Revelation of Inner Meaning of Shree Mathre Mantra : AUM AIM HREEM SREEM SHRI MATHRE NAMAHA by Na

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Revelation of Inner Meaning of Shree Mathre Mantra : AUM AIM HREEM SREEM SHRI MATHRE NAMAHA by Naresh (India) Note: The below is my personal understanding of the above mantra. The seekers of truth are requested to be open and go further deep to realize the absolute truth and share the new insights with all for the welfare of the universe. Revelation: Beyond the beginning and the end states, there existed only Infinite Ocean of existence which is eternal (Sat) with full of awareness and intelligence (sentient – chit) and its nature of completely blissful (Ananda). To understand this better, Ocean is eternal existence (Sat), Ananda is the water in the ocean and Chit is the states of water in the ocean as waves (manifestation) on the surface and still state in deep under ocean (beyond manifestation). From this Chit aroused infinite dimensions of manifestations including void. Many of these manifestations came from the absolute state and merged back into this state just like the waves in the ocean. This existence is so subtle that any manifested wave or particle cannot comprehend its depth. This is very much similar like describing the state of deep sleep in the wakeful state. To understand better of Chit‟s Manifestation states, the below grid has been provided. Dimensions (existence)/ (Time)


Un manifested

Unknown Existence

Permanent Temporary The Vedas declare that the first word that emerged from Brahman is AUM. I tried to dive deep into this truth and taking clue from Sanskrit alphabet pattern the following realization emerged. From this infinite Chit of existence represented as Shiva (the static) and its Shakti (the dynamic), came out the first basic sound particle as “A” (externalize manifestation as Shiva) and “AA” which is its shakti Aspect. For better understanding purpose I am not considering the shakti aspect in further explanation. Note Shiva and shakti are inseparable like fire and heat. When „A‟ arose there was a force to pull back this A to its original State, this force made the basic sound „E/I‟. If E was able to pull back the A sound then the particle would have returned back to its original state of existence. However this did not take place because the Origin refused the A particle creating a great centrifugal force with basic sound U. This U is described in Upanishads as Udgitha. Thus three basic vowels A, E, U emerged from the ocean of existence.

Due to state of instability of sound Particle “A” in between E, U sounds there emerged two forces the pull/resistance of centripetal and the push/conductivity of Centrifugal forces represented as basic sounds Rr (dwesha) and Lr (Ragha). Due to refusal of A by Origin, A merged with U to form the first compound sound AUM. M represents the resonance/vibration and thus creation of first element space/Nada. To counter and balance the Aum word, the next compound that came out was the Aim beeja. Due to mergence of A and U came O. From the Inward force of O came Am and its outward force /resistance came Aha (visarga). The combination of O and Am formed SO beeja and from the visarga came Ham beeja. Due to interaction of centripetal Aim and centrifugal forces Aum (push – raga and pull -dwesha forces) around „A‟ came the rotation motion leading to creation of the trigunas namely Satwa, Rajas and Tamas impacting So, Ham and creating a sinusoidal wave with +, Neutral, – charge. We can say that due to resistance (Dwesha) and conductivity (Raagha) influence on the electricity AUM, created a wave of three states (trigunas) upward state of wave , neutral state and bottomward state of wave. Upward wave represented as Ham and downward wave as So. And Neutral state as Au or O or Sauh. From this So Ham emerged the Air element. The prana Shakti of Aum Prana. This So Ham reflects at two levels in AUM consciousness 1) Universal consciousness: United oriented divine consciousness represented by So and 2) Divergent individual consciousness as Hum. Therefore the life breath So Ham (also represents vayu /air element) forms the bridge between the universal and individual consciousness. When the AUM with So Ham oscillation moved in Aim (prana cable/conductor), the resistance (Ram) in the conductor “Aim” generated the heat, thus aroused the fire element. And the forward movement of So Ham in the conductor “Aim” created the water element. The resistance Rr merged with outward flowing Ham to form Hreem , the protective sheath over Aim (cable sheath over conductor) representing the Earth element. By the way Hreem is Bhuvaneshari Beeja representing the Earth. The resistance Rr merged with inward flowing So to form Sreem the inward conductivity of Aim Conductor (determine the inner property of Aim). The Rr when merged with neutral state of SoHam i.e. (Sauh) came the beeja Shreem. This shreem became nucleus, sreem the protons and hreem the electrons. Thus Shreem became the nucleus of creation of elements hence it is also known as Mathre or Mother of matter elements. This Shree formed by Aum Aim Hreem Sreem is the mother of all manifesting elements, compounds of divergent universe in Micro/Atomic (Na Ma-Ha:= Not great/Micro) level. This is atomic knowledge of Shree is known as Sri vidhya. I feel that this might be the insight of the great Maharishis to reveal this great Srividhya mantra Aum Aim Hreem Sreem Shri Mathre Namaha. As Scriptures say that what is there in micro is there in macro. Taking clue from this statement we can conclude that This shri vidhya when looked at macrocosmic form (Ma-Ha) it is called as Brahma vidhya.


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