Importance of Tourism Planning in Skyline College Delhi

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- Aritro Dasgupta

Importance of Tourism Planning

Tourism Planning ď‚Ą

Tourism planning is the dynamic process of determining goals, systematically selecting alternative courses of action, implementing the chosen alternatives & evaluating the choice if it is successful


Takes in to account inter-related & interdependent components like – political, physical, economic & social elements

Tourism Planning 

Usually top-down approach but often bottom up as well

More on strategy side initially, less on tactical

Strives to achieve objectives by matching available resources & programmes with the needs & wants of people

Importance of Tourism Planning 

Experience of many areas has clearly demonstrated that on long term basis, planed approach to develop tourism can bring benefits without significant problems

Tourism complicated activity overlapping several different sectors of society & economy

Can avoid unexpected & unwanted impacts of faulty tourism planning

Stages of Tourism Planning ď‚Ą

Macro Level: concerned with tourism development policies, structure plans, facility standards & institutional factors


Micro Level: detailed plans for tourism attractions, resorts, urban, rural & other forms of tourism development

Major Benefits of Tourism Planning 

Gives overall direction to purpose of tourism in the area

Maintenance of natural & cultural resources

Integrating tourism within overall development policies & establish linkage between tourism & other sectors

Providing rational basis for decision making by public & private players in tourism sector

Major Benefits of Tourism Planning 

Making possible coordinated development of different elements in tourism sector; inter-relating tourist attractions, activities, facilities & services

Optimizing & balancing economic, environmental & social benefits of tourism

Providing physical structure to guide location, types & extent of tourism development of attractions

Major Benefits of Tourism Planning ď‚Ą

Offering baseline for continuous monitoring of progress of tourism development & keeping it on track


Providing framework for effective public & private sector cooperation


Guidelines & standards for preparing detailed plans

Approaches to Tourism Planning

Integrated System ď‚Ą

Tourism planning must be an integrated system


Must balance supply & demand sides

Demand Factors 

International tourist markets

Domestic tourist markets

Residents’ use of tourist attractions, facilities & services

Supply Factors 

Attractions & activities


Other tourist facilities & services


Other infrastructure

Institutional elements

Institutional Elements in Tourism ď‚Ą

Organizational structures like government tourism offices & private sector tourism associations


Tourism related legislation & regulations like standards & licensing, requirements for hotel and tour & travel agencies


Education & training programmes to enable students to work effectively in tourism sector

Institutional Elements in Tourism ď‚Ą

Availability of financial capital to develop tourist attractions, facilities, services & infrastructure and mechanisms to attract capital investment


Travel facilitation of immigration, customs & other facilities & services at entry & exit points


Marketing & promotion strategies to inform tourists about country/ region & induce them to visit those destinations

Planning for Sustainable Development ď‚Ą

Achieving sustainability i.e. long term development has now emerged as most crucial in the tourism industry


Concept emerged in the early 1980s


Involves preservation of natural & man-made tourist attractions so that tourism can be viable at the destination for as long as possible

Planning for Sustainable Development ď‚Ą

Not just reducing environmental degradation & footprint to the lowest level possible; also improving natural capital as that will ensure greater tourist returns


Preserving local cultural heritage as much as possible


Limiting chances of the commoditization of cultures

Techniques in Sustainable Tourism Development ď‚Ą

Environmental planning approach: environment carefully surveyed, analyzed & considered in determining type & location of development


Emphasizes community based tourism; properties owned/operated by local community; instills feeling of ownership & reduces environmental & cultural erosion; reduces revenue leakage

Quality/ Niche Tourism 

Offering of best facilities at exotic locales to niche target market only

Usually hyper expensive

Focus on quality at all cost

Greater product customization for individual tourists & strong personal touch

Long Range & Strategic Planning 

Concerned with specifying goals & objectives over long range of time

10-20 years time span looking towards future

Need to take in to consideration future changes in climatic conditions, economic developments, political upheavals & social mores

Contingency plans a must as environment volatile

Strategy & Policy

Development actions

0-5 Years

Development strategy

5-10 Years

Long range policy & plan

10-20 Years

Tactical Planning 

Tactics refer to the intricate details of narrow targets/projects

In tourism tactics involves details on accommodation, facilities, price range, cuisine etc.

Sometimes ignores the long term benefit in facilitating short term gains

Thus coordination between strategic policy makers & implementers becomes crucial

Top-Down Tourism Planning 

Decision making by top management of area usually political representatives, senior bureaucrats & hoteliers of big chains

Strategic long term planning

Decisions made on basis of extensive data collected & analysis conducted

Decisions made for whole sums rather than small units

Advantages of Top-Down Tourism Planning 

Long term plans can be implemented

Broad strategy can be framed taking into consideration various stakeholders

Greater good can be taken care of even if it results in some losses

Large areas can only be worked by this approach

Less time consuming during policy formulation

Disadvantages of Top-Down Tourism Planning 

Sometimes ignores ground realities

In the name of greater good, populist decisions made to appease majority or more powerful stakeholders

Minute details may be overlooked leading to tactical problems while executing the plans

Greater chances of corruption at the top among policy makers

Bottom – Up Tourism Planning 

Decision making by top management of area with extensive consultation with stakeholders i.e. local panchayat leaders, tribal chiefs, small business groups, consumer forums etc.

Short to medium term planning

Decisions made on basis of experience & gut feeling

Decisions made for small units one at a time rather than whole sums

Advantages of Bottom-Up Tourism Planning 

Nitty-gritty & intricate details carefully studied

Small stakeholder groups’ considerations taken in to account as more democratic approach

Ground realities better understood as local provide inputs

Disdvantages of Bottom-Up Tourism Planning 

Too much interference of small stakeholder groups may result in only narrow interest groups appeased at the cost of isolating other groups

Greater chances of corruption among stakeholders as they wield enormous power

To much focus on intricate details may ignore the bigger picture

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