The Key

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Published in the Interest of Saint Peter Parish Vol.



Children's Collection We started to put aside the children's collection for Sundays and holy days beginning the third Sunday of September, 1960. We are proud to report that just five months later the children have donated a total of $4,407.50 to the parish. We are very proud of our children in this parish. We also know that they will keep up the good work and that we will be able to use their contributions for a substantial part of the development of this parish. ---~0!>----

Prayer for Vocations

o God who e will it is that through thy truth and grace all people may gain eternal life, grant we beseech thee, through the intercession of Blessed Mary ever irgin an increa e of laborers for Thy Church, who, heeding Thy divine call, may give themselves generously for the salvation of souls, through Christ our Lord, Amen. Hail Mary Glory Be To Father, etc. -----<$>----

Girl Scout Sunday Sunday, March 12th has been designated as Girl Scout Sunday. The Girl Scouts and their leaders of the Parish are asked to attend 8:45 Mass in uniform in the main church and to receive Holy Communion in a body.


PARISH ANNO Today is the third Sunday of Lent. 1. We ask you to remember the dead in your prayers, particularly Henry D. Reis, the father of one of our sisters. He was buried one week ago. 2. March is the month for vocatio . We need sisters very badly in the religious communitie. ' e need priests very badly. We urge you to say your prayers carefully for this intention and to give prayerful encouragement to vocations in your home. 3. All of the men of the parish are invited to receive Holy Communion with the Holy ame iety next Sunda morning at the 7:30 Mass. This is th Lenten eason and the men ought to make special efforts to be there. 4. The retreat for public high chool tudents begins this evening at 7:00 and continu tomorrow and Tuesda. Father King come well recommended and he will give helpful talks on teenage problems. e urg all of tbe studen to be present. 5. e t nda . we will ba the annual collection for the Bishops' EmergenC)' and Relief Fund. The nshers will make envelopes for each family available today. e want every parishioner, even the poorest, to plan on giving something to this special collection. This means feeding the hungry, in fact the starving, and clothing the naked. These are the most fundamental forms of charity. Read the chbishop' letter in our parish paper toda • 6. ake great efforts to attend the Lenten De otions: Wednesda e ening at 7:30 and sermon ;Thursday at 7:30 Perpetual Help Devotions' aturday at 7:15 Way of the Cross. 7. The ladies of the tar ociety are holding their meeting for the month of arch ednesda)' evening immediately after devotions. Father Fedewa will give some helpful hints on some of the practical problem of home and family life. All of the ladies of the pari h are invited to attend.

COME To Public High School


Cancer Pad Sewing Cancer pad sewing Wednesday March 8th from 9:30 to 3:00 at Fr. Collins Hall.

TEEN RETREAT TONIGHT (Sunday, March 5) TOMORROW (Monday, March 6)


TUESDAY (March 7)

CYO BASKETBALL 3:00--Mar. 5-Good Counsel 7:00-Assumption (Grotto, De La Salle Gym, Glenfield and Conner)

PAPER DRIVE March 24th & 25th

Interesting Conferences on Teen-age Problems 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Each Evening ST. PETER CHURCH Conducted by Father William KIng



LENTEN CONFERENCESMARCH 8th ATTENTION LADIES: Here is a marvelous opportunity to do something extra special for Lent. Fr. Fedewa is going to conduct a Lenten Conference this coming Wednesday, March 8 in conjunction with our meeting. Start out by attending Mass and receiving Communion at the 7:30 p.m. Mass. At 8:20 there will be ample time to eat your own box or paper sack lunch (coffee will be served). We will have a brief meeting at 8:40 and the conference will begin promptly at 9:00 p.m. Please avail yourself of thi and bring along another member or two. Further information rna be had by calling Betty Rizzo, PR 8-6445. Did you know that we have a f u t u r e councilwoman in our midst? Connie Knight of the Ea t Detroit Group won the primary and is up for election April 2nd. Congratulations, Connie, we wish you much success in your newly chosen career. The DACCW Day Convention will be held this Monday, March 6th, starting with the 9:00 a.m. Mass at S1. Aloysius Church. Workshops begin at 10:15 a.m. the theme of which is "These Works of Love" stressing the role of Catholic Women in the home, parish and community. The workshops will begin at 2:30 p.m. following the noon luncheon. Let's try to get a group from our society to attend. So much valuable information can be gained from these workshops. Congratulations are in order to Sarah Rollins of the Fleetwood group on the very recent birth of a baby boy. Sarah has been an active member right from the beginning of ou~ Altar Society., Let's encourage the members of our family to participate in as many of the Lenten Services as possible and don't forget that religious reading material either. Display it at a prominent spot in the home. ST. N t .




Saint Peter Parish 19813 Anita Avenue Harper Woods 36

PARISH DIRECTORY Pastor REV. EUGENE F. FEDEWA Assistants ' Rev. Robert J. Handley Rev. Edward J. B31dwin Sunday Assistants, Rev.,Philip Morin, S.M." Rev. Norman, Boulanger,


RECTORY 19813 Anita, Harper,Woods 36 Phone TUxedo 6-1770 CONVENT 19904 Anita, Harper Woods 36 Phone TUxedo A-3642 SCHOOL, ' Conducted by .the DOIJlinican' Sister~ of Adrian 19821 Vernier RU., Harper Woods 36 Phone TUxedo 1-1655

HIGH MASSES FOR WEEK OF MARCH 5, 1961 MO DAY: 6:30-Achille Embo--by Mr. and Mrs. M. Valenti 7:15-Antonio, Saccoia-by Neighbors 8:00-John E. Dillon (2nd Anniv.)-by family. TUESDAY: 6:30-Florence Suty-by Marlene Stephenson. . 7:1S-Joseph Moncelli (Month's L\'Iindbby Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marchione 8:00-Dialogue Mass WEDNESDAY: '6:30-Irma Tognozzi (lst Anniv.)--Mr. and Mrs. G. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cordoni . _ 7:15-Mrs. Nathalie Ferdinande-by Mr. and Mrs. R. Follebout. l • 8:00-Antonio DiGiovanni-by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cusimano '1 7:30 p.m.-Dialogue Mass THURSDAY: 6:30~Christ Scroy-by Mr. and Mrs. Tallnto 7:15-Carmela Chartrand-by Eleanor Skorupski 8:00-Louis LaBudie-by Room 120, St. Peter School FRIDAY: .' ' , ': 6:30-Mrs. Helen Jaglowicz-oy Mr. and Mrs. Richard' Rinke 7:15-Kathryn Wilcox-by the Ciske and Morell families 8:00-Elisa Dethioux-by Mr. and' Mrs; Frank Schietaert SATURDAY: . 6:30-8arah Emig-by Mr. and Mrs. H. VanLOon 7:1S-Leo C. Janisse-by Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Kelly 8: OO-Clara Huddas--by the Sisters of St. Peter's . 9:00-Maria Muerkler-by Mr. and Mrs; Thomas Baurlier 0

Masses 7:30, 8:45, . 10:00 (High), '11:30, 12:45. Daily---{i:3D; 7: 15, 8:00. Holy -Day ' - 5:30, 6:~0,8:00, 9:00, . and .6:30, 7:30 evenings.

YOUR Envelope . T





$15.00 and above ~ ~ 0 10.00 and above 11. 5.00 and above . 157 ·~4.00· and "above _~ __ ~~_~__ 86




No. of Env.


No. of Env•.

$3.00 and above 2.00 and' above 1.00 and above .. __ :~_ Less than -$1.00 __ ~~:___

293 485 448 ,99.

- YOUR Envelope Helps Write: the'· inside:. Story


Confessions .' Saturday, Eves of First Friday and'Holy Days 4:00 - 5:30 7:30 - 9:00 Saturday morning before Holy Name Sunday 11:00 - 12:00 a.m. Blessing of Expectant' arid Recent Mothers First Saturday of Month after 8:00 Mass. Devotions Thursday at 7:30 in honor of Our Mother of Perpetual Help. Eves of First Fridays - Monthly Holy Hour. to pray for vocations. BaptiSms Sunday at 2:00 p.m. sharp. 'Previous arrangement 'must be made :at the Rectory· Office.

Kathryn Ann Biehl, daughter of erent and Mary (Kasperi) Biehl of 19796 Damman. Godparents: Timothy Bieh~ and Nancy Kaspari.. Jane Therese Morey, daughter of John and Betty (Henderstein) of 20648 Damman. Godparents: Richard and Ruth Dettloff. Lynn Louise VanLoo, daughter of Lawrence and Carol (Tisi) VanLoo of 19074 Lister. Godparents: Louis and ancy Cattaneo. Kimberly Ann Knoll, daughter of Rudolph and Doris (Brothers) Knoll of 19908 Gaukler. Godparents: Roger and Bernadette Knoll. Phone PR 7·4198 for all kinds of BEER· WINE -CHAMPAGNE 50 Varieties of LUNCH MEATS

ORG I and CHOIR DIRECTOR Mr. A T. Sarildranski ' Phon~'TU. '1-5971,


• -Matthew Xavier Jarkowski, son of Thaddeus and Veronica (Gazarek) J;arkowski, J 8430 Morningside. Godparents: Joseph and Lillian Gazarek.


, by Alexander and


MAINTEN1\:NCE . Mr. M. ·Jenkins - " Phones: TU 1-1655, -' TU 1-8872

Gladysz of 19717 Country Club. Godparents: Casimir and Stephanie Gladysz.





FOURTH SUNDA'Y IN LENT Next Sunday is the Fomth Sunday -in Lent, . with the Lenten Preface. After three weeks of hard battle the Church next Sunday rejoices, and invites us to rejoice with her, because Easter is not far distant. Easter is the great baptismal feast when the Church brings forth new children and prepares for them-as she prepares for tis also.-:-the sacred"banquet of the holy Eucharist, foretaste of the eternal banquet of heaven. In the EPISTLE, we learn from the story of Abraham's two sons, one 'a slave and one free, how the Church of the, New Testament surpasses the synagogue of the Old Testament. The children of the -synagogue were slaves, for they were not yet redeemed; the childr~n.of the Church are free because redeemed by Christ, her bridegroom.



Boyle Collision (10 Years on 8 Mile) , FRANK BOYLE, prop. Bnmpin{:. Painting 18040 E. 9 MILE ROAD 4 blks. W. of Kelly PR 7·7000

BORN AGAIN On Sunday, February 26, 1961, .Father Robert J, l-fandley agministered the Sacrament of Baptism to the following: Robert Louis Ignasiak, son of Eugene ,and Dorothy (Reckio) Ignasiak " of· 20935 Lennon. Godparents: Nor· bert Ignasiak and Bernardine Ment. Timothy Kevin Strasz, son of Ed· mond and Margaret (Ross) Strasz of 16901 Carlisle. Godparents: Norman Gangola and Gloria Cady. Thomas Gerard Gladysz, son of Stanley and Kat hie e n (Discher)


21903 HARPER

n ar Avalon

CENTRE Appliance SERVICE Wa;hers - Dryers "-Handmawers - Pawer Mawers All Work Guaranteed - PR 2-0470 29927 HARPER bet. 12 & 13 Mile Rd.

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To the Clergy, Religious and Faithful of the Archdiocese of Detroit:


Electric Eel Sewer Cleaning . Septic Tanks By-Passed Garbage Disposers, Water Heater PLUl\-mING & HEATING 20020 HARPER


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Ask for Angelo Cali 9 MILE

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20789 HARPER

or. Vernier Rei.

:J~;UT~ Permanent·ly Yours d




N LA 1·9221

Our daily newspapers bring reports of political and social npheavals throughout the world. Some of these events caose grave concern; others are accompanied by hopeful promise. In almost every instance human suffering is part of the price that must be paid for these changes. On the scene of history in which we live, we are not mere witnesses and by-standers, we are participants. Those to whom suffering has come as a consequence of the ravages of war; famine and' disease have a claim upon our charity. Since they are so many in number and .scattered to the four comers of the earth, we are invited to extend the hand of charity to them in union with all our fellow Catholics in the United States. We do this through our offering to the' ANNUAL COLLECTIO FOR THE BISHOPS' E~RGENCY AND RELIEF FU D. As has been the custom, this will be taken up in every parish of the Archdiocese on Laetare Sunday, March 12. . The magnitude of the work done by CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES staggers the imagination. During the past year, more than ONE BILLION POUNDS of relief supplies for distribution to ,the needy of sixty-four countrie were channeled through this agency of the American Bishops. The food, clothing, medicine and other relief supplies which were hipped by this organization have be.eo distributed in, areas of need through the local agencies of the Church. . It is a source of deep satisfaction to u to know that we are able to discharge, at least in part, oor obligations in charity to the needy throughout the world through C TUOLIC RELIEF SERVICES, an agency of the merican Bi hop . The gifts that we make are multiplied in value man)' time Ol'er through the addition of government surplus commodities and other donations. Were it not for the contributions that we make throogh the BISHOPS' RELIEF FUND, this heartwarming program of charity would not be possible. The good that it has accomp!ished.J1as wo'! not_only the gr~titnd~ of those we haveserved~ but it has received the praise of those who are witnesses to it, beginning with the Holy Father himself.

In the conviction that you recognize an act of charity to others as a way in which ou can thank God for the gifts that He ba given to you, I ask our continued generosity to the BISHOPS' RELIEF FUND. YOUR GIFT IS TED THE AME OF CHRIST, IT IS DISTRlB TED I HIS ME and IT IS ACCEPTED AS FROM HIM. Sincerely ours in Christ, JOHN F. DEARDEN, Archbishop of Detroit



20912 Harper Avenue

Gilbert's Hardware Open Every Evenina till 7:00 Friday and Saturday till 8:00 21920 Harper, bet. 8 and 9 MOe PRescott 5-9532 - We DeIinr

DENEWETH T. V~' T.V. SERVICE - AU MAKES Reasonable All Labor and Parts Guaranteed Sales & Service-License No. 391

Call Any Time - TU 4-6549

Weekdays (March 6 - 11) 6:30'-Paul ,Vago, Raymond Seaser . Philip Brodqwski, . Charles Ireland 7:30-Wm. Rauch,. Michael Nehra , Garry Lantzy, Mich. Leahy 8:00~Mich. Culliton, Mich. Boccia Til:' Mervak, James Meredith 9:00-(Saturday only) Wm. Eickhoff, Mark Place Dav, Pochmara, Ron. Moore . Wednesday Evening Mass . 7:30-James Tomaszewski, Erick , .' Ryberg, Gregory Kaminsky, ., '."". Stanley Fisher Thursday Evening Devotions 7:30-Michael Cuulton, Michael Boccia, Thomas Mervak, lames Meredith Sunday (March 12) . 6:30-lames Tomaszewski, Erick Ryberg, Gregory Kaminsky, Stanley Fisher . 7:30-loseph Basta, Rickey Biggs, Thomas Van Loon, Gasper Novara .,8:45-William Eickhoff, Mark Place, David Pochmara, Ronald Moore

8:45-(Hall) David Groth, David Elias, Michael McClain . IO:OO--lerome Lumetta, Francis Schebil, Robert Goodman, Robert Michalowicz 10:15-(Ha1l) Roy Gies, Duane Hamel, Robert Raab II :30-Michael Fleming, Donald Durocher, Edward Gjlin, Simon Thomas I I:30-(Hall) Paul Vago, Raymond Seaser, Philip Brodowski, Charles Ireland 12:45-William Rauch, Michael Nehra, Garry Lantzy, Michael Leahy' -----<0>-----

Parents of Handicapped Children All parents of handicapped children are invited to attend a retreat conducted by R,ev. Raymond Ellis at St. John Evangelist Church (corner of East Grand Blvd. and Milwaukee, next to St. Joseph's' Hospital) this Sunday, March 5th, from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.


Co/lie Drug

Prescriptions - Cosmetics Hallmark Cards

Phone PRo 6-6122 Free Delivery Service

Complete Presuiption Service - SPECIAL-

WALL WASHING Average Rooms $4.00 PAINTING - Free Estimates References-Workmanship Guaranteed

O'SULLIVAN VA 1·6491 DR 1-2166

EMBO/S MARKET Choice Meats and Home Made SauS3lle 'BEER- WINE

Dally Fresh Fnrits, Vegefablell and


STORE HOURS: Mon. thm Thurs., 8 a.m, to 6 p.m .. Friday, 8 to 8 - Saturday, 8 to 6


MANCUSO'S Florist & Gift Shop One of Detroit's Largest and Finest Flower Shops We telegraph flowers everywhere Members-of'-F.T.D. ..... Floral Designs-Wedding BouquetS' Corsages OPEN: Monday Thru Thursday 9 A.M.-7 P.M. Friday, 9 A.M.-9 P.M. Saturday, 9 A.M.-7 P.M. We Grow Our Own Plants and Flowe,.

We Give Gold Bell Gift St3]JJPS

16373 Harper

TU 2-070

Member of Parish


Real Flat Top Brush Cuts - Princetons - Any Style 16900 E. 8 Mile nr. Kelly DR 1·2498


One Stop Service Open 24 Hours Tires . Batteries - Accessories Lubrication Specialists Light Repairs - Tune-up . Brake Service PICK-UP and DELIVERY George Blair, Prop. TU 4-9865 20682 HARPER

QUALITY FEED STORE Agriculture Chemicals Lawn' - Seed - Fertilizer Phone TUxedo 1-8870 20726 Harper at • MDe Rd. !!IT.


WANT ADS WALL WASm - G and PAINTING -Reasonable. F r e e estimates. Phone DR, 1-0278. ALL BRICK WORK-New and Repairs, porches, steps, etc. Leaky basements repaired. Licensed and insured. Manuel Marchese, LA 6-9300. GUITERS - General Sheet Metal. Free Estimates. Quality Work R. E. Russell, 20107 Schoenherr, VE 9-0910. PAINTING - Interior - Exterior reasonable. WALL WASHING-average room $4. Workmanship guaranteed. Estimates. Keohane Decorating, PR 3-1956. LAKEPOINTE PLUMBING AND HEATING - Sales and Service. Gas Conversion Burners, Septic Tank-By Pass, Basement Toilets, Hot Water He ate r s, Electrical Sewer Cleaning. Free Estimates. L. 1. Roulo, Master Plumbing and Heating Engineer. PR 6-0204. HOT AIR RUNS ADDED - Duct work, gutters, roofing, siding and decks. Free estimates. A. Schwarz Roofing & Tin n i n g Co., 14911 Eastburn, Phone VE 9-5350. AVERAG E HOME RE-ROOFED, $185.00. Work myself. LA 7-8249 or LA 1-3821. DISCOUNT TO PARISH MEMBERS on Porch enclosures. additions and basements. Also complete line of aluminum combination windows & doors, awnings, jalousies etc. Free estimates. F.H.A. Terms. P. Downey Sales Co., 22310 Harper, PR 3-1444. AAA-Gutters, Decks, Roofs, Chimneys, Roof Louvers. or myselfreasonable (member of parish). Call PR 6-0592. GUTTERS, 45¢ ft.; roofs, 12¢ ft.Labor & material. Work myself. Call LA 6-0948. Metal Decks. SEWING MACHINE REPAIR-We repair all makes and vacuum cleanors. 16837 Stricker, East Detroit. All work guaranteed. PR 1-2888. If no answer, call after 5:30 p.m. TUTORING-remedial reading and elementary arithmetic - grades 1 - 8. Reasonable rates. PR 3-0091. MASON BRICK and CEMENT WORK-New and repair. Special: Bullnose steps, basement leaks repaired. All work guaranteed. Call TU 1-4567. S. Santoro. E. D. FOLEY ROOFING, SIDING & TINNINGAluminum windows & doors. Rock wool insulation, iron railings, aluminum awnings. Cash or terms. Insured workmen. 17353 Strasburg avenue, LA 1-2075.

Auto - Radio - Phonograph Repairs

J & B



PR 8-7150 ROBERT BRACCI, Proprietor 21332 HARPER bet. Maxine & California st. Clair Shores, Mleh.

MASS COMMENTATORS March 12 7:30-Joseph Caramagno 8:45-Bill Weber 8:45-John Connors (Hall) 10:15-Mike Ambrozy (Hall) 11 :30-Raymond Kirschke 11:30-Tom Brennan (Hall) 12:45-Harry Gilbert There is a need for home commentators. The Extra Masses in the Hall have increased the duties of the present staff. Your assistance would be appreciated Please call Fr. Baldwin.


WE ASK YOUR PRAYERS We ask your prayers for the repose of the soul of Henry D. Reis. His funeral took place a week ago yesterday, Feb. 25, in Crown Point, Indiana. Mr. Reis was the father of Sister Joellen, who is now teaching the children of St. Peter School for the sixth consecutive year. The sisters do much for the children of our parish. We have So) few opportunities to show our gratitude. This is one occasion that we can prove to Sister Joellen that we are grateful by promising prayers for the happy repose of the soul of her father. o

Pre-Cana Conferences Pre-Cana -- Conferences will be held at five centers at the following times: Catholic Charities Building, 9851 Hamilton Avenue, Detroit, Michigan

Sun., Mar. 5-2: 30 p.m. Tues., Mar. 7-8:00 p.m. Sun., Mar. 12-2:30 p.m.

St. Veronica's Parish, 21440 Universal Drive, East Detroit, Michigan

Sun., Mar. 12-1 :3'0 p.m. Wed., Mar. 15-8:30 p.m. Sun., Mar. 19~1 :30 p.m. ¢

PUBLIC PENITENTS In the early ages of Christianity only public sinners, those who had committed grave faults and who were. obliged to perform their penances publicly, received the ashes on Ash Wednesday. On that day the bishop ble-sed the hair shirts which they were to wear and sprinkled them with ashes and, while the faithful chanted the Seven Penitential Psalms, the penitents were expelled from the church and forbidden to ret urn until Holy Thursday? the day on which they would be permitted to receive sacramental absolution. Later on, the faithful associated themselves with the penitents and received the "sign of death" so that they might begin a new life with Christ on Easter day. Towards the close of the eleventh century the Council of Beneventum ordained that all the faithful without distinction should be ur!!ed to receive the ashes on Ash Wednesday.

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Call before 9 a.m. or after 3 p.m.

17625 Collinson

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STANDARD SERVICE Expert lubric.tion - Motor Tune-v,. Ilr.k.. & Road Service PRo 5·9226 ICI! MACHINE

8 Mile Rd.

For those Special Occasions Funeral Tributes - Wedding Designs Corsages - Plants - Gifts

Beautiful{y Designed by

Eastland Florist Shoppe Eastland Center

DR 1-5544

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CITY WIDE DELIVERY Affiliated with


LA 7·7550

JOSEPH'S RELIGIOUS ARTICLES First Communion Articles Complete Line of Religious Articles Various Language Cards for All Occash)11lI Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.

20935 HARPER

TV 4·4960

Esquire Theatre E. Jeff. at Beaconsfield. Grosse Pte VA 2·2870


Now Playing

21854 HARPER (between 8 & 9 Mile) Mon. thru Sat. - Thur. & Fri. Eve.

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Sunday March 5th tbm March 11 Franz Werfel's Magnificent Masterpiece

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Beer and Wine


Lunch Meats - Party Foods 24 Hr. Automatic Ice Service Strohs Ice Cream - We Deliver 20810 Harper TU 4-2525

COMING SUN. MAR. 12 to 18




Lubrication -

Dumont Enginescope -

Brake Service

A.A.A. TOWING SERVICE 19904 HARPER at Woodmont TV 1·1001 - TU 4-9801 Harper Woods Member of St. Angela Parish

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LlEBOlD'S Men's Wear


MEN'S and LADlES' PENDLETON SPORTSWEAR 20419 Mack Ave. TV 1-8899 Opp. Howard Johnson's Grosse Pointe Woods

Two Registered Barbers Ladies Haircutting a Specialty "It pays to look well" 20750 Mack at Anita TU 1-5660

EASTLAND - ALEXANDER & HORNUNG MEATS -:- CHOICE CUTS Home-made German Style Sausage -:- Fresh and Smoked Meats EASNEST HASSO

Eastland Center, Detroit 35, Mich.

Phone VE 9-9330

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