夾縫中的島嶼城市 Minature City Within the Gaps -Taipei as a Megnatic Archipelago
每一個人,都可以有屬於自己的台北學。它可以是一種自我風格、一種 美學態度、也可以是一個跨領域觀察後的庶民生活小品。對我來說,台 北就是家的延伸,是建立個人經驗與情感連結的場域。在台北,存在著 的不只是我個人的兒時記憶,也是屬於這一代人共同的生活體驗。
Everyone can have one’s own impression about Taipei. It can be a style showing personality, an attitude towards aesthetics or even life experience of inhabitants. For me, Taipei is the extension of home, a place where experiences and emotions were being built. However, Taipei holds more than my personal memories, it takes on the life experience of the whole generation.
城市生活中的光鮮亮麗,是由許多不同但相互鑲嵌的片段所組成 The rich variety of a city is mosaic by numerous different elements.
這些片段是壯麗山河,是便捷交通,是指標性建築的 莊嚴肅穆或五光十射,然而,妳可曾想過這些表象的 美好背後是否隱藏著什麼?當生活的本質迫於無奈 而必須被改變,我們是否擁有面對變化的應變能力? 亦或是勇氣。 These elements may be the beautiful landscape, convenient transport or magnificant pieces of architecture. However, have you ever thought of the other side of the story? Is there anything hidden? When the basics of living is forced to be changed, do we have the ability or courage to overcome?
然而,城市生活卻並非始終如一的美好, 我們至始至終都在找尋在夾縫中的生活方式 However, the urban life may not always be enjoyable. We are constantly seeking a way to live within the gaps
What are the elements forming a city? Buildings? Transport? Resident?
Illustration by Philip Kennedy Studio
城市組成的元素極為多元,而這些不同的元素也大大影響了 城市生活的面貌。生活在這個都會叢林中,無法避免地必須 遵循一些叢林法則,然而這些看似公平的規範,卻讓某些人, 從此在也無法回到城市中心的舞台上。 Living in a city, we often have to follow numerous regulations. Most of the time they seemed to be fair enough, but other times it forces some people to leave the center stage.
有沒有可能,生在城市中的我們 卻不曾屬於她的一份子?
Is there a possibility, that we were never a part of the city we tend to live in?
對於藝術,我有自己的一套定義,並且極具價值。 提出任何形式的規範,然後瘋狂的遵循它。 I have my own crazy definition of art, for what is worth. Here’s the definition: set up a series of arbitrary rules and then follow them slavishly.
Errol Morris
規則是死的,但是人是活的,面對規範的一成不便 ,我們嘗試尋找可以突破的出口,並努力不懈的堅 持下去。 Regulations may be strick, but we human beings are flexable. Facing obstacles, we are constantly searching a way to break through.
Everyone has their own different life experiences , which make them who they are.
No two people's life experiences are the same. And mine are just unique to me.
Keshia Knight Pulliam
不均質的城市 Unequivalent City
Hong Kong
Surface Area (sqkm)
Population (10000 people)
有錢人 271.32
9753 21000
Density (person/sqkm)
Aging Index 194.37%
1990 我以我的家鄉-台北,作為城市實驗的試 驗場,這是一個自1990年代便步入高齡化 社會的都市,而這正是我們這一代人出生 的時間點。 I have chosen my hometown-Taipei to be the site of this urban experiment. This is a city that procied into aged society in the 1990s, the exact timing when my gneration was born.
台北城市快速的發展,使得原本早已壅塞的街廓更加擁擠 The city is constantly developing, whereas blocks are flooded with buildings,old and new.
除了不斷興建,而且愈蓋愈高的房地 產開發案件以外,處於法律灰色地帶 的「因地制宜」或是「增/加建」更快速 侵蝕所剩不多的開放空間。右圖是台 北市較早有整體規劃的公宅建設-南 機場國宅,經過一甲子歲月的摧殘, 昔日光景早已不付存在。 Apart from building new buildings, the extentional pieces that are situated in the edge of law are rapidly occupying limited open spaces.
雖然有很多新房子, 但年輕人似乎還是沒有容身之處
Even though new building are constructed, the younger generations still don’t have a place
to live
南機場國宅 South Airport Public House in Taipei
都市住宅政策的崩解 The Disintegration of Habitation Policy 50
46.8% 39.8%
Percentage of Ownership
20 10
Current Public Housing
1.Residence Build Up: -35% Special Need -30% Local -23% Citizen -12% Youth
2.Facility 0 -Only for people living inside. Under 20Y 21-30Y 31-40Y 41-50Y 51-60Y Over 61Y -Mainly Indoors. Age Group -Isolated with the bigger Age-Ownership of real estate in Taipei scale infrastructure. 0.5%
長久以來,台北都面對著不一樣的居 住問題,從數量、價格等不一而全,然 而,卻始終缺乏一個整體通盤性的規 劃。在社會住宅部分,既有的國宅、整 宅及中繼住宅多以老舊不堪,雖然台 北市柯市長提出了興建五萬戶公宅的 計畫,然而在蓋怎麼樣的公共住宅上 似乎還有不少討論的空間。 Habitation issue had been vital to Taipei for more than decades, however few had been done. Even though the current Taipei mayor promoted a project of 50,000+ new public housings, the type and objective of housing had yet been fully discussed.
新型態公共住宅提案 The promotion of a new style public housing
New Public Housing
1.Residence Build Up: -30% Special Need -10% Local -30% Citizen -30% Youth
2.Facility -Open to the Public. -Indoors & Outdoors. -Can be isolated or be connect with the existings.
Community Classroom
Co-Working Space
Urban Linear Green
Community Gym
Studio House
The concept of the city in the city, which proceeds from a collage of a different urban entities, will be completed antithetically by the space in between the urban islands. Here the structures, by now valueless, ought to be allowed to gradually retransform into natural zones and pastures, without any rebuilding. This concerns in particular the areas of Kemperplatz, the stations of Görlitz and Potsdam, and, at a later stage, the Tempelhofer airport. Hence, the urban islands would be divided from each other by strips of nature and green, thus defining the framework of the city as a green archipelago(綠色群島).
O.M. Ungers The City in the City
但是,台北並不是戰後柏林,而是一個密度極高的小都市 However, Taipei is nowhere like the Berlin after WWII, but a small and crowded metropolitan.
安格斯的論述,揭示了城市再造的一 種可能性,但是對已經極為擁擠且高 度開發的台北,卻無法一體適用。 The thesis of O.M. Ungers depicts one of the possibilities of recreating a modern city. However being so intense and highly developed, such method or strategy may not suit the need of Taipei.
What is the future of this unequivalent City?
綠色群島 Archipelago
台北城市的空間架構,是以矩陣模 組化街道切割出來的街廓所組成
The urban fabric of Taipei City is formed by blocks cut by grided roads.
每一個街廓都有不同的被使用情形,因應 他不同的區位及面積
Every block is being used differently, depending on their different size and location.
但是某種程度上,現有以街廓劃分土地使用權限的方式某種程 度是相當粗糙的,尤其是在屬於住商混合的台灣 However, to some extend, the current method defiining the use of land may be consist too rough, expecally in Taiwan where commerz and habitation are mixed togather.
但是在城市的中心,街廓淪為仕紳階級的權力遊戲場 But, in the urban area of a city, blocks become the prey of higher class citizens
Urban Context of Taipei:450*480m
If every block is an archipelago, than the urban area of Taipei will be flooded with capitalized archipelagos 在城市中,仕紳階級佔地為王,在不 斷炒作之下,社經地位較低或是較年 輕的族群逐漸失去的城市中的容身 之地,被迫被「擠」到城市的外圍,或 是周遭的衛星市鎮。 In the urban area of a city, wealthy people occupied most of the blocks to build expensive apartments, as a result, people with lower income or the younger generations are force to move to the outter part of the city or surrounding townships.
當街廓被佔據, 我們是否還有一個不一樣的選擇? When the blocks are occupied, Do we have a different opprotunaty?
台北雖然擁擠,但事實上還有許多非典型的空間可以使用 Crowded, but still with minor unexpected vacancies.
內科園區 1990-
Taipei Main Station 西門町 1950-80 1990-
後站商圈 1950-90
忠孝頂好商圈 敦北商業帶 1980-95 1975-95
Presidential Palace 站前商圈 1950-80
營邊段 1970
Green Boulevard Potencial Site Spacial Knot
仁愛路 1.
City Hall 信義計畫區 1981-
This thesis design tries to modify the usage of “Roads”.
當最具公共性的街道空間成為城市生活的主角, 我們正在挑戰既有對於街道的概念,並賦予新的角色 When the territory with the highest publicity become the major part of our new urban life, we are currently challenging the traditional idea of a road while giving it a new role.
在眾多不同的選項當中,我選擇了公車專用道上方的空間作為我的基地 Within the numerous site options, I have chosen the space aove the public bus lanes to be my site.
Space for Construction 40 Degrees
Site Selecting Requirements
1.Road wider than 30m 2.Bus lane wider than 8m 3.Bus lane in the center of the road 4.Not an existing green avenue 5.Available length longer than 500m 6.Surrounding conditions under consideration
Bus Lanes
雖然面對限制, 這條13公里長的新系統也同時給予了機會
Though facing limitations, this 13km long mega-structure may provide new opprotunaty
並植入公共空間與內容 Inserted Public Space & Facility -都會綠廊 Urban Green Avenue -青創工作空間及商店 Start-Up Hub & Co-Working Space -工作室型態青年住宅 Studio House
當點、線、面串連成為一個迴圈,新的生活型態就此產生 When numerous points are connected to form a loop, the new urban lifestyle is than created.
Promotion of young talents
The come-back of young people
Activation of community sporting space
Filling educational gaps
Creation of leisure greens
A“Miniature City” Lifestyle
The past, present and the potential future, enclosed in the length of 200 meters.
I have chosen 200m within the 13km to be the site of my thesis design
Minquan W. Rd.
Between Taipei bridge and Chengde Rd.
Creating a green system through the urban area of Taipei
Conceptial Diagram
Daily life in a “Miniature City”
Bus Stop
Connecting Ramp
3F Plaza
Studio House
Corner Park
Main Plaza
Street View
在這個微型島嶼城市當中,我嘗試為每一個使用者創造屬於自己的 一個小角落。在青年輔助系統的建設上,利用新創聚落群聚效應的方 式,讓有想法、能力卻缺乏資金的年輕人或團隊得到一個城市中的落 腳點,進而成長茁壯,同時利用綠色廊道建設出屬於台北心的生態跳 島,並適度補充因為城市發展過於迅速所遺留下來的公共設施空缺。 In this miniature city, I try to create a special spot for everyone. It can be a high line plaza for sunbath, a exterior cafe for afternoon tea or even urban argriculture for people’s leisure life. As for the start-up hub and young talent promoting system, I try to make a bigger community by groupping people and teams up in the same place so that young talents with less financial support can have a place to stay in the urban area of a city. On the other hand, the green avenue above the city reconstructs the ecological island in Taipei whereas the public facilities fill up the need after rapid developements.
Site Plan
+5.2m Plan