About the Author Thomas grew up in Ayer, Massachusetts. He has lived his entire life in the small town, always looking for fun, adventourous things to do. He has always had an interests in art, ranging from looking at paintings in museums, to simply enjoying things such as concert photos. His second year of school he finally found his calling. Graphic Design. He is really looking forward to the adventure ahead.
Line Who is the client this design was created for? http://stylecaster.com/beauty/community-trend-spotting-bangs/ Who is the primary audience of the design? The primary audience of the design seems to be for people who are into fashion and keeping up with current fashion trends. The gender definitely seems to be geared towards females, while the interests are for women who like to constantly read articles on current fashion. Line is being used in the design to: Create a mood, establishes a linear mode of expression, a linear style. The mood seems to create a simple design to keep the website clean looking and organized. It seems to be representing the less is more type of style by utilizing lines as borders. Organize other elements on the page- visually organize a composition and/or delineate boundaries and define areas within a composition The website definitely utilizes lines by creating a border for the different hyperlinks on the webpage. It also creates a place that divides their social networking pages with lines creating a nice, clean look. In paragraph form, please summarize your answers to the following questions: The designer used line in a simple way to create a good way to cleanly divide different parts of the website. I believe line was utilized in this way to allow people to easily navigate through the website. I believe the designer was trying to achieve a simple way for people to navigate the website. The use of line makes the audience feel that they can understand and use the website very easily. The audience’s response for the use of Line as the predominant element in the website would be to say that they did a good job by not over crowding the website.
Shape Who is the client this design was created for? The ad was created to introduce a trip you can win to “The Ultimate Pop Culture Event!� Who is the primary audience of the design? The age is geared towards young adults, 21 or older. The targeted gender is to both Men and Women by introducing artists such as Nick Jonas, James Corden, Janelle Monae and the cast of Happy Endings. It targets people who are interested in the pop culture scene. Shape is being used in the design in the following ways: Shaded or colored areas are creating the predominant shape In this ad, Shape is being used by colorful circles surrounding the advertisement. The Shape is a series of circles creating an even bigger circle surrounding the headline, Pop Fest. The O in Pop is a shrunken design of the series of circles surrounding the Page filling white space. Shape is sustaining the viewers interest The use of shape is definitely sustaining the viewers interest by using vibrant colors, intriguing the viewers interest. They do a really good job of using different colors of the circles making it vibrant and fun. Shape is organizing the page Shape is organizing the page by centering the ad making it fun and easy to read. I think they did a really good job organizing the advertisement by the use of shape keeping it clean and simple. The designer used shape by creating a series of circles. Shape was utilized by the designer creating a pattern of sorts by using shape. The entire ad is filled with circles creating a very interesting design that keeps the reader intrigued. The designers intent was to certainly get people to notice the ad and did a very good job with that. I think they were trying to achieve a interesting design and logo that would catch readers attention. The impact that the use of shape had on the audience was that it got people to view the ad. My assumption is that this got a lot of people to hear about this festival and to even enter the contest or buy tickets to it. The use of shape made the audience feel excited to read about it. The audience’s response would be that it pulled off well. It was simply made but yet it did a good job intriguing people to read about it.
Texture: Texture can be defined as an object’s visual or tactile surface characteristics and appearance, or as something composed of closely interwoven elements (such as a woven cloth). In graphic design, texture is most often used as a secondary element to reinforce an idea, rather than a primary element to communicate a concept. However, it is a powerful addition to your design because it can add depth and interest to an ordinary flat design. Especially in the world of computer design where the effort to design a usable interface often leads to flat color or white backgrounds, the skillful use of texture can add a new dimension to your design. • Who is the client (product, service, organization, company) this design was created for? Please provide the name and company/organization description using the printed design The client of this company was Garnier. The description for the product was “luscious formula with the essence of royal jelly, honey, and propolis for nourishing repair for damaged hair. Age, gender, interests? Try to be specific when defining the audience The age was mostly for mainly for adults with damaged hair. The gender wasn’t specific, mainly for both genders. • TEXTURE is being used in the design to: (Replace the line with a capital X for all that apply) __ Create a particular mood or feeling __ Fill individual shapes or areas X Reinforce or support the concept of the design • Please thoroughly explain your answers from the checklist above and analyze/describe how this design uses TEXTURE. This design reinforces/supports the concept of the design by having a photo of a honeycomb next to the product with a wand dripping honey over it really giving off the impression of the honey in their product. Carefully address each option that you have chosen from the checklist above. In paragraph form, please summarize your answers to the following questions: How did the designer use TEXTURE and explain why you believe TEXTURE was utilized in this way? Moreover, what was the designer’s intent? What do you think he or she was hoping to achieve by using TEXTURE in this way? (Try to think like the designer). How did the use of TEXTURE make the audience feel? What would the audiences’ response be in this use of TEXTURE as the predominant element of the design? Please use the questions on page 70—What to Consider When Using Texture—from Using Design Basics (PDF provided on Bb) to assist you in your analysis of this design. Carefully review the examples and author’s analysis on pages 71-79 of the PDF. The designer used texture to really make the product feel like honeycomb. I believe texture was utilized in this way by each individual comb giving the impression that you can actually feel it. The designers intent was to really have the selling point being the honey. I believe the designer was hoping to achieve a really good visual of texture to sell it as if it was coming straight from the honeycomb. The use of texture made the audience feel like they can reach out and actually grab it, which is what i wanted to do. I feel the audiences would react really well to the point of using honey in this Shampoo, giving a very positive response to it.
Balance: Imagine yourself sitting at one end of a teeter-totter at your local park: you with the seat you occupy on the ground and the seat across from you empty and lifted off the ground. What kind of weight is required in the opposite seat to balance your weight evenly across the beam? The logical answer—and probably the first one that springs to mind—is that a person of equal size to you would properly balance your weight. However, that’s not your only possibility; for instance, couldn’t two persons, if each weighed half your weight, likewise balance you if they both were to sit at the other end of the teeter-totter? Of course. • Who is the client (product, service, organization, company) this design was created for? Please provide the name and company/organization description using the printed design The client that this design was created for was Stella Artois Premium Cider. • Who is the primary audience of the design? Age, gender, interests? Try to be specific when defining the audience. The primary audience of the design is for people with a legal drinking age depending where you are in the world. • BALANCE is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Replace the line with a capital X for all that apply) __ To create a mood through visual weight and impression of force within the design __ Symmetrical balance is reinforcing the message—such as; serious, conservative, sophisticated, stable, elegant, etc. X Asymmetrical balance is reinforcing the message—such as; relaxed, informal, freeform, creative, energetic, etc. __ Radial balance—elements radiate out from a point in the center of the composition to support the message. X To create visual tension by being obviously unbalanced. • Please thoroughly explain your answers from the checklist above and analyze/describe how this design uses BALANCE. I believe the design utilized Asymmetrical balance by having the the bottle of cider paired directly next to a wine glass filled with cider. It seems like they purposely did this to give the impression of it being a premium drink. I also believe the design created visual tension by being obviously unbalanced. On the edges of the page it shows a bushel of apples hanging from a tree on the left side, and on the right side it shows one big apple on a tree. Carefully address each option that you have chosen from the checklist above. In paragraph form, please summarize your answers to the following questions: How did the designer use BALANCE and explain why you believe BALANCE was utilized in this way? Moreover, what was the designer’s intent? What do you think he or she was hoping to achieve by using BALANCE in this way? (Try to think like the designer). How did the use of BALANCE make the audience feel? What would the audiences’ response be in this use of BALANCE as the predominant element of the design? Please use the questions on page 86—What to Consider When Using Balance—from Using Design Basics (PDF provided on Bb) to assist you in your analysis of this design. Carefully review the examples and author’s analysis on pages 87-93 of the PDF. The designer used balance by having 1 bushel of apples and the cider on one side and the same thing on the other side balanced completely. I believe balance was utilized in this way to give of the impression of being a premium beverage. The designers intent seemed to be to market it as a premium, high end drink. I believe they were hoping to achieve balance in this way by showing it straight from the tree, then used in the drink itself. The balance made the audience feel it was a high end drink straight from the source. I believe the audience’s response for the use of balance in this design would be that they gave off a good impression of it being a straight from the source type of drink.
Contrast: Contrast is an especially important principle in graphic design, and a crucial tool to communicate an idea. It is also one of the most effortless principles to put into action. As soon as you add any element to a blank page, no matter how subtle, you’ve used contrast. • Who is the client (product, service, organization, company) this design was created for? Please provide the name and company/organization description using the printed design The client this design was created for was Behr paint. • Who is the primary audience of the design? The primary audience is for people looking to repaint their homes, interior or exterior.
Age, gender, interests? Try to be specific when defining the audience. The age is geared towards adults of both genders, with the interests of looking for paint. • CONTRAST/EMPHASIS is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Replace the line with a capital X for all that apply) X Strengthen an idea; support the message __ Create a clear visual hierarchy and direct focal point __ Emphasis through isolation (isolated shape) X Emphasis through placement (placement of elements in the top left, center/middle of the page, or foreground) __ Emphasis through scale (shapes create the illusion of spatial depth) X Emphasis through contrasting colors, values, shapes, texture and/or typography __ Emphasis through direction and pointers (arrows and diagonal shapes/lines) __ Emphasis through diagrammatic structures (tree, nest or stair structures of information) __ To create a contradiction (BIG written in very small type) • Please thoroughly explain your answers from the checklist above and analyze/describe how this design uses CONTRAST. The company used contrast to strengthen an idea, and support the message of the ad being all yellow, showing off the brands “Fuzzy Duckling” paint. The model is also wearing a vibrant, fuzzy, yellow jacket representing a duckling. They also use Emphasis through placement by showing the actual color of the paint in the can in the bottom left corner with the lid off of it and a paint brush dipped in the paint. Finally, they used emphasis through contrasting colors by the use of all the brands yellow duckling paint. Carefully address each option that you have chosen from the checklist above. In paragraph form, please summarize your answers to the following questions: How did the designer use CONTRAST and explain why you believe CONTRAST was utilized in this way? Moreover, what was the designer’s intent? What do you think he or she was hoping to achieve by using CONTRAST in this way? (Try to think like the designer). How did the use of CONTRAST make the audience feel? What would the audience’s’ response be in this use of CONTRAST as the predominant element of the design? Please use the questions on page 99—What to Consider When Using Contrast—from Using Design Basics (PDF provided on Bb) to assist you in your analysis of this design. Carefully review the examples and author’s analysis on pages 100-108 of the PDF.
Unity: Unity is the underlying structure of a design. Think of a house: it begins with a foundation from which everything else is built. If your foundation is shaky or poorly constructed, nothing will sit solidly in the rooms above. Unity is important in a design to make everything feel as though it fits together. Repeating elements are also important in design campaigns containing multiple formats so that they in turn fit together. When a company commissions a print campaign or website, the intent is that the viewer should always recognize the identity or product being sold, whether it is a print advertisement or a website. • Who is the client (product, service, organization, company) this design was created for? Please provide the name and company/organization description using the printed design www.google.com Please provide the URL if it is a website; www.website.com • Who is the primary audience of the design? Age, gender, interests? Try to be specific when defining the audience. - The primary audience of the design is not specific to anyone. All ages and genders use this website to search for what they need to find. • UNITY is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Check all that apply) (Replace the line with a capital X for all that apply) __ Creates a visual rhythm with distinct repetition and variation of elements X Uses similarity (like elements, line, VALUE, texture, color, type, direction are used) X Uses proximity (elements are near each other; clustered together to form visual relationships) __ Uses continuity (perceived visual paths or connections among parts. Elements that appear as a continuation of other elements are perceived as linked) __ Uses closure (the mind connects individual elements to produce a completed form, unit or pattern) __ Uses common fate (Elements are perceived as a unit if they are moving in the same direction) __ Uses continuing line (two or more lines that break are perceived as overall movement and the break is ignored) __ Shows correspondence (visual connections/similarities in the design elements across a family of pieces or pages such as stationery—letterhead, business card, envelope, mailing label, book jackets in a series, multipage/campaign advertising, websites) __ Uses a defined structure (underlying grid of columns, guides and alignments of text and visuals) X Leads the viewer’s eye through the design (has a visual flow and movement with perceived relationships of similar elements) • Please thoroughly explain your answers from the checklist above and analyze/describe how this design uses UNITY. Carefully address each option that you have chosen from the checklist above. In paragraph form, please summarize your answers to the following questions: How did the designer use UNITY and explain why you believe UNITY was utilized in this way? Moreover, what was the designer’s intent? What do you think he or she was hoping to achieve by using UNITY in this way? (Try to think like the designer). What impact did the use of UNITY have on the audience? How did the use of UNITY make the audience feel? What would the audiences’ response be to this use of UNITY as the predominant element of the design? Please use the questions on page 113—What to Consider When Striving for Unity—from Using Design Basics (PDF provided on Bb) to assist you in your analysis of this design. Carefully review the examples and author’s analysis on pages 115-122. - Google uses similarity in their website to make the website very recognizable to people. Just looking at the colors of the word Google, people will know what the website is. It’s a very simple layout that everyone knows. Google also uses proximity by having their letters and logo spaced in a very direct way. By doing this it allows the viewer to look at a very simple, well done website. It forms a visual relationship by the spacing not being different lengths apart, making it look very professional. The website also leads the viewer’s eye through the design by having a fun, bright color font making it very easy to view. This makes it so nobody has problems reading the font by using a white background. Its very easy to read. They also change the way their logo looks pertaining to a certain person or event and whenever they do that it always comes out looking good and easy to view.
Value: Value is lightness or darkness of an object or color. Value exerts as a powerful influence on a design, creating mood, depth, and contrast. • Who is the client (product, service, organization, company) this design was created for? Please provide the name and company/organization description using the printed design Please provide the URL if it is a website; www.website.com • Who is the primary audience of the design? Age, gender, interests? Try to be specific when defining the audience. The primary audience for the design is for adults of both genders looking for any type of adidas gear, such as shoes, clothing, accessories, etc... • VALUE is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Check all that apply) X Creates a strong mood or feeling/emotional response X Creates value contrast (high-key or low-key value contrast) __ Creates movement and direction (high contrast to lower contrast areas) • Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your own words how this advertisement or website uses VALUE. Carefully address each option that you have chosen from the checklist above. In paragraph form, please summarize your answers to the following questions: How did the designer use and explain why you believe VALUE was utilized in this way? Moreover, what was the designer’s intent? What do you think he or she was hoping to achieve by using VALUE in this way? (Try to think like the designer). What impact did the use of VALUE have on the audience? How did the use of VALUE make the audience feel? What would the audiences’ response be to this use of VALUE as the predominant element of the design? Please use the questions on page 125—What to Consider When Using Value—from Using Design Basics (PDF provided on Bb) to assist you in your analysis of this design. Carefully review the examples and author’s analysis on pages 130-139. Adidas does a terrific job using value. It’s a very low saturated website using blacks, whites, and grays. By doing this it creates a mood of calm and interested. The website also creates a value contrast. By having neutral colors being part of the brand it not only engages people, but makes it very easy for people to view. Overall, Adidas does a terrific job using a very ‘grayscale’ website that’s easy to view, has no strain on the eye, and engages the viewer/customers.
Color has the power to override value. Color defines the intent of a design, the feeling, and the structure. Warm colors can make the viewer feel a range of emotions from warm and fuzzy to tense to angry. Cool colors leave us feeling relaxed and calm. Viewers respond to color in part based on cultural and social influences, but color is very subjective and based on personal preference. • Who is the client (product, service, organization, company) this design was created for? Please provide the name and company/organization description using the printed design Please provide the URL if it is a website; www.website.com • Who is the primary audience of the design? Age, gender, interests? Try to be specific when defining the audience. -The primary audience of the design is for children, both genders looking to play fun games or watch videos. • COLOR is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Check all that apply) X Creates a strong mood or feeling/emotional response __ Sends a specific message/meaning to the audience (historical, natural/organic, cultural, regional, religious, influential, etc) X The colors are primarily warm (reds, oranges and yellows + neutrals) X The colors are primarily cool (blues, greens, purple + neutrals) __ Creates visual tension and movement __ Provides unity and balance throughout the design __ Provides a sense of order (via grid or structure) X Creates harmony (a satisfying balance or unity of colors; pleasing to the eye) • Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your own words how this advertisement or website uses COLOR. Carefully address each option that you have chosen from the checklist above. In paragraph form, please summarize your answers to the following questions: How did the designer use and explain why you believe COLOR was utilized in this way? Moreover, what was the designer’s intent? What do you think he or she was hoping to achieve by using COLOR in this way? (Try to think like the designer). What impact did the use of COLOR have on the audience? How did the use of COLOR make the audience feel? What would the audiences’ response be to this use of COLOR as the predominant element of the design? Please use the questions on page 128—What to Consider When Using Color—from Using Design Basics (PDF provided on Bb) to assist you in your analysis of this design. Carefully review the examples and author’s analysis on pages 130-139. - This website utilizes color by creating a strong mood. It has a very happy, fun mood to it by having bright, fun colors making the viewer interested and engaged. The colors are primarily cool colors such as green, purple, and blue. This has to do with not only the logo, but the background of the webpage. By utilizing these colors it provides a relaxed, calm feeling for the kids, or even parents. Finally, the website creates a harmony
by having these colors easy to look at and visually appealing to the eye. The webpage is very well done and would definitely have any child interested by utilizing color in this way.