This Girl Means Business - Issue 01

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01 E U ISS re e


How to Programme Your Mind for Success This Girl’s Strategies for Business Growth: Learn How to Write a Book

Kim Kiyosaki the self-made millionaire talks about what it means to be financially free

Secrets to Success JAM-PACKED WITH

Advice for Female Entrepreneurs

This Girl...

She is brave, courageous and a real go-getter. She knows what she wants and she knows how she’s going to get it. She accepts fear, but she doesn’t let it stop her. She stays positive even when times are hard. She surrounds herself with like-minded people who want her to succeed. She knows the road will be bumpy at times, but she’s determined to hang on no matter what.

Nothing is going to stop This Girl from making her dreams come true.


This Girl Means Business

This Girl...


Meet the Team

Carrie Green, UK Female Entrepreneur Association Carrie started her first business at the age of 20 whilst studying Law at university. Over the years she grew it into a successful global business and in 2011 she launched the Female Entrepreneur Association. Carrie is passionate about creating new ideas and then making them happen, she’s a big believer in pursuing your dreams and that life is far too short to be scared of failing. Don’t waste another precious minute, go and make it happen now!

Natalie Walstein, USA Half Asleep Studio Natalie is an illustrator & designer in Minneapolis, Minnesota who grew up with two self-employed entrepreneurial parents. She’s on a mission to gain enough experience & know-how to someday start a business of her own, and inspire others along the way! Natalie blogs about her life, inspiration, & business at

Meet the Team


Contributors Peter Thomson, UK

Information Product Creator Peter Thomson is now regarded as one of the UK’s leading strategists on business & personal growth. Starting in 1972 he built 3 successful companies – selling the last to a public company, after only 5 years trading, for £4.2M enabling him to retire at age 42. Since then Peter has concentrated on sharing his proven methods for business and personal success via audio & video programmes, books, seminars and conference speeches.

Alexandra Worsley

Health & Wellness Expert With over 10 years experience in the Complementary Health field Alexandra Worsley has a wealth of knowledge to share and inspire. With a chemistry degree followed by a three year course in homeopathy, Alex is passionate about the role of complementary health along side conventional medicine, “it’s complementary not alternative”. In 2007, Alex set up a new, fresh and innovative take on the original health store and now leads a team of over 15 therapists at her centre in Cheshire, UK. Within its first couple of years trading, they won two awards including being voted the best Complementary Health Clinic in Britain.


This Girl Means Business

Jason Jackman, UK

Transformational Mentor & Master Trainer of Hypnosis Jason helps clients get from where they are to where they want to go. Using a wide variety of powerful tools and skills, he has an uncanny ability to rapidly get to the source of clients’ challenges and help turn them around for the results they desire. He is also the author of the transformational new book The Rapid Self-Guru.

Lisa Talbot, UK

Personal Stylist Lisa Talbot is an Award Winning Personal Stylist well known for being helpful, warm and friendly in her approach to helping you get a better understanding of colours and shapes that will suit you. Lisa applies that to your personality, lifestyle and budget to help you develop a new or revitalise your wardrobe. Appearing on QVC, writing style editorials, and presenting at The Vitality show, Lisa is passionate in guiding you to not only look good but feel great too.

Samantha Green, UK

Founder, Every Shade of Green Samantha graduated from Business School in Manchester in 2007, with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and some of the best friends a girl could ever wish for. After a glamorous time spent working for a film company in London, she decided to head back up North, where she now lives and works. She has started her lifestyle blog Every Shade of Green, which documents the little things in life that inspire her.



{This Girl Means}

BUSINESS Premiere Issue


Kim Kiyosaki

e on th : cover

on becoming financially free, why women hold back, and how to grow beyond your means.

Personal Development


14 Did you Know? The Pike Experiment

42 Exclusive Interview with Kim Kiyosaki

27 Give Wings to Your Dreams

76 What We’re Reading

38 The Success Series: How to Programme Your Mind for Success by Jason Jackman

94 What’s on your bucket list? Interview with Paula Reid

This Girl Means Business

Business Development 16 How She Did It - It started with £100 in the bank and two apple trees.

32 The Straight-Talking NoNonsense Business Woman Interview with Claire Young

68 The Know-How: How to Generate More Leads Through Information Products by Peter Thomson

84 Asked & Answered: How to Start a Beauty Business

Health & Wellness

88 It’s All in the Planning by Lisa Talbot

This Girl

90 30 Days to Conquer Stress

10 A Note from Carrie

92 This Girl’s Health Products for Energy & Relaxation

12 Quotes of the Month 48 Words of Advice from Female Entrepreneurs


104 More Famous Quotes

80 This Girl Loves...

106 This Girl Stays Motivated By...

82 Must-Have Accessories

108 This Month’s Top 10 Tips

Table of Contents


A Note from Carrie

I’m so excited to be writing this for the first ever edition of This Girl Means Business! This magazine is for the go-getters, for the ones who believe, for the ones who dare and the ones who succeed. Putting this magazine together has been so much fun! Interviewing incredible women, reading inspirational stories, discovering new tips. Even through the early mornings and the late nights, it was impossible not to feel totally fired up! I hope that’s how this magazine leaves you feeling.

Where did it all start? Over the past year I have been on the most inspiring journey ever! It all started in February 2011 with the creation of the Female Entrepreneur Association. When I started FEA, I had no idea where it would lead. I started it


This Girl Means Business

because I was feeling isolated running my own business, so in my spare time I put the FEA website together and started to publish stories to inspire myself, and to hopefully inspire other female entrepreneurs who were facing challenges of their own.

{ } I wanted to be inspired by the courage, determination and success of other women.

I wanted to be reassured that I wasn’t the only woman on the planet feeling in despair running a business! If I wasn’t the only one feeling this way then how were other women coping with the lows, the setbacks, the challenges? How did they manage to juggle everything effectively? How did they keep inspired and motivated through times when everything seemed impossible? I was on a mission to find out their story, their tips and their advice. February 2011 - the Female Entrepreneur Association was live and kicking with some amazing women who put the biggest smile on my face. For the first time ever I realised I wasn’t alone. I realised that there were women out there who were just like me. And I thought if they can do it and keep going then so can I. Since then FEA has really grown – we have published hundreds of stories, launched an online hub where

women can connect and chat in the forums and now we have created This Girl Means Business. I have loved every second of working on FEA and This Girl. It’s been an amazing adventure and I hope you will join me on it and share your adventure too. Please enjoy this special first edition, packed full of inspiring stories, interviews, tips, advice and much more. If you have any feedback, I’d love to know – please get in touch. On a final note, the name of this magazine is important to me, because to ‘mean business’ means to be serious and determined about achieving something. This magazine is for all the amazing women out there who really do mean business, who are determined, no matter what, to make their dreams come true. Wake up every day and mean business.

Carrie A Note from Carrie


Quotes of the Month

“If you want the rainbow, you’ve got to put up with the rain.” — Dolly Parton

“Follow your instincts — you’ll never know if your ideas will work out unless you try them.” — Lulu Guiness

“People don’t fail because they aim too high and miss, but because they aim too low and hit.” — Les Brown

Did you know?

Scientists carried out an interesting experiment that demonstrates how important it is to keep believing in yourself no matter how many challenges you face. FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED >>>>>>>>>>


This Girl Means Business

The Pike Experiment An experiment was once carried out by scientists where they placed a large pike fish in a tank along with small minnows. By the end of the day there were no minnows left – the pike had eaten them all! The next day the scientists placed a large glass tube in the middle of the tank and then put the pike inside of it, then they added more minnows to the tank, but on the other side of the glass tube. The pike charged after the minnows, but kept banging its head against the glass! The pike could see the minnows, but couldn’t reach them – the struggle continued for days. On the last day of the experiment the scientists lifted the glass tube out of the tank, so that the pike was now able

to catch the minnows. However, the next morning the scientists found all the minnows swimming around and the pike floating at the top of the tank – it had died of starvation. The pike had become so tired and frustrated of the struggle; it no longer believed that it could reach the minnows, so it gave up. It had lost its desire to keep fighting. I think we’ve all probably been guilty of behaving like the pike and giving up because things got tough.

>> The moral of this story is to keep believing in yourself, even when times are hard and things seem impossible. If you stop believing and give up like the pike did, then you’ll never make your dreams come true. So never stop believing.

Did you know?




Did It!

How to create a food product and get it sold in national supermarkets Name: Clippy Company: Clippy’s Apples Location: UK From two apple trees in her garden and £100 in her bank account, Clippy has managed to start a business, which is set to turn over £1.2 million next year. Her dream of using English apples to produce apple chutneys, apple relishes and apple jellies has become an incredibly successful reality and you can now find her products on the shelves of Tesco and Asda, to name but a few! She’s now also selling her preserves globally. So how has she managed to take her idea and make it a reality with no business experience, no funding and no help other than from her fiancé, who is her business partner? Oh and did I mention she also has a three year old daughter to

look after too? She says, “I love what I do and the good days far outweigh the bad.” This is one incredible lady! So This Girl found out how she did it…


“My love for food and how it evolves and traditions started at a young age.” She told us that she would raid her mum’s cookbooks to find things to make for her home economics class! However, it wasn’t until years later when she was studying for a PHD in Salability and Food Works that she started to come up with the idea to create her own preserves. Whilst carrying out her PHD, she did some research on the British apple and discovered that Britain had lost 2000 orchards since 1970.

How She Did It

17 got her thinking about what she was doing and she decided that if she wanted to get involved in food, she had to create something that she was totally passionate about and something she believed in.

So she went along to a farmers’ market and got chatting to lots of store holders and asked them about what they did and how they came up with the ideas and she began to realise that she could do something similar. So she started to think about what she could do and then whilst

driving home she came up the idea to do something British apples, so she could the orchards… and that’s how started!

with with save it all

{ } She then decided that she wanted to sell a product that had the highest fruit contents. It had to taste homemade, authentic and it had to be naturally different from everything else on the market.

// CREATING THE PRODUCT: She started by practicing in the ‘Clippy cauldron’ – she’d put things in and see what happened! That’s how she still creates new recipes today. She made all the preserves herself at home and then packaged them in square jars and managed to get her fiancé’s brotherin-law to design the labels. They used the colours green and black so that the jars would stand out.


This Girl Means Business

“When I started the business I knew where I wanted to go, I knew where I wanted it to be. I didn’t know how to get there, but I had a vision of seeing my products on the shelf of my local supermarket and then the world! That’s where I want it to be.”

How She Did It


When she finally had her products ready she went and took them to the local delis and shops. They loved her products and she began to sell them. // GROWING the BUSINESS: When they started to sell products outside of her area, she realised that people didn’t know who she was. She felt it was really important that people knew she was young and knew why she was creating the products, but she wasn’t quite sure how she could do this. It was at the Harrogate Specialty Food Fair when she gave a pitch about


This Girl Means Business

her products that someone said to her that she had to put her story and her message on the jar, so she did. Her mission was to get her food into supermarkets – she said that everyone she spoke to told her she’d never be able to do it. Her response was,

“No one tells Clippy what to do!” she decided to go for it. She then started to pitch to supermarkets. The first one she targeted was the online supermarket Ocado and they really liked it and decided to sell it. It sold really well, so they used that as a platform to get into more supermarkets. They managed to get a journalist to write about their story and products and then used that feature to approach other supermarkets.

“It was about going out there every day and tapping away until we got in front of buyers, so we could pitch our story.” // DEVELOPING the PRODUCTION:

// GET TING HER PRODUCTS STOCKED BY BIG SUPERMARKETS:  Sent emails.  Sent them the newspaper feature.  Sent them the strategy of what they wanted to do – without too much detail.  Then kept knocking on the door.  They tried different things – for example, one time she made up a hamper with her products and took it into the supermarket and waited to be seen.

At the beginning Clippy was making every single jar herself, she said she was able to make between 1500 – 3000 jars per day!! A serious 12 hour job. They then

turned their garage into a production line - she was actually pregnant at this point and still making products.

How She Did It


She had 6 weeks off when her baby was born and then had to get back to making products. When things got too big they decided to move out of the garage and into another kitchen. When they won the contract with Tesco, the first order was for 21 pallets – there were 2000 jars in a pallet! They didn’t have a clue how they were going to make all the


This Girl Means Business

products! However, on her journey she had networked and built great relationships with people and knew a company who she thought might be able to help. So she pitched to the company, they liked the idea and so moved their production there.

Clippy still taste tests every batch.

Summary:  You have to find a niche product, something that nobody else is doing or something better than what everyone else is doing.  Create something that’s a little bit different, a little bit out there – but not too out there that no one understands what it is.  People have to be able to understand what you’re selling and put your message on your jar or packaging.  Do your research!  Have total self belief and don’t listen to anyone who tells you that you can’t do something.  Think smart.  Think big.  Use what you’ve got to the full potential.  Clippy built it all from home.

So, from just an idea Clippy has built an incredibly successful business.

How She Did It


Clippy’s Advice “I’m 38, I have a daughter, I live a normal life, there’s no reason why other people can’t do something similar. There’s no need to be frightened by things. You have to stand your ground. Yes, I feel guilty that I can’t spend time with Rosie all the time, but men don’t feel like that, so why should women feel like that? She’s perfectly happy and I feel as though I’m giving her a different perspective on life and showing her that her mum can do something.” “Don’t be scared of doing something. Just try it, you’ve got nothing to lose. We’ve done this on a very, very limited budget, we’ve had to live very frugally - no holidays, we don’t really go out. We told our friends when we started that we wouldn’t be able to go out for dinners anymore and that we’d

be concentrating on the business. It’s not a job, it’s a lifestyle choice and we’ve chosen it. Sometimes it’s really hard and sometimes it’s brilliant. Who would have thought that two apple trees in my back garden would produce something so amazing and create a legacy to leave behind to my daughter?”

Do you have a success story you’d like to share with us? Tell us your story on our Facebook fan page and it could appear in a future issue! 24

This Girl Means Business

HEY YOU. Stop thinking that you can’t do amazing things. You can do it.

You can be as amazing as you decide you want to be. Stop listening to the people that say you can’t do it,

they have no idea what they’re talking about. Stop thinking that there aren’t enough hours in the day,

you know that there are. Stop getting distracted, stop wasting time,

just get on and do it. Stop waiting for the perfect moment, it’s not coming.

You have to get out there.

JUST SAY TO YOURSELF: I know that I can master anything. I trust in myself. I am proud of myself for even daring to try.

Give Wings to Your


So, you’ve got big, exciting and daring dreams you want to see come true… now comes the moment when you have to step off the edge and give your dreams a pair of wings to soar. The thing is though that standing on the edge and preparing to jump can be really scary. You’re not sure how everything’s going to work out, you can’t see all the dips ahead, you can’t be certain where you’re going to end up. But why is it that so many of us never manage to jump?

I think there are two major reasons:

1. Fear - of failing, of the unknown, of making mistakes. 2. Not knowing what to do or how things will work out.

Give Wings to Your Dreams



Have you ever been so scared

of making a mistake or failing that you decided not to do what you wanted to do? I have definitely done this more than once! And now I wonder ‘what if…’ What if I’d had the courage to send that email? What if I’d been brave enough to pick up the phone and make that call? I’ll never know what could have been if I’d not been frozen by fear of making a mistake.

Thomas Watson once said,

Would you like me to give you the formula for success? It’s quite simple, really – double your rate of failure.

“ 28

This Girl Means Business

So many of us miss out on great opportunities, because we’re scared of the things that might go wrong.



We let the fear of failure hold us back.

If the formula for success is to fail more, why are we so scared of failing? Perhaps it’s because at school we’re conditioned to believe that failing is bad. Perhaps it’s because failing means we haven’t achieved what we set out to achieve and this makes us feel disappointed. Perhaps it’s because failing pushes us outside of our comfort zone. Whatever the reason, we need to let go of our fear of failing and embrace it. We need to have the courage to make mistakes and then learn from them. We need to have a positive attitude towards making mistakes and realise that our failures contribute towards our success.

ASK YOURSELF... What’s the worst that can happen? Is it really that bad? Bad enough for you to not even take the first step and give it a try?



never have all the answers, yet so many of us feel like we should have all the answers and know all there is to know before we get started on something new.

feel like we can’t do it or we’re not good enough and then we give up. Countless amazing ideas go down the drain for this very reason and it’s such a shame.

When we don’t know the answers, we hold back, because we’re unsure. The unknown is scary.

The truth is that all the answers you need to know already exist – someone somewhere will be able to help you. Instead of freaking out that you don’t know what to do or where to begin or how to get started, set



Quite often if we don’t know the answer to something, we start to

yourself a mission to find out...

Give Wings to Your Dreams




1. 2.

Accept that it’s ok not to have a clue – take the pressure off of yourself.


Learn, learn and then learn some more! Read books, listen to CDS, go on courses. Learning doesn’t have to be expensive either – just think about all the information you can find by doing a search online, it’s endless! There is a mass of amazing, free content and it’s sitting there waiting for you to read it!


Open your eyes and ears – become more observant and aware of what’s going on around you. Watch other people and companies and see how they do things – you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

Find some people who you think might be able to help and ask them questions. If you don’t know who can help then start by asking your friends and family. Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone or send an email to someone you don’t know and ask for advice – people love to be asked for advice!

This Girl Means Business

You have a big decision to make now. Here are your choices: 1. You let the fear, the doubts, and the unknown take control and you back away from the edge and you let your dreams slip from your grasp. 2. Despite the fear, the unknown, the doubts you have total belief and conviction that you’re going to make your dreams come true. You see this as an adventure and you’re excited to get started. With

belief and a positive attitude you take a step towards the edge and you jump knowing that you’re on your way to making your dreams come true.

You have to agree that option two sounds way more fun, right? So, give wings to your dreams by getting out there and fly! 

Give Wings to Your Dreams


h t i w w e i v r e t In 1’s C B B m o r f t s finali , e c i t n e r p p A The Claire Young 32

This Girl Means Business

The Straight Talking, No-Nonsense Business Woman Claire Young is the straight talking, no-nonsense business woman who is well known for reaching the final of series 4 of BBC1’s The Apprentice (2008) watched by over 11 million viewers. Since then she has worked non-stop setting up numerous business ventures including and She is passionate about promoting entrepreneurship and enterprise to our younger generation and founded TeenBiz,, the UK’s first business start up scheme for under 18’s. Claire works ‘hands on’ in schools (primary through to university age), and across multiple government organisations, helping students to raise aspirations, take off the blinkers and think big! Now a successful young businesswoman, she hopes that her story will motivate others to realise that with hard work, drive and determination anything is possible.

We interviewed Claire to find out more… Interview with Claire Young


In 2008 you reached the final of The

Apprentice, what impact did that have on your professional life?

Before The Apprentice I worked on the corporate ladder and never had my own business. After the show I turned down over 500 job offers, took a risk and set up my first venture. Being your own boss is a steep learning curve and very different from being an employee! I had been brought up that you work hard, go to university and work for somebody. A couple of my Apprentice candidates ran their own businesses, I thought if they can do it so can I and off I went.

What did you learn from being on The Apprentice?

1. I famously had a big dressing

down from Lord Sugar for talking too much! I’ve learnt to listen more. 2. To have a plan and not dive off without any strategy. This is usually the biggest downfall of my teams on the show! 3. To have no shame, you are under huge time pressure during tasks so you literally don’t have time to erm and ah about decisions – JDI – you just do it.



Be proactive and grab opportunities. If people say no, so what, move on.


This Girl Means Business

What do you think you need to succeed as an entrepreneur? Entrepreneurs come in all different shapes and sizes, however, there are common traits; self-belief, confidence and tenacity. I’m very goal driven and when I set my mind to something I go for it. There will always be obstacles in your way; it’s how you deal with issues and potential failure that will be the making of you. If I’ve had a tough day I draw a line underneath it, learn, reflect and start afresh the next day.

What are you doing at the moment?

I work with young people promoting enterprise, entrepreneurship and employability skills and I own an agency,, which provides different speakers into schools. Our overall aim is to inspire, motivate and inform! I also am a director on which is a social enterprise working with teens 13-18. We’ve recently launched our mentor scheme Big Sister, which is very exciting! I work with the government and a number of education groups helping to get the enterprise message out there!

Who inspires you?

Oprah Winfrey and Alan Sugar. Both have come from nothing, are very successful entrepreneurs, have used their wealth and profile to help others and both are decent people. Lord Sugar is not the big bad wolf you see on the T V!

“When I set my mind to something, I go for it.�

Interview with Claire Young


Claire’s Top Tips 1

Confidence, not arrogance, is the key to success. Believe in yourself; businesses and others will be drawn to your enthusiasm and positivity. People buy from people. If you don’t believe in yourself no one else will. Leave any arrogance at

the door when you walk in, have the humility to listen, learn and respect others.


JDI - Just Do It So many people just talk and talk and never actually do. Words mean nothing without action! Be proactive and contact people new out of your network. What’s the worsT that that could happen?

They say no. So what, move on. The next person could say yes.



Develop your personal brand. You are the figurehead for your business and there is no better ambassador. Make sure you utilise all elements to maximise your personal brand website up to date, good LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook profile, business cards, email auto-signature, professional phone greeting, the list goes on! All small tweaks add up and make a difference.

This Girl Means Business


Have a thick skin.


Set your own benchmark.


Keep your own counsel.


Look the business.

After being launched into the public during The Apprentice I learnt quickly to be resilient and not take things personally. I always treat people how I’d like to be treated, however, I appreciate not everyone is like that. Business is business and people are not there to be friends. Be clear, firm and fair.

It’s important not to follow the crowd and avoid people who sap your energy with negativity. Good contacts will always be supportive and want to see you succeed. Avoid anyone who can bring you down, you ultimately morph and become the people you are around!

People don’t need to know everything about your life, hold a little back and keep for private. Children, for example, don’t need to be spoken about 24/7. You love them dearly but most people will not be bothered. Stick to business, or personal matters in small doses.

This isn’t about spending thousands of pounds on a wardrobe, but about make the right impression immediately. Groomed (hair washed), natural make up, smart clothes and always on time. If you look the business generally people think you ARE the business!

Interview with Claire Young


Success Series

How to Programme Your Mind for Success By Jason Jackman

Is it really possible to program yourself for success, happiness and anything else you may want? Do you have any control over the circumstances and results in your life? And if the answer to the two questions above is yes (and I believe it is), is there a shortcut to accelerating and improving our life results, whether in business, relationships, health, finances or any other area we may wish to improve? The answer is most definitely YES!


This Girl Means Business

Before we get to just how this can be achieved (and it’s not positive thinking, by the way), I’d like to take a moment to explain how our minds work and why they are our greatest tool in creating the changes we want. Think of the Mind as Two Parts

Professionals who work with the mind have agreed for many years that there are two parts of “mind”; the conscious and the sub-conscious (also known as the unconscious). Our conscious mind is often referred to as the “logical” mind, and is what we predominately use to conduct our day-to-day living (such as conversation, business tasks, etc).

The sub-conscious is the amazing part of our mind which beats our hearts without us having to think about it, contains all our beliefs (often hidden, and allows us, when directed in the right way, to change our life results). Everything we have ever seen or heard is stored in the subconscious and in such incredible detail as to be truly stunning to the logical mind. This is easily demonstrated using techniques such as hypnosis, which allows us to access this part of our mind.



The subconsious is by far the most powerful part of our minds.

Success Series


Think of the mind rather like an iceberg where the small bit you see above the water is the conscious and the greater mass below the water is the subconscious. Interestingly, the subconscious is also the store room for many self destructive beliefs and habits and this explains why when we try to change anything by using logic alone, we often fail. This is the realm of willpower... which always feels like a fight and rarely works long term. It’s a little like computer

hardware (conscious) which is running countless software programs all at once (subconscious). Now, some


This Girl Means Business

of these will work for us and some won’t. To make this even more interesting, many of the programs we run are not even ours! Over the years, and especially when very young, (up to age seven appears to be the cut-off for many) we take on many beliefs which we had not consciously selected. And if we look back with new awareness, they are beliefs we would probably never consider taking on now. Quite often when working with people, I need to assist the client in running the equivalent of a “virus” scan to clear up any destructive programs, then replace them with ones which work and create new and more desirable results.

What has this got to do with success?

Quite simply; if you are inadver-

tently running a program which is not in alignment with your goals then your chances of success are greatly diminished, if not ultimately impossible. Self-sabotage, lack of confidence, fear, and unusual and unhelpful beliefs about money and success can all be hidden in the subconscious and prevent and frustrate worthy goals being met. As mysterious and potentially frustrating as this may sound, it is fairly straightforward to remedy and re-program yourself for whatever it is you want if you would but follow a few simple instructions and become consistent in your habits (which are not difficult to do, more on these later).



The subconscious

is the realm of


Plant the right suggestions in your subconscious computer and you can enjoy new results, emotions, and experiences, and often very quickly indeed.

SO HOW DO WE ACCESS THE MARVEL OF OUR SUBCONSCIOUS? Hypnosis, visualization exercises and meditation are all methods which allow us to quickly bypass the often noisy conscious mind to create new results. But before we go into greater depth about this, we need to consider the following steps for programming your mind for success...

Success Series



The first step to programming yourself for success... Changing your results is all about becoming more aware. The more aware we become in what our goals and outcomes look like, the easier it is to create them.

I would strongly suggest that anyone who is interested in changing their level of success becomes incredibly fascinated in just what it would look like when it’s done. What is it that you really want? What will your new thriving business look like? How many people will you be helping? If its money, how much? If it is being famous, just how famous do you want to become? If you want a successful relationship, how would it look?


This Girl Means Business

The clearer we are, the easier it is to “programme” our subconscious to obtain the circumstances and opportunities for our desired goals. When doing this it is vital to leave our past negative experiences and beliefs at the door, even if it is just for an hour or so as we begin to create our new future. Take some time to really think and dream about what success would really look like for you, write down how it would look when it is done (start with the ends in mind). You can even create a dream board where you design a pictorial montage of your dreams and goals and in a place where you can readily see it on

The second step to programming yourself for success... Once you’ve become even clearer on what it is you want, maybe creating a dream board and carrying a goal card with you to remind you, then you can move to the next part which is where the power of the creation process really begins to accelerate forward.

I have discovered, not only in my own life, but in my clients lives, that just logically knowing what you want is not enough to really kick on and create the desired results. This is why I say positive thinking is not enough. I like to term the way forward and the second step as positive feeling.



It’s not easy to generate success if you aren’t able to feel successful.

Now, it may be true that feeling this way is alien to you, but that is only because you have not trained and conditioned yourself to feel good on a consistent basis.

I recommend you spend a small amount of time generating feelings and thoughts of success and really anchoring them into your body so you can access them in an instant.

// HOW TO DO THIS: This is a very simple and quick to do exercise (which gets easier and more powerful as you practice). Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed and close your eyes (not whilst driving, of course!). Now think of a time when you felt successful (no matter how small or significant it seems, it’s the feeling we want). See what you were seeing, feel what you were feeling, hear what you were hearing. Now magnify these feelings, thoughts and sounds. >>

Success Series


>> Double the feeling. Then double it again, and as you reach the peak of the sensation gently squeeze your right hand (or left if you prefer). Gently squeeze, feeling even more successful. Then let go and open your eyes. Notice how much better you’re feeling now. Maybe more upbeat and successful. This is a conditioning exercise called anchoring and the more you do it and the more you connect with those feelings the more powerful it becomes. Now, if you are struggling to recall a time when you felt successful then make one up and really imagine what it would be like when you have successfully achieved your goals. Feel good? By gently squeezing your fist you can have those conditioned sensations of success fire off anytime you want them. Do this over and over until you can’t get it wrong. I have many anchors which I use for a variety of reasons; confidence for speaking, peak sales performance, peace and many others. You can do the same too.


This Girl Means Business

This is really about choosing how you want to live your life going forward and not falling back into old habits which may not have been helping or supporting you. The more you condition yourself for feeling the way you want to feel the more resourceful, in control, and energetic you can become in creating and obtaining the success and goals you want in life.

{ } I am reminded of the say ing:

A tiny change in

direction can lead to a

huge change in


Okay, now we have a new awareness and clarity and a way to instantly feel good. How can we accelerate this even more to create the results we want, even if we may have some less than supportive beliefs and habits stored in our subconscious?

The third step to programming yourself for success... If I were to give you the one big ‘secret’ to successful mind programming it would be this; use the hidden natural power of your subconscious via the tool of selfhypnosis. The much misunderstood term, hypnosis, is an incredible tool which fortunately enough we all came into the world equipped with. Unfortunately most of us weren’t given the instruction manual for how it really works. As a master trainer of hypnosis, the first thing I tend to do with people new to the mind is explain what hypnosis is and is not. Very simply put; hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness. It is natural. We all go into hypnosis, normally at least twice per day (just before we drop off to sleep at night and just as we are awakening). Other times we go into a hypnotic trance state are when we are engaged in an activity and time appears to disappear, when surfing the net, engrossed in a book or stimulating conversation, in meditation or at the end of a yoga session. Falling in love is a form of hypnosis because you enter a trance. These are all examples of being in

a natural state of heightened awareness. And it is important to remember that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Nobody is in control over you unless you let them. This is key, and takes any fears of hypnosis away. Hypnosis is not sleep, either as you are in a heightened state of awareness. I believe that everything is hypnosis. Whether you believe you can or cannot achieve something from success in business, weight loss, health or having a great relationship, it is all a form of hypnosis. To obtain better results and the

results you consciously want, you need to run a new “programme” more in alignment with what you really want. Successful hypnosis does this in the quickest possible way.

A great hypnotist will help you establish what you really want and then tailor make powerful suggestions to create the outcomes desired. Then using the power of self-hypnosis you can relax and begin to run the new program which by its nature has to create the circumstances for the desired results. You literally begin to run on autopilot.

Success Series



I’ve made this really easy for you by recording a special FEA success programming track for you which you can download below. On this specially recorded track are powerful, tried, tested and proven suggestions which will help you bring about the success you want. The key for making this work is repetition. We don’t go to the gym once and expect to be fit for life, do we? I recommend you listen to this relaxing 20 minute program at least once per day for 20 days. My favourite times are just before retiring at night or just as you awaken in the morning, although any quiet time works just as well (never whilst driving!). 

>> Programme Your Mind for Success: A powerful hypnosis

by Jason Jackman to help you attract more success into your life.


This Girl Means Business

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This magazine is all about inspiring and encouraging women to succeed.

E 01 ISSU iere Prem

How to Programme Your Mind for Success

This Girl’s Strategies for Business Growth: Learn How to Write a Book

Kim Kiyosaki the self-made millionaire talks about what it means to be financially free

Secrets to Success JAM-PACKED WITH

Advice for Female Entrepreneurs


words of advice from

Female Entrepreneurs “You need to constantly market your business in different areas. For me social media is fantastic as I have such a visual business, lots of my work comes from my Facebook business page, I also use Twitter and LinkedIn. I am a member of several networking groups and also do collaborations with other businesses.” — Sue Westwood-Ruttledge Photography, UK

“Always trust your gut instincts. Don’t compare yourself to anyone; your path is unique. Ask for help when you feel you know the right person to ask.” — Duda, Duda Does, UK



This Girl Means Business

“Just do it. Don’t make excuses.” — Emma Reynolds, e3reloaded, Hong Kong

“Be prepared, and make being organised your no.1 priority. You never know what could happen. Also never give up. Life is a rollercoaster and so is owning your own business. You just have to bite your lip sometimes, put in as much as you can and get on with it. “ — Jess Suter, The Change PR, UK

“Keep focused on the job in hand and don’t get side tracked.” — Bex Simon, Artist Blacksmith, UK

Click here to submit your advice for our next issue!

Advice from Female Entrepreneurs 49

Cover Story

“You’ve got to be comfortable with being uncomfortable because you’re going to face adversity.”


This Girl Means Business

an interview with

Kim Kiyosaki Kim Kiyosaki is a self-made millionaire, entrepreneur, best-

selling author, and property investor - basically one very successful lady! I read her first book, Rich Woman, back in 2007 and I absolutely loved it! So when I heard she had a new book coming out, It’s Rising Time, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it! Her latest book is all about helping women to rise up and do what it really takes to become financially free. It’s a brilliant book and so This Girl interviewed Kim to find out more about her journey as an entrepreneur, how she’s managed to become so successful and what her advice is to other female entrepreneurs out there. — C a r r i e G r e e n In both of your books, Rich Woman and It’s Rising Time, you focus on educating women on how to become financially free, but what does it actually mean to be financially free? I think what sets the whole Rich Woman/Rich Dad philosophy apart from other books talking about being financially free, books on money, investing and things like that is for most people, what they’re taught is to accumulate hundreds

of thousands, if not millions of dollars so that they’ll have enough to retire on. It’s hard to amass that much money especially given the economy and with the dollar and the euro losing value every month. It’s hard to save that much money. You never know what it’s going to be like when you retire. What’s the situation going to be like? What’s the economy going to be like? What’s the currency going to be worth?

Interview with Kim Kiyosaki




So financially free for “Rich Woman” is simply a mindset shift. It’s about having more income coming in every month through your investments, be it business, real estate, paper assets or commodities.

Every month you have money coming in through those investments and it’s equal to or greater than your standard of living and your monthly expenses. At that point, you’re financially free. For example, when Robert and I “retired”. It was really boring. I couldn’t find anybody to hang out with because they were all working. I was 37; Robert was 47. We didn’t have millions of dollars. We simply had $10,000 a month, every month coming in as cash flow from our investment. It was primarily real estate at that time. Our living expenses were only $3,000. We had $10,000 coming in every month and $3,000 going out every month so


This Girl Means Business

we had a cushion there of $7,000. At that point, we were financially free because we didn’t have to work for the money anymore. It was working for us.

We’re not talking about amassing millions of dollars and hoping that that lasts long enough for you to retire on. We’re saying let’s build it now so you can retire whenever you want to.

Financially free, to me, is not about cutting up your credit cards, living below your means, downsizing your house, downsizing your car. It’s about living the standard of living that you want, which is another difference. A lot of people say, “I’ll be financially free if I

Do you think that there are many differences in the way that men and women approach investing or starting a business?

I do - it comes to a mindset

shift. I think so many women have actually been taught to be dependent on somebody else for our financial wellbeing - be it a husband, a partner, a family member, even your kids as you get older or the government.

cut my expenses by 50%.” Anybody can cut their expenses but it takes a little more thinking, a little more know-how, and it takes more creativity to figure out how to create the cash flow to have the standard of living you want.



We’ve actually been taught to be dependent.

So that’s where the mindset shift starts – recognising that it’s really your responsibility.

Interview with Kim Kiyosaki




It’s up to you to take care of you.

The statistics today with the divorce rate, with the job layoffs that are happening, with people opening up their portfolios and finding they’ve lost 50% of their value, I think it’s clearer and clearer today for women that they have to start taking charge of their lives. One of the questions I get a lot is “Why is it that there are so few big businesses run by women?” Women businesses seem to be under the million-dollar revenue range. Why don’t they go above that? I think for many women, we think too small. So if you’re thinking of starting a business, what’s the purpose of your business? What’s the plan? I think a lot of women think “I’ll start my own business to survive, to get $3,000 to $6,000 a month. That’s what I’m going to do. That’s why I’m doing it. I’ve got to take care of my kids. I’ve got to handle of expenses.”


This Girl Means Business

I think one of the differences, too, is that women need to think bigger as they’re starting their business. What’s the plan? Where do I want to grow to? Then work towards that. I really think it’s more of a mindset shift. It’s time that we women start taking control of our own lives. I think right now, especially given the economy, it’s a fantastic time for women to start a business. It’s a fantastic time for women to start investing. But they’ve got to first invest the time in getting educated, planning what they need to do and understanding if they’re going to part with their money, knowing what to look for, getting armed with some financial education so that you can make smarter financial decisions.

That’s quite interesting because in your latest book It’s Rising Time, you talk and look at how people can actually turn an idea into a reality. I think there are many people out there with some really good ideas but they never do anything with them. What advice would you give to those people?

That’s a great question because

that is one of the reasons I wrote It’s

Rising Time. I feel a lot of women who will read a book and get really excited about money or about business, or they attend a seminar and say, “Yeah, I’m going to do this” and they start reading about it.



When it comes time to take that step, they


A lot of It’s Rising Time is about the doing and the taking action. There comes a point where the thing they need to do is to start. You can do this in your spare time. Probably a good question to ask the women in your organisation is “What do you do with your spare time?” I know a lot of women will go “What spare time?” You can always find spare time. What you’re doing in your spare time is what really dictates what your future will be. For me, when I was starting, I had a job but I really wanted my own business. I’ve been fired twice, not once, twice.

Interview with Kim Kiyosaki


It was my first job out of college. I knew I had a hard time being told what to do, so I wanted to start my first business. I started it on weekends. It was a part-time business designing logos for clothing, conferences and seminars throughout the US, but I did it in my spare time. I think if you are starting a business, the best shortcut – there really are no shortcuts, but this, to me, is a shortcut in terms of really growing your business – is to find a mentor. There are a lot of financial experts, financial advisers and you’ve really got to be careful because a mentor, to me, is somebody that is doing what it is you want to be doing. One who’s already out there and done it, whether it be a businesswoman, whether it be a real estate investor, a stock option

trader. It’s somebody that’s out there doing what it is you want to do. There are a lot of people that give advice, but they’re not practicing what they preach. I just want to learn from people who do what I want to be doing. I want that hands-on experience. I surround myself right now with my coaches - they are all coaches who are practicing every day what it is they’re coaching me on. That’s really important.


women - men and women, of course,

mentor! 58

This Girl Means Business

You mentioned that it’s at the step where you actually have to take action that women seem to hold back. What do you think are the reasons behind why they’re holding back? What do you think stops them from initially taking that first step?

I think one of the things is that

but maybe women even more so - have a lot of fear. Like it or not, you’ve got to get comfortable being uncomfortable because there’s a lot of fear. I think fear is the main thing that holds women back. In my book, I talk about

courage. We have to have courage to

have started. I’ve had bad partners. I’ve

accept the consequences. For fear to

had people cheat me. I’ve had lawsuits.

exist, there’s got to be an unknown.

I’ve had upsets all over the place. I’ve

Fear is, “if I part with my money...”

had people quit because of my screw-

what if I make a mistake? What if I

up, of my ignorance, what I didn’t know.

lose my money? What if the deal goes bad? What if I start a business and I fail? What if I start a business and my partner runs off with my money?

There are all of these what-ifs and these negative consequences. The fact is, if you’re going to be in business, if you’re going to be an investor, you’re going to face tough times. You’re going to make mistakes. You’re going to lose money at times.

I think one of the keys to success is that you’ve got to be comfortable with being uncomfortable because you’re going to face adversity. It’s how you handle the adversity, it’s how you handle the tough times, how you handle the setbacks, in my opinion, is going to determine how successful you are. If something throws you through a loop and you crumble, forget it; you’re never going to make it as an entrepreneur.

If somebody had told me, “Kim, as

You’re not going to be a successful

a businesswoman, these are all the

investor. You’ve got to understand

things that you’re going to experience

that you’re going to make mistakes.

in the next 25 years,” I never would

You’re going to get setbacks. How well

Interview with Kim Kiyosaki


you handle that adversity is going to make all the difference. When something happens now and I’m like, Oh shoot. That wasn’t what I planned.” I think OK, something good is going to come out of this. Something positive is going to happen because I’m going through this. So I always look for how you handle this adversity. How do you handle these setbacks? You know you’re going to make mistakes. You know sometimes you’re going to lose but you’ve got to keep going and not quit.

So when someone’s feeling on the brink of quitting, you would suggest that they just focus on the fact that something good will come out of it, keep the faith and look for the positive?

Yes, exactly, because it is those

tough times that make you who you are.


{ } “If you’re not

facing something

you fear every day, you don’t understand the secret of life.”

T hat’s when you grow. T hat’s when you learn. T hat’s when you build character. It’s facing them and going through it. Even for some women, picking up a phone

and calling a real estate broker is threatening. It’s intimidating. But you do it and you get through it and you go, “OK, I did that. It’s not so hard.”

The first step is the scariest.

That’s what builds your character. As a

For me, when I bought my first rental

matter of fact, in Rich Woman, there’s

property, I was scared to death. I was

a great quote and I live by it - it says,

terrified. But there came a point where

This Girl Means Business

I was either going to do it or I was going to back down. If I backed

{ } down, I may have never stepped up to the plate again.

There comes a point where you just have to get out there and just do it. Take the consequences, good and bad. There are a lot of good consequences. It’s what makes you who you are.

What do you think differentiates the successful people from the people that don’t make it?

Two things, I think. One is how they handle the setbacks, how they handle adversity, how they handle the tough times, how they handle the problems.

Interview with Kim Kiyosaki


I think as entrepreneurs and investors, one of the things we do is solve problems.

The learning never, ever stops.

Robert and I are lifelong learners. We attend seminars, we’re reading all the time, learning new ideas. The world is changing so quickly with technology. Making mistakes just shows you how much you don’t know. I always say, “I want to make more mistakes and I want

Most people go into business because they’re solving a problem. The adversity

to make more mistakes faster” because that accelerates my learning.

of solving a problem – that’s the job of the entrepreneur.

the willingness to make mistakes and the willingness to learn from your mistakes and not cover them up. What a mistake





shows is something we didn’t know.



What did I not know and what do I need to learn?


This Girl Means Business

What would you say has been your biggest challenge so far? How did you find the strength to overcome it?

Biggest challenge, boy, I’ve had

a lot. I think when I look at all the mistakes I’ve made, I screwed up a lot. I made a lot of mistakes. When I look back at some of the biggest mistakes, it was when I didn’t trust myself, when fear got in my way. For example, there was one property that I was pursuing, it was the biggest deal that I had done up to that point. I was unfamiliar with the type of property and instead of

bringing in people who could be my

that to be true. ‘This guy with the hedge

mentors on this, I decided I was going

fund who’s going to give me a 20%

to do it all by myself.

return’ - I want that to be true, so I’m

I brought in an attorney and it

going to ignore the little funny things

was a disaster - I lost that property. The

that I’m seeing. I’m going to ignore

owner finally said, “No, this is taking too

when this guy’s being totally obnoxious

long. We’re not going to do this.” It was

and rude to waiters and waitresses, I’ll

my fear and more importantly, it was a fear that I didn’t trust myself because I didn’t know what to do. I knew how to find the people who could walk me through this.

A couple of months ago, I had

a similar situation. This time I went, “Who knows more than me about this type of property?” He and I sat down for three hours. We went through the entire property and figured out the game plan.

At other times, when I brought in

{ } ignore that, because I want that return.

I get kicked in the butt because I didn’t listen to myself and I didn’t trust myself.

I think one of the biggest challenges

people for the business and you know

is trusting myself and when I don’t

how sometimes things sound too good

know something, to trust myself to find

to be true? There are little flags that

people that do; to not pretend that I

go up. I’m sure you’ve seen this, when

know everything, because I certainly

you’re talking to somebody and they’re

don’t, but to surround myself with

promising you the world and you want

smart people.

Interview with Kim Kiyosaki


and I have a fantastic team at Rich Dad Company and at Rich Woman.

Having that team around you is

important and it doesn’t have to be at the business. It could be women that you go to or mentors that you go to or coaches that you go to or friends that you go to that are going to support

Do you think it’s important to have a team of people to turn to for support and advice?

you instead of saying, “This is crazy. You can’t do this. You’re going to lose money. Who do you think you are?”

Absolutely. I think, especially

for women, who you surround yourself with is key. We mentioned it earlier - one of the keys is having support groups when the tough times come, when the setbacks come, when things didn’t go according to your plan. What’s that structure you have around you that you can go to for resources and

I always want to surround myself with people that are like-minded, that are going in the same direction, and want me to succeed.

for support, because that’s the time


when women will quit. “It’s too hard.

I made a decision years ago to get rid of

I’m not going to do this anymore.” I

the negative people in my life. It’s hard

wanted to quit many, many times. So I

because some of those negative people

think one of the biggest achievements

are in my family, but I just don’t hang

for me personally is that, today, Robert

out with them as much anymore.

This Girl Means Business

{ } { } I have my own demons in my own head telling me why it’s not going to work. I don’t need other people telling me why it’s not going to work.

Now, I have a great group of people

program. We have Rich Dad Education. We’re just about to launch a women’s

online education course through Rich Dad Education; it will a first. It will

use It’s Rising Time as its basis. We’re also about to launch an It’s Rising Time

book study app where women can get together and study the book together

or by themselves, whichever they prefer. I think it’s the first time it’s ever been done.

around me that really encourage me. I

encourage them. It’s a mutual respect for what each other knows and we

really push each other to go beyond where we think we’d go. That’s crucial.

With Rich Dad Company you provide so much education and support. How can people find out more about that?

We’re going to do a lot with It’s Rising Time. I really wrote it as a reference book to go back and keep referring to because there’s a lot in it and a lot of good stories from women.

The easiest way is to go to and

I think, again, women learn well from

We’re doing a lot of exciting things on

other women. These are women just

the website that will take you through

like you and me who are just out there

the coaching program. We have a

doing what needs to be done and

Rich Dad and a Rich Woman coaching

they’re having success with it.

Interview with Kim Kiyosaki


The key thing is not to quit and you’ll get through. When you get through it, you’re going to be stronger, you’re going to be smarter, you’re going to be better.

” Summary:

 Being financially free is about having more income coming in every month through your investments, be it business, real estate, paper assets or commodities that’s greater than your expenses. It’s not about cutting up your credit cards and spending less, it’s about living the style of life you want to live.  You’ve got to take action. Get a mentor.  You’ve got to be comfortable with being uncomfortable, because you’re going to face adversity.  Be willing to make mistakes.  Become a lifelong learner ~ go on seminars, read books, ask questions.  Surround yourself with like-minded people, who want you to succeed. M O S T I M P O R T A N T L Y, D O N ’ T Q U I T .

The Know-How


Q. How can I raise more awareness of my business, generate more leads and get more sales?

A. Write a book. (It’s easier than you think!)


wanted to start the first ever article of The KnowHow off with a bang! And what

better way to do it than to give you simple strategies so that you can write a book. Writing a book is an incredibly powerful way to raise awareness of your business, generate more leads and get more sales, not to mention the fact that you will be able to tell people that

you’re a published author. What an achievement that will be! Writing a book sounds like a daunting task, but after having a chat with Peter Thomson, the UK’s most prolific information product creator, it actually sounds simple! He has shared with us his strategies on how to write a book – and believe me, this is something we can all do. - Carrie Green

So, are you ready to become a published author? 68

This Girl Means Business

3 Reasons for Writing a Book Reason #1: Share Your Message If you look at successful business people, particularly those who are coaches, consultants, speakers and trainers in what I call the help and advice industry, most successful ones have got a book. If you look at all the speakers, for example, they have all got a book of some description. If you look at all the top coaches, they have got one. If you look at all of the people in that sort of industry, they’ve got a book out. If you look at very successful business people, they’ve got a book out. The question is “Did they write their

book once they became famous, or did they write the book and then become famous?” When you look at consultants, coaches, speakers and trainers, you find that they had written their book while they’re on the road to being successful, not when they became successful. Basic question: when they wrote the book, did it help them become successful? My view is that it did, because what they were doing was they’re sharing their authentic message, their knowledge, their experience, their expertise and their take on it with more people than they hoped to reach on a one-to-one basis.

The Know-How


So one of the key reasons is to get your message out to the world. If the reason you’re in business is to make money, then we both know that’s not going to work. Money is the silent applause for a job well done. It’s a result of things that you do. It’s a what, not a why. If you are focused on helping people and that’s why you’re in business, then why wouldn’t you help more people, firstly by putting your knowledge, experience and expertise into some other medium where they could listen to you, they could watch you, they could read your ideas? To publish a book for £15 or £20 and let people share your experiences is just amazing value for people, isn’t it?



This Girl Means Business

Reason #2: It Positions You in the Marketplace By having a book, you lift yourself above the crowd so people can see you. It gives you credibility in the marketplace. You know, it’s a funny thing in this world, if you’re in a fee-based business, your fees automatically go up when you’re a published author. It’s just one of those things that work: a natural correlation between being an author and also charging the right price.

Reason #3: You Can Give it to Potential Clients The best way I found in 40+ years in business to attract people to me, potential clients and customers, is to give them something first. I’m a great believer in giving before I receive. That’s the way it works. What better to give somebody something than to give them a fantastic information product, whether it’s a textbook or a report or a guide or mp3 or mp4 or free video or whatever it is. To give them quality valuable information in exchange for their details, then you start to qualify people and connect with you.

Where to begin? Start by creating a simple report.



Step #1: What are you going to write a report on? If you think to yourself what are the 3 or the 5 or the 7 or the 9 or the 11 – you notice I’m using odd numbers there – mistakes that people who are in your target market make. If you are in business, you’ll know those mistakes. If you didn’t have a list of those, you can ask yourself a focus question and I’d write

this down, personally, I’d handwrite it rather than use my Mac. I’d write a question to myself and it would be this: what are the possible mistakes that people in my target audience probably make? I always put the question mark at the end. As I had presented to a gentleman one time, he said it’s the <Enter> key in your “necktop computer”. I then let my marvellous

The Know-How


as coach. No one’s going to pay you that sort of money, even if you’re Tony Robbins. You get paid for your past, for what you’ve done. When you go for a job, people don’t call you based on what you do; they employ you based on what you previously know.

Step #2: What are you going to write a report on?

mind, like anybody else’s marvellous mind, write down anything that came to mind. If I was talking about, for example, coaches and consultants, I’d say, “What are the possible mistakes that coaches and consultants make?” Number one, they don’t have a lead generator process. Number 2, they don’t charge the right amount of money. Number 3, they misunderstand what they’re actually charging for because in life coaching, you don’t get paid for what you do; you get paid for what you’ve done. You get paid for your knowledge, experience, expertise, your take on it. You don’t get paid to talk to people for an hour


This Girl Means Business

So I continue with that list of ideas that I thought were the mistakes. I then write them initially as a tip. It becomes a little tip if it starts with a verb. So it might be “Make sure you charge for your experience as well as for your activity.” That will become a tip. I wrote these 5 or 7 mistakes and now, I’d write them as tips. Then if I want to expand that, I’d write a page or two or three pages on each one, with some examples and maybe some pictures to go with it. Obviously, each picture would have a caption to make sure the people understood what the picture is about. Before I take too much longer out of this – maybe half a day maximum a day – I had created a 20 or 30-page booklet. It would be a series of expanded tips showing people how to avoid mistakes.

The reason for focusing on mistakes... The reason I’m focused on mistakes rather than on the flipside of things, which you might call secrets, is because I’ve tested this in the marketplace that when you’re providing a free information product for lead generation, away-motivated titles work far better than toward-motivated titles.

I could call these tips, these ideas, these methods ‘The 7 Secrets of Success that Coaches or Consultants Should Know’. I found that by calling them The 7 Big Mistakes that Coaches and Consultants Unwittingly Make – I softened it slightly by putting “unwittingly” there – is far more likely to create high rates of conversion of people wanting to read that. Here’s an expression I created years ago: “away” motivation

is the catalyst for action (removing somebody from there) whereas “toward” motivation is the continuation of action. People do think emotional things in order to avoid a situation, and then what keeps them going is they’ve got some goals or some targets or some dreams or some visions. It’s like most people join the gym in January and then they’ve left by March because they lost a little bit of weight and they got a little bit fitter. The “away” motivation is no longer working because “away” motivation is a short-term thing. As soon as you’re moving away from it, it diminishes. That’s why you need the “toward” motivation in there as well. “Away” motivation for titles, I found, has worked tremendously well, tremendously well.

The Know-How


Summary: 1. Write a focus question “What are the possible mistakes people in my target market might make or possibly make?” Empty your mind on the paper. 2. Write the tip on each one then expand the tip into a few paragraphs or a couple of pages. 3. Put some pictures in there and some call-toaction at the end because obviously you need that, and bingo! You’ve got a 30-page report.

TIP // If your voice is working well, you could read it and record an mp3, or an audio or CD. If you’re really up for it, you could look straight into a and you could read it or memorize it and have a video as well.

NEXT ISSUE How to Publish Your Book

To find out more about Peter Thomson and to download a copy of “The 7 Big Mistakes Report” visit


This Girl Means Business

What We’re Reading The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer BOOK REVIEW BY JASON JACKMAN

“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change.”


This Girl Means Business

Prolific author and teacher of self-empowerment, Dr. Wayne Dyer, wrote this book a few years ago, yet I find it one of my greatest resources and often refer back to it. With the strap line, “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change,” Dyer eloquently describes what he terms the field of intention and it’s hidden power in helping us create the life we desire. In his words intention is not something you do, but a force that exists in the universe as an invisible field of energy. Differing and coming before the popular book and film The Secret, Dyer’s work delves deeply into how we can use this almost magical field of energy to tune ourselves into, and thus make ourselves available, for success.

“This is a very good book for those wishing to make changes in their life.”

Early in the book we learn the seven faces of intention and how they manifest. Dr. Dyer gives easy to follow tips at the end of each chapter enabling the reader to make slight changes to their thoughts, decisions and actions, which can have a profound effect on the outcomes of day to day life. With further chapters on how to connect to this power, dealing with obstacles, purpose, healing, respect, and abundance amongst others, this

is a very good book for those wishing to make changes in their life. Personally, I found this a more advanced and more in depth discussion and explanation of how the world of energy works in manifesting our intentions than just how the law of attraction works. In essence, I recommend this work by Dr. Dyer, because it is easy to read, powerful, practical and uplifting. A thoroughly recommended read.


What We’re Reading


What We’re Reading Start with Why by Simon Sinek Have you ever wondered what makes great leaders great? And what makes successful companies successful? Wonder no more; this book has the answer. Simon Sinek shares his theories on what makes great people and organisations great. He says that people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. From the Wright brothers, to Martin Luther King to Apple – Simon explains how their WHY was what made them great. It’s a brilliant book and it’s guaranteed to leave you feeling inspired.


It’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want to Be by Paul Arden This is a great book you can dive in and out of for inspiration, motivation and encouragement. Advertising guru, Paul Arden shares his wisdom on how to make the impossible possible.



This Girl Means Business

This Girl Loves...

3 4 1 2


This Girl Means Business

5 6 7 8

1. Dress,

by Michael Kors

/ 2. Sunglasses, by Gucci / 3. Blazer, by French

Connection / 4. Watch, by Michael Kors / 5. Wedges, by Paloma Barcel贸 / 6. Scarf, Alexander McQueen / 7. Bag, by

Proenza Schouler / 7. Nail Polise by Essie

This Girl Loves...


This Girl Loves...



This Girl Means Business

2 3

4 5 6

1. Pencil, by Faber-Castell / 2. Thank You Notes. Smythson / 3. iPhone Case, from Stella & Dot / 4. Little List Book, by Cinnamon Aitch

/ 5. Notebook. Smythson / 6. iPad Cover by Miu Miu

This Girl Loves...


Ask & Answered Q. “I am a Marketing Manager for a national

homebuilder, a make-up artist, a trainee beauty therapist and a dreamer. My dream is to set up a beauty business, which is funky, fresh and has something that other salons don’t. This is a challenge in itself! I understand what marketing needs to be done from a customer relationship point of view, but every other aspect of business I’m really quite new to and worry I won’t be able to make my ideas a success. Through being a dreamer, I regularly make a success of my ideas in my head, but when it comes to reality I manage to talk myself out of it and convince myself that my doubts mean I will fail.” — Ailish Lucas, UK


This Girl Means Business

A. If it’s any consolation I have most definitely felt like that before – I think more or less every entrepreneur, business owner, dreamer has that little gremlin sitting on their shoulder whispering words of doubt in their ear. When you have a big dream, it generally means you have to take a big risk or do something drastic to achieve it and taking that first step is scary. But you can definitely do it!

Here’s what I would suggest you do:

1. The first thing you need to 2. Have full conviction in your do is mute that gremlin! Accept

idea – believe that you will make it

the doubts and the fear, because in


all honesty I don’t think anyone ever

3. Have a clear vision of what

lives without them (how can we when we never really know what’s around the corner?) and then embrace the adventure of making your dream a reality. Focus on the positive thoughts




rather than the worries, doubts and the things that might go wrong.

you want to achieve. You don’t have to know all the details or have all the answers, but you do have to know what you’re aiming for and then you can plan the first steps to take. Take time to imagine making your dream a reality – what does it feel like? What does it look like?

Asked & Answered


4. Take action: if I were you I would... a. Start a blog right away

got time during the day, get up earlier and spend half an hour learning and researching.

and look to build a following of people who are interested in what you’re doing. It’s easy to get

good connections and a good support

started and considering you want to

team around you will really help to

start a beauty business, women will

propel you. When you go networking

love reading about it!




Try and find people can collaborate with.

Are there any local businesswomen in a similar industry who you could do a

5. Get out and network. Having



people who might be able to help you, people who you might be able to work with – and you never know what conversations you’ll end up having and

beauty event with? Are there any local

where they might lead.

businesses (hairdressers, etc.) that


might let you rent a room or go in once a week to do treatments? This way you can get started without having massive overheads.


Research and learn as much as possible. If you haven’t


Keep going. Stay positive and

keep focused on what you want and throughout the challenges, rejections and set backs hang on, learn, get support from the people around you and keep going.

Would you like to see your question answered here? Submit it to us by clicking here and if your question is chosen we will ask our network of female entrepreneurs to offer their advice! 86

This Girl Means Business

More Advice from FEA Trish Scaife, Enjoy Bed & Breakfast, Barbados: Think of the challenges as a wall; you can go through the wall, over the wall, under the wall, around the wall - there is never only one solution to a problem. And when you’re feeling like you’ve exhausted every possibility, try something crazy!

“ “

Stephanie Goodman, Venture Accelerator Partners, Canada:

Firstly I would connect with other entrepreneurs who have successfully and not successfully launched a start-up. Take them out for coffee and find out what their business pains were and how they overcame them. Second, visit your banks and find out what they do to help entrepreneurs/start-ups. Third, dive right in. You never know if something will be a success unless you try.

Kylie Pengelly, Global via Australia, Australia;

It’s important to know your personal strengths and weaknesses or quirks! Understand the economics of outsourcing the things you don’t enjoy where possible.

Sandy Sidhu, SidekickPM, Canada: Find a mentor who can support you and guide you in the process. Starting something new can be daunting, but by seeking out someone who has been there and done that-you have a better chance at success.

Brenda Steel, Independent Natural Food Brokers, USA:

Don’t let your fear override the desires in your heart. Every one of us is built with certain dreams and desires; to live fully, these must be followed for true success. When you are truly engaged with what you love, speak of it, imagine it and look for every opportunity to make it a reality. Your fear is the only thing holding you back and you must conquer that fear because you will be more saddened at the end of your life for not trying, than for giving something your all and it not working out.

Ask & Answered


It’s all in the

Planning By Lisa Talbot, Personal Stylist


I am a great believer that if you fail to plan you plan to fail, which is why when I set up my Personal Styling business 2 years ago I planned and set up everything I thought I needed to launch my business whilst doing my training.

so that when my course was finished I

I didn’t have any money to set up

what I did. I designed posters to pop

my business just guts & determination

up in local shops, school and health

to succeed, so in the first year

clubs and walked the dog miles whilst

everything I did I had to do in the most

posting flyers in as many front doors

cost effective way. I borrowed £4,500

as I could.

from my lovely hubby for my Personal

Styling course and was determined to

an online printer company and in my

pay him back as fast as I could. I knew I

mind I was ready for business.

would hit obstacles along the way, but

I knew deep in my heart I would make

fast as I could all about social media, I

a success of my new business.

set up accounts on Twitter, developed

During my 12 week course I

a business page on Facebook and

decided to start my marketing activities

became a member of LinkedIn. I didn’t

This Girl Means Business

had clients in my diary, well that was my plan!

I bought my domain name

and developed a free website using Microsoft Office. It wasn’t brilliant, but it certainly did the trick to start getting the word out there of who I was and

I had business cards made using

The next step was to learn as

know if any of these would help my

business, but what did I have to lose?

2009 and in June 2009 launched my

I also went to lots of networking

business with a full diary, great new

groups to obtain a presence and see

contacts and both a web and social

who I could partner with, but also to see what I could learn from others far more experienced than myself.

I have always been known as

someone who is not backward in coming forward, so I approached local magazine editors to write about me and how I had left a corporate organisation after the birth of my twins to set up my own business

I started my training in March

{ } media presence.

It certainly has not all been a bed of roses, but with a positive attitude I believe you can achieve anything you want to - and with a little planning even more.

Oh and by the way I paid my

that worked around my family. This

husband, Dave, back the whole ÂŁ4,500

was great PR for my new business.

by October 2009! 

It’s All in the Planning


Health & Wellness by Alexandra Worsley

WEEK -1-

Stress impacts on many areas of our life including sleep, digestion, skin and immunity. We may not be able to avoid it, but we do need to balance it out. Here’s a 30 day plan to conquer stress:

Water & Routine

1. Drink at least one liter of water a day.

• When you arrive home


WEEK -2-

Learn to Relax

WEEK -3-

Get Moving

WEEK -4-

Tummy Time

This Girl Means Business

Here are some stress-busting ideas for you to try…

in your car, switch the engine off and sit for 10 minutes and do relaxed deep breathing. This will help you to reset yourself for home life.

• Top tip - why not

Just 30 minutes a day for this...

break your workout into two 15-minute or three 10-minute sessions?

The gut is known as the second brain, so let’s get it working as it should.

30 Days to Conquer Stress 2. Get to bed

for 10-11 pm each night as this is the time that your body is rejuvenating & repairing.

3. Make sure you have your breakfast and graze on snacks throughout the day. Be prepared - have a handful of nuts in your bag or a Nature’s Plus Gold Bar.

• Take a deep bubble bath, with a facemask and a gorgeous candle. • Listen to some relaxing music to help you unwind.

This will help your body seriously recover and rejuvenate. You should try and keep this up every day.


• Try taking a weekly yoga class and do a daily breathing meditation too breathe in for 4, hold for 4 and breathe out for 4.

Aim to introduce one of the above into your daily routine.

• Try going for a brisk

walk, watch a quick DVD workout, take a short power walk around the block, run up and down the stairs instead of taking the lift - anything to raise your heartbeat every day.

If we don’t have enough good bacteria or digestive enzymes we can often experience symptoms similar to stress; headaches and skin complaints.

Digestive enzymes help us to digest our food and they also help to create vitamins essential for our health, but are usually compromised when under stress.

Put it in your diary & commit to doing it.

Consider taking a good digestive supplement to help your body get back on top of it quicker. Try Acti-zyme by Nature’s Plus.

Health & Wellness


Health & Wellness

2 1 3


This Girl Means Business

4 5 6 7

1. Bath Oil - Lime, Basil, & Mandarin, by Jo Malone / 2. English Lavender, Sweet Basil, & Jasmine Candle by Neom / 3. Rescue Pastilles, by Bach / 4. Camomile Honey & Vanilla Tea by Twinings / 5. Natural Stress Relief II CD, by Solitudes / 5. Mega-Stress Complex,, by Nature’s Plus / 6. Acti-Zyme,

by Nature’s Plus

Health & Wellness


laska Go to A

Sail arou nd the worl d Watch an erupting volcano

a Ride in hot air n balloo

Go to the Great Wall of China

Be a part of a flashmob

See the N orth & South p oles

This Girl Means Business

Kayak t he Thames

Get Poems Published

Ride an ostrich


See the Eiffel Tower

See the Op era in Sydney

What is a bucket list? A list of all the goals you want to achieve, dreams you want to fulfill, and life experiences you desire to experience before you “kick the bucket.”

Have you ever thought of starting your own bucket list? It wouldn’t surprise me if you already have one – as entrepreneurs we like to think big and have lots of ideas… we have to write them down somewhere! But have you got a list of cool things you want to do? Places you want to visit? Amazing things you want to achieve before you ‘kick the bucket’?

I met an amazing woman recently who has the biggest bucket list of anyone I know and she’s done some awe-inspiring things. Paula got me thinking… what do I really want to achieve and do in my lifetime? We caught up with Paula Reid to talk bucket lists, amazing journeys, incredible achievements and how to fit it all into our hectic lives! What’s on your bucket list?



This Girl Means Business



Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference.

— Robert Frost

I have done 94 ‘things’ that I most wanted to do before I die and I’m nowhere near being dead. I have another 36 on my list, but the list grows all the time. Some are little things, some are massive… some are quite mundane, and some are rather unusual. But they help me to breathe and feel alive. And they help me to know that when I am drawing my last breath, it will be with no regrets.

When did you start to write your first bucket list? I started to rebel and break the rules when I was 13, pushing the limits of conservative living growing up in a leafy Surrey suburb. From the age of 17 I reviewed each calendar year and wrote a list of all the things I had done in the last 12 months. That list got more and

more interesting and I used to look back on it and remember amazing moments in my life which spurred me on to capture it in a definite ‘bucket list’ years later. I was always aware that I had a bucket list in my head, but when I decided to capture it, about seven years ago, it made it more definite and gave me focus to strive for it.

What’s on your bucket list?


Ride an Ostritch

Pet an Iguan a


This Girl Means Business

Cage-Diving with Sharks

Trek throu gh West Papua

What made you decide to write a bucket list? I love challenging myself and experiencing new things - doing wonderful, exciting, stimulating, challenging and fun adventures. I believe in living life to the full. I don’t want to be on my deathbed thinking, ‘I wish I’d done this or I wish I’d done that’. I want to know that I’ve actually had a go at doing the things I want to do.

How do you manage to fit your bucket list around work? I freelance for work, so I have plenty of time to fit in long and short bucket list things. One was bog snorkeling in Wales and that was just a fun, long weekend. I’ve also sailed around the world and that took 10 months, so it depends on the length of the adventure, but I fit it around my self-employment.

Although I had to quit my full time job to sail around the world, I still work for that company and having had that experience has made me more employable. I think for people who do have full time jobs, get that bucket list written first and just see what’s on there, so you know exactly what you’re aiming for and it gives you focus and determination. And then you can easily tick things off at weekends and on holidays. They don’t all take up loads of time or money. Do lots of mini adventures. And then if there’s a massive one to do, that would hugely enhance your life - like sailing around the world - then just do it. No regrets. You can always get a job when you get back and you’ll never regret going on such an amazing adventure.

What’s on your bucket list?


How does having a bucket list help you?

Swim with Dolphins

What’s the best thing you’ve ever checked off your bucket list? I think one of the best things I’ve ever ticked off my list in the ‘awesome moment category’ was swimming with dolphins and seals. But one of my best memories was the World Bog Snorkeling Championships - where I came first in the fancy dress category dressed as a ‘Clapham Water Dragon’ - the whole weekend was such a ball! Paddling the Mekong was very cool… they’re all uniquely great experiences for different reasons.


This Girl Means Business

I think a bucket list can help you personally and professionally. Professionally you can have work goals on your bucket list, so for instance I have written 3 books and they have definitely enhanced my professional life. Having a professional bucket list will help you to aspire to a career you want. And personally it helps to fulfill you and make your life more interesting. When my mum goes to her art classes, everyone always asks her what her daughter’s been up to this time! And if you can rope some of your friends or family in to doing some adventures then it may enhance their lives too.

Paula’s Tips for Writing a Bucket List: 1

Take some time out to remember and write down a list of all the things you HAVE already done. Scrape your memory banks for them. They can be huge (like sailing around the world), emotional (like patching up the relationship with your dad) or small (like learning to whistle properly with your fingers). Be proud of these.


Then, take some time to brainstorm all the things you WANT to do before you die and places you WANT to visit. Let the obvious things spill out first, and then research it more – look up Bucket Lists on the web, have stimulating dinner conversations about it, look at my lists for inspiration and ideas.


Review the List of Things you Want to Do before you die every now and again. Depending on time, money and logistics, which one will you make happen next? Choose one.


Do it. No regrets, no excuses, live life to the full.


Take a big, positive step towards making it happen. Book the flight. Pay the deposit. Tell your family. I’m planning on swimming the Channel next Summer and my big, positive step was booking my Pilot escort boat and paying £800 non-refundable deposit to confirm it.


Stay positive. No excuses (you may call these ‘reasons’), no buts, no “I can’t because...”

What’s on your bucket list?




Where is your bucket list going to take you?


Don’t Limit Yourself with Labels. ‘I can’t sail’. So? Learn! ‘I am not good in the mornings’. ‘I am not ambitious’. ‘I am not very sporty’. ‘I am rubbish at cooking’. Recognise any of these? If you give yourself labels you will live by them. You need multiple, positive labels – then you can choose what to do and who to be.


Choose your Attitude. You can choose the way you react and feel about a situation. You can choose to be depressed or re-motivated when a curve ball is thrown your way. You can choose to be angry or forgiving when someone treats you badly. You can choose to be upset or pragmatic when an accident happens. Choose your attitude.


100% Commitment. No half-heartedness. No excuses. If you are going



to do something, then do it, to the best of your ability, and with your whole heart, body, mind and soul. When you feel that you are giving 100%, you are probably only giving 80%. Raise your game. Continue to update both lists. Celebrate successes, tick them off.

This Girl Means Business

Paula’s Bucket List: Things I've Done So Far:  Acted as an extra in commercials and films.  Went to the Bermuda Triangle.  Circumnavigated Cape Horn.  Became a Daily Telegraph Correspondent.  Saw the Eiffel Tower.  Went to Florida swamps and rode on a hover boat to see alligators.  Flew through the Grand Canyon in a helicopter.  Great White Shark cage diving.  Walked on hot coals.  Rode in a hot air balloon.  Kayaked the Thames.  Went in a nuclear submarine.  Saw Opera in Sydney & Prague.  Got my poems published.  Rode horse, ostrich, elephant, camel, and donkey.  Paddled 300 miles in dugout canoe in Cambodia.  Sailed across the equator twice.  Sailed around the world 35,000 miles the wrong way!

 Stayed in Riokan, traditional Japanese house. ...AND 75+ MORE AMAZING THINGS!

Things I’ve Yet to Do:  Go to Alaska.  See Antarctica and both the South and North poles.  Go to the Great Wall of China.  Get arrested in the UK.  Learn to whistle properly.  Paddle more than 2010 miles to break the record.  Ride a horse in the sea.  Go storm chasing.  Go to Mount Kailash in Tibet.  Watch an erupting volcano.  Go black water rafting.  Go to Bruges Ice Festival.  See opera at Covent Garden.  Go to Ethiopia.  Historic battle re-enactment.  Ride a manta ray.  Go to Pakistan.  Go to St. Petersberg and Moscow.  Visit Giant’s Causeway, Ireland.  Be apart of a Flashmob.  Go caving or canyoning.  Go to the Grand Prix.  Visit the Ice Hotel in Sweden.  Go wing walking.

 Write Bucket List book. ...AND MANY MORE TO COME! What’s on your bucket list?


“Don’t compromise yourself. You are all you’ve got.” — Janis Joplin

“Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.” — Harriet Beecher Stowe


This Girl Means Business

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” — Dale Carnegie

Quotes of the Month


This Girl Stays Motivated by... Running a business is tough and if you have experienced days when everything seems to go wrong and you feel like giving up, fear not! You’re not alone. It’s all part of the journey of running a business.

So, what can we do to stay motivated when we’re having a hard time?

“My goals, I love working from goal to goal so for me I try not to focus on the immediate problem, I focus on what I will be doing next. Also I remember that this time last year there was one problem or another that bothered me which now I can’t even recall.” — Samata Angel, UK

“I remember that if it was easy to be successful then everybody would be doing it, and it’s not, so it’s going to be hard work. I know that I need to work hard to get results and that keeps me going.” — Jodie Cole, UK


This Girl Means Business

“I’m a big believer in lists. Making a good, structured list with achievable tasks helps carry you through times when you feel demotivated. Also having a good friend to call for the occasional pep talk.” — Naomi Leon, UK

“I try and stay focused on the idea of helping others and that this career is less of a job and more of a destiny that all my work experience and life journeys have prepared me for. Being thankful and trusting is the best aid of all.” — Lila Avery-Fusion, USA

“Remember ‘why’ I’m doing all of this. Knowing ‘why’ is a fundamental part of everything we do – Knowing why keeps you motivated through the tough times and gives you a belief in what you’re trying to achieve.” — Caroline Hampson, UK

This Girl Stays Motivated by...



This Girl Means Business

This Month’s Top 10 Tips

Ten Things to Remember ON YOUR JOURNEY

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Remember that it is only your imagination that will hold you back— anything is possible when you put your mind to it. Get clear on what you want and write it down.

Don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t procrastinate— write down 3 things you can do today and do them.

Action is the key – if you don’t put your ideas and thoughts into motion, nothing will happen.


If you don’t know what to do, go and learn.


Have integrity in everything that you do.


Avoid negative people – they will bring you down.


Don’t be put off by the challenges you face – stay strong.


“We are what we repeatedly do. Therefore excellence is not an act but a habit.” — Aristotle

This Girl Means Business


See you next time!


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