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The Business of Interior Design Masterclass with VickyHeldan

RTemember when Taylor Swift sang, “Bandaids don’t fix bullet holes”? That lyric quickly became my go-to reprimand for every bad relationship out there. And that’s precisely why it was the first thing that came to mind when read the article “Ten Times When It’s OK to Let Go of a Friendship.” It’s a timely read I tell you, considering how messy and complicated human connections can be lately. So, the points in the article were spot-on, but it left me wondering: Is it really that easy to let go of friendships? I think breakups, in general, suck—especially the nonromantic ones. Dumping a friend isn’t as straightforward as doing a KonMari cleanse on your Facebook friends list. Especially when holding on seems a lot easier than finding new friends.

I’m an eternal optimist; I like to see the good in people. That’s why I struggle with the idea that there are “toxic people.” believe in toxic dynamics between people instead. If you’re like me, cutting ties completely can feel like an ordeal. What if we take a break instead of severing the bond entirely? A suggestion might be to step back from the friendship for two to six months.

You know, give both parties the breathing space to reevaluate what they want. If, after that period, the toxic dynamic persists, you’ll find more strength to end the relationship. know a lot of you don’t agree with me, but this is just a suggestion.

Are you dealing with something like this right now?

How are you handling it? I’d love to hear your stories.

On a very related note, while we’re riding the wave of listicles, you should also read “Texting Habits That Show They’re Interested.”

know it can be difficult to decipher how someone feels over text. But given that texting is one of the main ways we communicate now, it pays to learn how to read the subtext of all the texts you get. It helps protect your heart, after all.

It’s so interesting that today’s conversation revolves around love and friendship, the core of our social lives.




And even more interesting is the fact that these two things are the twin pillars of our emotional world. They’re what keep us grounded, and sometimes, they’re what make life worth living. However, they’re also what make life complicated. But isn’t that the beauty of it all? The ups and downs, the good times and the bad, all contribute to the rich cocktail of our lives.

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he Business of Interior Design Masterclass with Vickyheldan is a premier event designed to unite industry experts and share invaluable insights, knowledge, and experience with emerging and aspiring interior designers. This gathering brings together home fragrance curators, architects, home collection designers, and furniture manufacturers, all focused on creating designs that are not unique and aesthetically pleasing but also functional and profitable. The maiden edition of this exciting masterclass, which took place at the Lilygate Hotel in Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria, on June 28, 2024, was a resounding success. It was attended by esteemed industry experts, and participants received certificates of participation upon completion, a testament to the quality of the event.

Notable speakers included Karen Koshoni of Urban Living Lagos, a renowned figure in the industry; Dr. Charles O’Tudor, Africa’s premier brand strategist and consultant and the founder of ADSTRAT BMC; and Victory Ifeoma Njoku, the founder of The Business of Interior Design Masterclass and creative director of VickyHeldan Interior Design, all of whom shared their wealth of knowledge and experience.




Friendships, like any other relationship, can be intricate and challenging. They require mutual effort, respect, and understanding to thrive. However, there are times when it’s necessary to reevaluate and possibly let go of a friendship. Here are ten situations where it might be best to move on.

1. When It’s Draining Your Energy

Have you ever felt exhausted after spending time with a friend? Constant negativity, endless complaints, or drama can sap your energy and leave you feeling depleted. If you consistently find yourself feeling more drained than uplifted after interactions, it might be time to reconsider the friendship. Your mental and emotional well-being should always come first.

2. When There’s a Lack of Reciprocity

Friendship is a two-way street. If you’re always the one reaching out, making plans, or offering support without receiving the same effort in return, it can lead to feelings of resentment and imbalance. A healthy friendship should involve mutual give-and-take, where both parties invest equally in the relationship.

3. When Values and Beliefs Clash

As we grow and evolve, our values and beliefs can change. Sometimes, these shifts can create a significant rift between friends. If fundamental differences in values lead to frequent conflicts or discomfort, it may be a sign that the friendship is no longer compatible with who you are today.

4. When Trust Is Broken

Trust is the cornerstone of any meaningful relationship. If a friend has betrayed your trust—whether through dishonesty, gossip, or betrayal—it can be incredibly difficult to rebuild that foundation. Without trust, the friendship may never regain its former strength and may cause ongoing pain and suspicion.

5. When There’s Continuous Negative Influence

Friends can influence our behaviours and decisions. If a friend consistently encourages you to engage in unhealthy or destructive habits, it can hinder your personal growth and well-being. Letting go of friendships that negatively impact your life can create space for more positive influences.

6. When It’s One-Sided Support

Support in a friendship should be mutual. If you find yourself constantly providing emotional support without receiving any in return, it can lead to burnout and feelings of neglect. A healthy friendship should be a source of comfort and encouragement for both parties.

7. When There’s Emotional Manipulation

Emotional manipulation can take many forms, from guilt-tripping and passive-aggressive behaviour to outright control. If a friend consistently manipulates your emotions to get their way or make you feel inferior, it’s crucial to recognize this toxic dynamic and distance yourself.

8. When It Hinders Personal Growth

As we go through life, having friends who support our growth and ambitions is important. If a friendship consistently holds you back or discourages you from pursuing your goals, it can stifle your progress. Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you to be the best version of yourself.

9. When It’s Based on Obligation

Sometimes, friendships persist out of a sense of duty or obligation rather than a genuine connection. If you find yourself maintaining a friendship solely because you feel you should rather than because you genuinely enjoy the person’s company, it may be time to reconsider. Authentic friendships should bring joy and fulfilment, not a sense of burden.

10. When There’s No Room for Authenticity

True friends should accept and appreciate you for who you are. If you feel the need to hide your true self, constantly walking on eggshells or pretending to be someone you’re not, the friendship may not be worth maintaining. Authenticity is crucial for a deep and meaningful connection.



Instagram is more than just a social media platform; it’s a digital diary, a mood board, and a personality showcase all rolled into one. Each post paints a picture of who you are, your passions, and your life’s moments. Whether you’re the Queen of selfies or the Curator of candid moments, your Instagram feed reveals much more about you than you might realise. Ever wonder what your Instagram feed says about you? Keep reading to find out how the curation of your posts, stories, and even the accounts you follow on Instagram can serve as

mirror reflecting your inner world.

The Social Butterfly Group photos, event highlights, and check-ins at the latest hotspots are what your feed is made of. You love socialising, and your Instagram is a testament to your bustling social life. Your friends are your family, and you cherish every moment spent with them. This suggests you’re extroverted, outgoing, and always searching for the next adventure. Your feed is a celebration of life’s fun and festive moments.

The Wanderer If every other post on your feed has a different geotag, from sandy beaches to rocky hills, you’re probably someone with a severe case of wanderlust. This globetrotting theme indicates a love for adventure, exploration, and learning about new cultures. Your followers get to live vicariously through your travels, and your feed reflects a spirited and adventurous personality, always on the lookout for the next exciting experience.

The Candid Capturer If your feed is full of spontaneous snaps, unfiltered moments, and a sprinkle of quirky selfies, you’re all about keeping it real. You value authenticity over perfection and

Inspirational Influencer Quotes, motivational snippets,

The Foodie Is your feed an endless scroll of brunch pics, gourmet dinners, and perhaps some homemade culinary masterpieces? If yes, then it’s safe to say food is more than just sustenance for you—it’s a hobby or maybe even a passion. This penchant for culinary content shows that you enjoy the finer things in life and likely take pleasure in both eating and preparing beautiful dishes. You’re someone who not only loves to eat but also appreciates the art of food presentation.



Step aside LVs, Chanels, Guccis, and Birkins—let’s shine the spotlight on some homegrown talent. While Nigerian fashion has made waves globally with its vibrant clothing lines, the world is still waking up to the magic of Nigerian handbag brands. Though lesser known, these local gems are making significant strides in the fashion industry. From luxurious leather to culturally rich designs, Nigerian bag makers are here to stay. Here are some made-in-Nigeria handbags that you should definitely know about.

Toke Makinwa Luxury Chic, artsy, and sophisticated—Toke Makinwa Luxury offers a range of handbags that can elevate any outfit. Whether you’re in need of a spacious tote, a stylish midi, or a compact mini, this brand has got you covered. Founded by media personality Toke Makinwa, these bags are as vibrant and dynamic as their creator, bringing a splash of colour and sophistication to your everyday look.

Detail Africa

Detail Africa, founded by Seromume Ikogho, is all about precision and uniqueness. Specialising in quality bags and briefcases for both men and women, this brand lives up to its name with detailed craftsmanship that is evident from afar. If you’re looking for a bag that exudes quality and individuality, Detail Africa is the go-to.

Kisara Eku Ogunbor’s Kisara bags are a masterpiece of cane and leather craftsmanship. Each piece is meticulously handmade by African artisans using locally sourced materials. The result? Unique designs that boast both elegance and durability.

Whether it’s a chic clutch or a statement tote, Kisara bags are perfect for those who appreciate artistry and quality.

O’eclat Designs Innovation meets tradition at O’eclat Designs. Founded by Gbemi Johnson, this brand offers an array of handcrafted bags made from leather and traditional African fabrics. Known for its sustainability and attention to detail, O’eclat’s pieces, like the Adunni Tote and the Titi Bag, are bold, colourful, and culturally rich, making them perfect statement accessories.

Zashadu Zashadu stands out as a leading name in sustainable luxury. Founded by Zainab Ashadu, the brand specialises in handcrafted leather pieces for both men and women. Zashadu’s designs, such as the iconic Box Bag and the Mini Laila, are celebrated for their timeless appeal and superior craftsmanship. With leathers and exotic skins sourced locally, each bag is a testament to sustainable fashion.

If you want your

Ohiole Lagos Avant-garde and visually striking, Ohiole Lagos bags are designed to be conversation starters. Known for their unique visual art and innovative designs, these bags guarantee compliments wherever you go.
handbag to reflect your bold and artistic personality, Ohiole Lagos is the brand for you.



Netflix’s latest series, ‘Supacell’, dropped on the 27th of June, and we haven’t been able to stop talking about it! The series feels like a breath of fresh air from all the “cougary” romcoms that have been churned out lately, blending the extraordinary with the every day in a way that feels both familiar and novel.

What’s more exciting is the fact that it was created by British rapper of Nigerian Descent, Andrew Onwubolu who is known for his unique storytelling style of rap. And get this, a ton of the cast are also British-Nigerians!

Now let’s dive into all the juicy stuff of what SupaCell holds.

Spoiler-free Plot Summary

‘Supacell’ follows a diverse group of ordinary Black Londoners who suddenly gain superpowers. Michael, one of the main characters, is confronted by a group of young boys trying to extort him during a delivery run on the day he plans to propose to his long-time girlfriend. Refusing to comply, he is stabbed and collapses. However, instead of dying, he finds himself reliving the exact moment. Experiencing a staggering sense of déjà vu, he manages to avoid being stabbed the second time.

Triggered by another event, Michael unexpectedly time travels to the future, where he sees himself with four others. He learns that his fiancée will die in three months unless he brings the other four together and stops an unknown enemy from coming after them. This revelation sets off a chain of events as Michael races against time to unite the group, confront their adversary, and ultimately save his fiancée.


First, ‘Supacell’ stands out for its realistic portrayal of Black people in London. The characters’ backstories are rich and varied, reflecting the diverse experiences of the Black British community. We’ve grown accustomed to seeing Black American movies, but we don’t have that many Black British stories out there. ‘Supacell’, however, sets a precedent and a high standard for more British Black narratives, offering fresh perspectives to a community often overlooked in mainstream media.

performances, from major to minor roles; each one sucked us right into their character’s realities. Nigerians are certainly even more giddy about this series, seeing that a number of the main cast are of Nigerian descent, including, Tosin Cole(Michael), Adelayo Adedayo (Dionne), Rayxia Ojo (Sharleen), Michael Salami (Gabriel), to mention a few. Several other cast members also share African heritage from Ghana, Gambia, etc. Not surprising with the alarming rate at which Nigerians have trooped to the UK over the years, we were bound to have a British film with 80% of the actors being of Nigerian or at least African descent. Tosin Cole in the role of Michael and Adelayo Adedayo as Dionne totally steal our hearts with their very first scene which was a show opener like no other. We certainly love a show that captivates us from the very first scene!

We also noticed the nod to Nigerian food with one of the characters eating something that looked like Eba with Egusi soup, not to mention that authentic Nigerian accent which we have been complaining about for the longest time! A huge thank you to Rapman for refreshing the timeline of Nigerian accents on foreign TV shows.

The surprising yet significant intention behind “Supacell” is to create awareness about sickle cell anaemia, a condition that disproportionately affects Black communities. This underlying message is woven into the narrative subtly yet effectively, making the series entertaining, informative, and socially relevant.

The show quickly unravels in bits, first portraying the characters’ lives and bits of their backstory, then the initial disbelief when they discover their powers and then grappling with these powers in a manner that feels authentic.

While many feel the six episodes are too short, we think it perfect seeing how it ended on such an intense cliffhanger because now we all know we’re marching all the way to Netflix’s head office if they don’t give us a second season.

The pacing is well-managed, keeping viewers hooked with a perfect mix of action and drama. Now, the cast???

Near perfection!

The entire cast of “Supacell” delivers compelling


The chemistry between the cast members is palpable, from the romance to friendships, bromance, etc, all adding to the show’s appeal. Their interactions range from heartfelt and supportive to tense and confrontational, reflecting the complexities of real-life relationships.

Visually, “Supacell” is simply stunning. The cinematography is simple but manages to capture the gritty beauty of London, contrasting it with the surreal manifestations of the character’s powers. The special effects are not the best we’ve seen, but they are good enough to enhance the storytelling without overwhelming it.

The surprising yet significant intention behind “Supacell” is to create awareness about sickle cell anaemia, a condition that disproportionately affects Black communities. This underlying message is woven into the narrative subtly yet effectively, making the series entertaining, informative, and socially relevant. Overall, we have nothing more to add except that we’re gingerly hoping for a swift announcement of a second season!

Fashion, by its very nature, is subjective. What one person sees as the height of chic, another might deem utterly ridiculous. Sunglasses, originally designed to protect our eyes from the glaring sun, have transcended their practical origins to become a versatile fashion accessory. But when the sun isn’t shining, do they still have a place on our faces?

Those in favour of wearing sunglasses indoors argue that the accessory has evolved beyond its functional role. For many, sunglasses are an integral part of their personal style. Take, for instance, Karl Lagerfeld, the iconic designer who was rarely seen without his signature dark shades. He once said, “They’re my burka… I’d like to be a silhouette.” For Lagerfeld, sunglasses were not just an accessory but a shield, a barrier between himself and the world, allowing him to maintain a sense of privacy and mystique.

In the entertainment industry, sunglasses indoors have become a symbol of celebrity and status. Stars like Wizkid and Burna Boy often wear sunglasses during public appearances. Their choice is not just about aesthetics but also about controlling their public image and managing their interaction with the press and fans. As Beyoncé once put it, “Sometimes you just want to shield yourself from the madness.”

Fashion insiders also highlight the versatility of sunglasses as a styling tool. Sunglasses can instantly elevate an outfit, adding an element of intrigue and sophistication. “A well-chosen pair of sunglasses can transform your look,” says stylist Moses Ebite. “They can take a basic outfit and make it look effortlessly chic.”

nication, conveying sincerity, interest, and empathy. When your eyes are hidden, you risk coming across as detached or disinterested.

Etiquette experts would likely frown upon the practice. “Good manners dictate that sunglasses should be removed indoors unless you have a medical reason to wear them,” says an Abuja-based etiquette consultant. “Keeping them on can be seen as a sign of disrespect as if you are hiding something or not fully present.”

Furthermore, there are practical concerns. Sunglasses reduce visibility in low-light conditions, which can be hazardous. Wearing them indoors, especially in places like restaurants or theatres, can be impractical and potentially unsafe. As with most style debates, the key to deciding on the indoor sunglasses conundrum lies in context and moderation. There are certain scenarios where wearing sunglasses indoors is perfectly acceptable and even expected. Highprofile events, fashion shows, and redcarpet appearances are arenas where the lines between practicality and style blur.

There are certain scenarios where wearing sunglasses indoors is perfectly acceptable and even expected. Highprofile events, fashion shows, and red-carpet appearances are arenas where the lines between practicality and style blur.

However, in everyday settings, discretion is advised. If you’re attending a casual social gathering, meeting someone for the first time, or engaging in any activity that involves significant interaction, it’s courteous to remove your shades. This small gesture can make a big difference in how you are perceived and how effectively you communicate.

In recent years, the rise of tinted and lightly shaded lenses offers a stylish compromise. These lenses provide a hint of mystique without completely obscuring the eyes. They strike a balance between form and function, allowing wearers to maintain their look without sacrificing social connection.

On the flip side, critics argue that wearing sunglasses indoors is impractical and sometimes downright rude. Sunglasses, by design, obscure your eyes, making social interactions awkward. Eye contact is a fundamental aspect of commu-

Ultimately, fashion is about personal expression, and rules are meant to be broken. If wearing sunglasses indoors feels authentic to your style, then, by all means, go for it. Just be mindful of the context and the potential message you’re sending.



Olumide Akpata, a distinguished lawyer with two decades of experience, is stepping into the political arena as a governorship aspirant for Edo State under the Labour Party. Formerly the President of the Nigerian Bar Association and managing partner at the renowned law firm Templars, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his candidacy. His deep commitment to good governance and the welfare of Edo State’s people also makes him a standout candidate for Governor.

Olumide’s impressive track record showcases his leadership prowess and dedication to social justice and inclusivity. He has consistently worked towards improving his community, demonstrating a steadfast commitment to progress and development. And he says his vision for Edo State encompasses economic prosperity, enhanced infrastructure, and expanded social services for all stakeholders.

In this interview with Funke Babs-Kufeji, Olumide reaffirms his dedication to public service and shares his vision for leading Edo State towards a prosperous and sustainable future.

Why did you choose the Labour Party platform to run for Governor of Edo state? What does the party stand for that you align with? chose the Labour Party after a great deal of careful consideration and introspection. In Nigeria, as you’re well aware, we don’t yet have the option of independent candidacy, so one must align with a political platform to actualise one’s vision for public service. I thoroughly analysed all available parties, scrutinising their ideologies, track records, and potential for genuine change. Ultimately, I found that the Labour Party of Nigeria most closely aligns with my aspiration to put people at the heart of governance.

The party’s logo, depicting a father, mother, and child—or, as we say, colloquially, “Papa, Mama, Pikin”—resonates deeply with my vision for inclusive leadership focused on people-centric and people-impacting programs. This symbolism also reflects a commitment to family values and the welfare of every stratum of society, from the most vulnerable to the most privileged.

In choosing the Labour Party, I’m also making a statement about the kind of politics I believe inone rooted in the commoner’s aspirations, focused on tangible improvements in people’s lives, and committed to transparent, accountable governance. It’s a platform that allows me to pursue my vision of a more equitable, prosperous Edo State without being encumbered by the baggage that some more established parties might carry.

Why should the people of Edo state elect you as the next Governor? What are you bringing to the table if elected, and what edge do you believe you have over other candidates?

The people of Edo State should elect me as their next Governor because I bring a unique blend of

experience, expertise, and vision that is particularly suited to our state’s challenges and opportunities. My background as a lawyer of over 30 years and former President of the Nigerian Bar Association has equipped me with a deep understanding of governance, policy-making, and the intricate workings of the public and private sectors.

What I’m bringing to the table is a fresh perspective, untainted by the traditional political machinations that have often hindered progress in our state. My experience in corporate law has given me invaluable insights into what it takes to create an enabling environment for businesses to thrive. I understand the legal and regulatory frameworks needed to attract both domestic and foreign investments, which will be crucial in driving economic growth and job creation in Edo State.

Moreover, my tenure as NBA President demonstrated my ability to lead a diverse, sometimes fractious organisation, implement reforms, and advocate for justice and the rule of law. These skills are directly transferable to governance, where building consensus, managing diverse interests, and pushing through necessary reforms are paramount.

Furthermore, have a deep-rooted connection to Edo State and a nuanced understanding of its challenges and potential. I’m not just seeking office; I’m on a mission to transform our state, leveraging its rich cultural heritage, abundant natural resources, and the ingenuity of our people to create a model of good governance and sustainable development. My edge over other candidates lies in my combination of professional expertise, leadership experience, and a fresh, progressive vision for our state. I’m not burdened by political debts or entrenched in old ways of doing things. Instead, I offer a clean slate and a genuine commitment to putting the interests of the Edo people first.

Do you believe in pro-poor policy? What will your pro-poor policy be? What specific plans do you have in mind to take the generality of the Edo people out of poverty? What will you do differently to improve the welfare of the economically disadvantaged?

I wholeheartedly believe in pro-poor policies, as they are essential for creating a more equitable society and driving inclusive growth.

My administration will strongly emphasise uplifting the economically disadvantaged and creating opportunities for all Edolites to prosper. Our pro-poor policy will be multifaceted, addressing various aspects of poverty and its root causes. Education will be a cornerstone of our pro-poor strategy. We’ll significantly increase funding for public schools, focusing on improving infrastructure, providing learning materials, and enhancing the quality of teaching. We’ll also expand adult literacy programmes and vocational training to ensure that even those who missed out on formal education have the opportunity to acquire valuable skills.

We will prioritise job creation through various initiatives. This will include investments in labour-intensive sectors such as agriculture and manufacturing. We will provide support for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through access to credit, business development services, and favourable policies. We will focus on rural development to address the urban-rural divide. This will involve improving rural infrastructure, particularly roads, electricity, and water supply. We’ll also promote agribusiness and rural industrialisation to create economic opportunities in rural areas and stem urban migration.

What we will do differently is to ensure that these pro-poor policies are not just well-intentioned plans but are effectively implemented and reach those who need them most. We’ll set up robust monitoring and evaluation systems to track the impact of our interventions and make necessary adjustments.

We’ll also adopt a participatory approach, involving communities in designing and implementing poverty reduction programmes. This will ensure that our interventions are culturally appropriate and address the real needs of the poor.

Education in the country is taking a nose dive, and there has been very little impact over the years. Public schools are not well equipped, and most parents, particularly from the upper middle class, still prefer to place their children in private schools. If you are elected as Governor, how do you intend to change the narrative in Edo state?

The state of education in our country, and indeed in Edo State, is a matter of grave concern that requires urgent and comprehensive attention. You’re absolutely right that there has been a significant decline in the quality of public education, leading to a situation where those who can afford it opt for private schools. This trend not only exacerbates social inequality but also undermines the very foundation of our society, and it is particularly painful for someone like me who is wholly Nigerian-educated. I had my secondary and tertiary education in government-owned institutions. I make bold to say that can stand shoulder to shoulder with my peers from anywhere in the world because of the quality of education I received here in Nigeria. We owe it as a duty to the next generation to make sure they can get the same kind of education we got, if not better.

As Governor, I plan to transform education in Edo State through: -Increasing the education budget to meet or exceed UNESCO’s 26% recommendation.

-Overhauling public school infrastructure, including renovations and new construction, if necessary

-Investing in teacher training and welfare, implementing professional development programs and improving remuneration.

-Updating the curriculum to focus on STEM, critical thinking, and entrepreneurship while strengthening vocational education. The goal is to make public education the first choice for all parents, regardless of social class. This transformation will take time, but with consistent effort, we aim to improve education in Edo State significantly. By investing in education, we’re investing in the future of our state and country, creating a foundation for economic growth, social progress, and good governance.

You resigned from your Law firm, Templars, where you were a senior law Partner. Would you go back if you didn’t win the elections?

Yes, I resigned from my position as a Senior Partner at Templars. This decision wasn’t taken lightly, given my long association with the firm and its significant role in my professional life. This decision was driven by my commitment to public service and my desire to dedicate myself fully to the people of Edo State. My decision to run for Governor isn’t a mere political adventure but a genuine calling to serve my people. Edo State and Nigeria need transformative leader-

ship, and I’ve stepped forward to offer myself for this crucial role.

What I can say with certainty is that regardless of the outcome of this election, my commitment to the development of Edo State and Nigeria as a whole remains unwavering. Whether as Governor, private citizen or in any other capacity, will continue to work towards the betterment of our society.

It’s also worth noting that this campaign has given me invaluable insights into our state’s challenges and has further fueled my passion for public service. These experiences and the connections I’ve made with people across Edo State will inform my future endeavours, whatever form they may take.

Anyway, my energy and attention are fully directed towards this campaign and my vision for Edo State. If the electorate doesn’t choose me, although I am confident that they would, I’ll take time to reflect, consult, and make a decision that allows me to continue making a positive impact on our society.

How are you handling the political atmosphere with all the major contestants from all the other major parties?

Handling the political atmosphere with other major contestants is indeed a complex and delicate task, but I’m focusing on presenting my vision and concrete plans for Edo State. I believe that the electorate deserves a campaign based on ideas and solutions, not on empty rhetoric.

That said, I’m open to the realities of Nigerian politics. I’m well aware that some of my opponents may resort to less-savoury tactics. In such cases, my approach is to respond firmly but respectfully, always steering the conversation back to the issues that matter to the people of Edo State. I’m also placing a strong emphasis on grassroots engagement. By connecting directly with voters across the state, stay grounded and focused on the real issues affecting our people rather than getting caught up in political gamesmanship.

As a Lawyer and a governorship candidate of Edo state, what is your view of the judgement passed by the Supreme Court granting the local government autonomy of government?

The recent Supreme Court judgement granting autonomy to local governments is indeed a landmark decision with far-reaching implications for governance in Nigeria. As a lawyer and a gubernatorial candidate, I view this development through multiple lenses.

From a legal perspective, this judgement is a significant affirmation of the principle of separation of powers and the federal structure enshrined in our constitution. It reinforces the status of local govern-

ments as distinct tiers of government rather than mere administrative units of the state government. This aligns with the spirit of the 1999 Constitution, which envisages local governments as vibrant centres of grassroots democracy and development.

I see this ruling as both an opportunity and a challenge. On one hand, it presents an opportunity to strengthen grassroots governance and bring development closer to the people. Local governments, being closest to the citizens, are often best placed to understand and respond to the immediate needs of their communities. Their autonomy could lead to more responsive and efficient service delivery.

On the other hand, this autonomy comes with increased responsibility. Many local governments in Nigeria, including some in Edo State, currently lack the capacity for effective self-governance. There are concerns about financial management, project execution, and accountability at the local level.

We would need to work closely with local government authorities to build their capacity for self-governance. This would involve training programmes for local government officials in areas such as public finance management, project planning and execution, and good governance practices.

We would need to create platforms for regular dialogue and coordination between the state and local governments. While respecting their autonomy, it’s crucial to ensure that local government plans align with broader state development goals.

We would also need to work towards strengthening local democratic processes. This could involve supporting efforts to conduct regular and credible local government elections and encouraging greater citizen participation in local governance.

I believe that the Supreme Court decision offers a unique opportunity to deepen our democracy and bring governance closer to the people. If implemented thoughtfully and with adequate support, local government autonomy could be a catalyst for rapid grassroots development in Edo State and Nigeria as a whole.

You are a Lawyer, a human rights advocate and now a politician. Who is Olumide Akpata when he isn’t wearing any of the above hats?

When I’m not wearing the hats of a lawyer, human rights advocate, or politician, I am Olumide Akpata, an individual - with diverse interests and a deep commitment to personal growth and community engagement.

First and foremost, I’m a family man. Despite the demands of my professional life, I’ve always strived to maintain a strong connection with my loved ones. They are my anchor and my motivation, and I cherish the time spend with them.

I’m also an avid reader with an insatiable curiosity about the world. My

The coming election is not just about choosing a governor; it’s about deciding the direction of Edo State for the next four years and beyond. It’s about the kind of society we want to build for ourselves and for future generations.

interests span a wide range of subjects, but more often than not, you will find me with a copy of a biography of a great person in hand. Travelling and exploring new places and destinations, listening to music, and dancing are also passions of mine. I’m also committed to mentoring young people. This is not just a professional obligation but a personal passion. derive great satisfaction from sharing my experiences and insights with the next generation, helping them navigate their career paths and personal development. These interactions also keep me grounded and in touch with the aspirations and challenges of our youth.

Community service is an integral part of who I am. Even in my personal capacity, I’m involved in various charitable initiatives, particularly those focused on education and healthcare. believe strongly in the principle of giving back to society and try to lead by example in this regard.

Lastly, I’m a person who values personal relationships and human connections. Despite my public roles, I strive to maintain genuine friendships and connections with people from all walks of life.

You have debunked the rumour that you are Obaseki’s mole and have further stated that you do not agree with his style of government. What are your issues with it, and if you were in his shoes, given the current circumstances, what would you do differently?

To restate what I have always said: I am not Governor Obaseki’s mole, nor am I in agreement with his style of governance.

My decision to run for Governor stems from a genuine desire to bring about positive change in Edo State, informed by my own vision and principles. Now, to address the aspects of Governor Obaseki’s governance that disagree with, there are several key areas of concern:

Firstly, I believe there has been a significant lack of inclusive governance coupled with a tendency to formulate high-falutin and high-sounding policies that are far removed from the people. While every administration has its preferred stakeholders, I’ve observed a tendency to alienate large segments of our society, including but not limited to traditional institutions, civil society organisations, and even some members of the Governor’s own party. This approach has created unnecessary tension and hindered the state’s progress.

Secondly, have concerns about the approach to human capital development. While there have been some initiatives in this area, believe they have been insufficient, given the scale of the challenge we face. Our youth unemployment rates remain alarmingly high, and we haven’t seen a comprehensive strategy to address this.

Thirdly, I disagree with the current administration’s approach to infrastructure development. While there are claims that some projects have been initiated, there seems to be a lack of a holistic, integrated approach that considers the long-term needs of our growing population and economy, and you can see the parlous state of our roads.

Any last word for the electorates of Edo states on why it is important for them to go out to vote in the coming election?

My last word to the electorate of Edo State on the importance of voting in the coming election is this: Your vote is your voice, and it is the most powerful tool you have to shape the future of our great state.

The coming election is not just about choosing a governor; it’s about deciding the direction of Edo State for the next four years and beyond. It’s about the kind of society we want to build for ourselves and for future generations.

I understand that there might be some level of voter apathy due to past disappointments. Some might feel that their vote doesn’t count or that all politicians are the same. However, I urge you to resist this line of thinking. Democracy thrives on participation, and the surest way to guarantee that your interests are not represented is by staying away from the polls. Remember, bad politicians are elected by good people who don’t vote. By not voting, you’re essentially allowing others to make this crucial decision for you. You’re letting others decide the future of your children’s education, the quality of healthcare you’ll receive, the state of infrastructure in your community, and the economic opportunities available to you and your family.

On election day, encourage you to go out early, vote peacefully, and stay to ensure your vote is counted.



Hermès, a French luxury brand established in 1837, has since grown to become one of the world’s leading fashion brands. With specialities in leather goods, perfumes, jewellery, home furnishings, wristwatches and many more, it’s one of the mostpriced brands in the world, currently valued at over $240m. While many are familiar with its iconic Birkin bags, there are intriguing aspects of this prestigious brand that remain less known. Here are five fascinating facts about Hermès that you might not have heard before:

1. Equestrian Origins Hermès began as a harness workshop in 1837, founded by Thierry Hermès in Paris. However, its first bag was made in 1900 and was originally designed to hold custom horse saddles. Back then, the brand specialised in creating high-quality harnesses and bridles for European noblemen. This equestrian heritage is still evident today in Hermès’ designs as they still make a wide range of products to cater to horses and horse riders alike.

2. The Birkin Bag

The famous Birkin bag was born from a chance encounter between actress Jane Birkin and then-Hermès CEO JeanLouis Dumas on a flight in 1984. Birkin’s struggle to find a suitable weekend bag led Dumas to design the now-iconic Birkin bag, which has since become a symbol of status and luxury. Each Birkin bag takes about 48 hours to make, and there’s always a long waitlist for the bags. Also, the Late Jane Birkin’s estate still gets royalties from every Birkin sold.

3. The Secretive “H” Stamps Every Hermès item is

marked with a unique “H” stamp, signifying its authenticity. These stamps indicate the year of production and the artisan who crafted the item. The codes are discreetly placed and change annually, adding an element of exclusivity and mystery to each piece.

4. Handmade Luxury

Hermès is renowned for its dedication to craftsmanship, with many items still handmade by skilled artisans. Each Birkin bag, for example, can take up to 18 hours to complete. The company’s commitment to quality means that every item is meticulously crafted, ensuring that it meets the highest standards of luxury.

5. Sustainable Practices

Despite being a symbol of opulence, Hermès is also committed to sustainability. The brand has implemented several eco-friendly practices, such as sourcing leather from sustainable farms and using environmentally friendly dyes. Hermès also repurposes leftover materials to create new products, reducing waste and promoting sustainability in the fashion industry.


Fashion has long been dictated by unspoken rules, especially when it comes to age. The idea that certain styles, colours, or trends are off-limits past a specific birthday is outdated. Today, fashion is about expressing yourself, regardless of age. Here are some age-appropriate fashion rules that are ripe for breaking.

1. Ditch the Neutrals: Embrace Bold Colors

The notion that older women should stick to neutral colours is a relic of the past. Bold colours can add vibrancy and personality to any outfit. Whether it’s a bright red dress, a cobalt blue blazer, or a pair of emerald green shoes, incorporating bold hues can elevate your style.

2. Say Yes to Denim

Denim is often seen as a youthful fabric reserved for teenagers and twenty-somethings. However, jeans are a timeless staple that can be styled elegantly at any age. The key is to find a fit that flatters your body shape.

3. Rock Short Haircuts

From pixie cuts to bobs, short hairstyles can highlight your facial features and add a modern touch to your look. They can also be both sophisticated and edgy, plus they are easier to manage and maintain, giving you more time to focus on your fabulous style.

4. Accessorise Boldly

5. Flaunt Your Figure

The idea that older women should hide their bodies under layers of fabric is outdated. Celebrate your figure by wearing clothes that fit well and make you feel confident. Body-hugging dresses, tailored trousers, and fitted tops can accentuate your best features. It’s all about finding cuts and fabrics that flatter your body shape.

6. Don’t Shy Away from Trends

Trends are for everyone, not just the young. If a particular trend resonates with you, go for it. Whether animal print, metallics, or statement sleeves, incorporating trends into your wardrobe can keep your style fresh and exciting. The key is to adapt the trend to suit your style.

7. Wear What Makes You Happy

Ultimately, the best fashion rule to break is the one that says you must follow rules at all. Fashion is a form of self-expression, and it should bring you joy. Wear what makes you happy, regardless of age. Whether it’s a pair of sequined shoes, a bright yellow coat, or a funky hat, it’s worth wearing if it makes you smile.

There’s no age limit on accessories. Bold, statement pieces can add drama and interest to any outfit. Think oversized sunglasses, chunky necklaces, or statement earrings. These accessories can transform a simple outfit into something extraordinary.

Bukola Amoboye


Whether you’re looking for brutally honest discussions, heartfelt conversations, insightful commentary, or a good laugh, there is a Nigerian podcast for you. So, which are you listening to?

The Honest Bunch

Hosts: Nedu Ani, Chukwudi Ezugwu (Husband Material), and Toun Live (Deity Cole)

One of Nigeria’s most controversial podcasts, The Honest Bunch, truly lives up to its name. It is known for discussing some of the most contentious ssues in our society, often in brutally honest ways. Regularly featuring celebrity guests, this audiovisual podcast focuses on real millennial and Gen Z issues with no holds barred.

I Said What I Said

Hosts: FK Abudu and Jola Ayeye

Since its first episode in August 2017, I Said What I Said has grown into one of the biggest podcasts in Africa. With an active and vibrant community of over 120,000 monthly listeners across 190 countries, FK Abudu and Jola Ayeye have captivated audiences with their authentic and dynamic personalities. The podcast started as a casual conversation between two friends and has become an awardwinning show known for its unsolicited opinions and engaging live shows.

Spit or Swallow

Host: Leema Mason aka Hausachocolate

Spit Or Swallow is a podcast hosted by the self-appointed orgasm gap eradicator of the federal republic, Hausachocolate. This podcast navigates and explores the world of sex and sexuality with no limits. Nothing is too over the top, embarrassing, or out of bounds. Spit or Swallow is a journey of liberation, enjoyment, and education, providing a judgment-free zone where listeners can unlearn harmful ideals and gain practical tips for living their best sex life.


Hosts: Olumurewa Ogunkoya and Michael Sonariwo

Menisms is an urban pop Culture Podcast that delves into all things men. This podcast, hosted by Olumurewa and Michael Sonariwo, explores who a man is and how he interacts with his environment regarding women, money, sex, family, and more. Menisms provides a platform for African men to be vulnerable and completely honest, making it a refreshing listen for anyone interested in the male perspective on various life topics.


Mayhem Pod

Hosts: Nicole Chikwe and Feyi Bello

Motherhood is a beautiful journey, but it can also be overwhelming.

Mummy Mayhem Pod, hosted by Nicole Chikwe and Feyi Bello, is a podcast that discusses everything about motherhood. From pregnancies to parenting styles and balancing everything in between, Nicole and Feyi bring listeners into their whimsical and chaotic motherhood experience. Mummy Mayhem is a space for open, honest, judgment-free, and educational conversations around motherhood, womanhood, and sisterhood.

Loose Talk Podcast

Hosts: Osagie Alonge, Steve Dede, and Ayomide Tayo

The Loose Talk Podcast is one of the oldest podcasts in Nigeria. It was recently relaunched by hosts Osagie Alonge, Steve Dede, and Ayomide Tayo. Originally left behind in 2018 as the hosts pursued other careers, the podcast has made a comeback with a new focus on social commentary. Loose Talk covers everything from Nigeria’s cultural mediocrity to fuel scarcity and tech journalism, offering listeners a diverse range of topics to ponder and discuss.

Toke Moments

Host: Toke Makinwa

Toke Moments is a weekly podcast hosted by popular media personality Toke Makinwa. Along with her friends, Toke takes listeners on a journey of honest conversations about navigating the world of dating, career, and much more. The podcast is known for its relatable conversations that resonate with many listeners. Toke Moments is perfect for those seeking heartfelt and genuine discussions about everyday challenges and triumphs.

Cocktails and Takeaways

Host: Madam Joyce Cocktails and Takeaways is a fun podcast that features sharing unpopular opinions, discussing failed relationships, engaging in light-hearted banter, and chatting with celebrity guests. Hosted by Madam Joyce, this podcast is known for its entertaining and relatable content. Cocktails and Takeaways is the perfect listen for those who enjoy a good laugh and honest conversations about life’s ups and downs.

Off Air with Gbemi and Toolz

Hosts: Gbemi and Toolz

As the name implies, Off Air with Gbemi and Toolz is a video podcast hosted by renowned media personalities Gbemi and Toolz. Known for their amusing and hardhitting chatter, the hosts hilariously discuss and present the latest fashion, lifestyle, and entertainment gossip. Off Air is highly recommended for its engaging discussions on trending topics, real-life issues, gossip, interviews, and relationship advice.

Texting Habits That Show They’re Interested In You

With texting being a primary mode of communication in relationships, figuring out how someone truly feels about you can be a bit of a puzzle. But that is not a problem; there are subtle and not-so-subtle clues in their texting habits that can reveal their true intentions and feelings towards you. Here’s a guide to help you decipher those text messages and find out if they’re genuinely into you.

1. Consistent Communication

One of the most telling signs that someone is smitten is the frequency of their messages. If they’re sending you good morning texts, checking in throughout the day, and wishing you goodnight, it’s clear they’re thinking about you a lot. Regular communication indicates they’re eager to stay connected and keep the conversation flowing.

2. Infrequent Messaging

On the flip side, if their messages are few and far between, like rare sightings of a rainbow, it’s a sign that you have yet to entirely capture their attention.

3. Emoticons and GIFs Galore

Pay attention to the use of emoticons and GIFs. If their texts are filled with hearty eyes, smiley faces, and playful GIFs, they’re likely trying to convey their positive feelings towards you. These fun elements are their way of showing they enjoy your vibe and feel a bond with you.

4. Thoughtful and Detailed Responses

When someone takes the time to craft long, thoughtful responses, it’s a great sign they’re into you. Detailed messages indicate they’re listening and putting effort into the conversation, showing they care about what you have to say and want to keep the dialogue engaging.

5. Deep and Personal Conversations

If your text conversations delve into personal stories and deep-rooted topics, they strongly see you as more than just a casual acquaintance. Sharing intimate details and discussing meaningful subjects show they trust you and feel a special connection.

6. Timely Replies

Quick and timely replies are another positive sign. If they consistently respond within a reasonable time frame, it means you’re on their mind, and they value your conversation. It’s a good indicator that they’re interested and eager to maintain the flow of communication.

7. Initiating Conversations

Who starts the conversation can be quite telling. If they’re often the ones initiating texts, it shows they’re thinking about you and want to engage.

Retinol has long reigned as the gold standard in anti-ageing skincare, revered for its unparalleled ability to reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture. However, for all its benefits, retinol can be a double-edged sword, especially for those with sensitive skin. If you find yourself steering clear of this potent ingredient due to irritation or dryness, don’t worry much about it—there are several gentler alternatives that are just as effective at keeping your skin radiant and youthful.



A balanced effort, where both of you take turns starting the conversation, indicates mutual interest and a healthy, growing connection.

8. Playful and Flirtatious Texts

Playful banter and flirtatious messages are strong signs of attraction. If their texts are filled with teasing, flirty emojis, and playful comments that give you butterflies, they’re definitely interested. Whether their flirting style is subtle with hints or more overt with direct compliments, both are sure signs of their romantic interest.

9. Making Future Plans

Texting about future plans clearly indicates they see potential for a deeper connection. Suggesting hangouts, dates, or activities to do together shows they’re thinking beyond the present and are interested in building something more with you.

10. Use of Pet Names

When they start using pet names like “sweetie” or “babe,” it signifies affection and closeness. These endearing terms indicate they feel a deeper bond with you. However, don’t be discouraged if they stick to using your name—comfort levels with pet names vary, and some people may take longer to use them as they get more comfortable in the relationship.

Nature’s Gentle Counterpart Topping the list of natural retinol alternatives is bakuchiol, a botanical extract that has gained popularity for its retinol-like effects without the harshness. Derived from the seeds and leaves of the babchi plant, bakuchiol targets fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone. What makes bakuchiol stand out is its ability to boost collagen production and accelerate cell turnover, all while being gentle enough for sensitive skin types. Studies have shown that when used consistently, bakuchiol reduces signs of ageing comparably to retinol but with fewer side effects like peeling or redness.

2. Niacinamide The Multitasking Maven Niacinamide, or vitamin B3, is a powerhouse ingredient that works wonders for a myriad of skin concerns. It helps build proteins in the skin and locks in moisture to prevent environmental damage. Unlike retinol, niacinamide is less likely to cause irritation, making it an excellent choice for those with eczema or rosacea. Regular use of niacinamide can also refine skin

texture, diminish pore size, and fade pigmentation. Its anti-inflammatory properties help soothe the skin, providing a calming effect that retinol often lacks.

3. Peptides: Building Blocks for a Youthful Complexion

Peptides are short chains of amino acids that serve as the building blocks of proteins such as collagen and elastin in the skin. These proteins are crucial for maintaining the skin’s youthful firmness and elasticity. Peptides stimulate collagen production and repair damaged cells, leading to a reduction in wrinkles and fine lines. Because they naturally occur in the body, peptides are typically well-tolerated, making them a suitable retinol alternative for sensitive skin.

the best results, look for serums that contain Lascorbic acid, the most potent form of vitamin C.

5. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs): The Smoothing Specialists

If exfoliation is your primary goal, alpha hydroxy acids like glycolic and lactic acid are excellent alternatives to retinol. These water-soluble acids work by dissolving the bonds between dead cells on the skin’s surface, promoting smoother and more radiant skin. AHAs are particularly effective in treating dullness, uneven texture, and pigmentation. However, they can be drying if overused, so it’s crucial to find a formulation that includes hydrating ingredients and to use them sparingly at first.

6. Polyhydroxy Acids (PHAs):

4. Vitamin C: The Brightening Antioxidant Vitamin C is not only essential for your health but also for your skin. This potent antioxidant helps to neutralize free radicals and aids in your skin’s natural regeneration process. By promoting collagen production, vitamin C helps to keep the skin firm and reduces the appearance of fine lines. Moreover, it has the added benefit of brightening the skin tone and fading dark spots, which can often be more challenging with retinol. For

The New Generation Polyhydroxy acids are considered cousins of AHAs but are much gentler on the skin. PHAs like gluconolactone and lactobionic acid provide similar exfoliating benefits without penetrating too deeply into the skin, which minimizes the risk of irritation. This makes PHAs perfect for those with sensitive or reactive skin. Besides their exfoliating properties, PHAs also attract moisture to the skin, helping to keep it hydrated and plump.

1. Bakuchiol:

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