Foundations of Design : REPRESENTATION, SEM1, 2017 M2 JOURNAL - FLATNESS vs PROJECTION Thomas Emerson
995854 Emmanuel Alexander Cohen, 07
Question 1: What is Pictorial Space according to Le Corbusier? (Maximum 100 words) Le Corbusier is a well-established painter and states that ‘pictorial space is that which cannot be entered or circulated through;it is irremediably space viewed from a distance, and is therefore eternally resigned to frontality’. Here, Le Corbusier highlights that two-dimensional imagery is able to achieve depth, depending on the placement and arrangement of objects within a composition.
Question 2: The Flatness of Le Corbusier’s painting’s are attributable to two properties. What are they? And what are these pitted against?(Maximum 100 words) One property which Le Corbusier focuses deeply on is the concept of ‘mariage de contour’. This is essentially whereby objects are wedged together to adapt the illusion of insistent continuity of edges, ultimately allowing for the objects depcited to be contoured. Further, another property was focusing on the art elements of both colour and texture. This is essentially where distance and depth are able to be accomplished through the various changes in both colour and texture within a composition.
Rear elevation view of the mario world
Front elevation view of the mario world
This is the inital sketch of the first mario field. This was achieved during week three with the support of a T-square and pencil to create the axonometric.
Refined sketch for the final design. This included adding the water fall, items and addition of a second level.
WEEK 4 READING: TITLE OF READING Complete your reading before attempting these questions:
Question1:ExplainthedifferencebetweenPictoral(inthiscaseperspectival)spaceandProjection?(Maximum100 words) Pictorial space can be defined by established vanishing points where everything dissolves, whilst maintaining a fixed point of view at the horizon line. These drawings cannot be used to measure from or accurately attained information. Axonometric Projection, however technically does employ known vanishing points in space but rather use orthographic projection with parallel projection. They on the the otherhand, obtain accurate information and measurements unlike pictorial space.
Question 2: Where did Axonometric projection first arise, and why? (Maximum 100 words) Axonometric projection first arised through military influences, where the technical drawing system was established as a means of accurately enabling individuals to recognise the location and projection of artilary projection against their enemies.
Overall, I am extremely satisfied with the final result. In conclusion to the original concept, rather than just sticking to the single world, I decided to add an extra level to enable the waterfall to be connected more efficently to the world. Additionally, I also added some new objects such as the iconic green pipes, gold coins and the final flag to carry out the mario theme. To replicate the same features shown on the alloacted elevations provided to me, I used the eye dropper tool as a device to determine the colours and pen tool to create the features which were not visable within the original elevations. I also wanted to make the design to look more like a game, so decided to remove the black outline strokes and purely rely on filling in the colours of the shapes traced. This was delibrately done to replicate modern app games which are currently present in modern society.
Final design of the mario world. Both colour and tone have been added using the program, illustrator.
Here, I begin by setting out the inital sketch with the support of sketching materials. This includes a T square, 45 degree set square, ruler, rubber, sticky tape and HB pencil.
This is the conclusion to the first sketch. Obviously, this is not fully completed, however will act as the skeletal structure for when I begin to add new features for the final sketch towards the end.
This is when I combine the two sketches together and begin the process of overlaying new features to the final design. This is when I begin the finalise by layering and using a black fineliner at the conclusion to make the technological aspect more efficent to work with.
This is a screendump of me using the program illustrator to construct the vector illustration. This is obviously not the end product, however is the process where I begin to trace over the scanned sketch. From this, I then begin to add colours and features inspired by my allocated mario worlds with the support of the eye dropper.