Media code of conduct for myanmar journalists bilingual

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jrefrmEkid if pH me,fZif;aumifpD (,m,D) Myanmar Press Council (Interim)

owif;rD', D musih0 f wf Media Code of Conduct


Myanmar Press Council (Interim) and Media Code of Conduct Myanmar Press Council (Interim) was founded in September 17, 2012 at Chartrium Hotel, Yangon with 29 founding members. The founding ceremony was officially recognized by the presence of Union Minister of the Ministry of Information, HE. U Aung Kyi. During the day, the founding members voted to choose U Khin Maung Aye as a Chairman, U Soe Thein (Maung Wun Tha) as Vice-Chairman, U Kyaw Minn Swe as Secretary and Daw Nang Kalyar Win as Joint-Secretary. The future action points were also discussed and decided by the 29 members of Interim Press Council. (Note - U Ko Ko Gyi from the 88 Generations Peace and Open Society refused to accept the Council’s position and voluntarily resigned in the beginning of the founding day. Later on, the Vice-Chairman U Soe Thein passed away and his position was later replaced by U Khin Maung Lay (Phoe Thaukkyar) until


days. Again, another Council member U Kyaw Zaw Naing deceased and the Council has 26 acting members at the moment). Since January 1, 2014, Myanmar Press Council (Interim) started to implement ‘the Programme on the Developing Code of Conducts for Myanmar Journalists’ in close collaboration with the International Media Support (IMS). According to the action plan of the programme, Myanmar Press Council (Interim) initiated a series of consultative workshops with the journalists nationwide, in order to properly consult with them before finalizing into the National Consensus Document of the Media Code of Conduct or Draft Journalists’ Ethics. Altogether eight Consultative Workshops were organized in eight major cities, Magway, Taunggyi, Mandalay, Monywa, Sittwe, Bago, Pathein and Mawlamyine, in order that all States and Regions were reasonably reflected. Based on the feedbacks and recommendations from these Consultative Workshops, this Media Code of Conduct was developed and edited as a final version. Myanmar Press Council (Interim)


jrefrmEkdifiHpme,fZif;aumifpD (,m,D)ESifh owif;rD'D'D,musihf0wf jrefrmEdik if pH me,fZif;aumifpD (,m,D) udk 2012 ckEpS ?f pufwifbmv (17)&ufaeYwiG f &efuek Nf rdKU? csux f &D,rf[w dk ,fü tzGUJ 0if(29) OD;jzifh zGUJ pnf;cJyh gonf/ ,if;tcrf;tem;odYk jyefMum;a&;0efMuD;Xme jynfaxmifp0k efBuD; OD;atmifMunf wufa&mufco hJ nf/ ,if;aeYwiG yf if Ouú|tjzpf OD;cifarmifat;? 'kw, d Ouú|tjzpf OD;pd;k odr;f (armif0o H )? twGi;f a&;rSL;tjzpf OD;ausmfrif;aqG? wGJzuftwGif;a&;rSL;tjzpf a':eef;uvsm0if;wdkYudk tzGJU0ifrsm;\qE´jzifh a&G;cs,fcJhonf/ useftzGJU0ifrsm;udkvnf; trsm;qE´ qHk;jzwfcsufjzifh a½G;cs,fwm0efay;cJh Muygonf/ ,if;aeYwiG f aumifp0D if (29) OD;wdYku a&SUvkyif ef;pOfrsm; aqG;aEG; qH;k jzwfMuyg onf/ (rSwfcsuf - OD;udkudkBuD; (88rsKd;quf)rSm aumifpDwGif wm0efr,lEdkifaomaMumifh pwifzUJG pnf;onfah eYwiG yf if Ekwx f u G o f mG ;cJjh yD; ‘'kw, d Ouú|jzpfaom OD;pd;k odr;f (armif0o H ) uG,fvGefoGm;ojzifh ,ckvuf&SdwGif 'kwd,Ouú|tjzpf OD;cifarmifav;(zkd;aomMum)u qufvufí wm0ef,x l rf;aqmifvsu&f ydS gonf/ OD;ausmaf ZmEdik v f nf; uG,v f eG cf í hJ ,cktcg aumifpD0if (26)OD;om &Sdygonf/) jrefrmEdkifiH pme,fZif;aumifpD (,m,D)ESifh EdkifiHwum rD'D,myHhydk;a&;tzGJU yl;aygif;NyD; jrefrmowif;pmq&mrsm; owif;rD'D,musifh0wf zGHUNzdK;wdk;wufa&; pDrHudef;udk 2014 ckEpS ?f Zefe0g&Dv (1)&ufaeYwiG f pwif taumiftxnfazmf aqmif&u G cf yhJ gonf/ pDru H ed ;f \ vkyaf qmifcsu^f vkyif ef;pOfrsm;t& jrefrmEdik if pH me,fZif;aumifpD (,m,D)u xkwjf yefxm;aom owif;rD', D musi0hf wf (rlMurf;)udk trsK;d om;tqifh bHo k abmwlncD suf &&S&d ef jrefrmEdik if t H ESUH &Sd pme,fZif;orm;rsm;? owif;pmq&mrsm;\ tMuHÓPf awmif;cHonfh tvky½f akH qG;aEG;yGrJ sm; usi;f ycJyh gonf/ xdt k vky½f kH aqG;aEG;yGrJ sm;udk jrefrmEdik if &H dS wkid ;f a'oMuD;rsm;ESihf jynfe,frsm; jcHKiHkrdap&ef txifu&NrdKUBuD;rsm;jzpfaom rauG;NrdKU? awmifBuD;NrdKU? rEÅav;NrdKU? rHk½GmjrdKU? ppfawGjrdKU? yJc;l jrdKU? ykord jf rdKUESihf armfvjrdKifjrdKUwdYk wiG f tvky½f akH qG;aEG;yGJ (8)ckukd xda&muf atmifjrifpGm usif;yEdkifcJYygonf/ ,if;tvkyf½HkaqG;aEG;yGJrsm;rS &&Sdvmaom wkHYjyefcsuf? tMuHjyKcsufrsm;tm;tajcjyKí þowif; rD'D,musihf0wfudk tjyD;owf wnf;jzwfa&;qGJcJYygonf/ jref r mEk d i f i H p me,f Z if ; aumif p D (,m,D )







Rights of Individuals and Role of Council



Duty of Media Outlets



The Programme Code



Accuracy, balance and fairness



Politics and elections



Leaked and restricted content and the protection of sources



Identification and attribution of content



Privacy and the public interest



Grief, bereavement and distress



Harassment, pursuit and covert recording








10. Discrimination


11. Religion


12. Strong language


13. The involvement of children


14. Victims of sexual crimes


15. Portrayal of sexual conduct


16 Portrayal of violence in broadcasting



rmwdum 1/ 2/ 3/

ed'gef; wpfoD;yk*¾vrsm;\ tajccH&ykdifcGihfrsm;ESifh aumifpD\tcef;u@ rD'D,mXmersm;\ wm0ef0wå&m;rsm; rD'D,mtpDtpOfrsm;qkdif&m usihf0wfrsm; wdusrI? bufrvkdufrIESifh rQwrI EkdifiHa&;ESifh a&G;aumufyGJrsm; aygufMum;vmaom taMumif;t&mrsm;? uefYowfowif; tcsuftvufrsm;ESifh owif;&if;jrpfukd umuG,fjcif; 4/ owif;rD'D,mwGifazmfjyaom taMumif;t&mrsm;ukd cJGjcm;owfrSwfjcif;ESihftrsKd;tpm;tvkduftnTef;jyKjcif; 5/ ukd,fa&;vGwfvyfcGihfESihf trsm;jynfol tusKd;pD;yGm; 6/ 0rf;enf;aMuuJGjcif;? aoqkH;jcif;ESihf ab;'ku©a&mufjcif; 7/ rSwfwrf;,l&mwGif um,da`E´xdyg;jcif;? twif;tusyf &,ljcif;ESihf acsmif;ajrmif;&,ljcif; 8/ ta,mifaqmif? vSnhfpm;jcif; 9/ tifwmAsL;jcif; 10/ cJGjcm;qufqHjcif; 11/ uk;d uG,, f MHk unfrI 12/ jyif;xefMurf;wrf;aom bmompum;tokH;tEIef; 13/ uav;oli,frsm; 14/ vdifqkdif&m &mZ0wfrIusL;vGefjcif; cH&olrsm; 15/ vdifqkdif&m tjyKtrlrsm;ukd o½kyfazmfwifjyjcif; 16/ ½kyfoHxkwfvTihfrIrsm;wGif tMurf;zufrIrsm;ESihf aoG;xGufoH,kdrIrsm;ukd wifjyjcif;


5 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 17


Scheduling considerations, ‘labelling’ and on-air warnings


in broadcasting 18.

Crime and anti-social behaviour



Kidnapping and hi-jacking



Demonstrations and civil unrest



Relations with the police and other authorities



Payment in criminal cases



Advertising, product-placement and ‘undue prominence’






Personal interest and influence



Financial journalism



Other considerations of content and treatment for broadcasters





1. Children


2. The Public Interest



17/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/ 26/ 27/ 28/

½kyfoHvTihftpDtpOfrsm; a&;qJGjcif;?tpDtpOfrsm; acgif;pOfwyfjcif;ESifh rxkwfvTihfrD BuKdwiftoday;aMunmjcif; &mZ0wfrIrsm;? vlrIpHEIef;rsm;ESihf zDvmjzpfaom tjyKtrlrsm; jyefay;qJGjcif;ESihf tykdifpD;jcif; qE´jyrIrsm;ESihf jynfwGif;EkdifiHa&; rNidrfoufrIrsm; &JwyfzJGU? tjcm;tmPmykdif tzJGUtpnf;rsm;ESihf qufqHa&; &mZ0wfrIrsm;wGif owif;0,f,ljcif; aMumfjimjcif;? ukefypönf;rsm; xnhfoGif;jyojcif;ESihf aMumfjimr[kwfaom tpDtpOfrsm;wGif tvGeftuRHnTef;qkdjcif; NyKdifqkdifjcif; yk*v ¾ tusKd;pD;yGm;rsm;ESihfMoZmvTrf;rkd;rIrsm; b@ma&;taMumif;t&mrsm; wifqufrI ½kyfoHxkwfvTihfolrsm;ESihfywfoufNyD; taMumif;t&mykdif;ESihf pDpOfwifqufrItykdif;wGif apmihfxdef;oihfonfrsm; rSwfcsuf (1) uav;oli,f (2) trsm;jynfol tusKd;pD;yGm;


17 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 22


Myanmar Press Council Media Code of Conduct

INTRODUCTION This Code of Conduct has been adopted by the Interim Media Council of Myanmar as a statement of the standards to which all media outlets should abide. It takes as its starting point the right to freedom of expression as enshrined in Article 19 of the 1948 UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes the freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. This right is not, however, only about freedom to speak: it is also about the rights of readers, listeners and viewers and involves certain responsibilities. Irresponsible or unethical conduct puts media freedoms at risk. As a result, the media have a duty to maintain high professional standards. The responsibilities of the media in a democracy include duties of accuracy and balance, fairness and respect for others, and ensuring the right of people to receive information. This Code sets the standard for those responsibilities, protecting the rights of the individual and the public’s right to know, as well as media freedom.


1 jref r mEk d i f i H p me,f Z if ; aumif p D owif;rD'D,musihf0wf ed ' gef ; þowif;rD', D musi0hf wfvrf;ñTeo f nf Edik if t H wGi;f &Sd rD', D mXmetm;vH;k vdu k ef musio hf ;kH aqmif&u G o f ifo h nfh pHcsed pf ñ H eT ;f rsm;udk azmfjyxm;aom vrf;ñTet f jzpf jrefrmEkid if pH me,fZif; aumifpDu udkifpGJusifhoHk;aom vrf;ñTefjzpfonf/ þvrf;ñTefwGif 1948 ukvor*¾ Edik if w H um vlYtcGit hf a&; aMunmpmwrf;? tyd'k f 19 wGif azmfjyxm;aom vGwv f yfpmG xkwaf zmfajymMum;jcif; tajccHtcGit hf a&;udk rlvtajccHtjzpf owfrw S o f nf/ vlYtcGit hf a&; aMunmpmwrf; tydk'f 19 wGif atmufygtwdkif; owfrSwfjy|mef;xm;onf/ ]]vlwdkif;wGif vGwfvyfpGmawG;ac:MuHqcGifhESifh vGwfvyfpGm xkwfazmfajym Mum;cGifh&Sdonf/ xdktcGifhta&;rsm;wGif aESmuf,Suf[efYwm;jcif; wpfpHkwpf&mr&SdbJ vGwfvyfpGm awG;ac:MuHqcGifhESifh e,fedrdwfpnf;rsOf;rsm;ESifh roufqdkifapbJ rnf o nf h r D ' D , mrS r qd k owif ; tcsuf t vuf r sm;ES i f h pd w f u l ; pd w f o ef ; rsm;ud k vGwfvyfpGm&SmazGcGifh? vufcH&,lcGifh? wpfqifhvTJajymif;ay;cGifhwdkY yg0ifonf/}} odYk &mwGif xdt k cGit hf a&;rSm vGwv f yfpmG xkwaf zmfajymMum;cGihf wpfcw k nf;r[kwb f J vufcHem;axmifol\ tcGifhta&;rsm;ESifh tcsKdUaom wm0ef,lrIrsm;udkvnf; xnfhoGif; owfrSwfxm;onf/ wm0efrJhaom? usifh0wfESifhrnDaom vkyfudkifaqmif&GufrIrsm;onf rD', D mvGwv f yfciG u hf kd qd;k qd;k &Gm;&Gm; xdcu kd af pEdik o f nf/ xdYak Mumifh rD', D mrsm;onf tjrifq h ;kH aom ya&mfzuf&Sife,f usifh0wfpHEIef;rsm;udk xdef;odrf;vkdufem&ef vdktyfonf/ 'Drdkua&pD rD', D mrsm;taeESihf wdusr?I [efcsun f rD ?I rSswrI? wpfyg;olukd av;pm;rIponfh wm0efrsm; &SdaeNyD; jynfolvlxk\ owif;odydkifcGifh tcGifhta&;udkvnf; tmrcHcsuf ay;&onf/ ,ck usifh0wfvrf;ñTefwGif txufygwm0ef,lrIrsm;twGuf pHcsdefpHñTef;rsm; owfrSwfay;onfhtjyif wpfoD;yk*v ¾ tcGifhta&;rsm;udk umuG,fjcif;? jynfolvlxk\ owif;odyikd cf iG u hf kd jznfq h nf;ay;jcif;ESihf rD', D mvGwv f yfciG u hf kd umuG,af pmifah &Smufjcif; ponfwYkd twGuf pHEeI ;f rsm;vnf; yg0ifonf/


Democracy is, critically, not about agreement: it is about how we handle disagreement. Nor is democracy simply the rule of the majority, although the will of the majority as expressed in elections is one of its essential elements. Democracy rests on an environment in which, in the course of public debate, all voices are properly and fairly represented and the interests and views of minorities are safeguarded. This Code supports this principle of democratic pluralism and the role of the media in giving effect to it. While responsible governments, politicians and media workers should share a common aim – the best interests of society – their roles are different. In a healthy democratic society, the relationship between politicians and free media is likely, quite properly, to be wary, questioning and sceptical, rather than close, cosy and complimentary. This Code enables the media to operate freely and at arm’s-length from government and confirms the legitimate duty of the media in a democracy of disclosure in the public interest and the holding to account of public and private institutions and individuals. This Code sets out the standards adopted by the Interim Media Council regarding editorial matters and matters relating to the content of what is published or broadcast in the media (media content). It is the cornerstone of the system of self-regulation to which the Council is committed and thus contains a set of standards against which to assess complaints from the public and others about media behaviour. It applies to media outlets – journals, newspapers, radio and television, as well as to online content providers who voluntarily submit themselves to it – rather than individual journalists, but it is of course individual journalists that must ensure respect for it. It applies to all categories of media content, including advertisements.

11 6

'Dru kd a&pDqo kd nfrmS oabmwlnjD cif;rsm;taMumif; oufoufr[kwyf g/ tjiif;yGm;rI rsm;udk uGßEkfyfwdkY rnfuJhodkY udkifwG,fajz&Sif;Muonfqdkaom tcsufuom 'Drdkua&pD jzpfonf/ xdkYtjyif 'Drdkua&pDqdkonfrSm trsm;qE´t& tkyfcsKyfjcif;qdkonfh t,ltq oufoufvnf; r[kwjf yefacs/ a&G;aumufyeJG nf;tm;jzifh xkwaf zmfaom trsm;qE´t& tkycf sKyjf cif;qdo k nfrmS 'Dru kd a&pD\ ta&;ygaom tpdwt f ydik ;f wpfco k m jzpfonf/trsm;jynfol aqG;aEG;jiif;cHjk cif;qdak om aemufcu H m;wGif rwlnaD om tjriftrsK;d rsK;d udk oifw h ifah vsmufywfpmG rQrQww azmfjyjcif;? vlenf;pkrsm;\ &yfwnfcsufESifh tusKd;pD;yGm; rsm;udk umuG,fapmifha&Smufjcif; ponfwdkYrSm 'Drdkua&pDyif jzpfonf/ ,ck rD'D,musifh0wf vrf;ñTefonf 'Drdkua&pDA[k0g' xif[yfNyD; xdkA[k0g' &Sifoefa&;wGif rD'D,mrsm; xrf;&Gu&f aom tcef;u@udv k nf; rD;armif;xd;k ay;&ef &nf&, G yf gonf/ wm0ef,rl &I adS om tpd;k &rsm;? Edik if aH &;orm;rsm;? owif;rD', D morm;rsm;onf vlYtzGUJ tpnf;\ taumif;qHk; tusKd;pD;yGm;udk azmfaqmifay;rnf[laom bHk&yfwnfcsufjzifh vkyfudkif aqmif&GufaeMuaomfvnf; ,if;wdkYtoD;oD;\ tcef;u@rsm;rSmrl uGJjym; jcm;em;onf/ &ifu h suNf yD; aumif;pGmvnfywfaom 'Dru kd &ufwpf vlYtzGUJ tpnf;wpfcw k iG f EdkifiHa&;orm;rsm;ESifh vGwfvyfaom rD'D,mtMum;rS qufqHa&;onf wpfOD;ESifhwpfOD; a&Tvrf;aiGvrf;azmufNyD; tjyeftvSef yg&rDjznfzh ufoabm aqmif&u G af eMuonfr[kw/f ,if;tpm; owdBuD;pGm ar;cGe;f xkwaf eaom? oHo,jzifh apmifMh unfah eaom tajctae rsKd;bufoYkd obm0uspGm yd, k rd ;f aewwfonf/ þusif0h wfvrf;ñTeo f nf rD', D mrsm;udk vGwv f yfpmG vkyu f ikd af qmif&u G Nf yD; tpd;k &rsm;udv k nf; tvG,w f ul vufvrS ;f rDaeap&ef aqmif&Gufay;rnf jzpfonf/ trsm;jynfol tusKd;pD;yGm;ESifhqufpyfaom udpötm;vHk; odydkifcGifh &&Sda&;? trsm;jynfolqdkif&m tzGJUtpnf;rsm;? yk*¾vdu tzGJUtpnf;rsm;ESifh vlyk*d¾Kvfrsm;\ jynfolrsm;tay: oufa&mufapaom vkyfudkifaqmif&GufrIrsm;tm;vHk; owif;xkwjf yefay;a&;wdYk uv kd nf; þvrf;ñTeu f taxmuftul ay;rnfjzpfonf/ owif;rD'D,musifh0wfvrf;ñTefonf owif;wnf;jzwfrIESifh rD'D,mrsm;wGif yHkESdyf xkwfvTifhonfh taMumif;t&mydkif;rsm;ESifh ywfoufNyD; aumifpDu vufcHusifhoHk;rnfh pHcsdepf ñ H eT ;f rsm;udk jy|mef;owfrw S af y;onf/ aumifpo D nf rD', D mavmu\ rdrb d mom xdef;csKyf^xdef;n§drIpepfudk taumiftxnfazmf&ef wm0ef&Sd&m rD'D,mrsm;\ vkyfudkif aqmif&GufrIESifh ywfoufNyD; uefYuGufwdkifMum;rIrsm;udk ukdifwG,fajz&Sif;&eftwGuf þvrf;ñTeu f pHcsed pf n H eT ;f rsm;udk jy|mef;ay;oGm;rnfjzpfonf/ þusi0fh wfvrf;ñTeo f nf owif;pm? *sme,f? a&'D,Ekd iS hf ½kyjf rifoMH um;rStp? aMumfjimtqH;k rD', D myHpk rH sm;tm;vH;k ESihf oufqikd t f usK;H 0ifr&I o dS nf[k rSw, f &l rnf/

11 6

This Code is published as a document in the public domain, accessible to all. This Code should be honoured not only in a formalistic manner but in a way that gives effect to its full meaning. It should neither be interpreted in an unduly narrow manner which renders it ineffective nor so broadly that it unnecessarily undermines freedom of expression or publication in the public interest. It is in the nature of the media that such a Code cannot provide a complete or final guide in all cases. The Council will interpret this Code in the light of all the circumstances of any case and so as best to give effect to its underlying principles. While the Council is willing to give general guidance to media outlets on the Code, it will not comment in advance on individual content (i.e. programmes or articles).

RIGHTS OF INDIVIDUALS AND ROLE OF COUNCIL Any individual who believes that a media outlet has failed to respect the standards set out in this Code of Conduct may lodge a complaint with the Media Council. They may also pursue a complaint directly with the media outlet. The Media Council shall review carefully, and in a timely fashion, all complaints that raise a serious issue as to a possible breach of this Code. It shall provide the concerned media outlet with a copy of any such complaint, and provide both the complainant and the concerned media outlet with an opportunity to make representations. The Media Council shall disseminate publicly and transparently a statement of its findings after investigating any complaint, which shall indicate whether or not it has found a breach of the Code.

13 7

þowif;rD'D,musifh0wf vrf;ñTefonf trsm;jynfolESihf oufqdkifonfhtwGuf rnforl qdk Munf½h aI vhvmEdik af p&rnf/ vrf;ñTeu f kd wnfqOJ ya'rsm;t& w&m;0if pnf;rsO;f pHEeI ;f rsm;tjzpf owfrw S v f ufcH &rnft h jyif vrf;nTe\ f teuft"dymÜ ,fuv kd nf; us,u f s,jf yefYjyefY zGiq hf t kd oH;k jyK&rnf/ þusihf0wfvrf;nTefrsm;udk usOf;ajrmif;pGm zGihfqdkjcif;ESihf tvGefus,fjyefYpGm zGifhqdkjcif; wdkYaMumifh wpfoD;yk*¾v vGwfvyfcGifhrsm;tm; tav;*½krjyKjcif;ESifh trsm;jynfol tusK;d pD;yGm;twGuf vGwv f yfpmG xkwaf zmfajymMum;cGi?hf xkwaf 0jzefYcscd iG rhf sm;tm; rvdt k yfbJ zdEydS yf w d yf ifjcif;rsm; rjzpfap&ef owdjyK&rnf/ owif;rD', D mrsm;\ oabmobm0aMumifh ,ckusi0hf wfvrf;nTeyf g tcsurf sm;onf tjiif;yGm;rIupd t ö m;vH;k ESiyhf wfoufí Ny;D jynfph akH om vrf;ñTerf jI zpfrnf[k wpfxpfcs rrSw, f El ikd af y/ aumifpo D nf tjiif;yGm;rIwikd ;f wGif þusi0hf wfvrf;ñTe\ f tajccHrrl sm;udk taumif;qH;k xif[yfap&eftwGuf xnfhoGif;pOf;pm;p&m&Sdaom tajctaetm;vHk;udk jcHKiHkoHk;oyf pOf;pm;NyD;rS t"dyÜm,fzGifhqdk&rnf/ aumifpDonf þusihf0wfvrf;nTefESifh ywfoufNyD; owif;rD', D mXmersm;udk &Si;f vif;tMuHjyKrrI sm; ay;rnfjzpfaomfvnf; owif;rD', D mrsm;\ rnfonfh a&;om;? xkwfvTifhrIudkrQ wifBudKrSwfcsuf wpfpHkwpf&may;rnf r[kwfyg/ wpfoD;yk*¾vrsm;\ tajccH&ydkifcGifhrsm;ESifh aumifpD\ tcef;u@ rD'D,mXmewpfcku þusifh0wfvrf;ñTefwGif azmfjyxm;aom usifh0wfpHEIef;rsm;udk vdkufemusifhoHk;jcif; r&Sd[k ,lqygu wpfoD;yk*¾vrsm;onf rD'D,maumifpDxHodkY ueYu f u G w f ikd Mf um;Edik o f nf/ odYkr[kwftqdyk g rD', D mXmeodYkvnf; wdu k ½f u kd f apm'uwuf uefYuu G cf sufukd ydYk Eikd o f nf/ þusi0hf wfvrf;ñTeu f kd csK;d azmufonf[k ,lq&aom ta&;BuD; udp&ö yfrsm;twGuf wdik w f ef;csurf sm;tm;vH;k udk aumifpu D *½kwpdu k f tcsed u f u kd f avhvmoH;k oyfNyD; wdik Mf um; cH&ol rD', D mXmeodYkvnf; wdik Mf um;pm rdwLå ay;ydYkrnfjzpfonf/ wdik Mf um;olEiS hf twdik cf rH 'D , D m ESpfckpvHk;udkvnf; wdkifMum;rIESifh ywfoufNyD; udk,fpm;jyK&Sif;vif;&ef aumifpDu tcGit fh a&;rsm; ay;&rnf/ aumifpo D nf wdik Mf um;rIrsm;udk pHpk rf;ppfaq;NyD;aemuf usi0hf wf csKd;azmufjcif; &Sd ^r&Sd[laom ppfaq;awGU&Sdcsufudk trsm;jynfol od&Sd&ef yGifhvif; jrifompGmjzifh xkwjf yefaMunm&rnf/

13 7

Where the Media Council finds that there has been a breach of this Code, it shall first attempt to negotiate a mutually acceptable resolution between the complainant and the concerned media outlet. In terms of remedies, the Council may warn the concerned media outlet and may require it to undertake one or more of the following actions: ·

publish or broadcast a notice acknowledging that it has breached the Code and how;


apologise to the complainant;


issue a correction of factually mistaken statements it had previously published or broadcast;


provide a right of reply to the complainant;


publish or broadcast the decision of the Media Council finding a breach of the code in the concerned media outlet, with due prominence, making it clear that it is a decision of the Council.

The Council will keep the Code under review and will, from time-to-time, update it to reflect changing values and standards, after broad consultation with concerned parties. DUTY OF MEDIA OUTLETS It is the responsibility of media outlets and their editors and publishers to ensure that this Code is implemented properly. They should take care to ensure it is observed not only by all staff, whether or not they are journalists, but also by external actors who contribute to their content. Specifically, all media outlets should ensure that: Ø The content they publish or broadcast complies with the Code. Ø They have adequate systems and procedures in place to fulfil this requirement.

15 8

þusif0h wfvrf;ñTecf sufukd csKd;azmufonf[k azmfxw k af wGU&S&d ygu aumifpo D nf yxrOD;qHk;taejzifh wdkifMum;olESifh wdkifMum;cH&ol rD'D,mXmewdkYtMum; ESpfOD;ESpfzuf vufcEH ikd rf nfh oabmwlnrD I &&S&d eftwGuf ndE§ iId ;f aqmif&u G af y;&rnf/ xdck sK;d azmufru I kd ajz&Si;f &eftwGuf aumifpu D oufqikd &f m rD', D mXmeudk owday;csuf xkwjf yefrnft h jyif atmufygwdkYteufrS wpfck odkYr[kwf trsm;udk aqmif&GufEdkifonf/ (u) rD', D mXmeonf þusi0hf wfvrf;ñTeu f kd csK;d azmufaMumif;ESihf rnfoYcdk sK;d azmufaMumif; &Si;f vif;azmfjyxm;aom aMunmcsufxw k jf yefjcif; odYk r[kwf xkwv f iT jhf cif;? (c) rD', D mXmetaejzifh epfemwdik Mf um;oltm; 0efcsawmif;yefapjcif;? (*) rD'D,mXmetm; ¤if;rSm;,Gif;jzefYcsdcJhaom tcsuftvufrsm;udk jyefvnf jyifqifay;onfh trSm;jyifqifcsuf xkwjf yefapjcif;? (C) rD', D mXmeudk wkYH jyefajz&Si;f &ef wkid Mf um;olrsm;tm; tcGit hf a&;ay;jcif;? (i) rD', D musi0hf wfvrf;ñTeu f kd csK;d azmufaMumif; aumifp\ D ajz&Si;f qH;k jzwfcsuu f kd oufqikd &f m rD', D mXmewGif txift&Sm; xnfo h iG ;f yHEk ydS af pjcif;ESihf xkwv f iT ahf pjcif;? aumifpo D nf þrD', D musi0hf wfrsm;udk tcgtm;avsmpf mG jyefvnfavhvmoH;k oyfaeNyD; ajymif;vJaeaom wefz;kd EIe;f pHrsm;? pHcsed pf ñ H eT ;f rsm;ESit hf nD jyifqifajymif;vJ&ef vdt k yfygu oufqikd o f rl sm;ESihf us,u f s,jf yefYjyefY wdik yf ifaqG;aEG;Ny;D aemuf jyifqifajymif;vJrnf jzpfonf/

rD'D,mXmersm;\ wm0ef0wå&m;rsm; rD', D mXmersm;rS t,f'w D mrsm;ESihf xkwaf 0olrsm;onf þusi0hf wfvrf;ñTeyf g pHEeI ;f rsm; tm;vH;k udk aumif;rGepf mG taumiftxnfazmf aqmif&u G &f ef wm0ef&o dS nf/ *sme,fvpfrsm;ESihf rD'D,mXme&Sd tjcm;0efxrf;rsm;tjyif rD'D,mxkwfa0jzefYcsda&;wGif wpfpHkwpf&m yg0ifywfoufaom jyifyyk*K¾d vt f m;vH;k udv k nf; þusi0hf wfvrf;ñTeu f kd aumif;pGmem;vnf oabmaygufaeap&ef aqmif&u G af y;xm;&rnf/ rD', D mXmersm;onf txl;ojzifh atmufyg wm0ef0wå&m;rsm; &Sad eonf/ (u) yHkESdyfazmfjyaom odkYr[kwf xkwfvTifhaom tcsuftvufrsm;tm;vHk;onf usif0h wfvrf;ñTeEf iS hf udu k n f rD I &S&d rnf/ (c) xdkvdktyfcsufudk aumif;rGefpGm jznfhqnf;ay;Edkifrnfh pepfrsm;ESifh vkyfxHk; vkyef nf;rsm; &Sad e&rnf/

15 8

Ø Personnel involved in producing, acquiring and scheduling media content, including independent producers, are aware of and understand the Code. Ø There is a procedure whereby staff and others listed above can seek guidance on the Code from a senior editor at the media or a manager designated for this purpose. Ø They have in place internal procedures for dealing, promptly, fully and fairly, with any complaints from readers, listeners or viewers. All complaints made directly to a media outlet, and the outlet’s responses, must be retained by the outlet for a year and made available to the Media Council on request. Ø They fully respect any remedial order made by the Media Council based on a decision that they have breached the Code and co-operate swiftly and fully with the Media Council in the resolution of any complaints. THE PROGRAMME CODE 1

Accuracy, balance and fairness


Media outlets have a duty to be balanced, impartial and fair in the treatment of news and current affairs. This implies that media outlets report and interpret news and current affairs honestly, and take care not publish or broadcast content which is inaccurate or distorted, or which may mislead or confuse readers, viewers or listeners.


If a significant inaccurate, misleading or distorted statement is published or broadcast, it should be corrected promptly, with due prominence and as close as possible in terms of place and time to the original statement and, if appropriate, a right of reply should be given to any individual or organisation directly affected by the inaccuracy.

17 9





rD', D mXmetwGi;f rSjzpfap? jyifyrSjzpfap rD', D mxkwv f yk rf I wpfcck u k kd xkwaf 0jcif;? &,ljcif;ESihf pDpOfjcif;wGif yg0ifot l m;vH;k þusi0hf wfukd aumif;pGm em;vnf oabmaygufNyD; jzpfae&rnf/ txufwGif azmfjyxm;aom yk*¾dKvftm;vHk;onf usifh0wfvrf;ñTefESifh ywfoufaom tMuOH mPfEiS hf ñTeMf um;csurf sm;udk tBu;D wef;t,f'w D m odYrk [kwf owfrSwf wm0efay;tyfxm;aom refae*smwpfOD;OD;xHrS &,lEdkif&ef vkyfxHk;vkyfenf;rsm;udk xm;&Sd&rnf/ pmzwfol? em;qifolESifh ½Ipm;olrsm;xHrS a0zefwdkifMum;rIrsm; tm;vHk;udk tcsdefrqdkif;bJ tjynfht0ESifh rQrQwwudkifwG,fajz&Sif;Edkifrnfh pepfwpfck rD'D,mXmewkdif;wGif &Sd&efvdktyfonf/ rD'D,mXmeodkY ay;ydkYvmaom wkdifMum;csufrsm;ESifh rD'D,mbufrS jyefvnfwkHYjyefajz&Sif;rIrsm; tm;vHk;udk wpfEpS w f w d d rSww f rf;wif xde;f odr;f xm;&rnfjzpfNy;D aumifprD S awmif;cHvmygu xdrk w S w f rf;rsm;udk xkwaf y;&rnf/ wdkifMum;csufESifhywfoufonfh rD'D,maumifpD\ tNyD;owfajz&Sif;onfh qHk;jzwfcsufudk rD'D,mXmersm;u tjynfht0 av;pm;vdkufem&rnf/ wdik Mf um;csuu f kd ajz&Si;f onfh qH;k jzwfcsuEf iS hf ywfoufNyD; rD', D mXmersm;onf aumifpED iS hf tjynft h 0? aESmifah ES;jcif; vH;k 0r&Sb d J yl;aygif;aqmif&u G &f rnf/

rD'D,mtpDtpOfrsm;qdkif&m usifh0wfrsm; 1/ wdusrI? bufrvdkufrIESifh rQwrI 1.1? owif;rsm;? rsuaf rSmufjzpf&yfrsm;ESihf ywfoufNyD; bufrvdu k b f J [efcsun f n D D rQwpGm udkifwG,faqmif&Guf&rnf/ owif;ESifhrsufarSmufjzpfpOfrsm;tm; a&;om;wifjy jcif;ESihf t"dymÜ ,fziG q hf jkd cif;udk ½d;k om;pGmaqmif&u G &f rnf/ rwdusaom? teufaumufvJG apaom? yHzk sufxm;aom tcsuftvufrsm;udk a&;om;xkwv f iT jhf cif; rjyKvky&f yg/ 1.2? tu,fí rwdusaom? teufaumufvGJapaom? yHkzsufxm;aom tcsut f vufrsm;udk azmfjyrdyguvnf; tcsed rf qdik ;f bJ jyifqifcsux f w k jf yef&rnf/ xdo k Ykd jyifqifcsuf xkwjf yef&mwGiv f nf; rlvazmfjycsuEf iS hf teD;pyfq;kH ae&mwGif ay:vGix f if&mS ;pGm tjrefq;kH jyifqifazmfjyay;&rnf/ xdrk wdusraI Mumifh xdcu kd Ef ikd af om vl^tzGUJ tpnf;rsm; tm;vH;k udv k nf; jyefvnfajz&Si;f wkYH jyef aqmif&u G cf iG ahf y;&rnf/

17 9


Broadcasters should not ‘editorialise’ (that is, express partisan views which may be taken as those of the broadcaster) while print media outlets should limit editorialising to explicit editorial content (i.e. this should be avoided in news and current affairs reporting).


For content which appears in a regular pattern (i.e. a repeat broadcast or a column in a newspaper), it is balance may be achieved across the series, rather than in every individual programme or article. For other content, balance achieved over a reasonable period of time is acceptable. ‘Authored’ content which presents an individual’s personal view should be clearly identified as such.


Media outlets should report fairly the result of any legal action brought against them or any legal or regulatory judgement made against them.


Politics and elections


Media outlets should aim to reflect the diversity of political opinion in society and to enable free and open debate on matters of public concern. Coverage of the positions and views of political parties should broadly reflect their representation in society, particularly during election campaigns.


Content published or broadcast by or on behalf of political parties should always be identified as such.


Media outlets should not allow active politicians – including individuals who have been elected or are running for an elected position or who are employees or office bearers of political parties – to appear as newscasters, interviewers or reporters in news programmes and, in other contexts, the party allegiance of active politicians should be clearly identified. This obligation is of particular importance during elections.

10 19

1.3? ½ky^f oH xkwv f iT o hf rl sm;onf rdr\ d tmabmfrsm;udk xnfo h iG ;f xkwv f iT rhf I rjyKoif/h (ygwDpt JG ,ltqrsm;udk xkwv f iT o hf \ l oabmxm;tjzpf ,lqapEdik o f nfh tmabmfrsm; rxnfh&/) yHkESdyfxkwfa0olrsm;onf t,f'Dwmh tmabmfrsm;udk tuefYtowfjzifhom aqmif&GufNyD; a&;ol\oabmxm;tjrifjzpfaMumif; xif&Sm;pGmazmfjy&rnf/ owif;ESifh rsufarSmufa&;&m tpDtpOfrsm;wGif a&;ol\ oabmxm;tjrifrsm; yg0ifjcif;udk a&Smif&Sm;&rnf/ 1.4? a&;om;azmfjyxkwv f iT ahf vh&adS om aqmif;yg;wpfcck si;f pD^ tpDtpOfwpfcck si;f pDwiG f rQwrI&Sd&efxuf yHkrSefpOfqufrjywf azmfjyaomtpDtpOfrsm;^owif;rsm; (Oyrm- ½kyf^ oHviT hf tpDtpOfwpf&yf odYkr[kwf owif;pmwpfapmif\ yHrk eS u f @ azmfjycsuw f pf&yf)udk jcHKiHkMunfhonfhtcg rQw&efvdkonf/ tjcm;azmfjy^xkwfvTifhaomu@rsm;wGifvnf; oifhavsmfaom tcsdefumvtwdkif;twm wpfcktwGif; jcHKMunfhygu rQwaeaom taMumif;t&mrsm;ukd xnfhoGif;ay;vQif vHkavmufonf/ pma&;q&m\ wpfoD;yk*v ¾ tjrifukd xif[yfaom u@rsm;wGiv f nf; pma&;ol\tmabmfomjzpfaMumif; &Si;f vif;pGm azmfjyay;&rnf/ 1.5? rD', D mXmersm;onf rdrw d Ydku, kd w f idk f w&m;pGjJ cif;cH&vQiyf if xdo k wif;udk rQwpGm a&;om;xkwv f iT &hf rnf/ 2/ EdkifiHa&;ESifha&G;aumufyGJrsm; 2.1? rD'D,mXmersm;onf vlYtzGJUtpnf;twGif; rwluGJjym;pGm &Sdaeaom EdkifiHa&; t,ltqrsm;udk xif[yfazmfjyay;&rnfjzpfNyD; trsm;jynfot l usK;d pD;yGm;ESihf oufqikd af om udp&ö yfrsm;udk vGwv f yfyiG v hf if;pGm aqG;aEG;jiif;cHEk ikd af p&ef aqmif&u G af y;&rnf/ txl;ojzifh a&G;aumufyrJG q J , G u f mvrsm;wGif Edik if aH &;ygwDrsm;\ &yfwnfcsurf sm;ESihf Edik if aH &; t,l tqrsm;udk azmfjy&mwGif vlYtzGUJ tpnf;twGi;f xdyk gwDrsm;\ ud, k pf m;jyKaqmif&u G af erIrsm; xif[yfay:vGiaf p&ef us,u f s,jf yefYjyefYazmfjyoifo h nf/ 2.2? EdkifiHa&;ygwDrsm;udk,fwdkif odkYr[kwf ,if;wdkYudk,fpm; a&;om;xkwfvTifhaom taMumif;t&mrsm;udkvnf; ygwDrsm;\ a&;om;xkwfvTifhcsufjzpfaMumif; xif&Sm;pGm azmfjy&rnf/ 2.3? Edik if aH &;wGif vuf&ydS g0ifaqmif&u G af eolrsm; (a&G;aumufcH ud, k pf m;vS,rf sm;? udk,fpm;vS,favmif;rsm;? EdkifiHa&;ygwDrsm;rS 0efxrf;rsm;ESifh ygwDwm0ef&Sdolrsm;)onf owif;tpDtpOf xkwv f iT o hf rl sm;? tifwmAsL;orm;rsm;ESihf owif;axmufrsm;tjzpf owif; tpDtpOfrsm;wGif aqmif&Gufjcif;rjyK&/ tjcm;aomu@rsm;wGif aqmif&Gufyguvnf; ,if;wdYk \ ygwDaemufcrH sm;udk &Si;f vif;pGm azmfjyay;&rnf/

19 10


Leaked and restricted content and the protection of sources


Where media outlets receive leaked official and other content, for example from politicians or civil servants, it is their professional duty to publish or broadcast this content, where this is in the public interest and where they are legally allowed to do so. This Code supports that duty.


Media outlets have a moral obligation to protect confidential sources of information and to respect confidences knowingly and willingly accepted in the course of their work. This Code supports that obligation.


In cases of national emergency, media outlets may wish to limit disclosure of sensitive information in order to avoid danger to life (e.g. of armedservices personnel in wartime) or to public safety. This Code supports media outlets’ right to make such choices.


Embargoes on the release of content until a certain time which are imposed by the originator of that content (such as an embargo on a press release) should be respected unless the originator makes the content public, after which media outlets may also publish or broadcast it.


The laws of copyright and intellectual property should be observed, recognising that these allow for extracts or quotations from works to be carried in the media as long as attribution is given.


Identification and attribution of content


Media outlets should make a clear distinction between fact, comment and speculation. Care should be taken over the use of recognised media figures, such as newscasters, in other programme contexts and especially in advertisements.


Content which has been provided to media outlets by government, by other official sources, by commercial concerns, by campaigning organisations or by members of the public should, subject to the obligation to on confidential sources, be identified as such.

21 11

3/ aygufMum;vmaom taMumif;t&mrsm;? uefYowf owif;tcsuftvufrsm;ESifh owif;&if;jrpfudk umuG,fjcif; 3.1? rD', D mXmewpfco k nf aygufMum;vmaom Xmeqdik &f mESihf tjcm;owif;tcsuf tvufrsm; (Oyrm EdkifiHa&;orm;rsm;ESifh jynfolY0efxrf;rsm;xHrS tcsuftvufrsm;)ukd trsm;jynfol tusKd;pD;yGm;jzpfaponf[k cdkifvHkygu vlod&SifMum; xkwfazmf&rnfh ya&mfzuf&iS ef ,f wm0ef&o dS nf/ rD', D musif0h wfu þwm0ef0wå&m;udk axmufco H nf/ 3.2? rD'D,mXmersm;onf vQKdU0Suftyfaom owif;&if;jrpfrsm;udk umuG,fay;&ef usifh0wft& wm0ef&SdNyD; rD'D,mvkyfief;pOfwpf&yfvHk;wGif xdkvQKdU0Sufcsufudk tod&Sd&Sd av;pm;vdu k ef m&ef vdt k yfonf/ xdo k Ykd umuG,af y;&ef wm0ef&rdS u I kd þrD', D musi0hf wfu axmufco H nf/ 3.3? Edik if aH wmftqifh ta&;ay:tajctae usa&mufaomtcgrsm;wGif rD', D mXmersm; taejzifh touftEÅ&m,f&rdS I (Oyrm ppfumvtwGi;f ppfa&;wm0ef&o dS rl sm;udk razmfjyjcif;) odYkr[kwf jynfov l x l \ k touft;kd tdrv f jkH cHKa&;udk xdcu kd Ef ikd af om owif;tcsut f vuf rsm;udk razmfxw k b f J uefYowfxm;Edik o f nf/ rD', D musi0hf wfu rD', D mrsm;\ xko d Ykd rdrd oabmtavsmuf a&G;cs,faqmif&u G rf u I kd todtrSwjf yKvufco H nf/ 3.4? owif;xkwfjyef&ef tcsdefuefYowfxm;aom owif;rsm;udk vuf0,f&&Sd xm;aomfvnf; rl&if;owif;xkwfjyefolu owfrSwfxm;aom tcsdefa&mufrSom xkwjf yef&rnf/ 3.5? rlydkifcGifhOya'ESifh ÓPypönf;ydkifqdkifrI Oya'rsm;udk av;pm;vdkufem&rnf/ rlyikd cf iG &hf adS om taMumif;t&mrsm;rS aumufEw k cf su?f ud;k um;csurf sm;udo k m rl&if;ydik &f iS o f Ykd ñTe;f qdNk yD; xnfo h iG ;f azmfjycGi&hf adS Mumif; od&&dS rnf/ 4/ owif;rD'D,mwGifazmfjyaom taMumif;t&mrsm;udk cGJjcm;owfrSwfjcif;ESifh trsKd;tpm;tvdkuf tñTef;jyKjcif; 4.1? owif;rD'D,mXmersm;onf tcsuftvufrsm;? rSwfcsufpum;rsm;ESifh rSef;q a[mude;f xkwrf rI sm;udk &Si;f vif;uGjJ ym;pGm azmfjy&rnf/ txl;ojzifh vlord sm;aom owif; aMunmolrsm;udk tjcm;aomtpDtpOfrsm;ESifh pD;yGm;a&;aMumfjimrsm;wGif toHk;jyKjcif;udk owdjyKoifo h nf/ 4.2? owif;&if;jrpfukd vHjk cHKpmG xde;f odr;f &rnfqakd om usi0fh wfEiS rhf qefYusiv f Qif tpd;k &? tjcm;w&m;0ifowif;&if;jrpfrsm;? pD;yGm;a&;vkyif ef;rsm;? tzGUJ tpnf;rsm;ESihf trsm;jynforl S rD'D,mXmersm;odkY ay;ydkYvmaom owif;tcsuftvufrsm;tm; rnfonfht&if;tjrpfrS &&So d nfukd xif&mS ;pGm azmfjyxnfo h iG ;f &rnf/

11 21


Where this is likely to play a positive role in the control or alleviation of natural disasters, media outlets may wish to transmit official announcements, instructions or advice; in this case, their nature and origin should be made clear.


Privacy and the public interest


The publication or broadcasting of information about the private or family lives of individuals without their consent is acceptable only where this is justified in the public interest.


Normally, consent should be obtained before a recording or picture is taken of an individual in a private place, defined as a place where the individual has a reasonable expectation of privacy. This is without prejudice to the dissemination, in the public interest, of images of individuals where it is impractical to obtain consent, for example in a crowded location. When such content is used to illustrate a specific point, care should be taken not to associate an identifiable individual with a potentially damaging implication (such as a medical statistic or an extreme political opinion).


Grief, bereavement and distress


Media workers should approach people in extreme distress or suffering from personal grief or shock with sensitivity and discretion. This is without prejudice to the right of media outlets to report on legal proceedings, including investigations into crimes and procedures taking place before courts and other bodies with the power to impose legally binding remedies.


Harassment, pursuit and covert recording


Media outlets should not seek interviews or information by intimidation, harassment or coercion.

12 23

4.3? obm0ab;tEÅ&m,frsm; usa&mufrrI sK;d uJo h Ykdaom tjzpfq;kd rsm;ESihf ywfoufí rD'D,mrsm;taejzifh tjyKoabmaqmifaom tcef;u@wGifom &Sdoifhonf/ tpdk;&\ w&m;0if aMunmcsurf sm;? ñTeMf um;csurf sm;ESihf tMuHjyKcsurf sm;udk wpfqifjh zefYjzL;vdyk gu &if;jrpfEiS hf taMumif;t&mudk &Si;f vif;pGm xnfo h iG ;f azmfjy&rnf/ 5/ udk,fa&;vGwfvyfcGifhESifh trsm;jynfoltusKd;pD;yGm; 5.1? trsm;jynfol tusK;d pD;yGm;twGujf zpfonf[k txift&Sm;jyEdik v f Qif vlwpfO;D csi;f ESihf rdom;pkrsm;\ yk*v ¾ dub0qdkif&m owif;tcsuftvufrsm;udk ,if;wkdY\ oabmwl cGifhjyKcsufrygbJ a&;om;azmfjyjcif; odkYr[kwf xkwfvTifhjcif;udk jyKvkyfEdkifonf/ 5.2? vlyk*¾dKvfrsm; taejzifh udk,fa&;vGwfvyfcGifh&Sdrnf[k aMumif;usKd;nDñGwfpGm arQmfvifhEkdifaomae&mrsm;wGif vlyk*d¾Kvfrsm;tm; BudKwifcGifhjyKcsuf awmif;cHjcif;rjyKbJ toH? AD'D,dkrSwfwrf;wifjcif;ESifh "mwfyHk½dkufjcif; rjyK&yg/ odkY&mwGif trsm;jynfol tusK;d pD;yGm;twGuf jzpfygu BudKwifciG jhf yKcsuaf wmif;cH&ef vufawGUwGif rjzpfEikd af om tajctaersm; (Oyrm - vltyk Mf um;xJ)wGif cGijhf yKcsurf awmif;bJ rSww f rf;wifEikd o f nf/ xdk½kyfyHkrsm;udk taMumif;t&mwpf&yf ñTef;qdk&eftwGuf toHk;jyKaomtcgwGif xif&mS ;olrsm;udk ¤if;wkY\ d *kPo f a&xdcu kd af prnfh taMumif;t&mrsm;ESihf ,SOw f aJG zmfjyjcif;udk owdjyK qifjcif&rnf/ (Oyrm-usef;rma&; csdKU,Gif;rIESifh tpGef;a&muf EkdifiHa&; t,ltqqdkif&m owif;tcsuftvufrsm;ponf) 6/ 0rf;enf;aMuuGJjcif;? aoqHk;jcif;ESifh ab;'ku©a&mufjcif; 6.1? ab;'ku©a&mufaeolrsm;? 0rf;enf;aMuuGJaeolrsm;? yk*v ¾ xdcdkufemusifrIESifh wkev f yI af csmufcsm;rI MuHKawGYaeolrsm;udk csO;f uyf&mwGif pmemem;vnfrEI iS hf owdjyKqifjcif &rnf/ odYkaomf owif;azmfjy&mwGif Oya'aMumif;&mjzpfpOfrsm;udk tpD&ifcjH cif; udp&ö yfrsm;? &mZ0wfrIrsm;udk pHkprf;ppfaq;jcif;ESifh w&m;½Hk; odkYr[kwf Oya't& twnfjzpfonfh ajz&Si;f qH;k jzwfcsurf sm;udk ay;Edik o f nfh tzGUJ tpnf;rsm;\ vkyx f ;kH vkyef nf;rsm;udk BuKd wift[efY twm; rjzpfap&/ 7/ rS w f w rf ; ,l & mwG i f um,d a `E´ x d y g;jcif ; ? twif ; tusyf & ,l j cif ; ES i f h acsmif;ajrmif;&,ljcif; 7.1? yHrk eS t f m;jzifh rD', D mrsm;onf tifwmAsL;ESihf owif;tcsut f vuf rSww f rf;rsm; &,l&mwGif Ncdr;f ajcmufjcif;? rzG,rf &mjyKvyk jf cif;ESihf twif;tusyf zdtm;ay; aqmif&u G jf cif; rjyK&/

12 23


Media workers should not, unless this is justified in the public interest, use deception, including by using people who are close to the individual to get information from them orpersist in questioning, telephoning, pursuing or photographing individuals once asked to desist or remain on their property when asked to leave, or follow people in these cases.


The use of covert technical recording tools, such as concealed cameras or microphones, to obtain covert recordings is not legitimate unless the content so gathered: is of legitimate public interest; is essential to the credibility and authority of the piece; and could not have been obtained or obtained safely by any other legitimate means; and the practice has been explicitly approved by a senior editor, provided that this latter requirement may be waived in emergency situations.


In set-up situations, such as ‘candid camera’ formats in television entertainment, where a specific individual’s behaviour is recorded without their knowledge or prior warning, their consent should be sought before the content is transmitted. Its use without their permission can be justified only if this is necessary to make an important point of public interest, and this should be approved at a senior editorial level.


Individuals should be told when a telephone conversation is being recorded for media purposes, except when the provisions for covert recording apply.




Media outlets should normally use straightforward means to obtain information, identifying themselves as journalists and their organisation. The use of a false identity or similar techniques is justified only where disclosure is in the public interest and the content could not have been obtained by any other means.

13 25

7.2? trsm;jynfol tusK;d pD;yGm;twGujf zpfaMumif; tcdik t f rmoufaojyEkid jf cif; r&Syd gu vSnjhf zm;aomenf;jzifh csOf;uyfjcif;? Oyrm um,uH&iS Ef iS hf eD;pyfaomolrsm;xH owif; tvdkYiSm csOf;uyfjcif;? tajzr&rcsif; ar;cGef;ar;jref;jcif;? zkef;qufjcif;? aemufrS vdkufjcif;wdkYwGif um,uH&iS u f jiif;qdjk cif; odYk r[kwf ydik ef uftwGi;f rS xGucf mG oGm;&ef awmif;qdjk cif; cH&Ny;D aemuf qufvufaqmif&u G jf cif; rjyKvyk &f / xdo k Ykjd zpfNy;D aemufwiG v f nf; xdyk *k Kd¾ vfrsm;xHoYkd xyfrcH sOf;uyfjcif; rjyKvkyo f ifah y/ 7.3? vQKdU0Suu f ifr&mrsm;ESihf toHzrf;pufrsm;oH;k jcif;wdYk tygt0if vQdKU0Suo f wif; axmufvrS ;f aom enf;ynmrsm;udk oH;k &mwGiv f nf; xdo k Ykd&,laom tcsut f vufrw S w f rf; onf trsm;jynfot l usK;d pD;yGm;twGujf zpfaMumif; taotcsmoufaojyEdik jf cif;? owif;\ w&m;0ifrEI iS hf cdik v f rkH eS u f efrt I wGuf tvGet f a&;ygaom tcsut f vufjzpfjcif;? tjcm;aom w&m;0ifenf;vrf;rsm;jzifh &&SEd ikd &f ef vH;k 0rjzpfEikd jf cif;paom tajctaersm;wGif tBuD;wef; t,f'Dwmu wdus&Sif;vif;pGm oabmwlcGifhjyKrSom w&m;0ifaqmif&GufydkifcGifh&Sdonf/ odY&k mwGif ta&;ay:tajctaersm;ü tBu;D wef;t,f'w D m\ cGijhfyKcsurf ,lbJ aqmif&u G Ef ikd jf y;D ,if;odYk aqmif&u G &f aMumif;udk oufqidk &f mt,f'w D mxH vsifjrefpmG owif;ay;ydYk &rnf/ 7.4? ½kyo f o H wif;rD', D mrsm;wGif tpDtpOfpwifr½du k u f ;l rD uifr&m prf;oyfwyfqifcsed üf cGijhf yKcsurf ,lbJ odYkr[kwf vltrsm; owdrrlrb d J ½ku d u f ;l aomjzwfyikd ;f rsm;udk jyefvnfxw k f vTirhf nfqykd gu cGijhf yKcsuaf wmif;cHNy;D rS jyefvnfxw k v f iT &hf rnf/ cGijhf yKcsurf &bJ xkwv f iT rhf nf qdyk guvnf; trsm;jynfol tusK;d pD;yGm;jzpfaMumif; tcdik t f rm oufaojyEdik &f rnft h jyif tBuD;wef;t,f'w D m\ oabmwlciG jhf yKcsufvnf; vdt k yfonf/ 7.5? tBu;D wef;t,f'w D mu vQKUd 0Sut f oHzrf;&ef w&m;0if cGijhfyKaom tajctaersK;d rSty w,fvzD ek ;f qufo, G af jymqdrk rI sm;udk toHzrf;,lrnfqykd gu owif;&if;jrpfrsm;xH BudKwif today;&rnf/ 8/ ta,mifaqmif? vSnfhpm;jcif; 8.1? owif;tcsut f vufrsm;ukd &&S&d eftwGuf rdrrd nforl nf0gqdo k nfEiS hf rnfonfh tzGJUtpnf;udk udk,fpm;jyKaMumif; &Sif;vif;pGmazmfjyNyD; ½dk;ajzmifhpGm aqmif&Guf&rnf/ trsm;jynfol tusK;d pD;yGm;jzpfaMumif; tcdik t f rmoufaojyEdik Nf yD; tjcm;enf;vrf;rsm;jzifh owif;&&SdEdkifjcif; r&Sdaom tajctaersKd;rSty trnfemr vSD;vTJajymqdkjcif;ESifh tjcm; r½d;k ajzmifah om enf;vrf;rsm; toH;k rjyK&/

13 25




Conventional interviews should be arranged, conducted and edited fairly and honestly. Interviewees are entitled to know in advance the format and subject (although not necessarily the detailed content) of the interview, and whether, for broadcasters, it will be live or recorded.


If a prospective interviewee attempts to impose conditions on an interview (for example by refusing to appear with other interviewees, by insisting that the contribution not be edited or by demanding a list of questions for vetting in advance), the media outlet may withdraw the invitation. Any conditions which are accepted may be made clear to the audience.


Anyone has an absolute right to refuse to take part in a programme or interview. If they do so, their refusal should be described to the audience in neutral terms (such as ‘declined our invitation’ or ‘was unavailable for comment’). The media outlet may publish or broadcast the known views of a non-participant, provided this is done in a fair and balanced way.


The presentation and/or editing of an interview should not distort or misrepresent the views of the interviewee, or suggest that he or she said something he or she did not.


There should be sound public interest reasons for allowing an interviewee to be presented anonymously.


‘Doorstepping’, i.e. catching people unaware for an interview, should be resorted to only when a direct approach has failed provided that where a direct approach might lead to the suppression of public interest information this requirement may be waived.

14 27

9/ tifwmAsL;jcif; 9.1? orm;½dk;us tifwmAsL;rsm;udk pDpOfjcif;? ar;jref;jcif;ESifh wnf;jzwfjcif;wdkYudk rQw? ½d;k ajzmifph mG aqmif&u G &f rnf/ tifwmAsL; ajzqdrk nfo h rl sm;onfvnf; tifwmAsL;\ tpDtpOfypkH EH iS hf taMumif;t&mrsm;udk BudKwifoyd ikd cf iG &hf o dS nf/ (taMumif;t&m tao;pdwf BudKwifajymxm;&ef rvd/k ) ½kyo f t H ifwmAsL; jzpfygu wdu k ½f u kd x f w k v f iT rhf nf odYk r[kwf rSww f rf;wifrnfukd BudKwiftoday;xm;&rnf/ 9.2? tu,fí tifwmAsL;cH&ef vsmxm;aomolu tifwmAsL;ESiyhf wfoufNyD;? vdv k m; aomtcsurf sm; (tjcm;tifwmAsL;cH yk*Kd¾vrf sm;ESihf twl,OS w f aJG zmfjyjcif;udk BuKd wifjiif;qdjk cif;? wpfpw kH pf&m wnf;jzwfjcif;rjyK&ef awmif;qdjk cif;? ar;cGe;f rsm;udk a&G;cs,af jzMum;&eftwGuf BuKd wifay;ydY&k ef awmif;qdjk cif;ponf)udk twif;tusyf awmif;qdv k mygu owif;rD', D mXme onf tifwmAsL;&ef urf;vSr;f csuu f kd ½kyo f rd ;f Ekid o f nf/ xdak wmif;qdck surf sm;udk vdu k af vsmcJh yguvnf; rnfonft h csurf sm;udk vdu k af vsmcJah Mumif; a&;om;xkwv f iT &hf mwGif &Si;f vif;pGm xnfo h iG ;f azmfjy&rnf/ 9.3? rnforl qdk rD', D mtpDtpOfrsm;ESihf tifwmAsL;rsm;wGif yg0ifjcif;udk jiif;qd&k ef tcGit hf a&;&So d nf/ xdo k Ykjd iif;qdak Mumif;udv k nf; tjcm;t"dymÜ ,fwpfpw kH pf&m oufa&mufjcif; r&Sad om toH;k tEIe;f rsm;jzifh rD', D mwGif azmfjyEdik o f nf/ (Oyrm-tifwmAsL; urf;vSr;f jcif; udk jiif;qdo k nf? rSwcf suw f pfpw kH pf&m ay;Edik jf cif;r&Syd g ponf)/ rD', D mrsm;onf wdu k ½f u kd f tifwmAsL;xm;jcif; r&So d rl sm;\ vlox d if&mS ; xkwaf zmfajymMum;xm;NyD;jzpfaom rSwcf suf rsm;udk [efcsufnrD QwpGm xnfo h iG ;f azmfjyEdik o f nf/ 9.4? tifwmAsL;wifqufjcif;ESihf wnf;jzwfjcif;wdYw k iG f tifwmAsL;ajzqdo k \ l oabmxm; &yfwnfcsufrsm;udk yHzk sufjcif; odYk r[kwf rrSerf uef jyefvnfazmfjyjcif; rjyKvky&f / 9.5? trsm;jynfol tusK;d pD;yGm;jzpfaMumif; cdik v f o kH nfh taMumif;jycsurf &Sb d J tifwmAsL; ajzqdo k u l kd trnfrazmfvo kd t l jzpf ajzqdck iG rhf jyK&/ 9.6? trsm;jynfol tusK;d pD;yGm;twGuf vdt k yfaom owif;tcsut f vufrsm;&,l&mwGif wdkuf½dkufcsOf;uyf&ef rjzpfEkdifjcif;? odkYr[kwf wdkuf½dkufcsOf;uyfygu taxmuftxm; qH;k ½I;H jcif;ESihf owif;xdecf sejf cif;wdYk jzpfEikd af om tajctaersK;d rSty BuKd wiftaMumif;rMum;bJ a&Smifwcif tifwmAsL;ar;jref;jcif;udk a&SmifMuOf&rnf/

14 27




Media outlets should avoid any discriminatory, derogatory or patronising reference to people’s race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation or preference, age, physical or mental disability or illness.


The characteristics listed above (race, colour, etc.) should not be identified in media content except where this is directly relevant or adds significantly to readers’, listeners’ or viewers’ understanding. Particular care should be taken regarding references to vulnerable minorities.


Media outlets are free to report and comment on all matters of public interest, but they should take care not to encourage or promote racial, ethnic or sectarian hatred or discord, including by one-sided reporting on ethnic tensions.




Media outlets should respect the special place which religions are likely to hold in the lives of their adherents. Sensitive and balanced treatment of religious themes is particularly important in a multi-faith society like Myanmar, and media outlets should be aware of the offence which can be caused to believers by casual, gratuitous and expletive references to religious figures.


Religious programmes which are broadcast on television or radio should not proselytise or attempt to influence the audience by preying on their fears, by making claims about individuals or groups which cannot be substantiated, or by denigrating the religious beliefs of others.

15 29

10/ cGJjcm;qufqHjcif; 10.1? vlrsK;d ? tom;ta&mif? ud;k uG,, f MkH unfr?I vdi?f vdiw f rd ;f ñTwrf ?I touft&G,?f ud, k u f m,ydik ;f ESihf pdwyf ikd ;f qdik &f m roefprG ;f rI? emruse;f rIwYkEd iS hf ywfoufNy;D cGjJ cm;qufqjH cif;? xdcu kd ef pfemapjcif;ESihf ESrd cfh sjcif; t"dymÜ ,foufa&mufapaom rnfonft h oH;k tEIe;f ? wifqufrI rsKd;udrk Q rjyKvky&f / 10.2? owif;wifjyrIwiG f wdu k ½f u kd o f ufqikd jf cif;? zwf½o I ?l em;qif Munf½h o I rl sm;\ taMumif;t&mtay: em;vnfru I kd xl;xl;uJuJ oufa&mufapjcif;&Sad om tajctaersm;rSty txuf(10.1)yg 0daoorsm;udk rD', D mrsm;wGif xnfo h iG ;f azmfjyjcif; rjyK&/ xdcu kd v f , G af om tkyfpkrsm;tm; txuf(10.1)yg 0daoo&nfñTef;csufrsm;jzifh wGJzufazmfjyrnfqkdygu txl; *½kjyKoifhonf/ 10.3? rD', D mrsm;onf trsm;jynfol tusK;d pD;yGm;ESihf qufpyfaom rnfonft h aMumif; t&mudkrqdk vGwfvyfpGm azmfjycGifhESifh a0zefoHk;oyfcGifh&Sdonf/ odkY&mwGif vlrsKd;a&; y#dyu©rsm;ü bufwpfzufwnf;rS owif;a&;jcif;tygt0if vlrsK;d a&; odYrk [kwf tkypf t k csi;f csi;f trke;f w&m;rsm;ESihf oabmuGv J rJG rI sm;udk tm;ay;vIYHaqmfjcif; rjyKrad p&ef txl;owdjyK&rnf/ 11/ udk;uG,f,HkMunfrI 11.1? rD', D mrsm;onf ud;k uG,, f MkH unforl sm;\ oufqikd &f m bmomw&m;? t,l toD;oD;\ ta&;ygrIukd aumif;pGmem;vnfav;pm;&rnf/ jrefrmEdik if u H o hJ Ykd ud;k uG,, f MkHunfrI trsKd;pHkpGm &Sdaeaom vlYtzGJUtpnf;rsm;wGif bmoma&;qdkif&m taMumif;t&mrsm;ESifh ywfoufNyD; em;vnfr&I &dS EdS iS hf rQwaom a&;om;wifqufrrI sK;d rSm txl;ta&;wBuD; vdt k yf onf/ bmoma&;ESiq hf ikd af om taMumif;t&m? vly*k Kd¾ vrf sm;ESiyhf wfoufNyD; r&nf&, G af om trSm;rsm;? rvdt k yfbJ wifpm;cdik ;f EdiI ;f rIrsm;ESihf xdyg;rIrsm;onf ud;k uG,, f MkH unforl sm;udk rnfoYkdxcd u kd af pmfum;rIrsm; jzpfaponfukd aumif;pGmem;vnf*½kjyK&rnf/ 11.2? ½kyo f EH iS hf a&'D,rkd sm;wGif xkwv f iT ahf om bmoma&;qdik &f m tpDtpOfrsm;onfvnf; em,lorl sm;udk taMumufw&m;oH;k NyD; MoZmvTr;f &ef BudK;pm;jcif;? vufawGUoufaojy? taumiftxnfazmf&ef rjzpfEidk af om obm0vGew f efc;kd xl;rsm;udk wpfO;D csif; odYk r[kwf tkypf v k u kd &f Ekid rf nf[k a<u;aMumf? a[majymjcif; odYkr[kwf tjcm;bmom0ifrsm;udk xdyg;? ESrd cf sjcif;rsm; vH;k 0r&Sad p&/

15 29

12 12.1

Strong language The gratuitous use of strong swearwords or obscene or blasphemous language should be avoided. The dissemination of such terms is justified only where it is essential to the audience’s understanding, including because it forms part of a direct quotation, or to the dramatic development of a story.

13 13.1

The involvement of children Children (see notes for definition) should not be interviewed in the absence of, or without the consent of, a parent or other adult responsible for the child, unless this is justified in the public interest, including because the child does not have a parent or guardian. Children should not be approached or interviewed at school without the permission of the headmaster or headmistress or concerned teacher. The dissemination through the media without consent of content about a child’s private life cannot be justified solely by the fame, prominence or position of his or her parents. Children should not be paid or otherwise compensated (for example by giving a gift) to obtain content relating to the child’s welfare, and parents and guardians should not be paid or otherwise compensated for content about their children or wards, unless this is clearly in the child’s interest.

13.2 13.3


14 14.1


Victims of sexual crimes Victims of sexual crimes should not be identified, or content published or broadcast from which their identity is likely to be inferred, and children should not be identified where they are appearing as witnesses in sexual offence cases, unless this is permitted by law and can also be justified in the public interest. Reports of cases alleging sexual offences against a child may identify an involved adult but may not identify the child or include facts which imply a close relationship between an accused adult and a child victim, unless this is permitted by law and can also be justified in the public interest.

16 31

12/ jyif;xefMurf;wrf;aom bmompum;toHk;tEIef; 12.1? ½keYf&if;Murf;wrf;aom? npfnrf;aom? ,kwn f ahH om teuft"dymÜ ,fxu G o f nfh pum;vHk;rsm;tm; rvdktyfbJ oHk;pGJjcif;udk a&SmifMuOf&rnf/ pmzwfy&dowf odkYr[kwf ½kyfoHy&dowfrsm;\ em;vnfrIudk xl;uJpGm taxmuftyHh jzpfapaomtcgESifh wdkuf½dkufajympum;wGif tpdwftydkif;taejzifh yg0ifaejcif; odkYr[kwf wifjyaeaom Zmwfvrf;\ tESpo f m&udk yHyh ;kd ulnaD y;onf[k oufaojyEkid af omtcgrsm;rSví JG oH;k pGjJ cif; rjyK&/ 13/ uav;oli,frsm; 13.1? uav;oli,frsm;udk rdb odYkr[kwf tkyx f ed ;f ol\ cGijfh yKcsurf &bJ odYkr[kwf ¤if;wdYk\ rsuaf rSmufr[kwb f J tifwmAsL; rjyKvyk &f yg/ trsm;jynfol tusK;d pD;yGm;twGuf txl;ta&;BuD;onfh tcgrsKd;rSvGJí odkYr[kwf uav;wGif rdba&m tkyfxdef;olyg r&SdaomtcgrSvGJí þya&mfzuf&Sife,f usifh0wfvdktyfcsufudk a&SmifvTJjcif; rjyK&/ 13.2? ausmif;tkyq f &mBu;D ^q&mrBu;D okYrd [kwf twef;ykid q f &m^rwpfO;D OD;\ cGijhf yKcsuf r&bJ ausmif;y&d0P k t f wGi;f ausmif;om;rsm;udk csOf;uyfjcif;? tifwmAsL;jcif; rjyK&yg/ 13.3? uav;rdbrsm;\ xif&mS ;rI? vlord sm;rIEiS hf &mxl;XmeEÅ&wdYkukd taMumif;jyKNyD; uav;\uk, d af &;b0ESihf ywfoufonfh taMumif;t&mrsm;udk azmfjyjcif; rjyK&/ 13.4? uav;\ b0ESifhqdkifaom taMumif;t&mrsm; azmfjy&eftwGuf uav;udk tcaMu;aiGay;jcif; odkYr[kwf vufaqmifay;jcif;uJhodkYaom tjcm;rufvHk;rsm;ay;jcif;? uav; odYkr[kwf tkyx f ed ;f cHtaMumif;udk azmfjy&eftwGuf rdbtkyx f ed ;f olrsm;udk tcaMu;aiG ay;jcif; odkYr[kwf tjcm;rufvHk; wpfrsKd;rsKd;ay;jcif; rjyK&/ 14/ vdifqdkif&m &mZ0wfrIusL;vGefjcif;cH&olrsm; 14.1? vdiq f ikd &f m &mZ0wfru I sL;vGejf cif;cH&aom "m;pmcHrsm;udk rnforl nf0gazmfjyjcif;? ,if;wdYk rnforl nf0gqdo k nfukd od&EdS ikd af om taxmuftxm;rsm;azmfjyjcif; rjyKvyk &f yg/ Oya'aMumif;t& cGijhf yKcsuf&&SNd yD; trsm;jynfol tusKd;pD;yGm;udv k nf; taxmuftyHahH y; Edik rf nf[k oufaojyEdik af om tcgrsK;d rSví JG vdiq f ikd &f m &mZ0wfrrI sm;wGif oufaotjzpf yg0ifaeaom uav;oli,frsm;udkvnf; rnfolrnf0g[k azmfjyjcif; rjyK&yg/ 14.2? Oya'aMumif;t& cGijhf yKcsu&f &SNd yD; trsm;jynfol tusK;d pD;yGm;udv k nf; taxmuf tyHYay;Edik rf nf[k oufaojyEdik af om tcgrsK;d rSví JG uav;oli,frsm;ay: usL;vGeo f nf[k pGypf cJG &H aom vdiq f ikd &f m &mZ0wfrrI sm;wGif uav;oli,frsm;udk rnforl nf0g[k azmfjyjcif; rjyK&/ t&G,fa&mufNyD; pGyfpGJcH&oludkrl azmfjyEdkifonf/ uav;ESifh pGyfpGJcH&olwdkYwGif eD;uyfaom qufqHa&; &Sdyguvnf; azmfjyjcif; rjyK&yg/

16 31


Portrayal of sexual conduct


When reporting on or portraying sexual activity or conduct, media outlets should be sensitive to the danger of offending public decency or the feelings of the audience, especially before the watershed.


Portrayal of violence in broadcasting


Broadcasters should be able to justify the realistic portrayal of violence or the threat of violence as being essential, in its content and intensity, to the integrity of the programme. In other words, they should be able to show that ‘sanitising’ or removing the violent content would undermine the programme’s coherence, completeness and/or honesty. Especial care should be taken where there is a risk that portrayal of violence might fuel further violence.


Detailed and/or prolonged depiction of violence should not be broadcast through the media, particularly where the practices are capable of easy imitation and involve articles or substances readily available to children, such as domestic knives or household chemicals. Similar restrictions apply to the portrayal of suicide or attempted suicide.


Scheduling considerations, ‘labelling’ and on-air warnings in broadcasting


Content unsuitable for children should not be broadcast at times when large numbers of children may be expected to be viewing or listening. The ‘watershed’ time after which this expectation may be progressively relaxed is 22:00. This provision also applies to trailers and promotions which are broadcast before 22:00, regardless of when the actual programmes are to be broadcast.

17 33

15/ vdifqdkif&m tjyKtrlrsm;udk o½kyfazmfwifjyjcif; 15.1? vdiq f ikd &f m tjyKtrlrsm;ESihf aqmif&u G cf surf sm;udk wifjyjcif;? jyefvnf azmfjy jcif;rsm; jyKvky&f mwGif trsm;jynfol zwf½eI m;qifí tjrifrwifw h ,fjcif;? Munf½h o I rl sm; pdwrf oufrom jzpfapjcif;rsm; rjzpfap&ef txl;owdjyK&rnf/ txl;ojzifh ½kyjf rifoMH um; rsm;wGif Munf½h o I t l rsm;pk&adS eaom tcsed rf sm;twGi;f xkwv f iT jhf cif;rjyK&ef txl;owdjyK&rnf/ 16/ ½kyfoHxkwfvTifhrIrsm;wGif tMurf;zufrIrsm;ESihf aoG;xGufoH,dkrIrsm;udk wif j yjcif ; 16.1? ½kyfoHxkwfvTifholrsm;onf tMurf;zufrIrsm;\ wu,fho½kyfrSef odkYr[kwf Ncdr;f ajcmufrI (taMumif;t&mrsm;ESihf &ufpufMurf;MuKwrf rI sm;)udk tpDtpOfwiG f xnfo h iG ;f wifjy&eftwGuf cdkifvHkaom taMumif;jycsufrsm; &Sd&rnf/ tpDtpOf\ NyD;jynfhpkHrI? rSeu f efrEI iS hf axmifah phrw I YkdtwGuf vdt k yfaMumif; oufaojyEdik jf cif;r&Sb d J xdo k Ykd tao;pdwf azmfjyjcif; rjyK&yg/ txl;ojzifh tMurf;zufrrI sm;udk o½kyaf zmfwifjyjcif;u aemufqufwJG tMurf;zufrrI sm; jzpfay:ap&ef wGe;f tm;ay;Edik af om tajctaersm;udk txl;owdxm;&rnf/ 16.2? tMurf;zufrIrsm;udk tao;pdwfyHkay:atmif azmfjyjcif;? tptqHk; o½kyfazmf wifqufjcif;rsKd;udk a&Smif&Sm;oifhonf/ txl;ojzifh azmfjyrnfhtMurf;zufrI yHkpHrsm;udk tvG,w f ul twkcdk;Ekid af omtcg odYrk [kwf uav;oli,frsm; tvG,w f ul vufvrS ;f rDaom rD;zdak csmifo;kH "m;? tdro f ;kH "mwkypön;f rsm;paom ypön;f rsm;jzifh tMurf;zufrI usL;vGeaf om tcgrsK;d rsm;wGif tao;pdwaf zmfjyjcif;udk a&Smif&mS ;&rnf/ tvm;wlyif rdru d , kd u f kd tqH;k pD&ifrrI sm;ESihf tqH;k pD&if&ef BudK;yrf;rIrsm;udv k nf; tao;pdwaf zmfjyjcif; rjyK&/ 17/ ½kyfoHvTifh tpDtpOfrsm;a&;qGJjcif;? tpDtpOfrsm;acgif;pOfwyfjcif;ESifh rxkwfvTifhrD BudKwiftoday;aMunmjcif; 17.1? uav;oli,frsm;ESihf roifah vsmaf om taMumif;t&mrsm;udk uav;oli,ftrsm;pk Munfh½Icsdef? odkYr[kwf em;qifcsdef[k ,lq&aom tcsdefrsm;wGif xkwfvTifhjcif; rjyK&/ 22;00 em&D aemufyikd ;f tcsed rf sm;wGirf l xdu k efYowfcsuu f kd avQmah ygh pOf;pm;avh&o dS nf/ jyornfh uefYowftpDtpOfEiS hf ywfoufaom erlemtydik ;f rsm;ESihf jr§iw hf ifa&;tpDtpOf tydkif;rsm;udkvnf; 22;00 em&D rwdkifrDwGif jyojcif;rjyK&/

17 33


Where acquired programmes have been given a suitability classification at origin, this should be reviewed and edited for appropriateness in the Myanmar context and then included in promotions and trailers and shown before or at the beginning of transmission of the programme. Media outlets may also attach such classifications to their own programmes and to unclassified acquired programmes. In all cases, an appropriate warning should be broadcast before or at the beginning of any programme containing content which is likely to be disturbing or offensive to the average viewer or listener, or harmful to children, bearing in mind the nature of the media outlet, the time of transmission and the likely audience.


Crime and anti-social behaviour


Crime and anti-social behaviour, especially where it involves violence, should not be glamorised or reported or portrayed in a manner which is likely to encourage imitation or experimentation.

18 .2

Relatives of people accused or convicted of crime should not normally be identified unless this is directly relevant.


Kidnapping and hi-jacking


No information should be published or broadcast which is likely to endanger lives in, or prejudice attempts to deal with, a kidnapping or a hi-jacking.


Demonstrations and civil unrest


Media outlets should be aware that media coverage can influence events and that their presence at the scene of a demonstration or civil unrest may be exploited by elements in the crowd.

18 35

17.2? jyornft h pDtpOfrsm;wGif Munf½h o I u l kd uefYowfonfh tMujH yKcsurf sm; xnfo h iG ;f &rnft h jyif erlemtykid ;f rsm;? tpDtpOf jri§ w hf ifa&;aMumfjimrsm;ESihf xyfqifx h w k v f iT rhf rI sm;wGiyf g xdu k efYowf owday;csuu f kd xnfo h iG ;f &rnf/ tpDtpOfrsm;udv k nf; jrefrmvlrt I zGUJ tpnf;ESihf oifah vsmfjcif; &Sd ^r&Sd oH;k oyfwnf;jzwf&rnf/ rD', D mtcGrJ sm;rS jyornfh tpDtpOfrsm; wGiv f nf; uefYowfowday;csurf sm; xnfo h iG ;f &rnfjzpfNyD; trsK;d tpm; rcGEJ ikd yf guvnf; trsK;d tpm; cGrJ xm;[laom owday;csuf xnfo h iG ;f &rnf/ ysr;f rQ Munf½h eI m;qiforl sm;udk pdwftaESmifht,Sufjzpfaponfh? ½kefY&if;Murf;wrf;onf[k rSwf,lEdkifaponfh odkYr[kwf uav;oli,frsm;udk xdcdkufapEdkifonfh tpDtpOfrsm;udk jyo&mwGif ,if;tpDtpOfESifh ywfoufaom uefYowfowday;csuu f kd tpDtpOf rpcifjzpfap? tpDtpOf\ tpwGijf zpfap xnfhoGif;jyo&rnf/ xdkYtjyif rD'D,m\ oabmobm0? xkwfvTifhrnfhtcsdefESifh yHkrSef Munf½h EI ikd af cs&o dS nfh y&dowfrsm;udk xnfo h iG ;f pOf;pm;NyD;rS xkwv f iT rhf rI sm;ESihf uefYowfcsuf owday;rIrsm;ukd xkwjf yef&rnf/ 18/ &mZ0wfrIrsm;? vlrIpHEIef;rsm;ESifh zDvmjzpfaom tjyKtrlrsm; 18.1? &mZ0wfrIrsm;? vlrIpHEIef;rsm;ESifh zDvmjzpfaom tjyKtrlrsm;ESihfywfoufí twkc;kd jcif; odYrk [kwf prf;oyfjyKvyk Mf unfjh cif;udk tm;ay;&ma&mufaom qGaJ qmifrI jzpfaponfh a&;om;wifqufrrI sm;? owif;ay;ydYk rrI sm;ESihf o½kyaf zmfwifqufrrI sm; a&SmifMuOf&rnf/ 18.2? owif;wifqufrItwGuf wdkuf½dkufqufpyf ywfoufaom tajctaersKd;rS vGJí &mZ0wfrIjzifh pGyfpGJcH&aom odkYr[kwf jypfrIxif&Sm;aMumif; pD&ifcsufcsrSwfjcif; cH&olrsm;\ rdom;pkEiS hf aqGrsKd;om;csif;rsm;udk yHrk eS t f m;jzifh rnforl nf0g trnfwyfNyD; azmfjyjcif; rjyK&/ 19/ jyefay;qGJjcif;ESifh tydkifpD;jcif; 19.1? jyefay;qGJrIESifh tydkifpD;rIrsm;twGif; "m;pmcHrsm;udk touftEÅ&m,f xdcdkuf apEdik af om odYkr[kwf aphpyfnEd§ iId ;f jcif;udk vrf;aMumif;vGaJ pEkid af om owif;tcsut f vufrsm; wifjyjcif; rjyK&/ 20/ qE´jyrIrsm;ESifh jynfwGif;EdkifiHa&; rNidrfoufrIrsm; 20.1? txufyg tjzpftysurf sm; jzpfymG ;&mwGif rD', D mrsm;\ MoZmvTr;f rI Bu;D rm;onfukd *½kjyK&rnfjzpfjyD; rD'D,mrsm;a&muf&Sdaejcif;udk tcGifhaumif;,lEdkifaomolrsm;vnf; vltkyfxJwGif &Sad eonfukd owdxm;&rnf/

35 18


Live coverage of demonstrations and disturbances should be placed in context and should, where these incidents involve sensitive matters, such as race relations, be balanced in nature.


Relations with the police and other authorities


Media workers should not appear to act as direct agents of the police or other authorities since this could call into question their editorial independence or put the safety of their staff at risk.


This Code supports the principle that content which has not been published or broadcast should not be released to the authorities except where required by law, including in response to a court order.


Payment in criminal cases


Payments should not be made, directly or indirectly, to individuals who have been convicted of or have confessed to crimes, or to their associates or relatives, for information related to those crimes.


No payment or offer of payment should be made, directly or indirectly, for information to any person expected to be a witness in criminal proceedings until the proceedings are brought to a final conclusion by whatever means.


Payments of this kind may very exceptionally be allowed where this is justified in the public interest and where the content cannot be obtained by any other means.


Advertising, product-placement and ‘undue prominence’


Advertisements should be clearly distinguished from other media content, normally by a visual device or a jingle.

19 37

20.2? qE´jyrIrsm;ESifh qlyltHk<urIrsm;udk wdkuf½dkuf xkwfvTifhrnfqdkygu ,if;wdkY\ aemufct H aMumif;rsm;ESiw hf uG xkwv f iT &hf rnf/ txl;ojzifh vlrsK;d a&;udprö sm;uJo h Ykd txdt&S rcHaom jyóem&yfrsm;ESihf ywfoufygu owif;azmfjyyHo k nf rQrQww&S&d ef vdo k nf/ 21/ &JwyfzGJY? tjcm;tmPmydkif tzGJUtpnf;rsm;ESifh qufqHa&; 21.1? rD', D mvkyif ef; vkyu f ikd o f rl sm;onf &JwyfzUJG ESihf tjcm;tmPmydik f tzGUJ tpnf;rsm;\ owif;ay;tjzpf aqmif&u G jf cif; rjyK&yg/ tb,fah Mumifq h akd omf t,f'w D mrsm;\ oD;jcm; vGwv f yfrEI iS hf rD', D mwm0efxrf;aqmifaeolrsm;twGuf tEÅ&m,fusa&mufEidk af jc&Sad om aMumifh jzpfonf/ 21.2? w&m;½H;k trdeYft& aqmif&u G &f aom tajctaersK;d rSví JG yHEk ydS af zmfjyjcif; odYkr[kwf xkwfvTifhxm;jcif;r&Sdaom taMumif;t&mrsm;udk vHkjcHKa&;tmPmydkifrsm;xHodkY vTJajymif; ay;jcif; rjyK&/ 22/ &mZ0wfrIrsm;wGif owif;0,f,ljcif; 22.1? &mZ0wfru I sL;vGeaf Mumif; pD&ifcsuu f sorl sm; odYkr[kwf ajzmifch suaf y;xm;olrsm; odYkr[kwf ¤if;wdYk\ vkyaf zmfuikd zf ufrsm;ESihf aqGrsK;d rsm;tm; &mZ0wfrrI sm;ESihf ywfoufaom owif;tcsuftvufrsm; &&S&d eftwGuf wdu k ½f u kd jf zpfap? oG,0f u kd í f jzpfap tcaMu;aiG ay;í 0,f,ljcif; rjyK&/ 22.2? &mZ0wftrItcif;rsm;wGif oufaojzpfEidk af omolrsm;xHrS owif;tcsut f vuf rsm;ESifh taxmuftxm;rsm;udk wenf;enf;jzifh trItqHk;owfpD&ifcsufcs rNyD;rcsif; wdkuf½dkufjzpfap? oG,f0dkufíjzpfap 0,f,ljcif;? 0,f,l&ef urf;vSrf;jcif; rjyK&/ 22.3? txl;>cif;csufjyKEdkifaom tajctaetcsKdUrSvGJí trsm;jynfoltusKd;twGuf ,if;owif;tcsuftvufrsm; vdktyfonf[k oufaojyEkdifNyD; tjcm;enf;rsm;jzifh &&efenf;vrf; r&SdaomtcgrsKd;rSty xdkodkY tcaMu;aiGay; 0,f,ljcif; rjyK&/ 23/ aMumfjimjcif;? ukefypönf;rsm; xnfhoGif;jyojcif;ESifh aMumfjimr[kwfaom tpDtpOfrsm;wGif tvGeftuGßH ñTef;qdkjcif; 23.1? aMumfjimrsm;ESifh tjcm;aom rD'D,mtcef;u@rsm;udk aumfvHcGJazmfjyjcif;? wD;vHk;oHpOfwpfckjzifh trSwftom;jyKjcif;paom odomxif&Sm;onfh yHkpHwpfrsKd;rsKd;jzifh tjriftm½Hk &Si;f vif;ap&ef cGjJ cm;azmfjy&rnf/

37 19


Advertising should normally be confined to paid-for advertising space or time (‘commercial breaks’). Product placement within other media content in return for payment or other considerations is not acceptable. Where reference is made within programmes or articles to commercial products or services, they should not be given greater prominence than is justified by purely editorial considerations.


Advertising content should respect the principles of ‘legal, decent, honest and truthful’. Advertisements should observe similar criteria to editorial content in terms of taste, decency and social responsibility. It should not disparage identifiable competitors or other products and any comparisons should be based on facts which can be substantiated. Testimonials or endorsements should be genuine and relate to the endorser’s personal experience.




Media outlets should ensure that, as regards media coverage of competitions, there is no collusion between the media outlet and contestants which results in an advantage for any contestant over any other.


Personal interest and influence


People engaged in the media should not allow personal or family interests to influence them in the conduct of their professional duties.


They should not allow themselves to be influenced by any person through an offer of payment, gift or other advantage, or by advertising or commercial considerations.

20 39

23.2? aMumfjimrsm;udk yHrk eS o f wfrw S af y;avh&o dS nfh pmrsuEf mS ae&mrsm;ESihf xkwv f iT chf sed f rsm;rSví JG usefae&mrsm;wGif xnfo h iG ;f jcif;udk a&SmifMuOfoifo h nf/ tjcm;aom rD', D m tcef;u@rsm;wGiv f nf; ukeyf pön;f aMumfjimrsm; xnfo h iG ;f jcif;udk a&SmifMuOfoifo h nf/ pD;yGm;jzpfxw k v f yk af &mif;csaom ukepf nf? 0efaqmifrrI sm;ESihf ywfoufívnf; tpDtpOftwGi;f ñTef;qdkwifjy&ef vdktyfygu t,f'Dwm vkyfxHk;vkyfenf;rsm;udk ausmfvGefjcif;r&SdbJ tvGet f rif; ay:vGix f if&mS ;atmif tom;ay;azmfjyjcif; rjyK&/ 23.3? aMumfjimaom ukeyf pön;f ? 0efaqmifrrI sm;tm;vH;k onf w&m;0ifjcif;? aumif;rGef qDavsmjf cif;? ½d;k ajzmifjh cif;ESihf t,HMk unfcx H u kd jf cif;paom pnf;rsO;f rsm;ESit hf nD jzpf&rnf/ y&dowfrsm; cHpm;&aom t&om? aumif;rGejf ynfph rkH EI iS hf vlrw I m0ef odrq I ikd &f m aMumfjimrsm; wGiv f nf; t,f'w D mpHcsed pf ñ H eT ;f rsm;udk tñTe;f jyKoH;k pG&J ef vdo k nf/ tjcm;aom aps;uGuf NydKifqikd o f rl sm;ESihf xkwu f ek rf sm;tay:wGiv f nf; uJ&h UJ jypfwifjcif;rsm;udk a&Smif&mS ;&rnf/ xdYktjyif oufaotcdik t f vHk rjyEdik af om tcsut f vufrsm;udk tm;ud;k Ny;D EdiI ;f ,SOaf zmfjyjcif; rjyK&/ pD;yGm;jzpf ukepf nf? 0efaqmifrrI sm;ESiyhf wfoufonfh oufaocHcsurf sm;? axmufcH ajymqdck surf sm;tm;vH;k onf tppftrSejf zpf&rnft h jyif axmufco H \ l ud, k yf ikd t f awGUtBuHK tay:wGio f m tajccHxm;&rnf/ 24/ NydKifqdkifjcif; 24.1? rD', D mXmersm;onf pD;yGm;a&;ESiyfh wfoufaom ,SONf ydKirf rI sm;udk rQwpGm vTr;f jcHK azmfjyoiho f nf/ ,SONf ydKio f w l pfO;D u tjcm;wpfO;D tay: tompD;&ap&ef rD', D mESihf ,SOjf ydKif olrsm;tMum; ravsmfruef yl;aygif;BuHpnfrIrsKd; r&Sdap&/ 25/ yk*¾vtusKd;pD;yGm;rsm;ESifh MoZmvTrf;rIrsm; 25.1? owif;rD', D mvkyif ef;rsm;wGif ya&mfzuf&iS ef ,f vkyu f idk af qmif&u G Mf uolrsm;onf yk*v ¾ odYkr[kwf rdom;pk tusK;d pD;yGm;rsm;twGuf ¤if;wkYdtay: MoZmvTr;f rd;k jcif; cGirhf jyK&/ 25.2? owif;rD', D mvkyif ef;rS ya&mfzuf&iS ef ,f aqmif&u G Mf uolrsm; ud, k w f ikd u f vnf; tcaMu;aiG? wHp;kd vufaqmif? tusK;d cHpm;cGihf odYkr[kwf pD;yGm;a&;aMumfjimrsm; xnfo h iG ;f rIEiS hf tjcm;pD;yGm;a&; tusK;d &v'frsm;udk tajccHNyD; MoZmvTr;f rd;k cHjcif; r&Sad p&efvnf; a&SmifMuOf &rnf/

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Financial journalism


People engaged in the media should not use financial information received in their professional capacity for their own or their families’ profit, or pass it on to others, before it becomes publicly available.


They should not comment on financial holdings in which they or their families have an interest without disclosing that interest to their editor and, where appropriate, to the audience.


They should not buy or sell financial holdings about which they have published or broadcast recently or on which they are about to comment.


Other considerations of content and treatment for broadcasters


Subliminal techniques (the use of images and/or sounds of very short duration, of which the viewer or listener may not be consciously aware) should not be used in any context. Care should also be taken over the use of strobe light effects, which can aggravate certain medical conditions.


If a programme features a hypnotist, he or she should not be shown performing straight to camera. Demonstrations of exorcism or of occult practice are not permitted in news and current affairs programming, except where they are the subject of a legitimate investigation. Other programmes containing such content should not be scheduled before the 22:00 ‘watershed’.

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26/ b@ma&;taMumif;t&mrsm; wifqufrI 26.1? owif;rD', D mvkyif ef; vkyu f ikd &f if; &&Sad om b@ma&;qdik &f m owif;tcsut f vuf rsm;udk trsm;jynfoo l &d adS tmif xkwjf yefjcif;rjyKrD rdr\ d odYkr[kwf rdom;pky*k v ¾ tusK;d pD;yGm; twGuf toHk;csjcif;? tjcm;olrsm;udk vTJajymif;ay;tyfjcif; rjyK&/ 26.2? rdrw d Yku d , kd w f ikd f odYkr[kwf rdom;pk0ifrsm; ydik q f ikd yf wfoufr&I adS om b@maiG&if;ES;D jr§KyfESHrIrsm;ESifh ywfoufNyD; owif;a&;om;rnfqdkygu xdkodkY qufpyfrI&SdaMumif;udk t,f'DwmxHodkYjzpfap? vdktyfygu pmzwfy&dowfxHodkYjzpfap zGifh[today;&rnf/ 26.3? owif;rD', D mrsm;wGif ya&mfzuf&iS ef ,f aqmif&u G Mf uolrsm;onf qdik &f mrD', D mwGif rMumao;cifu owif;a&;om; xkwv f iT ahf zmfjyrI odYrk [kwf owif;cefYreS ;f oH;k oyfcsut f jzpf azmfjyrIrsm;ESihf ywfoufonfh b@maiG&if;ES;D jr§KyEf rHS rI sm; 0,f,jl cif;? a&mif;csjcif; rjyKoif/h 27/ ½kyfoHxkwfvTifholrsm;ESifh ywfoufNyD; taMumif;t&mydkif;ESifh pDpOfwifqufrI tydkif;wGif apmifhxdef;oifhonfrsm; 27.1? Munf½h o I l em;qiforl sm; todpw d u f kd ½Iyaf xG;apEdik o f nfh ½kyyf rkH sm;ESihf toHrsm; toH;k jyKjcif;udk rnfonft h pDtpOfwiG rf Q toH;k rjyKoifyh g/ "mwfy?kH AD', D kd vQyjf yuftvif;rsm; onf vlYusef;rma&;udk xdcdkufapaomaMumifh txl;owdjyK oHk;pGJ&rnf/ 27.2? tdyfarGUcsjcif;udk wifjyaom tpDtpOfrsm;wGif tdyfarGUcsoltm; uifr&m wnfhwnfhodkYMunfhNyD; aqmif&Gufjcif; rjyKap&/ rD'D,musifh0wfESifh Oya'aMumif;t& pHpk rf;azmfxw k rf rI sm;ESihf wdu k ½f u kd o f ufqikd af om tajctaersKd;rSty tpdr;f o&JEiS jf cif;ESihf tjcm; pke;f ua0arSmq f ikd &f m udp&ö yfrsm;udk owif;ESihf rsuaf rSmufa&;&m tpDtpOfrsm;twGi;f xnfo h iG ;f jyojcif; rjyK&/ tjcm;tpDtpOfrsm;wGif xnfo h iG ;f rnfqykd guvnf; 22;00 em&D aemufyikd ;f tcsed rf sm;wGio f m xnfo h iG ;f &rnf/

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28. NOTES 1. Children Unless otherwise specified in this Code, children means individuals who are less than 18 years old. People aged 18 and over are regarded as adults. 2. The Public Interest As indicated in this Code, in some cases media behaviour which is otherwise in breach of this Code may be justified by reference to an overriding public interest. In such cases, the Council will undertake a balancing of the public interest and the interest protected by the Code standard, to see which is dominant. The list of legitimate public interests is not closed, but some leading examples are: the detection, exposure or prevention of crime, corruption or serious impropriety; the protection of public health and safety; preventing the public from being misled on an important matter; and satisfying an overriding public right to know. Revealing the private affairs of public figures is legitimate where this is relevant to their performance in, or fitness for, their public roles. It may be noted that ‘in the public interest’ is not the same as ‘of interest to the public’. Breach of this Code is not justified by mere curiosity. It is up to the media outlet to demonstrate that, in all of the circumstances, their behaviour was justified by reference to a legitimate and overriding public interest. In cases involving children, an exceptional public interest will be required to override the otherwise dominant interest of the child.

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28/ rSwfcsuf 1/ uav;oli,f þowif;rD', D musi0hf wfvrf;ñTew f iG f tjcm;enf;rsm;jzifh jy|mef;xm;jcif;r&Sv d Qif touf S o f nf/ touf 18 ESpEf iS hf 18 ESpf rjynfah o;oltm;vH;k udk uav;oli,f [k owfrw txufudk t&G,fa&mufol[k owfrSwfonf/ 2/ trsm;jynfoltusKd;pD;yGm; þowif;rD', D musi0hf wfvrf;ñTew f iG f &nfñeT ;f azmfjyxm;csurf sm;tm; azmufzsuo f nf[k owfrw S , f q l Edik af om vkyaf qmifcsurf sm;onf trsm;jynfol tusK;d pD;yGm;jzpfaponf[k ckid v f ykH gu vufcH todtrSwjf yKEdik o f nf/ þodYk aom tajctaersm;wGif aumifpo D nf trsm;jynfol tusKd;pD;yGm;ESifh þvrf;ñTeft& umuG,f&ef &nfrSef;xm;aom tusK;d pD;yGm;rsm;tMum; csed n f o §d ;kH oyfjyD; rnfonfb h ufu tav;omonfukd qH;k jzwfrnf jzpfonf/ trsm;jynfol tusK;d pD;yGm;[k ac:qdEk ikd o f nfh taMumif;t&mrsm;pGm &So d nft h euf &mZ0wfr?I t*wdvu kd pf m;rI? qd;k &Gm;aom usi0hf wfazmufzsurf rI sm;uJo h Ykd trIupd rö sm;tm; axmufvrS ;f jcif;? azmfxw k jf cif;ESihf BudKwifumuG,w f m;qD;jcif;? trsm;jynfou l se;f rma&;ESihf vHjk cHKa&;udk umuG,af pmifah &Smufjcif;? trsm;jynfow l Ydk a&vdu k v f aJG p&efBudK;yrf;rIrsm;udk umuG,w f m;qD;jcif;ESihf trsm;jynfo\ l owif;tcsut f vuf od&SdydkifcGifhudk jznfhqnf; ay;jcif; ponfwYdrk mS xif&mS ;aomOyrmrsm; jzpfonf/ trsm;jynfoq l ikd &f m vkyif ef;e,fy,f wpfckckü xif&Sm;ausmfMum;olrsm;\ vkyfief;pGrf;aqmifEkdifpGrf;? usef;rma&;tajctae? jynforl sm;tMum;wGi&f adS eaom ¤if;wdYk \ vuf&t dS aetxm;rsm;ESihf pyfvsOf;í a&;om; azmfjyrIrsm;rSm w&m;0ifonf/ trsm;jynfol tusK;d pD;yGm;qdo k nfEiS hf trsm;jynfo\ l pdwyf g0ifpm;rIwYkd rwlno D nfukd owdjyKrdMu&rnf/ pyfpv k pkd w d f oufoufjzifh þusif0h wfvrf;ñTeyf g jyXmef;csufrsm;udk rcsKd;azmuf&/ owif;rD', D mrsm;onf rnfoYkdaom tajctaersK;d wGirf qkd ¤if;wkdY\ vkyaf qmifcsurf sm; rSeu f efrQwaMumif;udk trsm;jynfot l usK;d pD;yGm;tm; tajccHaMumif;ESihf w&m;0ifjzpfaMumif;wkdYjzifh azmfxkwfjyoEdkif&rnf/ uav;oli,frsm;ESifh oufqdkifaom taMumif;t&mrsm;ESihf ywfoufí azmfjy&mwGiv f nf; txl;`ciG ;f csujf yKay;xm;&ef vdt k yfonfh trsm;jynfol tusKd;pD;yGm;wpf&yfjzpfrSom azmfjy&rnf/ /

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