Sun Thisweek Burnsville-Eagan

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Sports Winter sports season in full swing Page 20A

Burnsville • Eagan

Dec. 14, 2018 • Volume 39 • Number 41

Established 1975

Photo submitted

The addition of the Sibley Historic Site in Mendota allows the Dakota County Historical Society to offer more special events such as Fur Trade Weekend.

Looking to the future for history’s sake Bob and Faye Prebich have been putting up their Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer holiday display for 35 years. It’s an even longer tradition in Bob’s family.

Dakota County Historical Society aims to continue community outreach

’Tis the season for Rudolph on Holly Lane

by Tad Johnson

Photo by John Gessner

Couple continues family tradition by John Gessner SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE

’Tis the season to pull stuff out of storage. Burnsville’s Bob and Faye Prebich have plenty to pull. A sign on their house welcomes visitors to “Reindeer Drive.” Inside and out are seasonal remnants of yesteryear, such as the ceramic Nativity scene and felt Advent calendar Faye made 40 and 45 years ago when the


Most people have a hard time managing the photos and videos they take as their lives evolve. Whether it’s the hundreds of photos they captured on a recent vacation or the thousands they have of their young children, downloading, printing and archiving them seems like a full-time job. Now think of the task the small staff of the Dakota County Historical Society has in documenting the lives of the third most populous county in

couple’s two daughters were young. “And, we live on Holly Lane,” Faye said, 1004 to be exact. “We like Christmas,” she said. “It’s just a good time of year, and we’ve got lots of old memories to reminisce on and have grandkids to celebrate with.” The centerpiece of their Christmas collection is a life-size model of Santa in his sleigh pulled See Rudolph, 19A

Minnesota. Think of all those photos, all those videos, and all those artifacts predating the formation of the county 169 years ago. As the Historical Society looks ahead to a new year, it aims to enlist the help of county residents in documenting history through their participation in events, volunteerism and financial support. Executive Director Matthew Carter says the society will continue to focus its efforts on community outreach to show peoSee History, 12A

Sunnyside Stables On 75 rolling Acres in Beautiful Rosemount, MN S We offer offe a variety ariety of activities for anyone who has a love for horses and animals! We help all experience levels from beginners to advanced riders

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Index Opinion




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Woodland Elementary wins STEM Innovation Award Woodland Elementary in Eagan has been named the winner of the 2019 STEM Innovation Award by the Minnesota Elementary School Principals’ Association and the Science

Museum of Minnesota. Principal Lisa Carlson and STEM teacher-principal intern David Lostetter applied for the award on behalf of the District 196 school.

The award gives principals the opportunity to share innovative programs and/or projects in their schools. An “innovation database,” created from entries for the award, is

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made available to MESPA members, helping schools across the state replicate their colleagues’ successes. Woodland Elementary strives to incorporate STEM and technology throughout its programming and make it accessible to all students. The school has a technology and STEM specialist and has added a Targeted Services extended day coding club to increase access to STEM experiences, learning and enrichment for its students. Through the STEM and technology programs, Woodland students are exposed to a variety of technologies, science, engineering and math concepts. They develop digital literacies, learn to code, create websites, manage rain water, build strong bridges, work with circuits and more. Students also get the opportunity to work alongside real computer scientists and coders, scientists, engineers and others. Twice a year, students who qualify for Targeted Services can elect to participate in coding club, an ex-

tended day class, son, three to where they can five years ago, further explore hardly anyone the coding skills put a STEMthey learned in related career as the standard their future job. technology and Now, students STEM programlist many STEM ming in a smaller careers, includenvironment ing civil engiwhere they can electrical Lisa Carlson neer, receive personengineer, comalized instrucputer scientist, tion. This ofweb developer fering actively seeks out and more. Woodland has students who represent also seen the impact of underserved populations its STEM programming and/or who struggle aca- through steady gains in demically, who are tradi- student achievement on tionally less likely to be MCA science scores. included in this type of Woodland Elemenprogramming. tary will be recognized “It is amazing to see the at the MESPA Institute work in our programming awards celebration – The begin to transform the cul- MESPYs – in Bloomingture of our school,” Carl- ton on Feb. 7, 2019. Joanne son and Lostetter wrote Jones-Rizzi, vice president in their application. “Stu- of STEM equity and edudents can use the skills cation at the Science Mulearned in the Technology seum of Minnesota, will and STEM program to present the award. In addiextend and deepen their tion, the Science Museum learning in regular class- of Minnesota will provide rooms’ units of study.” a $300 certificate towards Woodland has a pro- an education program for gram where its fifth-grad- Woodland Elementary. ers share their hopes for the future before graduating. According to Carl-


Former Burnsville rec supervisor peads guilty for theft A Prior Lake woman plead guilty Tuesday to two felony counts of theft and aggravated forgery for stealing from the city of Burnsville, according to Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom. Kelly Jo Hansen-Mundahl, 45, was charged with theft after more than $4,800 of unauthorized purchases were made on a city of Burnsville credit card. Investigators also found documents related to improper withdrawals from the city’s deferred compensation plan. Hansen-Mundahl was sentenced to 30 days in jail, 10 days of sentenced to serve, and 100 hours of community work service by Judge Tanya O’Brien. She will be on probation for up to three years and O’Brien ordered her to pay $4,899.33 in restitution. Hansen-Mundahl had been employed as a recreation supervisor in Burnsville since 2001. The city requested the Dakota County Sheriff’s office to investigate the charges beginning in Aug. 2017. She resigned after the investigation began Aug. 23.

Her duties with the city included overseeing various recreational programs. It was revealed that Hansen-Mundahl was issued a credit card from the city to make purchases for city events, not for personal use. But the card was used to purchase gift cards, a video game system and a blender, which were not authorized purchases. The gaming system and blender were found in her home during the investigation. “The theft of any amount of public funds is a felony under Minnesota law,” Backstrom said when she was initially charged in Dec. 2017. During the investigation, it was also revealed that emergency withdrawals from Hansen-Mundahl’s deferred compensation plan from six different years contained an alleged signature from the city’s human resource coordinator. But the human resource coordinator did not recall signing the forms. According to the criminal complaint, Hansen-Mundahl alleged that she mixed up some of the paperwork and faxed the wrong form.

The emergency withdrawal form with each request indicated the withdrawals were due to her husband losing his job. All the letters appeared to be the same letter, with the dates altered. She said the gift cards were used as prizes for activities such as South of the River Recreators and the Minnesota Recreation Parks Association. She claimed the blender was for the beach concession stand and the video games were for a children’s summer program. She said she brought them home when they were no longer being used. But representatives with the SORR said they did not recall any gift cards given out for awards, only sponsors. City officials indicated there was nothing in the budget for gift cards to be given to the MRPA, nor did the MRPA indicate they received them. Backstrom thanked Assistant County Attorney Amy Schaffer, who prosecuted the case, and Dakota County Sheriff’s Office. - Andy Rogers

Multi-city car chase leads to arrest A St. Paul man was charged with a felony in Dakota County District Court following a multicity vehicle chase Dec. 4 in the south metro. According to the criminal complaint, the Apple Valley, Eagan and Lakeville police departments were involved in the pursuit of Sharif Abdur-Rahman, 42, during the afternoon of Dec. 4. Apple Valley police initially received a report of a theft at a retail store and advised that the suspect fled in a white work van. Officers activated their emergency lights and sirens when they located the vehicle with the matching license plate, but the vehicle accelerated instead of stopping. The vehicle eventually drove onto the wrong side of the road into oncoming traffic on Pilot Knob

Road through Eagan. Eagan officers put down stop sticks, but the vehicle avoided them and continued through. Officers turned off their sirens and lights for safety reasons, but during a break in traffic an officer attempted a Pursuit Intervention Technique, or PIT maneuver, unsuccessfully. A PIT maneuver is a tactic where a police car forces a fleeing car to turn sideways, causing the driver to lose control. The vehicle moved back to the correct side of the road and the officers continued pursuit. The pursuit traveled through Farmington, where Farmington officers twice deployed stop sticks, but the vehicle was able to avoid those. A sergeant eventually called off pursuit, but a short time later, Lakeville

officers found the car and successfully stopped the vehicle using a PIT maneuver. The driver was identified as Abdur-Rahman, who said he had ingested heroin, according to the criminal complaint. He and his female passenger were transported to the hospital before being medically cleared. The officers located a used syringe and other drug paraphernalia in the vehicle. Abdur-Rahman was charged Dec. 6 in Dakota County District Court for fleeing a peace officer in a motor vehicle, a felony. He is facing a maximum penalty of three years and one day in jail along with a $5,000 fine. He was charged with felony fleeing a peace officer in a motor vehicle.

Job Transitions Group meets Dec. 18 The Easter Job TransiThe group meets 7:30 Knob Road, Eagan. Call tions Group will hold its a.m. Tuesdays at Eas- 651-452-3680 for inforholiday potluck Dec. 18. ter Lutheran Church – mation. Alumni are welcome. By the Lake, 4545 Pilot


Burnsville woman busted allegedly with heroin, meth, cocaine A Burnsville woman is facing de- marijuana; 1.5 grams of marijuana cades in jail after she was allegedly wax; a ledger; three digital scales found with several grams of heroin, that tested positive for meth, comethamphetamine and cocaine and heroin; prescripcaine Dec. 5. tion drugs; a handgun magAgents with the Southazine; 0.5 grams of heroin; west Metro Drug Task and a tin with 1 gram of Force along with Burnsville methamphetamine. Police Officers were executAgents also located a box ing a search warrant at the of ammunition containing residence of Theresa Anne 22 bullets on top of a dressMarie Krueger Avery, 38, Theresa er. of Burnsville, when they saw Marie Avery admitted she had the Krueger her leave in a vehicle. substances in her vehicle and She had an outstanding at her residence, according felony warrant, so her veto the criminal complaint. hicle was stopped and Avery was arShe was charged with a conrested. trolled substance crime in the secDuring a search of the vehicle, ond degree (possession) (heroin) (6 officers found a black zippered case. or more grams) and a controlled Inside the case, officers alleg- substance crime in the third degree edly found baggies containing eight (possession)(narcotic other than grams of cocaine; nine grams of heroin) (10 grams or more). heroin and fentanyl; and 18 grams Both felonies carry a maximum of methamphetamine along with a sentence of 20 years in jail and a methamphetamine bubble. $250,000 fine. In a black clutch in the car, She was also charged with three agents found another pipe and a felony controlled substance crimes trace amount of heroin. Agents also in the fifth degree (possession). found a purse containing approxiIn total, she’s facing 65 years in mately $5,000 in cash. jail and a $530,000 fine. The agents also executed the Her bail was set at $60,000 in Dasearch warrant at the residence. kota County Court. There they found drug paraphernaShe is also being held for theft lia with a trace amount of heroin; a charges in Anoka County. bag containing 0.5 grams of meth; - Andy Rogers



Opinion The state will flourish or fail with ‘One Minnesota’ by Keith Anderson SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE

Produce, protect, prepare. That is a simple trajectory many of us subconsciously follow in life. Our jobs allow us to be part of something that creates a product or a service, which in turn pays us a wage to sustain our way of life, protect our families and set us on a course of preparation for retirement. It’s a comfortable routine to repeat, until something gets in our path. That “something” can easily be viewed as an irritant or even a threat. In 2018, the polarization of politics may be that threat. Never before has the political climate been so charged, acrimonious and deliberately divisive that long-time friends have stopped talking. Family members have sidestepped critical community topics in order to avoid the weary battles about the left and the right. This “us” vs. “them” mentality is preventing real growth as a state and nation because it’s so easy to be consumed in protecting what is ours. When we are unable to engage in discourse with a shared goal of trying to make our community, county, state and union a better place for today and the future, we are missing an opportunity. We can’t arrive at solutions if we dig in

Staff Columnist Keith Anderson so deep that compromise isn’t even an option. According to a July 2018 Pew Research Center survey of 4,581 U.S. adults, when it comes to important issues facing the country, 78 percent of Republicans and Democrats disagree not only on plans and policies, but also on basic facts. Can’t agree on basic facts. That is a problem. We see the chasm, but feel helpless to correct it, even if deep down we truly want a solution because we know for the nation and our children, we need to do better. So, we are in this moment, almost suspended, when it feels as though silently we are waiting for somebody to shed some light, offer something that will help us feel more unified and connected as Minnesotans. Enter Gov.-elect Tim Walz. He promoted the “One Minnesota” theme throughout his campaign. And it’s remained in the curriculum during his jeans and flannel journey ramp up to

the governorship. Fresh on the heels of a weeklong listening tour of Minnesota, he has continued to underline that idea. Is it lip service or a weapon to disarm the tunnel-vision mentality that has plagued our political system and tainted the populace? Time will reveal the true motivation of that message. But make no mistake, as governor of a split Legislature, he may be in the perfect place and time to be the voice of reason and lead as a statesman who understands citizens come first, party second. There is an army of residents who have been waiting for somebody to remind them, mostly through example, that it’s noble, meaningful and necessary to step forward and serve their community and state to be part of something bigger than self. Their nonpartisan skills and time are needed at food shelves to help feed the hungry, at local schools where volunteers can reduce the burden for our teachers, in our places of worship, where important work is being done in the area of poverty and housing, at sexual violence centers, where women and children need support, in our hospitals, service clubs and numerous other organizations where volunteers can literally change lives.

The Rotary’s motto of “service above self ” was never more appropriate to the health of our nation than it is now. And that applies equally to elected officials. We want to believe we can be better. We want to be beacons of hope. We want to share rather than take. Help rather than hide. Communicate instead of criticize. But we, and our representatives in elected office, may just need a nudge in that direction. Leadership does matter in our society and when it’s handled with responsibility, respect and grace, it can inspire. One Minnesota is possible. But it must not be squandered or dismissed by the governor when it no longer serves as a springboard. The state’s highest leader cannot solve every problem, but he can be a bridge to compromise in a divided Legislature and serve as a visionary for a fractured citizenry. People want a better Minnesota and now more than ever are ready to participate in the process. Please don’t break this promise, Mr. Governor, and don’t obliterate the hope that is waiting to blossom. This is a collective moment and Minnesotans are ready to heal and serve. Keith Anderson is director of news for APG of East Central Minnesota. Columns reflect the opinion of the author.

How we can all support students through a stressful time of year by Michael Berndt SPECIAL TO SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE

We all know that the holidays can be stressful. Winter travel, family responsibilities, holiday preparations, short days, and long nights can leave us feeling a bit overwhelmed. College students, including our students at Dakota County Technical College and Inver Hills Community College, have the additional stress of completing their courses and getting ready for next term. This time of year hits some of our learners especially hard because they are

Guest Columnist Michael Berndt already dealing with insecurities in food, housing, clothing, child care, and transportation. We are the community in our state’s community colleges. We can honor the season by encouraging these learners to persist and to use the colleges’ and com-

Burnsville • Eagan (ISSN#26404761) Sun Thisweek Burnsville•Eagan Copyright © 2018 by ECM Publishers is published weekly by ECM Publishers, 15322 Galaxie Ave #219, Apple Valley, MN 55124-3150. Business, Editorial, Accounting, and Circulation Offices: 4095 Coon Rapids Blvd, Coon Rapids, MN 55433-2523. Call 763-712-3544 to subscribe. Periodical postage paid at St Paul, MN. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Sun Thisweek Burnsville Eagan, 4095 Coon Rapids Blvd, Coon Rapids, MN 55433-2523.

John Gessner | BURNSVILLE/DISTRICT 191 NEWS | 952-846-2031 | Andy Rogers | EAGAN NEWS | 952-846-2028 | Patty Dexter | DISTRICT 196 NEWS | 952-846-2038 | Mike Shaughnessy | SPORTS | 952-846-2030 | Darcy Odden | CALENDARS/BRIEFS | 952-846-2034 | Jeanne Cannon | ANNOUNCEMENTS | 952-392-6875 | Tonya Orbeck | PUBLIC NOTICES | 763-691-6001 | John Gessner | MANAGING EDITOR | 952-846-2031 | Tad Johnson | MANAGING EDITOR | 952-846-2033 | Keith Anderson | DIRECTOR OF NEWS | 952-392-6847 | Mark Weber | GENERAL MANAGER | 952-392-6807 | Steve Gall | AD SALES | 952-392-6844 | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | DELIVERY | 763-712-3544 | 15322 GALAXIE AVE., SUITE 219, APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 952-894-1111 FAX: 952-846-2010 | Office Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Friday

munities’ support services. The University of Minnesota’s 2018 College Student Health Survey found that 73 percent of college students reported that stress was an issue. It was reported that 40.5 percent were managing mental health issues, with anxiety and depression being the most common. These statistics are concerning. We want to do everything we can to help students feel supported, so they can thrive in our Dakota County learning environments. At Inver Hills and DCTC, we provide holistic support services that include career development and academic planning. These services help students stay on a path to learning and completion of their programs of study. Our colleges work proactively with students to identify potential barriers to their success – from health issues and lack of housing to food insecurity. Our staff meet with students regularly to assess their situation, recommend possible solutions, and refer them to additional resources or services as appropriate. For example, we provide access to a mobile pantry, connect students to affordable housing options, and help them find temporary transportation solutions. We also provide resources for students who have mental health challenges, including self-care resources, workshops, and referrals to professional mental health service providers. Our financial aid office and foundation also provide emergency grants to students in need. At Inver Hills and DCTC, we provide additional assistance to veterans through our Veterans Service Centers, which provide space for fostering camaraderie, studying, volunteering, and accessing support services. Both colleges

have been nationally recognized for our support of veterans and their families. Sometimes students have a challenging first semester, but this does not mean they will be unsuccessful in college. Students can meet with our counselors and advisors to develop a success plan for the following term, which can include regular check-ins and academic tutoring. We also provide peer mentoring opportunities, especially for students who are the first in their families to go to college. If we don’t have needed resources at DCTC or Inver Hills, we can connect learners to local agencies like the Lewis House, the Community Action Partnership, or 360 Communities. We also collaborate with outreach agencies to support veterans, including the VA Medical Center, St. Paul Vet Center, and the Family Assistance Center. We are fortunate to have committed public and private organizations in Dakota and Scott Counties and greater metropolitan community to support our learners. By pursuing a degree, our students are investing in themselves and in their community. I encourage you to support them in that investment. Please take time this holiday season to check in with the learners around you –whether in your own family, neighborhood, place of worship, or workplace. Ask them how things are going, and let them know you are cheering for them. It can make a significant difference. Michael Berndt is interim president of Dakota County Technical College and Inver Hills Community College. Columns reflect the opinion of the author.



Letters Long-term solution to a gas tax increase To the editor: There is much debate about increasing the gas tax to help pay for our infrastructure. Despite differences in how to pay for our infrastructure there is agreement that failure to act would be detrimental to people’s safety as well as our continued economic prosperity. While a gas tax increase is a solution, since vehicles use our roads and bridges daily, it is short-sighted as vehicles continue to become more fuel efficient and as many people begin converting to electric vehicles. A long-term solution to pay for our infrastructure is needed. Every Minnesotan, regardless of economic status, buys goods. Clothing, electronics, household items, tickets to events, and many other things. These goods are shipped to our favorite big box retailer or local business, or our homes from an online retailer. Our roads and bridges are used daily to transport these goods to our homes or stores near us and our infrastructure plays a vital role in this process. We need low infrastructure-dedicated tax on goods. A low tax, as low as 1 percent or even 0.5 percent, would have minimal impact of most people while having a big impact on our infrastructure. Whether we drive an electric vehicle, a gas guzzler, or take public transport an infrastructure-dedicated tax would affect all Minnesotans because we all use items daily that requires the use of our infrastructure. It’s a long-term solution that needs serious consideration. BRIAN CAMERON Burnsville

Following in Congressman Lewis’ footsteps? To the editor: It was interesting to watch the 2nd District race for Congress, and it’s going to be notable as we go forward be-

cause so much was new and so much stayed the same. For example, U.S. Rep. Lewis initiated and delivered on legislation that provided benefits to these issues: career and technical education, tax breaks for families and businesses, the individual mandate portion of ObamaCare eliminated and criminal justice reform. Now, U.S. Rep.-elect Angie Craig says she was for all those things too, with an emphasis on health care (although she provides no details to her policy positions). So, Lewis has already done these things and now Craig will be the “new and improved” model of the Lewis accomplishments? Or, scrap the reforms and let the Democratic Party and Nancy Pelosi give her, her marching orders? I’m putting my money on Craig’s loyalty to the Democratic Party vs. loyalty to constituents of the 2nd District. The thing that we can be thankful for is that Lewis left her a model to follow. Now the gauntlet is in place — and the citizens are watching.

tion opioids. A similar idea, the “penny-per-pill tax,” failed last session because the Legislature ultimately recognized how deeply flawed an additional cost on our health care system, and the patients it serves, could be. And these new considerations are no different, risking shortages of important medications and increased health care costs for consumers and business owners. Our state is currently experiencing a budget surplus of $1.5 billion, not to mention the federal government’s decision to award Minnesota with tens of millions of dollars to combat the opioid epidemic — including $18 million this past October. Yet, we’re still considering reaching into the pockets of taxpayers and vulnerable patients to fund opioid abuse and misuse prevention. Legislators need to consider using the funds that they already have to put an end to the opioid epidemic. Taxing the health care industry will only lead to economic losses and worse quality of life.


Diffley and Braddock project needs revision

Tax would make medications more expensive To the editor: Minnesota is home to some of the brightest and most innovative minds in the country, and it is the duty of our state legislators to ensure that these creative individuals and organizations have the tools necessary to thrive and succeed. Unfortunately, over-taxation and mismanagement of our ever-growing state budget are holding Minnesota, its businesses, and its taxpayers back from reaching maximum economic opportunity. More taxes are a real possibility as legislators prepare to head back to St. Paul. Over the last few months, there has been renewed interest among some of our lawmakers to revisit taxes or surcharges on prescrip-

ROBYN CRAIG Farmington

To the editor: Regarding the Diffley Road and Braddock Trail project, city and county representatives at the Nov. 28 neighborhood meeting promised to keep us informed. Our contact information was provided on a signup sheet, but we haven’t heard a thing. At the Dec. 11 Physical Development Committee meeting, a “second neighborhood meeting” was casually mentioned with no additional details. We don’t need another meeting highlighting vehicle efficiency. Our concerns are pedestrian safety, which is not properly addressed in their plan. What we need is for this project to slow down with a clean slate and open dialogue about the intersection and nearby school zones. The entire corridor needs consider-

ation and improvement for the sake of pedestrian safety. Although the city and county claim it’s a “preliminary” plan, do not be fooled. Bids are scheduled for early 2019, which indicates this plan is moving full speed ahead to start in spring 2019. No matter how much Dakota County wants to make this an Eagan issue, it’s much more than that. What happens on Diffley Road (or any other county road) whether it’s traffic congestion or a road project, it strongly affects the neighborhoods around it, all of whom are Dakota County citizens. For speed limits in this three-school area, both city and county repeatedly say we’re at the mercy of the Minnesota Department of Transportation. According to MnDOT’s Guide to Establishing Speed Limits in School Zones: “In 1975, the Legislature changed Minnesota Statutes by adding Subd. 5a to Section 169.14. This change enables local authorities to

establish speed limits in school zones, an authority previously granted in 1937 solely to the Commissioner of Highways. Revisions to the legislation have been made through the years. This law gives additional responsibility and control of School Zone Safety to local authorities on those streets within their jurisdiction.” No one seems to want accountability for this area; but now, for our kids’ safety, we are demanding it. Pick up the phone, send an email, write a letter, or show up at a meeting to ask Mayor Mike Maguire, the City Council, and Dakota County commissioners whether or not they support pedestrian safety. Then watch carefully. Actions speak louder than words. THERESA EISELE Eagan

Perpetual motion

writer (“Bipartisan action on climate change,” Dec. 7) recommends in congressional legislation to “stop climate change.” It supposedly works like this: government taxes power companies, power companies raise their prices to consumers, government gives the money to consumers to pay the higher prices, and (here a miracle occurs) we have dramatically lower CO2 emissions! The power companies continue to make the same income, and consumers continue to make the same payments, so there is no incentive anywhere to reduce power usage, even if we could, say, turn off our refrigerators three days a week. Yet somehow this completely lossless circular flow of money will generate enough additional magic money to fund millions of “green energy” jobs? I do not believe in perpetual money machines, either.

To the editor: I do not believe in JERRY EWING perpetual motion ma- Apple Valley chines. Yet that seems to be what a recent letter-

Letters to the editor policy Sun Thisweek and the Dakota County Tribune welcome letters to the editor. Submitted letters must be no more than 350 words. All letters must have the author’s phone number and address for verification purposes. Anonymous letters will not be accepted. Letters reflect the opinion of the author only. The newspaper reserves the right to edit all letters. Submission of a letter does not guarantee publication.



Education Burnsville Blazettes winter dance clinic The Burnsville Blazettes will hold their Winter Dance Clinic for girls in kindergarten to eighth grade 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 5, 2019, at Burnsville High School. Dance clinic participants will then perform with the Blazettes Jan. 18 at a BHS boys basketball game. For more information or to register, visit www. blazette-clinic.

District 191 winter break begins Dec. 22 Students in BurnsvilleEagan-Savage School District 191 will be on winter break from Saturday, Dec. 22, through Tuesday, Jan. 1. All schools will be back in session on Wednesday, Jan. 2. During winter break, school buildings will be closed, with the exception of those schools hosting Project KIDS school-age child care programs (Dec. 26-28 at Harriet Bishop, Gideon Pond and Rahn elementary schools), prescheduled events through the district’s Community Education department, and activity/athletic practices and events at Burnsville High School. The District 191 Community Education office, located in the lower level of Diamondhead

Education Center, 200 W. Burnsville Parkway, will be open Dec. 26-28. Ready to Grow/Ready to Learn and other Community Education classes will be taking place those days. District offices (upper level of Diamondhead), including the District Enrollment Center, will be closed to the public from Dec. 22 through Jan. 1, and will reopen on Jan. 2. Messages may be left at the main switchboard at 952-707-2000 or emailed to and will be answered when staff members return.

dent panel and more. Families may go to any of the three events, but are encouraged to go to the school their child is most likely to attend. • Monday, Jan. 7, 5:307:30 p.m., Metcalf Middle School, 2250 Diffley Road, Burnsville. • Monday, Jan. 28, 6-8 p.m., Eagle Ridge Middle School, 13955 Glendale Road, Savage. • Thursday, Feb. 7, 6-8 p.m., Nicollet Middle School, 400 E. 134th St., Burnsville. Learn more and register to attend the events at

‘Explore’ District 191 middle schools at upcoming events

Application window for open enrollment and intradistrict transfer now open for 2019-20 school year

Parents of future middle school students are invited to attend an upcoming “Explore Middle School” event at any of the three middle schools in Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District 191. These events will provide opportunities for parents and students to learn how the district’s middle schools help students in grades six to eight explore their academic interests in a supportive environment. Every middle school in District 191 is a STEA3M school with science, technology, engineering and math, plus arts, AVID and advanced learning. Activities will include tours, demonstrations, a brief presentation, stu-

The Lakeville Area Schools application window for open enrollment and intradistrict transfer requests for the 2019-20 school year opened Friday, Dec. 7. To learn more and to apply for open enrollment or intradistrict transfer, use the following links or call 952-2322000. • Open enrollment is for students who live outside of Lakeville Area Schools boundaries but wish to attend school in the district. https:// • Intradistrict transfer is an option for students

who live in the district’s 232-2110 or Marilynn. nate blood by going to boundary area, but wish and to attend a different entering keyword Hilton. school in the district oth- Lakeville Area er than the one assigned Architect gives to their residence. https:// staff, students advice for school’s named Inclusive district-transfer/ cardboard maze

Impact Academy accepting K-5 applications for 2019-20 school year Impact Academy at Orchard Lake is accepting applications for K-5 students for the 2019-20 school year. To apply, visit Impact Academy at Orchard Lake is a choiceschool focused on personalizing learning for each student. All Lakeville Area families and out-ofdistrict families may apply. Attend an upcoming information session to learn more about the school. The sessions will include a presentation with time for questions and a tour of the school. An upcoming information setting takes place on Jan. 8, 5-6 p.m. A lunch and learn webinar takes place on Jan. 25, 11 a.m. to noon at https://bluejeans. com/295454615/. To schedule a school tour, contact Jenny Welter at 952-232-2100 or Jennifer.Welter@isd194. org. To connect with the school principal, contact Marilynn Smith at 952-

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Lakeville Area Schools joined with the Inclusive Schools Network and schools, districts and communities around the country in declaring the week of Dec. 3-7, 2018, as Inclusive Schools Week. Each year, the Lakeville Area Special Education Advisory Council invites community members to nominate Lakeville Area teachers, staff, students, volunteers and parents who go above and beyond to foster inclusion and acceptance in district schools. The following individuals have been named 2018 Inclusive Schools winners: Emily Gosen, Lake Marion Elementary; Peggy Donth, Lakeville South High School; Sarah Lee, McGuire Middle School; Rita Gahr, Crystal Lake Education Center; DeAnn Haugland, McGuire Middle School; Pat Bricker, Lakeville North High School; Chris Clifford, Cherry View Elementary; Student Voices Committee, Jenn Baese, Krista Botterill, Nancie Einess, Deserea Niemann and Holly Standke from Lakeville North High School; Ashton Cabalquinto, Lakeview Elementary; Cole Maddio, Century Middle School.

Eagan High School sponsors Dec. 28 blood drive

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Eagan High School is sponsoring a Red Cross blood drive 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, Dec. 28, at the Hilton Garden Inn, 1975 Rahncliff Court, Eagan. The California wildfires and the snowstorms across the nation have created a serious shortage of blood. All presenting donors will receive a coupon for a free pint of ice cream and a free longsleeve T-shirt. Anyone 16 and older can donate blood, but 16-year-olds need a parent consent form, which can be found on the Red Cross website. Schedule an appointment to do-

When a teacher from FIT Academy in Apple Valley was looking for professional expertise for a seventh grade design and modeling class, CNH Architects was there to step in. Earlier this fall, teacher Susan Nelson’s class was going to plan, design and construct a larger cardboard maze for the school’s fall festival. CNH Architectural Designer Kelly Hanson was able to provide guidance from the initial design and planning to the final construction and assembly, according to a CNH news release. The architectural firm is located across the street from the K-8 school. Hanson is an Apple Valley resident, who is a graduate from the School of Environmental Studies in Apple Valley and Eagan High School. She is an alumna of the fiveyear bachelor of architecture program at Iowa State University and is a LEED Green Associate. “Hanson met with the class a half dozen times, and, working with students and parent volunteers, the group turned 600 boxes and 20 rolls of tape into a 20-by-40-foot maze with 6-foot walls. She said the completed project was incredibly rewarding,” the release said. Students told Hanson during the process that the project was the most fund they’d had at the school, the release said. The project took place over a four-week period and came together on schedule.

College News Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, summer graduate, Jordan German, of Burnsville, B.A., journalism and mass communication, magazines. To submit college news items, email: reporter.



Education Artwork of BHS students selected for South Suburban exhibit

Photo submitted

Students from Eagle Ridge Middle School are winners of an essay contest sponsored by Burnsville VFW Post 5833. They are, from left, Corrina Benson, Chayse Picard and Elijah Simington with their teacher Mike Blair, left, and Howard Lundin, VFW Post commander.

Eagle Ridge students are top three winners in VFW essay contest Well-written essays have earned prizes for three Eagle Ridge Middle School eighth-grade students in the Patriot’s Pen essay contest sponsored by Burnsville VFW Post 5833 recently. Students in the community in grades six to eight were invited to submit essays related to the theme of “Why I Honor the American Flag.” Members of the Post evaluated the entries and selected three winners, said Howard Lundin, commander of the Post. All three winners are students at Eagle Ridge Middle School:

• First place – Chayse Picard received $100. • Second place – Elijah Simington received $75. • Third place – Corrina Benson received $50. The students are in an honors literacy arts class taught by Mike Blair who introduced the essay contest to students by talking about the theme and the intended audience. They reviewed the rules and parameters (300-400 words) of the essay and how best to introduce, support and summarize their thoughts within those parameters. Blair said it’s an authentic learning opportunity for his students.

“They learned to write for an audience and to express their thoughts clearly and concisely,” he said. “The students did a really good job on their essays,” said Lundin, who was assisted in judging by 12 members of the Post. “We were impressed with the thought process that went into the essays, and also by the quality of the writing.” Entries are due each year by Nov. 1 for the Patriot’s Pen Essay contest for students in grades six to eight and the Voice of Democracy speech contest for students in grades nine to 12.

Artwork created by students at Burnsville High School was selected for the annual South Suburban Conference High School Visual Arts Exhibition in the Fine Arts Gallery of Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington. A reception and award ceremony will take place 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2019, which is the final day of the exhibit. BHS students with artwork in the exhibit are: Grade 10: Jane Davis, Lilliana Schmitz. Grade 11: Sonita Hang, Alexandra Lee, Michelle Pliego Juarez, Alyssa Schmidt. Grade 12: Jo’ Wan Blunt, Melissa Islas Arcega, Emily Lang, Lindsay Larson. Each school from south of the Minnesota River can submit 10 pieces. Burnsville High School students were selected by their teachers Susan Buckrey, Kate Quirk and

Photo submitted

“Handful of Emotions” by BHS senior Melissa Islas Arcega will be on display at the annual South Suburban Conference High School Visual Arts Exhibition at Normandale Community College. Robyn Tousignant. “We chose these 10 artists based on their high technical ability and their distinct artistic voice,” Quirk said. “We’re very proud of these super talented students with artwork in this exhibit.” The gallery is open to the public during regular

business hours. The annual art show, which has been held at Normandale for more than 20 years, provides sharing and learning opportunities in the visual arts for talented students who attend high schools in the South Suburban Conference.

NAMI class on understanding children’s mental health system Jan. 15 Understanding the Children’s Mental Health System, a free class sponsored by NAMI Minnesota, will be held 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 15, at the Farmington Library, 508 Third St. The two-hour class helps parents, school staff

and other providers gain information about the different types of services and supports available to families who have a child with a mental illness, and how to access them. The class also provides an understanding of the best practices and the rights of

children and their families in the clinical treatment setting as well as the school. To register, contact NAMI at 651-645-2948 or go to “classes” at namimn. org.


Helping Students Succeed workshop in West St. Paul NAMI Minnesota is sponsoring a Helping Students Succeed workshop 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 8, in West St. Paul at the Wentworth Library, 199 Wentworth Ave. E., in the large

meeting room. The free workshop provides information to parents of school-age children about special education services, the evaluation process, Individualized


Education Programs, 504 plans, accommodations and modifications. To register, contact NAMI at 651-645-2948 or go to “classes” at namimn. org.


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Apple Valley seniors The Apple Valley Senior Center, 14601 Hayes Road, is home to the following activities, which are organized and run by the Apple Valley Seniors and Apple Valley Parks and Recreation. The facility is open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. For information, call 952-9532345 or go to Monday, Dec. 17 – Int. Line Dancing, 9:30 a.m.; Morning Stretch, 10 a.m.; Pool, noon; Bridge, 12:30 p.m.; Happy Stitchers, 1 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 18 – Quilting Bees, 9 a.m.; Tuesday Painters, 9:30 a.m.; Pool and Cribbage, noon; Pinochle, 12:30 p.m.; Hand & Foot Cards, 1 p.m.; Table Tennis, 1 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 19 – Donated Bread, 9 a.m.; Yoga – Intermediate, 9:45 a.m.; Morning Stretch, 10 a.m.; Yoga – Beginner, 11 a.m.; Pool, noon; Bowling at Apple Place Bowl, noon; Mahjong, 1 p.m.; Dominoes, 1 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 20 – Beg. Line Dancing, 9:15 a.m.; Beginner Tai Chi, 9:30 a.m.; Knitters and Crocheters, 9:30 a.m.; Int. Line Dancing, 10 a.m.; Advanced Tai Chi, 10:30 a.m.; FMSC, 11:30 a.m.; Pool, noon; Duplicate Bridge, 12:30 p.m.; Table Tennis, 1 p.m.; 500, 1 p.m.; Recreated Cards, 1 p.m.; Color & Chat, 1 p.m. Friday, Dec. 21 – Men’s Breakfast, 8:30 a.m.; Women’s Breakfast, 8:30 a.m.; Discover Group, 10 a.m.; Morning Stretch, 10 a.m.; Women’s Pool, 11 a.m.; Men’s Bowling at Apple Place Bowl, noon; Members Bingo, 12:30 p.m.

Dec. 28, at the Apple Valley Senior Center, 14601 Hayes Road. An hors d’oeuvre buffet will be catered by Rascal’s Catering. The menu includes fillet of beef crostini and horseradish crema, Thai chicken skewers, smoked salmon mousse tartlet with chive garnish, country pate on mini rye rounds with cranberry garnish, deviled eggs with Dijon mustard, vegetable tray and roasted garlic hummus, domestic cheese and fruit tray. Cheesecake desserts will be furnished by Ecumen Centennial House and Ecumen Seasons of Apple Valley. The buffet begins at 1 p.m. with entertainment by Gary LaRue and his Rat Pack Entertainment from 1:30-3 p.m. Cost is $15. A cash bar is available. Registration deadline is Thursday, Dec. 20. Register at the senior center or call 952-953-2345.

Burnsville seniors

The Burnsville Senior Center is located in the Diamondhead Education Center at 200 W. Burnsville Parkway. Call 952-707-4120 for information about the following senior events. Monday, Dec. 17 – Sunrise Stretch, 8:30 a.m.; Advisory Council, 9:30 a.m.; Cribbage, 9:30 a.m.; Fit Fun, 10:15 a.m.; Pinochle, 12:45 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 18 – Fit Fun, 10:15 a.m.; Scrabble, 10:30 a.m.; Duplicate Bridge, 12:30 p.m.; Line Dancing. Wednesday, Dec. 19 – Woodcarvers, 8 a.m.; Sunrise Stretch, 8:30 a.m.; Cribbage, 9:30 a.m.; Tai Chi, 11 a.m.; 500, 12:45 p.m.; Fare for All, 3 p.m. AV Seniors hold New The Burnsville Senior Center is Year’s Party closed Thursday, Dec. 20, through The Apple Valley Seniors will Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2019. hold a New Year’s Party Friday,

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Eagan seniors The Eagan Parks and Recreation Department offers programs for seniors in the Lone Oak Room at the Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Parkway. Call 651-6755500 for more information. Monday, Dec. 17 – Mahjong, 9 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 18 – Quilting, 9:30 a.m.; Euchre/500, 12:45 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 19 – Coffee, Games and Conversation, 9 a.m.; Cribbage, 9 a.m.; Hand & Foot, 12:45 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 20 – Dominoes, 9 a.m.; Bridge, 12:45 p.m. Friday, Dec. 21 – Bingo, 1 p.m.

Farmington seniors The Rambling River Center is located at 325 Oak St. For more information on trips, programs and other activities, call 651-280-6970. Monday, Dec. 17 – Coffee Guys, 9:30 a.m.; Line Dance, 9:30 a.m.; Dulcimer Club, 10 a.m.; Day Old Bread, 10 a.m.; Recycled Cards, 12:30 p.m.; 500 Cards, 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 18 – XaBeat, 9 a.m.; Coffee Guys, 9:30 a.m.; New Member Orientation, 10:15 a.m.; LSGC Holiday Party, 11:30 a.m.; Wood Carving, 1 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 19 – Coffee Guys, 9:30 a.m.; Fitness Center Orientation, 9:30 a.m.; Day Old Bread, 10 a.m.; Fold Newsletter, 10:30 a.m.; Recycled Cards, 12:30 p.m.; Coloring Group, 1 p.m.; Bridge, 1 p.m.; Yoga, 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 20 – Zumba Gold, 9 a.m.; Coffee Guys, 9:30 a.m.; Pinochle, 12:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 21 – Coffee Cafe, 8:30 a.m.; XaBeat, 9 a.m.; Coffee Guys, 9:30 a.m.; Cribbage, 10 a.m.; Jack’s Choice Q-Cumbers, 10:15 a.m.

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Christmas at The Well The Well, a United Methodist Church, will celebrate Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, at both the Rosemount and Apple Valley campuses. At Rosemount, services are at 1 p.m. (traditional worship with Holy Communion), 4 p.m. (good for families with young children), 7 p.m. (modern worship) and 9 p.m. (traditional worship). At Apple Valley, there will be a Christmas party at 5:30 p.m. with food, fun and games for the whole family. Modern worship will be held at 6:15 p.m. More information is at christmas.

Christmas programs at Spirit of Life Spirit of Life Presbyterian Church in Apple Valley will offer four special Christmas programs this month. First, on Sunday, Dec. 16, in the 10 a.m. worship service, the choir will perform a cantata composed of nine anthems to usher in the season. The choir’s director is Marge Lewis and the piano accompanist is Martha Davis. Then, at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 16, the children and youth will present a pageant about Jesus’s birth titled “’Twas the Night before Christmas.” Following the program, cocoa and cookies will be served, and Santa will make an appearance. On Friday, Dec. 21, at 7 p.m. the church will inaugurate a Blue Christmas service. For those experiencing loss or struggling to find Christmas joy this year, Blue Christmas is a service that is more contemplative than traditional Christmas worship. The readings, music, and message focus on God’s comfort in hard times. Finally, on Monday, Dec. 24, at 5 p.m., the church will conduct its annual Christmas Eve service. This one-hour family worship opportunity will include Holy Communion. All are welcome. Spirit of Life is located at 14401 Pilot Knob Road in Apple Valley. For further information or directions, call 952-423-2212 or visit

Music events at The Well The Rosemount campus of The Well, a United Methodist Church, offers the following music events. • “The Song and the Silence” Christmas cantata by Heather Sorenson 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 15, and 9 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 16. The Cantata Choir, dancers and a 20-piece orchestra perform. • The Sawtooth Brothers, 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 20, part of a Bluegrass Early Christmas at The Well. The band’s sound is rooted in traditional bluegrass instrumental and harmony work and is influenced by modern acoustic sounds, blending pop and indie rock sensibilities with heartfelt Americana. Both events are free. The Rosemount campus is at 14770 Canada Ave. W. More information is at www.

Quiet Christmas Dec. 16 at Advent UMC Advent United Methodist Church, 3945 Lexington Ave. S., Eagan, offers a Celtic Contemplative service 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 16. The worship experience features Northumbrian smallpiper Dick Hensold and offers comfort, hope, wholeness and renewal. Call 651-4543944 for more information.

Christmas with Cantus in Apple Valley Vocal ensemble Cantus brings its Christmas with Cantus concert to Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 15. The ensemble presents a modern take on the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, re-imagined for today’s world. Tickets are $10-$32 at or by phone at 612-435-0055.



Sen. Matt Little hosts roundtable discussion Working toward lower insulin costs during 2019 legislative session


A bipartisan roundtable discussion at the Capitol organized by Sen. Matt Little, DFL-Lakeville Dec. 11 aimed to highlight the rising cost of insulin. “We need to reign in the immorally high cost of insulin,” he said. “According to the American Diabetes Association, the average list price of insulin nearly tripled between 2002 and 2013. In the last four years I believe it has gone up another 16 percent … I think we need to ask ourselves the question why are these prices increasing so fast. “It’s my personal belief that the insulin market is not a free market. Folks living with diabetes deserve an explanation from insulin manufacturers to why this happened and a commitment from their Legislature to lower the cost.” The Legislative panel included Sen. Jim Abeler, a Republican, and DFL Sens. Chris Eaton, Melisa Franzen, Jeff Hayden, Matt Klein, John Marty, Melissa Wiklund and Rep.elect Alice Mann, DFLLakeville.

Photo submitted

Sen. Matt Little (left) provides introductory remarks to a discussion regarding the cost of insulin. To his right, is Sen. Jim Abeler, Nicole Smith-Holt, James Holt Jr., Sen. Melisa Franzen, Dr. Maggie Powers, and Sen. John Marty. Before the panelists spoke, seven people who have been affected by diabetes and the cost of insulin shared their stories. Lakeville resident and college professor Rob Kilbourn was one of them. Kilbourn was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes two years ago. Unlike those with Type 1 diabetes his body still produces some insulin. He said many of those with Type 2 diabetes rely on insulin to stay alive. “I worked in the diabetes field for the last 13 years, and I know how im-

portant it is because I’ve had so many family members with Type 1 and Type 2,” Kilbourn said. “You’ll hear people say insulin isn’t that expensive. They’ll talk about Walmart insulin. This is called NPH. It was created in the 1950s.” Kilbourn said his father, who is a veteran, goes to the Veteran Affairs doctors and is prescribed NPH for his Type 2 diabetes. NPH has worked for his father, but it requires a strict regimen, constant food intake throughout the day and has many problems.

Three things to know about the District 196 tax levy by Patty Dexter SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE

The Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan School Board certified on Monday the final tax levy, which is an increase over the previous year. The final levy of $95,300,392 approved by the board provides funding for the 2019-20 school year. The public had the chance to give input about the levy and the budget during the annual truth in taxation hearing the district held before the board’s vote. However, no residents spoke at the hearing. Here are three other things to know about the school tax levy. 1. The school tax levy is increasing by 4.76 percent over the previous year. Last year’s final tax levy was $90,966,644. The annual tax impact for the 2019 average valued home worth $298,665 is $1,374. In 2018, an av-

erage valued home was $276,999 and the tax bill was $1,305. According to the presentation, the average valued home figure has been increasing since 2013, when it was $216,768. The final levy for school taxes has also increased each year since 2013. “The main source of that growth is due to that referendum inflation component. It is also due to the increasing size of our district,” said Jeff Solomon, director of finance and operations. 2. Local property taxes make up about 20 percent of the school district’s revenue sources. State aid represents the largest portion of the school district’s revenues at 60 percent. Other local sources – levies approved by the School Board – make up 16 percent of revenues while federal sources comprise the remaining 4 percent of revenues, according to the district. The school district lev-

ies taxes for the general fund, community service and debt service. About 79 percent of the levy ($75.77 million) will go to the general fund; 19 percent ($17.8 million) will go to debt service and 2 percent ($1.69 million) will go to community service, the district said. 3. The levy certification process began months ago. Solomon said the process began over the summer when the district submitted data to the Minnesota Department of Education. The School Board certified the preliminary levy in September, which set the levy limit. Dakota County mailed proposed tax statements in November. The process concluded with the School Board’s approval of the final levy on Dec. 10. Patty Dexter can be reached at patty.dexter@ecm-inc. com.

While on NPH, Kilbourn’s father needed a colonoscopy, which required fasting. “He was fasting and taking this insulin under the order of his doctor and within a 24-hour period his blood sugar level fell to a level that was insanely low. Most of us need to keep our sugar levels between 80 and 120. During this fasting period, his levels fell to 22, 24, 25 and 26,” Kilbourn said. Because his father’s blood sugar levels were so low, Kilbourn said his father blacked out and his mother had to pour honey down his throat to keep him alive. Kilbourn then pulled out a calculator from the 1950s and says that even though it works, it is difficult to use and the math should be checked with a current calculator. “I think insulin is the same way. If we are using complex calculations and we are being told we can use something from the 1950s to fix this, that is not the answer,” he said. A 10-milliliter vial of insulin can cost between $300 to $400. Kilbourn used a current calculator to figure

out how much a gallon of insulin would cost. “There are 3,785 milliliters in a gallon. I know we are all worried about the price of gas per gallon. If we talk about the price of insulin per gallon, at $300 (for a milliliter), which is the low end, we’re talking about $113,000 for that gallon of insulin. That makes it one of the top expensive liquids in the world,” Kilbourn said. Other presenters shared the same concern as Kilbourn. Alexis Stanley was recently diagnosed with Type 1 after her 19 birthday. She expressed concerns about being able to afford insulin after she goes off her parents health insurance. She said her mother is only staying at a job she does not like because of the health benefits. Nicole Smith-Holt’s son, Alec, died in 2017 of diabetic ketoacidosis, a complication of diabetes that occurs when the body produces high levels of blood acids. Alec was newly off his mother’s insurance, his job did not offer health benefits and he was paying for his insulin out-of-

I have questions about health insurance.

pocket. When he couldn’t afford insulin, Smith-Holt believes he tried to stretch out the insulin he had. Legislative panelists agreed the cost should be brought down as well as health care costs in general. “As a family medicine doctor I work with people with diabetes in the clinic and as an ER doctor I take people in when they don’t have access to their medicine,” Mann said. “The cost of insulin as well as asthma inhalers is one of the big reasons why I’m here today. … We need to look at what we can do in health care as a whole because it’s not just insulin. It’s other medications and services.” The 2019 legislative session begins Jan. 8, 2019. Little said he will be requesting public hearings for new legislation to reign in the cost of insulin. A full video of the roundtable discussion is available at http:// MediaPlayer.php?view_ id=1&clip_id=3053. Kayla Culver can be reached at kayla.culver@ecm-inc. com.

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District 196 considers $7 million in budget adjustments School Board to hear recommendation in January by Patty Dexter SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE

Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan School District officials are considering $7 million in budget adjustments for the 2019-20 school year. These could include reductions in staffing, allocations for instructional supplies to schools and professional development that requires substitute teachers to be used, according to focus group presentations the district gave during the first week of December. The district held three focus group sessions at schools in Eagan, Rosemount and Apple Valley Dec. 4-6 to get feedback on the potential adjustments. Superintendent Mary Kreger said the meetings drew participation from over 150 people including parents, students, employees and community members. “It was quite an impressive turnout and it really was great because we understand how much our community does care about this school district,” she said during the Dec. 10 School Board meeting. During the sessions, attendees heard a presentation of the recommended adjustments and then divided up into small groups to discuss the proposal with a facilitated discussion. A volunteer facilitator asked attendees if they were aware of the reasons for the district’s projected shortfall; which adjustments they would and would not support; if there are other adjustments they would recommend in addition or instead of the proposed cuts; if they would support a levy referendum in 2019 and what they want the School Board to consider.

Why the deficit? According to the district, $34 million in budget adjustments were made from 2009 to 2012 which included cutting 200 positions, reducing transportation service, eliminating activity buses, raising student activity participation fees and freezing employee salary schedule improvements for two years. A levy referendum was approved by voters in 2013 after the district promised that no additional cuts would be made for at least two years. The dis-

Photo by Patty Dexter

Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan School District Superintendent Mary Kreger speaks to attendees of a budget adjustment focus group session at Falcon Ridge Middle School, Dec. 6. trict went without making cuts to the classroom from 2014 to 2018. Now, officials are projecting a $25 million budget shortfall from 2019 to 2022 “due to years of inadequate funding from the state.” “For many of you it’s the first time you’re hearing this. For the School Board, the budget advisory committee, for administration, we’ve seen this coming for quite some time,” Mark Stotts, director of finance and operations, said. “This isn’t a new phenomenon. The School Board has done a great job of managing the budget and they’ve tried to maintain programs for as long as possible. We’re trying to get ahead of the curve here.” The general education formula per-pupil allowance has not kept pace with inflation over the last 15 years and there’s a $618 per-pupil gap between the actual amount and the inflation adjusted figure. If the formula had kept pace with inflation since 2003, District 196 would have received an additional $19 million in state aid this year, according to the presentation. Stotts said there’s also a difference between funding received and the cost of providing special education services. The state and federal governments

mandate services but those are not fully funded. Last year, that difference between funding and cost for District 196 was $29 million. “It’s a significant amount. That comes directly out of the general fund,” he said, later adding that districts all over the state are dealing with the same issue. The district is proposing to make budget adjustments totaling $7 million for 2019-20 that include $3.4 million from cutting staff positions, $1.4 million from reductions in non-staff areas and $2.5 million from “revenue enhancements.”

Staffing reductions For staffing reductions, the district is recommending that 31.55 full-time equivalents be eliminated for nursing support and teaching positions. The breakdown for those positions was: • Classroom staffing (increase the ratio by 0.5 at all levels across the district): 20 FTE. • Literacy coaches (restructure an intervention support program and cut 0.25 FTE for Greenleaf Elementary): 4.25 FTE. • Teachers on special assignment in the district office (eliminate three positions): 2.10 FTE. • Nurses (restructure program nursing support):

2 FTE. • English learner teachers (increase ratio by 0.5): 1.20 FTE • Special education teacher (reduce one FTE by “tightening staffing”): 1 FTE. • Discretionary positions for class-size reduction (decrease from nine to eight FTE): 1 FTE. The district is proposing to cut 2.70 FTE for administrative positions including: • District office administator (not filling literacy position): 1 FTE. • High school assistant administrators (eliminate district allocation): 0.68 FTE. • Middle school assistant administrators (eliminate district allocation): 0.52 FTE. • Elementary assistant administrators (reduce allocation by 3.7 percent) 0.50 FTE. “We’re really proud of putting our resources right directly to our classrooms but this is an area that does get worrisome because the burden on our principals and administrators continues to grow as well,” Kreger said. “They have more teacher evauations they’re conducting. By law they have more things in statute they’re responsible for.” The recommendation proposes eliminating 12.16 FTE for clerks and secretaries including:

• 10-month clerks (5 percent reduction to school allocation): 6.10 FTE. • Paraprofessionals: 3.3 FTE • 10-month secretaries (5 percent reduction to school allocation): 1.76 FTE. • District office clerical (eliminate literacy support position): 1 FTE.

Other adjustments The district is recommending to cut about $1.24 million through other non-staff reductions. These are: • Reduce future employee contract costs: $576,589. • Reduce instructional supply allocations to schools by 4 percent: $213,000. • Reduce professional development that requires substitutes to be used: $200,000. • Reduce non-required testing – writing portion of ACT and NNAT: $51,550. • Eliminate cellphone reimbursement costs: $163,000. • Reduce costs for travel, mileage and conference registration by 5 percent: $40,200. Two revenue enhancements are being considered. One is to access $2.3 million from a trust fund for retiree benefits as a one-time revenue source.

Communications Director Tony Taschner said the state Legislature gave school districts the authority in 2009 to levy locally to establish an Other PostEmployment Benefits fund. The School Board chose to pursue that option, so the fund is used to pay for retiree benefits, mostly health care premiums. “The investments in our fund have performed very well, to the point that it is greater than our total liabilities. This allows us to make a one-time withdrawal of $2.3 million to help with the budget adjustments. This will not affect any current or future retirees,” he said. The other revenue enhancement is to increase student co-curricular participation fees by 10 percent which would total $152,200. Kreger said even with increasing the fees, the district would still be in the middle range of fee rates compared to surrounding districts. Kreger said a committee considered other items for budget cuts but they were not recommended. They could become reality if additional adjustments are needed for 2020-21 and 2021-22. Those were: • More cuts in all staff areas. • Reduced transportation to the state minimum of two miles. • Program cuts and elimination of some programs. • Restructure high school schedule to a sixperiod day.

What’s next? Taschner said a budget steering committee and administrators will review feedback from the focus groups and any received through the website. Community members who were unable to attend the focus group meetings can submit feedback through the district’s website until Jan. 31 at budgetadjustments. Kreger said recommendations will be presented to the School Board on Jan. 7, and the board will be asked to vote on the recommendations Feb. 11. The district may also seek a levy in November 2019 to avoid an additional $18 million of budget adjustments. Patty Dexter can be reached at patty.dexter@ecm-inc. com.



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12A Dec. 14, 2018 SUN THISWEEK BURNSVILLE-EAGAN HISTORY, from 1A ple how history matters in their lives, as it encourages local residents to consider visiting one of its three sites, donating their time or money, or becoming a member of the society. All of those ways help the society better document Dakota County’s history since the majority of its budget depends on admissions, fees, donations and memberships. Carter, who has been with the society since 2016, said it made about 50 presentations in 2018 to school, community and service groups. A couple hundred events, including private special occasions, were held in the past year. “We know a lot of people want to learn about history,” Carter said. In addition to the many programs it hosted at the Lawshe Museum in South St. Paul, Le Duc Mansion in Hastings and Sibley Historic Site in Mendota Heights, it also organized events like the Old Time Base Ball games played this summer at Dakota City Heritage Village in Farmington. This outreach not only aims to educate folks about Dakota County’s rich history, but also raise awareness of the society’s work and how people can help enhance its mission. Carter said allowing people young and old a chance to try out the equipment and rules of “base ball” (two words back in the 1800s) makes history come alive for them. They can also learn about the past through research that says a creative promoter named Ignatius Donnelly organized what is believed to be first “base ball” game in Minnesota in Dakota County’s Nininger Township. “People are always interested in history,” Carter said. “They have to find the way in which they most appreciate it.” For some people, it’s discovering new branches of their family tree, or through an activity like playing “base ball,” or hearing a docent paint a visual picture of what life was like back then. “When I was a high school student, I got interested in history because I had a teacher who presented it in a fun way,” Carter said. That’s good for some people, while others like a more intellectual approach. No matter what the method, Carter wants

Photo submitted

Civil War Weekend at the LeDuc Historic Estate in Hastings is one of the most popular events held by the Dakota County Historical Society each year.

Photo submitted

In addition to the many programs the Dakota County Historical Society hosted at the Lawshe Museum in South St. Paul, Le Duc Mansion in Hastings and Sibley Historic Site in Mendota Heights, it also organized events like the Old Time Base Ball games played this summer at Dakota City Heritage Village in Farmington.

people to know that the society exists to “preserve, interpret and promote the history of Dakota County.”

Into the future In the coming year, the society aims to use a grant to hire a consultant to analyze why people come to visit its sites and what they felt about their experiences. Carter says they plan to use the information to provide more of the kinds of experiences people want, whether that be hands-on activities, reader boards or spoken word, self-guided or audio tours. They will review current presentation materials and methods, and explore virtual reality components. Good news is that attendance is on the upswing at all three DCHS sites. The Sibley Historic Site, which is open Memorial Day to Labor Day, is completing its first year of operation under DCHS while still being owned by the Minnesota Historical Society. The addition of the Sibley site allows the society to offer more special events such as Fur Trade Weekend, along with the Civil War Weekend and Putting Through History at LeDuc Historic Estate. In recent years, the society has added variety to its offerings such as after hours events with adult beverages served, along

with presentations related to paranormal investigations done at the 150-yearold LeDuc, where there has been a history of ghostly activity. Regular operational hours and special events are key in helping the society increase its membership, which is currently around 500. Like many organizations, the society offers a discounted membership for “first time” visitors already paying the admission price. Members get free or reduced priced admission to sites, events and special presentations. Members also get discounts on gifts and publications, along with the society’s print newsletters. Carter said special events are a great way to tap into new members since they can be geared toward different demographics or different interests. Some events cater to older folks, others are ideal for parents and small children, while others can pique the interest of teens. He said offering free admission for children at its sites is a great way to get families attracted to the sites. The society is increasingly turning to digital ways to reach members new and old. Its website has been redesigned to include a modern presentation with

Photo submitted

The addition of the Sibley Historic Site in Mendota allows the Dakota County Historical Society to offer more special events such as Fur Trade Weekend. historic images and links to its Facebook and Flickr pages. The website also includes links to databases of census records and other resources. “We are thrilled with the way it turned out,” Carter said. “We hope it draws in a new demographic.” The society hopes that a recent merger with the Dakota County Genealogical Society will bring greater intellectual and financial resources to bear. Currently there are four genealogy presentations held each year along with a fair that feeds a deep fascination for family history research in Dakota County. Carter says the society plans to launch a project where volunteers will document the stories of every World War I veteran from the county in 2019. He says it’s estimated that there were 1,300 coun-

ty residents who fought in the war, but information is known about only 850 or so of them. In the past year, the society has had 250 volunteers log 6,500 hours, a value of $160,000 to the society. Volunteer activities are varied. Some people help stage events, perform as re-enactors, complete landscaping projects, work as greeters, index artifacts or scan images to be filed. Some volunteers, like those affiliated with the former Lockheed Martin facility in Eagan, are cataloging thousands of items that were delivered from the longtime government defense contractor to the museum in a semi-truck. The items include artifacts such as old computers, photographs and blueprints for products. Work by such volunteers aim to catalog all of the item and possibly help Dakota County lay claim

to being the birthplace of the “high speed digital computer.” It’s projects like that through which interest in a particular subject, place or person can bring more people into supporting the society. Carter says the society’s communications aim to let people know about the tax benefits of donating one time, ongoing or in their wills. Last year the society received an endowment that the society is using interest from for operational costs. “We are letting people know how they can secure their legacy,” Carter said. To find out more about how to tap into Dakota County history, or leave one’s own legacy, go online to Tad Johnson can be reached at tad.johnson@ecm-inc. com.



Business Buzz Name change for real estate brokerage

Calendar To submit items for the Business Calendar, email: Burnsville Chamber of Commerce events: • Friday, Dec. 14, 3-4 p.m., ribbon cutting, Bright Birch Real Estate, 12550 W. Frontage Road, Suite 206, Burnsville. Free. Information: Tricia Andrews at Dakota County Regional Chamber of Commerce events: • Wednesday, Dec. 19, 9-10 a.m., Meet the Chamber, Spire Credit Union, 1251 Town Centre Drive, Eagan. For new and prospective members. Free. RSVP required. Information: Nicole McCarthy at nmccarthy@

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Country singer visits The Moments The intimate concert provided understanding and awareness for those with Alzheimer’s by Kayla Culver SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE

Photo submitted

Country music singer Jay Allen visited The Moments Alzheimer’s and Dementia Memory Care in Lakeville Saturday, Dec. 7, where he performed for the residents and their loved ones. Allen’s single “Blank Stares” rose to popularity after he sang it to his mother, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at 54 years old, onstage.

The Moments Alzheimer’s and Dementia Memory Care in Lakeville opened its doors to raise awareness and enjoy some country music. Having the country music singer Jay Allen visit the community was the

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last thing The Moments president Robyn Johnson thought would happen after she mentioned to a friend it would be great if he did actually come to visit. The Nashville-based country singer not only came to Lakeville to visit the center but put on a performance for its residents and their families on Dec 8. Allen performed his song “Blank Stares,” which has gained popularity due to the song focusing on his mother’s journey of living with Alzheimer’s disease. “Jay did that out of the generosity of his heart. We said if he’s coming out, we offered to bring his family up from Des Moines for the day and we could provide a supportive environment for them,” Johnson said. Allen’s mother was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s at age 54. It was when Allen’s serenade to his mother went viral that the song began gaining in popularity and Allen hoped to raise more awareness for the disease. The Moments is home to 32 memory care patients, who along with their families filled the audience out to approximately 200 members. Allen played for 40 minutes including his hit song “Blank Stares.” “It was really touch-

ing. It was also unusual because you are singing to an audience of people who are going through the same kind of experiences as you and it created a much different kind of experience than a concert setting,” Johnson said. She said family members approached her during the event to say how healing it felt to listen to Allen speak and sing his song because it was his ability to share that made the audience feel understood. Residents and family members also had the opportunity to meet and talk with Allen during the event. Gingerbread houses were also available to make during the event. Johnson added that The Moments appreciates Allen’s efforts to continue to raise awareness for the disease and hopes to continue to do that within the Lakeville community and on a more national level. “In the last year, we’ve had quite a few people show up on our door to see what makes us different … because they hear about this place and want to see it. I think we are starting to get recognition within the industry for doing something really special,” Johnson said. The Moments is a specialized memory care community that differs

from assisted-living facilities because it only focuses on memory care patients. “We created The Moments with the mindset that we can increase the quality of care. We started with the building itself,” Johnson said. The building is a twostory building with one level because Johnson said they wanted their patients to have a lot of natural light. The floors are also heated and the air is filtered from any unnecessary fragrances. The community also includes 24-hour nursing, a medical director and medical services so residents do not have to take unnecessary trips to the pharmacy or hospital. The food is also something Johnson said the residents enjoy. The madefrom-scratch, seasonal dishes are served in smaller portions multiple times throughout the day. “The fact that everything is made from scratch is very pleasing, and we think that’s one of the greatest joys in life, … but there are a lot of different components. It isn’t just one thing. When you walk into The Moments, you feel a loving and optimistic environment,” she said. Kayla Culver can be reached at

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Discovering The Mature Lifestyle

Building memories Column in this issue


Dec. 13, 2018

December Issue

Woman writes about journeys traveling to all 50 states By SUE WEBBER Contributing Writer

Growing up in a family of 10 kids living on a farm a mile north of Morgan, Minnesota, Lori Spangler’s biggest travel experience was a 20-mile trip to her grandparents’ home in Wanda, Minnesota. “I was child number eight, a typical farm kid,” Spangler said. “I had five older sisters, two older brothers, and two younger brothers.” She recalls visiting Iowa when she was 10 years old, a trip to the Minnesota State Fair, periodic trips to Minneapolis to visit her godparents, and one short hop over the border so, as her father pointed out, she and her siblings could say they’d been to Canada. When Spangler was 23, she took a train to Texas to visit one of her brothers. And she once rode the Greyhound bus to work as a waitress in a resort in the Black Hills in South Dakota. “That was very mindopening,” she said. The next state she visited was Wisconsin, accompanied by another waitress she’d met in the Black Hills. She recalls the two attending a Quaker church service in LaCrosse.


Lori Spangler has visited all 50 states, and has written a book detailing her travel experiences.

After college, she moved to Colorado and worked at a summer camp for children ages 10-12, which included a sevenday backpacking trip with six girls, carrying all their supplies on an uphill hike.

Colorado gave Spangler a chance to climb Pike’s Peak. Seven years later, she moved back to Minnesota. Her horizons broadened, and by 1996, after completing a master’s degree in training and development at the age of 39, Spangler decided she needed she needed a new challenge. “I’d never married, I had no children and no pets,” Spangler said. “I had plants.” By then, she’d traveled to 20 different states. But the new challenge she set for herself was to travel to the remaining 30 states. In the next 15 years, she achieved that goal. In 2016, Spangler wrote a book about her adventures, titled “Miles of Memories: One Woman’s Journey to All 50 States.” “I never thought in 2 million years that I would write a book,” she said. “I thought at first it would be a pamphlet, but it became a memoir.” Having become used to living alone, she liked traveling alone, Spangler said. ‘I tried to make the most of it,” she said. Each chapter of the book contains “Lori’s learning” notes at the end of the chapter, as well as each state’s history and

trivia she picked up along the way. She claims she didn’t have a favorite state. “Each region of the country has its own personality, and I appreciated them all,” she said. “I thought I wouldn’t like Alabama and Mississippi, but then I found the birthplace of Helen Keller. I thought the people would be country hicks, but I was totally wrong. I met so many nice people.” She enjoyed a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and a place in Corinth, Mississippi, where the North-South, East-West railroads meet. “There was a huge Civil War battle there,” Spangler said. “It’s hard to imagine how it must have been.” She recalls the Lyndon B. Johnson Library and Museum in Texas, the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in California and the JFK Presidential Library in Boston. She saw Graceland, St. Jude’s Medical Center and the Indianapolis Speedway. “I liked to go to local pottery places, or places where people had crafts,” she said. The second-to-last state was Wyoming, where she spent a weekend at the Sylvan See Journeys, Next Page

Mindful travel builds new memories for seniors More seniors are traveling today than ever before. Travel has become an integral part of many senior’s retirement plans; because they now have the time, money and health to go where they want to go, when they want to go. It also helps that accommodations for older travelers have improved immensely all around the world. The new generation of older adults is choosing to travel for a variety of reasons. Some travel for adventure, learning opportunities or to complete a “bucket list”. Others travel just for fun or to seek warmer weather. And some are like Robert Louis Stevenson who said, “I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake.” Perhaps, the best reason for late-life travel is simply to build new memories that can be enjoyed for the rest of your life. The problem is that memory-building doesn’t just happen because you go

BOB RAMSEY Guest columnist

St. Louis Park resident Bob Ramsey is a lifelong educator, freelance writer and advocate for vital aging. He can be reached at 952-922-9558 or by email at

someplace. It has to be mindful and intentional. Some people who travel the most remember the least. They rush through trips so quickly they don’t know what they’ve seen or why it’s worth seeing. Some of these travelers only see

the sights and highlights of their trip through the lens of their smartphone. They return home with lots of selfies for Facebook, but better to slow down and smell the local roses than to hurry through a packed itinerary that only skims the surface. That’s why Zach Beattie, founder of Off the Grid Travel, says the focus of his tours is “mindful travel and not just cramming ever site into our trip.” To bank lifelong memories, mindful travel requires digging beneath the surface. The impressions etched in your heart and mind are more important than the images recorded on your cellphone. To soak up as many meaningful memories as possible, some travel experts offer the following tips: -Under schedule. Allow time to see and do what you want. Don’t let a travel agent or tour guide dictate what you want to remember for the rest of your life.

-Practice what journalist Maria Shriver calls the “power of the pause.” Stop occasionally to be in the moment and fully appreciate what you’re experiencing. -Limit use of cell phones. As Beattie explains, “When you’re someplace new, there’s a lot to see and lots of cool people to meet. Your phone can distract you.” -Use all five senses. Try to become completely immersed in each location, sight or experience – even if it is only for a moment. -Keep a journal. A picture may be worth a thousand words. But sometimes, only words can capture the emotion or mood of the moment. Travel can be fun, entertaining, educational and life-changing. It can also be a gift that keeps on giving if you practice mindful travel. So the next time you drag your body off on a trip, take your mind along. You can’t have too many meaningful memories. Bon voyage!



Destinations December Issue

Discovering The Mature Lifestyle Dec. 13, 2018

Longtime friends travel together for 21 years By SUE WEBBER Contributing Writer

Twenty-one years ago, New Hope Mayor Kathi Hemken and a woman who had been her elementary school classmate decided to go to Ireland together. They rounded up 10 other friends who also wanted to make the trip. “After that first trip, we knew what we had was magic,” Hemken said. Little did the group know then that an annual trip would figure prominently on their calendars for the next two decades. Since that first trip, the women have planned vacations together in Spain, New York, England, Seattle, Quebec, Chicago, Connecticut, Vancouver, Nova Scotia, Boston, Savannah and Memphis. They even spent a couple of trips exploring downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul. The group is down to eight women now. Their trips vary between one and two weeks in length. “After we get home from an adventure, we talk about where we want to go next,” Hemken said. “We meet a few times during the year, and people bring ideas. We all keep in touch.” Organization is key. Each person in the group has a job to do, and the jobs rotate. One is in charge of making flight arrangements a couple of months in advance of the trip, another takes care of booking hotels or sometimes renting a house for their stay, someone else arranges for transportation, and another orders tickets in advance for shows or tours. “Before we leave town, we have an


Longtime traveling partners are, from left: Joanne Holme, Monticello; Vera Burgoyne, Zimmerman; Betty Zehringer, Elk River; Kitty Schumacher, Maple Grove; Kathi Hemken, New Hope; Mary Ostdiek, Annandale; Rickie Buttweiller, Elk River; and Joann Peterson, Big Lake.

itinerary,” Hemken said. “We do a little homework first. There are no decisions left to make on the trip. We already have the tickets and passes we need. We do some touristy things, and some not. We visit food trucks during the day; we don’t eat at fancy places for dinner, and we don’t go out every night. We always leave a day to two to shop. We never go anywhere alone. That’s kind of an unspoken rule, and we’re OK with that.” They try to walk whenever possible.

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Occasionally, the group has hired a driver for the week who is given their itinerary and knows where they’ll be going and when. “In New York, we walked when we could; in Boston, we took the subway,” Hemken said. “We’ve been on ghost tours, we’ve ridden on pedal bikes and ferris wheels, we went on a gondola in Venice,” she said. When they went to Washington, D.C., the son of one of the group’s members had connections that enabled them to get tickets and a tour of the Black History Museum before it opened. “One gal’s family had hosted a foreign exchange student from Austria, and he later became the Austrian ambassador to the U.N.,” Hemken said. “When we went to New York, his wife invited us to lunch. We were picked up in a limo, driven to the U.N. and got a tour of the chambers, and then to their residence. It was just so elegant.” Another member of the tour group has a brother who is a priest stationed at the Vatican, and that resulted in a chance to see the pope on their trip to Italy.

“This year we went to Toronto because one of the women had never seen Niagara Falls,” Hemken said. They were touring a winery in Seattle one year when Hemken got word that her husband, the late Bud Hemken, had suffered a heart attack and needed bypass surgery. “The women figured out how to get me on a plane back to Minneapolis,” she said. “Two of them packed my bag. They made arrangements for me to be picked up at the airport in Minneapolis and taken to the hospital. “We all help each other out. It’s like having seven sisters. Actually, it’s just wonderful. The group is important to all of us. We’ve never had an argument in 21 years.” To ensure that members don’t forget their tours, one of the members who is a jeweler gives each of the women a charm after every trip. The necklace holding the charms is treasured, according to Hemken. One of the members is entrusted with the job of journaling during the trip and printing out a copy for each member. “It’s a nice reminder,” Hemken said. Ever mindful of her duties as New Hope mayor, Hemken said, “I always arrange to go so I won’t miss a city council meeting.” She has always enjoyed traveling, Hemken said. In addition to her 21year travel group, she has been sailing with another group of women for 32 years. “We took a sailing class together at North Hennepin Community College because we needed a physical education credit,” she said. “For the final, we took a sailing trip on the instructor’s boat in Lake Superior.” They’ve continued to take an annual three-day sailing trip with their instructor each year since then. “We pull in the anchor and pull up the sail, and he cooks the chicken,” Hemken said. “We have really good food. We bring tablecloths and candlesticks We started with 12 women; now we’re down to five.” For many years, Hemken said, she went on skiing trips with another group of women. “I have a lot of women friends,” she said. “Bud thought it was really important for me to have women friends. He encouraged that.”

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Destinations December Issue


Discovering The Mature Lifestyle Dec. 13, 2018



Lake Resort and saw Devil’s Tower. Spangler used AAA Tour Books and researched things that would be of interest to her in each state. She treasures a sweetgrass basket she bought in South Carolina. Another fa-

vorite souvenir was a glass turtle necklace she bought in Hawaii, after meeting a saleswoman who told her it symbolized long life and prosperity. “I wear it as my good luck piece,” she said. One of Spangler’s nieces has compiled a scrapbook of all her travels. Now that she’s completed her goal, Spangler has a word of advice. “When you get invited to visit a relative or friend, go,” she said. “Don’t wait for a funeral.”

It took her five years to write her book, Spangler said. “I didn’t have a deadline,” she noted. She has appeared at book clubs, book fairs, and on a couple of local TV stations. “It’s just been fun talking about my book and traveling,” she said. After she completed her goal, she discovered the existence of the All Fifty States Club, which could have been a resource for her. She has done some international travel,

and would like to do more, Spangler said. Spangler has a bachelor’s degree in corrections, plus one graduate degree in training and development, and another in communications and public speaking. During her college years, she worked at a group home for juvenile delinquents and a shelter for battered women. Since then, she has taught communications at the college level.

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This is living better. Photo by Andy Rogers

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Works of art done by resident artists at Art Works is on display at the building at 3795 Pilot Knob Road in Eagan. The gallery is open from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. It’s also open the second Saturday every month from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Art works on display Current gallery features homegrown pieces by Andy Rogers SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE

There’s a lot of work going on at Art Works in Eagan. The current exhibition, “Art at Work,” features artwork mostly created inside the building. “As I went through the show, I was blown away by the wide variety of work being created in our spaces and the high level of work being produced,” said Robin Cerio, president of the Art Works board. “It is also very interesting to see artists exploring similar themes by virtue of the shared spaces.” Most of the works in the current gallery are for sale. Watercolor painters, sculpture artists, basket weavers, woodworkers, potters and photographers come from all over the metro to rent space in the old fire department building off Pilot Knob Road. It’s attracted a variety of media. One artist even weaves photos printed on fabric to create artwork. Many artists rent their own space in the building. Other communal artists don’t have a specific space besides a locker, but they’re able to use the equipment and use the public spaces anytime. Art Works turned old

Photo by Andy Rogers

The basement of Art Works in Eagan is home to a makerspace with several woodworking tools for resident artists to use. sleeping quarters and fire department offices into private art studios. The nonprofit purchased the old fire department building from the city last year. The old garage, once home to ambulances, is now a ceramic studio. “The thing about our ceramic studio, artists can explore their ceramic practice here,” Cerio said. “They’re not really restricted. They can do whatever glazes they want. They can fire at different temperatures.” The basement makerspace features a variety of woodworking tools and other large-scale artistic tools. “It allows artists to have a place outside their home to work,” Cerio said. The nonprofit has a committee looking into educational programming for its maker space. “We have to make sure people know how to use

the equipment first,” Cerio said. “Art at Work” will be on display through Jan. 25. Art Works currently also features “Anthony Caponi: Personal Treasure” on the second floor of the building. The 3D mini-gallery features rarely seen sculptures from Anthony Caponi of Caponi Art Park fame. The next exhibition features “Mirrored Mosaics: Artists’ Reflections on Being Muslim in Minnesota.” In the past, Art Works has held exhibitions highlighting work curated by the Eagan Art House, Eagan Artists Connect and other local Minnesotans. For more information, visit Andy Rogers can be reached at

19A “My dad’s didn’t blink,” Bob said. “Maybe they didn’t have flashers back then.” Each November he pounds stakes in the ground to anchor the display, which is buttressed by lit trees on either side. “This isn’t really a wellknown street,” Bob said. “But I do it basically for the neighbors, and we’ve got a lot of little new kids around.”


RUDOLPH, from 1A by Rudolph and the eight other reindeer. Hand-made, handpainted and floodlit after dark, the wooden display has a history much longer than the 35 years Bob has been putting it in his front yard. Bob’s late father, Emil, was co-owner of Remington’s, a hardware, lumber and fuelsupply store in Hibbing. “He liked Christmas better than everybody,” Bob recalled. Both home and business were fully decked out for the season.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was introduced in 1939 in a booklet published by Montgomery Ward. A song based on the story was a No. 1 hit for Gene Autry in 1949, and by Christmas 1952 a plywood model of Santa, Rudolph and the reindeer stood atop Remington’s for all to see. Bob said his father had it specially made. “Someone did a fantastic job,” he said. “He probably supplied the lumber and paint and all that.” For three years the model

was a Hibbing holiday attraction until the business was sold and Emil put it up in his front yard instead. Now 66 years old, the model known to family as “Rudy” stands each Christmas at the Eveleth home of Rick Prebich, Bob’s brother. “That original set is missing a leg, missing an antler, because it’s old,” said Bob, who graduated from Hibbing High School in 1961, three years before Faye, whom he married 51 years ago. Holly Lane homeowners since 1979, the Prebiches have

done their part to keep the “Rudy” tradition alive. Bob’s brother and his wife gave a hand-made, hand-painted copy of the original Santa’s sleigh and Rudolph to Bob and Faye as a Christmas gift. Bob, a retired dental-supply salesman by trade and woodworker by avocation, made copies of the eight reindeer to complete the set. Faye did the painting. Their version of “Rudy” debuted in 1983, with a blinking red nose and lighted reins, features the Hibbing original lacked.

John Gessner can be reached at or 952-846-2031.

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Sports Wildcats win first three, show signs of progress Boys basketball team prefers to run by Mike Shaughnessy SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE

Eagan looked sluggish in its home boys basketball opener, scoring just 25 points. Then the Wildcats got back to what coach Josh Peltier believes will make them successful. They pushed the pace. They pressured Henry Sibley’s ballhandlers. They attacked the basket, either taking it to the rim or kicking it to open perimeter shooters. And it worked; a 43-point outburst in the second half led to a 68-58 victory last Friday. The Wildcats improved to 3-0 with a 7268 victory at Hastings on Tuesday night. A strong start is important to a Wildcats team that won just six times in 28 games last season. “It wasn’t a pretty first half,” Eagan coach Josh Peltier said of the Henry Sibley game. “I think we’re best when we play at a faster pace. We get a lot of our offense in transition. I think we forced Sibley to play faster than they wanted and you saw we can be pretty unselfish.” Can it work against a taller team such as Hastings, which Eagan played

Photo by Mike Shaughnessy

Eagan forward Benjamin Kozemzak tries to split two Henry Sibley defenders on his way to the basket in the Wildcats’ 68-58 victory last Friday. Tuesday? And can it work in the South Suburban Conference against ranked teams such as Lakeville North, Prior Lake and Eastview? It’s still to be determined, but Peltier said he’s convinced the Wildcats are better than

they were in 2017-18, his first season at Eagan. “We spent a lot of time on skill development in the off-season and we played in a few one-day tournaments,” the coach said. “We were in the gym four days a week in June

and July and we really emphasized the weight room. I believe it has helped.” Juniors make up the bulk of Eagan’s roster. The Wildcats have just three seniors, forwards Benjamin Kozemzak and Aidan Schmidt and guard

Jack Hillesheim. Kozemzak sparked the rally against Henry Sibley, scoring 19 points. Cam House had 12 points, Kurt Ohlhues scored 10 and Finn O’Malley scored nine. Ohlhues, House and O’Malley are junior guards. Ohlhues scored a teamhigh 22 points as the Wildcats defeated Woodbury 69-62 in their season opener Dec. 5. Two other players reached double figures – Schmidt with 11 points and junior guard Sam Davis with 13. Against Hastings, Ohlhues scored 17 points, House had 14 and Jack Carlson added 11. Peltier said Ohlhues is one of the Wildcats’ most improved players and has been pleased with his willingness to adapt depending on game situations. “Kurt had a lot of opportunities to shoot against Woodbury and took advantage,” the coach said. “Then against Henry Sibley he became more of a facilitator and was effective in that role, too.” As fast as the Wildcats would like to play, it probably will require going nine or 10 deep. That means they might start calling on players currently getting junior varsity minutes to help the varsity maintain

its pace. With that said, opponents eventually are going to try to slow down Eagan and see if the Wildcats can execute a half-court offense. They have anticipated that and are working on it, Peltier said. But they hope their quickness on defense will lead to turnovers and transition baskets, much as it did in the second half against Henry Sibley. The Wildcats were 4-14 in the South Suburban Conference last year. But they showed progress at the end of the season, winning three of their last six games, including a loss to Apple Valley in the Class 4A, Section 3 semifinals. Victories are difficult to come by in the SSC. “It’s a very good league,” Peltier said. “We still have a couple of non-conference games to take care of first, but when we start conference play we think we’ll be more competitive.” The Wildcats play Minneapolis South at home at 7 p.m. Thursday. The first conference game is at home against Burnsville on Tuesday, Dec. 18. Mike Shaughnessy can be reached at

Conference games to test Blaze girls Basketball team above .500 for 1st time in 3 years by Mike Shaughnessy SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE

Even though it’s still December, this week could be a big point in the Burnsville girls basketball season. The Blaze, who won their first three games against non-conference opponents, dive into South Suburban Conference play against two teams that won a combined 51 games last season. Burnsville lost to defending Class 4A champion Eastview 56-44 on Tuesday, then takes on Farmington, coming off a 19-victory season, at home Friday. The Blaze were 0-4 against those two teams

last season, losing each game by a wide margin. So this week’s games will tell them a lot about their progress, and if they’ve been working on the right things. The Blaze fell behind Eastview in the first half, trailing 31-18 at the break before playing the Lighting about even in the second half. Burnsville coach Maurice Hodges said he believes this is an improved team. “We’re anxious to go over to Eastview,” Hodges said last week. “We want to be able to give them a good game and show people what we can do.” By starting 3-1, Burnsville is above .500 for the first time since early in the 2015-16 season, when the Blaze also won their first three games. The Blaze were 8-19 overall and 5-13 in conference play in 2017-

18, Hodges’ first season as head coach. “Right now, we’re very pleased. The things we worked on in the off-season seem to have helped,” the coach said. “We did a lot of individual skill work in the summer. Also, the season before we had only two or three players who played for AAU teams, but last summer I’d say the majority of our players were on a team.” Burnsville’s three victories were against Hastings, Edina and Henry Sibley. Last season the Blaze lost to Edina twice and Sibley once. On Dec. 4, Burnsville rolled past Sibley 74-53 as four Blaze players scored 10 points or more. Junior guard Zhane Thompson led Burnsville with 18, junior guard Megan Diggan had 15, sophomore forSee Blaze, 21A

Photo by Mike Shaughnessy

Burnsville’s Kaylie Vanderwerf (22) and Morgan Krumweide guard the basket during a South Suburban Conference girls basketball game at Eastview on Tuesday night. Handling the ball is Eastview guard Emma Carpenter. Eastview won 56-44, giving the Blaze their first loss in four games this season.



Eastview boys taking on tougher challenges Eagles’ Randa retires Basketball team ranked 16th in Class 4A as girls soccer coach by Mike Shaughnessy SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE

It took about 18 minutes for Eastview to get settled, but the Lightning ultimately showed the spotlight wasn’t too bright for them at the Breakdown Tip-Off Classic. If a team is invited to the annual early season boys basketball event at Hopkins High School, it typically means it’s expected to contend for something – a conference title, a state tournament berth, maybe even a state championship – by the end of the season. But for a while Saturday night the Lightning looked rattled and tentative. They aren’t the first opponent to have that happen against Minneapolis North, the second-ranked team in Class 2A. Still, Lightning coach Paul Goetz didn’t like what he saw, and said something about it. “We competed in the second half and I don’t think we competed in the first half,” Goetz said after the Lightning came back to win 80-76 in overtime. “That’s what I told them at halftime, in a little bit of a louder voice. I’m not going to let this team go out there and not compete. We have talent, but we need to get after it.” Eastview trailed by double digits in the Blaze, from 20A

Photo by Mike Shaughnessy

Eastview forward Steven Crowl tries to get to the basket against Minneapolis North at the Breakdown Tip-Off Classic. Crowl scored 30 points in the Lightning’s 80-76 overtime victory. first half before pulling within 31-23 at halftime. Lightning guard Izaak Raspberry made a threepointer with six-tenths of a second left in the second half to send the game to overtime, and Eastview led for the majority of the four overtime minutes. Raspberry, who scored 17 points, delivered like a senior leader. That’s a go eight or nine deep,” Hodges said. “Last year we went seven deep. Having the extra two players gives us more options for the defense we want to play and the pace we want to set.” Thompson and Krumweide scored 12 points each in the Eastview game, while Vanderwerf added 11. Eastview, which went 32-0 last season its way to a second Class 4A state championship in four years, returns as the South Suburban Conference favorite. Lakeville North and Farmington, which played for the Section 1 championship, are expected to be among the contenders, and several other teams such as Rosemount, Apple Valley and Burnsville appear improved.

ward Morgan Krumweide added 13 and sophomore forward Hannah Lake scored 10. Diggan had 13 points and junior forward Paige Servais nine in a 50-46 victory over Edina on Nov. 30. The Blaze’s season opener was a 76-67 victory over Hastings on Nov. 27 where Krumweide had 15 points, Servais 14, Diggan 13 and Thompson 10. Thompson (15.1) points, Servais (9.7) and Krumweide (7.7) were Burnsville’s top three scorers last season. Forward Annalyse Fogan is the only senior on the roster. Burnsville’s rotation was strengthened with the addition of junior forward Kaylie Vanderwerf, who played youth basketball in Burnsville and last year started for a Holy Angels Mike Shaughnessy can be team that won the Class reached at mike.shaugh3A consolation champion- ship. “We should be able to

good thing for the Lightning as Raspberry is their only senior. “He was our leader the whole game and that’s what we expect of a senior,” Goetz said. “He’s been through the battles, knows what’s expected and did a great job of leading the guys. Even at halftime he talked to them about how we need to

compete when we’re out on the floor.” Getting the ball to Steven Crowl was another important part of the comeback. The 6-foot10 junior forward had 30 points, including a couple of second-half dunks as the Lightning made it a priority to get him the ball. “It’s nothing you can draw up, other than if the big guy’s open, let’s get him the ball,” Goetz said. “I thought we looked away a bunch and didn’t get him the ball right away. Even in the second half we had him open a couple of times and hesitated. We’ve got to play through him.” Eastview (3-1) was 1217 last season but reached the Class 4A, Section 3 championship game before losing to eventual state runner-up Apple Valley. The Lightning was ranked 16th in Class 4A last week by Minnesota Basketball News, and more is expected this season with a lineup that includes varsity returnees Raspberry, Crowl, and junior forwards Ryan Thissen and Tate Machacek. Junior guard Jaylen James joins the team this season after playing for Eagan last year. Sophomore forward Zach Spann and junior guard Caden Scales are two of the top options off the bench.

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His teams won 325 games and 1995 state title Keith Randa, one of longest-tenured coaches in Apple Valley High School history, has retired as head coach of the girls soccer team. Randa, who was the Eagles’ head coach for 29 years and spent 35 years overall in the p rog ra m , led Apple Keith Randa Valley to a state championship in 1995 and state runner-up finishes in 1992 and 1993. His teams were 325-16757. “It is time in my life to turn to other interests, family, and travel,” Randa said in a news release issued by the high school. He will continue as a science teacher at the high school and plans to remain involved in soccer as executive secretary of the Minnesota High School Soccer Coaches Association. “Coach Randa’s knowledge of the game is widely respected across the state of Minnesota, but ultimately he’s doing what’s best for him, what’s best for his family,” Apple Valley athletic director Virgil

Jones said. “We absolutely respect and appreciate that, and wish him nothing but the best.” Eagles assistant coach Katie Osborne said, “In the short time that I have been fortunate enough to learn from and work with coach Randa, he has become the single most influential person for me at Apple Valley. Coach Randa has a way of making every moment and every conversation count. His care and devotion to progress in young athletes and students is profound. He truly has led the program by example, living each day by his closing locker room words, ‘pride, poise, confidence.’” Randa’s teams won five section championships and were runners-up five times. He led his teams to five conference championships and five conference runner-up finishes. The school will begin searching for Randa’s replacement shortly. Jones said Randa’s departure will bring about a transition period for the program. “It’s definitely going to be a new environment next year, and it’s going to be a challenge transitioning into a new season without him here,” Jones said. “He’s been a part of the overall athletic tradition at Apple Valley for over four decades.”

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Christmas in the Village

Photos by Jody Peters

Last Saturday and Sunday marked the final weekend of Christmas in the Village at Dakota City Heritage Village in Farmington. Attendees got to experience what the holidays were like for people in the early 1900s. Costumed volunteers demonstrated blacksmithing, woodworking, baking and how to operate a printing press. People could sing Christmas carols in the church, ride in a horse-drawn trolley and visit with St. Nicholas. For those who want to mark their calendars, next year’s event is scheduled for Dec. 7, 8, 14 and 15.

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Wildcat girls victorious in quarterfinals

Burnsville • Eagan Oct. 26, 2018 • Volume 39 • Number 34

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Ex-swim coach faces new sex charges

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From left, Sue Fredericks of Burnsville and a newly formed Apple Debbie Beck of Apple Valley-based organizatio Photo by Patty Dexter for free to children n that collects new Valley are the co-founders of The Free of all ages around and used children’s Buggie, the metro. books and distributes them

A van and a dream Newly formed

Email: Today’s Date:

Mail: ECM Subscriber Services

organization gives

by John Gessner 1999. She was 16 SUN THISWEEK and DAKOTA COUNTY the time, said a news 17 at TRIBUNE from the Dakota release New charges involving a attorney’s office. County second alleged victim The conhave tact allegedly been filed against a former three separate occurred in Burnsville youth swimming incidents. Burnsville police coach accused of got a decades- tip about old sexual misconduct the with ter O’Neill allegations afunderage girls. was charged in Alfred John “Rocky� September with one count of third-degree O’Neill, of Savage, criminal charged Friday with was sexual conduct involvthree ing a female counts of third-degree swimmer he coached through criminal sexual conduct in- ville Swim Club the Burnsvolving a female in 1988 and swimmer 1989. he coached from 1997 to See Charges,14A

Eagan hotel,conf erence center fast-tracke d Council approv es footing foundation permit and

byAndy Rogers ground freezes. free books to childre SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY n gram. The council approved SUN THISWEEK TRIBUNE a DAKOTA COUNTY Beck, an Apple “I said, ‘You’re TRIBUNE By the time the Minneso- footing and foundation perValley resident, mit and was vacationing Debbie Beck and on vacation. Turn supposed to be ta Vikings take the in your brain off,’ field next velopmentfinal planned dehave been passionate Sue Fredericks daughter in May Brazil with her � Fredericks, training camp, construction for the a conference center 14-story since their now-grown about literacy town of Paraty. and visited the added. “But that’sBurnsville resident, on a 320-room hotel and hotel While they were not children were there, younger. What resulted was possible.� about 18,000 square with in the Viking Lakes DevelBeck spotted feet of opment. swagen van with a colorful Volk- Apple Valley-based a newly formed Together they conference space books inside of will likely month-long reading spearheaded a it and a man sitting The proposal calls called The Free Book organization be looming on and the for a nearby selling seeks horizon. book swap books Buggie, which program for 11 years on tables. to provide free Don Becker, executive facility with a restaurant, 18,000 square feet Elementary School at Sioux Trail dren in underserved books to chilShe immediately vice president of real of meetneighborhoods estate ing it was no surprise in Burnsville. So brought back the got an idea. “It around the Twin space, spa, indoor development with to Cities pool, she got an email Fredericks when and I had with kidspassion that Sue The organization metro. kings group, said the Vi- fitness center, retail shops, this spring about and books,� she during an rooftop Beck’s latest plan used books and fills collects new or Eagan City Council bar and outdoor for a literacy pro- recalled, and Beck sent an email up a Toyota Simeet- terrace. to Fredericks. ing Tuesday that See Buggie,24A they Terry Gruenhagen to start digging beforeplan from the See Hotel,19A by Patty Dexter

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Eagan Foundation community grant applications available The Eagan Foundation has opened its 2019 community grants applications. All nonprofit organizations that directly serve Eagan are eligible to apply. The Eagan Foundation Community Grants Program is intended to support nonprofit organizations and efforts that help make Eagan

the best place to live, learn, work and play. “While we will consider all grant proposals, we particularly encourage applications targeting areas of need in Eagan such as shelter/housing, atrisk youth, those in economic need, access to nutritious food, youth development, and com-

munity building, as well as other initiatives that fund arts and other programs that make Eagan the best place to live, learn, work, and play,” said David Lutz, Eagan Foundation community grants chairman. Past grants have typically ranged between $500 and $1,500. Applicants are encour-

aged to submit detailed grant applications reflecting their need. Grant applications are due Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019. For applications and grant criteria, visit Recipients will be announced in early February 2019 and grants will be pre-

sented at a Community Grants Breakfast 7:30 a.m. Thursday, March 7, 2019, at Bald Man Brewing. For more information, contact the Eagan Foundation at

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Legals MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME Minnesota Statutes, 333 The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name. The filing is required for consumer protection in order to enable customers to be able to identify the true owner of a business. ASSUMED NAME: Deering & Associates, Ltd. PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS: 1230 Eagan Industrial Rd, Ste. 175 Eagan, MN 55121 NAMEHOLDER(S): John Deering Theater Design, Inc. 1230 Eagan Industrial Rd, Ste. 175 Eagan, MN 55121 I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. DATE FILED: November 7, 2018 SIGNED BY: John J. Deering Published in the Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek December 7, 14, 2018 884616

INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT 917 REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING MINUTES This is a summary of the Intermediate School District 917 Regular School Board Meeting on Tuesday, December 4, 2018, with full text available for public inspection on the district website at www. or the District Office at 1300 145th Street East, Rosemount, MN 55068. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM. Board members present: Jill Lewis, Dick Bergstrom, DeeDee Currier, Bob Erickson, Russ Rohloff, Vanda Pressnall, Byron Schwab, Wendy Felton, and administrators were present. Absent: Melissa Sauser. Good news reports were presented. The following Consent Agenda items were approved: minutes, personnel, bills to be paid, wire transfers and investment report. Recommended actions approved: Donation in the amount of $1000; 2017-2018 Audit Report; and Policy 506-Student Discipline. Employee of the Fall quarter was Jason Johnson and Teacher of the Fall Quarter was Kelsey Mlodozyniec. Adjournment at 6:07 PM. Published in the Dakota County Tribune, Sun Current, Sun Thisweek December 14, 2018 887507

INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 This is a summary of the November 19, 2018 special School Board meeting. The full text is available for public inspection at www.district196. org, at the District Office, or by standard or electronic mail. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. at the District Office. Present: Albright, Angrimson, Coulson, Isaacs, Magnuson and Superintendent Kreger. Absent: Roseen and Schutte. Motion by Coulson, seconded by Angrimson and carried with a 5-0 vote, to approve the agenda. Motion by Magnuson, seconded by Albright and carried with a 5-0 vote, to approve the resolution to expel a student immediately for the remainder of the 2018-19 school year. Motion by Isaacs, seconded by Angrimson and carried with a 5-0 vote, to approve the following consent items: employment agreements; 2018-19 snow removal services program, and MSDLAF trustee appointment. The board received a report on the financial audit for the fiscal year 2017-18. Motion by Coulson, seconded by Albright and carried with a 5-0 vote, to adjourn at 7 p.m. Published in the Dakota County Tribune, Sun Thisweek December 14, 2018 888145

INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 This is a summary of the November 5, 2018 regular School Board meeting. The full text is available for public inspection at www.district196. org, at the District Office, or by standard or electronic mail. The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. at Dakota Ridge School, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: Albright, Angrimson, Coulson, Isaacs, Magnuson, Roseen, Schutte and Superintendent Kreger. Motion by Coulson, seconded by Schutte and carried with a 7-0 vote, to approve the agenda. Board members and the superintendent recognized students and staff. A resident in the district expressed concern about the official bid form for a snow plowing contract. Motion by Roseen, seconded by Angrimson and carried with a 7-0 vote, to approve the following consent items: board meeting minutes; gifts; personnel; pay rates for substitute, temporary and part-time employees; student teacher agreements; assurance of compliance, and agreement for clinical nursing experience. Board members received updates on the district’s student information system Infinite Campus and enrollment projections for 2019-20 through 2023-24. Connections Preschool fees for 2019-20 and revisions to middle and high school courses for 2019-

INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 CALL FOR BIDS Ruckus Wireless Network Solution Notice is hereby given that BIDS will be received for the purpose of securing a Ruckus wireless networking solution for 19 elementary schools and 7 administrative/special program buildings by Independent School District 196 at the District Office, 3455 153rd Street West, Rosemount, MN 55068, until 10:00 AM (CST), Friday, January 18, 2019, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. Instructions for obtaining Bid specifications can be found at: The School Board reserves the right to reject any or all Bids and to waive any informalities. Sachin Isaacs, Board Clerk Published in the Dakota County Tribune/Sun Thisweek December 14, 21, 2018 887918

20 were presented as new business. The board will be asked to approve the proposed changes at its December 10 regular meeting. Motion by Angrimson, seconded by Roseen and carried with a 7-0 vote, to approve a resolution declaring the week of November 1216, 2018 as Maintenance Support Employees Appreciation Week in District 196. Motion by Schutte, seconded by Coulson and carried with a 7-0 vote, to approve a resolution declaring the week of November 1216, 2018 as Clerical and Secretarial Employees Appreciation Week in District 196. Motion by Albright, seconded by Coulson and carried with a 7-0 vote, to approve the superintendent’s contract retroactive to July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2021. Board members and the superintendent gave updates. Motion by Isaacs, seconded by Roseen and carried with a 7-0 vote, to adjourn at 6:49 p.m. Published in the Dakota County Tribune, Sun Thisweek December 14, 2018 888155

CITY OF BURNSVILLE MINNESOTA SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. 1470 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BURNSVILLE, MINNESOTA ESTABLISHING THE CITY FEES AND CHARGES FOR 2019 By the enactment of this Ordinance, the City Council establishes fees and charges required by the City Code for the year 2019 and to comply with Minnesota Statutes, §462.353, subd. 4. A printed copy of the entire ordinance is available for inspection by any person during the City Clerk’s regular office hours. Approved for publication by the City Council of the City of Burnsville, Minnesota this 4th day of December, 2018. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL MACHEAL COLLINS, CITY CLERK Published in the Sun Thisweek December 14, 2018 887241

CITY OF BURNSVILLE MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 1471 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10, OF THE BURNSVILLE CITY CODE, BEING THE ZONING TITLE OF THE CITY OF BURNSVILLE BUCK HILL, INC CASE FILE NO. DEV2018-0036 The City Council of the City of Burnsville, Minnesota ordains as follows: Section 1. Title 10 of the Burnsville City Code is hereby amended to allow temporary outdoor concerts and related events held outside of a permanent amphitheater located at 15400 Buck Hill Road in accordance with the Amended Planned Unit Development Agreement on file in the City Clerk’s office dated December 4, 2018, for the following described property located within the City of Burnsville, Minnesota: The Summit at Buck Hill, Outlot B; PT of S 330.28 FT of SW ¼ lying W of ISH 35-W EX S 99 FT of E 880 FT; the E 880 FT of S 99 FT of W ½ of NE ¼; NW ¼ of SE ¼ of Section 36, Township 115, Range 21, and Lot 2 NE ¼ of SE ¼ lying W of W R/W ISH-35 Section 2. The zoning map of the City of Burnsville referred to and described in said Title 10, shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Community Development Director or his/her designee shall appropriately mark the zoning map on file in the City Clerk’s office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning provided for in this ordinance and all of the notations, references and other in-

formation shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED THIS 4th day of December, 2018 by the City Council of the City of Burnsville. Elizabeth B. Kautz, Mayor ATTEST: Macheal Collins City Clerk Published in the Sun Thisweek December 14, 2018 887244

NOTICE OF SALE The contents of the following storage units will be sold to the public using sealed bids. Sale and viewing will be held on Wednesday 01/09/19 at: The U-Haul Storage Center of Burnsville, located at 12200 Portland Ave S, Burnsville, MN 55337 at 12:00PM Unit numbers C255 leased by Deric Johnson, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $379.80 Unit number B99 leased by Suhayla Mohamud, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $ 322.70 Unit number C384, B239, C389 leased by Jennifer Lacy, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $ 1,703.10 Unit number A38 leased by Kristen Gibbons, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $ 499.90 Unit number A9 leased by Dana Soulak, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $ 419.90 Unit number B200 leased by Sam Bility, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $ 289.90 Unit number C317 leased by Ben Miller, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $ 405.80 Published in the Sun Thisweek December 7, 14, 2018 885089

NOTICE OF SALE The contents of the following storage units will be sold to the public using sealed bids. Sale and viewing will be held on Wednesday 01/09/19 at: The U-Haul Center in Burnsville. Located at 1630 West Hwy 13, Burnsville, MN 55337. At 2:00PM Unit number A3154 leased Connie Chance, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $524.65 Unit number A3032 leased by Leroy Lyons, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $474.65 Unit number C1809, C1140, C1146, C1144, C1142 leased by Susie Beckstrand Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $ 1,876.40 Unit number A4116 leased by Vernessa Wright, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $804.75 Unit number B2122-24, B205456 leased by Victor Zukanoff, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $1,699.50 Unit number A4102 leased by William Jallah, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $379.80 Unit number C1028 leased by Nicole Holliday, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $379.80 Unit number A4119, A4112 & A4114 leased by Audry Miller, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $1,317.20 Unit number C1626 leased by Cynthia Freeman, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $304.85 Unit number A3013 leased by Lawrence Wills, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $214.85 Unit number A4305 leased by Tyler Nelson, Miscellaneous house-

hold and personal goods, Amount Due $199.88 Unit number B2258 leased by Kim Harkin, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $514.85 Unit number A4306 leased by Loveth Anyanwu, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $229.85 Unit number AA0155D & AA6854D leased by Cynthia Nast, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $609.58 Unit number A3017 leased by Charoleete White, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $215.85 Unit number A3132 leased by Alsafi Djabert, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $214.85 Unit number C1129 leased by Florence Johnson, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $499.75 Unit number B2230 leased by Ahmed Mire, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $239.90 Unit number A4303 leased by Kevin Reynolds, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $179.90 Unit number C1513 leased by Christopher Ballard, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $229.90 Unit number A3056 leased by Johanna Goossen, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $359.90 Unit number B2188 leased by Jeffery Huttner, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $259.90 Unit number A3050 leased by Ryan Smith, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $359.90 Unit number C1309 leased by Sandy Olson, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $359.90 Unit number C1304 leased by Britani Danz, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $164.90 Unit number B2012 leased by Kenneth Kelley, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $239.90 Unit number B2214 leased by Gregory Smith, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $239.90 Unit number C1302 leased by Margarita Lopez, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $154.95 Unit number A3006 leased by Ramona Brown, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $230.90 Published in the Sun Thisweek December 7, 14, 2018 885085

NOTICE OF SALE The contents of the following storage units will be sold to the public using sealed bids. Sale and viewing will be held on Wednesday 01/09/19 at: The U-Haul Storage Center of Burnsville, located at 12200 Portland Ave S, Burnsville, MN 55337 at 12:00PM Unit numbers C255 leased by Deric Johnson, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $379.80 Unit number B99 leased by Suhayla Mohamud, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $ 322.70 Unit number C384, B239, C389 leased by Jennifer Lacy, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $ 1,703.10 Unit number A38 leased by Kristen Gibbons, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $ 499.90 Unit number A9 leased by Dana Soulak, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $ 419.90 Unit number B200 leased by Sam Bility, Miscellaneous house-

hold and personal goods, Amount Due $ 289.90 Unit number C317 leased by Ben Miller, Miscellaneous household and personal goods, Amount Due $ 405.80 Published in the Sun Thisweek December 7, 14, 2018 885087

NOTICE OF INFORMAL APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS (INTESTATE) STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA DISTRICT COURT PROBATE DIVISION FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File No. 19HA-PR-18-884 Estate of Lucilla Christina Johnson, aka Lucilla C. Johnson, Decedent Notice is given that an application for informal appointment of personal representative has been filed with the registrar. No will has been presented for probate. The application has been granted. Notice is also given that the Registrar has informally appointed Wayne W. Johnson whose address is: 3150 70th St. E. Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 as personal representative of the Estate of the Decedent. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Unless objections are filed with the Court (pursuant to Minn. Stat 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders, the personal representative has full power to administer the Estate including, after 30 days from the date of issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate. Any objections to the appointment of the Personal Representative must be filed with this Court and will be heard by the Court after the filing of an appropriate petition and proper notice of hearing. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: December 5, 2018 /s/ Susan Eggert Registrar Heidi Carstensen Deputy Court Administrator Attorney for Personal Representative: Christine C. Lake (#0308006) Level Law Firm 20840 Prairie Hills Lane Prior Lake, MN 55372 Email: Telephone: (952)447-5639 Fax: (952)447-5637 Published in the Sun Thisweek Burnsville Eagan 886887

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INDEX Wheels.........................1010-1070 Sporting.......................1510-1580 Farm ............................2010-2080 Pets..............................2510-2520 Announcements ..........3010-3090 Merchandise................3510-3630 Sales ............................4010-4030 Rentals/Real Estate .....4510-4650 Services .......................5010-5440 Employment ................5510-5580 Network Ads ...............6010





1010 Vehicles

3520 Cemetery Lots

4510 Apartments/ Condos For Rent

5030 Financial Services

06 Mercury Montego AWD, 126K, great cond! 1 owner. $3,200. 612-759-0553 AV

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Teachers and Assistant Teachers New Horizon Academy is now accepting applications! Must be lead teacher qualified under MN Rule 3. Previous experience & 2-4 year degree in ECE or related field. 401K, health, dental and life insurance, a positive and rewarding work environment and much more! For more info contact Kim at: 612-7494128 or apply online: www. careers E.O.E

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5510 Full-time

Excellent pay and beneďŹ ts. Growth opportunities. Work-life balance. Job stability. We proudly serve more than 100,000 member-owners throughout Dakota County and portions of Goodhue, Rice and Scott counties for over 80 years. We are the second largest electric cooperative in the state of Minnesota and ranked among the 25 largest electric distribution cooperatives in the nation. As a Member-Owned Cooperative we are committed to providing service with integrity, accountability, innovation and commitment to community. DEA has an excellent opportunity for a motivated, organized individual seeking a challenging and rewarding opportunity maintaining safety compliance and fostering a positive, safe work environment for all employees, member-owners and the public. Our Vision: Everyone Home Healthy Every Day #Safety The Manager of Safety Services is responsible for the formulation of safety-related policies and programs that will help shape the safety culture for the entire company. This person inuences management to drive safety performance, provides practical and technical expertise at all levels and leads the company’s overall safety strategy. Other major areas include: workers’ compensation, labor regulations, building security, liability losses and exposures compliance and technical skills training. To learn more about this position and/or apply, please visit our website at:

To learn more about DEA and/or apply for the position you are most qualiďŹ ed for, please visit our website: The deadline for this position is: December 21st, 2018. DEA is an EEO/AA employer. Women, minorities, veterans & individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


We are a family-owned trucking company based in Minnesota and have been in business for over 60 years. We currently have local, home nightly positions available! If you are at least 21 yrs. old and have at least one year recent local driving experience - we would love to talk to you! r Up to $20.00 per Hour r )PNF /JHIUMZ r -BUF .PEFM &RVJQNFOU r 3FG #POVT 1SPHSBN r 4BGFUZ #POVT 1SPHSBN Local Company Drivers If you are interested in a successful partnership with a company who truly respects their drivers, call us today! Or walk into our office at: 12308 Dupont Ave. So. Burnsville, MN 55337 We look forward to talking with you soon!

5520 Part-time

5510 Full-time

Seeking Instructors, Paraprofessionals, Assistants. Apply online at

Planning on GOING PLACES? We can help you get there faster. Look through our help wanted section and see what’s in your future. 5510 Full-time

Assist the Elderly Weekend & Overnight CAREGivers Wanted Friday, Saturday, Sunday $15.50-17.50/hour Companionship, Meals, Light Housekeeping & Personal Cares.

Home Instead Senior Care 952-882-9300

5520 Part-time Lakeville Area Schools Kids and Wonder Zone

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888-482-8441 5510 Full-time

5510 Full-time

KEMPS “Good Comes Around�

MAINTENANCE & PRODUCTION OPENINGS Kemps LLC a leader in the manufacture of Dairy Products has a 3 pm Maintenance position, and Full time Production openings available. Maintenance position requirements include: • Maintenance background • Mechanical repair skills • Electrical troubleshooting and repair • Good written & verbal communication Maintenance Start Rate: $29.28 Production positions Starting Rates: Full time-$23.23 to $24.07 Please apply at: Equal Opportunity Employer

Onsite Job Fairs & Walk-In Interviews

5510 Full-time

Saturday, December 8th, 10am - 4pm Tuesday, Dec. 11th & Thursday, Dec. 13th, 10am - 6pm Mediacom Facility in Chanhassen - 1670 Lake Drive West

Must have High School Diploma or Equivalent 100% paid training Valid Driver’s license and satisfactory driving record required. Health, Dental, Vision, 401K w/company match, paid vacations/holiday. Apply now on our Careers Website: or call Barb in HR for an Immediate phone interview ph: 507-837-4893

Mediacom Communications EOE/AA; we consider applications without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or vet status.

5520 Part-time

CAREGIVER - BURNSVILLE To care for 5 elderly adults. This is a 24 hour awake day, sleep night position. Every Friday from 8 am - Sat. am. Must be able to work independently, over 18, have great people skills and pass a background study. Job duties include housekeeping, med pass and personal cares. $180 plus per shift, based on experience. Only caring loving people need apply.

Call Rob at 612-670-1380

Or email resume: 5530 Full-time or Part-time

5530 Full-time or Part-time

School Bus Driver Schmitty & Sons

is seeking school bus drivers to serve the Lakeville School District.

Discover a rewarding position that offers: • Paid Training - Onsite training & testing • Monday through Friday work week • Holidays & non school days off • Summers off (if desired) • Bring your kids on the bus Must be a safe and dependable driver. All applicants are subject to a pre-employment drug screen and background check. Candidates should apply online: Or in person: 22750 Pillsbury Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044 952-985-7516 An Employee Owned Company Schmitty & Sons is an equal opportunity employer

Mechanic Wanted Schmitty & Sons, a local, employee-owned company is seeking mechanics for our locations in: Eagan, Burnsville and Lakeville. We offer: *Competitive Pay *Advancement Opportunities *Laptop computers *Tuition reimbursement *PTO *Continued Training Interested candidates should apply at Or in person 22750 Pillsbury Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 3600 Blackhawk Rd. Eagan, MN 55102 952-985-7574

Schmitty & Sons is an equal opportunity employer.

Multiple Positions! Broadband Installers Front Counter Customer Service Rep Direct Sales Rep

5520 Part-time


Transit Bus Driver

EARN UP TO $20.50 hr with bonus!

Schmitty & Sons is an employee owned company seeking full & part time transit bus drivers for our South Metro locations. Discover a career that offers: ( Weekday Routes: Monday – Friday ( Paid Training – Onsite Training and Testing ( Health Benefits & PTO for Full-Time ( 401K Company Match ( Employee Stock Option Plan Requirements: Able to pass a DOT physical and drug screen. Good driving record, work history and background.

Interested candidates should apply online at: Or in person: 22750 Pillsbury Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044 3600 Blackhawk Rd. Eagan, MN 55122 11550 Rupp Dr. Burnsville, MN 55337 Schmitty & Sons is an equal opportunity employer



5540 Healthcare


5540 Healthcare


Look what


Four Residential care homes located in Eagan, Burnsville & Bloomington with 19 residents over the age of 55. On call hours are 4 pm Friday to 12 midnight Sunday. $250 per weekend plus hourly pay if called in to check on residents.

is reading!

Public Notice

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Thisweekend Jolly green song and dance

Family Calendar To submit items for the Family Calendar, email: d a r c y. o d d e n @ e c m - i n c . com. Saturday, Dec. 15 Lakeville Friends of the Environment 2018 Coffee and Conversation, 9:30 a.m., Main Street Coffee Cafe, 20790 Holyoke Ave., downtown Lakeville. All are welcome. Information: Debbie at 952-250-3320. Eagan Indoor Market, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Oasis Room, Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Parkway, Eagan. Information: https://www.cityofeagan. com/visit-the-indoor-market. Movies in the Outfield – “Solo: A Star Wars Story” (PG-13), 7 p.m., Savage Sports Center, 13450 Dakota Ave., Savage. Seating begins at 6:30 p.m. Free. Bring lawn chairs or blankets for seating. Concessions available.

Rosemount High School students presented “Shrek: The Musical” during main performances Dec. 6-9 at the school’s Performing Arts Center. The Tony Award-winning musical based on the Oscarwinning DreamWorks Animation film recounts the fairy tale adventure of an ogre turned unlikely hero. Nick Tentis played Shrek and Alex Robinson is the Donkey. More photos are online at Photos contributed by Bruce Maeda

Jazzing up the holidays Genesis Jazz Orchestra performed during the Rosemount Community Band concert on Sunday at the Steeple Center in Rosemount. Many of the Genesis band members are also in the Community Band. The groups performed a selection of holiday classics as part of the concert. Photo submitted

Tuesday, Dec. 18 Small Business Counseling with SCORE, 5-7 p.m., Wescott Library, 1340 Wescott Road, Eagan. Free confidential counseling from SCORE, a nonprofit business counseling and mentoring organization. An experienced SCORE counselor will help you navigate all aspects of planning or operating your small business. Appointment required. Email Ron at ron.seipp@ Wednesday, Dec. 19 Kids ’n Kinship mentor information session, 6-7 p.m., Burnhaven Library, 1101 W. County Road 42, Burnsville. Information: or dakinship@ Friday, Dec. 21 Obstacle Course, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Galaxie Library, 14955 Galaxie Ave., Apple Valley. Drop in for a full-body movement experience navigating tunnels and hoops, hopping down a path and zigzagging through cones. Space is limited. Ages: 2-6. Free. Information: libraries. Beginning snowshoeing, 3-4:30 p.m., Cleary Lake Regional Park, Prior Lake. Guided hike; equipment provided. Cost: $5. Registration required at 763-559-6700. Saturday, Dec. 22 Full moon snowshoe, 6-8 p.m., Cleary Lake Regional Park, Prior Lake. Equipment provided; will hike if no snow. Cost: $5. Ages: 6 and older. Registration required at 763-5596700. Ongoing Eagan parkrun, a free weekly timed 5K run, 9 a.m.

Saturdays at Thomas Lake Park, 4350 Thomas Lake Road, Eagan. Rain or shine. To get a time recorded and stored online, register at w w w. p a r k r u n . u s / re g i s t e r and bring your barcode with you. Information: Emotions Anonymous, 7:30-9 p.m. Tuesdays at SouthCross Community Church, 1800 E. County Road 42 (at Summit Oak Drive), Apple Valley. EA is a 12-step program for those seeking emotional health. All are welcome. Information: Recovery International, 3 p.m. Tuesdays at Mary, Mother of the Church (Room 9), 3333 Cliff Road, Burnsville. Park in lower lot. Selfhelp group for depression, anxiety, fears, panic attacks, anger and more. Information: Rita at 952-890-7623 or Al-Anon Finding Hope Beginners Group, 9:3010:30 a.m. Saturdays at Mary, Mother of the Church, 3333 Cliff Road, Burnsville. Troubled by someone’s drinking? Al-Anon can help. More information: Blood drives The American Red Cross will hold the following blood drives. Call 1-800-RED CROSS (1800-733-2767) or visit red to make an appointment or for more information. • Dec. 15, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Parkway, Eagan. • Dec. 18, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Culver’s, 15225 Galaxie Ave., Apple Valley. • Dec. 20, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Dunn Brothers, 15265 Galaxie Ave., Apple Valley. • Dec. 24, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Culver’s, 17800 Kenwood Trail, Lakeville. • Dec. 26, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Minnesota Zoo, 13000 Zoo Blvd., Apple Valley. • Dec. 26, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Wescott Library, 1340 Wescott Road, Eagan. • Dec. 26, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Culver’s, 4725 Highway 13 W., Savage. • Dec. 28, 12-6 p.m., AMC Apple Valley 15 Theatres, 15630 Cedar Ave., Apple Valley. • Dec. 28, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Hilton Garden Inn, 1975 Rahncliff Court, Eagan. • Dec. 29, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Wescott Library, 1340 Wescott Road, Eagan. • Dec. 29, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Caribou Coffee, 3868 150th St., Rosemount. • Dec. 29, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Parkway, Eagan.





Lee M. Anderson


Nancy Ada Evenson ( Sept. 9, 1941 - Dec. 6, 2018 )

Evenson, Nancy Ada (Ekberg), 77 of Apple Valley passed away peacefully surrounded by her family on December 6th, 2018. Nancy loved Christmas so the timing of her death is appropriate for the season. She was known for her elaborate decorations and Christmas Village many pieces of which she had painted herself. She prided herself in gardening and had many beautiful gardens, a skill she passed on to her daughter Melissa. She was also a collector with an extensive Snowbaby and angel collection. She had a love for animals, volunteered at the local hospital and you FRXOG ÂżQG KHU VWXIÂżQJ EXOOHWLQV DW FKXUFK RU UHFRYHULQJ the pews. A stubborn Swede, Nancy had a witty sense of humor and she always wanted to do things “her way or it was the highwayâ€?. Nancy suffered from Vascular Dementia and lived her ODVW IHZ \HDUV DW +LJKYLHZ +LOOV LQ /DNHYLOOH DQG ÂżQDOly Seasons @ Ecumen Apple Valley. Our family cannot thank the staff of Ecumen enough for all the wonderful comfort, friendship and love they gave Nancy. Their patience and persistence were instrumental in her care. Many thanks also to the professionals at Ecumen Hospice for easing her into her last days. Nancy was preceded in death by her beloved husband, James R. Evenson and parents Erik and Esther Ekberg. Nancy is survived by her children, Jeffrey Evenson, Melissa (Terrence) Williams, and Rebecca (Christopher) Pedretti; Grandchildren Garrett, Ethan, Taryn, J.D., and Noah; siblings Linnea (Dennis) Friemann and Arne Ekberg; nephews Russell (Paula) Friemann, Curt (Jennifer) Friemann and niece Susan (David) Schaefer. Memorial Services will be held at Hosanna! Church, 9600 163rd St. W, Lakeville on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 11 AM. Memorial visitation will be at 10 AM and there will be a luncheon following the service. In lieu of Ă€RZHUV PHPRULDOV ZLOO EH GRQDWHG E\ WKH IDPLO\ WR WKH Animal Humane Society of Minnesota. Condolences: White Funeral Home Apple Valley 952-432-2001

Lee M. Anderson, age 82, of Burnsville, passed away suddenly on December 1, 2018. Preceded in death by his parents and infant brother. Survived by wife of 48 years, Sue (Tillmans) Anderson; son Philip (Liz) Anderson of St. Paul; daughter Nancy (Antonio Dirzo) Anderson of Burnsville; grandchildren Lucia, June, Anders, Ruby, and Melody; brother Orlando (Darlene) Anderson of Red Wing, sister Nancy (Joel) Wiberg of Minneapolis and many other relatives. Lee grew up on his family farm near Hager City, WI. He graduated from Gustavus Adophus College and was employed as an environmental chemist until his retirement. He enjoyed spending time with his family, HVSHFLDOO\ KLV ¿YH JUDQGFKLOGUHQ DQG VSHQGLQJ WLPH RQ the family farm. Funeral service Saturday, December 15, 11 a.m. at St. James Lutheran Church, 3650 Williams Drive, Burnsville, 01 9LVLWDWLRQ D P ,Q OLHX RI ÀRZHUV PHPRULDOV are preferred to St. James Lutheran Church, Svea Lutheran Church Cemetery Fund (N2610 770th St., Hager City, WI Wanda Prinsen 54014), or the Salvation Army (Twin Cities Administrative Wanda Anora Prinsen (de 2I¿FHV 3ULRU $YH 1 5RVHYLOOH 01 Boer) of Farmington passed away on Wednesday, December 5, 2018 at her home. In Memory Wanda was born May 3, 1936 and raised on a farm in Prairie In Loving Memory View, Kansas. She married John Prinsen, also of Prairie View, on August 22, 1957 and moved to Fenton, Michigan, where they raised one son and one daughter. They moved to Farmington, Minnesota in 1973, where Wanda resided the rest of her 5/3/36 - 12/19/14 life. Wanda is survived by her husband John Prinsen; Goodbye is not forever. son Mark Prinsen; daughter Jill McRaith; sister Norma Goodbye is not the end. It DeHaan and 14 grandchildren. simply means we will miss She was preceded in death by her parents, Henry you, until we meet again. and Grace deBoer and sisters Arlene deBoer and Vesta Vincent. Miss you, love you forever! A coffee and cookie memorial was held on Saturday, Nila, Glenna, Robert, Gregg & Families December 8th from 2-4 p.m. at Peace Reformed Church in Eagan, Minnesota.

Glen “Bob� Polinder

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Theater and Arts To submit items for the Arts Calendar, email: Comedy Louie Anderson, 6:30 and 9:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 31, Ames Center, 12600 Nicollet Ave., Burnsville. Tickets: $32.95-$102.95 at the box office, 800-982-2787 and Exhibits Norman Crouch, photographer, and Jim Keefe, cartoonist, exhibit runs through December at the Steeple Center gallery, 14375 S. Robert Trail, Rosemount. Information: “Navigating Impossible� acrylic painting exhibit by Annie Young runs to Jan. 2, 2019, at the Lakeville Area Arts Center gallery, 20965 Holyoke Ave., Lakeville. Information: “The Best of Bonnie and Friends III,� a visual arts show led by Burnsville painter Bonnie Featherstone, runs through Jan. 30, 2019, in the gallery of Burnsville’s Ames Center, 12600 Nicollet Ave. Information: Music ENCORE 2018: “Home,� presented by Eagan High School, 7 p.m. Dec. 13-15. Tickets: $9 adults, $7 senior citizens, $5 students at, at the box office 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. school days and one hour prior to each performance. Information: 651683-6964. BRAVO 2018: “The Forecast!� presented by Eastview High School, 7 p.m. Dec. 1315. Tickets: $9 adults, $7 senior citizens, $5 students at Information: 952-431-8900. BHS choir concerts, 6:30 and 8 p.m. Friday, Dec. 14, Burnsville High School. Information: 952-707-2100. Rhythmic Circus: Holiday Shuffle, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 14-15, Ames Center, 12600 Nicollet Ave., Burnsville. Tickets: $45.50-$65.50 at the box office, 800-982-2787 or Grand Symphonic Winds, 3-4:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 15, Steeple Center, 14375 S. Robert Trail, Rosemount. Free. Information: Christmas with Cantus, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 15, Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 12650 Johnny Cake Ridge Road, Apple Valley. Tickets: $10-$32 at or 612-435-0055. An Andy & Bing Christmas featuring Mick Sterling, Ben Utecht and the Dakota Valley Symphony, 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 16, Ames Center, 12600 Nicollet Ave., Burnsville. Tickets: $25-$40 at the box office, 800-982-2787 or EVHS winter choral concerts, 6 and 8 p.m. Monday, Dec. 17, Eastview High School. Free. Information: 952-4318900. AVHS winter choir concert, 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 17, Apple Valley High School. Information: 952-431-8200. FHS vocal holiday concerts, 6 and 8 p.m. Monday, Dec. 17, Farmington High School. Information: 651-2522501. LNHS holiday choir concerts, 6 and 8 p.m. Monday, Dec. 17, Lakeville North High School. Tickets: $5 adults, $3

senior citizens, free for students. Information: 952-2323600. EHS winter jazz concert, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 18, Eagan High School. Information: 651683-6900. LNHS winter band concert, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 18, Lakeville North High School. Information: 952-232-3600. Bluegrass Early Christmas with The Sawtooth Brothers, 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 20, The Well, a United Methodist Church, 14770 Canada Ave. W., Rosemount. Free admission. LSHS Holiday Cabaret, 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 20, Lakeville South High School. Tickets: $5 adults, $3 students and senior citizens. Information: 952232-3300. An Unforgettable Nat King Cole Christmas starring Evan Tyrone Martin, 8 p.m. Friday, Dec. 21, Masquerade Dance Theater at Ames Center, 12600 Nicollet Ave., Burnsville. Tickets: $60 at the box office, 800982-2787 or Jim Brickman: A Joyful Christmas, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 27, Masquerade Dance Theater at Ames Center, 12600 Nicollet Ave., Burnsville. Tickets: $40-$70 at the box office, 800-982-2787 or Theater “Church Basement Ladies: You Smell Barn,� runs to Feb. 14 at the Black Box Theater at Ames Center, 12600 Nicollet Ave., Burnsville. Tickets: $32-$42 at the box office, 800-982-2787 or Ticketmaster. com. “A Christmas Carol Radio Play,� 7:30 p.m. Dec. 14-15 and 2 p.m. Dec. 16, Lakeville Area Arts Center, 20965 Holyoke Ave., Lakeville. Tickets: $15, $12 ages 60 and older at “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical,� 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 18, and 2 and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 19, Masquerade Dance Theater at Ames Center, 12600 Nicollet Ave., Burnsville. Tickets: $38-$73 at the box office, 800-982-2787 or Ticketmaster. com. “Arsenic and Old Lace,� presented by Trinity School at River Ridge, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 19, and 1 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 20, 601 River Ridge Parkway, Eagan. Free admission. Information: or 651-7892890. Workshops/classes/other Loft Literary now offers writing classes in Rosemount. “Personal Writing� with Peter Blau, 1-4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2019, Rosemount Area Arts Council/Steeple Center, 14375 S. Robert Trail. Register: Tinkergarten, a playbased, outdoor learning experience for children ages 18 months to 8 years and their parents, offers classes in Lakeville and Eagan. Information: Creative dance classes, ages toddler to 7, Ballet Royale Minnesota in Lakeville. Information: or 952-898-3163. Yoga wind down class is the first Thursday of the month at Precision and Flow Pilates, 13708 County Road 11, Burnsville. Information: Oil painting workshop

See Arts, Next Page



‘Unforgettable’ Christmas Theater and Arts Briefs ‘Rudolph’ musical in Burnsville “Rudolph the RedNosed Reindeer: The Musical” performs Dec. 18-19 at Ames Center, 12600 Nicollet Ave., Burnsville. See favorite characters from the television special including Santa and Mrs. Claus, Hermey the Elf, Bumble the Abominable Snow Monster, Clarice, Yukon Cornelius and, of course, Rudolph. It’s an adventure that teaches that what makes you different can be what makes you special. Performances are 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 18, and 2 and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 19. Tickets are Photo submitted $38-$73 at the box office, Artists Lounge Live presents “An Unforgettable Nat King Cole Christmas” starring by phone at 800-982-2787 Evan Tyrone Martin 8 p.m. Friday, Dec. 21, at Ames Center, 12600 Nicollet Ave., or online at Ticketmaster. Burnsville. Actor and singer Martin intimately relates Cole’s personal journey com. while presenting a festive cocktail of hits including “L-O-V-E,” “Mona Lisa,” “The Christmas Song,” and “All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth.” Tickets are Rhythmic Circus $60 at the box office, by phone at 800-982-2787 or online at

‘A Christmas Carol Radio Play’

presents ‘Holiday Shuffle’

Rhythmic Circus presents “Holiday Shuffle” 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Dec. 14-15, at Ames Center in Burnsville. Four world-renowned hoofers and a swingin’ seven-piece band inject the signature Rhythmic Circus style of rapid-fire tap into upbeat holiday classics. For over a decade, Rhythmic Circus has been an icon in the world of tap dance. The troupe has performed its productions in over 250 cities worldwide. Tickets are $45.50 and $65.50 at the box office, by phone at 800-982-2787 or online at Ticketmaster. com.

Sibley New Year’s tea set Dec. 29

Photo submitted

“A Christmas Carol Radio Play” performances are 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 14, and 2 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 15, at the Lakeville Area Arts Center, 20965 Holyoke Ave. The Charles Dickens holiday classic comes to life as a live 1940s radio broadcast, complete with vintage commercials for fruitcake, and the magic of live sound effects and musical underscoring. A handful of actors bring dozens of characters to the stage as this familiar story unfolds. Tickets are $15 ($12 for ages 60 and older) at the box office, by phone at 952-985-4640 or online at ARTS, from Previous Page with Dan Petrov Art Studio for six consecutive Thursdays, 4-7 p.m., 190 S. River Ridge Circle, Burnsville. Preregister by phone at 763-843-2734. Drawing & Painting (adults and teens) with artist Christine Tierney, classes 9 a.m. to noon Tuesdays and 9 a.m. to noon Wednesdays, River Ridge Studios, 190 S. River Ridge Circle, Burnsville. Information: www., 612-2103377. Brushworks School of Art Burnsville offers fine art education through drawing and painting. Classes for adults and teens. Information: Patricia Schwartz, www.Brushworks, 651-2144732. The Lakeville Area Arts Center offers arts classes for all ages,, 952-985-4640.

Rosemount History Book Club meets 6:30-8 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the Robert Trail Library. Information: John Loch, 952-2558545 or SouthSide Writers, Saturday workgroup for aspiring writers, offering critique, submission and manuscript preparation information, support and direction, 10 a.m. to noon, Wescott Library, 1340 Wescott Road, Eagan. Information: 651-

The Dakota County Historical Society will host a Sibley New Year’s Tea 5:30-7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 29, at the Sibley Historic Site’s DuPuis House. Participants will celebrate the holidays by indulging in a royal tea consisting of a three-

688-0365. Dakota Speakers Toastmasters meets 6-7 p.m. Mondays at Apple Valley Ecumen Seasons Learning Center. Information: http://dakota.toast Community Spirits Toastmasters meets 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Ebenezer Ridges Care Center, 13820 Community Drive, Burnsville. Information: h t t p s : / / 6 7 4 2 . t o a s t m a s t e

course meal and a sample of champagne. Each meal will be paired with a variety of teas. Throughout the event, visitors will be greeted by a re-enactor who will provide additional information on how the holidays were celebrated in the 1800s and explore the history of royal teas. Admission is $40 per person, or $35 for members of the Dakota County Historical Society, Minnesota Historical Society, or Friends of the Sibley Historic Site. The Sibley Historic Site is located at 1357 Sibley Memorial Highway in Mendota. Registration is limited. Contact the Sibley Site at 651-452-1596 to reserve a spot. For more information, or to reserve online, visit Each admission for adults 21 or older comes with a champagne sample.

Basement Ladies in “Rise Up, O Men” will take the stage 1 p.m. Feb. 19-20, 2019, at the Masquerade Dance Theater at Ames Center, 12600 Nicollet Ave., Burnsville. Tickets for the musical comedy are $32 at the box office, by phone at 800982-2787 and online at

PL Players hold auditions for ‘Seussical’

The Prior Lake Players will hold auditions for “Seussical the Musical” 6-8 p.m. Monday, Jan. 14, and Tuesday, Jan. 15, at Twin Oaks Middle School in Prior Lake. Auditions will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Callbacks, as needed, will be Thursday, Jan. 17. Rehearsals will be Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings with one possible Saturday after Presidents Day. ‘Rise Up, O Men’ Performances are 14-17 and 22-24. opens in February March More details are at plplayTroupe America’s pro- duction of The Church

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