oilily magazine winter 2010

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dire ce que tu penses. Et pouvoir

Vrijheid. Oilily is er gek op. Niet dat je


vrijheid kunt eten,

keine gute

maar het smaakt

Idee finden. Zum

naar meer. Vrijheid is kunnen zeggen wat je vindt. En kunnen doen waar je zin in

Beispiel Freundschaft schließen mit einem Freund,

faire ce que tu as envie de faire, même quand tes parents estiment que ce n’est pas une bonne idée. Avoir un ami imaginaire, par exemple. Ou discuter pendant des heures au

der nicht wirklich besteht. Oder

téléphone avec une copine qui habite dans

vinden. Bijvoorbeeld, vriendschap sluiten

herrlich lange telefonieren mit einer

un pays lointain. La liberté, c’est un peu le

met een vriendje die niet echt bestaat.

Freundin, die in einem fernen Land

contraire de ce qu’on doit ou ne doit pas

Of lekker lang bellen met een vriendinnetje

wohnt. Man könnte sagen, dass Freiheit

faire. La liberté te permet de découvrir ce

die in een ver land woont. Je zou kunnen

das Gegenteil ist von etwas tun müssen

que tu trouves agréable, ou pas. La liberté,

zeggen dat vrijheid het tegenovergestelde

oder etwas nicht dürfen. Freiheit hilft Dir

c’est quelque chose de vraiment particulier.

is van iets moeten of iets niet mogen.

zu entdecken, was Du gut und schön

Ce magazine parle de la liberté. C’est pour

Vrijheid laat je ontdekken wat je leuk vindt

findest und was nicht. Also etwas ganz

cela que tu peux le colorier comme tu en as

en wat niet. Vrijheid is dus best bijzonder.

Besonderes. Diese Zeitschrift geht über

envie. Oilily t’offre les crayons de couleur.

Dit magazine gaat over vrijheid. Daarom

Freiheit. Darum darfst Du diese Zeitschrift

Personnalise ce magazine pour qu’il soit

mag je dit magazine inkleuren zoals jij wilt.

ausmalen, wie Du es gerne möchtest.

vraiment le tien. Nous t’attendons sur

De kleurpotloden krijg je van Oilily cadeau.

Die Buntstifte bekommst Du von Oilily

www.oililyworld.com. Tu y trouveras

Maak er dus vooral je eigen magazine

geschenkt. Damit kannst Du Deine eigene

l’adresse de tous les magasins où tu peux

van. We hopen je snel te zien op

Zeitschrift gestalten. Wir sehen uns schnell

acheter les produits d’Oilily.

www.oililyworld.com. Je vindt daar ook

wieder auf www.oililyworld.com. Dort

alle winkels waar je Oilily kunt kopen.

findest Du auch alle Geschäfte, wo Du

La libertà. Oilily la adora. Non che la si

Oilily kaufen kannst.

possa mangiare, ma ha un sapore

hebt, zelfs als je ouders het geen goed idee

particolare. La libertà è poter dire ciò che

Freedom. Oilily loves freedom. Not that you can eat freedom. Freedom tastes much

Libertad. A Oilily le encanta. No es que

si pensa. E fare ciò di cui si ha voglia,

better. Freedom is being able to say what

la libertad se pueda comer, pero sabe

anche se i tuoi genitori non la trovano una

you think. And doing what you want to

deliciosa. Libertad es poder decir lo que

buona idea. Ad esempio avere un amico

do, even if your parents don’t agree. For

piensas. Y poder hacer lo que te apetece,

che non esiste. O fare lunghe telefonate

example, making friends with a kid who

aunque a tus padres no les parezca una

con un’amica che vive in un paese lontano.

doesn’t really exist. Or chatting for ages

buena idea. Por ejemplo, hacer amistad

Si potrebbe affermare che la libertà è il

with a friend who lives far away in another

con alguien que en realidad no existe.

contrario di un obbligo o di un divieto.

country. You could say that freedom is the

O hablar por teléfono un buen rato con una

La libertà ti permette di scoprire ciò che

opposite of doing something that you have

amiguita que vive en un país muy lejano.

ti piace e ciò che non ti piace. Molto

to do. Or doing something that you’re not

Se podría decir que la libertad es lo opuesto

particolare, quindi. Questa rivista parla di

allowed to do. Freedom lets you discover

a tener que hacer algo o no poder hacer

libertà. Per questo la si può colorare come

what you like and what you don’t like. It’s

algo. La libertad te permite descubrir

si vuole. Le matite colorate sono un regalo

very special. This magazine is all about

lo que te gusta y lo que no. Así que es

di Oilily. Crea quindi la tua rivista personale.

freedom. That’s why you can color in this

muy especial. Esta revista trata sobre la

Ti aspettiamo sul sito www.oililyworld.com,

magazine as you like. The color pencils

libertad. Por eso, puedes colorearla como

dove troverai l’elenco di tutti i negozi dove

are a present from Oilily. You can make

te apetezca. Oilily te regala los lápices de

puoi comprare i prodotti Oilily.

your own magazine. Visit us soon at

colores. Sobre todo, queremos que tengas

www.oililyworld.com. You’ll also find all

la revista que a ti te guste. Esperamos

the shops where you can buy Oilily.

verte pronto en www.oililyworld.com. Aquí encontrarás también todas las

Freiheit. Oilily liebt die Freiheit. Nicht, dass

tiendas donde comprar productos Oilily.

man Freiheit essen kann, aber es schmeckt nach mehr. Freiheit ist, das zu sagen,

La liberté. Oilily en raffole. La liberté ne

was man denkt. Und das zu tun, was

se mange pas, mais elle donne envie d’en

man möchte, selbst wenn Deine Eltern

avoir toujours plus. La liberté, c’est pouvoir

The Netherlands is a small country. But it is the country where Oilily comes from. If you want to know what the Netherlands looks like, take a good look at the package containing our new scarves. The scarves are for sale, but the Netherlands is not!

Do you look like your mother, or your dog or your twin sister? Luckily Oilily has a jacket, a dress or a pair of shoes that will make


you stand out. So you will


be completely unique.

1 Funky Rose Art.: OES0296-2002

2 Gipsy Story Art.: OES0266-2001

3 Felt Art.: OES0238-9601


Not doing anything in particular. That’s freedom too. Just like fooling around in your spotted dress when you think nobody’s looking. We have rarely seen such a pretty turn. Have you?

4 4 3 1 3 2

7 2




6 7

9 5



10 11 11 10





16 14 12 17




16 1 Chantille Art.: YF10GJA007

1 Dolly Art.: YF10GDR022 YF10GJA012 YF10GTI012

2 Iris Art.: OSH0230-200

7 Tip Art.: YF10GJE024

3 Berna Art.: YF10GBL012

8 Diana Art.: YF10GDR014

12 Hippy Art.: YF10GHE018

4 Dorthea Art.: YF10GDR028

9 Oblong Peony Art.: YF10GAC019

13 Tanya Art.: YF10GJE006

14 Crown Art.: YF10GJA014

5 Denise Art.: YF10GDR012

10 Checky Art.: OES0278-5201 15 Tazzle Art.: YF10GJE017

6 Coco Art.:

11 Marloes Art.:

16 Dory Art.: YF10GDR029

6 Tasha Art.: YF10GJE014 YF10GTI001 YF10GJE040

2 Horloge Art.: OWA9204-3204 A

7 Anna Art.: YF10GAC011

12 Gipsy Story Art.: OES0269-2001 17 Angel Art.: OSH0220-200

3 Haska Art.: YF10GHE010

8 Pasha Art.: YF10GPA002

13 Manon Art.: YF10GTI011

4 Checky Art.: OES0280-5201

9 Delicious Art.: YF10GDR039

14 Horologe Art.: OWA9203-7101 A

5 Tanya Art.: YF10GJE003

10 Belle Art.: OSH0252-200 15 Sangria Art.: YF10GSK007

11 Maan Art.: 16 Twiggy Art.:


1 2




1 Bibi Art.: YF10GBL013 6 Let Art.: YF10GNI009

2 Hazel Art.: YF10GHE013 7 Let Art.: YF10GNI008



3 Sweety Art.: YF10GSK022 8 Lex Art.: YF10BLA006

4 Mandy Art.: YF10GTI007

5 Chanie (Backside) Art.: YF10GJA015


2 3



8 7 6

10 9 11




1 Dalia Art.: YF10GDR003 YF10GKN011

2 Kathy Art.: YF10GKN010

7 Diba Art.: YF10GDR017

12 Nadia Art.: YF10GNI002

3 Chip Art.: YF10GJA009

8 Koko Art.: YF10GKN019

13 Kitty Art.: YF10GKN016

4 Kris Art.: YF10GKN020

9 Pippi Art.: YF10GPA013

14 Susan Art.: YF10GSK019

5 Square Art.: YF10GAC004

10 Dory Art.: YF10GDR030

6 Katinka Art.:

11 Mirthe Art.: OSH0240-880

There’s nothing more fun than imitating someone. Talking like they do or doing something like they do. You can really get the giggles. Have you ever tried to imitate a donkey? It’s not as easy as you think. Just try to find a donkey that is crazy enough to let itself be imitated.




4 3

9 10 8








16 19 18


1 Lana Art.: YF10GLA002 7 Lea Art.: YF10GNI004

2 Liedeke Art.: YF10GNI010 8 Felt Art.: OES0275-9601

13 Louisa Art.: YF10GNI021 Art.: YF10BLA010

3 Leisje Art.: YF10GNI005

9 Loes Art.: YF10GNI019

14 Molly Art.: OSH0203-300

19 Loek Art.: YF10BLA009

4 Linda Art.: YF10GNI012

10 Mike Art.: OSH0202-500

15 Louis Art.: YF10BLA011

5 Lobi Art.: YF10BLA007

11 Leisje Art.: YF10GNI007

16 Lea Art.: YF10GNI003

6 Macy Art.: OSH0201-300 12 Mya Art.: OSH0205-360

17 Loek Art.: YF10BLA008

18 Lorenzo

We love wilful children. Children who are just a little bit different, who like to do things differently. And who look at things differently. Just like we do at Oilily. We call this the ultimate freedom.


1 4 2




3 5

6 7






11 9 10 8



12 11 14 12 1 Doedoe Art.: YF10GDR021 YF10GTI010

13 2 Coco Art.: YF10GJA011

7 Halia Art.: YF10GHE001

Art.: OES0206-3506

3 Aron Art.: OSH0221-360

8 Mandy Art.: YF10GTI006

13 Daphne Art.: YF10GDR005

16 4 Hansje Art.: YF10GHE008

9 Sina Art.: YF10GSK012

14 Square Art.: YF10GAC007

5 Djipsie Art.: YF10GDR018

10 Pearl Art.: YF10GPA007

15 Mamalou Art.: OESO291-3605

6 Mango Art.:

11 Tip Art.: YF10GJE023

16 Hipla Art.: YF10GHE016

12 Ovation

1 Chiara Art.: YF10GJA008

2 Sina Art.: YF10GSK014

7 Twiggy Art.: YF10GJE041

8 Maartje Art.: YF10GTI002

Art.: YF10GSK003

3 Tip Art.: YF10GJE025

4 Felt Art.: OES0276-9601

9 Tanya Art.: YF10GJE004

5 Nana Art.: YF10GNI004

10 Mamalou Art.: OES0284-9601

6 Chanie Art.: YF10GJA015

11 Nuria Art.: YF10GNI016

12 Sabrina

4 1 2 3


5 7


12 8


11 14



13 20 17 18


1 Ovation Art.: OES0206-5200 Art.: OES0281-5201

2 Belle Art.: YF10GBL007

7 Halia Art.: YF10GHE002


12 Funky Rose Art.: OES0297-5201


17 Sangria Art.: YF10GSK006

3 Angel Art.: OSH0220-500

8 Mango Art.: YF10GTI009

13 Nicky Art.: YF10GNI009

18 Anna Art.: YF10GAC012

4 Pearl Art.: YF10GPA004

9 Horloge Art.: OWA9203-5202 A 14 Tasha Art.: YF10GJE015

19 Mary Art.: OSH0241-520

5 Chancy Art.: YF10GJA016

10 Delicious Art.: YF10GDR011

15 Oblong Art.: YF10GAC017

20 Doedoe Art.: YF10GDR037

6 Checky 11 Sina Art.:

16 Twiggy Art.:

2 3







10 9 11


13 14

15 17 16 1 Paul Art.: YF10BPA008 YF10GAC009

2 Boris Art.: YF10BBL005

7 Aron Art.: OSH0221-520

12 Thomas Art.: YF10BJE025 17 Chase Art.: YF10BJA006

3 Kars Art.: YF10BKN006

8 Paco Art.: YF10BPA019

13 Pjotter Art.: YF10BPA018

4 Horse Art.: YF10BHE014

9 Chass Art.: YF10BJA007

5 Hero (Backside) Art.: YF10BHE004

10 Keau Art.: YF10BKN007

14 Champion (Backside) Art.: YF10BJA004

6 Antonio Art.:

11 Paolo Art.: YF10BPA005

15 Tommy Art.: YF10BJE013

16 Tony Art.: YF10BJE014







4 3






11 10

13 12

1 Butterfly Time Art.: OBW0223-010 Art.: OBW0220-010

10 Line Dance Art.: OBW0240-330 Art.: OC-270100

2 Butterfly Time Art.: OBW0222-300

6 Butterfly Time Art.: OBW0224-300

11 Line Dance Art.: OBW0241-330

15 Blue Sparkle Art.: OC-281050

3 Fantasy Art.: OBW0233-640

7 Fantasy Art.: OBW0235-640

12 Line Dance Art.: OBW0245-330

16 Lucky Girl Art.: OC-291050

4 Fantasy Art.: OBW0233-320

8 Fantasy Art.: OBW0235-320

5 Butterfly Time

9 Butterfly Time Art.: OBW0225-010

13 Line Dance Art.: OBW0244-330

17 Flowers Art.: OC-511031

14 Papillon





6 7









15 17 16



1 Angel Art.: OSH0220-880

2 Sage Art.: OSH0212-300

7 Mirthe Art.: OSH0240-520 OSH0221-590

13 Belle Art.: OSH0252-520

18 Belinda Art.: OSH0251-590

3 Silver Art.: OSH0211-880

8 Mirthe Art.: OSH0240-200

9 Iris Art.: OSH0230-880

14 Belle Art.: OSH0252-810

19 Mary Art.: OSH0241-880

4 Sid Art.: OSH0210-200 10 Ivy Art.: OSH0231-200

15 Hope Art.: OSH271-020

5 Bo Art.: OSH0250-590

6 Bo Art.: OSH0250-200

11 Ivy Art.: OSH0231-500

16 Leila Art.: OSH0281-200

12 Alison Art.:

17 Leo Art.: OSH0283-500

Name: Address: Zip Code: City: Boy or Girl: This is your chance to win a free Oilily donkey bag, a cuddly toy that is also a bag. All you have to do is color in this picture and send it, by 15 November 2010, to: Oilily, Berenkoog 38, 1822 BJ Alkmaar, The Netherlands. The 10 best and most original pictures will win an original Oilily donkey bag from our new bag collection. We welcome pictures from all over the world. The winning colored pictures will be published on our website www.oililyworld.com from 15 November onwards. Pictures submitted after 15 November 2010 will be disqualified.

Phone: Email Address:


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