Portfolio thomas henry ii graphic design

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thomas henry architecture / editorial / graphic design

portfolio graphic design / 2007 - 2016

thomas henry architecture / editing / graphic design portfolio graphic design / 2007 - 2016 e: info.thomashenry@gmail.com t: +31 (0)649792686 w: www.thomashenry.nl

about me 2

Curriculum Vitae

editing and graphic design 4

Editing and graphic design


Press prints

Berchem Academy of Fine Arts


Buysse osteopathie


Lino prints




Various projects

Logo design & house style

Berchem Academy of Fine Arts

Logo design & house style

Layout design & editing

photography 20




Curriculum Vitae “with a background in architecture, research, editing and graphic design, my main personalia interest lies within the sociocultural context. byThomas having Jan a proactive Henry attitude, rather than full name just reactive, it is here where the potential lies to create relevant spatial designs 27-01-1989 datebeing of birth that to the contribute to the design and Oostburg, Netherlands placeinvolve of birthand connect people. it is my aspiration sustainability cultural significance. nationality of projects with such a social andDutch Torenallee 50-34, 5617BD, Eindhoven, the Netherlands address next to architecture, over the years i have developed a strong passion for other creative +31 (0)649792686 telephone disciplines like graphic design, editing and photography. provoked by possibilities and info@thomashenry.nl e-mail fed by passion i thrive on finding solutions for any given design challenge.” website www.thomashenry.nl nl.linkedin.com/pub/thomas-henry/82/643/a87/ linked-in education personalia 2011 - 2013 full name 2012 - 2013 date of birth place of birth 2011 - 2012 nationality 2007 - 2011 address telephone 2001 - 2007 e-mail website experience linked-in 2013 education 2015 - ... 2012 -- 2013 2011 2013 2012 - 2013 2011 - 2012 2009 2007 -- 2012 2011 2001 - 2007 thomas henry

Eindhoven University of Technology, MSc, Architecture, Building and Planning (specialization: architecture) Thomas Jan Henry Research traineeship, municipality of Querétaro, ‘Secretaría de Desarrollo Urbano y 27-01-1989 Obras Públicas, Dirección de Monumentos y Sitios’, Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico Oostburg, the Netherlands Universitat Politècnica de València, exchange semester (architecture) Dutch Eindhoven University of Technology, BSc, Architecture, Urbanism & Building van Breestraat 14/5, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium Sciences +31 (0)649792686 Zwin College Oostburg, pre-university education info.thomashenry@gmail.com www.thomashenry.nl nl.linkedin.com/pub/thomas-henry/82/643/a87/ Editor of ‘Built Environment’. Yearbook 2012/2013 published by Eindhoven University of Technology and nai010 publishers, Rotterdam. Collecting, translating and editing of multiple articles. Berchem Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp, Graphic Design Research trainee at theofmunicipality Querétaro, ‘Secretaría de Desarrollo Urbano Eindhoven University Technology,of MSc, Architecture, Building and Planning y(specialization: Obras Públicas, Dirección de Monumentos y Sitios’. Researching the Outstanding architecture) Universal Value (OUV)municipality of the Worldof Heritage city ‘Secretaría of Querétaro, together Research traineeship, Querétaro, de Mexico, Desarrollo Urbano y with and analyzing the factors affecting the property. Obrasidentifying Públicas, Dirección de Monumentos y Sitios’, Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico Universitat Politècnica de València, exchange semester (architecture) Editor of CHEPOS magazine. Architectural magazine published about four times a Eindhoven University of Technology, BSc, Architecture, Urbanism & Building year by CHEOPS, study association of Architecture, Building and Planning. Writing Sciences and multiple articles; doing interviews Zwinediting CollegeofOostburg, pre-university education and putting texts in layout. 2

experience 2015 - ...

Architect at Cuypers & Q architects. Architectural design office settled in Antwerp, Belgium. www.cuypers-q.be

2015 - ...

Freelance graphic designer.


Architect at Menis Architects. Architectural design office settled in Tenerife, Spain. Working as part of the design team with renowned architect Fernando Menis on various internationally orientated works and competitions. www.menis.es


Editor of ‘Built Environment’. Yearbook 2012/2013 published by Eindhoven University of Technology and nai010 publishers, Rotterdam. Collecting, translating and editing of multiple articles.

2012 - 2013

Research trainee at the municipality of Querétaro, Mexico, ‘Secretaría de Desarrollo Urbano y Obras Públicas, Dirección de Monumentos y Sitios’. Researching the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the World Heritage city of Querétaro, Mexico, together with identifying and analyzing the factors affecting the property.

2009 - 2012

Editor of CHEPOS magazine. Architectural magazine published about four times a year by CHEOPS, study association of Architecture, Building and Planning. Writing and editing of multiple articles, doing interviews and designing layouts.

2007 - 2010

Graphic designer for CHEOPS, study association of Architecture, Building and Planning. Designing and printing of graphic material like posters, flyers and logos.

publications/exhibitions 06/2014 - 11/2014


08/2013 08/2013 01/2012 10/2011 2010

Venice Biennale of Architecture 2014, ‘Fundamentals’, curated by Rem Koolhaas. Entry for the Moroccan pavilion with the theme ‘Fundamental(ism)s’: ‘Hatching, the origination of a city’, by Menis Architects. http://menis.es/venice-biennal-2014/ Article on the theme of facadism ‘Facadisme als strategie voor erfgoedbehoud’. Published by Platform VOER, an online platform that presents views in the field of heritage management in an urban context. www.platformvoer.nl/facadisme-als-strategie-voor-erfgoedbehoud/ Research project ‘Facadism as an approach to redevelopment and conservation of World Heritage’. Published by the Eindhoven University of Technology. Research project ‘The authenticity and integrity of the Historic Monuments Zone of Querétaro’. Published by the Eindhoven University of Technology. Exhibition ‘El diseño de una bodega’, Universitat Politècnica de València. Exhibition ‘Brainport pavilion’, Dutch Design Week, City Hall Eindhoven. Wout van Bommel, ‘Het Tilburg e.o. van architect Jos Donders, toen (1898-1940) en nu’. Published by Stichting tot Behoud van Tilburgs Cultuurgoed, Tilburg.

skills language software extra

Dutch (native), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent), German (practiced) Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign, AutoCAD, SketchUp, Microsoft Office model making, graphic design, editing (writing texts, designing layouts and books for publication), curating (exhibitions), sketching

personal info interests hobbies about me

architecture, graphic design, photography, writing, travelling, sports soccer, music Creative person seeking valuable career experience. Full of ideas, drawing inspiration from different fields. Engaged in architecture and design. A good writer, skilled at research. Thriving on solving problems. A good communicator, both written and verbal, and able to work both in a team and individually. Adept at multi-tasking during deadline pressure while staying organized. Able to reflect, eager to learn. 3


EDITING AND GRAPHIC DESIGN 2007 - 2016 various projects; Berchem Academy of Fine Arts, editing, graphic design, layout design, writing, interviewing

next to architecture, i have developed a strong passion for other creative disciplines like writing, editing, graphic design and photography. it is a direction i have chosen to follow to become adept in writing and creating good-looking and readable graphics and layouts. in these, often the same design issues come foreward as in designing architecture. a well devised selection of words, as well as proportions, materiality etcetera always contribute to a clearer result.

thomas henry




Berchem Academy of Fine Arts 2016 graphic design, artwork

Press prints at the Berchem Academy of Fine Arts we got the assignment to make an A5 booklet containing various experimental prints from the letterpress. because my opinion was that in the end the untouched prints were beautiful on their own, i decided to make more of them on a bigger format and presented them as artworks on their own.

thomas henry




thomas henry




2016 house style, logo, branding

Buysse osteopathie for the startup practice ‘Buysse osteopathie’ i was asked to design a logo and accompanying flyers, business cards and t-shirts. the clients’ wish was to incorporate the three medical themes of osteopathy subtly, which are represented by the three colors in the logo. the choice for natural colors refers to the natural approach of osteopathie.

thomas henry




Berchem Academy of Fine Arts 2015 graphic design, artwork

Lino prints using linocuts as a printmaking technique and applying multiple colors on different compositions, various interesting graphics were obtained from the letterpress. a few favorites were selected and exposed at the Berchem Academy of Fine Arts.

thomas henry




2015 house style, business cards, flyers, price tags, boxes

Feed for the newly started minimalist design studio ‘feed’, i designed the house style for multiple purposes like boxes, website, business cards, flyers etcetera. by designing a simple and recognizable ‘symbol’, the design can be applied on all sorts of products.

thomas henry




2007 - 2013 various projects. editing, graphic 2007 - 2014 design, layout design, writing articles, editing, layout design, house style, logo design, interviewing posters, flyers, branding

throughout six years of architectural studies, next to architecture, i have developed a strong interest in writing/editing and graphic design. it is a direction i have chosen to follow to become adept in writing and creating good-looking and readable graphics and layouts. in these, often the same design issues come foreward as in designing architecture. a well devised selection of words, as well as proportions, materiality etcetera always contribute to a clearer result. since 2007 i have been active in designing graphic material of all kinds and editing for books and magazines. these were mostly activities on the side of my architectural studies, but often also for the presentation of my architectural projects themselves. being part of the graphic design committee and having worked for an architectural magazine gave me an eye for how to present different projects clearly and graphically attractive.

Various projects

thomas henry

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Books Menis Architects

2014 editing, layout design

for several projects at Menis Architects i have created the layout design. the projects - presentation books for clients, competition entries or portfolios - all had different demands and thus the designs came in different formats, colors, styles etc.

Built environment

2013 editing

the 2012/2013 yearbook ‘Built environment’ presents the results of each graduation studio, represented by one or two projects, together with texts on ‘total design’ by Wiel Arets. Main tasks in this editorial experience were collecting, correcting, translating and summarizing texts from students together with putting the articles in the layout nicely. published by Eindhoven University of Technology and nai010 publishers, Rotterdam.

Portfolio I


2013 editing, layout design portfolio

as a result of six years of architectural studies and more, i have put together this

Graduation books

2013 editing, layout design

for the graduation results my team and me decided to create five books concerning the world heritage in QuerĂŠtaro, all with one consistent layout. i was responsible for the layout design, taking account the various sizes and scales of many maps together with keeping the layout as clear and readable as possible. the result is a series of five books: pt. 1 and pt. 2 as a common result and pt. 3, pt. 4 and pt. 5 as individual research results.

Project reports

2011 - 2012 editing, layout design

for the concluding of multiple projects and courses i have presented the results in specially designed booklets. these all have been designed in the same style and have the same size. this way a consistent series of reports is the result of all productions during my master program.

thomas henry

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2009 - 2012 editing, writing articles, interviewing

chepos is an architectural magazine written by and for students. for almost three years i have written articles, held interviews and was active in thinking how to improve the magazine. main tasks were selecting most interesting topics to be published, the writing/editing of articles and putting the results in the layout. www.chepos.nl

Other graphics

2007 - 2013 graphic design

from year one of my architectural studies on, i was involved in designing and printing graphic material of all different kinds. posters and flyers for various events, company logos, layout designs, websites, and more. it is a thing i love doing and will continue doing as long as i am involved in the world of design.

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portfolioI portfolio

PHOTOGRAPHY 2011- 2016 landscapes, nature, architecture, black and white link: http://tjhenry89.tumblr.com/

since a few years i started to have a stronger interest for photography - shooting the right image at the right time. where it started as a common thing during my first travels, it became more and more an objective to capture the view or moment i was experiencing in the best way possible. the selected photos showcased in these pages are captured from trips to Valencia, Mexico, Tenerife and Italy.

thomas henry




thomas henry


thomas henry architecture / editorial / graphic design

thomas henry architecture architecture // editorial editorial // graphic design

thomas henry architecture / editorial / graphic design

Curriculum Vitae / 2007 - 2013 23


thomas henry




thomas henry architecture / editing / graphic design portfolio graphic design / 2007 - 2016 e: info.thomashenry@gmail.com t: +31 (0)649792686 w: www.thomashenry.nl

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