Cycles, Patterns and Conspiracies

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New Discoveries and Planet Conspiracies Written by your children for you to enjoy

AMAZING MOM AND SON DISCOVER THE CYCLE OF OVERHEATING. By Samuel F. Right now the scientists are discovering what causes the overheating. The scientists know that this planet doesn’t have an orbit but an orbit cycle that they call overheating. This cycle is called like this because is when the planet pass the Co10000000000. The scientist knows that this cycle happens each 3000 years. The overheating causes the wings to extinguish and that the Childs act like monsters. The solar waves that in this planet are made of carbon dioxide let people that have their wings full of power let that kind of people take supernatural powers to humans for a period of 100 years to do whatever they wanted. The name of the scientist that discover this cycle is Catalina. She used a time machine to discover what extinguish the antique habitants of Sam planet. She discover that what extinguished the antique habitants was the overheating

and then with 29 years of studding the overheating to know how to survive to it. To survive to the overheating you need a unimaginable amount of ice, 3 liters of something to eat and 1000000 pounds of food. She discovers all of this things with her amazing son SAMUEL. He uses all of his imagination to help his mom discover the overheating and what causes the overheating and how to survive in the overheating in this contemporary age and what do we need.

ECONOMIC CONSPYRANCY The economic conspiracy begins in foroland Capital of the country SAFOR then it expands until the final side of Sam planet then the o.n.u.o.s.p. decide to create a war for money because in any country was a cent because the anterior wars . Then each continent decide to do a different money for each continent to don’t create wars because money but: the don’t know what to do of money? Right now the o.n.u.o.s.p. tries to know the money of each continent and then the discover what to use: DNA! They are going to use kisses. You are technically rich of DNA because if you don’t have DNA you will not exist. That’s why we pay with DNA.

The cycle of the orbit by Juan Andres G 速

The cycle of the orbit have 5 periods: One is the sidereal period is the temporal cycle that it takes an object to make a full orbit, relative to the stars. 2nd is The synodic period is the temporal interval that it takes for an object to reappear at the same point in relation to two or more other objects, e.g., when the Moon relative to the Sun as observed from Earth returns to the same illumination phase. 3rd is he draconitic period, or draconic period, is the time that elapses between two passages of the object through its ascending node, the point of its orbit where it crosses theecliptic from the southern to the northern hemisphere. This period differs from the sidereal

period because both the orbital plane of the object and the plane of the ecliptic precess with respect to the fixed stars, so their intersection, the line of nodes, also precesses with respect to the fixed stars. Although the plane of the ecliptic is often held fixed at the position it occupied at a specific epoch, 4th is The anomalistic period is the time that elapses between two passages of an object at its periapsis (in the case of the planets in the solar system, called the perihelion), the point of its closest approach to the attracting body. And the last is the Earth's tropical period (or simply its "year") is the time that elapses between two alignments of its axis of rotation with the Sun, also viewed as two passages of the object at right ascension zero.

The NASA discovered a new planet, and the NASA of the Saparripa, the ISP narrate the seasons of Saparripa planet. by: Esteban LR Last week, the famous scientific Eres from Russia, discovered a new planet with seasons called Saparripa planet. He was in his observatory looking at night from new galaxies, and he found a planet make of fire and ice. He tried to see if there were life. He communicated by radio and he could talked with a man of the space. This man works with the ISP, the NASA of Saparripa. He said to him that the middle of the planet is hot for million of years. One season is about 10000000000000000000000000000000 days. In the fire side there are 2 seasons: when the flowers of fire grow, and when the volcanoes make eruption. The seasons of the ice part are also 2: when they inundate and the other is when some meteorites falls, and the meteorites are make of ice.

PLANET WAR NEWSPAPER by Juan Pablo Andrade

In my planet the NASA discover that is going to be seasons of hunting humans to eat so humans like to not destroy de forest and have animals in the planet the trees the plants are like a got because is the eat of mi people that live in mi planet we love the animals especial in the season of hunting humans is more easy to hunt.end

NEW Discovery in pablusquipunchi planet. By Pablo M.

The astronomer plot discover this of at the pablusquipunchi planet whit the super satellite it measure 5000 miles long and 3000 miles of high discover that when the year finish the planet change the rotationfrom right to left and that is because what the new year rains gummy bears and not sugar I am Pablo martinzsaing good bye.

NASA DISCOVERED THE PATTERN OF A NEW PLANET NAME MALACASARA by Juan Camilo B The pattern or orbit of a planet name Malacasara is two earth years in totally is 730 days that the planet takes to travel around the sun. Whit 730 days the kids have double vacation but double school that is very bad in Malacasara. There is winter, summer, spring, follow and other season that is miloca. The people work the double and they don’t have vacations. The Nasa discovered the pattern whit some astronauts that were traveling and the gravity kick them and discovered the pattern or orbit of planet Malacasara.

CONSPIRACY In my planet ishappening something that is that the moon is very near to the planet and it would be a crash between the planet and the moon. Also that is many clouds of contamination in the planet and that affect the trees and the plants that are there. These two conspiracies can affect the planet. We can have a solution that is to have an atmosphere and protect of the moon crash.And the other solution is to not to use many cars in my planet because it would affect all the plants and the aliens are there would have problems of respiration. These two solutions are not very easy to do because all the aliens are used to have the car and they would travel to work in bicycle. And the other is much hard that the first because to do that atmosphere we need much technology and many acids that will kill people .If the inhabitants of the planet Malacasara take no action all are going to die in 2 forms.

SOME PEOPLE FROM NASA DISCOVER A PLANET WITH A HOUSE CYCLE. WHAT IS THIS? By Jose Daniel Sarquis Yesterday some peoples of go to the moon but what they find were a other planet that have a new cycle is not the cycle of the water is the cycle of the house and it consist that each 100 year some magnets take the bad house and put a new house. And that planet has 14 seasons in one week because at the middle the season changes. And the NASA is trying to discover the seasons. We have one of the best peoples of the NASA the name is Richard potyreand we make an interview and look what he say: We are very happy because in the space is another planet. We are going

to try and look the cycle and the seasons what the planet have. The planet is so interesting has the middle covert with ice and the other part is covert with fire we are going to continue investigating about this planet. That’s what he says and all the peoples of the city are sure that he is going to discover more about this planet and also about the seasons. What the planet have. WHAT THE PEOPLES OF THE NASA DICOVER. Some peoples of the NASA discover on the new planet that it can use the smoke of the cars to make the gasoline so if the planet no have all the smoke of my planet is not there the warming of my planet is going to reduce but also it can make others things with the smoking of the industries so it make some aliens because the industries give more smoking so it make big things but it is a problem that the things that make the gasoline and the aliens are finishing so the planet is going to contaminate so the peoples of the NASA are making machines. 2 days latter:

The problem is finish the planet have the amount of machines the planet need so the peoples that live there are not concerned and the peoples of the NASA are going to continue looking and making investigations of the planet and we are going to continue informing you about the all the things NASA find NASA thing that in the planet are not problems and the habitants are not going to concern more.

New planet, New cycle. By Antonio G-P The cycle of a new planet discovered by Antonio G-P(it is between Earth and Venus) doesn’t have a unique orbit: The orbit is oval and when it gets close to Venus it gets between Venus and Mecury and then it goes back to the original place. There is an Oil cycle: First, the oil goes out of the surface from an under ground ocean, then the Robot-landers pick it up but they don’t take it because it is dirty so they take it to factory that cleans it, and then to the supermarket!

There is a conspiracy of a group of BAD people to kill the king of Robot-land: The King lives at the capital of the smaller state: Callisto. So you need a license to enter so they want to get in by a secret airplane that crashes against the palace of the king.

The cycle of the gummy By Felipe J It was the fourth of January when I was celebrating with all the people the discovery of my planet, and when I was about to finish my speech. Then it started to fall Laffy Taffies of the sky. It was amazing but then I needed to call my secretary quickly to tell him that

to call the news and also all the magazines of the planet. The fourth of February I went to the store to buy a bag of gummy bears for my brother. I was going to arrive to the store briefly but then a gummy bear fell in my face and I said: “now I don’t have to buy gummy bears to my brother but I’ll tell him I did bought the gummy bears”. Then I realized I had to call my secretary again so he could know what had happened to the planet. The fourth of March I was at the at the “Simon gomitas” park. I was wondering why was all this happening and then I saw 5 children playing soccer and one of them accidentally tripped and he sort of ate a part of the grass and he said it was delicious. Then the next month the fourth of April I was at the pool with some friends and then the water began getting brown and then I tasted it and it was chocolate milk. Then I realized a lot of cool things happened the fourth of each month so the 4th of May I went to the

forest and I saw the trees were growing really fast and they were producing Doritos bags. The 4th of June I found pizza at my window and when I went out my house everything was full of big pizzas. The 4th of July it happened the same it happened the 4th of June but with hot dogs and my windows were all dirty of ketchup and mayonnaise. Then the next month the sun looked like a giant, really giant “rosquita” and the light was like 11 times higher than I was used to. The 4th of September at night I was wondering what could happened and then I turned on the TV to see if there were news about something strange and I saw that the moon was made in cheese. The 4th of October I went walking and the trees’ lianas were fruit by the foots. In November the fourth, the houses of the peoples started to tasted delicious. It tasted like sugar.

Bad the 4 of December I was exited what it will com, bad in that day nothing happen and I was very sad bad then I understand that it was also a part of it, because it was falling nothing. And I put it the gummy cycle.

The ocean. THE BEST NEWSPAPER SCIENTIST DISCOVERED A NEW CYCLE OF THE PLANET. This morning the scientist discovered a new cycle of seasons of candy planet. First January to may is choco rain is when rains the water is chocolate. May to October is summer that not rains is very hot. And then October to January is winter. In all parts is snowing, the olimpicos is in winter all years in America.


ANDRE JULIAN M CONSPIRACY AND ARTICLE THE SUN!!! My news paper is called the sun. My new notis was a new seasons that is call candyx. Those can happen because my planet have rings that are made of asteroids and all the time turnaround of the planet and in one point of the year a asteroid with the shape of a candy intervene the light of the sun for 5 months and that shine blue and project candy season when all is of candy.

And hear are the months.

So in total there are 25 months in the year but each month has 15 days.

MY CONSPIRACY My conspiration is about that all the awards are of chocolate and the people are tire dabout that because they like more gummies and they want more prizes of gummies. So they do a contest of who eat a kilo of each candy.One person of gummies and other person of chocolate and the person that finish first wins.

I represent the team of gumyes and the other person is the owner of Jet chocolatina but finally I win.



Complete eclipse in Iguaque By Camilo R. Powerful and strange moons of another planet were discovered by scientists and they have a dramatic impact on the planet. We had discovered that in the year of 2000, the astronaut William, that is famous because of the discover he made of the huge outer planet Iguaque and his hundreds of different size moons, some years later he also discovered that each one of them has different phases, patterns and characteristics. There is one that is so big that even has 2 moons orbiting it. Some are of different materials that make them look different. The astronaut that discovered this some years later saw alsothat all the moons had lots of gravity, but a little bit different. The farther the moon is from his planet, curiously it has more gravity. This is really strange and important because like earth’s moon they all control seatrain amounts of the Iguaque’s water. 3 years after his last discovery William told the NASA his secret before he stopped working as an astronomer. The NASA continued with the small project in secret until today. We will show you an exclusive interview with the NASA director that is uncharged of everything that is related with Iguaque.

Exclusive interview with the NASA investigation director, Mr. Marc (Interview by Maria Burton, our special reporter) M.B: Mr. Marc about the planet you have been investigating all these years there’s something you haven’t told us? If you want to tell us something about the planet that we don’t know, can you please tell it to our readers? M.M: There are so many things we haven’t tell about the planet for example, that it is about the size of Neptune, that it is located really closer to Jupiter, that there we think humans can live, that it has golden moons and rings, that it is mostly made of ice, that it has a kind of a crystal helmet and that it is the planet with more moons in the solar system and some of them about the size of two earths. M.B: We now that this last years you have been working in an incredible and really interesting project related to the phases, orbits, eclipses and specially some things about the moons of Iguaque that affect this new planet. Can you please tell some of those things you have discovered?

M.M: One of the most interesting things that I will like to share with everyone is this, one day I used the powerful telescope of the entire world that I used for looking to Iguaque each time I was able to see it and one day I saw that because the moons that have a smaller orbit move slowly and the ones that have a huge orbit move faster each 4 earth’s years all the moons are seen from seatrain parts of the planet like one whole big moon in eclipse. During that time I also discovered that when that happens the gravity of all the moons joined together and it gets stronger so the tilt of my planet, that most of the time is of 27.5° changes so the North Pole is facing directly were all the moons are located. So that’s why Iguaque has 6 seasons 4 really similar to spring summer and fall, but this four seasons will be colder than the ones on earth because of Iguaque’s orbit and location. These 4 seasons will be longer than the ones on earth. And the other two seasons will be of about 1 earth’s week and one will be between fall and winter and the other one will be between spring and summer. The first one will be the colder one and the other one the hottest one.

Conspiracy in iguaque In Iguaque they are going to be slaves, but a long time ago Iguaque practiced democracy, because when the first civilized group of intelligent creatures appeared they decided to make a fare world so everyone was beneficiary. But that was a long time ago, when they were all free and the planet was divided on countries. Each one had 6 presidents until 2 of them, two ambitious and violent persons that just wanted to have richest. They tried to conquer Iguaque, they created slavery and they became on the two empires of Iguaque. They slowly destroyed all the countries until everyone adored them, but they didn’t wanted to share anything so they started a war, the largest war in the world between the two powerful and biggest empiers of the entire universe. After conquering all Iguaque each ones of the kings of the empires created some strict and different laws for each of the two empires, first empire will just have 5 principal laws, 1 you have to be loyal to the king and his empire, if he asks you for something you have to give it to him or you will be sentenced to be a slave or to death, 2 you can’t interact peacefully with any one of the other empire unless you have a permission of the king, 3 if you are a slave you are going to be slave the rest of your life and your family also will be one. 4 only the person the king selects before death can rule, he can choose any one that is not a slave and 5 if you do something against the king, it doesn’t matter who you are, you will be

punished with death. The other empire of Iguaque will have too much rules than the other one, but the most important ones are going to be the same. In Iguaque they practice no religion and they practice a kind of feudalism but most of the people are not free.

Interviewing Arturo A. Hello people, I am John Peters the New York´s best reporter and in this moment I am going to interview the scientist Arturo Acuña who discovered some special pattern in his planet, “cachimaduro”. -Hello Arturo, how are you today?-Very happy to be here talking to all New York and too tired because of the journey from “Cachimaduro” to here.-Thank you a lot for accepting our invitation.-Oh, you’re welcome.-But now we are going to the point, we heard that you discovered some strange pattern in your planet, can you explain it please.-Yeah off course, last month I discovered a strange pattern in my planet “cachimaduro” . It consists that every month, there is a candy avalanche made of brownies, chocolate chips, chocolate bars and every type of candy you can imagine. The weight of the total candies is aprox. 1,000,000,000,000 kg. That means that each person could eat aprox. 1 ton (1,000 kg) of candies.-Wow, too interesting, but can you tell us the reason for that pattern?- Yes, it is also a strange reason. That pattern happens because above our galaxy, there is another galaxy that has 111,111 planets and one of them is made of candies. So, every month, a lot of candies release of their planet and travel and travel until arrive to “Cachimaduro”.- But Arturo, why do those candies only arrive to your planet and not to the Earth?-

-Oh, I forgot to talk about that part. This is because the sun is too close to “Cachimaduro”. So when the candies enter to the solar system the sun´s gravity pulls the candies, so one part falls in the sun and other part falls in “cachimaduro”.-Ok Arturo thanks you another time for coming and see you later.- Your welcome and bye.-Bye.Second Part

Conspiracy of my planet Hello readers, I am Arturo Acuña and I am going to tell you a problem that I had yesterday with the pattern that I discovered in my planet. It consisted that some people planed to put a gigantic net in the sky because they thought that it was so dangerous to eat all of the candies. But other people opposed because they loved the candies and they wanted to eat all of them. And after many discussions, they got in a deal that was to put a median net, so a 50% of the candies stay in the net and the other 50% fall down so the people can eat them. That’s how I solved my problem.Bye.

THE PATTERN FROM MY PLANET By Juan Esteban G. The pattern from my planet is that when the sun lights the part where all the islands that are hot is makes a super explosion that makes that the other side make like an atmosphere that gives a lot of energy and makes that in that side is like a kind of summer and in the other winter. Because when it do that the galaxy from my planet rotate so fast, and it makes the climate to change from a side to the other. And the other is when the other side the aliens do a ritual that makes fall and spring. Because that ritual call like a kind of gods of that seasons and then the gods make a golden gun that shots the seasons. And the other reason is because my planes orbit a hot sun and a cold sun so when one part is looking at the cold sun it is winter, and when its looking at the other sun is summer. And the other seasons is because when the galaxy’s alienate it make’s fall and spring.

When the King found the cycle By Nicolas P. One Day a King was walking to see his mother that lives in another castle and the king start trip they was close to the castle and a stone cross and they tripped but he saw a magnet. The king said“is a new cycle of balls.

MY PATTERN OF MY PLANET BY Phillip B. My planet have many patterns one of them is seasons 1 of them is name is Brita is of snow ice cream, that seasons long January to April, they make because the rivers of soda have something in the stream of ice crime and hat past to the sky and that happen. Other seasons is that the trees have lifs of the pringles names is bebro longs April to July and that happen because the sids have some power of potatus and that happen. The moons is one cuarer and full moon.Is that of my planets

Conspiracy and cycle By: Santiago B. The cycle of my planet is that every 3 months it start to rain chocolate and the planet floor swallow it and the planet get out of orbit and everyone in the planet have to go to special Refuge. It is about 1:00 minute planet have another cycle that is that every 2 years the clouds fall of the sky but luckily the clouds are made of cotton candy and there is people that every year eat it.

New discovery In the planet there are seasons!!! By Martin S. The last 7 of may of 2013 a scientist, martin salazar discover that in the planet are seasons‌ there are spring, summer and winter but doesn’t fall. There is a other one call sprinoli and its cold but without snow or rain it is just with ice cream rain.

Bad situation Bad people in the planet!! In the planet we discover that there are the same cars and thing like that‌ there are bycicles also. And people think and use bycicles. But a bad man call licas is selling cars and contaminating the planet.

The big conspiracy By Santiago M. Hi i am tHe conspirator of tHese Big conspiracy is tHat i want you to Be good witH tHe planet witH our new project tHat is called armagedon it conseast ts made secret Base wHen tHe scientists can made tHeir own secret projects just if tHere are good for tHe planet and also will Be different Kind of competiticions.

it concist on made a plan for Bettering a planet tHe Best idea will go to reality By a process called e.a.p (eartH anti pollution)is tHe m.r.g.d (maKe reality green dreams

and also city people can present tHeir oun ideas witH tHe Help of e.a.p. and m.r.g.d. is all possiBle and Helpful for tHe planet and for tHe people Here is tHe info for you to inscriBe all tHe people you want is complete save and witHout HaKing your system tHe cost is of:320 ruBius and for tHe inasguration is all tHe country woud Be greeBn Bay in new rusialind if you are too far tHe priBate roquets woud come to your country and its free for roKets to come and taKe you togreen Bay. don’t worri aBout your Hotel is free and witH all tHe commodities or is anotHer option tHat is to send us your Kdis and finaly you or your family will enyoy too mucH in tHe atreactions tHe cost is 125 urBius and also you will engoy too mucH in tH e science tHepartmend.o and one last tHng i8f you want to study political

you can study in tHe policy Big academy wHen you can study. yfyou wasH it By googlev is allo of you will love tHease progect if you want to asK me aBout or Be my contact i will give to you tHe info is tHis one name:santiago m. fone:312 XXXXXXX Bye we would see tomorrou

The pattern of my planet Article by Alejandro M. this morning I was cooking me a coffee in my house in my planet and I saw that the animals come to protect the aliens from a meteor rain and I saw that happens every six months NASA discovered the pattern of a new planet name motion planet. By Nicola B. There is a new planet that rounds sun at 1,000,000 km, the intelligent men that discover it is Paul lewandoski a scientist of the NASA that have 84 years old he is the one that invent the time machine he study 20 years and they are reconiced in the world by best scientist.

The planet has a conspiracy that I want you to now it The planet has a conspiracy it is about the fruit agitation the men’s from that planet LOVE fruit.

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