Thirty Something Magazine

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thirty something Summer Entertaining Mixology

How To Find The Right Gym A+ Job Interview How To Ace It Bridal Style For Your Body Shape Starting Over and Keeping It Real

June 2014

DIY Beauty Guide editors FAV


Once A Cheater Always A Cheater? How Healthy Are Your Bones? * 5 Pick Me Ups * 10 Best Kept Beauty Secrets * 10 Ways to Maximize Mommy Preneuring

fromtheeditor Thirty Something Magazine was founded in July 2013 as a digital publication geared toward the thirty "something" year old age demographic. Now, eleven months later, we have grown to be a print publication as well read by every age demographic. Why the print edition? Our readers asked for it. This publication is all about our readers. Your Reproduction in part or in it's entirety of suggestions, answers to your questions, this publication is prohibited. All articles content you are interested in. Thank you for submitted by our contributors may not reading and following the journey of Thirty reflect the opinions of Thirty Something Something Magazine as we grow. You have Magazine. Questions or comments please questions... we have answers, regardless of contact us directly. www.thirtysomething which age box you really check, you will find something worthy of reading.


Melissa Gregg

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Fat Nutrition By Sandy Boshko Page23

Foodie By Kris Caporaso Page31

Starting Over and Keeping Real - Dating Advice By

Mixology By Jaimie Donnelly Page33

Laurie Morgan Page5

Head to Toe Style By Dawn Fratello Page40

We Asked and You Answered - Once a Cheater

10 Best Kept Beauty Secrets By Melissa Gregg

Always a Cheater? - Q&A By Melissa Gregg Page7


Selecting Godparents By Jessica Robles Page9

DIY Beauty By Melissa Gregg Page35

10 Ways to Mommy - preneur By Jamie Palmer

Bridal Style For Your Body Shape By Jaimie


Donnelly Page45 Fool Proof Guide to Wedding Guest Fashion By Get Out of The Rut By Misty Dieffenbach Page17

Jaimie Donnelly Page44

A+ Job Interview By Ronald Shapiro PhD Page29

Easy Advice Living Life Fashionably By Danielle

Romano Page19

5 Little Pick Me Ups By Patty Mosier Page21

A Mom - ent With Origami Owl By Melissa Gregg Page13

How Healthy Are Your Bones By Al Caporaso Page25

Finding the Right Gym By Shana Groeneveld Page27


starting over and keeping it real Dating Advice - Date Right - Do It Right In the age where the lines are often blurred between those whom grew up as eighties babies and the millenniums, where are the rules for dating for those of us that are “thirty something”? Whether we are fresh to the game or have been out here for a while there seems to be a real lack of rules when it comes to dating as an adult. The field has changed for the better in my opinion. By “thirty something” we are older and wiser. Either we have sowed our wild oats or we haven’t and are about to. We are busy with jobs, families and daily lives. We have past relationships to contend with often heartaches and many of us have children which creates challenges. Regardless of where we are or what our future plans are, I urge you to spend time understanding your true wants, needs and desires. Take some time and do a little bit of self discovery before you try to get back out into the game. It will save you a lot of wasted time and energy. Regardless of what we are looking for, relationship experts suggest making a check list of the things we want in our next relationship. Create a list when you are not being influenced by anyone. This list is about you, it is totally acceptable to be selfish here. This is your guideline for what you want. Include all aspects of your life. Along the way if you realize that something on your list doesn’t fit, change it. I suggest reading your list weekly to remind you of your true needs, wants and desires. Invest the time to know and love yourself enough so that you do not settle for less than what you want. If you don’t love yourself then how is someone else going to love you? Once you have the basic fundamentals down and you are comfortable with what you are looking for, here are some tips for those who haven't a clue what to do next.

sorry doll… but things will not work First and foremost, don’t play games.

long term. Avoid tunnel vision, how

We are too busy and too old for this.

much money he makes, what kind of car

Games are for children. Anyone single

he drives, how great fitting his suit or

and dating at thirty something has

jeans are or how great he kisses. Keep a

spent more time in the world as an

clear mind about his potential and

adult. Which means, more life

where he fits in your life. Women are

experience and a clear idea of goals and very prone to getting emotions mixed values.

in with dating especially in the start up phase. It’s fun and exciting, its passion

Secondly, (this is key) men don’t

and flirtation and it feels great!

understand things when we talk or write in code. It is worse by trying to

Once you are past the first few dates

communicate through text message.

and you like what he has to say and

We must speak in full sentences and be most importantly you have CLEARLY clear with what we want. It is a fact that LISTENED, remember to remain clear on they do not sit around and analize what your focus. If you only want to we say. There is no “maybe she means

experience some fun and excitement,

this.. or I think she wants me to do that” keep it at that. It is perfectly acceptable they are wired differently and I promise to want only a good time. we will get further and gain respect if we are direct. If he can’t deliver, he will communicate it quickly. When he responds pay attention, he is giving his answer. Listen and respect it and for gosh sakes, do not try to change him! You will learn everything you need to know about him in the initial conversations and first series of dates. The beginning is where key phrases and insights are learned. If he says he doesn’t like children and you have them regardless of how well you hit it off, Image courtesy of Michal Marcol /

Along with listening comes solid

come into our lives as seasons and to

communication. Most men hate this and

teach us lessons. Be open to receive

avoid it like a communicable disease.

these lessons.

Clear communication can spare us from wasting time in dead end relationships.

Above all, always be yourself. I know

You will find out all you need to know

you've heard this before but it is worth

about the person simply by listening to

repeating. Portraying someone you are

him and observing his actions.

not will only postpone the inevitable. However you met, there was something

Along with maturity comes

that added a spark of interest and he is

assertiveness, ask for what you want. I

out with you! Be confident in yourself to

have learned to say what I want and

know you are interesting and exciting.

attempt to grab it by the figurative balls.

Girl… You’ve got this, go have some fun!

Unfortunately, we can’t please everyone. You will not hit it off with everyone you

Written by contributing writer

go out with. Never take rejection

Laurie Morgan

personally. Nothing should be read into

Read more from Laurie on her curve and most of us have been out of the personal blog at www.startingoverk the initial experience. It is a learning

game for a while. Don’t beat yourself up. Think of the first few dates as an interview process and refer to your list. If it all works and from dating a relationship is born, great! If not and there is not a connection, then be honest and move on with grace. Don't look at your date as the answer to your problems. I can assure you that is one way to make him run in the other direction in a hard sprint. Enjoy his company and look at the experience as a chance to make a new friend. People Image courtesy of Michal Marcol /

relationships Once a cheater always a cheater? Thirty Something Magazine asked the question and you answered. "If someone cheats will they do it again? Once a cheater always a cheater?" Majority (over 90%) agree, if someone cheats they will do it again. I have seen this behavior time and time again. The old saying is true, if he or she cheats to get you,

they will cheat on you.

Especially once someone is a serial cheater. Watch for the

warning signs and once proven that they cheated, run do not walk to the nearest exit and never look back.

Regardless of time invested, how many children you have together, career or any other circumstance that will allow you to try to justify that this behavior is ok in your mind and was in fact a one time occurence. It is in fact not a one time occurence. It is a personality flaw and choice. Cheating has nothing to do with you or even the person whom which they cheated on you with. The ugly truth and harsh reality is, they made the choice and they lied. Once a liar, always a liar. People don't change personalities they are whom they are and I guarantee you it was not an isolated incident. It was a manipulative, thouroughly planned out direct disrespect toward you and a selfish action. Have the strength, courage, self respect and dignity to know that you deserve better and this behavior will not happen to you again. Have the self esteem to walk away and start over fresh. You deserve that, everyone does. The great debate resolved. Written by Melissa Gregg

parenting selecting godparents For many parents, selecting a Godparent is

does not make that person legally

an important decision because the person

responsible for your child upon the time of

or persons you select will be responsible

your death. If you’re interested in legal

for providing religious / spiritual guidance

guardianship, consult an attorney. A Godpa

and / or life lessons to your child or

rent is an individual chosen by parents to

children. Who you choose will have a

take an active interest in a child’s personal

significant role in your child’s life. When

and character development. In other

selecting a Godparent, it’s important to

families (and churches), a Godmother or

consider several important factors and

Godfather is an individual who sponsors a

understand just what a Godparent is.

child’s official entrance into the church.

Is a Godparent, a guardian?

Okay, now that we understand what a Godp

A lot of parents confuse the two terms or

arent is, let’s figure out how to select a

perhaps more accurately, believe that a Go

decent one.

dparent is a legal guardian. A Godparent is a Baptismal sponsor. A Godparent is a

List suitable candidates

religious / spiritual role, not a legal one. A

Make a list of the positive and negative

Godparent is not a person who continues

qualities of the person(s) you are

the rearing of a child should something

considering. List the character traits,

unfortunate happen to the parent(s) of

values, and accomplishments you admire

origin. I am not saying that if you select

along with any undesirable elements you

someone to be your child’s Godparent that

do not want to expose your child to. For our

he or she cannot be a legal guardian. I am

children, my husband and I selected

saying that just because you asked

individuals of similar religious

someone to stand in front of the

backgrounds and who are inclusive and

parishioners of your church while your little nonjudgmental. tot wears a white gown, the participation

Think about how active you want values to yours your Godparent(s) to be Select a Godparent who has similar values If you want the Godparent to offer

and ethics as you do. This will facilitate a

religious or spiritual guidance, life lessons, consistent, positive influence that aligns or be your child’s legal guardian in the

with the core principles and standards you

event of your death, your prospective

are trying to instill at home. It would be

candidates should understand, be willing,

difficult to impart the importance of a

and able to accept these roles and

higher education and good work ethics at

responsibilities. For example, the

home, when on Sundays, your child is

prospective Godparent’s ability to invest

hanging out with a person who believes

in their child financially plays a big part in

“the system is what’s holding him down”.

being selected as a Godparent.

Does each Godparent get along with the other

Consider those outside of the family I may get some slack for this, but here me

This is important. If your child has only one out, as I am a huge proponent for this. A Baptismal sponsor, you can skip this step.

religious publication in the United States

However, if you’re selecting more than one offered a survey to their readers asking Godparent (most children have a

them, “What good are Godparents?” Surve

Godmother and a Godfather), ask yourself

y respondents overwhelmingly agreed

do they get along? If your prospective

that the biggest mistake parents make

Godfather is a macho chauvinist, and your

when choosing their Godparents was

prospective Godmother is a 1970’s-era

selecting relatives out of a sense of

feminist, this pairing may not work well

obligation or to honor them. If your sister

together, and especially not for your child. is your child’s biggest cheerleader, select If you believe each will be an active

them as Godmother. However, if your best

participant in your child’s life, it is

friend is an active participant in your

important that they get along, much less

child’s life and doesn’t judge you for how

tolerate each other.

you live your life, give her a chance. Do not push her to the side, because you do not share bloodlines.

Choose someone with similar

Consider logistics

decision in selecting one. If your potential

Distance plays a part in the prospective G

Godparent is a person to care for your child

odparent’s ability to see your child.

when you die, you may want to take the

However, close proximity does not

selection process seriously.

guarantee frequent visits. And long distances doesn’t mean infrequent

Written by contributing writer

participation in your child’s life. Consider

Jessica Robles

a person who doesn’t permit distance or an inability to travel as a Godparent.

Read more from Jessica on the 30 Blog at

When in doubt, seek the advice of a clergy member Sometimes, a fellow congregant makes for a great Godparent candidate. He or she is already a member of your church, may already take the sacrament of Baptism seriously, and may share the same values you have. You can count on you share the same religious beliefs. Ask a pastor or priest for their guidance in selecting a God parent. They may offer their experiences that can help you with your decision. Selecting a Godparent for your child is an important decision. Individuals you are close to today, may just be mere acquaintances tomorrow. It is important to put in the effort today when evaluating criteria for a quality Godparent to reap the rewards tomorrow. It is important to know what a Godparent is, to ease in the Image courtesy of Serge Bertasius Photography /

70 Healthy Ingredients - One Glass * Help build muscle * Reduce hunger and food cravings * Help keep blood sugar steady * Support brain function to help promote alert thinking and reduce anxiety. * Promote healthy skin, hair and nails. Monica Jumper Beach Body Coach

A MOM - ENT WITH KELLY PATTERSON Our mom - preneur of the month is a mom, nurse, military wife and Origami Owl senior team leader. Learn her story, follow her inspiration and support a beautiful product. Create your story with a living locket from Origami Owl.

Kelly Patterson, Senior Team Leader of one of the fastest growing and promoting teams in Origami Owl, The Hello! My name is

Night Owls. I launched my business October 5, 2013 and since then I have grown to nearly 30 on my first line and my amazing team has expanded into 16 States and down 4 generations. In just 6 months my team has 3 Team Leaders and 8 Leading Designers! I am so proud of the Night Owls and their amazing success in this business! I work this business along side my nursing career and busy life of being a mother and military wife! I was recognized by

Origami Owl as a Top

10 Sponsor for January and February 2014. I was involved with NC Fashion Week as well as another fashion runway show. I will be accessorizing models for another fashion show this month! I am so thankful to my customers, my incredible business partners, and fans for their support and encouragement! I'm thankful for the incredible opportunity of being an

Origami Owl independent designer and

the honor of helping people create personalized Living LocketsTMn in which they can hold memories close to their hearts. If you are interested in purchasing a custom

Origami Owl

Living LocketTM you can do so at

career 10 ways to maximize mommy - preneuring


re you a mom + entrepreneur = mompreneur? Many of my fellow mom’s (and dad’s too) out there are redefining what it means to be an entrepreneur and the ways in which we drive our career. There are so many mompreneurs out there who are growing their business as they manage their kiddos lives, the home and well all those other things that come with mom hood. As a mompreneur, I get really creative when it comes to getting work done and maximizing different times of the day. Here are some of the tips I use to really maximize my time.

1. Nap Time: Capitalize on nap time or the school day. Get your longer, more extensive tasks done during this time frame.

2. Social Media: I work in marketing so I do a lot of social media for myself and for clients but I’m sure most of you are on social media. Do your social media posting and response during those down times. You know, when you have a couple of minutes waiting to pick up your kiddo from school. Or after dinner when the kiddos are running around burning off the energy from dinner.

3. Post Kiddo Bed Time: I don’t recommend doing this every night of the week, I do try to work on projects one or two nights a week after the little one is in bed. Why? Because its quiet and I KNOW I won’t get interrupted by the phone ringing or get distracted by an email.

4. Email: Check email twice a day. I know this is crazy but seriously it works. Block two times in your calendar and honor those times as if they were an appointment to check your email.

5. Set Work Day Guidelines: I know I take about an hour, hour and half off in the middle of the day to have lunch with my son but that does mean that the work day expands until 7 or 8 at night. My work hours are from 8:30 to 5:00. I have a hard stop at 5 because I work from home and need to set boundaries for myself. Work expands to time allowed.

6. Setup A Work Space: Set yourself up with a workspace that is all your own. Don’t share it. Put your why on the desk. Plaster it all over the place. Having a designated workspace will help you get into work mode

7. Prioritize: Start your day by determining what needs to get done and calendar it out. Figure out how long you will need for what task and stick to it.

8. Focus: I like to write at one computer vs. my laptop and I like to work on social media on my iPad. It keeps me focused on the task at hand and I know when I’m at that particular device what the goal is.

9. Take a Break: Don’t be afraid to take a break and take the little ones to the park or for a walk. You will be amazed how this helps clear your head and when you get back to your desk you will feel refreshed and ultimately more productive.

10. Breathe: As a mompreneur life can be

stressful. We all manage a lot especially moms. Don’t forget to take a moment and just breathe. Slow down and enjoy everything that you have created. Written by contributing writer

Jamie Palmer

Read more from Jamie on her business website and blog OMG - Outlier Marketing Group @

"As a mompreneur, I get really creative when it comes to getting work done and maximizing different times of the day. Here are some of the tips I use to really maximize my time."

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

Image courtesy of Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee /

Image courtesy of Ambro /

you 5 ways to get out of your rut


ave you ever had one of those days? When your hair isn’t right, your skin thinks it’s

fourteen, you’re trying to fit your bloated tummy in a pencil skirt and you feel like you’re burning the candles at both ends and not getting anywhere? I don’t do well with those days and my family isn’t thrilled when they can read it in my expression. As a result of a stressed lifestyle, I’ve had too many of those days, but I’ve learned some great ways to get through them. These tricks have been working for me for the last five years and I think one or two of these tips will be just what the doctor ordered for your next run in with your not so usual self.

1. Do something that makes a difference. One of the best ways to brighten your mood is to get out there and do something for someone else. When you volunteer at the soup kitchen, head start, or the local shelter, suddenly your hair, clothes, and problems seem pretty miniscule. Sure, it doesn’t solve the bloat, but you won’t really care about that anymore.

2. Do some self-maintenance. That is what I call the days where I catch up on the things that make me feel like a woman. I deep treat my hair, take a salt bath, shave my legs, paint my toes, apply self-tanner and wax my eyebrows. It doesn’t need to be a spa day, I can’t

really afford those anyway, but taking a little bit of time to work on your appearance can be just the pick me up you need.

3. Spend some time with your loved ones. Have a beer on the porch with your husband, play hide and seek with the kids, enjoy an afternoon chat with your girlfriends. The idea here is get your mind off of what is going wrong and spend time with people who make you happy. The benefits are two fold, you feel better instantly and you build stronger relationships with the people you care about.


4. READ A BOOK, this is a lost art. I know I’m guilty of it too. Watching the Real Housewives doesn’t stimulate my mind or provoke imagery and creativity in my brain. Exercise your mind, take yourself on a journey and find a good book. It’s a thrill and a high, and a lot more beneficial than forty-five minutes of someone else’s drama.

5. Journal, write, create! Find what feeds your soul. Paint a picture, write a story, send a letter, sew some mittens, the sky is the limit. Having a release or a hobby that relieves tension and lets you just think freely is good for you. If you don’t already have one, find one! I know a lot of these seem pretty simple, but we can get pretty self-absorbed when we’re in our ruts and sometimes we just need a swift kick in the tuckus to get back to our old selves and these remedies are spot on. Written by contributing writer

Misty Dieffenbach

easy advice to enrich your life Recently, an important person in my life asked me "Dani, how do you want to enrich your life?” My first thought was, what the heck do you mean by that? Not all of us are familiar with the phrase enrich your life, or maybe it was just that I wasn't clear on what this person meant when they asked me this question. My second thought was, oh my, what do they really think about where my life is headed? I know, I know I’m thirty something, yet, how old do they really think I am?

I say, fill your closet, dump the soul like a bad boyfriend! Maybe, just maybe, or maybe not? That does sound more like a “She Devil” wearing Gucci.

I would love to see each and every one of us women be able to improve our life by enriching ourselves. It is so easy for us to focus on the latest device, expensive accessory or decor for our homes, but are we really investing in ourselves? I have found that we don’t always need to be sporting the newest of merchandise to I considered my already inspired and fulfill and enrich ourselves. We need to gleefully happy awareness on life. I wear a smile and shine a bit in order to brainstormed and researched, well maybe dress up our latest outfits. googled this question and I found some very fulfilling ideas and advice. I thought I I say for one day, yes one entire day, let’s was already enriched, I guess Oscar Wilde try to fill our souls not our closets. It may already had the answers. He claimed that, be a difficult task but one day will not ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches hinder our fashion sense. One day may cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious clear our minds to think of a better outfit things that cannot be taken from you. for tomorrow. Wow! How beautiful is that quote? Come on ladies, how easy are these words by this fellow to live by? We are of the female species and dream a lot but, can we really, obtain riches by not stealing them? Can’t we just fill our infinite souls, aka, “closets” with great shoes, jackets, and accessories?

I am definitely not saying to never again buy new things or to not enjoy what you have. We all need to take a break and invest in ourselves at least as much as we do our most prized possessions. We can start by filling our minds, bodies, and souls with experiences that teach and challenge us. All of our experiences will and should be different than the following persons or we might be enriched in different ways by the same exact experience. Who knows, the most important challenge for most of us women is to make an investment in our own time and efforts. It could even help our wallets. In the end, we may just find passions we never knew we had Written by contributing writer or even knew existed within us. Danielle Romano There’s a possibility that Jack Johnson may help us to get our souls enriched by reminding us to: "Look at all those fancy clothes, But these could keep us warm just like those. And what about your soul? Is it cold? Is it straight from the mold, and ready to be sold? And cars and phones and diamond rings, Bling, bling, those are only removable things. And what about your mind? Does it shine? Are there things that concern you, more than your time?"

Visit Dani's Closet a vintage boutique on facebook at

you 5 quick pick me ups for a bad day We all have those moments where your self esteem crashes. Whether after a break up, a loss of a promotion, or just a crappy day, we all have felt like we could limbo under an ant. It feels like nothing can make you feel better, all you want to do is crawl under a rock and hide away. Like most of us you can't. Well, here's a little help to get you through those moments and hopefully help you realize that you are worn out.

1. They say that music tames the savage

beast. It can also help improve your mood. I know if I'm stressed or upset, I'll find some

angry music and turn it up loud. Music can also help in boosting your ego. There are many self empowering, feel good songs out there. My current favorite is "Roar" by Katy Perry. If I'm doubting myself or feel nervous, I blast that song and sing at the top of my lungs. My nervous about meeting someone song "Brass in Pocket" by the Pretenders. I'm not going to bore you with my crazy list, I think you see where I'm going with this. Find the song that suits your mood and sing it out loud. Whether you laugh at yourself because you look silly or it touches your core, your mood should improve and hopefully you'll feel better.

2. Never ever compare yourself to someone else. Whether they stole your other half, beat you

out of a promotion, or made you feel like you aren't worth your weight in salt, comparisons only depress you. Comparing talent? You'll find your weaknesses, real or imagined. Comparing looks? You'll only find your flaws and their perfections. There is no one truly better than any one else in this world. We all shine in our own way. You may have lost out, but honestly, there may be something even better in the future.

3. Do not allow yourself to be the "go-to" person. We've all been the "booty" call so to speak,

but that is a true self esteem destroyer. In the end, when a person is only around to benefit themselves, you question everything about yourself and only find short comings. You can be a friend, but don't be a doormat. If they only seem to come around when they need something, cut the cord and realize you deserve more.

4. This may sound silly, but take a "selfie" when you feel good about yourself. Post it and feel a

little thrill when someone clicks the like button or leaves a nice comment. It doesn't make you vain or needy to occasionally put yourself out there because it's a good hair day or you like the way you look. We all sometimes want a little validation in our lives, so take it. I don't mean every day, but if you look and feel good, let it show.

5. Finally, your friends are usually your biggest

cheerleaders. Call a few, go out, and relish the moment. Let them fill your head with all the wonderful qualities you have, and embrace them as they help you pick up the pieces. Laugh with them and listen. They will definitely make you feel better, no matter what the situation is. When they compliment you, thank them, and realize that what they see in you, you should see in yourself. Life comes with no instruction manual and there will always be ups and downs. Only you can turn the negative to positive, so use the resources available and get up off your feet and live. Don't let any little set back knock you down and make you feel like you can't get up again. Be you and love the person you are. You are amazing. Written by contributing writer

Patty Mosier

health "Stay away from diet foods. Our bodies need fat not chemicals."

What’s the real story regarding fat and weight loss? Or fat and a healthy diet? It has always been thought that low fat or fat free diets are the best way to lose weight and build a healthier body, but is that true? And if not, why? Well I am here to tell you why. The latest research by health and nutrition experts promote a diet consisting of full fat foods and to skip “diet” foods altogether. The problem with diet foods is that in order to make them tasty and remove all those delicious fats, they have to substitute the fats with chemicals. How healthy do you think it is to eat all those chemicals? It’s not. The chemicals in these “diet” foods are toxins that our bodies cannot process. These include partially hydrogenated oils, or trans-fats and

fat nutrition

vegetable oils such as corn, canola, soy and palm oils. Another problem with these oils is that they are mostly produced with crops that contain GMOs or Genetically Modified Organisms. So what happens? To protect ourselves, our bodies produce adipose tissue, which is fat, to encapsulate these toxins to keep them from freely floating through out our system. The more toxins, the more fat. See where I am going here? So what do we do if we are looking to be healthy and/or lose weight? Eat fat. That’s right – I said eat fat, 100% healthy full fat foods, and stay away from anything that says, “diet”, low fat or fat free. You don’t need them and they cause more problems than not.

Let’s talk about healthy full fat foods. What are they? They are the fats that are listed as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Great, but what does that mean?? Both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats help improve blood cholesterol levels, limiting potential risk of heart disease. Monounsaturated fats are best to cook with, such as olive oil, and coconut oil. One of the healthiest fats to eat is avocado (as in guacamole!). Olives are a good fat source as well, but we cannot forget about nuts! Plus there are so many to choose from. There are almonds, peanuts, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, pecans, and cashews to name a few and there are so many ways to eat them, raw, in a butter, or as a milk.

saturated fats and the trans fats. Saturated fats are those fats that come from your animal sources such as red meat, poultry and dairy. Saturated fats are harmful because they can increase total blood cholesterol levels LDL or “low density” cholesterol levels which can lead to cardiovascular disease. It may also put you at risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Now does that mean we cannot eat saturated fats? No. It would be best not to eat them but if you must. limit how much of them you do eat. And if you do eat red meat, try to stay with lean cuts as much as possible.

So, how about those trans fats that were mentioned initially? Trans fats are mostly found in oils made through a process called partial hydrogenation. Partially Polyunsaturated fats are mostly hydrogenated oils are trans fats. plant based and include walnuts They are not naturally occurring, and seeds, such as sunflower, and are bad because like saturated sesame and pumpkin seeds. fats, decrease healthy high-density Flaxseeds are also polyunsaturated lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLs) and fats. Another polyunsaturated fat increase LDLs. Plus it is these trans would include Omega-3 fatty fats and chemicals which cause our acids, which are a good source of bodies to develop ways to protect protein. Omega-3 fatty acids ourselves from toxins further include fish, such as tuna, salmon, triggering a need to create adipose mackerel, herring, sardines, and tissue. Just remember the healthy trout. Keep in mind to limit your fats – monounsaturated and tuna intake due to mercury levels polyunsaturated and you will do and always look for wild salmon. just fine. Enjoy! Soymilk and tofu are other good fats, which are polyunsaturated, Written by contributing writer S but again you want to limit these. nady Boshko MS/RN So now that we know what fats are good to eat, we must remember which fats it is important to stay away from. These would be the


OSTEODENX FEATURES AND BENEFITS: •Unique formula supports bone resorption and generation, that is designed to support the body’s ability to preserve bone density. •Targeted transport system so that it conveys essential minerals to specific target site, for improved bioavailability. •Daily bone health support to maintain healthy bone tissue throughout life. •Different from a calcium or mineral supplement. It is designed to complement bone’s natural growth mechanism. •Exceptional purity. OsteoDenx is derived from a precision method that makes it uniquely pure. •Ideal for everyone it is formulated for men and women. •Vegetable capsules that meets dietary and cultural requirements


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id you know that more women die every year from compilations of Osteoporosis & Osteopenia then BREAST CANCER? Your bones are a calcium bank! Every day your bones take in calcium and release a certain amount of grams of calcium to all of your internal organs that are required for them to run correctly. Bone has two functions. One is to serve as the support framework for the body, offer protection and provide mobility. The other, equally important, is that bones are a chemical storehouse and a factory for producing cells that enable systemic processes. The skeletal (osteo) system consists of bones, cartilage, ligaments and tendons, and accounts for about 20 percent of our body weight. The right combination of vitamins and minerals are essential to protect your bones throughout life. Physical activity helps to preserve and build up bone mass, yet most of us do not regularly manage to get as much exercise as we need, which could have an impact on bone regeneration. Being overweight or obese also may have a negative effect on bony tissue, subjecting it to excess strain. Even a few pounds overweight can impose additional stress on the skeleton. Supplements can supply the amounts of calcium and phosphorus, necessary for bone replenishment. But much of the ingested minerals will be excreted. A unique supplement designed to support bone health in both men and women, OsteoDenx™ was developed by Dr. Narain Naidu, the scientist behind the well-established Lactoferrin Gold 1.8®. OsteoDenx™ is a lactoferrin food supplement with soluble fibres, vitamins and grape seed extract. It is designed to make the most of the active

components that help to maintain healthy bones, like the synergistic action of calcium, vitamin D and soluble fibre. OsteoDenx™ is designed for use with calcium supplement, CalDenx™. OsteoDenx from Nikken is a revolutionary formula to help you maintain strong, healthy bones for life. With age, we lose bone tissue and our skeletal structure can become dangerously weakened. OsteoDenx can help, in a unique way. It is not a nutritional supplement or a prescription osteo drug. OsteoDenx is the only product with a patented system ˜ Syno-portin technology ˜ that supports natural bone tissue growth. It literally helps rebuild bone density. For strong bones and joints, preservation of cartilage and maintenance of essential minerals, make OsteoDenx part of your daily routine of replenishment. The Big Pharmaceutical Company's solution is bisphosphonate's in the form of Fosamax , Boniva and Actonel. ($$$3.6 BILLION Dollars in sales every year). These Very Dangerous Toxic Poisons actually BLOCK ALL RELEASE OF CALCIUM from your bones.For up to 10 years even after you stop taking it. Do you think brain liver kidneys lungs heart all work correctly without any calcium??? WHY DO DOCTORS STILL PRESCRIBE DRUGS THAT SLOWLY KILL YOU , EVEN AFTER THEY KNOW THAT THEY WILL????? Written by contributing writer Al


health finding the right gym


here are many things to consider when looking for a fitness center. Often times when we get an urge to make positive changes in our lives we jump at the opportunity. Just like jumping into an extreme fad diet, we jump all in, gun ho until soon after, once the thrill of being new is gone, we lose interest. Here are some simple tips to keep in mind when searching for a new, long- term place to get your sweat on. Find a center that suits your needs. In general there are 3 types of fitness centers. First, there are your large, upscale franchised gyms. These will cost a pretty penny to go to. Prices can range anywhere from $60-$2,000/monthly. On the plus side, these gyms almost always have clean facilities, an organized and trained staff, as well as extras such as babysitting services. The more expensive facilities might even have items such as spas, pools or available racquet ball or tennis courts. On the downside, these gyms usually don’t provide a personal connection between patron and staff or patron and patron. Class sizes are usually large. The second type of gym you have to choose from is your large, “cheap in price” franchised gyms. These are the gyms that you can go to for prices ranging from $10-$40/month. These gyms are very affordable and often have long, accommodating hours. They lack in areas of customer service, cleanliness, and staff expertise. The most common complaints in these gyms usually involve overcrowding in group exercise classes, as well as when using the equipment. You also need to caution yourself of hidden

“annual fee” that occur on an annual basis. Often times, these gyms will offer a free or low priced ($1) registration fee to get you in the door, but still charge your account $50-$200 annually. The last type of gym you might find are the smaller, specialized gyms. These gyms are the those that usually cater to specific clientele and will often specialize in a certain field (such as yoga, dance, weightlifting) or fitness trends (such as obstacle training). Prices can vary depending on many factors such as demographic, expertise, and how long the business has been open. The good things about these gyms are that they often are owned by local business owners who are passionate about their field. Group classes are usually smaller in size and therefore provide a lower teacher to student ratio in classes. Most times, owners and instructors will know most, if not all of their clients by name. The downside to these businesses include less convenient hours and if its new, there is a risk that the business may not be successful. Use caution when signing “contracts” with businesses that are newly established. Another downside might be personalization of classes. If you are the type who likes to get in a quick workout and leave without saying a word to anyone, this might not be the gym for you. Chances are in smaller gyms, you will form friendships with staff and participants and will chat from time to time. Be Wary of Trendy Workouts- Just like when dieting, the same applies for working out. If you are not one to stick to workouts on a regular basis, caution yourself before you jump into a trend.

Great if you like a challenge and are already a fitness enthusiast, but if you are just getting into exercise, you might find yourself “going big” for a short time, and then “going home” and not returning. Studios that offer a wide range of classes with all different suggested abilities may be a better place to start with less chance of quitting. Trust Your Gut and Your Friends Advise- If you get a good feeling about a studio or you have heard good things from friends who have tried a studio, then take that step and sign up. Many smaller studios will offer Introductory packages to allow you the opportunity to get a feel for their fitness center. The bottom line is that in most cases, the “You get what you paid for rule” usually applies. Its okay to shop around and try day passes or drop-ins before you settle on a gym. Think long term when you are fitness center searching and try to find a place that you see yourself wanting to return to. Whether it’s because they offer great classes, have friendly instructors, or you just

like the vibe; you need to feel like you are want to come back. Written by contributing writer S

hana Groenveld

Shana ownes True Reflections Dance Studio in Rhode Island.

career A + Job Interview


you and the employer need to focus on

ou were just invited for a job interview. whether or not there is a great match for

Amongst all of the resumes the employer

you and the company. Merely showing the

received yours stood out from the rest. The employer more examples of how terrific employer knows you are good, great or

you are may not lead to success at this

awesome. Congratulations!!!

stage. Showing the employer what a great match you will be may.

Your focus as a job candidate should now change. Unless you know the employer or

Try to find out the details of your interview.

have already had extensive discussions

What will the day be like? Who will you be

with them, they do not know if you would be meeting with? How long will each meeting a good fit for the organization. Similarly,

be? Will you be meeting one on one or in a

you do not know if the organization would


be a great fit for you. As you enter the interview phase of the job selection process Will you be asked to do a presentation at

their products if practical. Write down any

the interview? Will you be asked to take an questions which may come to mind to bring exam? Will you be having a meal? If you

up at the interview.

aren’t already scheduled to meet with your potential manager and a few peers see if it

Read some of the lists of questions

would be possible to do so.

guaranteed to impress and make your interview a success which are available

Try to learn more about the company and

online. Then be sure you don’t ask many of

the people you will be interviewing with via them at the interview! Experienced searching the internet, speaking with

interviewers will have read them all and

friends and colleagues who may have had

won’t be impressed.

experience with the company, checking out

The exception to this might be in some high Now, my most critical recommendations:

technology companies where you may be

*The most important part of the interview

asked to complete a written exam.

is for you to determine if the company and position are for you. Be prepared to ask

*Finally, for my “secret” favorite question:

questions about the position to help you

I will describe a problem I am currently

make the decision. By asking those

dealing with and will ask job canidates for

questions you will appear sincere,

recommendations on how to solve the

thoughtful, and will really look your best.


*The second most important part of the

Remember, you already won the prize, the

interview is for your potential company to

interview. Now, your job is to determine if

decide if you are the best match for them.

the company is a great match for you and to

Listen very carefully to everything you are

show the employer how you would be a

being told during the day in descriptions of great match for them. Use your interview the position and in response to your

time wisely. If you get the job offer,

questions. Add value to the dialog by

fantastic! If not, learn what you can from

constantly showing how you would be able the interview, so that you will be prepared to contribute to the company (and to

to interview with an employer which may

making the lives of the people interviewing be a better match for you. you easier) by showing how your previous experinces, training, etc. would be an asset Written by contributing writer in many of the areas mentioned.

Ronald Shapiro PhD Read more from Ron on his business site @

*If you are asked to answer questions that

seem to resemble an oral exam, most likely the potential employer is trying to learn

1I would like to thank Dr. Margarita Posada Cossuto for

more about how your think and approch

helpful comments.

problem solving than do you know “the answer.”



"It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year..."

Come on, sing it with me! You know it is! It's BBQ Season!!!!! First of all, warmer weather is on the horizon, the days are getting longer, and grills and fire pits are being dusted off and cleaned out in preparations for the nights ahead! With the kickoff to this wonderful time of the year headed our way, it's time to start thinking of what crowd pleasing dishes you are preparing. And you know me, I love to help! So here I am, to do just that. I am offering up some recipes to either serve or bring to your Memorial Day and Summer BBQs! First one up to bat gets rave reviews and is always the first dish finished every single time I make it. It has no official name, I just like to call it Taco Salad because that's pretty much all it is.

Taco Salad You will need: 1 lb ground beef 1 packet taco seasoning 1 broccoli crown, chopped into little pieces 1-2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese cherry tomatoes, sliced in half 1 small can of sliced olives (optional) 1 bottle of Italian dressing 1 Bag of Doritoes Brown the beef and follow the instructions on the taco seasoning packet to make tacos. Once that is cooled off, put it in a large bowl, add the broccoli, shredded cheddar (add as much or as little as you like. I usually throw a handful and a half in there), tomatoes, and olives. Mix all together and add Italian dressing. Just enough to make everything wet, not soupy. Right before you are ready to serve, crush up 4-5 handfuls of the Doritoes, another squirt of Italian dressing, mix and serve. This can be made the night before, but don't forget to save the doritoes until right before you serve it.

Next one that is a crowd pleaser is: Loaded Baked Potato Salad You will need: 4 large Russet or Yukon Gold potatoes 1/4 cup mayonnaise 1/2 cup sour cream 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese 1/4 cup freshly chopped chives, divided 8-10 strips of bacon (6 for the salad and 2 for topping) cooked and crumbled (the rest, you know you're gonna snack on) pepper to taste In a small bowl, mix together your mayonnaise, and sour cream. Make sure the two are completely combined and then add half of the chives, cheese, and pepper. Taste mixture to see if you prefer salt. (if you season your potatoes enough, the salt from the bacon will be enough.) Let chill in fridge for a bit. Meanwhile, you can choose to peel or not peel your potatoes. I like it with the skins on. Cube your potatoes in to bite size pieces. Put in a large pot, cover with water, add salt, and boil until fork tender. About 20 minutes. *You need to keep an eye on them. If they cook too long you'll end up with loaded mashed potatoes instead when you mix them with the sauce. When potatoes are ready, drain and let cool just a bit. *Let them cool a lot if you plan to serve chilled. I always serve it chilled. Put potatoes in a large bowl or dish and combine with sour cream mixture. Fold in most of your crumbled bacon. Top with remaining half of chives and remaining crumbled bacon.

Mandarin Orange Salad You will need: Romaine lettuce 1/2-1 cup feta cheese 1/4 sliced red onion 1 can mandarin orange segments, drained Ken's Steakhouse Balsamic with Honey dressing

To put a different twist on the typical burger, stuff it! That's right, stuff it! Fry up some bacon and get some of that shredded cheddar. Crumble the bacon and when you are shaping your burgers, you can decide whether you want to mix it all in, or make a thin bottom layer, put the bacon and cheese in the middle, and top it with a thin top layer of chopped meat. Make sure to seal it all in and toss it on the grill! Your guests will be shocked at what's inside! For Dessert, here is a simple, make ahead dessert you can just put out at the party and everyone will swarm to it:

Banana Split Trifle You will need: If you can find it, use almond pound cake, if not, regular pound cake will work. 2 cups sliced fresh strawberries 1 cub strawberry fruit spread mixed in with the strawberries 2 peeled, sliced bananas 1/2 cup chocolate syrup 8 oz. can drained crushed pineapple 8 oz. thawed Cool Whip Stemmed maraschino cherries If you have to prepare your cake, do so and cool completely; cube. In a large, clear bowl (trifle bowl) layer one-third of the pound cake cubes, strawberry mixture. Top with second layer of pound cake cubes, bananas, chocolate syrup and third layer of pound cake cubes, pineapple and Cool Whip. Top with cherries. Chill until served. You can also decorate the top with a drizzle of chocolate syrup as well.


by jaimie donnelly

Thirty Something Magazine reminds you to always drink responsibly.

“Cable Car” Welcome hot days with this citrus drink with a kick! 2 oz of Spice Rum 1 oz of Orange Curacao 1 oz of Sour Mix ½ oz of Orange Juice Mix all ingredients and serve in a fun glass. Enjoy!

“Lots of Fun” Chicago’s Elm Street Liquors has one of 2014’s hottest drink, named ‘Sudden Headache’. Here is a "thirty something" twist of it to start off any summertime party. 2 oz Mango Juice 1 oz Tequilia 1 oz Triple Sec 1 oz Lime Juice 2 oz Champagne 1-2 ice cubes Mix and shake all ingredients over ice. Pour in a fun glass and top with champagne. Enjoy!

What is beauty? Beauty is different things to do different people. Beauty by definition is Beauty is a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure or satisfaction. Beauty is studied as part of aesthetics, sociology, social psychology, and culture. An "ideal beauty" is an entity which is admired, or possesses features widely attributed to beauty in a particular culture, for perfection.

Beauty to me is how I feel about myself and the things I find to be beautiful by my own definition of the word. I find a building, my children, an outfit and my spirit and the souls of others to be "beautiful." I have a beauty routine which is doing things that make me feel beautiful on the inside and out. When you feel beautiful on the inside it will show in your apperance. The experience of "beauty" often involves When you look beautiful it will do the an interpretation of some entity as being in reverse effect and make you feel more balance and harmony with nature, which outgoing and a more beautiful person. may lead to feelings of attraction and Beauty is tricky business. Creating a emotional well-being. Because this can be a beauty balance is my every day goal. subjective experience, it is often said that Looking my best and feeling my best to "beauty is in the eye of the beholder."[1] create the best me I can possibly be is my go to beauty routine. Beauty is DIY. Do it There is evidence that perceptions of beauty yourself. You create the level of beauty are evolutionarily determined, that things, you want to become and that you are from aspects of people and landscapes the inside and out. considered beautiful are typically found in situations likely to give enhanced survival Written by Melissa Gregg of the perceiving human's genes.


When I seek out my beauty regement I search for DIY beauty routines. Why? I honestly have no idea. Here are four face masks you probably never knew exist. Give them a try on a random Tuesday night when you are feeling like a beauty ritual is necessary to complete your day.

Yogurt. Unflavored plain yogurt is great for toning any type of skin. Apply a thin layer and let sit for a few minutes. Rinse and pat dry.

They may sound a little crazy to some of you but they work and if you put a spin on it. They are free. Free meaning, you have Honey. For dry skin, try a honey face mask; honey. You put it in your tea. Olive oil, any type of honey will do. Leave it on for a come on, I know you have that in the pantry few minutes and rinse with warm water. closet. Pat dry. Olive oil. By itself, olive oil makes a great facial. Use extra-virgin. Honey-Olive Oil Combination. Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply to your face and leave on for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse off with tepid water. Gently pat the face dry.

Written by Melissa



tay youthful secrets you may want to know about.

- Preparation H under the eyes will reduce the apperance of puffy tired eyes.

- Girdles, spanx, if you don't like it. Hide it! - Heat your eyelash curler with your blow dryer. It will work those lashes better.

- Hydrate, hydrate, and oh, you may want to hydrate. Drink a ton of water. Water, all day, every day.

-Get plenty of sleep. Adults need eight of hours of sleep at nigh. The key to aging youthfully is well rested.

Your skin - Cleanse it twice daily. Once in the morning and once before bed. - Tone it twice daily. - Moisturize it twice daily. - Sunblock it every morning. Keep all exposed skin covered with a sunblock. - Exfoliate Whether you decide to use over the counter products or create your own from more natural ingriedients you already have around your home. Regardless of which method works for you, these skin care tips are very important to keep that youthfu look and feel about you. Written by Melissa Gregg

Ssshhh !

beauty head to toe style by dawn fratello

It's Officially Spring,

although it feels like Fall and we are all awaiting the day we pack up our sweaters and boots for good and say hello to , especially with all the great hair, make up and other beauty trends hitting the Jersey Shore. hair is always fun and flirty, and this year it takes a serious turn with rose gold tones, and severe side parts to go with all those high waist swimwear we keep seeing. Also we are seeing tons of mid length wavy bobs and the pixie cut gets a longer more updated look. Look out for lots of hair jewels and headbands with lots of bling or Glam braids to go with your tan this .

Summer er




Make up for is either simple or not even close to simple this season, lip shades of pink are here to stay but orchid seems to be the color to look out for and try even during the day. Blue shades of royal and tourquise keep the lids looking ever so sexy, and cheeks.... let the bronzer do the talking, but never over do it. Toes and nails will continue to be longer fun and flashy with tons of color, my favorite the nude V French with a dose of red, either way don't be afraid to have fun with beauty, but remember to never over do a trend.

New Jersey - 732.693.4210


S ' V A F S R

Jewelry in candles are soy, smell amazing and have a little bling surprise hidden inside. <3

nd a r ea

G o g o L t g a n i m h e o l t c b . e a g m avail a o m S g in ty Line h r i t h e T elry om s y t w Je w.thir ww







Addicted to instagram!

fashion bridal style for your body shape M any lucky ladies have recently received something sparkly on THAT

finger. For all the brides-to-be you may have the date and location selected but finding that perfect gown can be exciting and daunting at the same time. The fashions in bridal gowns change drastically every few years. When I got married in the mid-2000s full princess pick-up dresses were in style. Today, 1920s flapper gowns and delicate bohemian dresses are the rave. Regardless of the trends, the biggest mistake women make when selecting a wedding dress is not selecting the best fit for their body type.

‘girls’ should not be the center of attention on the day of your wedding; save it for your honeymoon! A lot of busty women will go for a sweetheart cut, but many these days are cut too low, so make sure to get a light sweetheart cut so your bust is not over emphasized. With your body type many fabrics, as in taffeta, satin or silk will work great on you.

For pears or triangles, you have three excellent options of a dress silhouette; Aline, ball-gown and the hardest for many women to wear, the empire. If you are more on the thinner side or pregnant the empire, which brings back memories of Romeo and Juliet, is a classic cut that will hide areas that you may not want to Before you begin going through emphasize. A-line, a fairly universal cut, magazines, take a moment to get to know contours your body to even out top to your body shape. If you have a bust, small bottom and that is one of the most popular waist and wider hips you are considered a cuts. Many A-line dresses have beautiful classic hourglass. Women with a smaller detailing and come in even a wrap form if upper chest that branches out in the hip you are pregnant and want to avoid an area are pears; while slim, straight bodies empire look. Keep in mind of fabrics. The are called athletic or rectangular. Women thicker the fabric, the more bulk it will give who have broad shoulders and are busty, you around the hips. It is smart to keep with slim legs and hips are a part of the with thinner, delicate fabrics than tulle or five-percent of the population that are heavy satin. apple shaped. If you are plus-sized, then go with one of the options above as Rectangles or athletic shapes can get women size 14 and above vary in shape away with many cuts, as in empire, A-line and my recommendation is to highlight and sheath. Ball gowns tend to be your assets in a classy manner. overwhelming to a thinner frame and it would be the least suggested style for this For our hour-glass shaped brides, the two body type. The most gorgeous cut and the major silhouettes you should consider are envy of most women who cannot pull it ball-gown and sheath. Both cuts not only off; the mermaid. The mermaid or trumpet compliment your built but also even out cut dresses provide a silhouette of your body. If you are tall, ball-gowns may feminine curves and an aura of sultriness. be the best, while petite can go a long way It is a cut that is classic and well-known. with sheath cuts. The mistake many busty women make is finding too low or tight of a top cut. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen busty women who look like they are falling out of their dresses. While your spouse will find it sexy, your

Finally, for the apple shaped women, there are several beautiful options. If you are a playful woman who is more casual, you are in luck as this shape is best for shorter dresses. Keira Knightley wore a gorgeous Chanel short dress for her nuptials. Ball-gowns even out the heavier top to this shape, while mermaid is an acceptable classic for your broad shoulders. Try experimenting with a trumpet silhouette that has a thin satin on top and thick tulle on the bottom. Women with this shape may be told that A-line is a good option, but most apple shaped women look, well, shapeless in that cut and I suggest staying away from it. What is fantastic is every year the bridal fashion world introduces more styles and colors. Within a few years brides went from only white or ivory colored dresses, to pinks or lilacs. I suggest trying on every kind of style suggested for your body type and see what you love. Make sure to post your photos of your dress on our Facebook page or tag us on Instagram. Have fun playing reallife princess dress up and Congratulations! Written by contributing writter

Jaimie Donnelly

Facebook - thirtysomethingmagazine Instagram - @30somethingmag

It is that time of year when bells ring, glasses are clinked and happiness is in the air. It is prime wedding season and the thought on every guest’s mind is what to wear. I know some women recycle dresses from before and others will purchase something new. Deciding on what to wear to any wedding can be overwhelming and I have for you the latest fashions for wedding guest attire, including a list of dos and don’ts. Color is usually the first question that comes to mind when selecting a dress to wear to a wedding. I usually ask the bride what her wedding colors are so I select a color that will complement her tone scheme. If you don’t have the opportunity to speak to her, the fool proof way is to go with the colors of the season with little to no prints. To match the blooming buds outside, fair pinks, greens and blues shades work beautiful during the spring and summer. Pastels also brighten up even the lightest of tans. The spring/summer 2014 wedding attire

trend are flowy, light dresses from tea to full length. The most popular dress cut are knee-length jersey fabric dresses with long chiffon overlay. It provides a beautiful allusion that not only is elegant and easy to dance in, but works with most body types. Pair the dress up with a bright clutch, strappy heels and a rhinestone cuff and be prepared to be complimented all night long. This style, and another popular cut – the one shoulder dress- can go from beach destination wedding to formal. During the hotter months it is wise not to wear heavier fabrics, like satin or wool based dresses. Keep your makeup light and option for an easy updo, like a chignon or twisted ponytail.

Autumn is becoming the most popular time of year for weddings as brides love the fall colors. As in spring and summer, select colors that go with the season as in dark greens, rusts, plums and browns. The fabric of autumn weddings depends on the location. If it is earlier in the season, you can still wear lighter fabrics but once it is past Halloween you may want to option for tea length or longer in a thicker fabric. Autumn is known for texture and it is fun to play with mixing fabrics during this time of year. Experiment with a taffeta dress and a velvet shawl, in the same color family, to keep you warm when a cool breeze comes along.

a s a s s e r t d s e o t u g w ho dding we

The darkest colors, as in deep cranberries or navy blue, are elegant for winter time weddings. Many brides like Christmas colors of red and green, and wearing the same or opposite color may clash in photos, so check with a bride to assure your dress doesn’t causes color chaos when it comes time to say ‘cheese’. Upgrade your summer wedding pashmina to a light faux fur shawl or coat for arriving and leaving the festivities.

My favorite look for wintertime weddings is a plan dress in a dark color with bright rhinestone earrings, necklace and cuff. The sparkle will match the white snow outside, while keeping your look classic. Winter wedding guest 2014 trend are long peplum-like dresses in dark colors as worn by Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams at the 2014 Academy Awards.

from the focal point of the bride in the photo. Depending on the bride, she may be upset after seeing the proofs of her wedding that her photos were off due to the competition of white in your outfit. Younger women are more prone to this mistake and each year it becomes harder to figure out who the bride is in photos as her college friends all wore light laced dresses. Other mistakes women make when selecting a wedding outfit is busy prints or too bright of a color. Those will also distort photos. So be mindful when selecting an outfit to a wedding, make sure it is comfortable and the colors are complimentary to the event. Cheers to the bride and groom and the awesome time you will have at their wedding!

Wedding attire, regardless if you are a close relative or someone’s date, does make a lasting impression, especially in photos and videos. Many women are guilty of not knowing or ignoring the proper guest apparel etiquette. When I style a female wedding guest there is one major rule I go by, ‘you are not the bride, so not an ounce of white. Unless Written by contributing writer specified by the bride and groom on Jaimie Donnelly preferred colors, it is never okay to wear anything lighter than beige, ever. This rule also applies to colors in a printed dress. While the old wedding rule is to never wear white as it disrespectful to the bride, it also disrupts photos were the bride is present. When a guest’s printed dress has white in it or you wear a white skirt or top, it distorts the photo allowing the eyes to go away from the bride. So unknown to you, the floral dress that had a background color of white or the white cardigan you wore, took away

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