The Pilot Light

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,.he Pilot Light Volume 7 Issue 14

July 5,1979..

Employees Offered Opportunity to Join AN R Stock Program Employees are being given employees must be at least 25 another opportunity to acquire or years old and have completed one increase their ownership in the year of service as of Dec. 1, 1978, American Natural Resources Sys- explained Ellis. Employees are required to comtem through the Employee Stock plete the enrollment form indicatOwnership Plan (ESOP). Under the contributory feature 'ing the amount they wish to contriof the plan, employees may contri- bute, or to dec! ine participation. bute an amount based on their The enrollment form must be reeligible 1978 W-2 earnings, which turned to supervisors by July 31. "Regardless of an employee's ,the System will match dollar for dollar up to an available federal tax decision, it will not affect participation in the non-contributory credit. The amount of funds available portion of ESOP, nor eligibility for for purchase of American Natural future years," Ellis said. Once enrollment in the plan has stock for allocation to plan participants will depend upon the tax been processed, the System will credit received by ANR this Sep- confirm in writing before o. 1 the actual amount each emplo leE! tember for the 1978 plan year. ill be "The contributory feature of the may contribute that plan is in addition to the non-con- matched b the Stern. Emplo ee contribution can be tributory portion in which all eligible employees are automatically made in a lump sum or through enrolled," said William Ellis of payroll deduction . According to federal la\ , the EFFORTS RfCOG 'lIED - Doranda Undberg displays the Paul Lutzeier Memorial Award presented posthumously to her American Natural. husband, Ray, for his dedication to the Fredom Festival. With her is Robert G. Wall, President of Great Lakes Gas Transmission Full details of the plan have been stock cannot be distributed to plan Company and general chairman of this year's festival who presented the award to Mrs. Lindberg. mailed to each eligible employee participants for nine years, if they photo by T. R. Sheppard along with an enrollment form this are actively employed. After nine years, employees will be given the week. . . f:""-=----.;;j:'e--rHl#.....,ipat~-"--lHi""*'':_~;aw;~~~a.Wi'¼l~~~~_P:Lan.-..,.'''"VV_~"4::1__lF=~f_C~~~~ ....~H~t::j....J=.-l:~~.-l-I....:J....~"~-b~~.JJ~--­ year 1978 or defer distribution until after age 59-1/2 or terminaA prestigious award recognizing Lakes Gas Transmission Co. and would call upon Ray Lindberg's tion of employment. his years of service and dedication chairman of this year's festival. talents for displays and decorations "The plan provides for imwho was one at various events. And year after to Detroit and indsor's Internaamed after a man mediate vesting," said Ellis. "This of the founders of the event, the year Ray would quietly get the job tional Freedom Festival as premeans that emplo ees are entitled a ard is presented to persons done, without fanfare but always ented posthumousl' to Ra to the stoc regardless of hen the Lindberg, ho as ana er of hose efforts over the years have with the highest degree of profesretire, die, or terminate emplo Facilities Se ices hen he died contributed significantly to the sionalism. ment." o .2 . success of the festival without pre"Ray Lindberg's talents are misEmplo ees 0 Great La es Ga Because of regulations adopted vious recognition or remuneration. sed but they h~ve not gone unrePre enting the Paul Lutzeier in May by the Department of Transmission Compan , A R Coal cognized," said Wall. "It is with In presenting Mrs. Lindberg with emorial ard to his ido, Energy (DOE), outdoor gaslights Compan and Associated Freightthe award, all said, "For the first great pleasure that I present this Dora a Lindberg, at a Freedom will soon become a thing of the ways are not eligible to partiCipate year's Paul Lutzeier Award to Mrs.19 ears of this celebration of freeFe ti al luncheon June 28 as past not only in Michigan Consoli- in the Emplo ee Stock Ownership dom and common heritage, the Ray Lindberg for her husband's Plan. Robert G. all, President of Great dated's service area but throughout U.S committee had the opportunity untiring efforts for the Freedom the country. to draw on the creativity of Ray Festival." According to the regulations, if Lindberg. Lindberg died suddenly last fall. gas for outdoor lighting was being "Year after year the Committee He was 52. used by industrial and commercial customers before President Carter signed the National Energy Act on Nov. 9, 1978, utilities may continue to supply gas for that purpose until Nov. 5, 1979. GRAND RAPIDS - Retiree John cently completed the Tulip Time Evans and Rick Watzel of Market Run in Holland, Mich., while Residential and municipal cusEvans crossed the finish line in Services were among the 2,578 tomers who were using gas in outrunners who answered the starting Royal Oak's Oak Apple Run June door lights before the act became lOin spite of a tornado watch and signal for the second annual Old law may continue to receive fuel Kent Riverbank Run held here on 17-mile-per-hour winds. for those lights until Jan. 1, 1982. May 12. Karen jepkema Exemptions may be granted to Sixty-three-year-old Evans -municipalities and some historical placed 26th in the 50-and-over dior memorial sites where gaslights vision of the race. Clocking 8.2 miare already in use. Other customers nutes per mile, he crossed the seeking to avoid the ban may seek fil)ish line in 2 hours, 7 minutes, 21 an exemption on the basis of cerseconds. tain criteria proving the necessity A Detroit area auto dealership is Watzel not only completed the offering System employees an opto protect the safety of people and 15Y2-mile course, but won a small property and show that conversion portunity to purchase a 1979 car wager in the .process. to another type of lighting involves for $1 50 over the dealer's cost. unjustified expense. "Rudy Treece (also of Market For specific details and the Services) bet me I couldn't 'make it necessary authorization, contact The responsibility for adminishome' in under two hours," said Frank Grzywacz" Coordinator of tering the new regulations has been 'Watzel. Employee Services, 2nd floor, given to state regulatory bodies. Instead, Watzel chalked up a Main Office, ext. 2945. Locally, this is the Michigan Public time of 1:52:0to become the 246th The special price by Bob Saks Service Commission (MPSC). runner in the 20-29-year-old diviOldsmobile in Farmington Hills is JULY 4TH REMEMBRENCE - Detroiters used to get a chance to see the largest flalf" Because violating the ban will sion to complete the course and to part of a program also offered to in the world adorning the j. L. Hudson Building in conjunction with Flag Day and constitute a misdemeanor, the place 551st in overall standings. employees of Michigan Bell TeleIndependence Day celebrations. Donated to the Smithsonian Institution after the Commission will report such vioWatzel, who has been running phone Company and Detroit EdiBicentennial, the flag was caught billowing in the breeze on its last public display by Gordon Barnard of Corporate Services Graphics. lations to local prosecutors. competitively si nce age 14, reson Company.

Outlook Dim For Use of Gaslights

Two Compete in Races

Auto Dealer Gives Employees a Break

Congratulations To I

For some of the graduates pictured here, the challenge of working for Michigan Consolidated during the day and attending school at night is over. For others, the burden of reviewing pages of notes - and trying to decipher what was hurriedly jotted down weeks ago - is completed. For the rest, the fading, rainbow assortment of Hi-Liters can be put away, and the tools of their profession sharpened. Whatever the case, the 124 high school and college graduates pictured here have achieved a personal milestone.

Kristine AI~hler Ladywood High Kevin Aichler Corrosion, Noble

Gary Anderson Redford Union High Don Anderson Service, Coolidge

RUllI Anderson Lakeview High Chester Anderson PT&S, Six lakes

Patricia Baldwin Central Montcalm High Elton Baldwin PT&S, Six Lakes

Kenneth Birrell Garden City East High James Birrell Distribution, Noble

Marybeth Bodek Sterling Heights High Chester Bodek Service, Lynch

Gerald Bonnlcl Thurston High Leon Bonnici Market Services, Guardian

TIlomas Braun Algonac High James Braun PT&S, Belle River

Edmond Cook Jr, Willow Run High Edmond Cook Sr. Distribution, Mich. Ave.

Ronald Cser St. Alphonsus High Thomas Cser Service Dispatch, M.D.

Deborah Culver Central Michigan U. Frank Culver Local 80 Union Hall

Gayle Cunnlnllham Carlson High Mel Cunningham Distribution, Noble

Terry lee Hall Orchard View High Margy Hall Transportation, Muskegon

Jane Haney Reed City High Earl Haney Drilling, Big Rapids

Arleen Hansen Henry Ford C. College Norman Hansen Service, Allen Road

Jason Hansen Dearborn High Norman Hansen Service, Allen Road

Debbie Havrilla Harper Woods High Theresa Havrilla Corporate Info., M.O.

Cherie Herz Big Rapids High David lerew Drilling, Big Rapids

Thomas Hext South lake High Herbert Hext Meter Reading, Lynch

DIVe Holden University of Michigan AI Holden Service, Noble

Sharon lulford Union High Don Luxford Engineering, G. R.

Susan Mart Clarenceville High Thomas Mark Stock, Allen Road

Lynn McConnlck Melvindale Hiph John McConnlck Distribution, Eureka

Grelchen Meredith Alpena High George Meredith Operations, Alpena

CIleater Merta Edsel Ford High Chester Merta Pressure, River Rouge

Michelle Miller lahser High Ted Miller Property Mgmt., Buhl

Barry Mills Marysville High Billy Mills PT&S, !lelle River

Jane Ann Moore Mona Shores High John Moore Service, Muskegon

Gordon Petennan Wade Peck Muskegon Bus. College Traverse City High Virgil Peck Donald Peterman Stock, Muskegon Operations, Traverse City

lisa Pelerson Harrison High Norman Peterson PT&S, Six lakes

Susan D_lka Thurston High Robert Dahlka Property Mgmt., Buhl

linda Dapoz Patrick Day linda DeBoer St. Alphonsus High Grosse Pointe High North Cadillac High Louis Dapoz Maurice N. Day David DeBoer Meter Reading, Lynch Gas Operations, M.O. Administration, Kingsford

Kevin DeHart Crestwood High Ken DeHart Service, Mich. Ave.

Jacqueline Evanello Kennedy High Andy Evanego Service, Eureka

Kevin Holden Edsel Ford High AI Holden Service, Noble

Julie Ann Holka Holy Cross High Daniel Holka Service Dispatch, M.O.

Judith Mouton Karen Moroshan Michigan State University Truman High Joseph Mouton Dan Moroshan Service, Eureka Distribution, Allen Road

Clndl Pratt Paul PrIce Hazel Park High St. Mary's Redford High William Pratt Mary Price Transportation, Noble Word Processing, M.O.

Dawn Proctor Truman High Ron Proctor Service, Allen Road

Heather Shepardson Fraser High Henry Shepardson Transportation Retiree

Julie Slallkrls Sheri Slavin Warren Woods High Plymouth-Canton High Sally Siagkris Robert Slavin Word Processing, Buhl Order Processing, Noble

Tammy Jo Smllll Boyne City High Rodger Smith Operations, Petoskey

David Szymanski Alpena High Jeanne Szymanski Administration, Alpena

Robert Taylor Debbie TIlerlnll CrestwOOd High Sacred Heart Academy James Taylor Thomas Thering Meter Reading, Eureka Operations, Mt. Pleasant

PIllllp Trapani Mt. Pleasant High Philip Trapani NDA, Mt. Pleasant

Mart Pietras Mary Ellen Polanlc Awanda Potier Jolin Paller Lincoln High Muskegon Comm. College Inkster High Inkster High Julius Pietras Bob Polanic Dawsenia Potter Dawsenia Potter Dist. Dispatch, Noble Customer Service, G. R. Order Processing, M.O. Order Processing, M.O.


Five Finish Degree Programs ~

Five employees are among the ranks of educational achievers being recognized this year.

in business management from Alpena Community College.

Their accomplishments deserve special recognition as the five succeeded at the difficult task of working full time and attending school.

Tom Hurst, a Distribution Field Supervisor in Detroit, who earned a bachelor of science degree in psychology from Wayne State University. Ronald Pleune, a Collector in Grand Rapid, who received a bachelor of science degree in business administration from Aquinas College. Robert Shumake, a Consultant in Residental and Commercial Market Services in Detroit, who acqu ired a master of arts degree in busi ness management from Central Michigan University.

The five are: David Bernard, an Account Analyst in Grand Rapids, who received a bachelor of science degree in business administration from Grand Valley State College. Tom Dowling, an Alpena Distribution Clerk A, who completed an associate degree program


Dave Bernard Grand Valley State College Account Analyst, Grand Rapids

Thomas Dowllnll Alpena Comm. College Distribution Clerk Alpena

Tom HlIfIl Wayne State University listribution Field Supervisor River Rouge

Ronald Pleune Aqui nas College Collector Grand Rapids

Robert Shumake Central Michigan U. Consultant, Market Services, Guardian

Terry Weber Tom Weber Port Huron North. High Port Huron North. High Tom Weber Tom Weber PT&S, leonard PT&S, leonard

Carla Wertll Ogemaw Heights High Richard Werth Operations, Tawas

Sharon White Franklin High Donald White Service, Allen Road

These New Alumni· Their graduation, however, is also a milestone in the lives of their parents. For many, the graduate is the last of their offspring to finish school, and the parents' days of PTA meetings, sporting events and tuitoring are over. For others, the graduate represents a new situation for the parent - coping with someone who is quickly blossoming from adolescence into adulthood. The Pilot Ught joins with their parents, co-workers, friends and families in offering congratulations, and wishing them success in their journey along life's long and winding road.

Lori Brooker Alpena High Theodore Brooker Operations. Alpena


Brlln Fettig Sacred Heart Academy Ray Fettig Operations, Mt. Pleasant

RlcIIlrd Allinger Pioneer High Richard Fillinger Service. Ann Arbor

Rick Rldzlewlcz Lake Shore High Victor Radziewicz TS&D, Guardian

Cathey Bucci Kelll Chandler Olivet College Grandville High Dianne Bucci James Chandler Word Processing. Buhl Service, Grand Rapids

John Conroy Winston Churchill High Thomas Conroy Distribution, Noble


S. Kay Frase Michigan State University Ronald Frase PT&S, Six Lakes

Brendl Gacchlna East Detroit High Anthony Gacchina Gas Control. M. O.


Tower H Richard Geromelte Distribution. oble

fllomas Gladysz Lorettl Goch CIIIIles Glldll8 Ferndale High Notre Dame High Frank Cody High Stanley Gladysz John Goch Donald Gladue Codes & Regs .• M.D. Rnance & Planning, M.O. Station Opers., Willow

Lori Gordon Eisenhower High Bradford Gordon PT&S, Belle River

Michael HIli Cass Tech High John Hall Building Services, M.O.

0.... LIDIK: St. Alphonsus High Ed LeDuc Market Services. Guardian

Ronlld Jlnkwtetz Central Michigan U, Roger Jankwietz Administration. Manistee

Ronlld Mouton Benedictine High Joseph Mouton Service, Eureka

Nancy Beltz East Detroit High Arthur Beltz Distribution Retiree

Miry Lou Barney Lorlanne Belcher Constance Bellows Garden City East High Walled Lake Western High Alma College George Barney Allan Belcher Richard Bellows Stock, Mich.Ave. PT&S, Milford Comm. Relations, G.R.

lin Mutch Manistee High George Mutch Operations, Manistee

James Lundy Cranbrook High Curtis Lundy Geology, Buhl

Glen Myers DI¥ld Nish Steven Nichols Julie Onnan Karen Parks Sheryl Parks Newaygo High Huron High Greenville Sr. High Birmingham Groves High Mumford High Michigan State University Harold Myers Joseph Nash Edmund Nichols Stuart Orman Gail Parks Gail Parks Operations, Muskegon Market Services. Guardian Service. Grand Rapids General Counsel. M.O. Info. Systems. Guardian Info. Systems, Guardian

Carol Reimann Mlchlel Rochelelu Harper Hosp. Nursing Sch. Sacred Heart Academy Joseph Reimann Melvin Rocheleau Codes & Regs .• Guardian Eng., Mt. Pleasant

Diana Sal10 Dundee High Joe Sargo Service. Eureka

Kirk Sa.nders Hazel Park High Carole saunders Orders & Billing. M.O.

Dlwn Scllmldl Center Une High John Schmidt Dist. Operations. Noble

Lisa Scllwlb Crestwood High Ben Schwab Service, Eureka

Brendon Secord Annapolis High Richard Secord Service, Eureka

Roger Parr Sault Area High Ken Parr Operations, Sault

Claudia Pawlowicz John Glenn High Gary Pawlowicz Facilities, Noble

Jordon Selesky Lakeview High Ronald Selesky PT&S. Six Lakes

Diann Shepardson Montabella High Donald Shepardson PT&S, Six Lakes

Graduates Receive Honors Mark Steer Valerie Steer Ferris State College Macomb Cty. C. College Richard Steer Richard Steer Customer Service. M.O. Customer Service. M.O.

Carolyn Stevenson Kingsford High Charles Stevenson Operations, Kingsford

Kathy Jo SltckJer Lakeview High Richard Stickler PT&S, Six Lakes

, Klrl Treslk Bentley High Paul Tresik Service, Coolidge

Cindy Valrance Lutheran High West George Valrance Service, Noble

John VanSchagen Greenville High John VanSchagen PT&S, Six Lakes

Robert Wlrner ROllers High Arnie Warner Distribution, G. R.

..•. ~. ..., .



Jill Wllunln Muskegon Sr. High William Wikman Market Services. Musk.

Thomas Williams Kalamazoo College Albert Williams Operations. Cadillac

Dlrrylyn Wilson Immaculata High Deana Green Customer Service, M. O.

Constance Bellows is a member of Omicron Delta Kappa, a national leadership honor society. John Conroy received a Michigan Competitive Scholarship to Michigan State University. Nancy Beltz is a member of the National Honor Society. She was also her school's Snowcoming Queen. Terry Hall was editor of the school newspaper and photo editor of the yearbook. Jason Hansen won a Michigan Competitive Scholarship to Michigan State University. Loretta Goch is a member of the National Honor Society. Cherie Herz was Homecoming Queen for her school in 1978. Debra Kronner was awarded a Macomb County Community College Board ofTrustees' scholarship. She carried a 4.0 average and wore a special golden hood and tassel at commencement. She is also a member of Phi Betta Kappa, a national honor society. Stephen lavey received a Western Michigan University academic

scholarship. James Lundy was a 1977 Michigan Math Prize participant, a school yearbook photographer and varsity team wrestling manager. Lynn McCormick is a member of the National Honor Society and received a scholarship from the Melvindale Civic League. Steven Nichols holds a Distributive Education Certificate and was awarded the Randall Scholarship. Julie Anne Orman is a member of the National Honor Society and is spending this summer in Finland as an exchange student with the

"Youth for Understanding" program. Paul Price was awarded a 4-year scholarship to Western Michigan University. Carol Ann Reimann is the recipient of the Fabiola Award from the Harper Hospital School of Nursing. The award, for d isplayi ng outstanding humanitarian qualities, is voted by members of the class. Cindy Valrance is a member of the National Honor Society and the National Thespians. Darrylyn Wilson is an honor graduate.

2 Attend Law, Med School Two employees have announced that their son and daughter will be attending college again this fall. AI ison Paton, the daughter of Word Processing's Dolores Paton, has been awarded a 3-year Ferne Walter Scholarship from Wayne State University's Law School. She is a 1978 summa cum laude grad

from the University of Detroit. A fellow student of her's will be Edward Ahrens, son of Robert Ahrens of Muskegon Service. A former summer employee, the younger Ahrens has been doing post graduate work since graduating from the University of Michigan in 1976 and will enter WSU's Medical School.



All Softball E)ivision Titles Up for Grabs

Gasco Golfers Govern Greens

After nine weeks of play, no one team has taken a strong lead among the Gasco Softball League's five division路s. In the Northeast Division, the Cobras and Scorpions are tied with a 6-2 win-loss record.

System golfers in both the men and women's leagues have reached the mid-point of the 1979 playing season. Pictured here are some of the Detroit golfers who hope their playing skills are strong

The Diddlers team with a 5-0 win-loss record has a slight ado路 vantage over the Rabble Rousers' 4-1 record in the Northwest Division. In the American East Division,

enough to carry them to top spots in their respective leagues at the season's end.

IObiluariesl DOWN IN ONE - Bob Oddo is the observer as Jerry Rose makes putting look easy.

the DPO Express holds first place at 8-0. The Hit Men follow with a 6-1 win-loss record. In the American West Division, Blue Devils with a 6-2 record leads the Stingers with a 5-2 record. The Good 'n' Plenty team in the Women's Division is holding on to first place with 7-1 tally followed by the Buschwackers with a 7-2 record. Spectators are welcome at the games held at 6, 7, 8 and 9 p.m., Monday through Friday at the River Rouge Recreation Center in Melvindale.

Carl Francis, 83, died June 8. He retired from Michigan Consolidated in 19&1 after 39 years of service. Frisco Hamler, 59, Fitter A, Allen Road Distribution, died June 4. He had worked for Michigan Consolidated since 1955. Alphonso Jones, 27, Janitor at Noble, died June 10. He had worked for the Company since 1977. Frederick Roberts, 55, General Storekeeper, died May 12. He had worked for Michigan Consolidated since 1954. Joseph Thompson, 85, former Transportation Section Foreman, died June 8. He retired from Michigan Consolidated in 1958 after 35 years of service.


EVERY SHOT COUNTS - Helen Annand concentrates on sinking her putt as Carol Sanchez (left) and Linda Sexton quietly wait their turns on the green.



To place an ad in the Trading Post, write it out and send it to The Pilot Light, Room 2S12, Guardian Building. Ads must be in by July 9 to appear in the ned issue. Ads will not be repeated unless the paper is notified by the deadline. You must include your name and office extension. Please indicate whether you want to include the office extension and/or your home phone number (with area code) in the ad. FOR SALE AIR CONDITIONER - Whirlpool slide, 8,500 Btu, 115-volt plug in, like new. $125. Call (313) 283-5961 after 5 p.m. AIR CONDITIONER -

Bryant 48-453

wlcoil. Will deliver. Call Lyle Pike, Tawas office, (517) 362-4458. AUTO- '68 Chevy Impala, 307, auto., pIs, new tires, battery & muffler, some rust. Needs tune-up. $250 as is. Call

Tom, (313) 371-5917 after 6 p.m. AUTO - '73 Ford Gran Torino, ale, pIs, plb, V8. Best offer. Call (313) 5310794 after 5 p.m. AUTO - '74 Chevy Camaro, pIs, plb, AM-FM, steel-belted radials, new shocks, brakes & exhaust system, good cond., 46,000 miles. $2,300. Call Jim, ext. 3494. AUTO- '75 Chevy Impala Custom, 2 dr., plb, pIs, AM, good tires & cond., 44,000 miles. $1,600. Call Hank, (313) 895-1995 after 5 p.m. AUTO - '75 Ford LTD Brougham, wife's car, rustproofed, ale, excel. condo Call (313) 375-0125. AUTO - '76 Chevy Camaro, silver, pIs, plb, AM-FM stereo, radials, excel. cond., must sell. $3,000. Call Ellen, ext. 2143 or (313) 477-5473 after 5 p.m. AUTO - '76 Chevy Monte Carlo, AM-FM stereo, light blue wlwhite Landau roof, alc, pIs, plb, tinted glass, rear defog., low mileage, excel. condo Best offer. Call Nancy, ext. 3438 or (313) 563-7805 after 7 p.m.

The Pilot Light


Published for employees and retirees every other Thursday by the Corporate Communications Division of the Public Affairs Activity, Michigan Consolidated Gas Company, One Woodwaid Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48226. For editorial information, call ext. 3205; for classified ad information, call ext. 3807. Member, Interr)ational Association of Business Communicators. MARIAN DROLL -

FREDERICK PALM - Editor Staff Writer KATHLEEN KARAS - Staff Writer JIM MALKOWSKI - Art Director

Typesetting and Keylining by Corporate Services Graphics

AUTO - '77 Chevy Monte Carlo, Landau roof, alc, plw, pIs, plb, AM-FM wltape, other extras. Make reasonable offer. Call (313) 273-8568 after 6 p.m. AUTO - '79 Pontiac Bonneville, sun roof, rustproofed, loaded, 24 mpg, warranty. Call (313) 375-0125. BICYCLE - Customized 10 spd., excel. for racing or touring, Columbus 3 tubes, campy equip., tubular tires wlspare, floor pump, stand, some tools, excel. condo $450. Call Matt, ext. 2420 or (313) 591-3370. BICYCLES - 3 20" Schwinn, all in good cond., 1 w/speedometer. $35 each. Call Jim Lane, ext. 3924 or (313) 348-0628. BOAT - '77 Sea Ray SRV-200, 228 hp Merc, compass, wiper, dual horn, bilge pumps, Datamar depth guage, teak swim platform, toilet, conversion bed, Pioneer super-tuner AM-FM cassette wlbooster & equalizer, plantenna, 3 tops, E-Z load trailer, many extras, like new. $10,300 or best offer. Call Duane, ext. 2855 or (313) 777-1072 after 6 p.m. BOAT - '78 Century 2000, 17-1/2', 165 Merc 1/0, full canvas, E-Z load trailer, 20-25 hours. Call Mike, ext. 4772. DISCO UNIT - Complete set up. Reasonable price. Call Carl, ext. 4632 or (313) 771-0648 after 5 p.m. FURNITURE - King size mattress, box springs & frame, 6 mos. old; dinette set incl. 4 high-back light russet chairs & table; bookcase; ping pong table; red carpeting, 10' x 12'. Call Nora, (313) 371-0940. LOTS Lakeview lots wllake privileges,l block from Grand Traverse Bay & 1 mile from center of Traverse City. Call (313) 792-0597.

TOMORROW'S STAR - Kelly Teehan, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...J_=--L,6-year-old son of Tom-Teehan of Allen Road Service, played center forthe"ls-Melaine Gail Mathes, May 23, daughlanders hockey team in Redford ter of Sharron Mathes of Account SerTownship and racked up 5 goals and 8 vices, Muskegon. assists during regular season play. His Georgean Rena Summers, June 10, team was knocked out of the play-offs despite Kelly's 3-goal hat trick. daughter of William Summers of Coolidge Distribution. Ken Schell

MOTORCYCLE - '68 Honda 450, like new, 1,300 miles. Call Nancy Temperil', ext. 2945.

fishing plus 560 ft. beach on Lake Michigan. Beds for 7, room for more. $400/week. Call ext. 2011.

MOTORCYCLE - '74 Kawasaki 350, on & off road, excel. cond., 1,200 miles. Call Jim, (313) 979-0536.

COTTAGE - Modern 2-bedroom, sleeps 6, wlboat. West Long Lake, Alpena. Call (313) 841-8875, 9281485 or 842-0617.

RANGE - Caloric double oven, gas, auto. pilotless ignition, ultra ray broiler, rotisserie, self-cleaning, deluxe features, 18 mos. old. $400. Call (313) 977-8387.

COTTAGES - On Saginaw Bay between Port Austin & Caseville. Boats available, sandy beach. Only 2-1/2 hrs. from Detroit. Call (313) 884-0593 or (517) 856-2876.

REFRIGERATORS-Admiral 21 cu. ft., vinyl front, self-defrosting, energy saver, 18 mos. old. like new, $420. 17 cu. ft. Gibson, good cond., $85. Call (313) 977-8387.

PAINTING - Exterior, best rates. Call Jim, (313) 979-0536.

TRAILER - 18' EI Capitan, sleeps 6, very good condo $2,000. Call (313) 778-1704.

ENCYCLOPEDIAS - World Book & Child-Craft Books. Call L. Clark, ext. 4504.

VAN - Ford Econoline F150, customized, good condo Call Dave, ext. 2283.

CAR POOL - From Livonia area to Main Office. Call Matt, ext. 2420.

WASHER & DRYER- Whirlpool, large capacity, new. $400. Call Jim Lane, ext. 3924 or (313) 348-0628.

RIDERS - From Ann ArborlYpsilantil Rawsonville area to Main Office. 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Call Brenda, ext. 3457.

WHEELS - 4 14" rallies, fit all GM cars. Call Dave, ext. 2283.

SOFTBALL GLOVE Call John, ext. 3647.

WHEEL & TIRE - Firestone wsw, LR 78-15, new. Call Gerry, ext. 4271. FREE DOGS-4-yr.-old Husky, male, needs room, gentle w/kids. 4-mos.-old mixed breed, male. Free to good home. Call Pat or Nancy, (313) 535-7232 or 5326183. FOR RENT COTTAGE - 4 bedroom home in dunes on Lake Michigan near Bridgman. Small lake for canoeing &



In good condo

PERSONALS We would like to express our sincere appreciation for the kindness expressed by the employees of Michigan Consolidated Gas Company during our time of sorrow. The Gerald Ortman Family My family and I would like to express our appreciation for the kindness and concern shown by all my friends at Michigan Consolidated during our time of sorrow. Thank you. Yvonne Jordan

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