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(ABOVE) Glimpse
of Gadsby, 2010, oil, 32 x 42 in., privaate collection, studio • (FAR
LEFT) Silverton
Courthouse, 2007, oil, 12 x 10 in., private collection, plein air
• (LEFT) Summer Moon —
New Fork River, undated, oil, 18 x 24 in., available from artist, studio

Expanded Digital Edition Content

(RIGHT) Forecast — Sunny and Warmer, 2015, oil, 20 x 36 in., private collection, studio • (ABOVE) Forecast — Sunny and Warmer Study, oil, 8 x 9 1/2 in. (LEFT) Red Mountain, Blue Shadows, 2004, oil, 12 x 16 in., private collection, studio • (ABOVE) Red Mountain, Blue Shadows Study, oil, 6 x 8 in.

Hidden Cove
2019, watercolor, 18 x 24 in. Collection the artist Plein air


This Ohio painter edits and enhances a scene to more strongly present what captivates his artistic mind.
——— BY BOB BAHR ———
When humans see, our eyes adapt to the light as we focus on various elements in the scene. Pupils dilate when light conditions grow dim. And in the brain, the images are processed using several filters, including the lens of past experience. The subject is never purely rendered. In the brain of the painter, a scene is chosen for depiction in paint because it contains one or more intriguing traits. The artist will stress these signifiers, these hooks. Call it the painter’s version of augmented reality.
Ohio artist Christopher Leeper selectively edits and adjusts the subject matter of his paintings in such a seemingly instinctive fashion, one may wonder if he is simply a “natural.” But ask him about specific choices, and he can explain them. He knows exactly what he is doing. Leeper is,

CHRISTOPHER LEEPER, seen here painting on location in Texas, makes his home in Ohio, but travels across the country to participate in plein air invitationals.