Disertation proposal level 3

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CREATIVE CONCEPT creative interpretation of teh big idea from visual referencing


& gita me soci l di a al






EXECUTIONS finalised outcomes and integrated communication

THE BIG IDEA an idea that distrupts and creates impact to achieve the stated aim

CONTEXT insight led strategy from primary and secondary research

Figure 1 FCP TRIANGLE (2015)



he primary purpose of this proposal is to bring together my strengths which le in graphic design, trend forecasting and styling, whilst stating what is growing within industry. Both ideas highlight a push towards innovation and expansion of the industry, from the use of sub cultures within industry to technological advancements that enable experts to do portray the industry in new lights. I will be looking into interested topics of transgender and drag culture within today’s society as well as looking into how the use of drones affects and enables creative industries. I will be looking into topics outside of the fashion industry to show how the media portrays such things in extremely different lights and focuses on the negatives. This will allow me to demonstrate my strengths in and around Fashion Communication and Promotion.

Figure 2 Transgender cartogram(2015)







Figure 3: 69 WORLDWIDE (2015)


he following report with present the idea of how I am going to be looking into the topic of how the transgender community is changing the now, and how this is shown globally In different types of cultures and then leading up to the aspect of how is this shaping the fashion and creative

According to Veronica So writing for Dazed Digital (2015:Online), trans casting is becoming much more of a popular trend within fashion presentations, which is evidentially shown within the brand 69 Worldwide and their fall presentation, through the way in which female and male models are depicted wearing clothing of the opposite gender bringing up the issue of how blurred the line is between men’s and women’s collections.

Embedded within the luxury, New York department store, Barneys’ is their latest catalogue. Pages filled with beautiful male and female models wearing evidentially beautiful clothes- but unlike their previous catalogues, all the models are transgender. Writing for LSN:Global (2014:Online) Daniela Walker says that the store has done this to bring attention to the transgender community, which has been left behind as the lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) communities become more accepted and mainstream. Showing how Trans is being thrusted at the foreground of the fashion industry and aren’t just behind the scenes anymore but are the ones creating the scenes.

Figure 4 Barneys Trans(2015)

‘I was exquisitely aware that in the last decade the LGB communities have made extraordinary advances, and the transgender community has not shared in that progress,

Dennis Freedman, Barneys’ creative director said in an interview in the catalogue.

Figure 5 James Fraco Candy Magazine(2010)

In 2010 Candy magazine was launch with James Franco on the cover. A publication with its sole purpose to be completely dedicated to celebrating transvestism, transexuality, cross dressing and androgyny it all its manifestations according to Huffington Post (2010:Online). Through media such as this, it is clear how in a modern society that the trans community are starting to break down barriers and allow access into their misunderstood world to a wider audience, building a platform for acceptance for a way for the global community to understand their ways.

Figure 6 selfridges AGENDER VM (2015)

More recently Selfridges has launched their Agender campaign with the tagline, “HE SHE ME�. Their aim is to create a shopping experience where men and women are free to shop wherever they wish and shouldn’t feel obliged to shop in areas assigned to their gender and allow their consumers to have creative freedom in what they chose to wear. Campaigns such as this just make it evident how in western culture, that traditional gender barriers are being broken and disregarded in fashion, creating hope for these barriers to be broken in other areas of our culture.

Robin Mellery-Pratt raises the question that, will genderless fashion change retail (2015:Online)? With Alessandro Michele’s womenswear debut for Gucci depicting men and women wearing pussy-bow blouses and sharing the same tailoring on the runway and general aesthetic showing her transcended gender differences. Prada Givenchy and Saint Laurent have all featured both men and women within their shows with the models and the clothing looking incredibly similar that the ideas of “guess the gender” is becoming a fashion week pursuit. Are consumers ready to shop side by side and disregarded the traditional ideas that have been the basis of all of our wardrobes for centuries? There is evidence that change in happening already with men buying into brands such as Céline and women buying into Givenchy men’s collection for a much more relaxed fit which seems to appeal to them according to Lianna Mann (vice president of womenswear, home and jewellery at Lane Crawford)

“Ultimately, it is more about beautiful clothes that are rare and special; it is more of a sidebar note that these clothes are stylistically less rigid than what we perceive to conform to a definition of masculine versus feminine,” added Tom Kalenderian, executive vice president and general merchandise manager for menswear at Barneys

“Certainly, it’s not everyone, but someone we all know.” New York.

According to a recent report by Trendwatching.com, “People of all ages in all markets are constructing their own identities more freely than ever. As a result, consumption patterns are no longer defined by ‘traditional’ demographic segments such as age, gender, location, income, family status and more.”

In the United States it is clear that there is an area in which the transgender world is changing from trans casting to being featured in one of the top department stores, but the other side of the issue is incredibly different. There is a clear defined line down the middle of the issue where one side is willing for the change but the other are so against the concept that they feel the need to boycott the progression of modern society.

Figure 7 Mz DeSe, Dismagazine (2014) There is an increasing uproar over the number of antitransgender bills that we are seeing within 2015, and how it is higher than that of previous years. A senior legislative counsel at LGBT civil-rights advocacy group Human Right Campaign Alison Gill has spoken to Mashable online (2015:Online), that these bills have come in three main categories.

“Bathroom surveillance” legislation that has been proposed in Massachusetts, Florida, Texas Kentucky and Missouri seeks to prevent transgender people from have the freedom of using the bathroom of their choice that they feel most comfortable with using. Another type of bill that has been proposed in South Dakota and Minnesota would prevent transgender students from playing in sports based solely on their lived gender. Legislators in Connecticut and South Carolina have proposed laws that would allow health insurance companies to deny services to transgender people. Alison Gill has said that the wave of anti transgender legislation is in response to the gains that have been seen in local non-discriminative policies that protect transgender people. Even though it has been stated that it is unlikely that any of these bills will even pass and make it that far, It is shocking that in a country that seems so willing to embrace trans culture that they also seem to want to heavily regress the progress that it is finally making.

In other cultures such as South Korea, they have even adapted their traditional conventions to the way in which modern men are perceived as it has been estimated that at least 20% in 2011 wear some sort of foundation on their skin according to Lucy Williamson writing for the BBC (2012:Online), whereas it was estimated from the company’s biggest cosmetics company, Amore Pacific that it grew the following year to 14% putting the markets annual value at almost £562m. This clearly shows that even in societies with strict ideas of gender, that the way in which the modern world is evolving, cant stop how the idea of metro sexuality is rubbing off on all cultures, so in a world where transgender communities are still scrutinized it raises the question of why? Why attempt to force regression of a subculture that break down traditional conventions when today, it’s what the modern world is working towards.

Figure 8 south korean men makeup (unknown)

According to Christopher Miller, writing for MashableUK (2015:Online) the Russian government appears to have banned transgender and those with “disorders of sexual preference” from driving in the country, according to a decree titles “On Road Safety”, signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedew and then published on the governments website. There idea behind the decision is that it is aimed to reduce deaths on the road, but the issue is that those who indentify themselves different to their assigned gender would automatically lose their licenses if caught by the police. Russia believe that toughening the medical requirements to be able to drive is fully justified but this comes not long after the anti-gay law was introduced in 2013 and their crackdown on LGBT persons.

My aim with this idea is that I want to show a clear divide and delve deeper into social and creative issues, looking further into the issues happening within America and how that is affecting Trans communities and the restrictions that they have placed upon their lifestyle choices in a country that is meant for the “free”. I will be conducting and online interview with New York socialite Mz Dese Bae Escobar who has been quoted as being the ALTimate Kardashian and sister number six who is in all forms a man but living as a self-made it girl according to Dismagazine (2014:Online). I aim to pin point issues and scrutinize the way in which they discrimate and dehumanize trans communities just because they chose to change form from what they were originally born.


Figure 9 Drone Cartogram (2015)




Are drones helping to shape today’s creative industries?

Figure 10 Silicone Valley Fashion Week (2015)


he second half of this report will outline the ethical issues around the use of drones globally but lead to how they are beneficial to creative industries, focusing on the fashion sector for this report. Showing how this new age of technology can change the way we interact and how it can reinvent the way our world operates.

Figure 11 No Done Zone FAA (2015)

The use of drones in the past has always had negative connotations. According to Jack Serle writing for The Bureau Of Investigation Journalism (2014:Online), President Obama has launched over 390 covert drone strikes in his first five years in office, resulting in more than 2,400 deaths; Its no wonder with issues such as this that the public is so fearsome and on edge about the use of drones within day-to-day life.

In other parts of the world Drones have been used within terrorist attacks being found on top of the Japanese Prime Ministers office, laced with traces of radiation, says the Associated Press writing for MashableUK (2015:Online). Whereas in a northern Indian city, police have been reported by The Indian Express (Online: 2015) that they are experimenting with showering uncontrollable crowds, with pepper spray released from drones. These issues together prove as to why countries feel the need to use them for protection, but it brings up the question as to whether this type of technology will either be beneficial or whether it will work against society.

Lorenzo Franceshci-Bicchierai writing for MashableUk (2015:Online), states that a drone was found crashed on the lawn of the White House in Washington. The incident caused a flurry of mildly panicked headlines. Even though that later the White House said that the drone didn’t pose a security threat and that it was the result of a local man just flying his drone, it raises yet again the issue of do the public feel safe about the general use of drones. The ideas of surveillance used in away were it is acceptable in day-to-day use and the thought of anyone watching you would scare anyone. As a result, according to Brian Ries writing for MashableUk, Washington D.C. has been officially declared by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) a no fly zone, and that anyone caught will face “stiff fines and criminal penalties (FAA 2015: Online).

Asking a group of individuals (Facebook 2015) as to whether the use of drones for surveillance in day-to-day life scares them, provided the results of that people do feel weary of them and the idea of “big brother� watching them and invading their personal space. But in some respects it would make them feel safer, it would only raise the real issue as to whether they would be abused or not if such a thing was put in place in western culture.

Figure 12 Police Surveillance (2015)

It has been estimated according to MashableUk (2015: Online) that more than 150 drones have been used to carry cocaine and other drugs over the border since 2012.

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Figure 13 Meth Mule (2015) It has been reported that a drone was discovered at the U.S. Mexican border carrying six pounds of methamphetamine. The Mexican authorities said in a Facebook post (Facebook 2015: Online) that criminals are trying different techniques which include the use of “blind mules” to transfer illegal goods.

This comes at a time when the FAA has approved for Amazon to test their new delivery service Amazon Prime Air with an “experimental airworthiness certificate� (PCWORLD 2015: Online). A new idea to deliver Amazon bought goods in 30 minutes in four to five years depending on their final approval. Proving that the use of drones can be beneficial but only in the right hands. Its all about what they are used for if not recreational.

Figure 14 Amazon Prime Air (2013)

Figure 15 Amazon Prime Air Innovation Curve (2015)

In other cases drones can be used to do things that typically human interaction for interfere with. Off the coast of California a rare gray whale superpod was captured using a drone. In these types of situations it is easy to see how advancements in technology can create opportunities to see sights that not everyone has access to, and to just appreciate what is around us, and have the ability to change the way we see the world.

Writing for i-D Magazine (2015:Online) Douglas Main has proposed the idea

“will drones take fashion into the future? ” of

Douglas mentions that you can be forgiven for not wanting a drone near your body for to their bad press and propensity to kill people, but that it is evident that they can be used for good and evil. As fashion and technology become more integrated with the wearable electronics market, which is worth between $5 billion and $14 billion (i-d 2015:Online) will drones have any access into the fashion world. In 2014 Fendi made headlines by using a fleet of drones to film their models as they walked down the catwalk during their Milan presentation. With mixed reviews Kai Margrander, the fashion director for Harper’s Bazaar Germany, sad in an interview for the AFP News Agency (2015:Onlline) that they irritated him and that the idea of surveillance and the association of the SS and Nazi Germany didn’t have good connotations for him. Whilst others thought that the use of drones was innovative and allowed new perspectives of how to watch a catwalk. Trend forecaster for Lowe & Partners, Zoe Lazarus told The Guardian (2014:Online) that live streams have become

“up the ante and get social media coverage”. very standard, so this is a way to

Lazarus feels that drones are becoming more accepted within creative fields so why not include fashion? Artists have been using drone-camera imagery for a while, and drones have been used in advertising for a couple

“Drones feel edgy and futuristic” of years,

vision of the future.

and appeal to the


Figure 17 DA DRONE BOYZ (2015) Furthermore for the past few New York fashion weeks, a company called Da Drone Boyz, have shot a variety of shots outside of shows from the air for Style.com, and creates a “unique perspective that you cant get from the ground” (Kellen Dengler 2015: Online), and can capture the spontaneity of the models and celebrities which hasn’t been shown in this way.

Senior designer as Frog Design Inc, Adam Pruden has said that wearable drones will become a real thing in the future. With ideas such as a rotor-shaped object that could be worn as a part of a necklace, that could be extended to become a rotating halo-like helicopter when it sensed rain, hovering over your head and keeping you dry.

IDTechX predicts that wearable technology, including items such as jewelry, belts and shoes, will be a $70 billion market in 2024, less than ten years away. Already in the works, are items such as a necklace that then flies off above your head when it rains, spinning so fast that it will keep you dry as you walk.

Figure 18: IDTechX (2015)

Pruden’s hypothesis is that drones will replace or supplement smartphones as primary pieces of personal technology, and for this idea to become a reality it makes sense for it to attach to your body and or clothes, making them wearable.

Concepts such as this may sound insane, but there is already a market for this. The nixie is a mini drone that folds up to become a wristband, which can then be thrown in front of you to take a “selfies”(Nixie 2015:Onine). With ideas such as this it shows how fashion and technology truly are merging to create items that in the future could seem like a necessity, so it only makes sense to embrace what is happening rather than fearing advancements from the negative news that we hear compared to the expansion of these ideas that we don’t hear.

Figure 19 NIXIE (2015)

Figure 20 NIXIE (2015)

My initial aim with this proposed idea is to pin point the fears that the mass population has thrusted upon them, but also how once that fear is taken away, how beneficial this technology can be to the creative industry and allow to reach new heights that wouldn’t have otherwise been possible. I aim to research further into the subject area looking into art and photography as well as fashion primarily but touching on other areas to show how drones can show the world from a new angle. I would be contacting creative bloggers and getting their opinions as well as contacting tech enthusiasts to gain their insight as to what they think about the benefits of drones outside of recreation and using them for a purpose.

ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 3: 69 Worldwide (2015) Available at: http://dazedimg.dazedgroup.netdna-cdn.com/786x700/azure/ dazed-prod/1100/9/1109964.jpg [Accessed 20.05.15] Figure 14: Amazon Prime Air (2015) Available at: http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/ image-gallery-01._V367570019_.jpg [Accessed 22.05.15] Figure 4: Barneys Trans campaign (2015) Available at: http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2014-01/enhanced/ webdr02/30/18/enhanced-buzz-wide-1505-1391123949-37.jpg [Accessed 20.05.15] Figure 17: Da Drone Boyz (2015) Available at: https://i-d-images.vice.com/images/2015/04/29/will-dronestake-fashion-into-the-future-body-image-1430318037.jpg?resize=2000:* [Accessed 22.05.15] Figure 16: Fendi Drone (2014) Available at: http://www.unit9.com/wp-content/uploads/fendi-drone-1400x788. jpg [Accessed 22.05.15] Figure 18: IDTechX (2015) Available at: http://somethingaboutmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ Frog-Design-Drones-Abby-Form-.jpg [Accessed 22.05.15] Figure 13: Meth Mule (2015) Available at: http://mashable.com/2015/01/22/meth-drone-mexico/ [Accessed 22.05.15] Figure 7: Mz DeSe Bae Escobar (2014) Available at: http://dismagazine.com/blog/66178/meet-dese-thealtimate-kardashian/ [Accessed 20.05.15] Figure 19: Nixie (2015) Available at: https://daks2k3a4ib2z.cloudfront. net/54ab6f75cbe3cec471d4c842/54aedc22b52c10123da46222_nixie-poster.jpg [Accessed 22.05.15] Figure 20: Nixie (2015) Available at: http://www.journaldugeek.com/files/2014/09/nixie1.jpg [Accessed 22.05.15] Figure 11: No Drone Zone FAA (2015) Available at: http://www.unmanned-aerial.com/e107_plugins/content/ images/image/thumb_1151_faa_ndz_brown.jpg [Accessed 22.05.15] Figure 12: Police Surveillance (2015) Available spycamPA2105_468x463.jpg [Accessed 22.05.15]



Figure 1: Ryan, Thomas (2015) FCP TRIANGLE [diagram] Figure 2: Ryan, Thomas (2015) Transgender Cartogram [diagram] Figure 9: Ryan, Thomas (2015) Drone cartogram, [diagram] Figure 15: Ryan, Thomas 2015) Innovation Curve [Diagram] Figure 5: Richardson, Terry (2015) Candy Magazine, Available at: http://edgblogs.s3.amazonaws.com/ brunoastuto/files/2013/01/james-franco-candy.jpg [Accessed 20.05.15]

Figure 6: Selfridges AGENDER vm (2015) Available at: http://www.grrlalex.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ ag4.jpg [Accessed 20.05.15] Figure 10: Silicone Valley Fashion week (2015) Available at: https://www.geekwire.com/wp-content/ uploads/2015/04/betabrand-drone_001-620x414.jpg [Accessed 22.05.15] Figure 8: South Korean men’s makeup (2012) Available at: http://i.ytimg.com/vi/mosby-MIivU/maxresdefault. jpg [Accessed 20.05.15]

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REFERENCES How does transgender affect the now? Gill, Alison (2015) ‘Bathroom surveillance’ bills criticized for targeting transgender people in U.S. Available at: http://mashable.com/2015/04/02/transgender-bills-u-s/ [Accessed: 14.05.15] Mellery-Pratt, Robin (2015) Will genderless fashion change retail, Available at: http://www.businessoffashion. com/articles/intelligence/will-genderless-fashion-work-retail [Accessed: 14.05.15] Miller, Christopher (2015) Russia bans people with ‘gender identity disorders’ from driving, Available at: http:// mashable.com/2015/01/08/russia-driving-ban-lgbt/ [Accessed 15.05.15] Unknown (2010) James Franco in drag for Candy Magazine, Available at: http://www.huffingtonpost. com/2010/10/05/james-franco-in-drag-for-_n_751971.html [Accessed: 14.05.15] So, Veronica (2015) Why NYFW trans casting is more than a trend, Available at: http://www.dazeddigital.com/ fashion/article/23716/1/why-nyfw-s-trans-casting-is-more-than-a-trend [Accessed: 14.05.15] Soldner, Anna (2014) Meet DeSe, the ALTimate Kardashian, Available at: http://dismagazine.com/blog/66178/ meet-dese-the-altimate-kardashian/ [Accessed 15.05.15] Walker, Daniela (2014) Gender Bending: Barneys campaign switches things up, Available at: https://www. lsnglobal.com/seed/article/15145/gender-bending-barneys-campaign-switches-things-up [Accessed: 14.05.15] Williamson, Lucy (2012) South Korean men get the make-up habit, Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/ magazine-20522028 [Accessed 17.05.15]

Are Drones helping industries?





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APPENDIX Cartogram Methodology



Cartogram Question Results Methodology

Question Results: does the idea of using drones for surveillance in day to day life scare you? “yes, i feel like it is too intense now and we are constantly being watched but on the other hand it does make me feel safer as there are always consequences for bad behaviour” “I feel like drones could snowball into something that is very invading. I think used in the right way they create quite beautiful shots but people have a way of using something like this and it spirals out of control” “yeah definitely, far more intrusive than CCTV cameras etc as they can literally follow you anywhere” “Yes! No privacy, you’d feel like your on Big Brother” “Yes now. well idea

the concept of the ‘I robot’ style world is hard to comprehend However if it was well researched and could protect people enough from situations then it could be accepted. But the of invasive robots sounds awful.”

“I think it was bound to happen, social media etc. We know everything we post is being motored, its scary that with greater freedom we get greater oppression/ censorship. And drones are just scary.”







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