Driving into the ocean of architecture Finding new elements to create new ideas Facing all kinds of obsticals and difficulties Never forget the original intention I promised to myself Be hungry Be foolish most of all -- NEVER GIVE UP
Context 01 Winter Vacation Experiments 02 Cube & More One Cube 03 Drawing Dimentions 04 Case Studies 05 Field Trip Report 06 In Between the Two 07 Eco - Recover
01 Winter Vacation Experiments
contiunous progressing is the only way to succeed
Get started with something different. Difficult, sometimes even painful. Hour after hour of continuous working. Wanting to achieve my goal.
02 Cube & More One Cube
10*10*10. This is only a simple unit. Claen, simple but nothing close to easy
Push, pull. Design is made thought some really simple movements. `
03 Drawing Dimentions
Measuring to the tiniest unit. Combining both of the elements in order to form a new idea or enen a new design.
What I have created was a new type of pine cone, instead of using the power from the plant itself, it uses the power from a toy car, which mught be able to send it further and with better accuracy.
04 Case Studies
Koshino House Architest : Tadao Ando Building Time : 1979 - 1982, 1983 - 1984 (extention) Site Location : Ashiya, Japan
Site Plan
Contribute all the best of japanese arvhitecture. Cpmplete as a great masterpiece.
1F Plan
S-W Elevation
N-E Elevation
Critical Parts
2F Plan
A-A” Section
B-B” Section
Tadao Ando’s design for the Koshino House features two parallel concrete rectangular confines. The forms are partially buried into the sloping ground of a national park and become a compositional addition to the landscape. Placed carefully as to not disrupt the pre-existing trees on the site, the structure responds to the adjacent ecosystem while the concrete forms address a more general nature through a playful manipulation of light. More about the Koshino House after the break.
The northern volume consists of a two-storey height containing a double height living room, a kitchen and a dining room on the first floor with the master bedroom and a study on the second floor. The southern mass then consists of six linearly organized children’s bedrooms, a bathroom and a lobby. Connecting the two spaces is a below grade tunnel that lies beneath the exterior stairs of the courtyard. Ando used the space within the two rectangular prisms as a way to express the fundamental nature of the site. This space reveals a courtyard that drapes over and contours to the natural topography. A wide set of stairs follows the sloping land into the enclosed exterior space and allows the light that penetrates through the canopy of trees into the sunken courtyard. This self-governing space represents the fold of nature that has been bound by the conditioned structures and become synthetic. Narrow apertures have been punched through the façades adjacent to the exterior staircase and manipulate complex crossings of natural light and shadow into the interior spaces. The patterns provide the only amount of ornament to the simple rooms. Other slots are cut from various planes of the two modules to produce the same effect of complexity throughout the entire house. Four years after the original construction, Ando designed a new addition to the compound. Placed to the north of the existing structures, the new cave-like space rests within the upward sloping piece of land. The study features a bold curve in contradiction to the rectilinear organization, initiating a completely new rhythm. Separate from the original courtyard design, the space between the addition and the original mass allows nature to remove the forms from each other. A patch of grass weaves its way between the concrete structures, while the curved wall extends from the building to define the exterior space. Similar to the other boxes, a slice of the ceiling plane along the curved wall is removed to add that bit of complexity and ornamentation to the interior; however, the curved patterns of light greatly differ from the linear patterns in the former building.
Conceptial Drawing
Material experiment. Trying to figure out how to create a real architecture concrete
05 Field Trip Report
常聽人說,讀萬卷書,不如行千里路,想必,一年多來設計課的第一次校外教學活動,就是在這樣的背景之下 成行的吧! 這次的農業博覽會可以發現是以綠能、環保為主要訴求,因此園區內許多的建築物或是裝置藝術的展覽品都是 在這樣的情境之下所創造出來的,以入口處的桁架系統為例,建築師捨棄了慣用的金屬管,取而代之的是在台 灣極為常見的一種材料--孟宗竹,利用竹子本身量體較鉛直且俱有一定任性及剛性強度的特性,創造了此一入 口裝飾,非常的高明。而材料竹子的取得在亞熱帶的台灣也非常的容易,經過妥善處理之後也不失成為建築結 構上的良好材料之一。 在農博的所有展館及設施之中,我最感興趣的是大門進去右手邊的輕食廚房,並不是因為那你提供了不少健康 有美味的食物,而是有一點蛋形的建築物總是特別吸引我的目光,除此之外,它內部在中央的位置有十二根以 竹子加工而成並交錯排列的竹市也非常吸引我的目光,總是在想這樣的設計是在怎麼樣的情境之下發想出來的 ,簡單,卻極具設計上的張力,非常引人注目。 除了輕食廚房之外,我也很喜歡炭匯林場所想要傳達的概念,這次的雲林農博最主要想要傳達的六個中心思想 分別是和諧的環保、平衡的生態、永續的生存、安全的食品、自信的文創和深耕的教育,那麼像碳匯林場這樣 以教育為本的展覽館就顯得特別重要,以比較輕鬆、有趣的方式體驗一些在生活中容易被忽略的部分,永續經 營的概念在近年來蔚為風潮,身體力行,應該是最終極的目標。 短短的一個下午,參觀了這次運林農博的幾個重點展館及攤位,雖然不能說經過這次的參訪這些設計的手法、 這些生活的態度馬上會對我造成一些影響,但是相信在潛移默化之下必定會有所收獲。
可以說是舊地重遊,經過一年的時間,再次踏入一年一度的宜蘭綠色博覽會武荖坑園區,那種既陌生又 熟悉的感覺伴隨著打在身上的細細雨絲,交織出一片美麗的場景,不過,今天似乎不是來純郊遊欣賞風 景的日子。 這次的綠色博覽會有許多系上學長姊及老師們的作品展出,我們發現了許多數位建築結合大自然了案例 ,覺得非常有趣,因為一般我們對數位建築的認知常常停留在利用電腦運算跑出一些非常誇張而不切實 際的形體或是超級複雜根本沒辦法真正蓋出來的結構,但是在這裡我們親眼看到1:1的模型站立在我們的 眼前,看得到、摸得到最重要的是這些形體或結構大多還可以輕易地被單元化及模組化,換句話說就是 有被機械化大量生產的條件,讓我對這方面的知識有了更進一步的認識,雖然說現階段對於走數位建築 這條路還沒有什麼特殊的想法,不過等時間到的時候相信這次的經驗會帶給我更精準的判斷。 見學之旅讓我們實際看見無論事理論課或是設計課上所學習到的東西被真實應用的情形,著實令人期待
學 長 姊 作 品 觀 模
06 In Between the Two
Connecting parts of the building. Constructing a new era for department of architecture. Nothing big nor small. Origins from my personal experience and other problems, dedicates the different and differences.
At first, I try to create a prototype of my design. Things didn’t went out as successful as I expected.
Than I decided to go back from sketch. Abandom the easy way of constructing a piece of architecture. Instead, I try to create a special space by breaking up connected spaces .
What I have crrated is not one but two separate constructions. I try to form some connections between the two builbings, this is part of my concept. In order to deal with the open space in the center part, I try to create some dotted walls to make it not too empty.
This is what my final model looks on the original site model. To be honest, I don’t think it perpectly fits with the original building, but it expresses a special feeling for me. It is a kind of feeling one will never experience if one didn’t really know what I am trying to tell.
07 Eco - Recover
Hobe Fort, Built directly after the Sino - French war. It is one of the ten modern type war built during the Qing dynasty. Located in the northern part of New Taipei City, it guraded the northern part of Taiwan to be named as “The Key of the North�
Site Discovery
Overall Display
Layers & Material
I have chosen Hobe Fort as my design site because I found a lot of cracks in this place. These cracks are formed due to a varity to reasons, it can be formed dur to the operation of the cannon, the wind and water or simply due to poorly repairs by man.
Bionical Constructing Life of Silkworm 1.The eggs develop into the silkworm lava, grub or caterpillar. They eat for 20-30 days,consuming large amounts of mulberry leaves.The caterpillar moults through four changes of skin. 2.The silkworm spins a cocoon for protection, to permit the development of the pupa or chrysalis. The cocoon takes about three days to be fully complete and is a similar size to a peanut shell. 3.The chrysalis emerges from the cocoon as a moth. In cultivated silk, the grub is terminated while still inside the cocoon so that the long filaments are maintained.The moths mate and the female lays more than 350 eggs. The moths then die.
Silkworm Cocoons There are 4 steps to form a coccon
1.First, the matured silkworm single silk line as the structu coccon
3.In this stage of constructing the silkworm started to spit the shape of an�S�, forming ayers of the cacoon.
ms spits out ure of the
g the cacoon, t silk lines in the linner
Construction Layer
2. After constructing the outside structure of the cocoon, the silkworm will contune spit out disordered silk lines, with for the outter coat of the cocoon 4. In the last step, the size of the silkworm has bocome a lot smaller, therfore it starts to build the core of the cocoon with is called the pupa lining Outter Coat Layer
Section of Cocoon
Inner Coat Layer
Pupa Lining Layer
I tried to use the layered construction to do my design. In order to represent the costums of my site.
Bionic Architecture
Thin Shell Structure
Rope Structure
Inner Layer
Thicken Layer
Emerging from times, cities grow, prosperous and vanish. It is a circulation, a circulation that will never end. Under this framework, we create our society and community.
“city” in Latin. When more and more cities are fromed, the interactions became more and more important.
Study Model
Site Model
Final Model