HYDRA TKU A.S.A EA1 Portfolio
作者 歐睿煌 Designed by Thomas Ou
當 夢想 面臨了 巨大挑戰 前方的一切 那困難的道路 我卻永遠不放棄 When my dream comes to a difficult chellenge what's in front of us the obsticals in front of us I should never ever give up
目 。 錄
CATALOG 01 Me And Myself
02 Cubes&More Cubes
02-1 R-Wall&The Little House
02-2Vertical R Cubes 03 Cubes The Second Rebuild Symphony
04 期中「晾」 設計
05 The Story of 06 The Story of Envirnment Part I Envirnment Part II
07 The Practice Activities
我˙和 我自己
在這次的作業裡,我所要 傳達的是ㄧ個我所奉行的 生活態度 - 一步一腳印
Step by step I follow, on the path of architectural life
在我胸前有一個可以旋轉的結構,其 實,他有兩個意涵,他除了是ㄧ個螺 旋槳之外,在旋轉時他也代表著人生 中各種高低起伏,有時輕鬆愜意,有 時緊張刺激,然而,我依舊會遵循一 步一腳印,永不放棄的生活態度,繼 續走下去螺旋槳的意涵其實顯而易 見,相信大家都有坐飛機的經驗,也 都相當瞭解噴射引擎飛機和螺旋槳飛 機本質上的差別 - 速度,然而,速度 較慢的螺旋槳飛機其實只要多花點時 間也是會到達目的地的,而背後則是 一個噴射機的後燃器,取其直線朝目 標前進而不回頭以自我勉勵
A propeller, in this case established two meanings. It is not only an ordinary propeller but also establishes the ups and downs of life. Sometimes life is smooth and easy but sometimes it’s hard and harsh. No matter which situation I am in, I will always follow the designed path and never give up.
在身體的兩側是完全對稱 的結構,主要做完連接性 及支撐性結構,值得注意 的是在膝蓋的部分,由兩 個木筐所組成的結構是由 胸前的螺旋槳所控制,而 其施力方向夾了ㄧ個 90 度 的直角,代表著生活中必 定有逆風及側風的存在, 不全然是順風的,卻仍須 秉持著一樣的態度向前行 On both sides of the body are exactly the same structures and it is mainly used as connecting and supporting strategies. The focus point should be on the knees, formed by two wooden frames this strategy is directly controlled by the propeller above but with a 90 degree right angle. This contributes that there are not only favorable circumstances but also obstacles. After all, one should always maintain the same attitude and keep going.
Cube & More Cubes
一段歷練,一段過程,對 我而言,那不只是一個作 業,而是,一次重新檢視、 準備自己的機會 It is not only a section of experience or a section of process. As it concerns to me that it is a opportunity to inspect and prepare ourselves.
ㄧ次一次被退件的過程,對於 我而言是耐性上很大的考驗, 然而,隨著每一次畫線、每一 刀、每一次上膠,原本生疏的 技術都不斷精進,或許,被退 間的過程很痛苦、很煩,卻也 讓我們有所收獲
The process of being rejected was awful. It is also testing my patience to the limits. However, along with each line drew, ever cut and ever paper glued, the once unfamiliar technics were now skilled. Even though the process was painful and irritating but surely will benefit us a lot.
每一個接頭、每一個卡榫都經過認 真地設計,除了考慮美觀之外,更 不能缺少力學上的設計,雖然,最 後還是沒能成功撐住四塊磚,但是 在失敗中學習也是很重要滴
Each attachment needs to be very carefully designed. It should not only be artistic but should also consider mechanical designs. At last, even though the cubes didn’t successfully support four bricks weight, I still managed to learn my lesson from failure
R Wall & 小房子 R Wall & The Little House
再單純、在簡單的東西, 都有它複雜的一面,被 R 是過程,重要的是在背 R 的過程中,到底學習到 了甚麼 Anything being so easy always has it's complicated side. Being rejected is a process, the main point is what you have learned from this process
小房子是在 Cube and more Cubes 的作業中穿插的助教小作業,剛拿 答題目的時候,曾經對他嗤之以鼻,然而,再一次次被退件的過 程中,才真正學習到對於自己作品要求完美的重要態度。其實對 我而言,身為一位未來的建築師,手工或許不是最重要的,然而, 面對問題時盡全力去做到盡善進美甚至吹毛求疵的態度,去是不 可或缺的 The small house project is a project assigned by the teaching assistants along with the major project-Cube and more Cubes. When first receive this assignment, I once snored at it. However after a repeatedly drawn back process, I than truly learned the attitude to be perfect a mound our own projects. To me myself, as a future architect, I really don’t commend handworking as the most important task. However, it the urge to do one’s very best that counts.
俯視及側視圖 Overlooking and Sidelooking View
一段過程,一段永遠不會忘記 的記憶 A process, an unforgettable memory
崩潰 Going nutes
Vertical R-Cubes Rebuild
在毫無章法中尋找屬於自 己 的 故 事, 其 中 的 每 一 磚、每一瓦,都曾經耗費 了相當時間製作,也因此 深具意義 Finding our own story in absolute no methodicalness, every brick involved as cost a lot of working hours. And that’s the reason why it’s meaningful.
這是一個團體即席創作,而素材是之前被 R 掉的 Cube,再 一次看到他們其實百感交集,一方面高興這些 Cube 還有重 見天日的機會,另一方面又由些惆悵,因為一段記憶將就 此消失,無論他是否苦澀。我是第四組的,我們這組的創 作理念是以人為出發點,然後建構出了一個“仿生”的作 品,他被賦予的意義是藉由人的各種機能轉會為一個城市 應有的各種都市機能。例如頭腦是人體的決策中心,應此 在我們的城市中接近頭部的位置就成為行政中心了,有一 如雙腳是拿來行走的,在城市中雙腳的位置就順理成章地 變成機場及碼頭的位置了。很有趣吧
This is a group design, and it has to be done in a limited time. The materials of this project are the cubes being rejected in the previous project. See the cubes again just makes all sort of feelings well up all in one again. I am some how happy to see that these cubes can be reused, but I am also panicking that a piece of memory will just fade away, no matter it’s happy or sad. I am in group four, our main theory was to start at the point of view of human and build a project which has ‘’life’’ in it. This project was given a meaning that the functions of the city was transformed form human. For example, the brain is the decision-making center of our body, that makes the top part of our city the city government, isn't that cool.
在經過過程緊張的組裝和競爭激 烈的評比之後,我們這組僥倖沒 有墊底,卻也沒有拿到兵家必爭 的第一名,不過,在製作的過程 中我們也學到團隊分工合作的重 要性,作為組長的獲益匪淺。
After the intense build-up process and the emulating comparison, our team has not set the base by luck, but has not made it to the top either. However, during the process we have truly learned a lot. As a team leader, it also benefits me a lot.
Cubes The Second Symphony
線, 一 條 一 條, 構 成, 想像中的,世界,然而, 那被留下的空白,或許, 才是故事的開端 Lines. Forming an imaginary world. However, the blanks that was left might somehow be the beginning of the story.
Cubes 被 R 掉的 Cubes,在發題的當下,那些被 R 掉的 Cube 一直在我腦中浮現,因子,這次我就以焦點為主題,觀察 一些被 R 掉 Cube 的種種。在觀察的過程中,我發現那些 Cube 大部分的接縫都是完美的,然而,就是那其中的一兩 個小細節造成了他的失敗,或許,人也是一樣的,如果不 重視每一件事情中的每一個小要素,必然會招致失敗
Cubes. The cubes being rejected. At the very moment we were presented the topic, the cubes being rejected immediately fall into my mind. I decided to use focus point as my topic right away. By observing the rejected cubes, I clearly found out that the reason to being rejected for most cubes is due to some very minor mistakes. However, those minor issues might just be the key to succeed. If one don’t pay full attention on those issues, one may never be successful.
故事,就從一顆被 R 掉的 Cube 開始,或許有些人認為那是 不堪回首的過去,然而我卻認為從錯誤中學習,從錯誤錯 中找尋新的原動力是非常重要的,因此,這次的作品我特 別將重點擺在 Cube 有瑕疵的部分,從的兩個 Cube 之間的縫 隙往外看,在狹縫中的世界有著許多的故事還來不及對大 家訴說呢
This story starts from a cube that had been rejected. Probably most of us found it as a past that is unbearable to recall, however, I think the chance to learn from one’s mistakes and find the new motivation from one’s mistake is fairly important. This clearly tall the reason why I decided to put my focus point on the slightly defected parts. Browse the world once more from between the narrow slits. Between the slits is a new world to be discovered.
建構,在錯誤中學習,或許,跌倒了、受傷了,那看不 見的傷口,卻成為茁壯的原動力。繪製版面的過程中, 曾經感到失望、感到失落,卻秉持相同的信念,作就對 了,全神貫注,只希望畫出一條條有生命的線條,讓那 些線條,訴說那未完的故事
To construct. To learn from every mistake. One might fall, might get hurt, but the injury unseen is just the right motivation to grow strong. During the process of drawing the pictures, I once felt disappointed, felt distressed, but should always stick to the every lasting faith, just do it. Pay full attention, only wanting to print lines that are living. Let those lines tell the unfinished stories.
兩顆 Cube 之間有無限的吸引力,想合起來卻永遠都有縫,或許,縫亦是縫,
Infinite attractions between the two cubes seemed endless. Wanting to get be there, may god give us the answer?
t along but never accepted a slit to stay between. Should it always
期中 『晾』設計
展現,努力的成果,晾, 亮, 只 因, 亮 點, 無 所 不在
Perform, what was been designed in the weeks. Showing brightness which exist everywhere.
經過了一段的風風雨雨,來到了期中,三個設計案,三個 不同形態的作品,匯集成冊,展現在一條條懸掛在屋頂上 的彈性繩上,「晾」,是個動詞,但是在這裡,我想把它 當一個形容詞用,因為「晾」亦是「亮」,或許在多年後 的某一天,再度翻開這本作品集,心裡會更有感觸,畢竟, 這是上建築系以來第一次整理自己的作品吧。 Over coming a bunch of obsticals, it's time dor mid-term presentation. Three design projects, three different kinds of design concept. Togather, it forms a porfolio, hanging on the ceiling with some elastic strings. Hanging is a verb, but here I would like to use it as an adjective. Because hanging is pronounced the same way with showing in chinese, interesting. Maybe after several more year, one may some day flip open this porfolio again, the feeling in my heart will deffently be stronger.
環境的敘事ㄧ The Story of Envirnment Part I
環境,我們生長的環境。 認 識 它、 瞭 解 它, 讓 他 成為你我生活的,一 部 份。 The environment, the place in which we grow in. Know her, understand her and let our mother Earth be a part of our daily life.
壹、前言 Front Story
捷運,是許多人生活的一部分,對於高中時必須通勤上下 學的我也是如此,在這個不斷移動的空間中,在通勤的過 程中,你,究竟在做甚麼?而又是甚麼影響了你的行為模 式?學校早自習的考試、擁擠的車廂還是對面座位上的陌 生人?或許,你,才是自己的主宰者。
The Taipei MRT system is an important part of a lot of people's every day life. Regarding to my past life in high-school seemed to be the same. In the rapidly moving space, what are you actually doing? Preparing for tests? Talking non-sense? It's you that depends.
100 秒的時間,不長,不短,正好是,從淡水搭捷運到紅 樹林的時間,不管你是離開還是到來,100 秒不會變長更 不會變短,而在那說長不長說短不短的 100 秒中,你,究 竟在做甚麼?看窗外淡水河明媚的風光?回一則臉書上的 動態?還是,僅僅是做好準備下車的準備呢? 100 seconds seemed not to be a long period of time, but it is exactly the time need to travel from Tamsui to Mangrove by MRT. The time spend between the two stations will never be longer or shorter, what are you actually doing? Seeing the beautiful scene of Tamsui river? Send a message on Facebook? Or simply get ready to get off the MRT?
時間 Time
距離 Distance
2.2 公里的距離,可以區隔出,兩個看似分離卻又緊密相關 的,世界。2.2 公里,是捷運淡水站和捷運紅樹林站的距離, 兩個車站,兩群不同心情的乘客,回家,離家,一字之差, 意義,相差卻有十萬八千里之遠,好似,那永遠不回頭的 旭日,從此,沒了交集。 2.2 kilometers of distance is able to separate two co-connected places. 2.2 kilometers is the right distance between MRT Tamsui and Mangrove station. Two stations, two different groups of passengers. Leaving or arriving home, the differences in between is so far apart.
貳、畫派 Drawings
我選擇的畫派是立體派,因為我認為從不同觀點、不同角 度看事情也是立體派地展現方式之一。 The style I have chosen was Cubism. I think looking upon the same thing from different prospectives is also a way to express this style.
參、觀察 Diagram ㄧ、關於基地 Site View 1. 淡水 Tamsui
淡水,古稱滬尾,早在七千多年前就有人類居住的蹤跡,在 2011 年正式將 Tamsui 定為其正式且唯一的英文譯名。 淡水位於新北市西北沿海,臨近淡水河出海口北側,與對岸的 八里隔淡水河遙遙相望,自古以來便是商船聚集的繁榮貿易口 岸,現今雖然因為淡水河淤積嚴重,其貿易功能已不復存在, 然而透過以些當時遺留下來的建築物,也不難想像當年淡水的 興榮。 Tamsui, having it's first humanity in more than 7000years ago, islocated in the north-western coast of New-Taipei City. Tamsui is on the north bank of Tamsui river, sitting apart from Bali on the south bank. From long ago, Tamsui is a harbor with boats full of foreigh goods. Even though this fucility has now be replaced due to series deposite, but by just look in to the pieces of architecture left behind, it's not hard to look back in to the prosperity days.
地址 捷運淡水站
2. 捷運淡水線 MRT Tamsui Line 興建於日治時期的 1900 年,到其正式吹熄號角的 1988 年,北 淡線鐵路走過風光的一頁,但在時代的巨輪之下,卻也不得不 低頭。 沿淡水河而建,北淡線鐵路最初的興建目的是將由日本運抵淡 水港的機具快速運往台北城,爾後雖然其貨運功能因為淡水港 被基隆港所取代而逐漸消逝,卻仍是台北和淡水之間最重要的 路上交通工具,然而,面對老舊及虧損,曾經是人們生活一部 分的北淡線鐵路終究逃離不了拆除的命運,只能永久長存在屬 於那個世代人的記憶裡。 Built in the 1900s, the original perpose of building the Taipei-Tamsui railway was to transport the mechines shipped from Japan in to Taipei City. Unfortunatelly, it still has to face the out sidding facts of being rebuild. Being one of the most important transportation sistem connecting Taipei City and Tamsui, this railway has gone through it's prosperity days.Even though the original function of carring cargo has fade away due to the fact that Tamsui harbor had been over taken by Keelung harbor, the railway still mantained for nearly ninety years until it was demilited in 1988.
3. 捷運淡水站 MRT Tamsui Station 1997 年 3 月 28 日,捷運淡水站隨著捷運淡水線中山 - 淡水段通 車而啟用,至今已經過十五個寒暑,捷運淡水線為台灣第一條 由傳統鐵路改建為捷運的例子,此計劃為 1970 年代大台北都 市捷運系統計劃的一環,於 1988 動工興建,至 1997 年始完成 第一階段工程通車,此一路線捷運帶動原本因距離市中心過於 遙遠而發展停滯的新北市北部地區發展,促進地方發展功不可 沒。 March 28, 1997, MRT Tamsui Station opened alone with the starting of MRT red line. Having gone through 15 years, the MRT line was first in it's kind to transform a traditional railway into MRT sistems. This plan of building MRT Tamsui line was part of the 1970s major Taipei City MRT constructing program. Tamsui line was the first line to open business. The opening of this MRT line shortens the gap between northern New-Taipei City and the city center, was a pwerful encouragement for the locals.
It's a part of life
二、關於記錄 Recording 1. 立體派 Cubism
對我而言,立體派的定義不止於在平面上創建一個 立體的形象,而是可以從各個不同的角度、面向看 同一件事情。 To me, the meaning of cubism for me is not only to create a 3D frame on a 2D scripe, it is to study a task from different point of view and really understand it.
2. 視覺 Eye Sight 你在看我嗎? 有時候,別人的視線也會輕易的影響其 他人的行為模式,當有人在看時,人的行為模式趨於 內斂,而當沒有人在看時,人的行為模式則趨於外放。 Are you looking at me? Sometimes, other people's eye sight can easily interact one's behavior. When there is someone looking, people's behavior tend to be more in collect. In the other hand, one's behavior becomes more out collect when there is no body looking.
3. 空間 Space 對我而言,空間有兩種,實際的空間和心裡的空間, 實際的空間比較具象,也比較不會改變,但是心裡 的空間就不太一樣了,沒有具體的牆壁也沒有實際 的範圍,在每個人心中,它要多大就多大,要多小 就多小。 From my point of view, ther are two kinds of space, the original one and the one in your heart. The original one is somehow solid, it chances less. On the other hand, the space in your heart is rather complacated, it does not have a solid wall or site span, in every one's heart, it can be as large as you wish.
4. 密度 Dancity 擁擠程度,影響人行為模式的要素之ㄧ。 Dancity, a way to influence one's behavior.
三、關於分析 Analysis
從密度、空間及視覺等三個面向分析結果,竟得到了意 想不到的結論。 Analyses the datas from three different sides, having to found a surprise answer.
四、關於結論 Conclution 空間、密度和視覺接觸對於人的行為都有著不同程度的 影響,而又以視覺接觸最為顯著。 Space,dancity and eye contact are all facts that will infact our behavior. However, eye contact has the most intence outshowing.
肆、概念 Concept 捷運,ㄧ個不斷移動的空間,在裡面,你,究竟在做甚 麼?,而又是甚麼影響了你的行為模式?空間?密度?還 是視覺 ...... 不為人知的原因就藏在你我的日常生活中。 The MRT system, a space that is rapidly moving. Inside, what are you acually doing? And what is acually influencing your behavior? Space? Dancity? Or sight? The undiscover reason is just hidding behind our everyday life.
伍、模型 Model 這是ㄧ個被分解開的捷運車廂,總共被分成三組共六個獨 立的空間,空間的大小由空間中乘客的密度來決定,密度 愈大的空間在模型中的框架就愈小,借以製造緊密的感覺, 反之亦然,各個空間彼此呈立體排列,看似毫無秩序,然 而他其實是按照及運車廂配置修正得來的,而在立面上的 鋁網、賽璐璐片及木構造主要希望創造透明度及反射度上 的變化,借以產生視覺上不同的感覺。 This is a MRT cabin that has been separated and it has been separated in three main parts. The expence of the spaces is decided depending on the dencity of the passengers. The larger the dancity of the passenger is, the smaller the space provide on the model is. The reason of doing so is to create a tight or full feeling. The spaces is connected in a 3D way, it seemed to have nearly no rules at all, however, it is accually based on the original configuration of the MRT cabin. The aluminum network, celluloid piece and wood construction on the walls is used to create differences on transparency and reflection, inorder to create the difference on view sight.
陸、心得 Experience 這次的設計,我選擇了一個看似稀鬆平常的課題,從生活 中息息相關的事件出發,運用不同的觀察方法找出影藏其 中的秘密,在評圖場上,我又一次發現了自己的不足,對 於從平面資訊轉為立體概念模的轉化過程以及對於基地上 物件的增減調配都還有討論的空間。 This design project, I have chosen a rather normal topic. Starting from our everyday life, using all kinds of reaching technic to find out the answer behind the facts. On the presentation, I once more found out my lect of ability. there are still a lot of improvement needed to be made in the future.
環境的敘事二 The Story of Envirnment Part II
材料,存在于生活中的 每 個 角 落, 親 近 它, 善 用 它, 創 造, 不 可 能 中 的無限可能。 Material is found everywhere in our envirement. Get close to your materials and learn to use them wisely. Create brightness in something that seemed to be imposible.
壹、前言 Front Story
你在看我嗎?視覺接觸毫無疑問的是影響密閉空間(捷運 車廂)中人的行為的最主要因素。有些時候,視覺接觸的 影響能力甚至比直接的肢體接觸更為強大。過去一直是個 捷運通勤族的我,急於瞭解在那迷團後的真實故事。 I.C.Q(I Seek You). Sight and eye contacts are definately the major factor that deeply influence ones behavior in a fixed space(MRT Car). Sometimes, eye sights are even more powerful than direct touchings. Being a MRT passenger for many years, eager to find out the story behind the mist.
貳、觀察與分析 Observation& Analysis ㄧ、觀察 Observation 要在捷運上做觀察和拍照其實並不是一件容易的事 情,因為當我拿出一臺大大的單眼相機時,沒個人都 不自覺地往反方向轉,導致拍到的照片大多是別人的 背面,好在最後成功利用手機當做偽裝,才成功拍到 捷運上乘客最自然的狀態。 It is extreme hard to do observatio and take photos on the MRT. Whenever I take out my camera, all the passengers automatically turn to the opposite side. That explans why most of my photographes are taking from the back of the people being shot. Finally, I learned to use my cellphone as a camouflage than finally took the perfect photo I need.
二、分析 Analysis 從觀察得到的結果進一步分析,發現影響捷運上乘客 行為的三大因素是密度、空間以及視覺。 1. 密度:密度高 -> 行餵趨於內斂 密度低 -> 行為趨於外放 2. 空間:分為兩個部分,人與人的距離和人在空間中 所佔有的範圍。 3. 視覺:視野 ->120 度 -> 視覺熱區 Base on the observations above, I found out that the major factors that deeply influenced the passengers' behaviors are dansity, space and most important sight.
參、模型概念與材料 Concept & Material ㄧ、概念 Concept 在自己的島上,看,被看,120 度的熱區,似乎,所說 著我行為的律動。 Standing on one's own island. Seek. The hot spot of one's field of vision. Telling the story which was never told before.
二、材料 Material 水泥,產自那巨大而沈重的石灰岩,表面的波紋,卻 記載了移動的痕跡。木材,展現韌性,也框架出人與 人的距離。金屬,閃亮動人,照映出,視覺的交會。 壓克力,澄澈透明,讓視覺肆無忌憚。 Concrete, being so heavy, secretly record, the waves of tiny movements. Wood, presenting it's toughness, colaborating the distance between one another. Metal, being so shinning, linghting the contory of sight. Acrylic, showing it's transparency, frees one's view.
小作業 The Practice Activities
鍛鍊,在最細微的地方 ; 技巧,總是源自於最基 本 的 練 習。 小 作 業, 一 種牽絆,一種試煉。 Forging, at the tiniest part of an issue. Technic, comes from the basics of a practice. The practice activities, an obstical, an trial.
壹、系館速寫 Department of Architecture 了解,未來五年的第二個家,用顏色 區隔出不同的樓層及空間。 Get used to the second home for the next five years. I use different colors to differeate the different spaces.
貳、剖透 Perspective
頗、 透, 在 cube 的 空間中尋找無限的可 能。 Perspective. Find, the unexpected story behind the mist.
參、木工 Wood 尋找,木頭的紋理,找尋不精準中的精 準。 Find, the texture of the woods. Find, the accuratcy behind the disaccuratcy.
肆、鐵工 Metal
堅硬,卻充滿可塑性,閃亮動人,卻累到想殺人。 Hard, but always plasticity. Bright, but just so hard to process.
ㄧ個學期,不長,不短,足以讓對建築曾經一翹 不通的我,逐漸地、慢慢地,進入建築的世界, 或許,夜晚的淡水是黑暗的、是寒冷的,但是, 當全班同學為了同一個目標而努力時,再辛苦的 事都會變得很熱血,大一的日子說起來真的不輕 鬆,但是只要找對方法、找對方向,前方的困難 終將獲得解決,大一上,建築系的第一本作品集, 在此,暫時劃下句點。 A semaster's time is just the right period of time to let an out-sider become part of the architecture world. Maybe, the dark, cold nights of Tamsui is really hard to go through. But when all ofour classmates work hard for the same reason and goal, it seemed to be a cool thing to do. EA1 is never going to be easy, but just to find the right way to deal with things may keep you on the right sid eof the line. Even though there are still obsticals to be over came, thing are only going to get better. End of EA1 fall semester, temporarily.