

Chapter 6 The machine Then all the peoples understand and the accused were free. What he makes is a teleported and this is good for my planet because the peoples can go to one place faster and can find more placesso I think that this problem is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo good because now I have something for my planet.

The Water Machine by Samuel F. One day in the Sam planet court the accused: Alejandro Montaño is going to be defended by the lawyer: Samuel Forero. The court of fly Sam is a court that has the bench at the end of the room. The judge is called Santiago Borras Arbelaez. He is the best layer in the world and the best friend of the lawyer but when we are in a case his best friend is the laws. Samuel Forero is the best lawyer in the world because he never fail a case in his life but with this judge in the world and he is so excited because this case. The accused is accused because stealing parts of unstable technology of the scientist that discover the regeneration of particles. A security camera detect that an informant of you detect a part that is located here: “la bala llego con la Lima a las 8:50 p.m.: avenida de3 los pobles no 324. The second evidence is a clock and a note of the newspaper that other camera of security sees that you reading that newspaper that has information about the artifact that you steal. The other piece of evidence is a photo of the “papa” in the planet of the first person that discovers this planet that is the lawyer Samuel Forero. The next

evidence is a photo of prostitutes doing the sex with a surf table. The next evidence is two buttons of a blazer “tommy Hilfiger”. The next evidence is a glove with a napkin. That is the evidences of the crime of the stealing of the unstable technology. What I as the lawyer, your honor, think is that this evidences don´t demonstrate anything because the security cameras can be hacked by another criminal mind that has something bad vs. this person. If you can show that the cameras of security was not hacked we can demonstrate that this is not wrong. The other thing I will need to accept that my client is not save is the security videos and the hour that the crime was do and the part of the realization of the crime. If you can show me this my client can be no save but if you can´t I am going to think that this crime is not true and that my client can be save and go out of this court. Then the jury show the security videos to Samuel Forero and Samuel Forero then begin to think that Alejandro Montaño was not innocent but he didn’t give up because ho know that this client is innocent and that the lawyer is not doing justice. I as the judge think that this evidence and security videos are enough to know that Alejandro Montaño is not innocent. The next three hours the lawyer and the judge were fighting. Alejandro goes to sleep in the first hour the layer and the judge were fighting. Then Alejandro wake up at 3:59 and the lawyers were finishing their fight. When it finishes Alejandro start to go up but the security guards prevented the outside. Then the lawyer put angry with Alejandro because he try to scape but also he continue defending Alejandro. Ok, let me tell something to everyone that is in this court. I do this because… When I was I child I was scared of this planet because it was finishing the water and I begin to think about a machine that can reproduce the water. At this age I begin to explore the world about finding the technology to do this machine and in this country is where the most unstable technology for do reproduction of particles. Then I begin to search information about those technology artifacts. Then I begin to hire some informants to give me information because I know that the persons that work in those places from too much time ago are not going to give me the information I need. Then when the informants give me the information I enter to steal the place without someone to see me or hear me or punching other people. Then when I get all of this things I begin to build the machine. Then when I was in the ultimate phase the police catch me and then I come here.

Then the judge begins to think that if this machine is real he can be innocent but if he is innocent the machine can help other Samplanet people. Then the judge said that this person is innocent but if the “innocent” let the judge see the machine on. Then the people: the lawyer, the accused and the judge go to the place the accused was doing the machine. The next hour Alejandro was trying to finish his machine. Then he finishes and the machine start to reproduce water in parts that can let drink all Samplanet 20 times per day. Then thy return to the court and the judge declare the accused of stealing unstable

technology innocent. Then Alejandro return with his little children and his wife to his house to tell them that the lawyer that defend him and the judge is going to give them money to survive and to give money to our experiment. Then the lawyer appears in Alejandro´s and he tell him that he want to be their assistant in their projects and experiment. Then they start to do another project that will help the transportation in this planet forever with Samuel helping him.

The Robbery by Pablo M. In the capital city in the justly palace is mepablusquipunchiand I am the god of this planet because I am the only gold gummy bear man in the planet. And remember the gold gummy bear of the mine well that is my son and he has the power to disappear the salt. Ok I am accusing this guy camilonsqui his birth is in mashmemine 6 of 1,910,354 he has 100 years old. Ok here is the jury is two people one that opines and the other Sais the two are called the chocolate cufflinks made of chocolate.The court is only gummy bears made of super sugar. The accused clamilonsqui robs 1. 2 Coins of the (bombomlimpus) that I gave to the founder of this city.2. The glasses of the first man in the world and his photo. 3. The clock of my first son and a pies of the newspaper of my wife. 4. 2 photos of the earth and a bulled and the crallons of mars. 5. 2 mysticbuttons. 6. A super glove and a tablecloth of my brother. Jude l said that he robs the robs can be for a good cause and the machine is for to safe people that ding and they are known they are safe in the hospital they can be safe with this machine and the machine can disappear all the erosion and all the things that can kill people in the sky and in the earth and can help you in the court well that what he says and I don’t know but I says that this is a CRIME tan tantan. Yes I understand but (camilonsqui) but what I can’t experiment to safe people aaa I can save you from your cancer of derretosis a (jude) you can do that (camilonsqui) o I can do more ok but dose things are sacred I

like the guay you are thinking but you can’t rob those things. Then you need to go to the bars. Well o that is the wrong plan right? I see that in your eyes so tell us the real plan. A youdon’t want because you are scared to say us right. No I am doing another thing it can save the world it can repair trees that I already cut in a halve. And you rob these things to save the world that I create for me (camilonsqui) yes I died for you. Ok jury my accused is go to be innocent. But what happened to dose things. I can repaired but proms me one thing thon do this machine without my permission. Proms ok have a good time.

Mystery Story by Juan Pablo A. 1The court has a judge that have beard have 60 years old. He is tall and the judge decides that the accused. Is like a work very important she know. If is correct or bad. He disdain that the person is going to the jail or not go.The accused is (terminator) and the photo whit the photo of the pope and have a glasses whit a glass brock. And photo of. Two girls a Tisa. And a glop whit a waist band.Thei found the evidence in a refuge close to the spring all the evidence in a chest.

2The lawyer think that the evidence are complete bad thinks. That the accused to have money. New thinks like clocks. Or money that hen steal people teak the money. And then buy thinks. The judge thinks that the evidence is false. And the accused is gut bad thinks the lawyer that is not gut my accused is terminator steal people at night and stay the thinks that steal at night.

3The accused (terminator) is doing gut thinks to my planet like steal scientific.That going to invent robot that kill people in the world.And the people thatnot have the idea tokillthepeoplegoingtoprod more (terminator). The accused (terminator) the judge is thinking that if the accused is bad or gut. The judge diced that the accused (terminator) is gut the crime that to are for the planet to be more gut. 4The accused steal machines to the scientific that invent robots that kill people to only stay the robots and change the people to robots. Terminator only wants to steal the machine of the scientific that not have compassion to help the people of my planet to not be kill all the people that are of my planet. The judge and the lawyer are fight to decided if the accused is gut or bad in steal thinks like machine of scientific. That the idea is not gut because is to kill people. Terminator saidto the lawyer that the think that is doing is for the planet and for don't have any inconvenience whit robots. 5The accused (terminator) is very furious because they are faulting he of doing a crime of steal machine to a bad reasons. And

terminator insist and insist that he to for said that he is not steal for the bad reasons. And the judge said that is can be truth. The lawyer said that is not truth and the judge said that is truth the information that terminator said to the judge. 6The lawyer said that can be possible that the scientific can be inventing machines that going to destroyed the world. And then the lawyer and terminator go to arrest the scientific and then go to the sell. And terminator and the lawyer be com friends. And go to the united states polis stay. And terminator be com a lawyer polis. And get more new friends.

A Crime To Help a Planet by Juan Camilo B One day at the afternoon in the court were many chairs, it was the judge was a very young man. And my lawyer, I was very hungry. Also it was the accused that do a machine that kill many people of the new planet. His name was Juanito he was a very

creative man , but the machines he do can kill many people.

The accused enter to the court. All the people was surprise. The judge show the all 6 pieces of evidence. The first was a note and 2 coins, the second was some glasses and a photo, the third was a clock and a note, fourth was 2 photos of a woman, fifth was 2 buttons and six is a hanker shift and a glove. All this evidence was found in the place was the machine that kill the people.

When all evidences were presented I think like a lawyer that the evidences were not true, because the accused will not put all that things in the place he kill that entire people. Also because are not very casual to find In that place. And the notes didt explain nothing of the machine that kills people.

The judge of evidence 1 that the note is important to see why he kills the people. 2 that maybe he want to do something to the pope that was in the photo. 3 that is the address of the people he want to kill. 4 that the woman that was there he want to kill she. 5 that are the buttons of a person he kill. And 6 that the glove was to kill the people without the detective find the finger prints.

Immediately after that , Juanito said: All this things I do is for help the planet. That machine create the animals, and if I don’t do the machine you judge would be very hungry and with not food in your house! Then the judge said: you can’t say me that thing because that was not the propose you have, you kill the people because you want and that thing you said is not true.

Then all of the court said that he have to be punished. Then the judge and my lawyer talk alone. He said me that he have to punished because he kill people and then I said this: “you can’t said that because he also help the planet and that machine he do alone without help”. Then he said that we would have another talk in the afternoon...

To Be Continued…

STOP IT!! By Antonio G-P 1 One day a lawyer was walking to go to job, when he step on a paper that was contaminating the planet robot-land, and when he picked it up he saw a young robot-lander go out running so he ran to job, and when he arrived he called the king. 2 He told everything to the king so the king planed: we are going to invent machines that absorb contamination and send it to the space! Then the jury said: B-b-but where is the contamination going? I will take it to the north so I don’t contaminate other planets. Said the king, and the jury agree.

3 One week later thee were already 10 machines absorbing so the planet was clan in specific sections so when the robotlander contaminates, it cleans 3 seconds later. 4 But one day the “contaminator� destroyed so there paths trash where the. But the lawyer create an indestructible machine. 5 The machine was cleaning the whole planet so it looked much better. Then, the contaminator realized how it looked so he stop contaminating and invented an other machine. 6 The planet was impeccable so the y gave 10,000 dollars to the lawyer and to the contaminator for saving the planet. 2 months later they were friends and they did a campaign to save the planet.

Crime by Cristiano Ronaldo Written by: Nicolas Pulido One day they are a soccer player that have a clock but an investigator said that the clock have laser and a judge investigate that is stole because the son have the same but the son don’t know where is it. The FBI is going to look for Cristiano the FBI know where live; in another planet created on 1949 the name is Hamuka. FBI wants to take it to a casewith judge and lawyer. The FBI said that let it see if Cristiano stole more things that are in Hamuka the planet creative.

Chapter 2 Buttons They are other crime investigate FBI that they are buttons they are of gold. The lawyer things that the buttons are not real but FBI know that is real and said to the lawyer that isreal but the lawyer said is not real. The judge said I think is real and is going to kill or choke with the buttons that stole Cristiano. The FBI is looking for Cristiano to put on jail or do the case first with lawyer and the judge. Notice: there’s a new stole of Cristiano Ronaldo he stole two buttons in gold the FBI is looking where is it Cristiano.

Chapter 3 Glasses and photo At 9:45 pm the FBI discovered that is another crime or stole, they stole glasses and a photo autographed of messi and the lawyer thinks about all the pieces of evidence. Is that a long stole? .The lawyer things that Cristiano is going to put the glasses and Cristiano put his name like Pablo Ronaldo. The judge he said that would be of the store of the father because the father has a store of glasses and photos autographed. Cristiano said in notice is innocent.

Chapter 4 Money of gold The FBI found Cristiano and they take to the case. The judge thinks about evidence especially the money of gold. Cristiano promises that never is going to stole but Cristiano cross the finger. But judge think that he is going to stole but Cristiano do a promises Âżor not? The judge thinks too that is going to sell the money and get many money.

Chapter 5 The handkerchief and the glove The next day Cristiano at 12 pm they stole a thing that is of an investigator. The judge is so annoying with Cristiano he doesn’t promiseanything. The FBI other time takes Cristiano to the case. Cristiano said I am accused Cristiano said that he stole all that things because he

has sons and they have all the things to his sons. Cristiano give all the things to the judge and the judge hive all the things to the person that they stole it. Cristiano was so sad and to him doesn’t matter that he can stole other thing. Cristiano is going to do a building.

Chapter 6 Photo and chalk Cristiano build the building but he stole a photo and a chalk. They don’t know to what but they thing that is planning a plan of bad things. The lawyer tomorrow is going to do the happy birthday I think Cristiano stole to do that but they don’t know for what is. The FBI other time takes to the 3rd case with the judge and judge said why you steal other time. The judge said you have to go to the jail but Cristiano said no the thing that I stole is a photo and chalk but is a surprise. The other day go to the jail the lawyer and Cristiano said to him the photo and chalk that I stole is for a party and Cristiano go outside the jail and they is free outside of the jail. Then they do the party and Cristiano never stole anything.

The Crime by Alfonso DLE Hi my name is Montenegro I am a lawyer. I am here in the court because I am protecting someone. This is my judge Samuel Forero and this is my case the supposed accused Santiago Borrás I need to prove that is not accused he are innocent but he have evidence. Borrás are madding something good to the planet. Here is the evidence the first prove is a note that say: la bala llego con laLima. The second prove of evidence is only a photo of papa Juan Pablo 2 and a broken glasses. The third piece of evidence is a clog and a note. The forth piece of evidence is tow photos of women’s one in an experiment and the other in a beach. The 5 piece of evidence are tow buttons and the last piece of evidence is a napkin and a pair of gloves. Now I am going to describe my accused the color of the eyes is green color his hair is brown. Hay judge I need to tell you that think about the evidence think about each piece of the evidence the note can be any person. The bullet can be of other person like you or the some one of the jury the bullet can be not used judge. The clog can be of any body sir

judge, but you have proven that this evidence used him. No or yes you now that him is new in this planet and he can’t enter to the thinks of earth, earth is our friend our court is almost the same as the earth is a very good friend. But is not hour to talk about. I need your opinion for the evidence judge you need to say your opinion is that he is guilty. You lose the case Montenegro if you think that he is innocent show me or tell me. I have some think to tell you judge say borrás. If you say that I am going to go to jail you need to hear my version. I took this things because I want to do a machine that the water and the oxygen that not end up never. When I was finishing the machine you look for me let’s do the prove ¿ok? If you want I can bring it to you. I do a fabulous work with the machine. If you want to see I bring right now. “Montenegro sorry you are right do you think that borrás need to be punished”? No say the lower is a good person judge is not necessary. If you resolve this case you can resolve other cases say the judge. How can help you judge or in what I can help you this weekend. you can help me with other case all days we has a problem all days!!!!!!! In prision have problems some days fight with other people some times he do like fight with a policeman or with all police mans he need to control this weeken is his court for liberty.

The Reason by Juan Andres G I was coming in the court I was there is a lot of people and aliens the judge wears a the accused enter specie of a uniform color black of judge I like a lawyer I wear a uniform of lawyer well hair well dressed well focus and so ready . then the judge say ok let enter the accused the accused enter

with the man that use a box called evidences evidence #1 the client killed someone, the judge say that he write to someone the note.evidence2 the photo of benedict and some glasses with a hole I think that needed to help it. the judge think on contrary he think that stole it. the evidence 3 was a clock maybe he use it to use a radio clock the judge think that need to sabotage it to confuse it, then come evidence 4: is a woman working on morgue maybe my client fainted to the woman to give two coins for thanks the judge say that killed it to stole two money. then go evidence5 the man buy two buttons to give the consturist the judge say the contrary he think that it stole all things then come the last evidence I think my client is higenic so he picked up the billetera

with a glove the judge say the contrary I think of all that are helping and doing all correct from good thing no bad things I thing he will be innocent. The judge think that all things are doing fine will be innocent and he will be a good man a good person a good worker and good the accused tell the true some answers are correct but I’m an scientist I was doing an invention to don’t contaminate I will be punished ? the judge say no. because your some honor to the morgue for give something and invent something you will declared innocent you can go .

section #1 Section #2




Section 5

Section 6


All the jury where present at the supreme court to the most famous crime and all the people where there etcetc me whasancsius to known his name because y was nothing about his name because it sounds conoside his name I think one thai my soon talk me about him I thaught his name was saxon it is the most criminal and ecologist of mi planet butn I was sospeching about his personality but when the officer gibe the document all surprised and also he gibe a excuse So the people wheren like a bomb wioth all his sabium excuse but the judes where Not toi the same thinking og me that I whasthinking in likvehoim in peace to0 the poblat to be bettrter q2 toi leave him in peace for5 hour now it was fair but then the extrange man gibe a hporrtiblenoticen all the people where invpanhic all the officers where inh caution to not move but whgen he took aoll the extrañe and the large tentacles the officers took their wheaponbs and began to

Shoot with all mi e xdtrages and I wasmescared when all the court told that the people where all in with the court but y was keeping thinking in to9 be the sender or waregber his name is I was with him But inmediatly I nremember all of whar the slender was I change my mynd to killo the slender in his ounv house at the next day all the metropolitan an millitarerjercit To rodee the forest and the missiobn was to Kill or destroy the Rare and the strange slender and the ‌

The Mystery by Esteban LR I was in Ice city, the capital of Saparripa planet. I am Yorch a policeman and I were in a mition. I am discovering amystery to protect the papa. I am a man tall wait and strong. I live in Ersu with my family. I work in esrt a company of security.

I start in the mitle of the city, on the plase. I find a boy that is giving some notes and mony. Bat a note folesdoun. Whe all the people go to his haus I take the note. The note sed: llego con la lune la gala 8:50 pm. The man was a boy and black. Then I follow the boy. Then he geve some botons. I go to the thirectian of the note . It was the hous of the papa. I enter to the cathedral and I find some fotos of the boy with some glases. Then I go to the aeroport in a fly that cols tha papa. I find in the door a clock and a pis of a news poper that talk about the papa. Then I go to the hous of the acus with other people of the policeman. I enter and I find the adn of the papa. I find the boy with a candel. I take him to the ofis of the polisen.

They go with his abogado and whi start to make cuestions. They don’t make progretion. I show the canrt and the mony. They don’t sedenithing. I show the botons: They don’t

sedenithing. I show the clock and the pis of news of paper. They sed only enithing.

Some cavalleros enter to the room with a man. The man is the papa I sed. The papa sed to my that we this boy is in this room. I explanet all bat he thontbelive. They explain to my that all this things are fore a new papa fransisco. And he invite to the policemans to the party.

I go to the pary in the cars of the policemans. It was 50 cars of the poleceman. When we were in the party y se so much people. For example the president, the minister, the president of fire and so much important people. All the people are happy and seing hello to the papa. Then all the people ate cake.

When the pary finish I go to the boy and I sed to him that I am sorry. They sedmy thatal the people are rong in something. I hear something. I go to see what happen. The papa was dead.

THE ACCUSED by Nicolas L. Part 1 In the court of my planet there were a lot of people that was trying to say to the judge that the person that was accused was guilty. The judge was a fat man and so big. He was a fanatic of basketball games and also he play it , he was a bad Pearson and always he was angry. Me, the lawyer I was always happy and I love the polo games. Also I never with a person in my life like a lawyer,allways we come to an argument. Part 2 The accused was named Jairo. He was a person so rich and also always help poor’s with a lot of money and buying it a lot of food. The only bad thing is that he smoke a lot. In the first part they find some coins and a direction where he have to leave in that thing. Next, in the second

part they find his glasses and a photo of a father of the church. The next part they find his watch and a thing curiosity of the newspaper. After that, it where two photos in one picture of his girlfriend and a chalk to write in the board. Next, they find some buttons that they fell of his shirt. And finally they find his handkerchief and his glove. Part 3 Piece 1, a coins and a direction to leave the coins. Piece 2,he love the catholic church so he has a photo of a fader and it fell his glasses. Piece 3,his watch and something curiosity of the newspaper. Piece 4,a photo of his girlfriend and a chalk to write in the board. Piece 5, some bottoms of his shirt Piece 6, a glove and his handkerchief.

Part 4 The judge think that the evidence is real because all that things are of people that are rich. Part 5 Jairo said: “miss president, I only want to help the planet so it can be a better planet and with more technology and other things so they need to be more with the nature, right, so I invented a new machine that will don’t damage the nature and also will change the humans. Part 6 Jairo don’t have to be punished because is a good person and he always help the poor’s. Also he was only want to help the planet with a new machine. And he maybe will change the human life, Yeah!

The Court and a Crime by Alejandro M.

One day I was sleeping and i listened something and I found a man that was stealing something of my planet like some money and In that moment I take my teleporter and I go to the earth and told the police and they said that he was a famous scientist and he steals for elements for making his experiments and get out of the jail easily because he has invisible weapons and explode every time that he gets caught and he make old the odderprisoners get free he is the most searched in the world he is very advanced. I didn’t accept that and I make a trap for him with technology of my planet. That night I found him and trapped him on a jail made of a combination of old the minerals known and he tried to escape but he couldn’t so I get him to the court. I said that I would be my lawyer against the scientist but I don’t know who the other lawyer is. And I thought in every piece of evidence so the first two coins and a piece of paper it could be his plan and two of the most valuable coins of my planet. The second evidence some glasses and a photo it could be that he killed the one that is in the photo. The third piece of evidence is a clock and another piece of paper it could be another killing and the time and the plan. The other piece of evidence is a photo he could take some people for a secure

that he will get free paying for it. The other piece is so difficult it is a big mistake. And the final piece of evidence is the way he enter my house to steal old the things using and old traditional way, After I thought of old of that I writed and show it to the judge the judge thought that it is gulty but he said that we let hem to explain old the evidence. So he said that it was a date with the dentist and some old coins that gibed his mom, the glasses where the new lens of my grandfather and his his date with the eye doctor, the buttons fallen from my jacket and I was getting it to my grandma so she could sew it again to my jacket, the photo is of two girls I love and the chalk stone where that I where writing in the wall a poem to them and the glove and the other thing that is not mine. So I told him that if he don’t steal it how can I saw you. He respond that we trapped him and he started to run. I trapped again and get him to the court again and I asked the jury what he deserved and they said that he will be in jail for ever and he will never escape. The end

THE MUGGING by Juan Esteban G. One day we were in the court. The people from there were so elderly and strict and if they discover that the crime was true they are going to do something bad with the accused. The judge always does the good things so if he do something bad they will protest to punish him. And I always defend but when I have to defend someone I have to give the best of me and emit to punish that people because sometimes they almost kill the people. The accused was a millinery person called storm. And all the evidence we find where the usually things to take things in secret so I started to suspect that the crime will be not too harsh because he leaves evidence and do not worried for that. Then I start to think the evidence will be dangerous because he is millinery . So he may buy some armor to put in the evidence and explote the bank and take more money. Or also put a spy cam to spy the password of the save. And finally create his machine for king our word and make us slaves.

Then I asked one person what he think about the evidence and he told me that it might be dangerous so to take precautions and that in the

court say the true about what I think about the mugging. Then I ask to nine people more and all of them say the same accept one that toll me to have compassion and defend him with all my hard and I the time I have that in my mind all the timeso I started to take in care of that person and his family.So then I take more conspirator of that person. Then he gives hid version he told us thatit was for a good think. He told us it was for help the poor aliens. So it was for help the planet but the court was so angry because he take it withoud permission. So then the judge take like a revenge told to squize him live happy but the court don’t have compassion so they say to punish him. But the rest of the people say to don’t punish him because it was for a good cauce. But then the only people that say him to have compassion. But then like a kind of god enter to his body and make him yo has compassion. And finally the mashine works and in that planet you are going to never see a people without family or house because of that mashine and that person. And then he transform in a kind of king that liders my planet and all 18 of janyway is like a kind of holyday for him for honor to him. And they live happy forever. And while the court that don’t have compassion finish in the under word and the rest the jury and me finish like gods. And the millionary person finish like Zeus or Cristo. And he is now called eldevery that for the language of my planet means (saver of people). And now it is

the best planet in all the universe. While other planets have poorsthis planet don’t have bad persons or poors. And now we are living happy we help all the people that have compassion and we reward them and the court is living with firebit the badness in all the universe. He is the wan that the biggest monster in the word the SLENDERMAN. And he now is living withn all the court. And now they are planning a revolution but it can’t wor because they have all the gods protecting my planet.

THE LAWER MYSTERY by Phillip B One day In a curt is make of gamy bears are red, blue , green and yellow. The places have sits of color blue to the aliens then a sits of more sits for more aliens. My judge is a cookie of chocolate he is with shoos combers red with blue. The lawyer is a fairy with the dress beautiful. My accused is a mermaid. THE LAWYER PART 2 The evidences is 1 Evidences are a limea bullet money a time 2 Was the glasses of the pope 3A not and one clock a time 3:00 4 One woman is in the spa and 5Some batons in the plastic bag 6 Some globes and a handkerchief


The lawyer think about because: The lawyer imagines all versions of that accused du that can’t be she always get all that broke and that people cant dead. She cant be not or yes.

The lawyer part 4 The judge think that is not true she clean the water because she lives in water and she like clean all the things. But we are in a conferees with she the name is Angela she is beautiful she wisent. She wisent do that I saw all that you tell is not true. The lawyer part 5 The lawyer tell to Angela you cant speck Ok I am in the ocean and I am clean all I saw a person mixt like hours and human and all you tell is not true he is bad all way he shaut my all time he is acusate No my he. The lawyer part 6 She is not going to be punished because she did not do it. END

The Court by Camilo I.

One day in new York at 2013 Obama said me that Ineed to go the court to accuse a killer of parsons in a town call holly creeker. I am a laugher and I hove 20 years old. The judge is a men called haul and he have 48 years old .

The accused into to the court he is called mark he have 27 years old. One evidence is a picture of the pope and one glass broken. The second evidence is a telegram whit two coins. The third evidence is two buttons. The fourth evidence is a clock and two papers. The five evidence is two photos of woman’s. The six evidence are one glove with a bag of flowers.

I thInk that In the fIrst evIdence he do somethIng bad to the pope. In the second evIdence Is that he Is that he has a so-so and he communIcates wIth that. In the thIrd evIdence I thInk that he have buttons explosIves. In the four evIdence he Is now of woo Is the clock and the leter. the fIve evIdence he have 2 wIves. and In the sIx evIdence he takes a bag wIth gloves so doesn’t let do fInger prInt. He thinks that in the first evidence he brake the glasses of the pope. In the second he think that he rob a telegram to communicate w hath his

sosio . He thinks that in the 3 he has explosive buttons. In the 4 he have a clock to know the time to kill. In the 5 he have photos private . And in the 6 he think that he rob a bag. Then the acused or mark said the judge that he do that he do that to improve mi planet. And do new plants . and to do new foot. The Big Mystery By Juan Andres B. A long time ago in a court big large and with a lot of people, the judge was Bruno wane, a billionaire mega famous and superhero, I am strong powerful and I am intelligent, and with a afro.

The accused is red hood a man that robe kill and have a motorcycle. The 1 evidences are a Lima a bullet money a time the 2 Was glass and a photo of the papa 3 A clock and a paper 4 Two photos of girls and a crayon 5 Two buttons 6 A glove and a handkerchief.

When they finish I think that: In the first evidence, someone want the money someone’s and he kill then, in the second evidence he want some glasses to draw, in the third that he had to went to a city to located at the dentist, in

the ford he had two photos of two girls to draw with a chalk, in the fived he want to do perfects circle, and finally he need the glove and the handkerchief for eat food.

PART TWO: He thinks that evidence will be kill or robe that with all that evidence is to create an arm or to explode my planet and others that are in the solar system. That the first evidence is that he went to a house with a lima he shoot d robe some money, Then robe glasses and draw the papa and then fire him, the next day the man was with a clock and a paper to know when he is going to kill someone, then that want to kill with a chalk two woman’s, after that he robe some buttons, and finally he put a glove and a handkerchief to clan the evidence. And that was that the judge thinks about. After that the accused said that all that evidence was to do a recycle all bad thinks that can do bad thinks to my plane, he want to save my planet and he obsebate my planet to know how many think and what thinks he need to do that invent and how he is going to do to do, but in that step all the aliens satrap he and he can’t do what he need. Then the judge say that he is innocent because he do all that to save my planet and the innocent thinks in my planet and in the earth live, and he is a person that if he robe and kill he do that to save robots, aliens, animals and people but the best think was that he did that for the galaxy.

avogado y jurado



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