Records of John and Margaret Smith Thompson My Grandmother Irene Thompson Fletcher drove to Hooper with her daughter Beth and son-in-law Woody and visited Bishop John Hoopes in July of 1961 and recorded the following in her journal. Bishop Hoopes told me all about the old people who lived there and were my father’s associates before he was married. He had a remarkable memory and knew them all and who they married, etc. The Simpsons, the Muns, the Frews, the Hoopers, the Meserveys, the Cottles, Fowers, Biddulphs, Lowes, Smiths, Hulls, Coxes, Parkers, Fowles; all the old names I have heard my parents mention many times. I asked Bishop Hooper if he knew why my grand parents became disaffected with the church, and he said “Well you know those early days were hard and the religion new, and there were a whole group of these old families that sort of banded together and began to question and then to resent authority and some sympathized with others who had to be reprimanded and finally they found a preacher who formed a church of no particular denomination and they all went to his church. Some members of these families have drifted back into the LDS church, but the Thompsons never did�. He said, however, that my grandfather had one of the most brilliant minds of any in the community and could out argue anyone in favor of the Book of Mormon and could prove from the bible the truth of the gospel as the Mormons believe it, but just why he turned from it all, Bishop Hoopes could not say, although he knew the family well. In the family history center in Salt Lake City we can find the church records from the Bedlington Branch (film # 86980) and the Witton-le-Ware and Cooke Branches (film # 87038) where John Thompson and Margaret Smith joined the church, were married, and started their family. I will try to use some of the same spellings as those in the microfilm records as I write down the information. Margaret Jewitt Smith In the record from the Bedlington Branch is recorded that Margret Jewit was 16 year old and lived in Bedlington, Northumberland, England. She was born on the 15th of April of 1837 in Wallsend, Northumberland, England. She was baptized on the 19th of January of 1852 in Bedlington by James Jenkins and confirmed by Wm. Patterson. James Jenkins joined the church in 1849 in Scotland and was one of the first Elders in Bedlington. It is also recorded that Margret removed from the branch on the 6th of Mar of 1853. That would be when she moved with John to Witton-leWear. Right below her name on the list is that of her Brother Thomas Jewitt Smith