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ole Soyinka, the towering figure of African literature, has turned 90. It’s a milestone that not only marks the longevity of a man but also the enduring influence of a cultural icon whose work has

to the power of words and the unyielding spirit of a man dedicated to truth and justice.




Debut Book

“Who Do You Think You Are”

Launched to Resounding Success in Lagos

Lagos witnessed an inspiring and transformative event as Elizabeth Osho, a first-time author, launched her book “Who Do You Think You Are?” The book launch, which was recently held, drew a crowd of Lagos’ top personalities eager to hear Liz’s compelling story and the journeys of several influential speakers.

My journey with Wole Soyinka’s works began during my university days, when, as an English and Literature student, I was first introduced to his profound narratives and plays. From “The Lion and the Jewel” to “Death and the King’s Horseman,” his stories were not just texts to be studied but windows into the complexities of human and societal dynamics. Reflecting on his lifetime’s journey, Soyinka’s voice has remained resonant beyond literary boundaries, actively engaging in the pivotal dialogues of our times. As he turns 90, it is nothing short of inspiring to witness his enduring spirit and commitment to social justice. This week, we at Style pay tribute to his illustrious career and unwavering courage, celebrating his incredible journey through decades of literary and socio-political engagement. Happy birthday, Professor Soyinka! May your words and actions continue to light our paths. Moving on to the musings of everyday life, there’s a captivating piece need you all to check out. - “Is It Really Okay to Remain Single Forever?”. I particularly find this very interesting because lately, from my findings and interactions, it seems a growing number of young people are embracing singleness not as a temporary state but as a lifelong choice. While opinions on this might vary, I find myself perched comfortably on the fence. However, I would like to say that being single, as I’ve come to understand, does not necessarily equate to loneliness. The most profound relationship, perhaps, is the one we nurture with ourselves. And so, whether single, married or in transition, genuine happiness stems from within.

How’s the second half of the year treating you? If it still feels chaotic, remember it’s never too late to reset. The article “Seven Mid-Year Changes That Will Actually Make a Difference to Your Life.” offers fresh and actionable tips to recalibrate your goals and refresh your spirit.

How are you preparing for the new week ahead? It’s always a good idea to take a moment to breathe, reflect, and set your intentions for the days to come. Here’s to a week filled with positivity, productivity, and, above all, contentment. Love,

Hosted by the esteemed Gbemi Olateru-Olagbegi, the event featured a series of intimate and vulnerable conversations with a remarkable lineup of speakers. Each speaker, including Adenike Ogunlesi, Osas Ighodaro, Diary of a Kitchen Lover, Betty Irabor, Erica Nlewedim, Onyeka Michael, Ife Durosinmi-Etti, Eniola Olutimilehin, Bola Balogun, Eni Adeoluwa, Willis Ikedum, Henrietta Thompson, Gbemi Shasore, Terfa Tilley- Gyado and Wale Balogun, shared personal stories of overcoming adversity and finding their true selves, creating a profound connection with the audience.

During her address, Elizabeth Osho emphasised the motivation behind her writing: “I wrote this book to help women navigate the complexities of their lives, to find their inner strength, and to realise that their past does not define their future. This book is a testament to the resilience of women and their ability to rise above their circumstances.”

Happy Birthday Prof

Seven Mid-Year Changes That Will Actually Make a Difference to Your Life


Looking effortlessly chic isn’t just about following trends but setting them. The key to achieving that coveted, timeless look lies in some foundational fashion principles that can elevate your style game. Here are five foolproof tips to help you radiate sophistication and flair.

As we hit the midpoint of the year, it’s the perfect time to pause, reassess, and inject some fresh energy into our daily routines. Too often, New Year’s resolutions are long forgotten by the time July rolls around. But who says January has the monopoly on life-changing decisions? Let’s shake things up with seven mid-year changes that are not just doable but downright transformative.

1. Revamp Your Morning Routine

How you start your day sets the tone for everything that follows. If your mornings are rushed and stressful, it’s time to hit the reset button. Begin by setting your alarm 30 minutes earlier. Use this extra time to engage in activities that uplift you—whether a short meditation, a quick workout, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee while reading.

2. Declutter Your Living Space

A cluttered space often leads to a cluttered mind. Take a weekend to declutter your home. Start with one room and sort through items you no longer need or use. Donate, recycle, or discard them. This process can be incredibly liberating and can significantly reduce stress. A tidy, organised environment can lead to a clearer mind and more productive days.

3. Prioritise Your Health

Mid-year is an excellent time to assess your health and fitness goals. Have you been neglecting your exercise routine or indulging in unhealthy eating habits? Make a conscious effort to prioritise your health. Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet, stay hydrated, and find a form of exercise you enjoy. Whether it’s yoga, running, or dancing, staying active will boost your mood and energy levels.

4. Financial Cleanse

Take a thorough look at your finances. It’s easy to set up subscriptions and forget about them, even if we stop using the service. Scrutinise your bank statements for the last six months, cancel what you don’t need, and start budgeting if you haven’t already. Maybe it’s

also a good time to start an investment, no matter how small. Financial security brings peace of mind and opens up possibilities.

5. Reevaluate Your Relationships

Our relationships have a profound impact on our well-being. Mid-year is a good time to take stock of the relationships in your life. Are there toxic relationships that drain your energy? Are you investing enough time in the people who uplift and support you? Make a conscious effort to nurture positive relationships and set boundaries with those that are harmful. Surrounding yourself with positivity can drastically improve your mental and emotional health.

6. Tech Detox

We’re all guilty of scrolling endlessly, often at the cost of our sleep, relationships, and productivity. Challenge yourself to specific times when you’re completely unplugged each day. Perhaps it’s during meals or the hour before bed. Notice the change in how you engage with the world and the people around you when you’re not looking through a screen. You might find conversations deeper and sleep sweeter.

7. Upgrade Your Skillset

Halfway through the year is a great moment to evaluate your professional goals. Identify a skill that could pivot your career path or hobby into high gear. Whether learning graphic design, taking up creative writing, or mastering Excel, investing in your skills is never a wasted effort. Many platforms offer short courses that fit easily into your schedule.

By Bukola Amoboye

The concept of being single has evolved dramatically over the years, changing the narrative around relationships and making it clear that the old blueprint of coupling up isn’t the only path to fulfilment.

These days, the mantra of “love yourself first” reverberates through the corridors of our lives, suggesting that the most important relationship we can cultivate is the one we have with ourselves. Self-help books and motivational speakers champion the idea that there is tremendous power in being on your own and loving yourself. They argue that everything else will fall into place once you master selflove. This isn’t just a feel-good aphorism; it’s a paradigm shift that encourages singles to see solitude not as a sentence, but as a space for self-discovery and growth.

Of course, being single means different things depending on your age.

For many, particularly as they navigate their 20s and 30s, being single is less about a lack of options and more about a deliberate choice for personal growth. The freedom to chase career ambitions, travel on a whim, and craft a lifestyle without compromise is increasingly appealing. However, this perspective can shift noticeably as one transitions into their 40s and beyond. Here, the societal chatter about the ‘tick-tock’ of biological clocks and the ideal family setups gets louder, and for some, the solo journey begins to feel a tad lonelier.

This societal pressure can often be more pronounced for women. There’s a lingering taboo surrounding “loneliness,” especially the image of an older, unmarried woman. Despite progressive talks, the stereotype of the “lonely old maid” still haunts many, suggesting that a woman’s value is tied closely to her marital status. But this really isn’t the case, as loneliness and being alone are not synonymous, and the current societal shift is beginning to embrace this truth. Take, for example, Emma Watson, who famously described herself as “self-partnered” rather than single.


Creative Indoor Date Ideas for Cosy Nights In!

Outdoor dates are fun, but sometimes, the most memorable moments are created within the cosy confines of your home. Whether the weather is uncooperative or you just want a quiet night in, these six creative indoor date ideas will help you and your partner connect, laugh, and create lasting memories.

Game Night

Remember those childhood days when the highlight of your week was a heated game of Monopoly? Bring back that nostalgic fun with a game night. Dust off those classic board games or delve into new ones. Don’t forget about card games! Make it interesting by adding a little friendly competition—perhaps the loser has to do the winner’s chores for a week!

Cooking Together

They say the way to someone’s heart is through their stomach, so why not bond over a delicious meal you both prepare together? Choose a new recipe to try, put on some music, and get cooking! Plus, you get to enjoy the fruits of your labour afterwards with a cosy candlelit dinner for two.

Series Marathon

With streaming services offering many choices, a series marathon can be a perfect way to spend an evening (or a weekend). Pick a series you both have been dying to watch or re-watch a classic you both love. Prepare some snacks, dim the lights, and get cosy under a blanket. The shared emotions—be it laughter, suspense, or tears—will bring you closer.

This rebranding of singleness is empowering and reshapes how we perceive those who choose not to be in a relationship. It tells us that being on your own doesn’t equate to being alone in a negative sense but instead being whole and complete in yourself.

This rebranding of singleness is empowering and reshapes how we perceive those who choose not to be in a relationship. It tells us that being on your own doesn’t equate to being alone in a negative sense but instead being whole and complete in yourself.

A 2019 study found that single people often have stronger social networks than their married counterparts. They maintain more robust connections with friends, family, and their communities, which are vital for overall well-being. Additionally, they tend to have more time and freedom to pursue personal interests and hobbies. There is also the unpopular conversation regarding the evolving paths to parenthood.

More single women are turning to options like surrogate motherhood and sperm banks to fulfil their desires to raise children. This shift challenges the traditional family model and underscores a broader theme: family and fulfillment are personal, and they don’t follow a one-size-fits-all formula.

To be clear, this isn’t an argument against relationships.

Especially as on the flip side, we cannot ignore the real emotional and psychological challenges that can sometimes come with prolonged singleness in a society that often doesn’t support it. Loneliness is a legitimate feeling and can affect anyone, single or not. However, addressing loneliness isn’t about finding a partner but about finding meaningful connections and pursuits that fulfil you.

Traditional narratives have long hailed the virtues of married life—shared experiences, the joys of raising children, and the support system that a family often provides. This isn’t lost on those who dream of growing old surrounded by loved ones, where the notion of family is integral to their sense of fulfillment.

So, is it okay to remain single forever? The real question should be, are you happy with the life you’re creating for yourself? Because at the end of the day, whether you’re single, married, or somewhere in between, the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. As Oscar Wilde wisely noted, “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” And that’s a romance worth investing in.

Cuddle and Chill

Sometimes, the simplest date nights are the most memorable. Whether you’re chatting about your day, sharing funny stories, or simply basking in each other’s presence, there’s something magical about the intimacy and comfort of cuddling up with your significant other.

Musical Magic

Music has the power to evoke emotions and memories and even bring people closer together. Create a personalised playlist of your favourite songs or discover new tunes together. Whether you’re dancing in the living room, singing along at the top of your lungs, or simply swaying to the music in each other’s arms, a night of musical magic can set the perfect mood for a romantic evening at home.

DIY Spa Night

Indulge in some much-needed pampering with a DIY spa night for two. Transform your home into a sanctuary of relaxation with scented candles, soothing music, and luxurious bath products. Give each other massages, wear face masks, or unwind in a warm bubble bath together.



The term “smart casual” has long perplexed partygoers and professionals alike. It’s the dress code that covers the grey area between a full suit and your favourite laid-back weekend wear. But as our work environments and social settings have evolved, so too have the boundaries of this elusive dress code. Today, we’re setting the record straight with the new rules of smart casual, ensuring you never second-guess your outfit choice again.

Rule 1: Fabric Matters

When mastering smart casual, the fabric of your attire can make or break your outfit. Opt for high-quality materials that straddle the line between luxe and relaxed. Think silk blouses or structured denim. These choices suggest a level of polish without appearing overly formal.

Rule 2: Accessories

Accessories are your secret weapon in the smart casual game. A well-chosen piece can elevate your outfit instantly. For women, a statement watch or an elegant pair of earrings can add just the right touch of sophistication. Men can achieve a similar effect with a leather belt or a vintage-inspired timepiece. Remember, the goal is to enhance your outfit, not overwhelm it.

Rule 3: Shoes Matter

Never underestimate the power of good footwear. The wrong shoes can derail your entire outfit. Swap out your everyday sneakers for something with a bit more finesse— think loafers, chic flats, or even heels.

Rule 4: When in Doubt, Add a Blazer

The blazer is the Swiss Army knife of the wardrobe world. Throwing a blazer over a more relaxed outfit instantly increases its smart quotient. However, ensure your blazer fits well—it should hug your shoulders snugly and cinch slightly at the waist. This rule applies to everyone, as a good blazer knows no gender boundaries.

Rule 5: The Denim Debate

Jeans in a smart casual outfit? Absolutely—but keep it classy. Choose a dark

10 Reasons Why Every Man Needs a Facial

wash as it reads more sophisticated, and ensure they are free from any rips or heavy distressing. Pairing jeans with a polished top or blazer exemplifies the essence of smart casual: comfortable yet refined.

Rule 6: Tailoring Is Key

Tailoring doesn’t just apply to traditional suits. Even your casual pieces should fit well to give off a smart vibe. Avoid anything too baggy or too tight. Tailored trousers, skirts, and even well-fitting t-shirts can form the backbone of a smart casual wardrobe.

Rule 7: Colour Coordination

While there are no strict colour rules, sticking to a cohesive palette can help pull your look together. Neutral colours like navy, black, grey, and white are easy to mix and match and generally look more polished. However, don’t shy away from colour altogether— a pop of something bright can bring energy and individuality to your outfit.

Rule 8: Grooming is Non-Negotiable

Smart casual isn’t just about the clothes; your grooming habits also play a crucial role. A neat appearance—from well-groomed hair to minimal, tidy nails—complements your outfit and adds to the overall effect of thoughtfulness.

Rule 9: Know Your Environment

Finally, the most important rule of smart casual is to consider the context. What works for a tech startup’s office will differ vastly from what’s appropriate for a creative agency or a casual dinner. Tune into the norms of your environment and adjust accordingly.

Gentlemen, it’s time to elevate your grooming game. Facials are not just a luxury; they’re a crucial part of maintaining healthy, vibrant skin. From deep cleansing and hydration to anti-ageing benefits and stress relief, the reasons to get a facial are as numerous as they are compelling.

1. Deep Cleansing

Forget soap and water; facials go deeper. Professional facials cleanse your skin far more thoroughly than your daily routine. Estheticians use specialised products and techniques to remove dirt, oil, and impurities lodged deep within your pores. Think of it as a power wash for your face.

2. Exfoliation

Dead skin cells are a real buzzkill, making your complexion dull and tired. Facials involve exfoliation techniques that slough away these dead cells, revealing the fresh, vibrant skin beneath. Regular exfoliation also promotes cell turnover, which can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

3. Hydration

Just like your body needs water, your skin craves hydration. Facials often include hydrating masks and serums that penetrate deeply into your skin, delivering much-needed moisture. Well-hydrated skin is more resilient, less prone to irritation, and looks undeniably healthier. Plus, it feels amazing—imagine your skin drinking a tall glass of water.

4. Stress Relief

Facials are not just about skincare; they’re a full-on relaxation experience. The soothing environment, gentle massage, and aromatic products all reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being.

5. Anti-Ageing Benefits

We all want to age gracefully, and facials can help. Anti-ageing facials use targeted treatments and ingredients like retinol and peptides to reduce the signs of ageing. Regular facials can also help smooth out fine lines, tighten

sagging skin, and improve overall skin tone and texture.

6. Skincare Tailored to You

One of the biggest perks of getting a professional facial is the expert advice you receive. Estheticians are skincare specialists who can assess your skin type and condition and offer personalised recommendations for your skincare routine. They can help you choose the right products and techniques to address your concerns, whether acne, dryness, or signs of ageing.

7. Blackhead Banisher

Blackheads are the bane of many men’s existence. They’re stubborn, unsightly, and hard to get rid of on your own. Facials often include extractions, a process where a professional gently removes blackheads and other impurities from your pores. It’s a bit like a spring clean for your skin, leaving you with a clearer, smoother complexion.

8. Even Skin Tone

Uneven skin tone and discolouration can make you look older and more tired than you are. Facials can help to even out your com-

plexion by targeting dark spots and redness. Brightening treatments and products used in facials can reduce pigmentation and promote a more uniform skin tone, giving you that coveted, consistent glow.

9. Boosted Confidence

Let’s face it—when you look good, you feel good. Clear, healthy skin boosts your confidence and makes you feel ready to take on the world. Facials are not just about vanity; they’re about feeling your best.

10. Preventative Care

The best way to deal with skin issues is to prevent them from happening in the first place. Regular facials can help keep your skin in top condition, preventing problems like acne, dryness, and signs of ageing. It’s like taking your car for regular maintenance—except this maintenance makes you look younger and feel more confident.



Wole Soyinka, the towering figure of African literature, has turned 90. It’s a milestone that not only marks the longevity of a man but also the enduring influence of a cultural icon whose work has shaped the landscape of global literature and activism. Born Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde Soyinka on July 13, 1934, in Abeokuta, Nigeria, Soyinka’s life is a testament to the power of words and the unyielding spirit of a man dedicated to truth and justice.

Early Life and Influences

Soyinka was born into a family with rich Yoruba culture and British colonial influence. His father, Samuel Ayodele Soyinka, was an Anglican minister and headmaster, while his mother, Grace Eniola Soyinka, was a shopkeeper and a political activist. This dual heritage provided Soyinka with a unique perspective that would later permeate his work. Raised in a household where traditional Yoruba beliefs coexisted with Christian teachings, Soyinka experienced a blend of religious and cultural narratives that enriched his worldview.

His education began at St. Peter’s Primary School in Abeokuta and continued at Abeokuta Grammar School. It was during these formative years that his literary talents began to shine. He excelled in literary composition, winning several prizes. This early recognition was a precursor to the illustrious career that lay ahead.

Academic Pursuits and Literary Beginnings

Soyinka’s academic journey took him to Government College in Ibadan, one of Nigeria’s most prestigious secondary schools. From there, he moved to University College Ibadan, where he studied English literature, Greek, and Western history. His literary career took off in earnest during his time at university, with the writing and

broadcast of his first radio play, “Keffi’s Birthday Treat,” in 1954.

In 1954, Soyinka relocated to England to further his studies at the University of Leeds. Under the mentorship of renowned literary scholar Wilson Knight, Soyinka honed his craft, blending European theatrical traditions with his Yoruba cultural heritage. This synthesis became a hallmark of his work, evident in his early plays such as The Swamp Dwellers and The Lion and the Jewel.

The Pyrates Confraternity and Early Activism

While at the University College Ibadan, Soyinka and six others founded the Pyrates Confraternity, an anti-corruption and justice-seeking student organisation. This group, the first confraternity in Nigeria, reflected Soyinka’s early commitment to social justice, a theme that would persist throughout his life.

Soyinka’s return to Nigeria in the late 1950s marked the beginning of a prolific period of writing and activism. He received a Rockefeller Research Fellowship and produced works criticising the political elite and the post-colonial government’s failures. His biting satire, A Dance of The Forests, was chosen as the official play for Nigerian Independence Day in 1960, underscoring his role as a critical voice in the new nation.

Political Turmoil and Imprisonment

The political climate in Nigeria during the 1960s was turbulent, with coups and civil unrest shaping the nation’s history. Soyinka’s activism often put him at odds with the government. In 1965, he was arrested for allegedly holding up a radio station to broadcast a message denouncing electoral malpractice. Though the charges were later dropped, this incident marked the beginning of his contentious relationship with Nigerian authorities.

During the Nigerian Civil War (1967-1970), Soyinka attempted to broker peace between the warring factions. His efforts led to his arrest and imprisonment for 22 months, much of it spent in solitary confinement. Despite the harsh conditions, Soyinka continued to write, producing a significant body of work that included poems and essays critiquing the Nigerian government. His experiences during this period were later documented in his memoir, The Man Died: Prison Notes.

Nobel Laureate and Global Recognition

In 1986, Soyinka became the first African to be awarded the

Nobel Prize in Literature. The Nobel Committee praised him as one “who in a wide cultural perspective and with poetic overtones fashions the drama of existence.” This accolade cemented Soyinka’s status as a global literary figure and brought wider attention to African literature.

Soyinka’s acceptance speech, “This Past Must Address Its Present,” was a powerful indictment of apartheid and a call for justice, reflecting his lifelong commitment to human rights. Throughout his career, Soyinka’s works have addressed themes of oppression, tyranny, and the struggle for freedom, making him a voice for the marginalised and oppressed.

Later Works and Continued Activism

Soyinka’s literary output has been prodigious, spanning plays, novels, poetry, and essays. His notable works include Death and the King’s Horseman, The Road, and Madmen and Specialists. Each of these works delves into the complexities of Nigerian society, exploring the intersections of tradition and modernity and the enduring impacts of colonialism.

In addition to his literary achievements, Soyinka has remained


an active voice in political discourse. He has been a vocal critic of successive Nigerian governments, speaking out against corruption, human rights abuses, and the rise of religious extremism. His fearless advocacy for democracy and justice has often put him at odds with those in power, but it has also earned him respect and admiration globally.

Personal Life and Legacy

Soyinka’s personal life has been as complex and multifaceted as his professional career. He has been married three times and has children from his marriages. His first marriage was to British writer Barbara Dixon, with whom he had his first son. His subsequent marriages to Nigerian librarian Olaide Idowu and Folake Doherty brought more children into his life. Despite personal and political challenges, Soyinka has continued to be a prolific writer and an influential public intellectual. His battle with prostate cancer, revealed in 2014, has not dimmed his spirit or his commitment to his work and activism.

Wole Soyinka’s Enduring Influence

Soyinka’s influence extends beyond the written word. He has been a mentor to generations of writers and activists, nurturing new voices and championing the cause of freedom and justice. The Wole Soyinka Annual Lecture Series, established in his honour, inspires dialogue and reflection on critical issues facing Nigeria and the world.

As he celebrates his 90th birthday, his legacy as a literary giant and a fearless advocate for justice is secure. His contributions to literature and his unwavering commitment to human rights have left an indelible mark on the world. His life and work remind us of the power of words to challenge, inspire, and transform societies.


Wole Soyinka, a titan of literature and a true champion of humanity. Happy 90th birthday, Sir!
Here’s to Wole Soyinka, a titan of literature and a true champion of humanity. Happy 90th birthday, Sir!


Triple Fulfilment at 50

A Consultant Radiologist at Lagos University Teaching Hospitals (LUTH)

Dr. Juliet Okonkwo’s story exemplifies resilience, where each step forward was met with potential setbacks that seemed insurmountable. “ Going through the demanding corridors of medical school in Nigeria with six young children was a trial by fire,” she shares, “yet, with faith as my guide and my husband, Dim Ezechigozili Tony Okonkwo, by my side, I found strength and clarity.” Her career is more than a profession; it is a channel for gratitude, allowing her to serve the public with renewed vigour and a deep-seated desire to make a difference.

Happy birthday, Juliet. Wow ! 50? How does it feel? Thanks. It feels amazing. feel undiluted joy inside and out. I’m filled with boundless gratitude to God Almighty for so many favours and mercies. I celebrate with unending praise for the man who has loved me without a break, my dearest husband, father, and friend, Dim Ezechigozili Tony Okonkwo. feel so specially blessed that with him, all things have been bright and beautiful. We have the best children any parent could ever wish for. The icing on the cake came in a double portion almost simultaneously: I qualfied as a Consultant Radiologist at LUTH and became a grandmother before turning fifty.

You are currently a Consultant Radiologist at LUTH; how did you get started with that?

The golden rule I learned from my husband, which I freely give to my fellow women, is: “If you really want your marriage to work the word sorry must be at the tip of your lips.”

I chose radiology just before my postings because at the seminar room where we all gathered for our class, the then HOD, Prof Soyebi Kofo, put up a CT Image and asked us to identify what was abnormal about the image; she even offered to gift anyone who answered correctly, that really got my attention because growing up any time a motivation came to achieving a feat, it always pushes me to want to do it, I was able to point out the abnormality and she retorted that I have an eye of a radiologist. And that started my journey here. Although it took me three years to get a posting, I would later get the residency at LUTH, opting to work without pay.

You mentioned being a mother of six while attending medical school; how did you handle that?

What helped me is that my focus centres squarely on home

whenever I am home, and when I’m in class, I am focused on it and giving my best. The ability to juggle both worlds was from a place of determination and strength. got subtle remarks about my situation from lecturers and students alike. However, I tried to prove them otherwise and move forward without self-pity. I also had lots of help from my mother and aunts. They took turns to stay with my children and baby. I kept pushing myself hard to get through it all.

Let’s talk a bit about your family. You have been married for about 30 years. What’s the secret to a long-lasting union like yours?

The golden rule I learned from my husband, which freely give to my fellow women, is: “If you really want your marriage to work the word sorry must be at the tip of your lips.” The ability to say I am sorry first, whether you annoyed me or I annoyed you, is my mantra. It frees, heals, and restores. It’s not a sign of weakness but a measure of strength. Saying sorry denies the offence a root, helps grow forgiveness, and allows reconciliation to flourish.

How has your faith influenced your journey and achievements?

It’s all-encompassing. I remember ensuring that I never missed church and that even in my tight classes, I always ensured that my children and I attended church. It’s been God because nothing in life can be achieved without Him.

What has been your most rewarding professional achievement?

My most rewarding professional achievement has been qualifying as a Consultant Radiologist at LUTH. This accomplishment came with many challenges, including balancing my studies with family responsibilities and taking leave to care for my father. Despite these obstacles, achieving this milestone has been incredibly fulfilling. It signifies not only my dedication and hard work but also the support and sacrifices of my family. This achievement is a testament to the strength and perseverance that have guided me throughout my career.

What are your future goals and aspirations, both personally and professionally?

I want to build a one-stop medical and radiology centre where my colleagues and I can combine our skills and create something remarkable. Even though it’s still in its infancy, I presently devote my time to reading to have better opportunities for the future.

My most rewarding professional achievement has been qualifying as a Consultant Radiologist at LUTH


An Exposé on the Two Most Misused Health Terms Among

Nigerian Youth

In recent years, mental health awareness has significantly increased, but with this increased attention comes a challenge: the misuse, misunderstanding and mislabeling of specific mental health terms. Among Nigerian youth, two of the most frequently misused terms are Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder (OCD). This misuse can lead to harmful misconceptions and trivialise the experiences of those who genuinely suffer from these conditions. This week, we are going to clarify what ADHD and OCD truly are and to address the common misconceptions surrounding them.

Understanding ADHD

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that severely interfere with daily functioning or development. It is usually diagnosed in childhood, but symptoms can persist into adulthood. Key characteristics of ADHD include:

Inattention: Difficulty sustaining attention, making careless mistakes, and being easily distracted.

Hyperactivity: Excessive fidgeting, restlessness, and an inability to stay seated or quiet when expected.

Impulsivity: Acting without thinking, interrupting others, and difficulty waiting for one’s turn.

Common Misconceptions About ADHD

1. “I have ADHD because I can’t focus.”

Occasional difficulty focusing, especially when bored or uninterested, is normal and not indicative of ADHD. ADHD is diagnosed based on chronic and pervasive symptoms that significantly affect daily functioning.

2. “Only children have ADHD.”

While ADHD is often diagnosed in childhood, it can continue into adulthood. Many adults with ADHD were never diagnosed as children and may struggle with managing their symptoms.

3.”ADHD means you’re always hyperactive.” ADHD can present primarily as inattentiveness (formerly known as ADD), primarily hyperactive-impulsive, or combined. Not everyone with ADHD is hyperactive.

Understanding OCD

OCD is a mental health disorder character-

ised by unwanted, intrusive thoughts/obsessions and repetitive behaviours or mental acts/ compulsions that a person feels driven to perform. These obsessions and compulsions are time-consuming and cause significant distress or impairment.

- Obsessions: Recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or images that cause anxiety or distress.

- Compulsions: Repetitive behaviours or mental acts performed to reduce the anxiety caused by obsessions, often in a ritualistic manner.

Common Misconceptions About OCD

1. “I’m so OCD because I like things clean and organised.”

- Preferring cleanliness and order is not the same as having OCD. OCD involves intense, uncontrollable obsessions and compulsions that go beyond normal preferences and significantly interfere with a person’s life.

2. “OCD is just about being neat and tidy.”

- OCD can manifest in various ways, including fears of contamination, harm, symmetry, and intrusive thoughts about taboo subjects. It is definitely not limited to cleanliness or organisation.

3. “People with OCD can just stop their compulsions if they try hard enough.”

- Compulsions are performed to alleviate the distress caused by obsessions. They are not simply habits that can be stopped at will; they are part of a complex mental health disorder that often requires professional treatment.

The Impact of Misuse

The casual misuse of terms like ADHD and OCD trivialises the experiences of those who live with these disorders. They are not fanciful words/abbreviations. These are real issues and illnesses, not something any real victim is proud of or even wishes to admit in public.

Misuse can lead to:

- Stigmatisation: People with genuine diagnoses may feel misunderstood or judged, making it harder for them to seek help.

- Misdiagnosis: Misunderstanding these disorders can lead to improper self-diagnosis or misdiagnosis by others, preventing individuals from getting the appropriate treatment. The more we trivialise these disorders and make them seem normal, the more lines blur and misdiagnosis becomes the order of the day.

- Minimisation: The severity and impact of these disorders may be downplayed, leading to a lack of empathy and support for those affected.

Promoting Accurate Understanding

To combat the misuse of ADHD and OCD, especially amongst Nigerian youth, it is crucial to promote accurate information and understanding:

1. Education Incorporate mental health education into school curriculums to provide accurate information about various disorders.

2. Awareness Campaigns: Use social media and community programs to raise awareness about the true nature of ADHD and OCD.

3. Support Systems: Encourage the development of support groups and resources for individuals with these disorders to share their experiences and receive proper guidance.


Getting older shouldn’t mean slowing down—especially when it comes to staying fit. As we age, adapting our fitness routines to fit our changing bodies is crucial, but that doesn’t mean settling for less. In fact, it’s an exciting opportunity to explore new activities that can enhance our health and vitality. Here’s how you can stay active, enjoy exercise, and look forward to celebrating more birthdays in great shape.

Get Social

Fitness can be a wonderful social activity at any age. Joining a group exercise class, a walking group, or a sports club can provide a dose of social interaction, which is vital for mental health. These settings offer support and companionship, making it easier to stay motivated. Plus, it’s always more fun to laugh and sweat together!

Listen to Your Body

Start with What You Love

The first step to maintaining fitness as you age is to engage in activities you genuinely enjoy. Gone are the days of forcing yourself through gruelling workouts that feel more like torture than fun. Love dancing? Sign up for a Zumba class. Enjoy the great outdoors? Walking might be perfect for you.

Embrace Low-Impact Workouts

As joints and muscles mature, they often appreciate a gentler approach. Low-impact exercises such as yoga, swimming, or cycling can be less stressful on your body while still providing significant health benefits. Yoga, for instance, helps improve flexibility and balance and enhances mental health—a crucial aspect of well-being as we age.

Build Muscle to Defy Age

Muscle mass naturally declines with age, but resistance training can help reverse that trend. Light weights, resistance bands, or body-weight exercises like squats and push-ups can help maintain muscle strength and bone density.

Focus on Flexibility and Balance

Improving flexibility and balance is paramount as you age because it helps prevent falls and increases mobility. Tai chi, often described as “meditation in motion,” is fantastic for this. Its slow, flowing movements enhance balance and calm the mind. Similarly, stretching routines can help keep the muscles supple and reduce the risk of injuries.

As we age, our bodies communicate more loudly and clearly, and it’s wise to listen. Tailor your exercise routine to accommodate any physical limitations or health issues. If something hurts, take it as a sign to pull back or try a different activity.

Set Realistic Goals

Setting achievable goals is more motivating than setting the bar unrealistically high. Perhaps you aim to walk 10,000 steps a day, swim twice a week, or simply stand up from a chair without using your hands. Celebrate each milestone, no matter how small, and remember that every bit of movement counts towards your overall fitness.

Keep It Consistent

Consistency is key in any fitness regimen, but it doesn’t mean you have to stick to the same routine daily. Mix it up to keep things interesting. Try new classes, change your walking route, or switch between different types of exercise to keep your body guessing and your mind engaged.

Make It Part of Your Lifestyle

Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park farther from the store entrance, or do some gentle stretches while watching TV. These small changes can make a big difference in how you feel physically and mentally.

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