Connection Magazine, October 2014 Issue

Page 1 •

October - Nov. 5, 2014

New Columns: • Yoga • Fitness & Sport • Martial Arts • Massage/Bodywork

Infant Massage pg 18 & 30 Science and Nonduali ty pg 5 & 11


Ganga Ji pg 22

Dr. Stan Montei th pg 13

Watsonville Fly-In pg 2


6-9 2014

BigSur OoO YE





For a complete schedule of events and to purchase tickets:

831.667.0800 - The primary mission of Big Sur Food & Wine Festival is to support local nonprofits that benefit health, safety, education and the arts.


Happy Halloween!

Page 2 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ October – Nov. 5, 2014 ConnectionOnline

Free Magazine Download from Anywhere in the World: Look for our Oct. 2014 Issue - Oct. 2nd - Now in our 21st Year

Feature Index Arts & Entertainment .................................... 34 Astrology ........................................................ 37 Awareness .................................................24-29 The Billboard ........................................... 3 & 36 Thriving Business ........................................4-5 Compassion Flower Resource Guide ...... 38-39 Dining Delights .............................................. 16 Essential Living Guide ............. 14,24,25,30,31 Fitness & Sports ............................................ 32 Green Business Directory .............................. 6

Health Notes..................................................12-15

Healthy Appearance ....................................... 17

Healthy Planet .............................................. 6-11 Lively Letters .................................................. 36 Martial Arts...................................................... 33 Massage / Bodywork ...................................... 30 Movies ............................................................. 34 Music .............................................................. 34 Parenting, Kids & Education ......................... 19 Pet / Animal Health ...........................................35 Radiation Protection .......................... will return Rave Reviews ....................................................36 Theme ......................................................... 20-21 Spirituality ................................................... 22-23 Travel & Fun ......................................Will Return Wonderful Women............................................ 18 Yoga .................................................................. 31

The Connection Magazine is for educational purposes only. We do not necessarily recommend the specific remedies, exercises, treatments or activities, etc. summarized. Please consult with your personal health care provider to find out what is appropriate for you.

The Billboard Entire Contents Š The Connection Magazine

TELL THE WORLD!! • Listings: are $6 a line with a 4-line minimum, prepaid • Headlines: 20 char. & Regular lines 30 char. Photo/Graphic: $10 • Next deadline date is Mon., Oct. 3rd for the Nov. 6th 2014 Issue • Go to our Website: • Email: • Mail to: The Connection Magazine, 7960 B Soquel Dr. #355, Aptos, CA 95003 • Phone: 831/459-0522 or Fax: (831) 427-7781 •Visa / MC / Discover / American Express/Diner Card SPECIAL: Prepay 4 months =10% off. Serving: Santa Cruz, Monterey, Santa Clara, and San Mateo Counties.10% off for non-proďŹ t.


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Listen to Perspectives Radio Show every Saturday from noon to one on KSCO 1080 AM. We have extensive coverage of issues regarding holistic health and other important topics How to Reach Us:

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The Billboard & Rave Reviews

Continues on Page 36

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Page 3 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ October – Nov. 5, 2014


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Patriot Act’s Absurd New Spawn: Just When You Thought it Couldn’t Get Any Worse by Marcy Wheeler Creative legal interpretations may now enable the government to sign off on things that will blow your mind. Congress may be preparing to reinforce two horrible FISA Court decisions and an abusive government search with no debate in the coming weeks: a decision to give national security orders unlimited breadth, one making it legal for the government to investigate Americans for activities protected under the First Amendment, and the FBI’s “back door� searches of Americans’ communication content collected under the FISA Amendment Act Section 702 authority. On Tuesday, the ACLU and the Department of Justice argued about the legality of the NSA’s phone dragnet program before the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in New York. Much of the discussion focused on the implications of the government’s theories that it can collect all phone records in the United States based on a claim they are “relevant� to standing terrorism investigations. “You can collect everything there is to know about everybody and have it all in one big government cloud,� said Judge Gerard Lynch, describing the implications of the government’s theories to Assistant Attorney General Stuart Delery. But the ACLU and the government also engaged in an equally important debate — on whether the

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FISA Court’s interpretation of the word “relevant� overstepped Congress’ intent – focused on whether Congress had backed FISC’s definition of “relevant� by reauthorizing the Patriot Act twice. The executive branch and the FISA Court have spent the last 15 months arguing that Congress “ratified� the expansive interpretations on which the phone dragnet program relies when it reauthorized the Patriot Act in 2010 and 2011 because, having been informed of the program, Congress extended the Patriot Act with-

Congress couldn’t have been briefed on the legal analysis underlying the phone dragnet because the FISA Court never got around to writing an opinion on it until 2013, in response to the Snowden leaks. The executive’s claim that Congress “ratified� the phone dragnet before the Snowden leaks — and therefore that the program currently complies with the intent of Congress — is farcical. And the judges on the panel — in addition to Lynch, fellow Democratic appointees Robert Sack and Vernon Broderick — seem skeptical of the government’s claim that secret briefings offered about an unannounced program can support a claim that Congress knowingly ratified the program. So the government’s argument that the program is legal because

Thriving Business out changing that language. “When Congress reenacts a statute without change,� the administration said in a white paper on the phone dragnet in August 2013, �it is presumed to have adopted the administrative or judicial interpretation of the statute if it is aware of the interpretation.� Three federal judges have bought that claim, relying on it to rule the program is legal. The government’s claim with regards to past authorizations is terribly weak. There were at least six known instances where Congress did not get notice it should have; in several cases, those obligations were imposed by law. Perhaps the most important – in which House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers did not invite most congressmen to read notice of the dragnet provided to Congress in 2011 — means that 65 of the people who voted to reauthorize the Patriot Act in 2011 probably had had no way of learning about the phone dragnet. And, as the ACLU’s Alexander Abdo pointed out in Tuesday’s hearing,

Congress reauthorized the Patriot Act after the government started secretly using it to collect most phone records in the U.S. may fail to persuade the 2nd Circuit.

But that won’t be true going forward.

The government’s public release of numerous court opinions and other intelligence information over the last 15 months means no one in Congress can make a credible claim to be uninformed of the decisions underlying these parts of the government’s spying. In 2011, most members of Congress probably didn’t know the FISC had redefined the word “relevant� in a key Patriot Act definition to mean “everything,� but they should know that now. Yet none of the current proposals to reform the dragnet do anything about the definition of “relevant.� They limit collection of phone records in other ways, but would permit bulky collection under that “relevance� standard in a number of ways and by association using a number of statutes.





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A Billboard for the Look Up! Documentary

THRIVE Santa Cruz

Solutions Group Meeting Live Oak Grange 1900 17th Ave, Sat. Oct. 11, 7 pm

We'll be showing the first 54 minutes of the Geoengineering documentay DVD Look Up! by filmmaker George Barnes - the whole documentary except for the panel discussion at the end.

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After the showing, there will be social time and discussion of the Coalition to End Toxic Aerosols (CETA) campaign to bring awareness of Geoengineering (AKA Chemtrails) to Santa Cruz - with a chance to meet and talk to members of the campaign.

info@ceta-end toxic

Page 4 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ October – Nov. 5, 2014


Page 5 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ October – Nov. 5, 2014

Let’s Talk About Insects


by Lindsey Roberts the eggs hatch, the larva feed off the akeside Organic Gardens aphid. It’s a win, win situation for an is committed to growing organic farmer. 100% organic produce Our pest control team scans the because we believe it’s fields for harmful pests like aphids the right thing to do. Orand worms that do harm to the plants. ganic produce is better for our health When harmful pest population gets and our environment. We don’t use out of hand, our pest control team may synthetic agricultural chemicals, but decide to release beneficial insects instead we rely on natural fertilizers, to help take care of the problem. If compost, beneficial insects, benefiwe cannot get the population under cial habitat plants, and strategic crop control, it’s possible we may plow rotations. under an entire field. This is a very We use Mother Nature as often tough decision to make and is often a as possible because she will provide us very costly one. with a lot of control we don’t normally “We face the same problems get without using synthetic chemicals. as conventional growers with insects “It’s an expensive way to farm and and disease,” said Miyumura. Convenvery time consuming, but well worth tional growers use synthetic chemicals it in the end,” said Alan Miyumura, that organic growers are banned the Disease & Pest Control Manager from using, and for a good reason. at Lakeside Organic Gardens. He goes “Instead, we use biological controls on to explain, “Lakeside releases paraand naturally extracted minerals to sites and lady bugs to aid in managing help us in our growing,” he added. aphid and other harmful insect popu“We spray minerals like copper with lations. Our beneficial insects are an electrostatic sprayer to help control encouraged to stay nearby our crops diseases like mildew.” All plants have because we plant a beneficial habitat a negative charge and our electrostatic to suit their basic needs.” sprayers change the spray modules Lakeside Organic Gardens with a positive charge, therefore they will occasionally purchase beneficial act like a magnet to the plant. insects and introduce them to a field but the goal is to create an environ- Our beneficial insects are encouraged to stay nearby our crops because we plant a beneficial habitat to suit their basic needs. Lindsey Roberts is the Marketing & Communications Director at Lakeside ment that attracts the adult beneficial look more attractive than the neighbors, so that known as the syrphid fly. It hovers over simple Organic Gardens. insects to the fields. Dick Peixoto, the owner and they stick around.” The most common beneficial flowers and feeds off the nectar. They look for a sole grower says, “The trick is to make our fields insect in Santa Cruz County is the hover fly, also nectar abundant place to lay their eggs and once

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(831) 462-4697 Page 6 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ October – Nov. 5, 2014

What Causes Earthquakes? by Rich Buckingham I recently read a believable theory about what causes earthquakes . It goes like this: earthquakes are caused by significant changes in ice sheets. This includes polar ice caps. Here’s the theory. It starts with the concept of microcosm/macrocosm, the idea that what happens on a small scale also occurs on a large scale. In this case, I’m comparing a pitched, small baseball with our constantly moving large planet Earth. Let’s look at a baseball pitcher throwing a pitch. The idea is to throw the ball so that it keeps the batter from hitting it. One pitch is the curve ball, where the ball spins so that it ends up not where it looks like its going. This is accomplished by putting a particular spin on the ball. Another pitch, considered illegal in baseball, is what I’ll call the “gumball.� This pitch has a small piece of gum stuck to it. When thrown, this ball is not evenly weighted so that, as it travels, it moves around trying to find its own point of equilibrium, due to the fact that its center of gravity is not the same as that of an unweighted ball. As this unweighted ball travels and spins, its spinning rotation causes it to move around and be difficult to hit. Keep in mind that a baseball pitch travels less than 100 feet and less than 100 mph and were it to keep going indefinitely, it would always vibrate, due to the fact that its weight is not evenly distributed. Let’s now look at planet Earth, a large spinning ball compared to a baseball. Unlike a baseball, the Earth rotates continuously at approximately 1000 mph. It also orbits the Sun and appears to maintain its relationship to the Sun at an angle of approximately 23˚. (Over a period of thousands of years, this angle changes slightly. This is called precession.) At the top of this axis, you’ll find magnetic north, as our planet is, in effect, a large magnet with the positive pole at 23˚ in relation to the Sun. The important thing to consider here is that there is a part of the Earth, the core, that maintains its relationship to the Sun. However, it’s been shown that on top of this core is a layer of hot magma, the stuff which volcanoes spew out. “Floating� on top of this is the Earth’s crust. This crust consists of the Earth’s land masses and oceans; tectonic plates make up this crust. The edges of these plates are called earthquake fault lines. Let’s go back to glaciers and polar ice caps. Glaciers and ice caps are part of the Earth’s outer crust. As they are on the surface of the Earth, they’re traveling at more than 1000 mph. At this height and speed and weight (water

weighs around eight pounds per gallon), surface ice has a lot of angular momentum. Remember the piece of gum on the pitched baseball. Ice masses may not weigh a lot compared to the total weight (or mass) of the planet, but they are at the Earth’s surface and they’re moving fast. This constitutes a signficant force. So, if you have a change in frozen ice on the surface of the planet and the Earth continues to spin, and the Earth’s core maintains its alignment with the Sun, and the Earth’s crust floats on top of a layer of molten lava, guess which part of the Earth moves? The crust. More specifically, if, in a relatively short period of time, an ice cap melts or an ice sheet breaks off and moves away from where it previously was, that shift in weight, along with the angular momentum from its rapid movement at the surface, causes the crust to be misaligned to its previous balance point. This causes a vibration, a vibration that increases every time the Earth completes a rotation — at 1000 mph. If this vibration is strong enough, the Earth’s crust will shift to where the weight of the Earth’s crust is balanced as it spins. (Remember that the Earth’s core maintains its orientation with the Sun.) This is a plausible explanation for earthquakes. I mention all this because I hear the North polar ice cap is melting and the South polar ice caps are actually getting thicker. This theory doesn’t look at global warming or climate change. It looks at the accumulation of ice and its effect on the Earth’s crust. But, if this theory is correct, it would be of the utmost importance to find out why ice sheets melt or thicken. Excess carbon dioxide from burned fossil fuel may be a problem. My guess is we’re consuming too much of the Earth’s precious oxygen. I’d like to mention one more point that occurs to me. If you look on a map at the West Coast of Africa and the East Coast of South America, it almost looks like they could have been joined together at one time: a close fit. This fits in with the theory that earthquakes are caused by ice sheet movement, except that this separation may have taken place over a few days or months, not a few million years. With this latest Napa earthquake and the quake in Peru (August 24, 2014), along with the substantial changes in the Earth’s ice sheets, I’m wondering if more earthquakes are on the way. Richard Buckingham is a technical facilitator living in San Lorenzo Valley and can be reached at (831) 336-8261.

P o l a l l c ution i r t c e l E

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Page 7 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ October – Nov. 5, 2014

Freedom Forum Presents

Planet Earth is under an all-out weather warfare assault.

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LOOK UP! Not To Worry, it’s It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, Completely Normal... No, It’s a Condensation Trail! Or Is It? See This Movie and Make Up Your Own Mind.


by Aaron Carvajal any alive today watched the better world every day - instead of being a peg 1960’s TV re-runs as children in a machine that is repeating the past. Our ultimate goal is to show how every action of every in the 1970’s, the neon shine of day can contribute to a different the 1980’s, the networld. Our priceless time and work’s News/War shows of attention are free and focused the 1990’s on, and the global when we decide what world digitization of the 2000’s. we will create every day Somewhere along the with every breath. This storyline of progress is no longer Disneyland emerged a society of latch talk - but solidly apparent key kids, mass shootings, quantum physics. Assertmilitarized police, continuing our profound influence ous war, genocide, and loads of depressed folks that are desperately trying to on reality is the foundation for freedom and our “find themselves.� In the pursuit of profit we’ve most valuable currency. Human beings are profoundly social and been persuaded to consume copious amounts of sugar, eat tortured animals with a side of influenced tremendously by their environment. poisoned produce; all while participating in The latest studies in genetics show how one can an economy that desecrates earth, air, water, become a murderous sociopath or loving person and soul. Despite all this progress - decades of - all depending on the support and influences song and cinema lament the variety of anxieties of childhood. Social statistics and now science humans increasingly face. In the “First World� - clearly confirm the epigenetic connection. countries it takes 30 years to get “educated� and The only true correctional facility is a cohesive situated, then another 30 years of mortgage pay- community that cherishes everyone. This is only attainable if the basic needs ments. “Third World� people are of life are available for all. Our outright disenfranchised slaves. It dome homestead will give a real is time for a “Better World.� life example of how this is easily We decided to discontinue possible - and really is a matter of our contributions to the status quo choosing to live the future today. and create the most simple and The Aborigines of Ausinexpensive path to real freedom. tralia believe the dream world is We believe 30 years a slave is more real than this material world. way too long to secure the basic Considering the eternal nature needs of life. We are embarking of love, family, and community on the building of an open source - they may be right. Our energy self-sustainable magnetic dome can contribute to the eternal, or homestead. This includes a dome obsess on the fleeting material home kit that is super strong, ultra Aaron Carvajal world of fear based competition comfortable, and can be built in a for funny money. After 30 years a day. Solar power, water capture, composting toilets, and grey water gardens make slave to our current system and it’s tenets, it is it a closed loop, self sustaining way of living. We clear that there is a better way than the prescribed are setting up our first projects in off grid areas progress. that have abundant sun, legal water capture, and See how we are taking action today by visiting the future at and e-mail us inexpensive land. We aim to demonstrate a way to create a at


In this video, Dane Wigington gives another presentation in Northern California on the harmful effects of Geoengineering, declaring that there is virtually NO NATURAL WEATHER due to the massive global climate engineering. The very essentials needed to sustain life on earth are being recklessly destroyed by these programs. This is not a topic that will begin to affect us in several years, but is already causing massive animal and plant die off around the world, as well as human illness.

Thirty Years a Slave


Climate Engineering, Weather Warfare and the Collapse of Civilization

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Page 8 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ October – Nov. 5, 2014

Heirloom Plants and Your Health

The Miraculous Capsicum How to Grow, Cook, Eat and Store

by Gina Locatelli and Allen Morgan


(Part Two)

n Part One of this series, we discussed the history of the chili pepper dating back to the days of Christopher Columbus. We provided a long list of health benefits reflective of the miraculous capsicum found in the chili pepper such as its ability to: fight cancer, lower blood pressure, reduce sinus headaches, fight inflammation, and so much more. We defined capsicum as an ingredient that

Both the Rocoto and the habanero are the only peppers with black seeds. Considered a perennial, the Rocoto Pepper can get up to 10’ tall and 8’ wide and will flourish in container gardens.

Cooking with Chili Peppers and Rating the Heat

“In the last few years U.S. consumption of all peppers has increased, rising from an average of 15.3 pounds per person in 2005 to 19.1 pounds per

capsicum present in a particular pepper. How hot can you handle?

Eating Chili Peppers

When capsicum is present in the mouth, nerves are giving a signal to the brain that your mouth is burning when you are eating food above 135 degrees Fahrenheit. The body responds by releasing endorphins, also called the happiness hormone that gives you a nice feeling and eases the pain. You can get used to capsicum levels the more you eat them. If you have eaten too much heat, milk and even certain types of alcohol will cool you down quicker than water.


S AT O C T O B E R 1 1 , 2 0 1 4





5 0 % K AT Z C A N C E R R E S O U R C E C E N T E R AT D O M I N I C A N H O S P I TA L W W W. D O M I N I C A N H O S P I TA L . O R G


The average Red Rocoto Pepper is rated at 350,000 SHU making it one of the hottest peppers in the world. Birds are not sensitive to capstimulates metabolism by activating a person in 2012.” This is a quote from chain of events in the body that help the USDA web site. This increase has sicum and are therefore the main to melt fat and break it down in the occurred because of the health ben- dispersers of the seeds. Storing Chili body. It activates SCOVILLE CHILI HEAT CHART the sympathetic Peppers Variety Rating Heat Level nervous system There are 0 Negligible Scoville Units that is associated Sweet Bells; Sweet Banana; and Pimento m a ny o p t i o n s t o 1 100-1,000 Scoville Units with thermogen- Mexi-Bells; New Mexica; New Mexico; Anaheim; saving your peppers Big Jim; Peperonicini; Santa Fe Grande; El Paso; esis, which speeds Cherry once the season is the body’s oxida- Coronado; Mumex Big Jim; Sangria; Anaheim 2 1,000 - 1,500 Scoville Units over. And all too oftion of fat. With Pasilla; Mulato; Ancho; Poblano; Espanola; Pulla ten we end up with 3 1,500 - 2,500 Scoville Units exercise, capsi- Rocotillo more than what we 4 2,500 - 5,000 Scoville Units cum can increase Yellow Wax; Serrano; Jalapeno; Guajillo; Mirasol can eat. 5 5,000 - 15,000 Scoville Units fat oxidation by Hidalgo; Puya; Hot Wax; Chipotle The Rocoto 6 15,000 - 30,000 Scoville Units 42%. Pepper will dehyChile De Arbol; Manzano 7 30,000 - 50,000 Scoville Units So today, Santaka; Pequin; Super Chile; Santaka; Cayenne; drate totally within 8 50,000 - 100,000 Scoville Units let’s discuss how Tobasco; Aji; Jaloro three days of quarTabiche; Tepin; Haimen; Chiltepin; Thai; 9 100,000 - 350,000 Scoville Units to grow, cook, eat Bohemian; tering it and laying it Yatsufusa and store these Red Savina Habanero; Chocolate Habanero; out on tin foil. Once 10 350-855,000 Scoville Units tasty s uperfoods. Indian Tezpur; Scotch Bonnet; Orange Habanero; dried, place the seeds Fatali; Devil Toung; Kumataka; Datil; Birds Eye; Jamaican Hot and all in a coffee Growing a 10 855,000-2,100,000 Scoville Units Pepper (Bhut Jolokia aka Naga Jolokia); grinder and you will Chili Pepper Ghost Trinidad Moruga Scorpion (hottest to date at almost create a lovely chili It is not dif- 2.1 million SHU ficult to grow a This Scoville Chili Heat Chart represents most of the commercial peppers, powder as seen in the photo above. It is a chili pepper plant but there are many more varieties. and one variety we suggest for the efits of the pepper, the flavor it adds great seasoning for meats, vegetables Monterey Bay area is the Rocoto Pep- to a dish and the ease with which to and fruits. If you choose to store them per. The Rocoto is the father of all pep- grow them. dried and whole, they must be stored The Scoville Scale (Chili Heat per plants that originally came from the Andes Mountains in Peru dating Chart) was developed in 1912 by where there is not moisture, as they back 7000 years ago. Being the father American chemist Wilbur Scoville will absorb that moisture and rehydrate of all pepper plants, its popularity took in order to measure the pungency of themselves opening up the potential it north through Central America and chili peppers. Capsicum is the active of mold. Use moisture barrier plastic later into North America. As it moved ingredient that gives peppers their when storing chili peppers and keep north, the form changed and it came to pungency. The Scoville Scale is a them in a cool, dark place. be the habanero. So the Rocoto is the long-standing measure of the hotness Please feel free to contact Santa Cruz of chili peppers and capsicum is the Heirloom Seed steward, Allen Morgan grandfather of the habanero. The Rocoto does not do well chemical compound that stimulates at: santacruzheirloomseed@outlook. in hot California climates, but instead chemical receptor nerve endings in com and visit his facebook page at: grows in coastal climates that remind it the skin. The number of Scoville Heat its modest beginnings in the Andes. Units (SHU) indicates the amount of zHeirloomSeed

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Page 9 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ October – Nov. 5, 2014

Olympic National Forest designated Pacific Northwest Electronic Warfare URGENT!! Action Needed by Oct. 10th!

Olympic National Forest designated Pacific Northwest Electronic Warfare Range by US Navy; weapons testing planned if Forest Service approves Posted by Nina Beety The Navy plans EMF weapons exercises in the Olympic National Forest in Washington State beginning next year. The US Forest Service issued a draft approval finding no significant impact. Comments are due October 10. All the documents are here, including the Draft Decision Notice is under “Decision”, the Final EA, and EA Public Notice Extension, Sept.26 with maps (under “Supporting”) Two informative articles on this from the Peninsula Daily News:

Excerpts from the first link:

The Pacific Northwest Electronic Warfare Range project would entail the first use of electromagnetic radiation for the Navy training that pilots now simulate by internal aircraft controls. Dean Millett, district ranger for the Pacific District of the Olympic National Forest, had issued a draft notice of a decision earlier this month in which he had agreed with the Navy’s finding of no significant impact, clearing the way for a Forest Service special permit. He canceled the decision

Thursday and reopened public comment because of “renewed interest . . . from members of the public who were unaware of the proposal,” notice of which was not published in North Olympic Peninsula newspapers. Comment is being accepted through Oct. 10 on the environmental assessment, which is at http://tinyurl. com/PDN-Electrowarfare. The purpose is to train to deny the enemy “all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation (i.e. electromagnetic energy) for use in such applications as communication systems, navigation systems and defense related systems and components,” according to the environmental assessment. Extended exposure to electromagnetic radiation could cause a health hazard, the Navy said in the environmental assessment, available at The emitters would operate on a radio frequency band from 4 to 8 gigahertz (GHz). Navy officials did not know the impact of the emissions on small animals. “There are no conclusive direct hazards to human tissue as a result of electromagnetic radiation. “Links to DNA fragmentation, leukemia, and cancer due to intermittent exposure to extremely high levels of electromagnetic radiation are speculative; study data are inconsistent and insufficient at this time,” according to the assessment. Crew members staffing the trucks would be protected by being under the tower, which is pointing the electromagnetic radiation upward, Sodano said. The draft decision has been made by one person, Dean Millett, District Ranger for the Park. He decided to let the Navy proceed with their

Alternative 2 is because “it meets the purpose and need of the project most effectively”. This park ranger is deciding what is best for the Navy instead of what is best for the park.

Please comment and distribute this information.

Email: objections-pnw-olympic@ (Microsoft Word, rich text format (rtf), or PDF format) Mail: Olympic Forest Supervisor, ATTN: Objections, USDA Forest Service, 1835 Black Lake Blvd SW Olympia, WA 98512. FAX : 502-956-2330. Hand-deliver: Supervisor’s Office, 1835 Black Lake Blvd SW Olympia, WA 98512 between 8:00AM and 4:30PM Monday-Friday. Questions? Contact Greg Wahl, Forest Environmental Coordinator Email: Telephone: (360) 956-2375.

If the Forest Service says “No”, the Navy can’t use the Forest. Monterey County:

A powerful 100’ emergency transmitter is planned on the hills above Monterey and Pebble Beach by County of Monterey. The county’s Draft Environmental Review did not include health or environmental effects from the radiation, did not mandate setbacks in case of tower collapse, did not address tower fire danger, did not address view-shed impacts to Monterey and other parts of Monterey Peninsula. This will come before the Planning Commissioner soon.

Santa Cruz County: Do you want cell antennas in your neighborhood, affecting your family, and the birds, trees and wildlife? Changes to loosen the county’s cell tower and wireless antennas ordinance and allow more antennas in the county are undergoing environmental review right now and will be submitted to the Planning Commission soon. There are scheduled Cell Towers going in on Freedom Blvd., Aptos which will micro-radiate that residential area. Now is the time for everyone to speak up on behalf of each other (and sanity). Attend the Supervisors’ Meetings, City Councils, etc. info@cellphonetaskforce. org

Page 10 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ October – Nov. 5, 2014

8 Vc


Science and Nonduality: an Ongoing Exploration of Life’s Mystery


new paradigm in spirituality, one that is not dictated by religious dogma, but one that is rather based on timeless wisdom traditions of the world, informed by cutting-edge science, and grounded in direct experience. That is the mission of the founders of Science & Nonduality, Maurizio and Zaya Benazzo. This year’s SAND conference (Oct. 22nd – 27th, San Jose, CA) – celebrating its sixth anniversary – is all about the entanglement phenomenon and it’s implications on different aspects of life. The true spirit of science and spirituality, it is said, is best supported by a non-dogmatic inquiry. While scientists seek to understand our external reality and capture its essence in natural laws, spiritual seekers organically explore our inner, personal experience of the nature of consciousness. These seemingly antipodal pillars of human development rarely come together in an open dialogue. But since 2009, numerous passionate scientists, philosophers, teachers, artists and a large, international community of spiritual seekers have been gathering to participate in this open dialogue by attending the Science and Nonduality Conferences, organized by founders Maurizio and Zaya Benazzo. Why this name? Intrinsic to both science and spirituality is the concept of nonduality. As Zaya Benazzo puts it: “Science helps us realize that seeking has an evolutionary function. We are seekers by nature and that’s how we have evolved to be where we are today‌ Seeking is a necessary process. And yet, ultimately, there is actually nothing really to find out there. This is the conundrum of nonduality.â€? At these conferences there is a new spiritual paradigm emerging, grounded in cutting-edge science and consistent with the ancient wisdom of

nonduality — the deep understanding of the interconnectedness of life. That being said, SAND is not a place where conclusions need to manifest. On the contrary, it is a playground where insights are developed, and the questions that are explored are allowed to remain open-ended, in a celebration of the unfolding mystery and beauty of life at every moment. At SAND, you are simply invited to stop resisting what is happening right now and to surrender

to the not-knowingness. This year’s conference is all about the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. Entanglement is one of the strangest parts of quantum mechanics — so strange, in fact, that Albert Einstein famously referred to it as “spooky action at a distance.� It is best explained by Menas Kafatos, the Fletcher Jones Endowed Professor of Computational Physics and the Director of Center of Excellence at Chapman University, and a regular speaker of the SAND conference, in this video: videos/menas-kafatos-what-is-entanglement. Kafatos: “Entanglement is a phenomenon that tells us that two particles are in communication with each other. If you make a measurement in one, the other one responds. Somehow this communication is outside space and time. An integral part of quantum entanglement is instantaneous communication.� During the 5 days of SAND 2014, over 120 prominent scientists, spiritual teachers and artists will contemplate over the influence of entanglement in their own field of interest in workshops, talks and panels, accompanied by numerous artist’s in-

terpretations of the theme in music, art and poetry. They will find themselves in good company: more than 700 conference registrants are expected to come and share their insights at the beautiful venue the Dolce Hayes Mansion in San Jose, CA. Not only at the SAND conferences, but also on the recently revamped website you will encounter the same playful, intellectual but heartcentered and passionate community. It is on this platform where SAND further explores the Big Questions with curiosity and lightness. Where a rapidly growing group of contributors and community members actively share their insights with openness in a deep and respectful dialogue across disciplines, to meet one another beyond concepts, in this moment. Maurizio: “In the few months after the relaunch of the website, we were very fortunate to welcome a growing number of people who generously support our mission. Being a not-for-profit organization, SAND is almost fully dependent on the support of people who believe in the SAND mission as much as – or even more than we do. Within a few years, we hope to have created a full service platform for a vibrant international crowd of likeminded people who are able to participate actively in local and global gatherings and communities in the spirit of SAND. This is our way of contributing to the celebration of our humaneness, our compassion and the love for each other, something we need to nurture now more than ever.� Join the Science and Nonduality Conference at Oct 22nd – 27th 2014 in the Dolce Hayes Mansion, San Jose, CA! Register online at: conference-us/register See you there!

ELECTION ALERT: Alex Padilla is running for California Secretary of State. The Secretary of State is responsible for accountable government, transparency, overseeing campaign contributions and corporations, and honest elections. Padilla’s bill SB 17 authorized the Smart Grid and Smart Meters in California. He has not held hearings to investigate the problems. Padilla has been a

consistent and enthusiastic supporter of wireless technologies and the industry. He has not investigated the problems with wireless radiation, especially the impacts of Wi-Fi on children in schools. He has pushed for increased wireless use for 911 calls, but response times for 911 calls have dramatically worsened with the use of wireless devices, as FCC Chair Tom Wheeler had to admit.

These are just a few issues. If he hasn’t been responsive on these issues or provided appropriate oversight of these utility and telecom corporations, how can he oversee California corporations and state elections? Fiona Ma, running for Board of Equalization, District 2, advocated for Smart Meters in San Francisco and in Sacramento.

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Page 11 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ October – Nov. 5, 2014

Did Pro Th box wa against crooks, really w their pr as to h WHO t We Conne month’ Cover h copia I is who website that pe magazi educati have do know w are (an are ‘in you’ll s corpora Read o the lies

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The Pemakö healTh InITIaTIve, Inc.

by Kathleen Morrow, RN, CNM, MA services. If a villager needed surgery Founder of Pemakö Health Initiative, or advanced care, this would require Inc. traveling by Jeep for one to three days n 2009, I had the opportunity to to reach a district or regional hospital. I travel to the remote region of was concerned by this lack of healthcare Pemakö in India. I volunteered access for these villagers. for Vision Builders, a non profit Pemako Health Initiative (PHI) is organization supporting a school and a US based non-profit 501(c)(3) health small health clinic. care organization and a The Pemakö region Registered Charitable is located near the Society in Arunachal Indo-China border, Pradesh, India. I devela remote mountainoped a “Holistic Model ous region along the for Family Centered Yangsang/Nygong Care” to be initiated in River surrounded fourteen villages in the on three sides by Pemakö region over snowy peaks and the next 3-4 years. Kathleen with Tsering, Master Trainer dense forests. The PHI was founded sky was a brilliant blue and I felt this was the on the belief that every family should have access most pristine and sacred land I had ever visited. to healthcare, clean water and a clean and safe After a two-day trek guided by Lopon P. Ogyan birth experience. In addition, PHI’s mission is to Tanzin Rinpoche, going up steep mountains and address the most basic and pressing Family and over numerous glacial rivers by swinging foot Maternal Child Health needs in remote Himalabridges or balancing on half-cut logs, we arrived yan villages beyond the reach of local services to at Payingdem Village. promote healthy families from birth. Over the next nineteen days while visiting PHI’s training programs use the well-proven eight remote Himalayan villages, I evaluated over model of Training of Trainers. Master Trainers 100 women, men, and children for general health will train Family Health Care Workers in water problems. I realized that women and families were and sanitation, and Maternal Child Health Workin great need as they had no access to general ers in assisting women so that they can have safe healthcare, obstetrical care or emergency ser- deliveries, with optimum newborn and child health vices for childbirth. While interviewing women, in the first five targeted villages in December I learned that there was a high rate of maternal 2014 through February 2015. By training local deaths, and newborns and young children were villagers who will work on their own, villages dying from preventable infections. Two women will receive basic health care training to indepenthat I interviewed shared their stories of being dently provide care for greater sustainability and eight years old and watching their mothers bleed to long-term impact. death after giving birth. In addition, other memoFor more information please visit our webrable evaluations include an elderly man with site: Contact congestive heart failure and a young woman with me at or call: (408) badly burned feet with gangrene. With no means of 847-6373. travel to Tuting for treatment, those needing treatPemako Health Initiative is planning an ment had to be carried on someone’s back for up to afternoon of Indian Dance and Music at the twelve or more hours down the mountain to reach Pacific Cultural Center in Santa Cruz on Nov. the hospital in Tuting with limited emergency 15. Please see their web site for more details.


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A Warrior Silenced “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is Ogood men to do nothing.” ~Edmund Burke Ifor


by David David L. L. Biles, by Biles, D.D.S., D.D.S., M.A. M.A. nce patients renever thought that decide I wouldtoconunhealthy tinuemove to learn as muchteeth, as I the do concern becomes after next so many yearsoften in practice as what to replace theD.D.S., teeth with, and,ofI David L. aby dentist. AsBiles, a matter of fact, man I have been my early concerns that dentistry generally give great the was same answer. We tostimulation know, Dr. wouldn’t offer blessed as much can ultimately replace the teeth with Stanley K. to Monteith, as I thought might need sufdevices that Iare removable orbeÀxed, thedaily gates of Àdepending ciently interested my toils, on entered theirinpreferences and Heaven Monday decades intoinmy I could notI budget, but thecareer. veryearly beginning, morning, September 29,are going have been morethat surprised as time tell my patients we to 2014, completing his timethe trusting has unfolded. Treating replace their teeth with a Áipper. That’s on this planet courageously and grateful patients I do enables right, a device we in the profession battling evil until the last how this me to better understand refer to as a “Áipper” or an immedifew system waningoperates moments oral in of health ate life. temporary partial denture. The his “Dr. Stan”, as he and disease and still keeps namedaily Áipper comes was known to his presumably huge day from my interest. Each the ease theaudience, appliance can me, be Áipped radio was Iloyal hear tales that astound out of the mouth by the tongue when truly a giantmy of understanding a man to challenging necessary. It has no relationship to those followed of the who mechanisms of his disease the dolphin television star of the 60’s. career and knew him perand dysfunction. I routinely So The what is aprivileged Áipper? sonally. few hear from patients of brainGenfog to occasionally erally speaking, a behind Áipper clearing, wholesee body painisdi-a the curtainand knew him increasfor with minishing, energy removable oral appliance his contributions ing. Sometimes thetoreports are 1-3 unselfish teeth attached a custom and on behalf even more madeefforts hardremarkable. pink acrylicofplate his relentRecently, example, that fellow form-Àtsman, tofor the palate or revealing theutilizing forces alessly woman returned with her lower dental arch the of evil for thatofawould enslave sister second opinion contours the teeth and the us all, given the unbridled and determined archexamination, for retention and help opportunity. her sibling with her health concerns, Some dentists have them made Dr.all Stan a goodon possible touching of was the bases with metal clasps for retention, man who to set helping an example solutions her heal from though I have managed to walked talk, noblydifÀ aand myriad ofthe symptoms, cult to locate a small lab that does cussupported by his As family, label medically. has been my tom work for metirelessly and provides who also Iworked custom, thoroughly evaluated her metal free services. Since many to spread word. Clearly, mouth onthe multiple levels, examinmy present with aofbrave and intrepid voice ing her patients gums, TMJ, teeth, existing signs metal allergies, having for us of allrestorations, has been silenced, dental tongue posture, a metal free removable not by violence, as materials, itoption surelyis would soft tissue, dental and have been so countries other paramount inhygiene, mymany practice. I amdigital level of oralin utilizing than this,photographs, United States of America, x-rays, laser cavity blessed tothehave such aa skilled but by mere mortality, end a life detector, and illuminated highofmaglaboratory technician tothe service well spent in service to fulfilling niÀ My goal is isGod, toStan; identify mycation. patients. His name he’s as an the saw for himself, enmany potential ingrounded the oral artistmission and hashea stressors wonderful lightening the world about spiritual cavity ashumor. possible, believing that the sense of I can alwaysa count on battle between good and evil, God and nature, magnitude, and duration of Stan; he is, Stan the Man. Satan, manifesting and being fought the stressors’ existence impact the Back to the topic—a Áipper is on planetsystem Earth. in, at the very least, immune usually inserted immediately upon exAfter listeningoftothe countless diverting the attention immune traction of teeth forand multiple purposes. monthly cassettes then later comsystem from other maladies. It serves as an immediate band-aid by pact discs, help marDuringone thecouldn’t course of thebut examiplacing direct pressure over the surgivel at thethe mass of information Dr. Stan nation, former patient revealed calme wound site, aidingand in healing by had at this the caliber to thatfingertips, although she still had stopping the Á ow of blood, much like of guests readily willing to appear on the antibodies for Systemic Lupus whatairisoftentimes done in aSLE, Àrst aidto situation: the at riskshe tell Erythematosis, had their not director pressure to the wound. form story the “story behind theThe story” in experienced any symptoms since attempting totreatment teach that of the Áipper alsoushelps create completing in “… myillusion ofÀand ce is king,years butÀinnal thetissue battle for thewhy survival guide the which seven ago. Thatcontour was she of Western Civilization, would be had brought hera sister initfor an and exhelps to assure nice functional reality notfoundation illusion that amination and consultation with posme. estheticand bony formattered.” later Dr. Stan’s 5 hours ofitsdaily broadcasts She wondered if a similar approach to sibilities. Moreover, presence limits over multiple radio stations and the dental careother might be beneÀ for her food and forces fromcial disturbing internet brought notoriety tohealing many, sister. Healthy mouth, healthy body, the healing wound, making and American helped filledDental a personal informathe Association less disruptive. I particularly like the tion void regarding scores of topics says, of course agree, being designso… that Stan createsIfor my patients ranging from the felling of building the good supportive dentist I am, because his meticulous attention to 7 at the World 911, the applauding theTrade ADA Center, for some of the detailWar enables mythe patients to securely Gulf good workillness, it does. Federal Reserve wear their Áippers for weeks Bank, illegal immigration, thewithout AIDS Another case history? Last week adding dental and for the pastes hazards ofadhesives vaccinations aepidemic, gentleman suffering from high retention. It takes a little more extra and influenza shots, whoand shotshortness JFK, the blood pressure, obesity, time andon plaster to my make the that ÁCecil ipper Council Foreign Relations, of breath informed staff he retain without pastes, but it is Rhodes, the Clinton Chronicles, left felt better than he had in years well fol-


lowing several hours of full mouth periodontal debridement with our skilled registered dental hygienists. Even though he was still slightly numb, he said, later that evening his energy cantly improved, behind was Viet signiÀ Nam prisoners of war, as well asbusting his mental clarity, includGMO’s, nutritional myths, ing a reduction of wholeofbody pain. elevating the importance vitamin C All this from justWorld havingOrder, his teeth and of iodine, the New and thoroughly cleaned, because he, like restoring truth to revisionist history, 70-90% of Americans suffer from undiagnosed gum disease. This healing, was the worth the beneÀ t in hygiene, third or fourth time I had heard such a and hassle. revelation from a patient, leading me One of the biggest concerns many patients have is how their appearance will be altered immediately following the surgery. I tell them to relax; they will never leave the ofÀce without their smile after their surgical appointment. Moreover, we have spent

to believe that rapidly lowering the total amount of bacteria in the head can have a signiÀcant effect on our health. Quickly. The previous hypothetical link came to me when a physician called to acknowledge that her patient was now responding to her therapy following a similar protocol. Prior to Dr. Stanley K. Monteith thoroughly cleaning her mouth and eliminating two cavities, thismyriads patient represented just a few of the had been non-responsive to all the of topics Dr. Stan aired over theofpast physician’s efforts to stimulate her three decades from “high on the hills immune system and heal. She was overlooking beautiful Monterey Bay”, now to pretty see thesmiles patient’s progyearsthrilled creating with our stopping only weeks ago, succumbing ress and called to understand why this Áippers, and truly do workon with artto the weakness brought by an T cell was happening. Wecares concluded that the ist, Stan, whodiagnosed truly aboutmonths people, lymphoma, only reduction in bacteria was enabling which is reflected in his work and ago. her immunewhen system to Ànally direct timeliness emergency Dr. Stan was more thanÁaippers radio its attention to other priorities in the are needed to quickly traumatic talk show host to me, help morea than a rebody rather than deal with an apparsituation. Supporting people and labs tired orthopedic surgeon, and certainly ent chronic low grade sub-clinical more than my landlord the past plus like Stan’s is why we work with29small infection in the head, localized to the years; he waswe thehave man the whorelationship ultimately laboratories: mouth, primarily between and around came tofor help me believe, once again, in to ask favors when necessary. the teeth. With this awareness came the existence ofthat God.aPerhaps, when I I believe well-designed other implications, however. boil it allÁdown to the essence Stan’s esthetic should provideofpatients The ipper common denominator? A influence on me, I must say, through with a conÀdent smile after surgery systematic approach to the achieving thecomplete, tears pouring out ofwhat my eyes as I and that’s we conais healthy mouth on multiple levwrite this,provide. that I can’t ever adequately sistently In my ofÀ ce, that els, attending to all of the possible thank Stan, nor his wonderful and stressors onthe and in the oral system, means that smile is eye-catching, supportive wife, Barbara, enough for understanding that there are scrutiny. multiple but does not draw critical helping me believe that God does intypes of stressors and eachwe oneprovide exerts In many cases, the smile deed exist, andinthea evidence continues its inÁ uence way. The following surgeryunique is a significant to pour inBacteria, as I grownumber older, including stressors? and type, improvement over the one the patient carrying a portion of the torch from decay, gum disease, badofStan oral presented with at the beginning the passes to us all…. hygiene, poorly contoured, rough dental Which journey.of course triggers andental restorations that promote bacis generally otherSpeech final memory of proliferation, Dr. affected Stan: he terial accumulation and initially,launch but within 48 hours of use, helped my “career” on rainaccessible concave surfaces,theplus people adapt1080 and speech returns towith nordio, KSCO AM, appearing the energetic effects of mixed metals, mal,onthough the continual me my the very first show of Perspecincluding out gassing ofawareness mercury of the appliance with the tongue pertives, nearly 11 years ago the day, from silver colored Àllings, to facilitated on October 18, 2003. Stan graciously sists awhile longer. Occasionally, the by the presence of gold. All of these agreed to appear on the show with Á ipper can be thinned to create more physical inÁuences are impacting our

tongue space, but Our thinning weakens immune systems. symptoms we the plate, and minimized. experience andshould report be to health care Since the Áipper may be necessary practitioners are the logical result of for an indeterminate amount time, this oral pollution. Unless theofunderit is best to take good care of it. My lying dental issues are strategically, recommendation is thatinterview patients put up safely, andmy effectively reduced or me during initial with with the a week better yet,thickness eliminated, then the before mediDr. Boyd Haley, thefor then chairman of cal regime we engaged thinning the support, andare then onlythe if the treatment Department of Chemistry for in will be of little more than slightly intolerable. Keeping Áippers wet and University Kentucky in Louisville. effective symptom ArOur topics included silver colored cleaning them withmanagement. a toothbrush and guably… the mouth comes À rst. dental mercury amalgam soap and water also helps assure longconcept does not support autism, Hepatitis B, term This use.fillings, If one chooses to not wear the hierarchy in andperceived vaccinations. it forcurrent awhile, I recommend placing health care, however, as dentists do Dr. with Stansome was there to the Áipper in water 3% hynotcoach intentionally do out medically and me case drogen peroxide. A bail word to theinwise: related dental care due to the froze at Áthe microphone, cover andI place the ipper away from restrictions placed both a lifeguard there toon prevent pets, as cats and dogs have been known professions, not to mention radio silence, a task, I am to chewthe up dental appliances. lack communication proud toofsay, he never found Flippers are generally worn a andnecessary common understanding to fulfill. Nonetheminimum of approximately 10-12 between the medical and less, Dr. Stan brought a dennew weeks before treatment to protalawareness professions. Nonetheless, to the mandatory vide abirth more permanent theatfew dentists that dorestortreat Hepatitis B vaccinaative option can begin. takes thetion whole mouth and systemically program inIt doing that before soft oftentimes seetohealing of and apsolong he added the tissue arsenal of parently unrelated symptoms. bone mature enough before it listeners of informed citizens are many reasons for isThere possible or wise to resume who began directing the this, including somewhat treatment. can, by health ofFlippers theirthe families by the reobvious economic reasons, way, last for a long time, given fusing to vaccinate their chilwherethe patients are longer more to seek situation and likely the care the dren. No succumbing care for a single tooth rather thanofaI patient the pressures appliance. to theaffords relentless wholehave mouth. Plus, it takes medical personnel whomuch truly patients who have worn more skillbelieve to restore a whole mouth their positions to these for years. Plus, I have had that one can only acquire afterlistenyears be correct, informed patients who wore nothing but of dedicated work. ers post-graduate have made Santa Áippers for decades as it ÀtCruz best Detoxifying an entire County reportedly themouth worst into their lifestyle, budget, and and rebuilding it better are techCalifornia county when it health concerns. niques that are not taught in dental comes to vaccinations/flu The pink material in most schools, necessitating specialized shot compliance, worthy of removable appliancesand is acrylic training, instrumentation, travel. a merit badge in my opinion, and a colored the of heavy It has and takenisme over 15by years soul fact I heartily acknowledged with Stan metal, cadmium. free searching and analysis,Cadmium coupled with during our last meal together. acrylicsfrom are available, andover our revelations my patients The citizens of Santa Cruz that time to become choice of frame materials for our comfortpatients. County can also thank Dr. Stan and able with acrylic knowing when patients Teeth andthat porcelain, though Radioare Liberty, along with a handful unify theirteeth dentistry, health beneÀ ts porcelain are a bit more costly. of others, for actively keeping fluoride will occur. What those beneÀteeth ts will Setting and adjusting porcelain is out of the community water supplies speciÀ cally be depends onconsuming, the issues more challenging and time of Santa Cruz and Watsonville, a task the patient possesses along other with littlelikely esthetic gain, so and Iwith generally that will be revisited require factors, including the willingness to stay themen acrylic Besides, morewith good andteeth. women to risethe to make lifestyle changes, if they have acrylic teeth bond to the plate, whereas the occasion. Without the education not also been examined and instituted the onesLiberty must bebrought mechaniand porcelain guests Radio to already. cally retained. In a situation where I the air, the propaganda surrounding Don’t you think it is time we fluoride would the day, need to thin the have toothruled for reconnected the mouth for clearance dentistry just as it has in many uninformed by opposing teeth, porcelain teeth can and medicine? I welcome patients communities. fracture. Stick with the acrylic teeth. who are willing to invest in their Clearly, theby loss of Dr.when Stan’s hope that knowing more healthI and educate themselves it daily radio influence andthe the ultimate about Áto ippers, the journey beyond excomes understanding particular shuttering a very labor intensive traction becomes less threatening, lessI stressors inof their mouths. Likewise, website,, will fearful. Remember, you can have your welcome the testimonials that only createto such void, quiteare frankly, that serve validate a legitimate direction smile the daya your teeth extracted. it will be up and to those of us educated for the dental medical professions How much better can it get, given the andembark. informed Stan’s to to WebyHappy are to efforts heal, are circumstances? trails…. continue to spread the word and lead. we not? Dr. David Biles is currently acThis Dr. will David not be an easyistask, but one Biles accepting cepting new patients. He practices idepassed on to interested the next generation to new patients in a compreal dentistry as a Biological Bioesthetic fulfill. Iapproach pray thattoothers will step hensive health created Dentist withfill a signiÀ cantand background forward the carry at in tandemtowith the void patient. Dr. Biles and perspective rooted in athletics, least another part of the flame. If not brings awareness to health from a physical education, cardiopulmonary now, when? lifetime of study. Schedule a visit to medicine, dentistry, human reGod bless you,and Stan, Barbara, see if an ideal approach to dentistry search in exercise physiology, www. and David. You have served the Lord is what your body needs to heal, (831) and might. (831) 423-0121. with all of your Thank you. 423-0121,

Page 11 Magazine � The11Connection Magazine � � October – Nov. 2012 – Nov. 5, 2014 Page 13 ▲ Connection ▲ ▲ 8, October Page �▲ The Connection Magazine � � May 2013

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within adults over the age of 60, and could not be explained by variation in physical activity, BMI, or blood pressure.� Helpful Tips to Improve Your Sleep To get good sleep, you need to have properly aligned circadian rhythms, and to achieve that, you need to get daylight exposure, ideally around solar noon, for at least 30-60 minutes or more each day. Then, in the evening, you need to dim DUWLÀFLDO OLJKW VRXUFHV ,Q SDUWLFXODU \RX ZDQW WR avoid the blue light wavelength. Research shows that exposure to bright room light before bedtime suppresses melatonin production in 99 percent of individuals. This can effectively rob you of sleep by preventing sleepiness. Use blue-blocking light bulbs, dim your lights with dimmer switches and turn off unneeded lights, and if using a computer, install blue light-blocking software like f.lux. Also keep in mind that digital alarm clocks with blue light displays could have a detrimental effect. Electronic gadgets wreak havoc on your sleep when used before bedtime. To optimize sleep, you also need to make sure you’re going to bed early enough, because if you have to get up at 6:30am, you’re just not going to get enough sleep if you go to bed after midnight. Fitness trackers such as the UP24 can track both daytime body movement and sleep, allowing you to get a better picture of how much sleep you’re actually getting. Chances are, you’re getting at least 30 minutes less sleep than you think, as most people do not fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow. Besides maintaining a natural circadian rhythm, there are a number of additional ways to help improve your sleep if you’re still having trouble. Next issue, you will ÀQG RXW DERXW VL[ PRUH JRRG ZD\V WR LPSURYH your sleep. Stay tuned for the November 2014 Issue. Printed with permission.


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by Dr. Mercola ecent studies show poor sleeping habits cause both brain damage and brain shrinkage, and may even accelerate onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Previous research published in the journal Science revealed that your brain removes toxic waste during sleep through what has been dubbed “the glymphatic system.â€? This system becomes active during sleep, thereby allowing your brain to clear out toxins and harmful proteins. Sleep is also necessary for maintaining metabolic homeostasis in your brain. Without VXIĂ€FLHQW VOHHS \RXU QHXURQV ZLOO DFWXDOO\ EHJLQ to deteriorate—and catching up on sleep during weekends will not prevent this damage. Lack of sleep has also been linked to obesity in both animals and humans, as well as hormone alterations in animals. In short, sleeping soundly appears to be key for aging well, and maintaining healthy brain function into old age. Poor Sleep Can Lead to Brain Shrinkage According to recent research published in the journal Neurology, lack of sleep may affect the size of your brain. A total of 147 adult volunteers underwent MRI scans to assess the link between sleep and brain volume. As it turns out, sleep problems like insomnia can have a distinct impact on your brain over time, causing it to shrink—and shrink more rapidly, compared to those who sleep well. This HIIHFW ZDV SDUWLFXODUO\ VLJQLĂ€FDQW LQ WKRVH RYHU 60. According to the authors: “Poor sleep quality was associated with reduced volume within the right superior frontal cortex in cross-sectional analyses, and an increased rate of atrophy within widespread frontal, temporal, and parietal regions in longitudinal analyses. Results were largely driven by correlations

Charlotte Carreira

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Continues on Page 24

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Page Page 14 ▲ 14 V Connection MagazineMagazine V ▲ ▲ ▲ October – Nov. 5, 2014 The Connection V Facebook/ConnectionOnline V October 2014



E\ 6\OYLD 6NHĂ€FK ' & did not understand why I was “calledâ€? to be a Doctor of Chiropractic. Yes, I had shouted to the universe to give me a new professional direction. (I was a graphic designer whose profession was quickly becoming computerized which distressed me.) But when the answer came back “Chiropractor,â€? I was shocked and dismayed‌. So expensive! So time consuming! Such “quackeryâ€?! But I had promised the Universe that I would follow the sign, if one was given, and so I began my journey. Initially, I wondered if my love of herbs would be employed, perhaps becoming an herbalist working under my Chiropractic license. The Universe had other plans for me though. The lineages of healing through Chiropractic and Cranio-Sacral work were vast. To gain understanding of the body through touch was too big to allow other diversions. I let this path show me everything it would, giving it my complete focus. That being said, I never lost my love for herbs. In 1997-98, I underwent a nine month FHUWLĂ€FDWLRQ SURJUDP LQ $\XUYHGD XQGHU WKH WHDFKLQJ RI 9LMD\ 6WDOOLQJV 0 $ 3K ' , ZDV GHHSO\ impressed by the balancing effects that behaviors DQG KHUEV FDQ KDYH RQ D ERG\ %XW RQFH FHUWLĂ€HG I could not focus on becoming a practitioner of $\XUYHGD ZKHQ SUDFWLFLQJ &UDQLR 6DFUDO DQG Chiropractic demanded my full focus. , VWD\HG IULHQGV ZLWK P\ $\XUYHGLF WHDFKHU and referred him patients who needed the $\XUYHGLF DSSURDFK 9LMD\ HYHQ RIIHUHG VRPH



RIĂ€FH KRXUV DW P\ 6DQ )UDQFLVFR SUDFWLFH ,W LV with a heavy heart that I report that my dear friend Vijay Stallings has passed away recently. /HW WKLV DUWLFOH EH D WULEXWH WR 9LMD\ DQG KLV OLIH RI WUXO\ ´OLYLQJÂľ $\XUYHGLF PHGLFLQH WR LWV IXOOHVW expression. In my own life, my practice started unfolding to the need to help people in ways that body work FRXOG QRW DIIHFW $ GHJUHH RI PDVWHU\ ZDV QRZ LQ place, and I had space in my being to pursue other paths of being of service. The need to help people who had ailments was pressing on me. $ERXW \HDUV DJR , VWDUWHG VWXG\LQJ WKH principals and practices of applying nutrition and QXWULWLRQDO VXSSOHPHQWV IRU KHDOWK EHQHĂ€WV , JRW FHUWLĂ€HG IURP WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO )RXQGDWLRQ IRU Nutrition and Health. Their mission statement includes: “To embrace the philosophies and laws of nature advocated by such nutritional pioneers DV 'U 5R\DO /HH 'U 0HOYLQ 3DJH 'U )UDQFLV 3RWWDQJHU DQG 'U :HVWRQ 3ULFH 7R LQVWUXFW healthcare practitioners on how to utilize the VFLHQWLĂ€F UHVHDUFK DQG WKHUDSLHV RI QXWULWLRQDO SLRQHHUV 7R HGXFDWH WKURXJK WKH SUDFWLWLRQHUV the lay public on the principles of effective nutrition and lifestyle that are conductive to good health and longevity‌â€? I started prescribing supplements and vitaPLQV IURP 6WDQGDUG 3URFHVV DQG RWKHU FRPSDQLHV using my assessment models. Ten or so years ago, 6WDQGDUG 3URFHVV SDUWQHUHG XS ZLWK 0HGL+HUE DQ $XVWUDOLDQ FRPSDQ\ ZLWK KHUEDO IRUPXODWLRQV of the highest potency. I continued to expand my knowledge into the MediHerb line, and back into the therapeutic use of plants. I feel like I have

“come homeâ€? to an old friend: “plant medicine.â€? I am honored to be implementing the use of herbs in my practice. 6\OYLD 6NHĂ€FK LV D 'RFWRU RI &KLURSUDFWLF ZKR VSHFLDOL]HV LQ &UDQLR 6DFUDO 7HFKQLTXH 6KH

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which stimulates the thyroid to produce T4 and T3. It is important also to test the levels of free T3 and T4 and not just TSH, which is sometimes regarded DV VXIĂ€FLHQW /DE PDUNHUV LQGLFDWH WKDW D 76+ between .4 - 4.0 is normal. However, clinically , Ă€QG PRVW SHRSOH ZKRVH 76+ LV RYHU RIWHQ present with low thyroid symptoms and feel better on thyroid support. If Hashimoto’s is suspected, then antibodies levels are measured in the blood. Can Naturopathic Medicine effectively treat thyroid disorders? <RX EHW $QG ZLWK D KLJK GHJUHH RI VXFFHVV as well. The nature of our approach is in individualization of the diagnosis. In addition to directly treating the thyroid using non-toxic methods, a Naturopathic Doctor will also work to discover the XQGHUO\LQJ FDXVH of the imbalance—acknowledging that the thyroid is impacted by the health of WKH ERG\¡V HQWLUH V\VWHP $QRWKHU ZD\ RI VD\LQJ ‘treating the whole person.’ $QRWKHU NH\ HOHPHQW LV HQVXULQJ WKDW WKH body has all the minerals it needs for proper IXQFWLRQLQJ $ 1DWXURSDWKLF DSSURDFK ZLOO OLNHO\ include Nature Thyroid (a prescription glandular), GLHWDU\ UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV VSHFLĂ€F QXWULWLRQDO VXSplements, homeopathics and/or herbal medicines. The outcome is not only a balanced Thyroid gland, but a higher level of overall health and well-being. Dr. Fleck LV WKH )RXQGHU 0HGLFDO 'L UHFWRU RI WKH 6DQWD &UX] 1DWXURSDWKLF 0HGLFDO &HQWHU 6KH UHFHLYHG KHU GRFWRUDWH LQ 1DWXUR SDWKLF 0HGLFLQH IURP WKH 6RXWKZHVW &ROOHJH RI 1DWXURSDWKLF 0HGLFLQH KHU %6 LQ 3V\FKRORJ\ DQG FRPSOHWHG JUDGXDWH ZRUN LQ 0DUULDJH DQG )DPLO\ 7KHUDS\ DW WKH 8QLY RI 0' 'U )OHFN '¡$QGUHD VSHFLDOL]HV LQ )DPLO\ 0HGLFLQH :RPHQ¡V +HDOWK DV ZHOO DV PHGLFDO QXWULWLRQ IDWLJXH GHSUHVVLRQ DQ[LHW\ GHWR[LĂ€FDWLRQ KHDY\ PHWDO FKHODWLRQ KRPHRSDWK\ DQG ERWDQLFDO PHGLFLQH &DOO IRU D IUHH PLQXWH FRQVXOWDWLRQ (831) 477-1377,

Ćš ƚŚĞ ŽĸÄ?Äž ŽĨ

^LJůǀĹ?Ä‚ ^ŏĞĎÄ?Ś͕ ͘ ͘


E\ 'U 7RQ\D )OHFN '¡$QGUHD can’t tell you how often a patient presents to P\ RIĂ€FH ZLWK FODVVLF ORZ WK\URLG V\PSWRPV but tell me that their Doctor said their thyroid ´LV Ă€QH Âľ Our thyroid gland is one of our most important endocrine organs. The functioning of the thyroid directly affects more bodily functions than all the other endocrine glands because it controls cellular metabolism by secreting hormones which govern the metabolic rate of most of our body’s vital functions. Imbalances of the thyroid can have serious effects on your health, so you should always seek advice from your doctor when dealing with any hormone problem. What thyroid problems can arise? The thyroid gland can become either underactive (Hypothyroid) or overactive (Hyperthyroid). The causes can be multi-factorial. In cases of Hypothyroid, the gland doesn’t produce enough (T3) triiodothyronine and (T4) thyroxine, the hormones necessary for healthy metabolism. Symptoms of low thyroid include depression, constipation, dry skin, loss or thinning of hair, weight gain, fatigue, poor memory/brain fog and low body temperature. Because there may be other imbalances creating these symptoms, the thyroid can often be overlooked. Hyperthyroid is much less common. Symptoms of an overactive thyroid include weight loss, sweating, a sense of anxiety, heart palpitations, high blood pressure and a bulging of the eyes. $ WKLUG FRQGLWLRQ LQ ZKLFK WKH 7K\URLG JODQG EHFRPHV LQĂ DPHG LV FDOOHG +DVKLPRWR¡V GLVHDVH and it is as an auto-immune disorder. The symptoms are those of an under-active thyroid and the cause seems to be genetic in nature. How are thyroid disorders diagnosed? Your doctor will diagnose Thyroid gland imbalances by taking a history of your symptoms as well as a blood test. Typically we measure TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), a hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the brain


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Page 15 V The Connection Magazine V V Facebook/ConnectionOnline V October 2014

SALAD DRESSINGS in the Bottle at 3). To round off the trithe Stores... fecta of horrid ingredients

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FREY VINEYARDS 8 0 0 . 7 6 0 . 3 7 3 9 F r e y W i n e . c o m / n e a r- y o u

by Joel Marion, CISSN ou see, we NEVER buy bottled dressings. Ever. They’re horrible for you, and for the most part the “all natural” versions are as well. Here are just some of the reasons why: 1). Pick up any salad dressing bottle and you’ll likely see canola oil, soybean oil, and/or vegetable oil as the main ingredients. These oils are extremely processed, rich in inflammation-promoting Omega-6 fatty acids, and often times contain trans fats that aren’t disclosed on the label due to how processed they are. “All-natural” salad dressing found in the refrigerated section aren’t much different. You’ll still see these oils as the base of nearly all of those brands as well. Why? They’re cheap! Also, don’t be fooled by labels that claim “Made with Extra Virgin Olive Oil”. Sure, they’ll point that out on the front of the label because it sounds good and leads you to believe that it’s an extra virgin olive oil based dressing. Instead, that only means that there is at least a drop of extra virgin olive oil in the bottle, and often times that’s all it has. Flip the label over and you’ll see the same vegetable oils listed first and extra virgin olive oil way down on the list of ingredients. Unethical? Yes. Healthy? No. 2). More often than not, in addition to cheap, potentially harmful oils, store bought salad dressing is also loaded with sugar to boot. Even worse, it often comes in the form of high fructose corn syrup (the absolute worst form of sugar available). Just check the label.

contained in traditional salad dressings, we have the long list of artificial additives and preservatives that often plague these products. If you’re looking to avoid artificial chemicals in your food, simply put, you won’t have much luck with store bought salad dressing. That’s why I recommend you do what we do. Grab a seasoning packet from the store, mix with REAL extra virgin olive and vinegar, and enjoy your dressing the healthy and still very convenient way. Now, while on the topic of oils, I want to make sure you are aware of the #1 WORST cooking oil for your heart, brain, and skin is Canola Oil. This oil is often touted as healthy, but rest assured it’s anything but. If you care about your long-term health, do NOT make the mistake of cooking with this oil (or buying products that were cooked in it). Canola oil is a poisonous substance, an industrial oil that does not belong in the body. It contains “the infamous chemical warfare agent mustard gas,” hemagglutinins and toxic cyanide-containing glycocides; it causes mad cow disease, blindness, nervous disorders, clumping of blood cells and depression of the immune system. This is what detractors say about canola oil. Connection Magazine will be featuring more info on Canola Oil. You can research it yourself at: Joel Marion, CISSN is the Co-Founder, BioTrust Nutrition,

Page 16 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ October 2014

Sleep Better and Get Rejuvenated with Anti-Aging Light Therapy!


by Adora Deva to soothing relaxation and o you have trouble calm (alpha), to profound sleeping? Are you mental stress release, and tired when you wake mental clarity (theta), and up? If you answered yes to to profoundly significant either of these questions you physiological stress release may benefit by using Light and nerve cell regeneration Therapy. (deep theta). This is restorVitamin “S” or Sleep ative; your brain is reis important for feeling repairing or rebooting itself freshed and alert during the physiologically. day. Sleep is an essential A Light therapy session time of rest and rejuvenation takes only 30 minutes to that benefits our minds, our ‘jump-start’ the body’s own moods and our bodies. Sleep synergistic, natural healing also affects our immune and anti-aging processes, system, nervous system, provides a Photo Facial as hormone function as well as well as give you the equivaour brain function. lent of what feels like a full We all have an internights rest. nal circadian body clock For sleep issues that that helps regulate sleep by revolve around mental or providing cues for when it emotional issues I use EFT is time to sleep and time and Clinical hypnotherapy to wake. As we age, the to help you access your uninternal body clock may conscious mind. Providing begin to falter. This clock reasonable strategies and is sensitive to light and tools to help you to redark with light telling lease old patterns replace your body to move to the and transform them with active daytime phase. new healthy patterns. Among other factors, October Special: your clock is “set” by Purchase any of Adora’s your exposure to bright Therapies and receive a light such as sunlight. Light Session for FREE! Exposure to bright light Adora Deva’s ‘Life or “Light therapy” is Spirit Healing’ practice one method used to treat at Thrive Natural Medipeople with sleep issues. cine combines state of Light Therapy can help the art Advanced Light you “re-set” a clock that Therapy, EFT, Clinical is off. Hypnotherapy, Energy Researchers have Medicine, Reiki, Rainfound that when we sleep, drop Therapy, Integrative our brain repairs damMassage and Hawaiage caused by our busy ian Temple Bodywork . metabolism, replenishes energy stores and See website for additional information at: even grows new neurons. When you are more, adoradeva@got. rested, your mood is naturally elevated. Pho- net, (831) 566-9678. ton rejuvenation just might be the missing link to health and longevity. It provides energy to your body giving you a sense of profound stress release and deep peace. With e a c h Light Therapy treatment, you also get brainlicensed esthetician • 27 years experience wave entrancement. By using the ‘entrainment’ principle, your brainwaves are lowered from your daily thinking state-of-mind, like running errands, working, etc (beta),

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My father said there were two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better. —Marlo Thomas


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by Carmel Jud he organization that I head up, Rising International, has been involved in the horrific issue of human trafficking internationally for several years now. In India and Nepal, we’ve been supporting the rehabilitation and economic empowerment work of Relevee (French for Rise Up). Relevee’s jewelry making program is particularly inspiring. The organization discovered that there were no known women silversmiths in all of India, and so with the help of an American female silversmith, Relevee now trains survivors of human trafficking to make stunning silver jewelry to sell to the world. We promote the jewelry on Rising International’s website, and at our Rising Home Parties. Jewelry making has been life changing for the young women that have had the rare chance of being rescued. Shockingly, it’s estimated that there are over 27 million people held as slaves in the world today, and the U.S. State Department estimates that only 40,000 have been identified. Internationally, in the majority of cases that we hear about, the story goes like this—A family living in desperate poverty is tricked into believing their daughter has been offered a decent job in an area far away from home. The family sends their daughter off to pursue the employment offer. The daughter soon discovers that she’s been bought and sold into human trafficking, either for sex or forced labor. The dream of someone rescuing her is what keeps her alive. Locally, here in the United States, in the majority of cases that we’ve learned about, the story goes like this—A thirteen year old girl runs

away from home; typically to escape a neglectful, abusive situation at home; Or, maybe she doesn’t want to be put in another foster or group home. Within 48 hours of her leaving, she’s approached by a pimp. He knows where to find runaways, and he knows exactly what to say to her. He sells her on a fantasy. Before long she finds herself living what is referred to as, the life: a life of forced prostitution. She doesn’t want to be a prostitute. The pimp has easily convinced her that this new life is better than the one she came from. Of course, not all the women and girls trapped in human trafficking fall into the categories above. These examples are what I hear to be the most common. If you’re hearing differently, please email me and share everything you know. I’m on a mission to learn all that I can about human trafficking. It’s the fastest growing criminal industry in the world today. Never before in our history have we bought, traded, and

sold so many precious lives. Recently, I met four brave local survivors who shared their stories at a Human Trafficking Forum in Marin. I haven’t cried like that in a long time. I’m dedicating this article to them. To Emily, Catie, Codie, and Amy: may you heal at lightning speed, and may your new lives be filled with endless joy and love. You can take action for our local and global daughters: Call the Hotline—If you spot any suspicious behavior call 1 (888) 3737-888 to reach the National Human Trafficking Resource Center. Or, email Get Involved—At Rising International, we’re currently forming a local Survivors Jewelry Program. If you’re interest in volunteering for this team, please contact me, Carmel Jud at Shop for a Cause—This holiday season, give gifts that save lives. Purchase holiday gifts handmade by survivors of human trafficking. Go to Donate—Enable Rising International to economically empower locally trafficked women and girls. Go to donate.

thIS Fool’S JourneY through tarot’S MaJor arCana WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING AbOuT MELANIE GENDRON’S LATEST bOOk: he “fool” according to Ms. Gendron, is a manifestation of childlike innocence. Melanie’s work is a magical compilation of art, poetry, and everyday experience inspired by Tarot’s major arcana. It is an invitation for all of us to awaken to the innocence, fullness, and beauty of life as it is. —Don Lofland, Ph.D., Author of Powerlearning and Thought Viruses



he personified tarot cards in This Fool’s Journey talk about themselves, making the archetypes accessible to the reader. The line drawings of the Gendron Tarot major arcana

make this book a visual as well as consciously expansive treat. —John Gray, Author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus


elanie Gendron infuses the 22 major arcana with her own spiritual journey. Her insights make the archetypes come alive. The result is delightful—a book of reflections, poetry, and artwork that reflect her skills as an innovative multimedia artist. —Stewart Florsheim, Author of A Short Fall from Grace and A Split Second of Light


elanie Gendron takes you on a personal voyage of self discovery, This book is a beautiful example

of self actualization. Very entertaining. Her latest book, This Fool’s Journey, will inspire you and stir your imagination, inviting you on the journey as a divine Fool to gain mastery of the Universe. This is a trip worth taking. This is a book well worth having in your collection. —Peggy Black, Author of Morning Messages “We Are Here” Transmissions and Morning Messages Invitations This Fool’s Journey Through Tarot’s Major Arcana, Blue Light Press, ISBN 9781421886794, is available on, and from Melanie at, gentarot@, (831) 335-9064.

Page 18 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ October 2014

The Pesticide-Autism Link


by Dr. Joseph Mercola rganophosphate pesticides are known for their hazards to human health. Prenatal exposure, for example, has already been linked to delayed brain development, reduced IQ, and attention deficits. There are compelling links between agricultural chemicals and autism (, and new research (known as the CHARGE study) shows that living within a mile of pesticide-treated crops increases your chances of bearing children with autism. As reported by Scientific American: “The study of 970 children, born in farm-rich areas of Northern California, is part of the largest project to date that is exploring links between autism and environmental exposures. [It is] the third project to link prenatal pesticide exposures to autism and related disorders. ‘The weight of evidence is beginning to suggest that mothers’ exposures during pregnancy may play a role in the

development of autism spectrum disorders,’ said Kim Harley, an environmental health researcher at the University of California, Berkeley who was not involved in the new study... [C]hildren with mothers who lived less than one mile from fields treated with organophosphate pesticides during pregnancy were about 60 percent more likely to have autism than children whose mothers did not live close to treated fields.” [Emphasis mine] Is There Such a Thing as a Safe Toxin? The CHARGE study linked different pesticides to different rates of risks, but across the board, the risk of autism was significantly increased by close proximity to pesticide-treated fields. Proximity to fields treated with chlorpyrifos during the second trimester resulted in a 3.3 times greater risk of having an autistic child. (Chlorpyrifos is the most commonly applied organophosphate pesticide. It’s banned for home garden use, due to health risks, but is still permitted in farming.) Exposure to pyrethroids shortly prior to conception increased a woman’s

risk of having an autistic child by 82 percent. Exposure to pyrethroids during the third trimester increased the risk by 87 percent. Carbamate pesticides were associated with developmental delay but not autism. The results for exposure to pyrethroids are particularly noteworthy, as they’ve been promoted as a safer alternative to older organophosphates. These findings clearly question such claims! Previous animal studies have also suggested pyrethroids can cause neurological, immune, and reproductive damage. Other recent research has linked the pesticide carbamate to an increased risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, so the full impact of these chemicals go far beyond just one potential health risk... Other noteworthy research is the recently published CHAMACOS Study, which followed hundreds of pregnant women living in the agricultural mecca of Salinas Valley, California. Here, mothers’ exposure to organophosphates during pregnancy was associated with: • Shorter duration of pregnancy • Poorer neonatal reflexes

Young Woman Tells of DebiliTaTing HealTH issues sHe noW faces in Years folloWing garDasil VaccinaTion everyday life, and this is from ONE YEAR AFTER GARDASIL survive a vaccine that the medical establish-


magine for a moment having an outgoing, vibrant daughter, just turned 21 years old—her whole life ahead of her. She’s a bright, outgoing, athletic, college student, kind and compassionate. She has hopes and dreams just waiting to be fulfilled. No parent could ask for more. All parental bias aside, this was our daughter, Brittney, before Gardasil. When Brittney received her first Gardasil injection in June of 2007, she was told that the only real risk involved was the possibility of her having a small seizure shortly after the shot was administered. She did not react within the 15-minute window, during which the medical staff monitored her. She thought she had nothing to worry about. She admitted later, after she took the first dose, that the doctor had told her she could get the HPV viruses that cause cervical cancer through a lab accident at college, (where her blood might mingle with someone infected). She had been in a lab accident just a few months previous, so the fear of being infected was immense. When she passed out the next morning on our family room floor, she got up wondering what had happened. Britt chalked it up to the possibility of being dehydrated. She had been quite active for several months. Several years before she had fainted from dehydration, so she didn’t think

ment continues to claim is safe and effective. “My head feels strange, like I might have a seizure today,” explains Brittney about an average morning postGardasil, which quickly turns into a nightmare situation. “The blinding pain hits me like a whitehot knife cutting through my head. It is a searing series of jolts, like I am being electrocuted multiple times. Mercifully, an inky blackness spreads over me and everything goes dark.” Yo u c a n read the rest of Brittney’s story, as told in first p e r s o n , h e re : http://sanevax. org. Sources for this article include: www. hormonesmatter. com,, http:// w w w. y o u t u b e . com. Learn more: http://tinyurl. com/kemd7kq

• Lower IQ and poorer cognitive functioning in children • Increased risk of attention problems

in children Printed with permission.

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much of it. She was so unconcerned she didn’t even mention the incident until over a week later. By this point, she had experienced two other unusual episodes. The next incident occurred nine days after her HPV vaccine injection. She had what we now know was a partial seizure. Three days later, her legs gave out while she was at a water park. Hammering pain spread up and down her legs for 15 minutes, then disappeared. As a parent, I was beginning to think the incidents were related, but was not sure how they were connected. Brittney’s personal account reveals random blackouts, debilitating pain among many consequences of Gardasil . . . Brittney decided to publish her own account of life after being injected with Gardasil, sparing no details in describing the extreme pain and suffering she continues to endure more than six years later. Without the help of her faithful and loving parents, Brittney simply would not be able to

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Page 19 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ October 2014

Mystery Virus EV-D68 Exploding Among Vaccinated Children; U.S. Medical System Clueless Without A Vaccine by Mike Adams The rapid explosion of mystery virus EVD68 is sending hundreds of children to hospitals across Missouri, Colorado, Kansas, Utah and eight other states. “In Kansas City, about 475 children were recently treated at Children’s Mercy Hospital, and at least 60 of them received intensive hospitalization,” reports CNN. (1)

CNN goes on to report:

“It’s worse in terms of scope of critically ill children who require intensive care. I would call it unprecedented. I’ve practiced for 30 years in pediatrics, and I’ve never seen anything quite like this,” said Dr. Mary Anne Jackson, the hospital’s division director for infectious diseases. What CNN and other media outlets are not reporting, however, is that this outbreak is occurring among vaccinated children.

Did other vaccines make children more susceptible to EV-D68 infections?

Children who have been vaccinated with MMR vaccines, influenza vaccines, polio vaccines and many others are the same children who are now being struck by EV-D68. How do we know this? Because we know how the rabid pro-vaccine media consistently reports on viral outbreaks: Vaccine media propaganda rule #1) If an outbreak ever occurs among unvaccinated children, then the published stories will strongly condemn parents for failing to vaccinated their children while promoting vaccines as the one and only solution. Vaccine media propaganda rule #2) If there’s an inconvenient fact about vaccines that the media doesn’t want the public to know, it will withhold that fact from all its stories. This was made abundantly clear in the recent mediawide blackout of the CDC whistleblower story, where top CDC scientist Dr. William Thompson openly admitted to committing scientific fraud at the CDC in order to hide the link between MMR vaccines and autism. Go here (http://tinyurl. com/ml4x8jg) to read the once-secret letter Dr. Thompson sent to CDC director Julie Gerberding, admitting to a cover-up. The fact that the mainstream media is right now not blaming the EV-D68 outbreak on unvaccinated children, in other words, is nearconclusive proof that this outbreak is occurring among vaccinated children.

Media doctors hopelessly clueless about what to suggest to parents

Because there is no vaccine for EV-D68, the media can’t push vaccines as the solution for these infections. And so the media seems totally lost and clueless about what to report. There’s no mention of protecting children’s immune systems with vitamin D, and no mainstream media outlet even dares mention the words “immune support” for fear that people might realize a strong immune system is far better than a vaccine at preventing infectious disease.

The best advice CNN can come up with reads as follows:

To reduce the risk of infection, individuals should wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, especially after changing diapers; avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands; avoid kissing, hugging and sharing cups or eating utensils with people who are sick; disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as toys and doorknobs; and stay home when feeling sick...

Again, note the complete lack of any discussion about zinc, vitamin D, immune-boosting herbs, avoidance of toxic immunosuppressive chemicals and food additives, and so on. This is the default position of the mainstream media: “Wash your hands.” It is literally watered-down advice by a propaganda institution that functions as the vaccine industry’s ministry of truth. Even when children’s lives are at stake, the media is so opposed to nutritional defenses that it consistently refuses to mention a low-cost, high-safety, readily-available nutrient like vitamin D that could save countless lives during a pandemic outbreak... even if used in conjunction with vaccines! Doctors and health authorities freak out over enterovirus outbreak because they have nothing to offer except a vaccine which doesn’t exist The over-reliance on vaccines in public health will ultimately kill millions of children in a real outbreak for the simple reason that vaccines are blindly relied upon at the exclusion of all else. So when a pandemic comes along that has no vaccine, doctors and health authorities are literally clueless about what to recommend other than “wash your hands.” “Stupid” doesn’t even begin to describe our modern health care system. It’s downright negligent. Any honest health care system that really cared about public health would have a multi-layered pandemic defense strategy which included immune boosting activities, nutritional defenses, behavioral modification, personal hygiene reinforcement and finally medical intervention as one layer among many. The problem with vaccines—even if they work (which they mostly don’t)—is that they can’t keep up with mutating viruses in the wild. This current outbreak of EV-D68 has caught the medical establishment completely off guard. They have no vaccines to recommend, and so doctors and health authorities sit around taking their own rectal pulses (i.e. they have their thumbs up their hind ends) while children fill the emergency rooms at hospitals. A simple vitamin D education campaign could slash these infections by huge margins. Vitamin D “activates” the immune system at so many levels that if vitamin D were a pharmaceutical, it would be called a “miracle drug” and whoever created it would be awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine. But it’s not a drug; it’s a simple, low-cost vitamin. So doctors aren’t taught anything about it and parents are never told to use it. Especially not when there are vaccines to push and pregnant women to inject with mercury.

Some astounding quotes about the severity of this outbreak

“An unprecedented lung virus that has infected over 1000 children across 10 states from the Midwest to the east coast is likely to spread to the rest of the country, doctors have warned.” The unusually high number of hospitalizations reported could be “just the tip of the iceberg in terms of severe cases,” said Mark Pallansch, a virologist and director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Viral Diseases. - CNN (1) “A respiratory illness that has already sickened more than a thousand children in 10 states is likely to become a nationwide problem, doctors say.” - ABC News (4) “Just weeks after the Obama administra-

tion let more than 37,000 illegal-alien children into the U.S. without health screening, more than 1,000 kids across 10 states have been stricken with a respiratory virus – prompting widespread concerns about a major outbreak sweeping across the nation.” - (3) “It’s worse in terms of scope of critically ill children who require intensive care. I would call it unprecedented. I’ve practiced for 30 years in pediatrics, and I’ve never seen anything quite like this,” said Dr. Mary Anne Jackson, the hospital’s division director for infectious diseases. - CNN (1) Radio host and epidemiologist Michael Savage blasts Obama, blames outbreak on illegal immigrants One more noteworthy twist on this entire story has been fielded by radio host Michael Savage, a very high-IQ individual trained as an epidemiologist.

Yesterday he said on his radio show: (3)

For 20 years, I’ve been trying to warn America about the unscreened immigrants being brought in. Now, of course, it’s coming home to roost and the American people are being lied to by the Centers for Disease Transmission. They used to be the CDC; they’re now the CDT. Instead of stopping disease spread, they’re encouraging it by not speaking out against bringing in infected children and putting them in our public schools, right? It’s astounding to me what they can get away with because of the ignorance of the public. Common sense is gone. ...What do you expect to happen if you put a kid with a certain virus into a school where they’ve never been exposed to that virus? It’s called an epidemic breakout. This population in America, which once enjoyed the greatest health on earth, is now being devolved into a second-world nation in terms of health because Obama is so corrupt, was so ignorant, was so evil that he’s taken what was once the greatest nation on earth and devolving us into a second nation status. Michael Savage previously warned that Obama’s open borders policy is extremely dangerous from a public health point of view, allowing immigrants with infectious diseases to walk right into the USA and spread those diseases to others. ABC News Medical Editor accidentally admits pandemics can cross borders Interestingly, ABC News’ Chief Health and Medical Editor Dr. Richard Besser accidentally supported Savage’s argument when he said, “Viruses don’t tend to respect borders. It is only 10 states now, but it’s going to be across the country. So if your state doesn’t have it now, watch for it, it’s coming.” (4) Although his statement was made in the context of the virus spreading from state to state, a virus doesn’t know the difference between a state border and a national border. The claim that “viruses don’t tend to respect borders” is universally true, regardless of the category of the border. Savage’s argument is further supported by this graphic from WND, showing states which have received illegal immigrants correlated with states which have urgently contacted the CDC to ask for help concerning this sudden outbreak: The shocking reality of how government health care policies encourage pandemics What do YOU think is the cause of this

outbreak? Sound off in the comments below. And for once, the mainstream media can’t blame “unvaccinated” children because there is no vaccine for this virus. That’s why the medical advice currently circulating around the media for dealing with this outbreak is so remarkably worthless. Consider the pathetic reality of our present-day government and its failed medical system: Shocking reality #1) Our current federal government refuses to secure the U.S. border and openly invites immigrants to walk right in, regardless of what they might be carrying from a public health point of view. Shocking reality #2) Our medical system is a “one-trick pony” when it comes to pandemic prevention. That one trick is “vaccines.” And if there isn’t a vaccine, the entire medical system is absolutely clueless about what do to. Shocking reality #3) Medical authorities outright refuse to recommend any nutritional therapies that boost immune defenses against pandemic diseases. Vitamin D is completely blackballed from any official advice, even when there are no other options available. And don’t even dare mention Chinese Medicine herbs or various herbal remedies. Shocking reality #4) Many advocates of vaccines are also strong advocates of population reduction. They actually applaud shrinking the number of living humans on the planet. So pandemics literally help them accomplish their goals. “That’s the answer!” remarked Dr. Charles Arntzen in a comment caught on video. “Go out and use genetic engineering to create a better virus. (laughter) Twenty-five percent of the population is supposed to go in Contagion.” (5) Even more, Bill Gates famously stated during a public presentation that vaccines could help lower the human population by 10 to 15 percent. His exact words: “The world today has 6.8 billion people... that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” Don’t believe that he said this? The video has been pulled from Youtube numerous times, but we’ve preserved it at Click this link to watch it for yourself. The video leaves no question whatsoever about Gates’ advocacy of vaccines to reduce human population. Maybe now with Ebola, EV-D68, chikungunya virus and other exploding pandemics that have suddenly taken hold across our world, people like Bill Gates will finally get their wish. A massive population wipeout may be just around the corner, and if you tune in to CNN, they will probably feature fifty high-level scientists telling you all the different ways you can wash your hands while waiting for the CDC to rescue you with an experimental vaccine that carries a 40% fatality rate like the ZMapp Ebola drug. Mike Adams is the Health Ranger and the NaturalNews Editor. Printed with permission. Sources for this article include: (1) respira... (2) (3) (4) (5)

Page 20 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ October – Nov. 5, 2014

This Is the Way One Father Told His Pediatrician “No” to Vaccines by Jeffry John Aufderheide What does an informed parent look like? We’ll show you. Below is a letter written by Bob O’Kane, a concerned parent, to his pediatrician about vaccines and the danger they pose to his child. This letter is one great example of how to approach your doctor, especially if you have looked into the matter further and are uncomfortable with their stance on the topic. The name of the doctor has been intentionally omitted.

Doctor XXX, My wife and I would like to say it was an absolute pleasure to meet you. We thank you for taking the time with us the other day to discuss our beautiful little daughter Mary (name changed for privacy). I was wondering if I could take a moment to discuss something with you real quick regarding the notes I read this evening in her file. Please note, this is a very calm letter and not meant to start a debate in any way. We value your profession and position. That being said, It’s in my opinion that the some of the comments are a bit misleading and was wondering if you could add this email to your notes. Please note we understand you are extremely busy and probably had to summarize the appointment the best you could. You mentioned in your report “PARENTS (my wife and I) REFUSE TO SIGN THE VACCINE WAIVER BECAUSE THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE USED AGAINST THEM AND CAN BE USED TO TAKE THEIR CHILD AWAY. I EXPLAINED THIS IS THE REC OF THE AAP AND MY OFFICE POLICY. THEY REFUSE TO SIGN. EXPLAINED MY OPINION ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF VACCINES AND THEY UNDERSTOOD WILL THINK ABOUT VACCINATING………” A few things to note here: First and most importantly, we refused to sign the document because there was no legal statute or requirement for us to sign such a document. This was the main basis for the non-signature. We simply do not have to. Nor is there any legal basis for AAP to require such signature. I also specifically mentioned that there have been cases surfacing around the country whereas a parent’s signature on such a document was used against the parents. For the record I never, ever once said “we fear losing our child.” This statement, with respect, is erroneous and can lead to a misinterpretation. I have also mentioned we have religious exemption which was granted to our family on the 20th of May, 2014. We also specifically stated that our concerns were not only with the ingredients listed on the vaccines and the disclaimers on the vaccine inserts, but the overall fear we had was that our child could break out in the hive/rashes she did shortly after receiving her Hepatitis B shot. If it was only after those hives/rashes appeared that we had blood testing done which determined our lovely daughter had elevated liver functions. This was the majority of our rationale behind not giving her shots as I implied. The other reasons were the materials we read at the CDC and FDA website. First, the disclaimers on vaccine inserts or lack of disclaimers was a concern. The disclaim-

ers clearly state the possible side effects. Yet, not one Doctor in the past had those ready for us. Nor did they provide them when the vaccine was opened. We had to do the research ourselves. And honestly, I’m glad we did. Especially with the amount of information surfacing lately that research was or could have been manipulated. In addition, the head of the CDC in an April/May radio show admitted the so called measles outbreak in New York consisted of 23 cases of which 20 people who got the measles had previously been vaccinated and thus nobody could be assured the vaccines actually work. (this is public information on the CDC website, and put a dent in the so called “herd immunity” theory.) The other three cases involved foreigners. Our last Doctor even told us people are dying. Dr. XXXX, do you know how many people have died in the past 10 years? The number is in fact less than all the fingers I have on my hands. Again, this is p u b lic rec ord available through the CDC and not some Google search result. The last concern was the ingredients and the amount of Aluminum and by-products that are in the vaccines which so happened to have been the center of several House Oversight Committee hearings on Capital Hill. I also stated that the CDC and FDA have conflicting views when it came to amount of Aluminum which should be injected into an individual based on their body weight. I quote (and I encourage you to check my sources) According to the FDA: “Aluminum may reach toxic levels with prolonged parenteral administration (this means injected into the body] if kidney function is impaired . . . Research indicates that patients with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates (babies), who received parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 micrograms per kilogram of body weight per day, accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity [for a tiny newborn, this toxic dose would be 10 to 20 micrograms, and for an adult it would be about 350 micrograms). Tissue loading may occur at even lower rates of administration.” (Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Document NDA 19-626/S-019, Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act for Dextrose Injections.) And, also: “Aluminum content in parenteral drug products could result in a toxic accumulation of aluminum in individuals receiving TPN therapy. Research indicates that neonates [newborns] and patient populations with impaired kidney function may be at high risk of exposure to

unsafe amounts of aluminum. Studies show that aluminum may accumulate in the bone, urine, and plasma of infants receiving TPN. Many drug products used in parenteral therapy (injections) may contain levels of aluminum sufficiently high to cause clinical manifestations (symptoms) . . . parenteral aluminum bypasses the protective mechanism of the GI tract and aluminum circulates and is deposited in human tissues. Aluminum toxicity is difficult to identify in infants because few reliable techniques are available to evaluate bone metabolism in . . . infants . . . Although aluminum toxicity is not commonly detected clinically, it can be serious in selected patient populations, such as neonates (newborns), and may be more common than is recognized.” (Department of Health and Human

Services, Food and Drug Administration, Document 02N-0496, Aluminum in Large and Small Volume Parenterals Used in Total Parenteral Nutrition. Available online at: http://www.fda. gov/ohrms/dockets/98fr/oc0367.pdf)” Doctor XXXX, the FDA maximum requirements for aluminum received in an IV is 25 mcg per day. The suggested aluminum per kg of weight to give to a person is up to 5mcg. (so, a 5 pound baby should get no more than 11mcg of aluminum.) Anything that has more than 25 mcg of aluminum is a very valid concern for us when it comes to Mary. Research indicates that “patients with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates, who receive parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 (micro)g/kg/day accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity. Tissue loading may occur at even lower rates of administration. (” But, did you know most Vaccines, for some reason, are not required to have a label containing this information and that practitioners also are not required to follow the maximum dosage of 25 mcg? This is something that actually was very troubling to us. So doing some math — the following are examples of weight with their corresponding maximum levels of aluminum, per the FDA: • 8 pound, healthy baby: 18.16 mcg of aluminum • 15 pound, healthy baby: 34.05 mcg of aluminum

• 30 pound, healthy toddler: 68.1 mcg of aluminum • 50 pound, healthy child: 113 mcg of aluminum • 150 pound adult: 340.5 mcg of aluminum • 350 pound adult: 794.5 mcg of aluminum So, how much aluminum is in the vaccines that are routinely given to children? • Hib (PedVaxHib brand only) – 225 mcg per shot • Hepatitis B – 250 mcg • DTaP – depending on the manufacturer, ranges from 170 to 625 mcg • Pneumococcus – 125 mcg • Hepatitis A – 250 mcg • HPV – 225 mcg • Pentacel (DTaP, HIB and Polio combo vaccine) – 330 mcg • Pediarix (DTaP, Hep B and Polio combo vaccine) – 850 mcg The HEP-B shot alone is almost 14 TIMES THE AMOUNT OF ALUMINUM THAT IS FDAAPPROVED. The MMR? The dTap? All have similar amounts. So, in summary Doctor XXXX, when we did our due diligence, this info scared the hell out of us. Especially considering what happened to Mary shortly after the Hep B was administered to her. Continuing, I mentioned what made us leave our last Doctor was that she wanted to give our daughter 8 vaccinations at once. And in doing the math, that would have added up to more than 1,000 mcg of aluminum. Even when one, who is not familiar with toxicity levels and the science behind them, looks at the chart above can notice that amount isn’t even safe for a 350 pound adult let alone a child who weighs less than 25lbs. According to the FDA and the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics), what happens if a child receives more than the maximum required dose of aluminum? • Aluminum builds up in the bones and brain and can be toxic to the body and its organs. • Aluminum “can” cause neurological harm. • Aluminum overdose can be fatal in patients with weak kidney’s or kidney disorders or in premature babies. • (Aluminum Toxicity in Infants and Children, Committee on Nutrition,American Academy of Pediatrics, Pediatrics Volume 97, Number 3 March, 1996, pp. 413-416)” In summary, our reasons, even though we have an issued exemption in the State of Florida, were valid enough to hold off on vaccinations and the ingredients that are used in them as adjuvants. Especially, when one considers what happened shortly after her first HEP-B shot. In closing, I thank you for taking the short time to read my email. We firmly admire your practice and the personnel you have and look forward in continuing Mary’s care with you. She deserves the best, and we think we found it. Respectfully Yours, Robert O’Kane P.S. Yes, we are considering the shots as she gets older. But, in the meantime can you order for us a screen to determine if Mary’s immune system is compromised? This will help us a great deal considering thousands of cases that went through the vaccine court in the past decade showed many injuries and deaths resulted in the failure to predetect if children had a compromised immune system prior to any shots.

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A Prayer for Peace—Taking Responsibility


by Gangaji hen you are called home, when you are somehow struck by the absolutely mysterious and irrevocable desire to know the truth of who you are, then you must be willing to put aside every story of separation. Every story of separation is a story of war. Human beings have been making war in every culture for a very long WLPH &XOWXUH LV D UHà HFWLRQ RI WKH LQGL vidual mind, and the individual mind is D UHà HFWLRQ RI WKH FXOWXUDO PLQG 6LQFH you are reading this, I assume you are interested in peace in your own mind. You are not waiting for them to make peace. This is good news, because war is fought to get others to do it our way so that we can live in peace. When you stop waiting for them, and instead shift your attention to your own mind, then you can recognize the tendency toward war in your own mind, the tendencies of totalitarianism, hate, revenge, and holding on. And you can recognize the suffering that those tendencies continue to deliver. 6RPHKRZ LQ WKH IDFH RI LW DOO \RX À QG \RX ZDQW SHDFH <RX DUH VLFN DQG tired of the war within your own mind. <RX PD\ HYHQ H[ SUHVV LW LQ D FRQ scious prayer, a plea for help, for understanding, for deliverance, for grace. Grace is here now. It is knocking at your door. You have a chance to be at SHDFH LQ WKLV PR ment. You only

need to accept the invitation of your own heart, right now, regardless of outer or LQQHU FLUFXPVWDQF es, and let yourself sink into the peace of your innermost being. Unless all of us WDNH WKH UHVSRQVLELO ity for our own inner peace, the wars will continue. We cannot wait any longer for someone else to change. We cannot wait for someone else to forgive us so WKDW ZH FDQ WKHQ IRUJLYH WKHP :H FDQ not wait for someone else to say they are sorry. Peace cannot be postponed. 5HFRJQL]H WKDW WR ZKDWHYHU GH gree the war is going on in your own mind, it is based on one thing: the Ă€ UP EHOLHI WKDW \RX DUH D VHSDUDWH HQ tity, separate from your parents, your children, your lover, or your enemy. All wars are based upon the LJQRUDQFH RI RXU WUXH QDWXUH DQG WKH LO OXVLRQ RI VHSDUDWLRQ :KHQ \RX Ă€ UPO\ believe that you are separate from the totality, separate from peace, separate from love, you protect yourself. That protection takes many forms involving SHUVRQDO DQG WHUULWRULDO LGHQWLĂ€ FDWLRQ The horror is that if what you are protecting is the thought of who you are, it does not, in reality, even exist. It is only a thought, and whenever a thought is honestly investigated, it is found to have no inherent reality. Yet WKLV WKRXJKW RI ZKR \RX DUH KDV LP measurable power, because it becomes WKH Ă€ OWHU RI DOO H[SHULHQFHV RI UHDOLW\ When you look through tinted glass, reality takes on that tint. It isn’t that reality is tinted. The tinted glass mediates and distorts reality. People Ă€ JKW IRU WKH GLVWRUWLRQ WKDW WKLV ´, Âľ as an individual or as a group, is separate from all other beings. And

\HW WKDW ´,Âľ LV DFWXDOO\ QRWKLQJ ,W LV D PDGH XS VWRU\ <HW LQ WKH EHOLHI WKDW the story is reality, there is colossal WUDJHG\ DQG VXIIHULQJ :KHQ WKLV ´,Âľ WKDW LV DVVXPHG WR EH UHDO DQG VHSD rate is examined by consciousness, it is discovered to be none other than consciousness itself. As a conscious human being, you have the opportunity to discover that QHYHU QRW HYHQ IRU DQ LQVWDQW LV LW SRV VLEOH WR EH VHSDUDWH IURP FRQVFLRXV ness, from the source of everything, IURP *RG 2QFH \RX GLVFRYHU WKLV GL rectly, you then broadcast it with every breath you take. Whether you speak of this discovery or you never speak again, you will broadcast it through the natural radiance of your being. In your ZLOOLQJQHVV WR WDNH WKDW FKDQFH WR DF cept that invitation, you will naturally share that peace everywhere. $W WKLV SRLQW LQ WLPH LQ WKLV WKH atre of consciousness, you have the opportunity to discover what is deeper WKDQ ´KXPDQÂľ EHLQJ ZKDW LV EHIRUH KXPDQ EHLQJ 7KDW ´EHLQJ QHVVÂľ LV actually the source of human being. It is the source of plant being, animal being, sentient being, and insentient EHLQJ 7KDW EHLQJ QHVV LV DOLYH ZLWK intelligence, with presence, and it wants to know itself in you so that it can know itself everywhere. Gangaji is a renowned spiritual teacher and author. As she travels the world, speaking to spiritual seekers from all walks of life, she powerfully articulates how it is possible to directly experience the truth of who you are, and in that, discover true peace and ODVWLQJ IXOĂ€ OOPHQW Gangaji will be in Santa Cruz in October for a public meeting on October 18 at the Inner Light Center in Soquel, and two Small Group Meetings on October 19 at Cabrillo College in Aptos. For more information and to register, go to Page 22 V The Connection Magazine V V Facebook/ConnectionOnline V October 2014

personification in my spiritual life. I personify guides and helpers. I visit my future self and she reassures me that all will be well. I imagine my “friends in Spirit� who are cheering me on from “the other side.� I write scenarios of possible futures, I journal as though my dreams have already come true. I write “do-overs� when I feel I have somehow failed myself. The truth of it does not concern me. The truth is too big to know. Life has taught me that truth evolves. There are those who might say that spirituality is nothing but imagination and wishful thinking but this doesn’t trouble me. I think imagination is divine; a powerful gift of consciousness that can give form to thought. It is the key that opens the door to limitless potential. My spiritual theory is a huge framework that includes ideas like Facilitated by Karuna Chapman, Certified Teacher in Drunvalo Universal Intelligence and Unifying Melchizedek’s School of Remembering. Consciousness. My spiritual practice It is the Heart that contains the original instructions of Life, and when is full of feeling and creativity. I weave the Heart is again in control of a person’s life, Life responds with joy and them together and I need them both. power. When the Human Light Body (Merkaba) is directly activated from I am not a missionary. If I have a the Sacred Space of the Heart, your life becomes interconnected with all message it is this: give yourself perLife everywhere and moves into Higher Consciousness naturally. mission. You have spiritual license When we create from the brain, we get what we want and it’s because you are alive. exact opposite. Creation from the Unified Heart Field brings only Susan Springfield is a practitiogood. Join us to learn the process of creating from the Heart, and ner at the Center for Spiritual Living to naturally and spontaneously activate your Human Light Body. Santa Cruz, 1818 Felt Street. The My blessing is to illuminate the path for Sunday celebration service begins )HOW 6W 6DQWD &UX] &$ ‡ 831.462.9383 )HOW 6W 6DQWD &UX] &$ ‡ 831.462.9383 you to amplify your light 1,000 times. at 10:30 with an earlier meditation at 10:00. Susan speaks on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Learn more about the fall line-up of classes at or call (831)4629383.


The MysTic

and The


by Susan Springfield am not a missionary. It seems to me that too many people try to convert others to their point of view. Spirituality is personal. I like to give the word a lot of room. To me, it is a place of possibility: something is going on. There is more here than meets the eye. More is possible. Spirituality is not the same as religion. Religion is a courtroom where truth must be determined and defended. Spirituality is a mystery to be explored with subtle feelings that are hints and clues. Religion pounds the pulpit. Spirituality beckons and offers. It is a gift that comes customized with your own initials. As a child, my spiritual experiences were never in church. I had a rich imaginary life that gave me solace and inspiration. I prayed childish prayers to imagined helpers. I stepped into the role of helper and helped myself. The man-God in the sky was unapproachable. I tossed


and turned in my bed at night, fearing a boring “good little girl� eternity in heaven. I think a spiritual life and a creative life have a lot in common. Both are intensely personal and both have an energy that requires expression. Both are fueled by curiosity and imagination. Both require a certain audacity. Both artist and mystic have rich inner lives. Both dig deeper for meaning and beauty. They listen for inspiration and wait for the revelation. Both angel and muse must be coaxed. Art is more than originality. Great cinema, for instance, says something profound about the human drama. It articulates a perspective hidden from everyday view. Spirituality does the same thing, but the seat is further back in the theater, a wider angel on the action. Creativity and spirituality are woven together for me. I don’t believe that God is a person, but I use

ted in Ascensio s e r n? te

Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshop

For Next Workshop Details: $35 / Seminar

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Build a Relationship Relationship with (831) the684-1330 God• A LOving TribuTe TO JuLiAn MerediTh STOrey LeOnArd of Your Understanding )HOW 6W 6DQWD &UX] &$ ‡ 831.462.9383 Understanding ur dear betherapist at age 18; loving to cook; Facilited by Rev. Jane Beach Beach loved son, studying energy healing and being


Julian Meredith Storey Leonard, passed into the next world on September 11, 2014. He was born on December 5th, 1989 in Washington State. Julian’s parents Lance and Ly n d i a L e o n a r d , were present for and adopted him at his birth. He was a delight to all who knew him and is greatly missed. Julian has lived an unconventional life, meeting and spending time with amazing and wonderful spiritual teachers, scientists, authors and others all over the world. Julian spent his earliest years living on Lopez Island in Washington State where he watched and sometimes helped his father build a wooden sailboat that would become the family home for several years. He and his parents sailed to and spent many years on the island of Kauai, Hawaii. After his father, Julian and a couple of friends made a 32 day passage from Kauai to the mainland, the family relocated first to Ashland, Oregon, then to the Santa Cruz, California area where Julian spent the remainder of his short life. Julian has a special connection with the oceans, animals and his intuitive nature. He is wise beyond his years and a deep thinker. He has

$35 / Seminar

an active spiritual seeker. He is survived by Cheryl and Louann, his Where Do I Begin? Begin? sisters, and Larry September 27th 10am 10am to to 4pm 4pm his brother, as well as his natuWherever you are on your your spiritual spiritual journey journey is is perfect, perfect, ral mother, Julie including, including, “I “I haven’t haven’t even even started!� started!� Learn Learn to to know know the the Kendrick. He has difference many nieces and difference between between the the message message of of your your own own inner inner wisdom nephews, aunwisdom and and the the mind mind chatter chatter of of ego. ego. ties and uncles. Donations can be made to the Universal Education FoundaFinding Finding Balance Balance tion, http://www. universaleducaOctober 25th October 25th - 10am 10am to to 4pm 4pm tionfoundation. Explore balancing the needs of others with com. Explore balancing the needs of others with taking taking care care of of

Build a Relationship with the God of Your Understanding Facilited by Rev. Jane Beach

the ability to communicate with dolphins and whales and was responsible for many amazing encounters with cetaceans on the Pacific Ocean. Some of his accomplishments include: teaching other children to swim at age 3; building and launching his first boat at age 7; fire walking at age 8; learning to surf and sail before he was 10; founding the Free Thinkers Newsletter at age 15; speaking before hundreds of people many times throughout his childhood; crossing the Pacific Ocean twice, becoming a gifted and licensed massage

Where Do I Begin? September 27th - 10am to 4pm yourself, choosing positive thoughts to create the life you

yourself, choosing positive thoughts to create the life you want, want, and and what what to to do do with with old old negative negative beliefs. beliefs.

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey is perfect, including, “I haven’t even started!� Learn to know the difference between the message of your own inner Letting Go wisdom and the mindLetting chatter ofGo ego. November November 8th 8th -- 10am 10am to to 4pm 4pm

Learn Learn how how to to release release the the need need to to please please others, others, what what to to do when change is at hand, and letting go of physical, do when change is at hand, and letting go of physical, mental mental and and emotional emotional clutter. clutter.

Finding Balance October $35 25th - 10am to 4pm / Seminar )HOW 6W 6DQWD &UX] &$ ‡ 831.462.9383

Explore balancing Build the needs of others with taking care of a Relationship yourself, choosing positive thoughts to create the life you with the God want, and what to do with old negative beliefs.

of Your Understanding Facilited by Rev. Jane Beach

)HOW 6W 6DQWD &UX] &$ ‡ 831.462.9383 Where Do I Begin?

Letting Goto 4pm September 27th - 10am

November - 10am 4pm $35 /yourSeminar Wherever you are on8th spiritual journey is to perfect,

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“MY MOTHER’S PASSING� silent love that passed between

a mother and son. She looked so peaceful, so ready for her next great journey. I said goodbye. We kissed and hugged. I was always closer to my mother than to my father. I even looked like her. Even so, as with every parent and child, there was much I needed to work out in our relationship. Now that her body is gone, I’m so glad for every confrontation, every risk I took ZLWK KHU QR PDWWHU KRZ GLIĂ€FXOW LW ZDV $ERXW ten years ago, at a visit when she still lived in San Diego, I asked if I could lay my head on her lap and have her hold me like she did when I was small. It was part of my work of accepting the little boy within me who still needed love. She said yes, even though I could see she was a little nervous. While I lay with my head on her lap, she lovingly stroked my head and spoke wonderful loving words for perhaps one minute. Then she drifted into random thoughts and words that had nothing to do with what we were doing. Instead of trying to control the exercise, I let her ramble, but I concentrated on feeling the love coming through her hands. I let myself feel just like a little boy lying in my mommy’s lap, absorbing the safety of her loving hands. Then I asked her if we could switch places. She suddenly looked scared and said, “No, I don’t want to do that.â€? I sat up and said, “Mom, it’s only fair that we each have the experience of EHLQJ ORYHG DV D FKLOG Âľ 6KH Ă€QDOO\ UHOHQWHG DQG cautiously laid her head on my lap. She almost immediately started crying. I imagined several reasons for her tears, but was surprised to hear her say, “It was so painful to be an only child ‌ to be loved by each of my parents but to never see WKH WZR RI WKHP ORYH RQH DQRWKHUÂŤÂľ $OWKRXJK she was crying, it was a precious healing moment, one that I would never forget. My mother let herself feel her feelings as a small child, and let me cradle her in safety. It’s now been nine days since her passing. Most of the time, I feel happy for her freedom from a very limited body. I speak to her as often as I can, knowing she hears me much better than before. I ask to remember my dreams, where I’m sure I visit her in that higher dimension of consciousness, but so far I haven’t been able to UHWDLQ WKHVH PHPRULHV $QG , DOORZ P\VHOI WKRVH sad moments of missing her, Page 25


by Joyce and Barry Vissell n September 20th, three days before her 95 th birthday, my mother transitioned out of her body while she was sleeping. It was not totally unexpected. Her health was steadily declining. $OWKRXJK VKH ZDV QRW LQ SDLQ she was always tired, couldn’t move without help, needed supplemental oxygen, and couldn’t remember things minutes after they happened. Still, how can you ever really prepare for a mother’s passing? Right at the time of her death, I had a dream about my mother, after not dreaming about her in years. In the dream, my mother was walking DFURVV D VWUHHW EHKLQG -R\FH DQG PH $OWKRXJK she hadn’t walked by herself in more than a year, in the dream, it seemed very ordinary. That is, until we came to a curb and had to step up. Then it occurred to me that my mom might need help. I turned around and, sure enough, she couldn’t get her foot up on the curb. I went back to her, took both of her hands, and pulled her up with noticeable ease. I remember so clearly the radiance of KHU VPLOH $QG WKDW ZDV WKH WRWDO GUHDP DOO DERXW transition ‌ across the street, up the curb, into WKH ZRUOG RI VSLULW ÂŤ DQG VPLOLQJ UDGLDQWO\ $QG yes, me somehow helping with her transition. $ERXW WKUHH ZHHNV EHIRUH KHU SDVVLQJ , visited her in New York. It was an important YLVLW $OWKRXJK WKH WLPLQJ ZDV SRRU IRU PH , IHOW strongly guided to go. She had been in heart and kidney failure for several months, and I knew I might not get another chance to see her. During the visit, I spoke with my mom about death. In past visits, when I brought up life after death, she would shrug it off with a comment like, “I don’t believe in any of that.â€? This time, however, she said, “I don’t know what to believe, but I hope I’ll be pleasantly surprised.â€? I asked her, “Mom, assuming you will be pleasantly surprised, would you please look after all of us from the other side, helping and blessing us with your prayers and love?â€? She smiled, “Of course I will!â€? The night before I left, I sat on the side of her bed. She opened her eyes and smiled warmly at me. I felt so enveloped in the love of her smile. There was a long silence while we gazed lovingly at one another. I knew I would never again see her in this beautiful but worn out form. The few words we spoke didn’t seem as important as the

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PERSONAL MASTERY: Coaching for Success


Enjoy a Sustainable Rhythm


by Karin Leonard ife-balance is still a good concept. However, the term sustainable rhythm Ă€WV RXU FRPSOH[ and quickly moving world more accuUDWHO\ , Ă€UVW KHDUG WKLV H[SUHVVLRQ XVHG by my good friend and fellow coach David Burger. Sustainable rhythm LPSOLHV Ă H[LELOLW\ KDUPRQLRXV PRYHment and resilience, whereas life-balance seems to target an elusive point of equilibrium which is hard to reach and maintain. Temper your Tempo Creating a rhythm that works for you implies moving at your most effective speed. Besides the velocity with which you travel through your day, pace also refers to how quickly \RX WUDQVLWLRQ IURP RQH DFWLYLW\ WR WKH QH[W KRZ much downtime you allow and how well you juggle career and personal life. Individual tempos vary. Some can go lightening fast and enter a state RI Ă RZ ZKLOH RWKHUV QHHG WR SDFH WKHPVHOYHV FDUHIXOO\ )LQGLQJ \RXU LGHDO FDGHQFH WDNHV H[SHULmentation and learning from feedback. Pay close attention to how you feel at the end of your day and week. Are you completely wiped out, barely able to drag yourself to the sofa? Or are you just mildly tired, or almost energized? Check in with body, emotions and soul. If you’re approaching burnout, your rhythm is likely too fast. Yet if you feel under-challenged or bored, you can probably speed up a bit. Organize yourself Organically Many clients I work with are tired of trying WR Ă€W WKHPVHOYHV LQWR WLJKW VFKHGXOHV XQFRPIRUWable structures and unnatural organizing systems. 7KH ´RQH VL]H Ă€WV DOOÂľ DSSURDFK GRHVQ¡W VLW ZHOO IRU those of us who are the highly creative, spontaneous, entrepreneurial types, who may have their best ideas while jogging on the beach. Some folks easily maintain a neatly organized desk and follow a daily plan nailed down to the minute. Yet the rest of us are not meant WR Ă€W LQWR WKDW VFKHPH A great sense of release occurs when you realize you don’t need to change your style. You GRQ¡W HYHQ KDYH WR EH KLJKO\ RUJDQL]HG DQG Ă€UPO\ scheduled to succeed. Instead, discover a rhythm WKDW Ă RZV DQG GHVLJQ VXSSRUW V\VWHPV WKDW organiPage 24

cally adapt to you—instead of the other way around! )RU H[DPSOH LQVWHDG RI XVLQJ D minute by minute scheduling system, you may want to organize your day in “blocksâ€?—for myself, I usually start my day by writing, then go to other current EXVLQHVV SURMHFWV ZRUN ZLWK FOLHQWV Ă€WWLQJ LQ H[HUFLVH SKRQH FDOOV DQG H PDLOV ZKHUH WKH\ Ă€W EHVW LQ P\ GDLO\ Ă RZ (YHQ WKRXJK WKH WLPHV DUH QRW ULJLGO\ VHW H[FHSW IRU FOLHQW appointments), I’m in charge of my schedule and adjust as I go, staying tuned in to body, mind and spirit. If you are employed, you PD\ QRW KDYH WKLV PXFK Ă H[ibility—yet I bet you have more URRP WR Ă€QG \RXU RZQ FDGHQFH than you think! Shelter your Soul Sustainable rhythm implies self care, and making your life an abode for soul. The essence of who you are can’t be put on a shelf as a “do one of these days.â€? How can your day become naturally soulful? Cadence that you can maintain includes nurturing yourself deeply and cultivating time to just be in your day. It is not a matter of quantity but quality—how you move through your day is crucial. Are you fully present, or mostly off in past and future? Do you notice beauty, gifts and successes in your day, or are you focused on what’s not working? And lastly, staying in touch with soul and spirit keeps you on track with your true priorities. Building a sustainable rhythm is not about perfection, but fosters skillful movement. It takes SUDFWLFH DQG JLYHQ RXU FRPSOH[ OLYHV UHFHLYLQJ coaching is a great way to hone your moves more quickly. And as you create a sustainable rhythm, FKDOOHQJHV WKDW XVHG WR EDIĂ H \RX PD\ MXVW QDWXrally fall away‌ Karin H. Leonard is known for her compassionate, leading-edge and highly effective brand called InnerEvolution™, leading to quick results in life and career, while creating greater lifebalance. She has been in private practice in Santa Cruz for 24 years, integrating life coaching with hypnotherapy, NLP and a good dose of intuition. For info call (831) 724-5400, e-mail or visit 2IĂ€FH ORFDWHG LQ 6DQWD &UX] Hypnotherapy • NLP





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“My Mother’s Passing�

of feeling like a small child losing my mommy. Those moments are sprinkled throughout each day. I’ll never again speak with her on the phone, hear her frequent laughter, or be hugged by her physical arms. It’s the typical roller coaster ride of grief. This past weekend, Joyce and I led one of our couple’s retreats at our home. On Sunday morning, we played “Grow Old Along With Me,� sung by Eva Cassidy. As I sat looking into Joyce’s compassionate eyes, I felt held by an invisible presence and my eyes welled up with tears. It took but a moment to realize that my mom was right there holding and blessing me with boundless love. I understood that I needed to completely let go of taking care of her. She no longer needed that. From now on, she would be once again taking care of me, so much more than she did those many years ago. Here are a few opportunities to bring more love and growth into your life, at the following longer events led by Barry and Joyce Vissell: Oct 14-20—Living from the Heart in Assisi, Italy for individuals and couples; Nov 12-16—The Greatest Journey (our 6-month

program for individuals and couples; and Feb 1-8, 2015—Hawaii Couples in Paradise Retreat; Feb 14-21—Valentine’s Day Spirit of Love Cruise for individuals and couples (LA to Mexico); Jul 19-24—Shared Heart Summer Retreat at Breitenbush Hot Springs, OR. Joyce & Barry Vissell, a nurse/therapist and psychiatrist couple since 1964, are counselors near Santa Cruz, CA, who are widely regarded as among the world’s top experts on conscious relationship and personal growth. They are the authors of The Shared Heart, Models of Love, Risk to Be Healed, The Heart’s Wisdom, Meant to Be, and A Mother’s Final Gift. Call Toll-Free 1 (800) 766-0629, locally (831) 684-2299, or write to the Shared Heart Foundation, P.O. Box 2140, Aptos, CA 95001, for further information on counseling sessions by phone or in person, their books, recordings or their schedule of talks and workshops. Visit their web site at for their free monthly e-heartletter, their updated schedule, and inspiring past articles on many topics about relationship and living from the heart.

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Continues on Page 30

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October 25-26, Saturday & Sunday 10 to 6pm Participation Fee: $195 (Includes Lunch)

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Your Bedroom iS


by Megan Montero leep is meant to be a restorative time for our body and mind to relax deeply and to recharge our batteries. Did you know your bedroom is having a big impact on your body, mind and spirit while you are busy sleeping? We spend a lot of our life in our beds asleep. This is why the Feng Shui of our bedroom is so important. The important features to consider are the position of your bed, what you keep in your bedroom and the bed itself. The bed position that will ensure the best quality sleep and the most success in your life is when you have a commanding view of the door to the bedroom and a commanding view of the entire room from the bed. This position will give you an assertive position in life and help you see your opportunities. When you cannot see the door, you will know on a subconscious level that an intruder would have the advantage and a part of you could be on guard all night long. You will sleep better and the room will feel and look better when your bed has this com-


moST imPorTanT room!

manding view. Ideally keep your bed out of the pathway of any doors (closets are okay). Doorways bring in the flow of energy to a room and it can negatively impact your vital energy to sleep in this direct flow. The best place for a bed is against a solid wall with no window behind it, positioned so that you can see the main door to the room with out being in the path of a door. It is not always easy to follow all of these guidelines because most architects did not design bedrooms with Feng Shui in mind! The strongest bed has a solid wood headboard securely attached to the bed frame. I do not recommend a foot board because people usually end up bumping into them and find them annoying. Having your bed directly on the floor can contribute to feeling “stepped on” in life. The strongest bed is up off the floor, with nothing underneath it, so that the chi can flow. If you have drawers under the bed as part of the frame then keep neutral items there like sheets and blankets. The bedroom is the most private

living WiThouT Failure


by Suzie Donahue he threat of failure is an evolutionary driver that has been used to motivate us forward since time began. For our ancestors, failure was to perish. This motivated our ancestors into developing higher functioning biology such as a cerebral cortex. Giving us advanced consciousness and profound manifestation of creativity, an awareness of the expression of the divine experiences through us consciously. Today the fear of failure is so ingrained in our DNA that many of us are still dependent upon failure to

Basic DNA Adv. DNA Manifesting DNA 3 11/15-17 11/18-19 11/22-23 12/5-9


drive us forward. We have a love/hate relationship with this energy. We all say we hate failure and yet we are constantly dancing with it. Whether it is in relationships, the work place or even through attempts to make resolutions, we need failure. Failure is the sudden interruption into nothingness and gives us the sudden reminder of the fragility of our beingness. It is exactly in this moment that failure ends up being a blessing in disguise, because this lurking, constant threat keeps us humble. Webster’s New World Dictionary defines the word “humble” as being low in condition and rank, to be without assertiveness and a lack of selfrespect. Yet according to Wikipedia the term “humility” comes from the Latin word “humilitas”, a noun related to the adjective “humilis”, which may be translated as grounded or from the earth. This is another example of how we are programmed to set ourselves up for failure in a grand way. When we have a lack of self-respect, we feel worthless and tend to look for ways to replace these feelings with hubris and arrogance. This gives us a false sense of power. In this state, we suffer from a very poor adjustment to existence; we compulsively behave as though the world exists only for our sake. In our worst moments, we place ourselves at the center of everything and expect the rest of the universe to be always at our service. We insatiably devour other species, denude the planet of life and fill it with trash. In ThetaHealing®, we have a simple process that connects us to the energy that binds and intertwines all things in existence; through this process we communicate and witness healings from this Source Energy. I was told by the Energy of Creation

room in the house and because of this sometimes people neglect it or overcrowd it with stuff. If this is you, then take a few steps to improve the most important room in the house: Clear out the clutter, and make space for the chi to flow. Take out stuff that has nothing to do with sleep, relaxation, intimacy and dressing, making your bedroom your sanctuary. If you cannot move a workspace, use a screen or curtain to hide it at night. Create for yourself a nourishing place to retire to at the end of the day. Sleep well! For Feng Shui advice tailored to your specific situation contact Megan at (831) 588-5424 or email megan@ Megan Montero is a Feng Shui consultant trained in BTB Feng Shui. She has been practicing Feng Shui in Santa Cruz since 2007 and offers Feng Shui consultations, color consultations and clutter clearing in the Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay areas. Learn more about Megan’s services at http://www. that until we know our greatness we can never know true gratitude, and it is through gratitude that we find the true meaning of humility. When we are able to come to understand the wonder and magnificence of living consciousness, our gratitude overflows and we for the first time touch the wellspring of our true nature. It is no accident that being full of greatness and being grateful sound similar. Until we understand our greatness, we can never really understand gratitude. Society seems to have tainted the meaning of gratitude to imply the dictionary definition of humility to it. It is as if we need to be low in rank and condition before we can allow ourselves to be grateful. But the truth is being grateful is to accept our greatness, and to be fully conscious of our connection to the energy of Creation. When this is possible, there is no need to depend on failure to motivate us forward. There is no need to worry about experiencing emptiness or shame to drive us because we are in such a state of creation and passion that our own imagination drives us forward. At this point it becomes less about the contrast and more about a fascination with creation driven by a primal will to good. These outdated programs in our DNA need to be adjusted for us to move out of the old primitive way of evolving and to begin to take our development into higher levels of expression. ThetaHealing® is an excellent method for making these shifts into the manifestation of higher intelligence and the primal will to good. Suzie Donahue is a Master Instructor and a Certificate of Science in ThetaHealing, the highest designation. Suzie is available for personal sessions via phone or skype and is teaching beginner ThetaHealing® through advanced level classes in Santa Cruz. Check her website for classes and dates,, (831) 689-9942.

Page 26 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ October 2014

chaldEan numErology An InnovAtIve And excItIng WAy to Help you understAnd yourself, your lIfe, And WHAt MAtters Most to you

About Baby Naming What EvEry ParEnt-to-BE Should KnoW aBout BaBy naming: thE hiddEn truth and hoW it Will affEct your BaBy!


by Joanne Justis Imagine if a parent f the truth were known walked out of the nursery about the baby naming with their precious newborn process, parents would along with a unique Baby want to evaluate the names Owner’s Manual revealing they selected from a scientheir beloved child’s road tific perspective first, then map or instruction manual use that information as a for his or her journey in this basis for their emotionlifetime. Parents could al and personal reasons better influence their child to choose a name. You if they were handed a really are not restrictblueprint for their child’s ing your choices at all, journey making raising you are in fact comof their beautiful child so bining common sense much easier, healthier, and W , ©2000 Melanie Gendron with personal desires, more successful. but making sure it offers what is best And growing up could be plotted for your child (much like balancing a with remarkable accuracy, a sort of diet based on a foundation of nutrition, GPS for both parent and child. Repositive healthy environment, and finement of principles and the child’s family genetics and history.) By first innate spirit is lovingly addressed avoiding ineffective choices and fo- rather than demanded. The element of cusing on the multitude of best names deep understanding is better applied, to chose from based on our research, providing dignity and breadth to the you’re giving your child an advantage raising of this child into a healthy, inthat will pay off in his or her lifetime. telligent, confident, and loving being. Baby naming is a lot more comThe BabyName4U Owner ’s plex than anyone could ever imagine. Manual/Blueprint spells out the It’s not as simple as “picking” a name care and operation for a child on a and the job is done. In fact, if parents big-screen level, unlike any other only knew the truth about what actu- baby-naming system in the world, to ally happens when they “register” educate parents on how the naming and “file” their child’s birth certifi- process actually works mathematicate—and the effect it will have on cally, intellectually and spiritually. their child—they would be shocked, You may want to reference Scholar and far more analytical in the name Gregg Braden’s book, The God Code: they choose. We at BabyName4U can The Secret of Our Past, the Promise decipher every aspect of the naming of Our Future to confirm such a secret process that applies to your child. code does exist that lies hidden within onder

each name given at birth. Through this scientific approach to evaluating baby names that’s only offered through BabyName4U, parents can now understand what their name choices reveal prior to legalizing their child’s name that gives you a big advantage. It’s like knowing your son will be a star athlete, or your daughter would become a Supreme Court Judge, and designing their lifestyle and learning to support this. Of course they will be ahead of the competition, but they also will feel a great harmony with the future that they are naturally drawn to live. The angst, indecision, lack of interest, and other distractions and obstacles that most young people face will be replaced with freedom to play with the gifts bestowed upon them in the name you chose with the help of BabyName4U. It truly is this important and effective! The most important gift parents can bestow on their child is his or her name—making the name priceless! Joanne Justis, Author, Speaker and Intuitive Chaldean Numerologist. Charts & Readings for: Personal Growth, Relationships, Partner Matching, Name Changes, Baby Naming, Business Naming. Discover how Numerology gives you insight, clarity and options for controlling changes in your life. (408) 399-3101. Charts & Readings since 1984. Visit and www.

Acupuncture & Emotional Freedom Techniques ... of the old beliefs and behaviors that hold you back! Experience the powerful combination of Acupuncture and Emotional Freedom Techniques {tapping, EFT} to facilitate the release of emotions and beliefs that keep you stuck.

Nancy Lowe, L.Ac., DAOM 303 Potrero 42-306, Santa Cruz

(831) 471-0300

G ET EF T U P A N D C HA N G E YO U R L I FE by Dr. Nancy Lowe L.Ac. DAOM, Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine FT is tapping on acupuncture points while verbalizing about a specific issue. I combine it with acupuncture to form a particularly powerful modality. Doing EFT with people, I get to see how early experiences form our beliefs about ourselves and about the world. Although inspired by real events, these beliefs are erroneous. It’s not true that you’re not lovable or people should be different than they are or you need their love and approval or you can’t have money or it’s not safe to feel your feelings, etc., etc. Trauma and unresolved hurt from the past generate suffering in the present. I also get to witness the transformation and healing that results when someone releases the emotions that generate and hold these beliefs in place. This is such a beautiful and simple thing. We all feel stuck someplace in our life. We all repeat patterns again and again. We do this with all aspects of our lives. There are emo-


tional, physical and mental components to this. EFT resolves the emotional charge, acupuncture supports the physical body during this experience and the mental aspect is able to see new possibilities and insights when the emotional charge is cleared. The genius of life is that it manifests what you believe, therefore the circumstances of your life change as your beliefs change. EFT allows you to resolve the emotions around events. As you resolve the emotions, your thinking changes. As your thinking changes so does your life. In every difficult or painful situation, is an opportunity for us to grow and evolve as a person. Two examples of success with EFT. Names have been changed. Sue was feeling stuck and conflicted about her job. She had been wanting to reduce her hours for some time but had every reason why she couldn’t. During the tapping, she realized she had been taught that it would

be selfish and irresponsible to take care of herself. The EFT discharged the emotions around this painful belief and she was able to feel good about asking for and getting the half time position she wanted. Marie’s mother was impossible to please and Marie lived with the feeling that she had to change herself to be approved of. This carried over into her relationship with her boss. The EFT helped her see that her discomfort with her boss was the same pattern she had developed with her mother. Tapping on the feelings about her mom discharged the old fear and hurt and she no longer projected her relationship with her mom onto her boss. Resolving these old beliefs will have far reaching affects on these women’s lives. Dr. Nancy Lowe has been a licensed acupuncturist since 1987 and received her DAOM in 2009. She is a professor at Five Branches University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Santa Cruz, Ca. Contact info: (831) 471-0300,, 303 Potrero 42-306, Santa Cruz Ca. 95060

SElF AS BRYCE DESERT, ©1977 Melanie Gendron

ART, Originals & Reproductions

by Melanie Gendron (831) 335-9064

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Where You PLAN Your Wellness Living and LIVE Your Wellness Plan!




ever. Someone said, “Rinpoche, will you please tell us why you Sun. Oct. 5th 2:30p-4p are crying?” Tues. Oct. 15th 6p-7:30p In a heartfelt choked up With Agneta Lenberg voice (like one has after Second Tues of Every Month a powerful Oct. 14th 6:30p-8p weeping) Rinpoche (Weight Loss) With Michele Reese said, “I have tears be4th Sun. Every Month 3pm-5pm cause I am Next Date: October 26 so happy for all of you. With Delana Schneider The circumstances of Ongoing Sessions Available: your births Reiki, Massage, are so auspiAesthetician Services, Kalachakra sand mandala, Choglamsar, Ladakh. Photo by C. Love cious. Your Belly Dance for all those passing by to see, were very lives are so blessed. You have 950 Cass St. Suite A lepers in various states of disease. I been born at a time when great, wise Monterey witnessed this in a previous visit to teachers have taught, where teach831.531.4553 India, and it was still just as startling. ings of liberation have been written My son was deeply saddened. We of- and preserved. Each of you has the fered them some alms and walked on. physical and mental faculties to have This incident reminded me of spiritual practice, to contemplate, ina teacher I have met several times, quire and meditate. You are born in a Lama Zopa Rinpoche. One day while time and place where there is relative Rinpoche was giving a teaching, peace, good air, plenty of food and it became evident that he was cry- clean water; all the things necessary ing intensely. Tears streamed down for you to have the luxury to maintain his cheeks, yet he seemed happy as a spiritual practice. I am so happy for each of you and to be witness to such an amazing abundance of blessings.” Mark Celeb REE ELLNESS LASSES As we r a t i on Your passed the lepIn store at Way of Life! Calendar!! ers, I gave Wednesday October 8th thanks for my Saturday, October 18th 6:30 - 8:00 pm own good for1:00 5:00 pm Key Strategies To tune; simultaneCookies & Tea will be Optimize Your Fertility ously my heart served, Live music by wanted so deswith Beth Dorsey L.Ac, FABORM Mohamed of AZA- 2-3:30 pm, perately to alCompany Demos, & Wednesday October 22th leviate these afProduct Samples. flicted people of 6:30 - 8:00 pm 20% OFF SALE their suffering. I Using Homeopathy to Vitamins & Body Care knew there was (excluding sale items) Treat Winter Ailments nothing I could Spend $20 to Enter for with Shelley Keneipp, M.H., DiHom do other than asAMAZING RAFFLE sist them to buy BASKETS!! a meal, bandages or whatever they needed. India is an for October amazing place For every product sold Acure donates $1 to breast of beauty, howcancer awareness. All products are free from ever, it’s pain, paraben, sulfates, phthalates, synthetic fragrances, pollution and harmful preservatives & artificial colors to filth is just as safeguard your hormones & general well being. apparent to the beholder. In the 20% industrialized off West, we are not for October accustomed to Immune, Healthy Aging & Pet Products being witness to the raw realities of life. Our sick and dying are most often kept 1220 A 41st Avenue, in the Begonia Plaza, Capitola 95010 out of public (831) 464-4113 • Open Daily • sight. Not so in

Vital Balance Lifestyle

by Christopher Love y son and I were making our way from the Kalachakra teaching grounds to the nearest road where vehicles could maneuver when a space opened up in the crowd. There, laying on the ground

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D ALAI L AMA P ART I1I ourselves? What

would the meaning of selfless service be? What would this service look like? What would the actions of others mean to us? And, how would we take care of the environment around us? Nearly everyone seems to love the Dalai Lama. Chris tians, Hindus, Muslims, almost everybody. Why? Could it be due to the fact that he genuinely loves everyone he meets as though they are his closest kin? The Dalai Lama, surrounded by security, waves to Or, maybe it is all as he exits after teachings. Photo by Bill Kane his forgiving nature? Perhaps, it is his ability to take “Faith that is genuine impossible circumstances and make rises out of unbiased sense out of them, embrace them and experience.” —H.H.D.L. find peace. Truly this man has attained what the ancient land where I was standing. Grandmother India, ages old, settled people seek, a true state of happiness. thousands of years ago, bears all. The Does he say one must initiate into the ghastly realities of life as well as the practice of Kalachakra to have happipure, uncorrupted beauty of nature and ness? Not at all. Does he say one must be Buddhist to experience real, lasting youth are uncensored for all to see. At the teaching grounds of the happiness? Absolutely not. He did Kalachakra the maroon robes of tell us to make a study of life and the monks and nuns formed a great sea. In nature of the human mind and commit this serene place it, was easy to let go to practices that lead to understanding, of images, such as the one just seen. peace and lasting happiness. Here we are, among the fortunate, “We must make peace those without affliction, a people between all people, nations dedicated to becoming better humans, and religions if we are to pledging their lives to assisting othsurvive.” —H.H.D.L. ers. What an amazing dichotomy, I thought. What poetry. What balance Definitely one of my heroes; and grace this is. H.H.D.L. pleaded throughout the His Holiness the Dalai Lama teachings for us to make peace with (H.H.D.L.) was not telling people, you our neighbors, take good care of all do this, or you do that in order to have the children and end all conflicts in a better life. He appeared more like a the name of religion. He also said loving grandfather. The kind of grand- this, “If we teach every eight year old father everyone wants to have. One child how to meditate, we will have who tells stories that make you think world peace in one generation.” Deep and feel more. One who genuinely down I have to admit, I believe him. wants for your happiness and success. Anyway, it wouldn’t hurt us to try. One who offers sound advice based on How do you feel about the attainment experience and has no attachment to of peace and happiness, in yourself the choices you make. and in the world around you? Does it H.H.D.L. did not once suggest seem possible? Perhaps, it could be as that we must forego happiness in order easy as one, two, three. If so, what is to assist others. He did not offer that your next step? the way to heaven is to work yourThis concludes part three of the self to exhaustion by serving others Dalai Lama and Kalachakra. If you more than serving yourself. He did would like to read parts one and two say this, “Knowingly act to benefit (August and September issues), you oneself, simultaneous as others.” He can find them at ConnectionMagaziexplained to us that self and other is not separate, that we must investigate Christopher Love is a free-lance this life until we have found this to be writer and healing arts practitioner. true for ourselves. He teaches meditation, community Imagine for a moment that self collaboration, and works with youth. and other are not separate. What would He welcomes comments and stories this mean? How would we act toward and can be contacted at CLove@ others? How would we act toward

Page 28 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ October 2014

Bringing Consciousness into your Kitchen!


Make Fr i e n d s wi T h C h i a !

by Joy Binah hia seeds come from a flowering plant belonging to the mint family. The scientific name is Salvia hispanica, an annual herb growing over three feet tall and producing attractive clusters of purple or white flowers. Chia is native to central and southern Mexico and Guatemala and was cultivated by the Aztecs and Mayans in pre-Columbian days. Chia seeds were first used as food as early as 3500 BC and were one of the main dietary components of the Aztecs and the Mayans. Chia seeds were eaten as a grain, drunk as a beverage when mixed with water, ground into flour, included in medicines, pressed for oil and used as a base for face and body paints. Chia is a wonderful, gelatinous, plant food that absorbs and binds with toxins as they move through the intestinal tract, which means that by eating chia, you are assisting your body in detoxing. By exposing chia to water, it forms a coating of gel, increasing its size and weight. The gel, being composed of water, has no calories and additionally, gives you a feeling of being full as a side benefit. When the gel is formed in the stomach, it creates a physical barrier between carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes that break them down, thus slowing the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar and balancing your blood sugar levels. If you eat chia with a meal, it will help you turn your food into constant, steady energy rather than a series of ups and downs that wear you out and lead to type 2 diabetes, which we’ve already spoken about as a huge epidemic in our country. Chia seeds are a rich source of fiber (25% fiber), contributing to a healthy gastrointestinal tract. The chia seed is coated with soluble fibers, which aid its gelling action. The exterior of the seed is also protected by insoluble fiber that is unable to be digested, but rather keeps food moving through the digestive process in addition to

keeping the colon hydrated. Chia is also one of nature’s highest plant-based sources of complete protein, containing 20% protein with all essential amino acids, making it a plant protein alternative. And it goes on! We know how important antioxidants are to combat free radical damage in the body; well, chia is very high in antioxidants. It’s this quality, unlike in flax, hemp or sesame seeds, that enables chia to stay fresh for so long without chemicals or preservatives—two years, in fact! By weight, chia has more calcium than whole milk. It also contains magnesium and boron, essential trace minerals used in the absorption of calcium and other vitamins. High in omega-3s (34% oil), chia is the richest plant-source of this healthy oil. By weight, chia contains more omega-3s than salmon. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in the cell membranes of the body, the nervous system the eyes and the brain. They are thought to play a role in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension. This tiny, healthy seed doesn’t change the taste of anything you add it to. You can be creative and use this true superfood to enhance the nutritional value of just about any dish (remembering that it thickens by gelling, so add slowly and notice the results). Step into your intuitive cook and throw it into soups, smoothies, desserts, yogurt, puddings—just about anything. Salad is a great reason to eat chia; just throw a tablespoon on top, like any seed, and it will simply add a crunch. You can grind chia seeds into a flour and add them to your baked goods. You can even use chia as an egg substitute in recipes, using 1 tablespoon of chia with 3 tablespoons of water per egg. So, by all means, make friends with Chia! Joy Binah—Certified raw and whole food educator, wellness counselor, author and teacher,, (831) 7135673,

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Page 29 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ October 2014

Mind • Body • Spirit

Massage & Bodywork

Remember The Future

Infant Massage




CELL Massage • Acupressure • Shiatsu All Services Listed Here Are Strictly Non-Sexual

H e a s l u i t n o L k n iP Holistic Somatic ThergapAiersts Comprehensive Wellness Consulting Rehabilitative Stretching Back Walking Reflexology Personalized Therapeutic Yoga

Let Go‌ The time for taking care of YOU is right now. Body, mind, and spirit come into balance with attuning healing support. Experience a range of powerful healing modalities. Singly, or blended, transform an hour into an oasis of deep relaxation. Polarity Energy Balancing, Cranial Sacral, Breema, Bodywalking, and Therapeutic Massage, offered by appointment.

Shari Rose, CMT ( 831) 427-5566


0LEASE #ALL s (EALTH#ARE-ASSAGE INFO AM PM $AYS A 7EEK s 2IVER 3T 3UITE ! IN 3ANTA #RUZ Continued From Page 25 Continues on Page 31

by Pam Hoadley “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world‌â€? William Ross Wallace. As a new grandmother, I am convinced of the wisdom of these words. I see how true it is that the way we are nurtured as infants is related to how well we are able to nurture ourselves and others, & how well we are able to become our best selves and contribute to our world family. Enormous development takes place during the first year, and how successful that development is hinges on the care we receive. Simply, we learn to care for others by copying how we are cared for. The more we are loved and cared for as infants, the more we are capable of caring for and loving others. It is amazing to think of how important the relationship between a parent and a child is to the larger world. Vimala McClure, who was instrumental in bringing infant massage to the western world, has said it this way: “The chalice of this infant’s heart is filled to overflowing, and as she grows she will seek opportunities to share her love with others. And how will she do this? By following the model she has been given. She will be there for others in the way her caregivers have been there for her. What a lovely, healthy cycle!â€? Infant Massage is a parent tradition within many ancient cultures that has been re-discovered and adapted to the western world. Research conducted through the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine confirms the importance of a secure environ-

ment and nurturing touch in the healthy growth, development and maturation of children (Tiffany Field, Ph.D.). Numerous other studies have also shown the many developmental benefits of positive con-

tact as part of baby’s early life. Infant Massage is one of the most natural and pleasant methods of providing this early nurturing contact. It is a beautiful way for parents to express their love for their infants and one of the earliest ways our babies can experience what love feels like. It sets a pattern of loving, playful interaction early in life which has a large impact on the behavior of children later in life “Being touched and caressed, being massaged, is food for the infant. Food as necessary as minerals, vitamins, and proteins.� Frederick Leboyer, M.D.

Developmental benefits of Infant massage: • Promotes secure attachment and bonding • Babies grow more quickly and soundly Continues on Next Page

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“I sleep so much better‌â€?

Page 30▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ October – Nov. 5, 2014



Massage • Acupressure • Shiatsu All Services Listed Here Are Strictly Non-Sexual

Find Find Keeping Up with the our Practice placethe

by Annica Rose CYT. E-500 I started doing yoga in the seventies decades, we have seen an explosion in its popularand have practiced semi regularly over the last ity, and the number of people who are practicing twenty-five years or so. What do you recom- to maintain their health and well-being. In Yoga mend I do when I am feeling intimidated in classes, as in all walks of life there are elements of competitiveness. It seems to yoga classes, and cannot keep be in the nature of human beup with the instructors and other ings, to push ourselves, even in students? our yoga practice to keep up and This is a wonderful quesimprove our abilities for one reation, I am fond of this concept son or another. Some of us wish from Pema Chodron a Buddhist to become less stressed, some, nun, “Start Where You Are”, more agile, some more sculpted. which I think applies to so much Ironically, Yoga is a tool for of what happens in our lives. removing obstacles on our path Finding a Yoga class to feeling whole and complete. where you feel safe and learn When our mind is busy evaluatproper alignment and strengthening our performance, we have ing postures from your instructor lost our focus. is critical. Taking this into your I have discovered as I home practice will provide you have aged and am faced with with a sense of integration and certain limitations, that I have accomplishment. Both of these to modify my asana practice in will assist you in developing inBook twoandsessions, get the free! order second to stay in tuneone with my body, mind and creased self awareness compassion for where you are in each moment and encouragement to breath. In the beginning when this happened I was agitated, 831-277-8194 I was accustomed to being an accontinue to work at your own pace. Jan’s Bowen Hands The practice of yoga is and has been a complished instructor, with an agile and strong - Soquel -Continues Hollister personal journey for all of us.Aromas In the last several on Page 32

Find the place of peace in the body

of place peace in of the peace body in Live pain free Live pain free with Bowenwork the with Bowenwork Movement, Postural & Structural Body and Education Spring Special 2-for-1 Offer body Spring Special 2-for-1 Offer

Spring gardening got your back in a knot?

Live pain free with Bowenwork

call tocontinued schedule Infant Massage from an pageappointment 30

Spring Special 2-for-1 Offer • Sleep better, fuss less, experience relief from colic • Helps babies tolerate stress better and have stronger immune systems • Habies can start crawling, grabbing and walking earlier • Fosters self confidence • Improves brain development -Excerpted from Infant Massage USA website You can develop the skills to participate in this invaluable and far-reaching contribution to well-being in our world! In November, Michael Curtis will be offering the Infant Massage Training course in Santa Cruz. The course is open to anyone interested in fostering loving relationship between parents and children. Past trainings have included Parent/child educators, doulas, nurses, social workers, massage/body workers, parents, etc. (CEU’s available) Michael Curtis has over thirty-three years

of experience working with the non-profit sector. He was the Director of Rancho San Antonio Boys for over 25 years and Executive Director of The Heart Touch Project for years. He has been an American Red Cross Instructor for 35 years and volunteers with Jewish Home for the Aging and Trinity Care Hospice for adults, children and infants. Michael became a Certified Infant Massage Instructor in April of 2000 and a Certified International Trainer in 2009. He has been active on the Infant Massage USA board for 3 years and is currently President of the Board. in the past year he has brought the training to people in Chernobyl, Uganda, Costa Rica, Spain and Japan. For more information or to register: Also for more information: Pam at: 719-337-5283 mactraining. Or Michael at: 818-425-8349

Spring gardening got your back in Find a knot? Book two sessions, get the second onethe free!

place Jan’s Bowen Hands 831-277-8194 of Aromas - Soquel - Hollister peace in call to schedule an appointment the body

Live pain free with Bowenwork

Find Spring Special 2-for-1 Offer the Introductory Specialin 2-for-1 Offer Spring gardening got your back a knot? place Book two sessions, get the second one free! GotHands your back in a knot? Jan’s Bowen 831-277-8194 Book two sessions, get theof Aromas - Soquel - Hollister Second One FREE! call to schedule an appointment peace Jan’s Bowen Hands 831-277-8194in Aromas - Soquel - Hollister the Find the Place of Cal l to schedul e and appoi n tment Peace in the Body body

Live pain free

Spring gardening got your back in a knot?

Live pain free with Bowenwork

Book two sessions, get the second one free!

Jan’s Bowen Hands 831-277-8194 Aromas - Soquel - Hollister call to schedule an appointment

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with Maria Spring gardening gotAlfaro yourFind back in a

A revolutionary new somatic modality in traumaBook healing and sessions, stress reduction. two get the

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the second one


Jan’s Bowen Handsof831-27 Yoga Aromas - Soquel - Hollis peace call to schedule an in appointm • • (831) 462-1846

Live pain free with Bowenwork

the body

Spring Special 2-for-1 Offer Therapeutic Yoga~Mindfulness

Spring Yoga gardening got your back in a knot? Gentle Yoga~Baby Boomer Yoga Book two sessions, get the second one free!

Chinese & Indonesian Martial Arts Jan’s Bowen Hands 831-277-8194

Aromas - Soquel - Hollister call to schedule an appointment

Body & Soul Yoga Studio & Salon for the Healing Arts

Classes to renew you…

• Therapeutic Yoga • Mindfulness Yoga • Gentle Yoga • Baby Boomer Yoga • Chinese & Indonesian Martial Arts 738 Chestnut St. • Santa Cruz • CA 95060 831-459-8613 •

Continued From Page 30

Live pain free

Page 31 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ October – Nov. 5, 2014

YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Training Teachers for over 30 years! 200 and 500 hour trainings

Navaratri Celebration Retreat.............................. Oct 2-5 Jett Psaris

Taking the Midlife Leap, One Step at a Time ........................... Oct 10-12

Tenshin Reb Anderson

Freedom From Suffering .......................................................Nov 7-9

Amy Barilla

Reiki Level One - A Foundation Class .......................................Nov 7-9

Amelia Barili The Power of Yoga & Qigong for Creativity & Self-Healing ....Nov & 14-19 CONNECTION AD 3.75� x 14-16 3.75� Ginger Hooven Find Balance - Integrate Ayurveda Into Your Yoga Practice ...........Dec 5-7 445 Summit Road, Watsonville, CA 95076



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Fitness & Sports

Increase Your Metabolism and Transform Your Body

M by Jaimi Ellison

ost people measure their fitness success by the number that is displayed on the bathroom scale. In fact, two people can be the same height and same weight but look completely different because one person’s body fat percentage is different than another. Clients fixated on the numbers on the scale, when asked if they weighed 500lbs, but looked like they wanted to, would the number matter? All say no. When it comes to getting fit, it’s important to understand body composition, which is defined in terms of the percentage of lean muscle mass to body fat. Taking the numbers on the scale at face value is problematic for a couple of reasons, one mainly being that muscle weighs more than fat! As you can see in the photo, 5lbs of muscle is smooth and firm, whereas 5lbs of fat is bulgy, uneven, and much larger. Knowing what your percentage of fat vs. muscle is essential to having the right mindset when starting a fitness regimen. Don’t be afraid to gain weight. Gaining weight does not mean that you will be bigger or fatter because muscle is denser than fat. The same amount of muscle gained physically, will actually make you look a fraction of the size as someone who weighs the same but has a higher percentage of fat. What is even more important to note is that even when we are at rest, muscle continues to burn calories. Muscle continues to use energy, increasing your metabolism, whereas fat is a storage tool and uses minimal energy to exist. Healthy body fats vary, but generally, if a female who weighs 150



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pounds, with 35 percent fat, they’re carrying around more than 52 pounds of fat. Ideally, a healthy woman would be around 25 percent fat, or about 37 pounds of fat. Therefore, in the previous example, a loss of 15 pounds of fat would be required to reach a healthier level. If this person lost 20 pounds total, but only 10 pounds of it came from fat stores, they would still be at an unhealthy 32 percent fat. To reach the 25 percent body fat level, all 20 pounds

must come from fat stores. Remember to Eat! Muscle on the body acts as a machine and increases ones metabolism, since muscles need to be fueled more frequently, burning more calories. Eating every 3 hours is ideal to keep the machine

functioning at its best. There is a myth, especially among females, that weight bearing exercise will make one look like a guy or get cause them to get ‘bulky.’ However, unless under influence of artificial hormones, women do not have enough testosterone to get big enough to look like a guy, no matter how much weight they lift. What matters is how the ex-

ercises are done. Using proper form when lifting weights and working to activate every fiber of the muscle, will produce and create long and lean, not short and stalky muscles. Short and stalky muscles look short and tight, they are also not as functional. Next time a gym routine is on the mind, hit the weights and not just the cardio machines. The next step is to figure out a baseline. You can do this by getting your body composition tested either through hydrostatic weighing or calibration tests. Santa Cruz CORE Fitness + Rehab is hosting a hydrostatic weighing to determine your body fat/muscle mass ration on October 19th! You can sign up at:, and hurry as the appointments are limited. Hydrostatic weighing is the most accurate way to measure body composition. By submerging oneself in water and the body density of the individual can be measured. This takes into account, bones, muscles, subcutaneous and visceral fat. (subcutaneous fat is stored under the skin and visceral fat surrounds your organs.) Using calipers is not quite as accurate, but an easier system to measure your bodyfat. So if you are hesitant about getting tanked, a certified personal trainer can use calipers to measure the subcutaneous fat on the body. Either method will allow the trainer to determine a baseline, even given the margin of error, we can work from this measurement to monitor a change in your body composition. Santa Cruz Core Fitness, Personal Training, Massage, Chiropractic, and More. (831) 425-9500, www.

Yoga - Continued From Page 31 • Give yourself credit for going to class physique, ten years ago; I found that some of my balancing postures were becoming very difficult. I was devastated and infuriated with myself. My ego was bruised. It took ten months to discover I had a genetic condition that resulted in permanent nerve damage in my left ear, and left me completely deaf on the left side and partial loss on the right side. That experience was a great teacher for me and I can offer this advice for those who are wondering how to adapt their practice for their seasoned physiques; • Never give up your practice, even if it is simply watching your breath. • Remember this is your practice, not anyone else’s. • Be willing to skip poses in a sequence in a class if your body is fatigued or in pain. • Take a resting pose when you need to. • Use props, like blocks and chairs and the wall to help with certain postures.

and doing your practice. • When in doubt, fear, joy, love‌‌. BREATHE Annica Rose E-RYT 500, Certified Yoga Therapist. Founding Director of the Adaptive Yoga Project. Annica and a team of remarkable instructors and assistants, guide individuals with limited mobility and beginners to achieve greater freedom and connection to their bodies through yoga. She teaches at the Pacifi c Cultural Center in Santa Cruz and Yoga Within in Aptos. Annica also sees clients weekly for private consultations who wish to cultivate a healthy sustainable home practice and lifestyle. Her training is based on 44 years of classical Yoga study, metaphysics, and more than ten years working in a western medical career. All respect to her many teachers, and students who have blessed her with their trust and taught her so much. For more information see http://www. And, see her Ad in the Directory Ads each month for Adaptive Yoga.

Page 32 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ October – Nov. 5, 2014

Circles and Circles

by Ted Mancuso A circle is all about connection. It is the archetypal symbol of completeness, wholeness and symmetry. Circles have fascinated humans since before history. They represent many things. In both ancient China and Egypt a hieroglyph with a dot in the center represented the sun. This single pictograph convinced many linguists that Chinese was really derived from Egyptian writing. G.K. Chesterton noted that there were three important circles in human life, “Eternity, a wedding ring, a baby’s bottom.� In mathematics there are whole geometries built one the sphere. There is even a martial art designed on the shape of the circle. This is known as BaGua Zhang (BGZ). It is a Chinese art heavily influenced by ideas from the philosophy of Daoism. In this particular art, people do not sit in meditation, they walk—a circle. Walk a circle for a while. Things stored in your body and brain subtly shift. It may not seem like much but a circle has real power to transform even though it is itself so stable. Perhaps it is from this embracing and yet transforming combination that we think of the circle as symbolizing the Eternal Feminine. BGZ is something like the circular dancing of the “Dervishes.�

It seeks not to confuse you or make you dizzy, but to steal away your accustomed point of view, to change the angle of your favorite chair, to mischievously replace your glasses with binoculars. Bagua Zhang is a martial art based on change. Walking a circle makes you change with each step. Circles have power. They can transform a momentary state of falling into almost an infinity of gliding. If we allow the circle the eccentricity of ellipses then the planets and moons are kept eternally moving in circles, even as far out as Zone 3 where a body may fly for centuries to complete one revolution around the sun. As you can see, there is something about a circle that is inescapable. The cycles of history, according to

some, create a continual rise and fall to entire civilizations. Daoist beliefs are hugely dedicated to the word “return,â€? suggesting that we are really trying to find our way back as much as progress. The advice is to “forgetâ€? many of the things we have learned in life. Now that we are mature representatives with life experiences, we become free to “returnâ€? to the freshness of perception we have lost by living in society. The circle invites us to step into its’ revolving space, to catch a ride back to our real selves. When we practice BGZ with friends, we often touch hands, walk the circle for a while and then spontaneously change directions. We call this “listeningâ€? practice rather than “seeing,â€? because we can listen in a 360Âş circle. We cannot see around ourselves. So the circle is a focus of concentration that encourages us to embrace the world we see every day and the world around behind us that we don’t. What better way to learn to accept and be guided by those glimpses of meaning we only see out of the corner of our eye? Ted Mancuso, director of the Academy of Martial and Internal Arts, has been ‘returning’ within the martial arts for over 45 years. To find out more about his studio and classes, visit www.

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Page 33 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ October – Nov. 5, 2014

Hello Folks,


e publish this magazine to support our community and enjoy featuring leading theater, performances, and events. It is very important that you, our readers, tell all of the Arts &

Entertainment Venues, businesses and events, that you read about them in The Connection Magazine. We appreciate your much needed support in return. Thank you very much! Pattie & Thom

1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ • 831-423-1336 Thursday, October 2 • Ages 16+



Just Chill and Dewey & The Peoples



$13 Adv./ $15 Drs. • Drs. 7 p.m./ Show 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 2 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+


plus 8

Dice Cloth $7 Drs. only • Drs. open 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.

Friday, October 3 • Ages 16+


Emily’s Army $20/ $22 • 6 p.m./ 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 3 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+


FOREVERLAND Tribute to Michael Jackson $12 Adv./ $17 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.

Saturday, October 4 • Ages 16+


The Rapture Live From Oaklandia all tickets include a digital copy of the live album and the opportunity to have your name included in the album liner notes

$20 Adv./ $25 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 9 p.m. Saturday, Oct 4 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+

DR. KNOW plus Evol also

The Highway Murderers Can Toker $10/ $13 • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 8:30 p.m.

AMERICAN AUTHORS The Mowgli’s Echosmith Sunday, October 5 • Ages 16+



$18 Adv./ $20 Drs. • Drs. 7 p.m./ Show 7:30 p.m. Monday, October 6 • Ages 16+


$20/ $25 • 7 p.m./ 8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 6 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+


DESOLATED also Benchpress

plus Murderdeathkill $10/ $13 • 7 p.m./ 7:30 p.m.

Thu. • Oct. 9 • 7:30pm • $10 Diego Figueiredo Brazilian Guitar Great Sat. • Oct.18 • 8pm • $20adv/$25dr Piloto y Klimax from Cuba Salsa Cubana/Afro-Cuban Jazz • Dance Fri. • Oct.24 • 8pm • $12adv/$15dr Marty O’Reilly & The Old Soul Orchestra + Charlie Greene Blues/Jazz/Swing Sun. • Oct.26 • 7pm • $15 Tish Hinojosa Texas Folk/Country/Pop Fri. • Oct.31 • 8:30pm • $12adv/$15dr Halloween Extravaganza Costume Contest China Cats + Slugs n’ Roses Dance to Grateful Dead Jam Bands Sun. • Nov. 2 • 7pm • $15 • Dance Wake The Dead All-Star Celtic Grateful Dead Band

Tuesday, Oct. 7 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+ THE

Wednesday, October 8 • Ages 16+ THE THURSTON MOORE BAND $18/ $20 • Drs. 8 p.m. Show 8:30 p.m.

Thursday, Oct. 9 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+

RETOX plus Doomsday Student

also Hot

Nerds $10 Adv. & Drs. • 8 p.m./ 8:30 p.m.

Friday & Saturday, Oct. 10 & 11 • Ages 16+

Santa Cruz Music Festival Pre-Party

Friday, October 10: Main Room 7 p.m. FAR EAST MOVEMENT, TWO FRESH, ILL-ESHA, VOKAB KOMPANY Friday, October 10: Atrium 7 p.m. STARKEY, DJ DIALS, HYPHA, LABRAT, WU WEI Saturday, October 11: Main Room 6 p.m. THE GASLAMP KILLER, THRIFTWORKS, DIMOND SAINTS, THUMPADELIC, MIHKAL Saturday, October 11: Atrium 2 p.m. GLADKILL, EL PAPA CHANGO, LITTLE JOHN, PIRATE, GUDADA For each night: $27 Advance/ $32 Doors

Oct 13 Dirty Heads/ Rome (Ages 16+) Oct 14 Kill The Noise/ Milo & Otis (Ages 18+) Oct 15 Joey Bada$$ (Ages 16+) Oct 16 Stick Figure/ Pacific Dub (Ages 16+) Oct 17 Zoso Led Zeppelin Tribute (Ages 21+) Oct 18 The Wonder Years (Ages 16+) Oct 19 Matisyahu (Ages 16+) Oct 19 At the Kuumbwa Andrea Gibson (All Ages) Oct 20 Ab-Soul (Ages 16+) Oct 21 Gramatik (Ages 18+) Oct 24 Grieves/ Sol (Ages 16+) Oct 25 Cherub/ Ghost Beach (Ages 16+) Oct 28 Timeflies/ KapSlap (Ages 16+) Oct 30 Big K.R.I.T. (Ages 16+) Oct 31 The Brothers Comatose (Ages 16+) Nov 1 Rusko (Ages 16+) Nov 3 Citizen Cope with full band (Ages 16+) Nov 4 Ziggy Marley (Ages 16+) Nov 5 Flatbush Zombies The Underachievers (Ages 16+) Nov 7 Method Man & Redman (Ages 16+) Nov 8 New Found Glory (Ages 16+) Nov 9 Yelawolf/ Rittz/ Big Henry (Ages 16+) Nov 12 The Green/ J Boog (Ages 16+) Nov 13 Adrian Belew Power Trio (Ages 21+) Nov 14 Deltron 3030 (Ages 16+) Nov 15 Flying Lotus (Ages 16+) Nov 21 Fortunate Youth/ Thrive (Ages 16+) Nov 22 Cold War Kids (Ages 16+) Nov 28 Minnesota (Ages 18+) Nov 29 The Expendables (Ages 16+) Dec 5 Eric Hutchinson (All Ages) Dec 6 Goapele (Ages 21+) Dec 11 Nahko & Medicine For The People (Ages 16+) Dec 13 Kaki King (Ages 21+) Dec 31 Iration (Ages 16+)

Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating.

Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 877-435-9849 & online


by Janet Leonard want to wish everyone a very safe, enjoyable, scary Halloween! There’s no confusion on when the big celebration is it’s on a Friday night this year. Yipee! Before you go dancing, don’t forget dinner: I highly recommend Santa Cruz Restaurant Week from Wed. Oct. 22nd through Wed. Oct. 29th this year. Participating restaurants offer a fixed-price, three course menu for $25 or $35 (not including tax or tip). Each menu includes three options for each course: appetizer, entrée, and dessert. Reservations are highly recommended, although not required. You can also make your reservations online through Open Table by following the links provided. For menus and more info on this tasty week long county wide event go to Bon Appétit! The celebrated Experience Hendrix Tour comes to the Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium Tue. Oct. 14th. This year’s line-up includes Zakk Wylde (see review below), Buddy Guy, Jonny Lang, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Billy Cox and many others paying homage to the genius of Jimi Hendrix. Some October music scene highlights: Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk: Sat. Oct. 18 th, 44th Annual Santa



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STANLEY CLARKE QUARTET Thurs. October 16 • 7 pm | No Comps


JACKY TERRASSON TRIO Thurs. October 23 • 7 pm | No Comps


Mon. October 27 • 7 pm | No Comps


ERIC REVIS QUARTET Unless noted advance tickets at kuumbwajazz. org and Logos Books & Records and. Dinner served 1-hr before Kuumbwa presented concerts. Premium wines & beer. All ages.

320-2 Cedar St x Santa Cruz 831.427.2227

by Karin Leonard & Daniel Robin ach month, we select our favorite or otherwise important films to be featured on this page. We rate them, subjectively, on a scale from 1 (worthless) to 5 (awesome) in terms of their entertainment and message. We leave the plot details and storytelling to the filmmakers and instead attempt to characterize, highlight strengths and flaws, and hint at purpose. Reach us at movies@ Enjoy!

The Equalizer

With Denzel Washington, Chlöe Grace Moretz, Marton Csokas, Melissa Leo Entertainment: 3 Message: 2 Note: Graphic violence hile this modern avenger thriller can leave you cheering for getting rid of the bad guys, and protecting the victims, it is a long, violent and painful path to justice. The indomitable Denzel Washington is solid as a rock portraying a quiet, semi-retired


Cruz Band Review, join fifty-five high school and junior high marching bands parade and compete for awards. Seabright Brewery: Fri. Oct. 24th, Billy Martini Show, always a fast paced fun filled 70’s costume dance party with Billy, Sugar and the Band. Crow’s Nest: Thu. Oct. 30 th, Halloween Eve Party with New Mayan Prophets, rock, funk and reggae. Fri. Oct. 31st, Halloween Party with The Room Shakers playing fun favorite rock songs. Coaster’s: Fri. Oct. 31st, HammerDown’s CD Release Halloween Party, a power metal trio performing old-school metal music. Concerts in Retro: Here are my reviews of some recent shows. Remember this is only my opinion. At The Catalyst: Black Label Society, formed by Zakk Wylde in 1998 who played guitar and co-wrote the multi-platinum “No More Tears” (Ozzy Ozbourne largest selling solo album) played no holes barred contributing to hard rock/heavy metal ‘s rich legacy. Black Label Society does heavy metal the way it’s supposed to be thick, massive, deliberate, systematic sound, characterized with amplified distortion, extended guitar solos, emphatic beats, overall loudness and don’t forget theatrics. The Butcher Babies, named

after The Plasmatics (and Wendy O. Williams) song, combines two scantily clad beautiful woman singers backed by a band who delivers a loud crashing blend of heavy metal, punk and thrash. These ladies assault the crowd with intensity and an aggressive entertaining stage show. I predict much more of this sort of “pornish” metal in the future. At San Jose’s City National Civic: First of all I’d like to thank Rob Zombie for stopping after the first song to tell all the people in the audience to put away their cell phones and enjoy the show in the NOW or they’d pull out their phones and not perform. I always like to get close to the stage but so many people are videoing the show so you see a sea of bright screens that you have to look past to see the musicians. Not fun! A Rob Zombie show is a production with vampire mic stands, wearing makeup, changing outfits, changing guitars such as a glowing Frankenstein and a glowing “Lite-Brite” guitar all while being extremely outstanding musicians. They played many big hits, did a couple encores but my favorite was Zombie covering James Brown’s “Sex Machine”. It was an amazing concert! Are you a local band that would like your CD reviewed in this publication? Send your CD to Music Connection, c/o Janet Leonard, PO Box 1151, Aptos CA 95001. Call (831) 325-4605 or email to tell me about gigs for live reviews. Put “Music Connection” and your band’s name in the subject line.

mysterious dude with fe r o ci o u s skills, one Robert McCall. Cool as a cucumber, his badass self kicks some serious bootie in search of a moral high ground. The ends certainly justifies the means, right? If you are a fan of this genre, and don’t mind a big dose of extreme yet periodic graphic violence, you are likely to enjoy this powerful whack on the side of the head (2 hrs 11 min).

rison Ford alias Han Solo “lite”). Zoe Saldana (Avatar) adds sassy female spunk. Groot, a humanoid tree-thing, that talks (Vin Diesel), is sweet yet deadly. If you are a Marvel fan, you’ll likely enjoy this one (2 hrs 1 min).

Guardians of the Galaxy

With Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, David Bautista, Lee Pace, Bradley Cooper Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 2 Non-stop action, war and violence eminiscent of Star Wars films, containing plenty of “seen it before” alongside new characters, some of them even pastel-colored. An entertaining, witty and at times even touching mélange of Sci-Fi yarn, in this newest adaptation of the Marvel Comics superhero series. The main villain Ronan, with genocidal tendencies, proves to be quite the match for the Guardians. Ronan and his henchpeople are mostly uni-dimensional, vapid-headed morons, not at all engaging, but once again, the over-the-top and way-toonumerous fight scenes and protracted war violence left us yawning, and yearning for someone to come up with a fresh new twist. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes delivers some of that, without even leaving the galaxy! But the Guardians are an enjoyable motley crew, themselves an uneasy alliance of spunky, funny and tough-but-tenderhearted characters, led by Chris Pratt as rogue adventurer Peter Quill (think Har-


The Hundred Foot Journey

Helen Mirren, Madame Mallory, Manish Dayal, Hassan Kadam, Om Puri, Charlotte Le Bon Entertainment: 4 Message: 4.5 o special effects, no violence, just cultures clashing in this delightful culinary love story. An unlikely tale of an Indian family landing in a small town in Southern France, cannot possibly work out well. The established restaurant has much to lose, while the newcomers across the street have everything to gain—100 feet away yet worlds apart. But what if they could “work it out”, would a cross-cultural gumbo be the result? The story is so tasty and enticing—a mélange of snooty, Michelin Guide-rated French gourmet meets spicy, daring and exotic—that we were charmed, and you will be too, even though you might guess where it is all heading, and the syrup gets a little thick, the results are nonetheless irresistible (2 hrs 35 min).


This is Where I Leave You

Jason Bateman, Tina Fey, Kathryn Hahn, Jane Fonda Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 3 othing like a funeral to get the dysfunctional family together, especial if a Jewish burial with the tradition of sitting Shiva, together, for seven consecutive days! Good luck. Gather the entire crazy family in close quarters, add some spice, shake it all up—and then milk it for all it’s worth. Though exaggerated and a bit stilted, the resulting concoction is at times hilarious and slapstick, as well as heartwarming and even tearjerking, all while making “paying one’s respects” a bit lighter. Funerals are usually a very difficult time, but the film doesn’t take itself too seriously. You will experience comedic relief if you do the same. Watch for an amazing, “enhanced” Jane Fonda 2.0, and an all-star cast (1 hr 43 min).


Page 34 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ October 2014 The Connection Ad, Fri 10/02

Halloween events Calendar Santa Cruz: OPen STudiOS ArT TOur Through our self-guided tour, 300+ artists across Santa Cruz County welcome art admirers and buyers into their studios. One of the most popular annual events in the county, the Open Studios Art Tour draws thousands of locals and visitors in to see the creative process at work and experience first-hand the artistic diversity of our community. Get your 2014 Guide and/ or the App iTunes/ Google Play at You’ve got three weekends to play: • South County – October 4th and 5th • North County – October 11th and 12th • Encore – October 18th and 19th BrOTherS COMATOSe Friday, Oct 31, 8:00 p.m. The Catalyst, 1011 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, (831) 423-1338, dOwnTOwn TriCk-Or-TreAT October 31 @ 2:30 p.m.—5:00 p.m. Bring the whole family to Downtown Santa Cruz for the annual Downtown Trick-or-Treat. Pacific Avenue will be closed to cars and our merchants will be giving out treats! díA de lOS MuerTOS COMMuniTy FeSTivAl November 1 @ 3:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m. Celebrate Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) with FREE festive fun kicking off at the MAH at 3:pm and

Page 35

continuing to Evergreen Cemetery! Bring your friends and family to create traditional Mexican crafts such as tissue paper flowers, dance to live music and enjoy color dance performances. From 3:00-4:45, come get your face painted by Mariposa’s Art, followed by a procession to Evergreen Cemetery kicking off at 4:45 p.m. Monterey: hAllOween AT wAve STreeT STudiOS October 31 @ 7:00 p.m.—midnight 774 Wave St, Monterey, (831) 6552010, http://landing.wavestreet- Enjoy Halloween at the one and only Wave Street Studios. Compete in our cat walk costume contest to be broadcast live on You Tube at http://youtu. be/adpIkr6w1JY. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. with craft beers, reserve wines and a special pub menu. Costume contest starts at 9:00 p.m. followed by dancing until midnight. Santa CLara: huge SOuTh BAy hAllOween PArTy Friday, Oct 31, 2014, 8:00 p.m. Hyatt Regency Santa Clara, 5101 Great America Prkway, Santa Clara, CA 95050, (408) 200-1234 REDWOOD CITY: hAllOween SOul TrAin dAnCe PArTy Friday, Oct 31, 2014, 8:00 p.m. Club Fox, 2209 Broadway, Redwood City, CA 94063, (650) 369-7770,

▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline▲ October 2014

" Listen to Rotating Hosts Tom Quinn, Donald Davidson, David Biles & informative guests on Perspectives Radio Show every Saturday from noon to one on KSCO 1080 AM. We have extensive coverage of issues regarding holistic health and other important topics.

Santa Cruz Live Oak Grange Serving our community since 1933

Hall rental for classes, non-proďŹ ts, community and cultural groups, and clubs Daniel (831) 325-3233

thE billboard and strengthen your chi. call continuEd Shari Rose CMT for appointfroM pagE 3 ment. at (831) 427-5566.

ExpEriEncEd & KnowlEdgablE pr, MarcoM and EvEnt ManagEMEnt

StreetWise Public Relations Daryl “Street� Wise Owner/Operator


taKE carE of You

with a revitalizing blend of therapeutic massage and energy balancing. A deeply relaxing treatment to renew your spirit


My friend referred me to Mary at Soquel Colon Hydrotherapy. I had issues with a sluggish bowel, headaches and fatigue. Mary guided me to a more balanced lifestyle with diet and supplements. I booked a package of three colonics and haven’t felt more energized in years. Following Mary’s recommended dietary changes, I wound up losing twelve pounds in a month. I’m more knowledgeable, in much better health and would refer her to one and all. Jennifer V., Santa Cruz

Michele DeMoulin

Michele is a Spiritual advisor, Reiki master, Teacher, Healer, Mentor and so much more. I have never met anyone like her before, such strong and Pure Energy! Since then, Michele has been integral to the most expansive lessons and powerful improvements I’ve ever experienced in

sessions with either or both of them can change your life as an individual or couple.

fEbruarY 1-8, 2015 hawaii “couplEs in paradisE�

living froM thE hEart w/barrY & joYcE vissEll

Barry and Joyce Vissell, a psychiatrist and nurse/therapist couple for 49 years and longtime Santa Cruz residents, are the authors of 6 books and the founders of The Shared Heart Foundation, dedicated to changing the world one heart at a time. Even a few counseling my entire Life. My husband, children—the whole family and countless others in our lives, continually benefit from her Spiritual nurturing. Michele is dedicated to helping people through her Soul-transforming workshops, classes and personal sessions, many of which I have had the privilege of experiencing. She works constantly to bring Heart-centered living, higher vibration and Healing to our entire planet through Energy work, Prayer works, mentoring and teaching. M i c h e l e ’ s enlightened influence is so very important in this world. I am so Grateful and feel immeasurably Blessed to be in the Sphere of Love and Beautiful Heart that is Michele DeMoulin! Pam L., Aptos


I want to thank both of you for an experience that has left, I believe, a profound and indelible impression. I have never had such a profound experience with so many people. At first, I thought you two were a little too

A week-long retreat just for couples that will transform your relationship. If you’re ready and willing for a quantum leap in your relationship, this is the retreat to come to. The romantic quality of Hawaii and the luxury of having a full week together will make this retreat truly life changing for each couple that attends. We will focus on healing, renewal, communication, forgiving, deep-

ening the sexual relationship and rising, not falling, in love with our partner. We will have couple meditations and yoga, inspiring music, laughter and thrilling sight-seeing – in short, an extraordinary heart-opening experience for you and your partner in the presence of dolphins, whales, giant sea turtles, a beautiful black sand beach and the nearby volcano, steam vents, and thermal warm ponds. Kalani Honua on the Hilo side of the Big Island. Music by Charley Thweatt. Tuition: $1950/couple. Special discounts available. Lodging and meals: $1386-1820, depending on lodging option, includes 21 gourmet meals.


good to be true, but later found out that indeed you are truly amazing. From reading Light in the Mirror, I know the amazing amount of work and perseverance it took to attain this level of expertise. And, thank you mostly for helping me and my love reach yet another level of love and understanding. Skip Schirmer, Scotts Valley


Thanks for your ongoing dedication to our health & wellness with all of your wonderful, informative articles and now info about a local, organic farm—Lakeside Organics. I hope you will publish more info about this farm in your magazine as I believe it must be a new farm in the area. Thank you for considering this idea. Also, really, really enjoy the Heirloom Seeds Column! You rock! Barry Meinhardt, Saratoga

W h a t a f u n , interesting and most valuable store. Thank you for doing Intuitive Readings in your fine store and the discounts you give in this magazine, too. I keep coming back and bring my friends, too. Best store in Capitola. ;-) Jessika J., Rio del Mar


Well, this Fair lived up to your Theme a couple of months ago in Connection Magazine. We know we can trust this magazine, however, we had our ‘doubts’ about the County Fair. So, my wife, her mother and I attended. Yes, it lived up. A fresh new image and vibe there. We spoke with Allen Morgan of your Heirloom Seed Column (which we really like!). And, my mother-in-law received a gift bag when she came into the Fair with so many pertinent things in it. She was ‘tickled’ as she says to have it. Thanks to everyone that made this happen and to Connection Magazine who keeps us all informed about what’s

Martial arts aiKido: thE art of pEacE

Learn to get centered and blend dynamically with others! Noncompetitive, supportive practice. Adult/Teen 5 week Intro Class: starts oct. 7th thru nov. 1st, T,Th 5:45pm–7pm, and Sat. 9am-10:15am. Youth classes. Aikido of Santa Cruz- nonprofit organization306 Mission St, SC. Call for info, (831) 423-TEAM. www.

best out there. Jon & Libby Parsons & Jean Maloney, Moss Landing


I have been seeing their Ad in your magazine for sometime and I finally made it into the store. The store is as bright and cheery as our its Ads. We really like the different styles of colourful lighting fixtures. Well, I now have a number of them in our new townhouse. I’ll be back soon. Jamie Simpkins, Soquel


I heard that it is your “44th Anniversary�! Congrats on so many years of one of the truly most wonderful stores in all of the Monterey Bay Area! Thank you for being here. Maggie Heth, Watsonville


Such delicious and healthy food. Like a home-cooked meal. Now, that my family has discovered this cafĂŠ via Connection Magazine, my family and I come downtown SC to eat their food before the Movies, Downtown Events and w h e n w e s h o p . We recommend this Kiosk CafĂŠ to everyone. The Jannison Family, Felton

WIN!!! CONTEST!!! WIN!!! Every Entry will go into a Drawing for 2 Tickets for Kuumbwa Jazz Center or a $100 Certificate forWell Within Spa. Email your answers to: OR snail mail to: 7960 Soquel Dr., #355B, Aptos, CA 95003. Last day to receive your Entry is November 2 , 2014. (Send your name, phone # & email [if you have one]. Answer each question & number them). Write business name & location or phone. 1). Name 2 businesses that involve some kind of movement for people. 2). Name 2 businesses in the magazine that help people with their health. 3). Name someone that does Colonic Hydrotherapy. 4). Name 2 Columns that you like to read the most. Thank you for participating! Enjoy! Pattie & Thom Page 36▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ October – Nov. 5, 2014

The Music of the Spheres:

Astrological Insights by Susan Heinz Astrology


october 2014

As thousands of peaceful demonstrators descended on Manhattan on Sunday to draw attention to a warming world, U.S. Secretary of State John F. Kerry called on the world’s biggest economies to shake off two decades of gridlock and take significant steps to halt climate change. Described as “an invitation to change everything,” it was endorsed by “over 325 organizations, including many international and national unions, churches, schools and community and environmental justice organizations.” he cosmic thrust of this time is a changing of the global paradigm, to see ourselves as one humanity, on a precious, intelligent Earth. Those who can carry and act from this broad view become the bridge into a new age. Balanced at this edge of destruction, we stalk a new identity, releasing the old, like worn skins. Libra ushers in this time of justice and balance. It is the sign of relatedness, seeing things from a different perspective, from the point of the other. Libra seeks to deepen our consciousness of the quality of our relationships, to each other, to our life and our environment. It strives for diplomacy, balance, and harmony, adjusting karma. It is from this point that the universe encourages us to take action. (North node in Libra) The leaves declare their fiery descent, mirroring the expression of a gathering of planets, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars, in the fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Here we are heated up, feel intensity, can tap into the spirit of inspiration and vision, and feel conflict, war, and destruction. The new paradigm butts up against the old as we ride this thundering Horse into the later part of the year. A lunar eclipse graces the early morning skies on October 8th, aligning with Uranus and Pluto bringing forth its power to alter realities, causing breakdowns, and potential breakthroughs. The eclipse itself challenges us with unpredictability, and moves us to a tipping point. Keep your balance. Calm must be the root of our actions now. (Venus travels unseen with the Sun, influencing possibilities for harmony and diplomacy.) Mercury goes retrograde on the 4th in Scorpio and stays retrograde until the 25th. Time to dig deeper, seek the


truth of things, and let go. On October 23rd, a partial solar eclipse takes place at 2:57 pm in the first degree of Scorpio. We experience the Moon passing in front of the Sun, obscuring its light. Eclipses are said to expose hidden issues, bringing forward what is in the dark. This is doubly so in the sign Scorpio! Mars enters earthy Capricorn on the 26th. It’s sojourn through Capricorn triggers Uranus and Pluto once again, igniting the unpredictable, sudden shifts of direction, our desire for freedom, and liberation. Global struggle over power will be in the forefront as well as nationally, leading into an intense election time. Twelve Opportunities for October: For Sun and Rising Signs Aries (Mar 20—Apr 19): This is a very potent time for you! Fast moving change can now happen for you while careful balance is also needed. You are being asked to focus on the quality of your life and relationships, to find an equilibrium that is radically new for you. You are being purged and cleaned of old behaviors that just came naturally. Letting go is good. Taurus (Apr 20—May 20): October highlights how you take care of yourself and the management of the practical elements of your life. You may see now how you avoid certain issues or find ways not to deal with things coming to a head. Collaborations with others can be fruitful as long as everything is clearly and practically defined. The last week of the month brings in creative collaborations. Gemini (May 21—Jun 20): This is a time to stand up for yourself with grace and poise rather than blending in with what others think and want. Unexpected and sudden situations with others challenge you to hold your own. Deeper levels of truth will emerge. Insight into daily habits that move along the line of least resistance help you clarify the change needed for yourself. Your sensitivity is at a peak at the end of the month. Cancer (Jun 21—Jul 21): Activities which nurture your inner life are now recommended. You experience shifts and changes in your goals, and/ or dealings with the public that surprise you. Challenges in relationship may arise. Don’t hold it personally and keep a large view on things for success. Your creativity and individuality is supported

on and after the 23rd, rooting out things that block you. Leo (Jul 22—Aug 22): What an important time for the Leo! There are openings, awakenings, and fast movement now possible. Something has been freed up in you. This energy is so strong that it may sweep you away, so staying balanced and grounded in the logical practicality of matters creates the integration of this special time. Getting away or seeing things from a new perspective is very helpful. Virgo (Aug 23—Sep 22): Sudden and unexpected shifts with others are to be expected. Can you flow with the unknown? This month, focus on what you value, along with valuing yourself, and let your actions precede from there. You may find it helpful this month to focus on your financial situations and needs. Situations with siblings may arise and bring up strong feelings. Libra (Sep 23—Oct 22): This month, give attention to yourself. You feel the pull in a different direction from others. Situations at home or in the family seem unpredictable or changeable. A lively discussion comes about as you communicate what you really want. Going out, trying new things, enjoying friends, or activities with others frees you up. The eclipse of the 23rd highlights your issues with your finances. This is a good time to review what is or isn’t working in that area. Scorpio (Oct 23—Nov 21): Work is demanding and seems like daily situations call for flexibility and change. Go with the flow, being sure to give yourself enough quiet down time. How you communicate takes on special significance. Watching your mind and staying in the present is most helpful now. Don’t schedule too much on the 23rd, giving yourself time to feel what is arising. A sense of harmony and deep love can develop from this time. Sagittarius (Nov 22—Dec 20): You are experiencing great busyness and movement. A lot of energy, intensity, inspiration, or travel continues through the month. For best results find ways to slow the pace down and enjoy the moment. Collaboration with others, participating with groups is now highlighted. On October 23rd, take time out from the busyness and touch in with yourself. Capricorn (Dec 21—Jan 19): Stay flexible this month! Changes are occurring within and without. Reach up

I ntuItIve I nsIghts :



An IntegrAted globAl communIty m elAnIe g endron , c reAtor of t he g endron t Arot

n integrated global community has emerged through the internet’s connectedness. It is a reflection of the vast network of Light Energy that forms all things. This Cosmic Web bears telepathic characteristics that cultivate omniscience. The evolution of technological capability reflects our capacity to be divinity. Essential Energy, Being, composes the web, continually pulsing as an incubating womb pregnant with anticipation. The act of becoming requires focus. Through sense, sixth or otherwise, Energy ignites active thrust to materialize Being, utilizing sensation to experience Itself as entity. Particularizing perspective initiates a human or any other point of view. Whether dolphin, cat or human, each being experiences their divinity as what they are, the end product of an essential designer’s mind. The human program runs automatically; it simply is. The joy of being human involves free will and the ability

to create experience. This innate skill enables a play of evolution and rediscovery of divine nature. Every being uniquely reflects and variously expresses Universal Being, interacting to create the world upon which we agree. A human universe can enjoy the display of consciousness through ignorant or conscious choice. Awakening to this inherent power initiates an automatic unfolding of divine consciousness and life lived in right livelihood. Universal Energy synthesizes, fulfills and completes the process of divine recognition. It smiles back on Itself as the Universe. This acknowledgment lightens the density of a uniquely materialized Being. It relaxes the mind, soothes the heart and allows an affirmative answer to the question ‘Am I happy?’. Functioning on the level of a Universal perspective we know how to play. Directing, writing, as actors and performers, we express our chosen lives. A truly successful, fulfilled per-

son has self-actualized, learned to integrate divergent selves and focus attention. S/He creates desired experience in alignment with and expressive of Universal consciousness. You are at choice to utilize life experience as a tool for refining your universe, empowering your being, and creating a life you really want to live. Blessings, Melanie Melanie Gendron is available for intuitive tarot readings, offering also art and tarot services and products, (831) 335-9064, email gentarot@comcast. net, visit

for what you want to achieve but pace yourself, listening deeply to what you value, and love, and what inspires you. Don’t get caught up in family dramas, just witness them and go for a sense of calmness. Listen to music, go see art, immerse yourself in creativity and beauty. Aquarius (Jan 20—Feb 17): Let the artist in you emerge and share your voice with others. Changing and shifting practicalities may call your attention. Don’t give them too much importance. Going with the flow opens spaciousness in your life and feeds your inspiration. Now is an excellent time to edit, and/or review information. You find a deeper connection taking place in your work. Pisces (Feb 18—Mar 19): This

month, the issue arises of self reliance versus allowing others to support you. Now is a time to appreciate the gifts that others give to you. Focusing on what is working in your life and the love that is present, rather than what needs to be accomplished benefits your well being. As the solar eclipse takes place on the 23rd you experience deep insights and strong feelings. You can see what beliefs are no longer serving you. Susan Heinz is a professional astrologer in Santa Cruz for 32 years, bringing together traditional & esoteric astrology, Tarot and Qabalah. For info on her Friday monthly astrology groups, her Qabalah, astrology and or, painting classes and for personal consultations, call (831) 479-3751, or go to

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Journey into the Wisdom Teachings of the Tree of Life October 25th, 10-5pm at the Beautiful Bon Repos in Aptos with Susan Heinz and Judy Lomba CHT

This exceptional workshop is designed to give you an experience of the wisdom & beauty residing in the Tree of Life, an ancient symbol of the creative powers of the universe and within each individual.

Learn to access these powers for consciously creating your life. For healing and balancing, and as a map to guide your life journey. Through —

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For more info and Preregistration $125, by Oct. 20th (831) 479-3751 or go to

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November 1, 2014 HZeiZbWZg (! '%&)

Page 38▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ October – Nov. 5, 2014


Would You TrY Medical Marijuana for WhaT ails You?

by Gregory T. Carter, MD t’s now prescribed for nerve pain, nausea, certain types of cancer and more. Would you use cannabis (marijuana) if your doctor recommended it for, say, nerve pain or to help control muscle spasms? *Twenty-three states, plus the District of Columbia, have now legalized it for such medical uses. But do the benefits of medical marijuana truly outweigh the risks? Who should consider trying it—and what’s the best way to use it safely? To learn more, Bottom Line/Health spoke with cannabis expert Gregory T. Carter, MD… Why has marijuana suddenly become so popular as a medical treatment? There’s really nothing new about the medical use of cannabis. It was included in the US Pharmacopeia (the official authority for prescription and over-the-counter drugs) until the early 1940s, when, due largely to political opposition, it was removed. For this reason, it has been difficult to study cannabis for medical purposes. The US government still classifies cannabis as a Schedule 1 drug—that is, a substance with no medical benefits and a high potential for abuse. Although federal law prohibits the use of medical marijuana, doctors now prescribe it in states where it has been legalized by the state legislatures. What conditions is marijuana most likely to help? Several—but because research has been impeded by political considerations, the level of evidence varies for each condition. Beginning nearly 30 years ago, the prescription drug dronabinol (Marinol) was approved by the FDA for treating appetite loss in AIDS patients. It’s a synthetic version of one of the active compounds in cannabis. Since then, cannabis has been shown to relieve nausea in cancer patients. Unlike the synthetic version, it’s not a single agent. It contains 80 to 100 different medicinally active compounds known as cannabinoids. New lab and animal studies suggest that cannabis can be an effective treatment for cancer itself. The active compounds have been shown to limit

tumor invasiveness and the activation of chemical signals that stimulate growth in some types of cancers. Patients who have nerve pain often get more relief with cannabis than with other prescription medications, such as gabapentin (Neurontin). Cannabis also has been used successfully to treat muscle spasms, seizures and other neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis. And it seems to be effective at controlling the tics and behavior problems caused by diseases such as Tourette’s syndrome. Some people also use it for fibromyalgia and glaucoma. If my doctor prescribes cannabis, what type should I buy? Cannabis dispensaries (in states where medical uses are permitted) typically sell many different strains, which affect users in different ways. The best medical strains have a high concentration of cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinol (CBN), with relatively small amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound responsible for most of the intoxicating effects. Bear in mind that even in states that have legalized it, insurance does not cover the cost of medical marijuana, which ranges from $200 to $500 an ounce. Is it better to smoke medical marijuana or eat it? Neither. It’s unlikely that the small amount of smoke from medical doses increases the risk for emphysema or other lung diseases, but the smoke does contain carcinogens. Why take chances? Edible forms of cannabis— such as baked goods, shakes and candies—are effective, but it’s difficult to control your intake. The absorption rate will depend on what’s already in your stomach, and it can take up to two hours to feel the effects. The best way is to use a vaporizer. The medicinal compounds vaporize at a much lower temperature than is required for combustion (smoking). The inhaled vapor gives the same rapid onset as smoking—you’ll feel the effects within a few minutes. Vaporized cannabis is safer than inhaled smoke. Vaporizers are sold online and at dispensaries for around $100 to as much as $400.

You can also buy sublingual tinctures at dispensaries. You put a few drops under your tongue. You’ll feel the effects almost as quickly as from smoking. This form of medical marijuana can be just as effective as other forms, but concentrations are not standardized, so it can be a bit harder to provide the correct dose. What is the right dose? Everyone reacts differently to cannabis, and some strains are more potent than others. If your doctor prescribes cannabis, don’t leave the office without detailed instructions—how much to use…how often…and what to expect. Marijuana also interacts with certain medications you may be taking, such as sedatives, including the tranquilizer lorazepam (Ativan) and the sleep drug zolpidem (Ambien), so be sure to also discuss all medications you take. What are the risks? Your motor skills and reaction times will be diminished, particularly within the first few hours. You don’t want to drive, operate power tools or engage in other tasks that require serious concentration while the drug is active in your body, which varies widely depending on the person and the strain of cannabis but is typically four to six hours. What about addiction? Few people who use cannabis for medical purposes will become dependent, develop cravings or go on to abuse other drugs. But the potential for addiction is obviously a concern, just as it is with alcohol and some types of medication. If you have a history of alcoholism or other forms of addiction, talk to your doctor about this before using cannabis. *Medical marijuana has been legalized in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Seven states—Alabama, Florida, Iowa, Mississippi, Tennessee, Utah and Wisconsin—allow medical marijuana for

The surPrising everYdaY ingredienT ThaT can reduce PoT Paranoia

Smelling Peppercorns?


by Clarissa A. León ccording to a recent report by, sniffing black peppercorns could be the simple answer to reducing the paranoia effects sometimes felt after smoking pot. By simply smelling or chewing on peppercorns after lighting up, smokers can mitigate these effects, writes Jay Arthur. Owen Smith writes in Canada’s Cannabis Digest that while at Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club, he witnessed the impact pepper had on pot. “Most patients who have tried this simply took a few sniffs of the black pepper to receive an almost immediate effect,” he wrote. “Others have reported that after chewing on pepper corns they felt relief within an hour, but that may be a delay most would seek to avoid.” Why would this work? In a scientific review published by the British Journal of Pharmacology, author Ethan Russo writes of a “phytocan-

nabinoid-terpenoid entourage effect” that can help with “pain, inflammation, depression, anxiety, addiction, epilepsy, cancer, fungal and bacterial infections.” Although the review doesn’t contain any studies to pot and eating pepper, it aims to point out the connections between THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and terpenoids found in plants such as pepper. For several years, marijuana research has focused on THC for studying marijuana’s effects. Russo proposes we also turn our attention to the plant components found in terpenes. The combination of the two (in the right dosages) has great appeal for scientists studying medicines with cannabinoids. Pepper contains the terpenes myrcene, α-Pinene (alpha-pinene) and the terpenoid (a modified terpene) caryophyllene. Pinene has been used for asthmatic patients as a bronchodilator, and, beta-caryophyllene which has been researched for help with athritis, multiple sclerosis and HIV-associated dementia as well as treatment with anxiety and depres-

sion. In other words, the terpenoids found in pepper could help with the THC-induced symptoms felt froma the phytocannabinoids found in marijuana. Russo proposes that certain strains of medicine could benefit if given the right mix of phytocannabinoids and terpenoids. He calls this a “synergy,” and references a number of historical anecdotes to prove his point, including one from Pliny The Elder’s Natural History Book, XXIV. Pliny writes: “The gelotophyllis [‘leaves of laughter’ or cannabis] grows in Bactria and along the Borysthenes. If this be taken in myrrh and wine all kinds of phantoms beset the mind, causing laughter which persists until the kernels of pine-nuts are taken with pepper and honey in palm wine.” The ancients from the Classical Era demonstrate once again that they have plenty to teach us. Clarissa A. Leon is AlterNet’s food editor. She formerly served as an investigative research assistant at The Daily Beast and The Nation Institute. Printed with permission.

specific conditions, such as epilepsy. Gregory T. Carter, MD, a rehabilitation-medicine specialist and medical director of St. Luke’s Rehabilitation Institute in Spokane, Washington, who has studied the use of cannabis for treating amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

(ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease) and other neuromuscular diseases. He has written two textbooks on the medicinal uses of cannabis and coauthored more than 200 peer-reviewed journal articles. Printed with permission.

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