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MAIN FUNCTIONS .................................................. 2

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5.2 User Manual

5.2 User Manual


a) Use infrared thermal imaging technology to search, identify and align with the targets; b) With photographing, videorecording and playback functions, and be able to export the stored videos and pictures through the USB interface; c) With power control, infrared contrast adjustment, infrared brightness, infrared electromotion focus, infrared image pseudo-color palettes switching, 2 times zooming and 4 times zooming in functions; d) The video output can be displayed by the local OLED or an external display device.


3.1 Infrared Reconnaissance Distance

In the case of visibility not less than 15km, humidity not greater than 80% as well as the temperature difference between the target and the background not less than 4℃ : a) For the 2.3m×2.3m typical target: identification distance ≥ 1.1km, detection distance ≥ 3.1km; b) For the standing individual soldiers: identification distance ≥ 0.85km, detection distance ≥ 1.6km.

3.2 Infrared Detector

a) Working band: 8μm ~ 14μm;

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