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Lind Farm
Marc Anderson 2021, oil, 14 x 18 in. Available from artist Plein air

The tree-lined twists and turns of narrow country lanes hold the promise of adventure and discovery and, for some, the feeling of coming home. The 26 bucolic landscapes featured here leave us wondering what lies just over the hill or around the next bend.
Barbara Jaenicke 2014, oil, 8 x 10 in. Private collection Plein air

Birds on a Wire #2, Kami Mendlik, 2020, oil, 8 x 10 in., collection the artist, plein air
(ABOVE) Nuttin Better than Nuttalls, Russell Jewell, 2021, watercolor, 11 x 14 in., private collection, plein air • (BELOW) Approaching Fog, Brenda Boylan, 2013, pastel, 16 x 12 in., available from artist, plein air and studio • (RIGHT) On the Walk Home, Ted Matz, 2020, oil, 24 x 18 in., available from artist, plein air

Quiet Road, Susan Lynn, 2018, oil, 9 x 12 in., collection the artist, plein air “I made this piece while visiting Port Clyde, Maine, a few summers ago,” says Susan Lynn. “The turnoff to the road was just up the hill from the busy harbor. I loved how the late afternoon shadows cut across the pavement, framing the sunlit fence and hedge. The distant sounds of the boaters coming in at the end of the day made this hidden spot seem all the more peaceful.”
(TOP RIGHT) Water Under the Bridge , Danny Griego, 2017, oil, 8 x 10 in., private collection, plein air • (RIGHT) Ridge Trail Walk, Rick J. Delanty, 2019, oil, 12 x 16 in., private collection, plein air

Vermont Hamlet
Mark Boedges 2016, oil, 12 x 20 in. Private collection Plein air

Home Stretch
John Caggiano 2020, oil, 8 x 16 in. Available from artist Plein air “Texas roads go on and on,” says John Caggiano. “This one, not far from San Angelo, meandered in a way that made it seem to go on for infinity.”

(ABOVE LEFT) Brookville, Carol Strock Wasson, 2020, pastel, 12 x 16 in., available from StrockWasson Studio and Gallery, plein air • (ABOVE) Yolo Solo, Philippe Gandiol, 2021, oil, 12 x 16 in., available from American Contemporary.Art, plein air • (LEFT) Bluebonnet Road, Julie Riker, 2017, oil, 9 x 12 in., available from artist, plein air

(TOP) Day at the Ranch, Jill Banks, 2017, oil, 12 x 24 in., private collection, plein air • (ABOVE LEFT) A Countryside Invitation, Cynthia Rosen, 2020, oil, 30 x 48 in., available from Helmholz Gallery, plein air and studio • (ABOVE RIGHT) West Texas Pumpjack Access Road, Gary Frisk, 2020, oil, 12 x 24 in., private collection, plein air and studio • (LEFT) Through the Oaks, Richard Sneary, 2021, watercolor, 10 x 14 in., available from artist, plein air

(CLOCKWISE FROM ABOVE) Deep Creek Distancing, Kim Casebeer, 2020, oil, 9 x 12 in., available from SNW Gallery, plein air • Late Spring, Julie Davis, 2021, oil, 12 x 16 in., available from Gallery 300, Fredericksburg, TX, studio from plein air study • Take Me Home, Mary McIntosh, 2020, pastel, 14 x 11 in., available from artist, plein air • Take Airport Road, Linda Richichi, 2021, pastel, 12 x 16 in., available from 530 Burns Gallery, Sarasota, FL, plein air

(LEFT) The Road to the Fields, Ray Hassard, 2019, pastel, 12 x 12 in., available from Cincinnati Art Galleries, Cincinnati, OH, plein air • (RIGHT) The Road Less Traveled, Shelby Keefe, 2021, oil, 12 x 9 in., private collection, plein air • (BELOW) Clouds’ Rest, Sharon Weaver, 2021, oil, 8 x 16 in., available from artist, plein air Along Paintrock Highway, Tim Oliver, 2020, watercolor, 8 x 16 in., private collection, plein air