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Asue Ighodalo stands at the crossroads of law, business, and governance, with a legacy that spans over three decades of excellence. As the PDP candidate in the forthcoming Edo State gubernatorial elections set for September 21, 2024, he brings with him a wealth of experience, a deep commitment to his home state, and an unwavering belief in the potential of Edo to thrive.

On Becoming

Are you one of those people who would rather travel in a group? totally get it. There’s something reassuring about having familiar faces around, shared laughter, and someone to split the bill with. But I am reading the article, Why Every Woman Should Take a Solo Trip at Least Once in Her Life, and let me tell you—I can totally relate. I’ve always been more of a solo traveler at heart. Sure, group trips have their moments, but for me, travelling is about escaping and exploring, not so much about the noise and excitement. Don’t get me wrong – travelling with friends can be loud, fun, and full of spontaneous laughter. But the beauty of a solo trip? It’s all about you. No compromises, no itinerary that pleases the crowd, no waiting on that one friend who’s always late for breakfast (you know who you are). It’s about fully immersing yourself in the experience at your own pace. If you haven’t taken a solo trip yet, let me be the one to nudge you: do it. The article gives six great reasons why every woman should try it, and honestly, if at least one of those reasons doesn’t make you want to pack a suitcase right now, I’ll be surprised.

Speaking of feel-good experiences, another one we women love to indulge in is retail therapy. You know what I’m talking about. Bad breakup? Buy shoes. Crappy day at work? That dress you’ve been eyeing? It’s yours. Life falling apart? Well, a little shopping can’t hurt, right?

Retail therapy has always been that quick fix for many of us women. A swipe of the card, a new pair of sunglasses, and suddenly, life doesn’t seem as bad as it did an hour ago.

We joke about “shopping our troubles away,” but let’s be real for a second—does it help in the long run? Or are we just slapping a temporary band-aid over deeper emotional stuff? I mean, sure, swiping your card feels great at the moment (hello, dopamine rush!), but is that fleeting high worth the financial or emotional hangover later? I know I’ve had my fair share of “Why on earth did buy this?” moments. The article, Is Retail Therapy Good for Your Mental Health? is quite an eye-opener. It will make you think twice before your next impulse buy. Anyway, I’m also aware that shopping has slowed down a bit for many of us thanks to the economic downturn. So, maybe this is just a perfect opportunity to practice mindful spending. You should read the article. It might just help you rethink your next random buy—or not. Let’s be honest; some temptations are hard to resist. So, how’s your weekend going? hope this finds you well and ready to take on whatever the universe throws your way.

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Iwas an evening of glitz, celebration and

Lagos Soirée II. The event at the

Westar Mercedes Benz showroom was an unforgettable prelude to the annual EMY Africa Awards billed for October this year. Speaking at the soirée, Kojo Soboh, founder of the EMY Africa brand, expressed delight and pride at the celebration of African greatness converged in the room.



When it comes to celebrities, one thing that consistently leaves us in awe—apart from their talent and wardrobe—is their flawless skin. Whether it’s Onyeka Ugwu’s dewy radiance, Powede Awujo’s natural glow, or Mo Abudu’s ageless appearance, their skin seems to defy logic. But here’s the real question: What are the real secrets behind that A-list glow? Is it all down to genetics, or is there a magic product they are hiding from us? Spoiler alert: It’s neither. Here’s the truth about what actually works in the world of celebrity skincare: no frills, no filters.

1. It’s Less About Products, More About Experts

You might think that celebs spend fortunes on luxurious creams and potions—and some do—but the real secret lies in their access to top-tier dermatologists and aestheticians. These professionals tailor treatments to their client’s needs, often combining cutting-edge technology like lasers, microneedling, and chemical peels.

What you might not realise is that these high-end treatments are done regularly. We’re not talking about a monthly facial but consistent, year-round skin maintenance.

2. It’s Not Glamorous—Consistency Is Key

Sure, we see photos of celebs soaking in golden-hour light with barely-there makeup, and it’s easy to think their glow is effortless. But the truth? Skincare isn’t glamorous. In fact, a lot of it boils down to the mundane: consistent routines, religious application of SPF, and staying hydrated. Consistency is the under-the-radar secret.

3. They Aren’t Afraid of Needles

If you think celebrities rely solely on facials and expensive creams, think again. Botox, fillers, and even more intense treatments like Profhilo (a hyaluronic acid-based injection to hydrate and firm the skin) are part of their skincare arsenal. Many stars also use PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy, or the “Vampire Facial”, made famous by Kim K. This involves drawing your own blood, extracting the platelets, and injecting them back into your face to promote collagen production. While it might sound intense, this treatment has become a favourite among those seeking long-term skin rejuvenation.

4. Sleep Isn’t Optional

Despite what celebrity schedules might suggest, sleep is non-negotiable in their beauty routines. It’s called “beauty sleep” for a reason, and it’s more than just a cliché. Celebrities know the importance of rest in allowing the skin to repair and regenerate. During sleep, the body boosts blood flow to the skin, and lack of sleep can make skin appear dull and tired, something no amount of makeup can fully cover.

5. Less Makeup, More Skincare

Celebrities don’t wear makeup nearly as often as you might think. In fact, many of them let their skin breathe whenever they aren’t in front of a camera. But that doesn’t mean they’re letting their skincare routines slide. On the contrary, they use these makeup-free days to indulge in extra treatments, sheet masks, and potent serums that restore moisture and keep the skin barrier strong.

6. The Role of Diet

Let’s be real: no amount of skincare can counteract a bad diet. Many celebrities are extremely conscious about what they eat, with clean diets packed with antioxidants, omega3s, and healthy fats playing a huge role in their glow.

Start with What Matters Most

Before trying out trends, Pinterest boards, or the latest décor magazines, ask yourself: What matters to me? Are you someone who thrives on connection and conversation? Do you cherish solitude and personal reflection? Maybe your cultural background is something you’d like to celebrate, or perhaps your travels have shaped your perspective on life. By starting with what’s meaningful, you’re already creating a blueprint for a home that’s uniquely yours.

Make Your Space Personal

Homes that feel warm and inviting always have one thing in common—they feel personal. Mass-produced furniture and cookie-cutter décor pieces, while stylish, often lack the emotional depth of items with a story behind them. Your grandmother’s old wooden chair, that quirky lamp you found at a flea market, or the colourful rug you picked up during your trip to Morocco—these are the things that breathe life into a space.

Colours that Reflect You

Colour has the power to shape mood, evoke emotions, and even tell a story. The shades you choose for your home can speak volumes about



Your home is more than just a space to sleep, eat, and entertain—it’s an extension of who you are. Every wall, every piece of furniture, and every carefully curated item within it tells a story. Whether you’re conscious of it or not, your home is a reflection of your personality, experiences, and values. So, why not be intentional about it? Why not craft a space that speaks to your journey, a place that resonates with your personal story? Here’s how you can do just that.

your personality and the life you want to create within your walls. The colours you choose don’t just have to be on the walls—they can show up in your furnishings, textiles, and accessories, too.

Layer in Memories

Memories have a way of turning a house into a home. As you decorate, think of ways to incorporate memories into your space. Frame your favourite family photos, hang up a piece from a country that holds sentimental value, or place a keepsake on your coffee table that reminds you of a milestone. These personal touches aren’t just decorative— they’re symbols of your journey.

Tell a Story Through Art Art is one of the most powerful tools for storytelling in interior design. It can be bold and commanding or subtle and introspective. When choosing artwork for your home, think about the message you want it to convey.

You don’t need to splurge on expensive art to create a meaningful collection. Local artists, DIY projects, or even family creations can add a layer of intimacy and authenticity to your home. After all, art isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s about connecting with something on a deeper level.

Create Spaces for Connection

Think of the spaces where you spend the most time. Is it the living room where friends gather, or the kitchen where meals and memories are shared? Consider furniture that invites people to linger— comfortable couches, cosy nooks, and large tables for family-style dining. The materials and layout of these spaces should reflect the warmth and openness you want to cultivate in your home.


Breakups can be gut-wrenching. No matter how strong you are or how much you saw it coming, they have a way of shaking you to your core. Your routine changes, your plans take a different turn, and sometimes, it feels like a part of your identity is wrapped up in the person you were with. It’s easy to feel lost and unsure of who you are without the relationship, but here’s the truth: you are still you.

Handling a breakup is about reclaiming your sense of self and becoming stronger and more self-aware from the situation. The journey may not be easy, but going through it without losing who you are is possible. Here are some practical steps to help you handle a breakup and rediscover yourself in the process.

1. Allow Yourself to Grieve

First things first—feel your feelings. When a relationship ends, it’s not just the loss of a person but the loss of shared dreams, future plans, and emotional investment. It’s okay to feel sad, angry, or even relieved. Don’t rush through this part. There’s no fastforward button for grief, and suppressing your emotions won’t make the pain go away; it only delays it. Journaling can be a powerful tool at this stage. Write down what you’re feeling, no matter how messy or raw. You might find that as you express yourself, you begin to make sense of the emotions swirling inside you.

2. Set Boundaries (Especially with Your Ex) Breakups can become complicated when boundaries aren’t clear. You might be tempted to keep checking their social media, stay friends immediately, or worse, start replaying old conversations, hoping to find answers that will never satisfy you. Stop! It’s crucial to create emotional and physical space between you and your ex to heal. This might mean unfollowing them online or temporarily cutting off contact. It’s not about bitterness or being dramatic; it’s about protecting your peace of mind.

3. Rediscover Your Passions

Remember those things you loved before the relationship? Now’s the time to reconnect with them. Maybe you had hobbies, interests, or career goals that took a backseat during the relationship. Go back to them. Sign up for that painting class you’ve been eyeing, start working out again, or read that book you left halfway. The goal here is to rebuild the parts of you that might have been overshadowed by the relationship.

4. Lean on Your Support System

One of the biggest mistakes people make after a breakup is isolating themselves. While taking time to reflect is important, don’t cut off your friends

and family. These are the people who love and know you best. They will remind you of your worth and provide comfort when you need it most. Don’t be afraid to lean on them. Go for brunch with your best friends, have long conversations with your sibling, or let your mom give you that pep talk you didn’t know you needed. You don’t have to go through this alone.

5. Work on Your Self-Identity

It’s common to feel like you’ve lost a part of yourself in a relationship, especially if you identified strongly as part of a couple. Now is the time to rebuild your sense of self. Ask yourself some important questions: Who am I without my ex? What do want for myself moving forward? Create new goals, whether personal or professional. Maybe you’ve always wanted to switch careers or travel solo. Now is the time to invest in the version of yourself that doesn’t need anyone else’s approval or companionship to feel complete.

6. Prioritise Self-Care

It’s easy to neglect your physical and mental well-being during heartbreak. But now, more than ever, you need to prioritise self-care. Whether it’s something as simple as taking a long bath, getting enough sleep, or indulging in your favourite comfort food, make sure you’re treating yourself with kindness.

7. Embrace New Beginnings

A breakup isn’t the end of your story; it’s just the end of a chapter. Rather than dwelling on what’s behind you, look at this as an opportunity for a fresh start. There’s freedom in new beginnings—you have the power to rewrite your narrative, explore new opportunities, and live life on your terms. Your self-worth is not tied to a relationship status. You are whole and worthy as you are. Moving on might take time, but with each day, you’ll start to feel more like yourself again—if not an even better, wiser version.


There’s something undeniably empowering about boarding a plane or hopping into your car with no one by your side but yourself. For many women, it feels like the ultimate act of independence—a bold move that declares, “I’m doing this for me.” While group vacations and romantic getaways have their charm, every woman should experience the transformative power of a solo trip at least once in her life. Here’s why.

1. A Journey of Self-Discovery

When you’re travelling alone, it’s just you and your thoughts. There are no distractions, compromises, or one to cater to. For once, you’re entirely in charge of what you want to do, where you want to go, and how you want to spend your time. Without the usual social dynamics of friends, family, or a partner to manage, you have the space to listen to your inner voice.

Whether you choose a tropical beach, a bustling city, or a quaint mountain town, solo travel allows you to reflect on your life, goals, and desires. It’s an unfiltered journey into yourself, where you learn what truly makes you happy, what excites you, and even what scares you.

2. Building Unshakeable Confidence

A solo trip pushes you out of your comfort zone in ways that everyday life might not. From navigating unfamiliar streets to deciphering menus in foreign languages, every step becomes an exercise in resilience and selfreliance. As you handle each challenge that comes your way, whether it’s a delayed flight or a wrong turn, you’ll begin to realise just how capable and resourceful you are. And that sense of empowerment doesn’t end when the trip does. The confidence gained from tackling the unknown spills over into every part of your life. Suddenly, that big presentation at work seems less intimidating, or you might feel bolder in your personal decisions.

3. Freedom to Be Completely Selfish

Let’s face it: Women are often taught to prioritise the needs of others before their own. Whether at work, in relationships, or with family, we’re constantly balancing our wants with the expectations of those around us. A solo trip, however, is one of the rare times in life when you get to be entirely selfish, and that’s a good thing.

You get to wake up when you want, visit the

museums or beaches you’ve been dreaming of, eat whatever food excites your palate, and completely design the pace and rhythm of your days.

No more compromising on itineraries or worrying if your travel companion is enjoying themselves. The trip is yours and yours alone.

4. Meeting New People on Your Own Terms

Contrary to popular belief, solo travel doesn’t mean you’re destined to be alone the entire time. In fact, travelling solo can make you more approachable to locals and fellow travellers. Without the buffer of a companion, you may find yourself more open to striking up conversations with strangers, making connections, and sharing moments with people you might never have met otherwise.

5. The Thrill of Independence

There’s something thrilling about knowing that

6. A Gift to Yourself

every decision you make is yours alone. You don’t need anyone’s approval to wander down that charming alleyway or spend an entire afternoon people-watching from a cosy café. The independence of solo travel gives you complete control over your journey, which can be intoxicating. It’s a rare luxury to be able to live entirely in the moment, driven solely by your own curiosity and desires.

It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life, but a solo trip reminds you of the importance of slowing down and reconnecting with yourself. It’s a way of saying, “I deserve this.” You deserve the time to recharge, reflect, and explore the world on your own terms. A solo trip isn’t just a vacation—it’s an investment in your well-being, a moment where you prioritise your needs and dreams.




Let’s face it— when it comes to luxury, there’s a fine line between indulgence and regret. Some items scream “treat yourself,” while others leave you questioning whether you’ve been seduced by a hefty price tag. But luxury doesn’t always mean excess; it can be a well-considered investment in timeless quality, craftsmanship, and, yes, a little bit of happiness. Here’s a look at ten luxury items that are actually worth the splurge—no buyer’s remorse included. 1.

Let’s face it— when it comes to luxury, there’s a fine line between indulgence and regret. Some items scream “treat yourself,” while others leave you questioning whether you’ve been seduced by a hefty price tag. But luxury doesn’t always mean excess; it can be a well-considered investment in timeless quality, craftsmanship, and, yes, a little bit of happiness. Here’s a look at ten luxury items that are actually worth the splurge—no buyer’s remorse included.

2. Custom-Made Suit Every wardrobe needs at least one impeccable suit. Off-the-rack can work, but once you experience the sharp precision of a

suit, there’s no going back. Whether it’s from Savile Row or a local tailor, a well-crafted suit enhances your confidence and sets you apart in any professional or formal setting. The best part? It’ll never go out of style.

4. High-Quality Skincare

Here’s where the phrase “you get what you pay for” rings true. Skincare is a long game, and investing in high-end products with scientifically backed ingredients pays off in ways cheaper alternatives can’t. Brands like La Mer and Augustinus Bader offer formulas that nourish your skin at a deeper level, giving you that healthy glow without the need for heavy makeup. Think of it as self-care with lasting benefits.

5. Bespoke Shoes

Comfort meets craftsmanship in a pair of bespoke shoes. While luxury brands like Louboutin or Jimmy Choo may satisfy the urge for something stunning, a handcrafted pair of shoes fitted perfectly to your foot is a whole different game. Whether it’s a classic pair of Oxfords or custom-made heels, they’ll mould to your feet over time, offering unparalleled comfort and a dash of personalised elegance.


2. Custom-Made Suit

Every wardrobe needs at least one impeccable suit. Off-the-rack can work, but once you experience the sharp precision of a tailored suit, there’s no going back. Whether it’s from Savile Row or a local tailor, a well-crafted suit enhances your confidence and sets you apart in any professional or formal setting. The best part? It’ll never go out of style.

4. High-Quality Skincare

Here’s where the phrase “you get what you pay for” rings true. Skincare is a long game, and investing in high-end products with scientifically backed ingredients pays off in ways cheaper alternatives can’t. Brands like La Mer and Augustinus Bader offer formulas that nourish your skin at a deeper level, giving you that healthy glow without the need for heavy makeup. Think of it as self-care with lasting benefits.

6. Luxury Bedding

Comfort meets craftsmanship in a pair of bespoke shoes. While luxury brands like Louboutin or Jimmy Choo may satisfy the urge for something stunning, a handcrafted pair of shoes fitted perfectly to your foot is a whole different game. Whether it’s a classic pair of Oxfords or custom-made heels, they’ll mould to your feet over time, offering unparalleled comfort and a dash of personalised elegance.

Sleep is the ultimate luxury, so why not do it in style? High-threadcount Egyptian cotton sheets are investments in your well-being. There’s nothing like the feel of soft, breathable fabric against your skin as you sink into a cloud of plush bedding at the end of a long day. Trust me, it’s an indulgence you’ll appreciate every single night.

6. Luxury Bedding

Sleep is the ultimate luxury, so why not do it in style? High-threadcount Egyptian cotton sheets are investments in your well-being. There’s nothing like the feel of soft, breathable fabric against your skin as you sink into a cloud of plush bedding at the end of a long day. Trust me, it’s an indulgence you’ll appreciate every single night.

8. Art You Love

8. Art You Love


7. A Statement Jewelry

9. Fine Wine


Bespoke Shoes



Asue Ighodalo stands at the crossroads of law, business, and governance, with a legacy that spans over three decades of excellence. As the PDP candidate in the forthcoming Edo State gubernatorial elections set for September 21, 2024, he brings with him a wealth of experience, a deep commitment to his home state, and an unwavering belief in the potential of Edo to thrive. Known for his leadership in corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, and economic advisory roles, Asue’s influence reaches beyond boardrooms to the corridors of public policy. From co-founding Banwo & Ighodalo, one of Nigeria’s leading law firms, to steering crucial national initiatives like the Nigerian Economic Summit Group and the Securities and Exchange Commission, his journey is one of vision and resilience.

But what drives this seasoned professional to step into the political arena?

In this exclusive interview, Asue Ighodalo speaks candidly about his vision for Edo State, the challenges he anticipates, and how his multifaceted career has uniquely positioned him to lead the State into a new era of economic prosperity and social development. With a focus on infrastructure, education, and creating opportunities for the next generation, Asue Ighodalo offers a compelling case for why Edo State must embrace a future of growth and sustainability under his leadership. Can he win this battle?

Given your recent entry into the political arena, how does it feel to have quickly risen as one of the leading candidates in the upcoming Edo State gubernatorial election?

I think the idea of my recent entry into politics is a mistake many, many people make. I’ve been politically active all my adult life. I marched against the military as a member of Young Professionals and the youngest member of the NADECO board at the time, and I’ve always supported, and mentored local politicians who felt had something to offer our people. But you are right; my rise in the public’s consciousness has been meteoric, and I owe it all to the support I’ve had from my family and my team. Quite frankly, I’m grateful that the Edo people have embraced me and my message of prosperity.

What went through your mind when you first decided to run for Governor? What was the spark that ignited this journey?

It wasn’t one thing; it was several sparks. My parents raised me and my siblings to be grateful for what we had and to always offer a helping hand to those in need. I quickly found out that even though I had quietly devoted myself to philanthropy in my personal and professional life, it always paled into insignificance when mea-

sured against what an empathetic government could do. served on the board of the Nigerian sovereign investment fund, and through that fund, we completed the 2nd Niger Bridge, the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, and several cancer treatment centres. As a board chairman I could maybe positively affect 5,000 lives. As Governor of Edo State, would be able to improve the lives of more than 5 million residents. The amount of good public office allows you do is mind-boggling; that is why I’m sometimes amazed when I see how much poverty and suffering our people are going through, across the nation. One of the biggest sparks is my wife. My wife and daughter have always felt I’d be fit for public office, and then the final push needed came from a very senior mentor, who came from his sick bed to tell me this journey was one had to undertake. It was sadly the last time saw him. want to do good, I want to help as many of my people as is humanly possible. That’s the fire I’ve always had inside. I have the experience and networks that can solve our problems of hunger, insecurity and find the investment needed for an industrial and infrastructural revolution. These are the sparks that will continue to light my path and guide me on this journey.

How’s it going so far? What has been the most unexpected experience you’ve encountered?

Oh boy! It’s been tough! Campaigning for as long as we’ve had to do under this new electoral timetable has been brutal. But paradoxically, I’ve loved it. The most unexpected thing was finding out that I was happiest when I was amongst the people. Talking to them, hugging, listening to their stories, breaking bread with people who would roll out their best to receive you despite limited mean…it has truly been a humbling experience.

I’ve also found there’s a lot of distrust and cynicism towards the political class, so getting past that required a lot of time and effort. I anticipated that, and think the acceptance of my message by the people of Edo State has been a pleasant surprise. Being able to point to what I had done in my life before decided to run for office helped. I’ve built wealth and people for almost four decades; it makes it easier for people to believe I will do the same as Governor.

If I’m elected as Governor we want to work over the next 4 to 8 years on eliminating poverty and deprivation. I believe Edo State can become the most prosperous and secure subsovereign in Nigeria.

Let’s talk about Edo. When you think about the future of the State, what’s your ultimate vision? What are the top priorities you’d tackle if elected?

Thinking about Edo fills me with optimism. So much foundational work has been done by Gov. Obaseki that makes it possible to continue moving the State on an upward trajectory. If I’m elected as Governor we want to work over the next 4 to 8 years on eliminating poverty and deprivation. believe Edo State can become the most prosperous and secure sub-sovereign in Nigeria.

My top priorities start with security. Without it, we can’t do anything. Then of course we need to address the immediate and more long-term welfare needs of my people; focus on baking a bigger economic cake; maintain the digitalization of the civil service and open it up even more so it is more transparent and inclusive of women and youths; and finally deliver a sustainable and green environment that goes beyond keeping litter off the street and explores waste to wealth initiatives, renewable energy and the protection of our beautiful and diverse flora and fauna.

Edo State excites me when I think of the opportunities we have to be truly great. Imagine building a tourist economy around our rich traditions and culture. Imagine boosting our potential as a natural logistics hub with roads, parks and a port. Imagine turning our State into the knowledge and talent incubation hub of Nigeria by investing and supporting our innovation tech hubs and creative industries.

For us, the sky is the limit.

Education and healthcare are the backbone of any thriving society. What innovative plans do you have to uplift these sectors in Edo State?

World-class public education and healthcare platforms exist in Edo State already; what we will focus on is expanding access and reducing cost. Our EdoBest primary education programme has moved us from the 28th ranked to first or second next to Anambra in education outcomes for our students; we want to turn our tertiary institutions into the best in the country; and we plan on not just providing bursaries to students but on incentivizing STEM courses so we produce graduates fit for the 21st century work demands.

In health, I believe Edo State’s Health Insurance Scheme is already the best in the country. We must expand adoption so more people are able to access insurance cover for their health needs; part of this plan includes providing free health insurance for our senior citizens. We also must recognize that healthcare workers are global workers; so we must find a way to not just train more doctors and nurses; but provide incentives that will keep them here in Edo State. A few of our policy proposals include a ‘rural’ allowance that encourages healthcare workers to remain in their rural postings and a housing scheme that rewards personnel who serve in rural communities. My interaction with this community reveals their need for more specialized training opportunities alongside salaries and allowances that recognize their critical contributions to society.

Nigerians have heard countless promises over the years, many of which go unfulfilled. What sets you apart from the rest, and how will you ensure that Edo State witnesses real change under your leadership?

A market woman in Auchi asked me this question when first started, and literally scratched my head trying to come up with an answer. don’t believe in exceptionalism – I don’t think I’m better than you or indeed anyone else. I think perhaps what separates great leaders from their peers is simply having love for the people you serve. Most parents will naturally do everything within their power to end the suffering of their children. Any leader who recognises the duty of care they owe to the citizens will work to make their lives better.

Transformational leadership across the world is always empathetic. That’s what I plan to be.

Has your experience in the private sector shaped your approach to politics? In what ways?

My training and career as a lawyer have taught me the sanctity of the rule of law—if you want to have a fair, just, and equitable society. That’s the approach I’ve brought into this chapter of my life, and it has served me well so far. You have to listen to all sides of the argument, and your word has to be your bond.

Your reputation is the most valuable currency you have in the private sector, and I’ve found the same applies in politics. Once people trust you, it’s easy to find common ground and make progress.

The private sector is often seen as a crucial engine for growth. In your view, what role should it play in Edo State’s development?

It’s easier if tell you what role government should play. Government should be enabler of a conducive environment so businesses can thrive; and regulator of competition so citizens are not exploited. Government should be a social safety net so no citizen falls through the cracks; and must identify which goods are social goods that all citizens must have access to. If the Government articulates these positions clearly and establishes rules and guidelines that it must abide by, then the private sector will flourish. It truly isn’t rocket science.

Many grassroots voters might perceive you as part of the elite. How do you plan to bridge that gap and connect with them on a deeper level?

I personally haven’t found this to be true, or at least an impediment that prevents me from connecting with my people. I’ve travelled across all 18 local governments multiple times and interacted with all kinds of people. The conversations aren’t ever about which schools I attended or what cars I drive, but about our collective suffering as Nigerians and as Edo people and how we can end them collectively. As much as suffering might be a universal condition, in every community I’ve campaigned in hope is the universal language.

Looking at the broader picture, what’s your opinion on the current State of Nigerian politics? What do you believe needs to change?

It’s too expensive. The stakes appear higher now because for many people, politics is seen as the only reliable meal-ticket they have access to, as economic conditions worsen. In every campaign stop, find young people who say they will not vote because, according to them, their votes won’t count. And it’s heartbreaking to see people so young give up on the democratic dream. think we all owe them a responsibility to do better – to deliver better elections and to deliver better governance outcomes. If the next generation gives up on democracy, then what is the point?

Election rigging, “federal might,” and other electoral issues are ongoing concerns. How do you see these challenges playing out in the elections, and how do you plan to address them? It goes to what I mentioned earlier about a lack of trust in our unique brand of democracy. We cannot have a situation where the Police go about arresting members from one political party in the dead of night and whisking them off to Abuja. This is unacceptable! Luckily, we’re so far ahead of that other party in the polls that there’s only so much they can do. Edo people are also cut from stiffer cloth – we say here “if you do anyhow, you see anyhow”. We’ve always defended our votes; and election results have always reflected the will of the people; regardless of the party in power at the center. I’m also confident that President Tinubu will not interfere in the process; I’ve known him for decades, as far back as our NADECO years.

I’m confident that Edo voters will decide who their next Governor will be. We’ve put in almost a year of hard work, so I’m confident that person will be me.

Do you truly believe you have what it takes to win this election? What fuels that confidence?

I’m a practicing member of the Anglican church, and believe in the teachings that it is God who ultimately crowns leaders. I’ve prayed about this, and I’ve sold my message to the Edo people that I’m the person best positioned to tackle the problems bedevilling our State and best prepared to help improve their lives.

So that’s where my confidence flows from: my belief in God, and my belief in the ability of Edo people to distinguish between light and darkness.

In every campaign stop, I find young people who say they will not vote because, according to them, their votes won’t count. And it’s heartbreaking to see people so young give up on the democratic dream.

Finally, if you could address the people of Edo State directly, what would you say to them right now? What message do you want to leave them with?

Just a message of thanks and gratitude. For allowing me into their homes and hearts; and for rekindling my faith in the indomitable nature of the Edo people. I’ve been humbled by the warmth and generosity of our people.

Consequential elections take place in a few days, so to all who want to move Edo State to the next level, please come out on Saturday to vote for me and for our vision of a prosperous Edo State where no one is left behind.


The fashion world always has its pulse points, and right now, one such piece that has grabbed our attention is the Banke Kuku Knotted Mesh Dress. Stylish, striking, and effortlessly chic, this dress is having its well-deserved moment in the spotlight. It combines a vibrant pattern with a daring yet elegant silhouette, making it a must-have for those in the know. Here are ten reasons why we’re obsessed with the Banke Kuku Knotted Mesh Dress and why it’s stealing the show this season.

1. Print Fantasy

One of the first things that stands out about this dress is its playful yet sophisticated print patterns. Prints are timeless, but the modern twist on this trend sets the Banke Kuku dress apart. The colours are eye-catching and incredibly versatile, pairing beautifully with various accessories.

2. The Mesmerising Mesh

The use of mesh in this dress elevates its allure. The lightweight, breathable fabric feels fantastic on the skin and moves with an ethereal grace. Mesh has always been a beloved material in fashion, known for giving pieces a slight sheerness without revealing too much.

out being too overt. It provides the perfect peek of legs, balancing sophistication with allure.

5. Knotted Detailing

The knotted waist detail is where this dress really comes into its own. Not only does it give the dress a distinct style element, but it also draws attention to the waist, creating an hourglass figure. The knotting is carefully crafted, making this more than just a pretty dress — it’s a statement piece.

6. Versatility is Key

The Banke Kuku Knotted Mesh Dress works across multiple settings, from a brunch date to a beach wedding. Its lightweight material and elegant print make it suitable for daytime events but throw on some accessories, and it transforms seamlessly for evening wear. Its versatility is a major reason why it’s currently trending — one dress, endless possibilities.

7. Perfect for Every Body

3. A Flattering Silhouette

The silhouette of the Banke Kuku dress is nothing short of flattering. Its form-fitting bodice and cinched waist accentuate your curves in all the right places. The knotted detail on the waist creates a sense of intentional structure, creating a beautiful draping effect that feels soft and sculptural. It’s designed to hug your body yet provide movement, making it an excellent option for day or night.

4. The Show-Stopping Slit

Let’s not forget one of the most stunning features of this dress: the thigh-high slit. A touch of drama with a whole lot of class, this slit gives the dress its sultry edge with-

The Banke Kuku dress is designed with everybody in mind. Its knotted detailing and strategic cut ensures it beautifully fits a range of body types. Whether you’re petite or curvy, this dress enhances your natural shape. Its flexibility is part of its charm, making it a go-to piece for women seeking both style and comfort.

8. Celeb Stamp of Approval

The Banke Kuku Knotted Mesh Dress has caught the attention of style lovers and celebrities alike. Its effortless high fashion and wearability mix has made it a favourite for red carpets and street style. The dress’s ability to toe the line between high-end and approachable fashion is why influencers and fashionistas can’t get enough of it.



We’ve all had days when everything feels a little off—work is overwhelming, relationships are strained, or the general weight of life is too much to bear. During these moments, the lure of retail therapy can be enticing. A trip to the mall or a quick scroll through online stores can feel like a small yet meaningful escape. But while we joke about “shopping our troubles away,” is there any real benefit to indulging in retail therapy? Or are we simply masking deeper emotional issues with impulse buys?

What is Retail Therapy?

The concept of retail therapy refers to the act of shopping with the intent of improving one’s mood. It’s not about necessity; it’s about the experience. For some, buying that new handbag or those sleek sneakers can momentarily make everything feel lighter. But the real question remains: is this temporary emotional lift worth the financial and emotional cost in the long run?

The Psychology Behind It

There’s a psychological reason why retail therapy feels good, even if it’s fleeting. Shopping activates the brain’s dopamine system, the chemical that gives you that rewarding, feel-good sensation. Dopamine release isn’t tied to the purchase itself but rather to the anticipation of the reward—looking at items, imagining yourself wearing or using them, and finally deciding to buy.

According to research, retail therapy helps people regain control over their moods. It’s about choosing something for yourself when life feels unpredictable. In that moment, shopping becomes a way to inject some joy back into your day.

However, experts caution that this can become problematic if used too often as a go-to strategy for dealing with emotional lows.

Benefits of Retail Therapy

Despite its sometimes negative reputation, retail therapy does offer a few legitimate mental health benefits—when used in moderation.

1. A Temporary Mood Booster

Several studies suggest that small purchases can indeed have a positive effect on mood. The key here is the word small. Buying a little treat for yourself can lift your spirits without leaving you with buyer’s remorse. Whether it’s a new book or a scented candle, the act of buying something comforting can provide an immediate boost.

2. Self-Expression and Creativity

Shopping can be a form of self-expression. For many, picking out clothes, accessories, or even home décor items helps reflect their personality and individuality. Engaging with your personal style or the aesthetics of your surroundings can spark creativity

and offer a much-needed emotional release.

3. Escapism

Let’s be honest—sometimes, we all need a break from reality. Retail therapy can offer a brief escape from life’s stresses. It’s about putting your troubles on hold, even if it’s just for an hour or two, and engaging with something lighthearted and enjoyable. Unlike binge-watching TV or stress eating, shopping feels like a productive, tangible way to cope with negative feelings.

The Downsides

While the benefits of retail therapy might seem like a good enough reason to shop till you drop, it’s essential to understand the potential drawbacks as well.

1. Short-Lived Satisfaction

The high from a shopping spree doesn’t last. The joy of a new purchase often fades as quickly as it came. What was once a source of excitement may soon become just another item in your closet. If you rely too heavily on shopping for mood boosts, you might find yourself chasing a feeling that never truly satisfies.

2. Debt and Financial Stress

One of the more serious dangers of retail therapy is the potential for financial strain. When shopping becomes a habit, especially as a way to cope with stress or sadness, it can lead to overspending. The

When we think of the lavish lives of the rich and famous, our imaginations tend to drift towards luxury vacations, exclusive events, and, of course, jaw-dropping red-carpet appearances. But one of the most intriguing parts of a celebrity’s world? Their closets! These aren’t just storage spaces; they’re treasure troves of fashion. Shade Okoya, the billionaire wife, businesswoman, and allaround style icon, recently gave us an intimate peek into her extraordinary wardrobe thanks to a viral video shared through her son’s TikTok account. Let’s just say we were in awe. Shade’s closet isn’t just about luxury—it’s a reflection of her impeccable taste, love for culture, and flair for sophistication.

Here’s a breakdown of the five standout features from her exclusive closet reveal:

1.⁠ ⁠Luxe Handbags: Her Arm Candy Game is Unmatched When it comes to accessories, Shade Okoya knows how to make a statement. Her collection of luxury handbags is nothing short of breathtaking. It features iconic brands like Tom Ford and some of the rarest and most coveted pieces, including discontinued models that are now collector’s items. Every bag in her collection reflects timeless style and elegance, making each a piece of wearable art.

temporary relief shopping provides is often replaced by the stress of mounting credit card debt or guilt over purchases.

3. Avoidance of Real Problems

Using retail therapy to deal with emotions might help you feel better in the moment, but it doesn’t address the root cause of those feelings. If you’re consistently turning to shopping as an emotional crutch, it’s worth asking yourself if there are deeper issues that need attention, such as anxiety, loneliness, or unresolved stress. In such cases, professional support or healthier coping strategies may be necessary.

A Healthier Approach

The key to retail therapy, like most things in life, is balance. Shopping doesn’t have to be entirely negative, nor does it need to be your default way of managing stress. Here are a few tips to enjoy retail therapy mindfully:

• Set a Budget: Before you shop, determine a budget that allows you to indulge without compromising your financial health. Stick to it.

• Limit Impulse Buys: Before you shop, make a list of what you want. This will help you avoid impulse purchases that you might regret later.

• Recognise the Root Cause: Ask yourself, “Am I shopping because I need something or because I’m feeling down?” Understanding your motivation can help you make better decisions.

Tom Ford, Jewelry, And Tailored Chic:


2.⁠ ⁠Elegant Jewelry: Timeless Treasures That Transform Every Look Shade’s love for exquisite jewellery is apparent in her carefully curated collection. From classic diamond necklaces to statement earrings, her pieces add an air of refinement to every outfit. These timeless treasures are the perfect finishing touch to her impeccable ensembles, effortlessly elevating her looks from chic to showstopping.

3.⁠ ⁠Statement Shoes: A Designer Footwear Dream No outfit is complete without the perfect pair of shoes, and Shade’s collection is a dream come true for any footwear fanatic. From Tom Ford to Jimmy Choo, Dolce & Gabbana to Gina, she has shoes in every colour and style, ready to elevate any outfit. Whether it’s a sleek heel for a formal occasion or a bold stiletto to make a statement, Shade’s designer footwear game is strong, exuding confidence and style with every step.

4.⁠ ⁠Chic Sunglasses: Shade’s Secret to Staying Cool You wouldn’t expect anything less from a fashion-forward mogul like Shade Okoya when it comes to accessories. Her eclectic collection of sunglasses shows off her versatility, featuring everything from classic square and round shapes to the trending slim cat-eye and rectangular frames. Whether she’s walking the red carpet or enjoying a casual day out, these chic shades add a touch of glamour to her already flawless looks.

5.⁠ ⁠Tailored Perfection: Classic Silhouettes for Everyday Elegance

Tailored pieces are the heart of Shade’s wardrobe. Her collection features perfectly tailored trousers to chic dresses, emphasising timeless style. Every piece exudes understated elegance and shows off her sophisticated yet effortless approach to fashion.


hat began as a simple, form-fitting garment has evolved into a fashion statement that celebrates curves in all their glory. Bodycon dresses now offer flattering and supportive designs, making every woman feel like her most confident self. These dresses aren’t just clothes—they’re a declaration that beauty comes in many forms and that confidence shines brightest when we fully embrace who we are.


1. Accessories: From Simple to Stunning

Take your bodycon dress from sleek to stylish with the right accessories. The right addition can transform your look from day to night, whether it’s bold jewellery, skyhigh heels, or a statement handbag.

2. Makeup & Hair: Complete the Look

Complement your bodycon dress with hair and makeup that match the vibe. Bold lipstick, sleek ponytails, or soft waves add an extra touch of glam to any outfit, giving you that red carpet-confidence.

3. Jewelry: Bigger is Better

When it comes to accessories, go bold! Oversized necklaces, chunky earrings, or a stack of bangles can elevate your outfit instantly. Let your accessories do the talking, and watch the compliments roll in.



No matter your body shape, there’s a bodycon dress out there designed to accentuate your best features.

Hourglass Figure: Look for dresses that cinch at the waist to highlight your natural curves.

Pear-Shaped Body: A flared hemline can create balance and emphasize your proportions.

Apple-Shaped Body: Dresses with ruching or draping can define your waist and flatter your figure.

Straight Body Type: Add dimension with belts or layered pieces to create an hourglass illusion.


1. It’s All About the Curves

A bodycon dress isn’t just a garment—it’s a celebration of curves. Designed to fit like a glove, it enhances natural shapes and gives an extra confidence boost, whether you’re flaunting an hourglass figure or creating one with the magic of bodycon.

2. Fabrics & Designs for Every Mood

Bodycon dresses come in a range of fun prints and patterns—from bold animal prints to sophisticated floral designs. Whether you’re feeling flirty or fierce, there’s a fabric to match your mood. Choose from the stretchy comfort of spandex, the elegant drape of jersey, or the luxurious touch of satin.

3. The Ultimate Versatile Wardrobe Staple

From office meetings to after-work cocktails, the bodycon dress can seamlessly transition from day to night. Pair it with a blazer for a professional vibe, then swap it for some bold accessories and heels for a night out.

4. The Confidence Boost

There’s no denying the power of slipping into a bodycon dress. No matter your size or shape, these dresses are designed to make every woman feel fierce, fabulous, and unstoppable. It’s an instant confidence upgrade, making you feel like the best version of yourself.

1. Honey and Oats for Radiant Skin

There’s a reason honey has been revered for centuries. This golden nectar isn’t just great in your tea— it’s a powerhouse for your skin.

Packed with antioxidants, honey acts as a natural humectant, drawing moisture into the skin and keeping it hydrated.

Pair it with oats, and you’ve got a DIY exfoliating mask that rivals highend scrubs. Mix one tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of ground oats. Apply to your face, leave it on for 15 minutes, and rinse with lukewarm water. You’ll feel like you’ve just walked out of a spa.

2. Avocado Hair Mask for Silky Strands

Avocados are more than just the key to perfect guacamole.

Packed with vitamins and fatty acids, they’re a hair saviour, especially for dry and damaged locks. The natural oils in avocado deeply moisturise and repair the hair shaft, giving your hair that silky-smooth, post-salon shine.

Mash half an avocado and mix it with a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply this mixture to damp hair, focusing


When it comes to beauty, we’ve all been tempted to try a hack or two. From social media challenges to whispered secrets passed down from grandmothers, DIY beauty tips have a special appeal. But not all of them are as magical as they sound. Some leave you with glowing skin, while others—well, let’s just say not every kitchen ingredient belongs on your face. After much trial and error, we’ve curated some of the most effective DIY beauty hacks that actually work. These hacks have survived the test of time and scepticism, proving to be more than just beauty myths.

on the ends, and leave it on for 20 minutes. Wash as usual, and you’ll find yourself running your fingers through your hair all day long. Bonus: it smells amazing!

3. Green Tea Ice Cubes for Puffiness

Have a special event coming up, but your eyes decided to throw a puffiness party? Enter green tea ice cubes. Green tea is packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a superhero for reducing puffiness and dark circles. By freezing it into ice cubes, you get an extra boost from the cooling effect, which constricts blood vessels and minimises swelling. Brew some green tea, let it cool, and pour it into an ice cube tray. Pop a cube out when needed, and gently rub it under your eyes or all over your face for a quick de-puffing session. It’s like a mini cryo-facial at home.

4. Coffee Grounds Scrub for Smooth Skin

Before you toss that morning coffee’s leftovers, consider this: those gritty coffee grounds are excellent exfoliators. The caffeine in coffee stimulates blood flow, reduces cel-

lulite, and even out skin tone. Plus, the gentle texture of the grounds helps to remove dead skin cells, revealing smoother skin underneath. Combine your used coffee grounds with a tablespoon of coconut oil (melt it if it’s solid). Scrub your body in circular motions, paying special attention to rough spots like your elbows and knees. After rinsing, your skin will feel incredibly soft and smell like a fresh brew all day.

5. Coconut Oil Makeup Remover

Makeup removers can be harsh on the skin, stripping away natural oils and leaving it dry. Enter coconut oil—a much gentler, natural alternative. Its rich fatty acids break down even waterproof makeup while leaving your skin moisturised and nourished.

Warm a small amount of coconut oil between your fingers, then gently massage it into your face, focusing on your eyes to remove mascara and eyeliner. Use a soft cloth or cotton pad to wipe it away, and follow up with your regular cleanser if you need it. You’ll be amazed at how effortlessly it works, and your skin will feel baby-soft afterwards.

6. Turmeric and Yogurt for Brightening

Turmeric has been a beauty staple in many cultures for centuries, and it is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and brightening properties. When combined with yoghurt, which contains lactic acid for gentle exfoliation, you’ve got a mask perfect for dull, tired skin. Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric with two tablespoons of plain yoghurt. Apply the mixture to your face, leave it on for 10-15 minutes, and rinse off. Not only will it brighten your complexion, but it’ll also help with any redness or inflammation you might have.

7. Aloe Vera for Irritated Skin Got sunburn, razor burn, or any other kind of skin irritation? Aloe vera is your go-to solution. This cooling gel soothes irritation and speeds up healing, making it a must-have in your beauty arsenal. Simply break off a leaf from an aloe plant (or use store-bought pure aloe vera gel) and apply it directly to the affected area. The instant relief is nothing short of miraculous, and with regular use, your skin will recover faster than you’d expect.


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