Fathered by
G od
Pa rtici pa n t ’s G ui de
John El dr e d g e
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© 2009 by John Eldredge All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc. The publisher is grateful to Craig McConnell for his writing skills and collaboration in developing the content for this book. Published in association with Yates & Yates, LLP, Attorneys and Counselors, Orange, California. Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. Thomas Nelson, Inc., titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fund-raising, or sales promotional use. For information, please e-mail SpecialMarkets@ThomasNelson.com. ISBN: 978-1-4185-4289-4 Printed in the United States of America 09 10 11 12 13 RRD 5 4 3 2 1
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The Masculine Journey Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. —Jeremiah 6:16
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. —1 Corinthians 13:11
The world in which we live has lost something vital, something core to understanding life and a man’s place in it. For the time in which we live is a fatherless time. I mean this in two ways. First, most men and most boys have no real relationship with their earthly fathers, so they have no one to guide them through the jungles of the masculine
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Fathered by God
journey. They are—most of us are—unfinished and unfathered men. Or boys. Or boys in men’s bodies. Our way of looking at the world has changed. We no longer live, either as a society or even as the church, with a father-view of the world, a view centered on the presence of a loving and strong father deeply engaged in our lives, to whom we can turn at any time for the guidance, comfort, and provision we need. But this is actually an occasion for hope! Because the life you’ve known as a man is not all there is. There is another way, a path laid down for centuries by men who have gone before us. A marked trail. And there is a Father ready to show us that path and help us follow it.
KEY THOUGHTS This session corresponds with chapters 1 and 2 from Fathered by God. The major points of these chapters are summarized here.
• A boy has a lot to learn in his journey to become a man, and he becomes a man only through the active intervention of his father and the fellowship of men.
• Masculinity is bestowed. A boy learns who he is and what he’s made of from a man (or a company of men). It can’t be learned from other boys, and it can’t be learned from the world of women.
• Masculine initiation is a journey; a process; a quest, really; a story that unfolds over time.
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• A man’s life is a process of initiation into true masculinity. It is a series of stages we soak in and progress through.
• We need more than a moment, a singular celebration, or ritual to take us into manhood. We need a process, a journey, an epic story of many experiences woven together, building upon one another in a progression. We need initiation. And we need a Guide.
• We aren’t meant to figure life out on our own. God wants to father us. At any point in a boy’s or a man’s life, God primarily is initiating him. So much of what we misinterpret as hassles or trials or screwups on our part is, in fact, God giving us experiences to strengthen us, or heal us, or dismantle some unholy thing in us. In other words, to initiate us—a distinctly masculine venture.
DISCUSS I started the video session talking about trying to repair my ’78 Land Cruiser. And in the introduction to this guide, I told the story of looking on the Internet to figure out how to solder the copper pipes for my sprinkler system. tt Describe a time when you’ve felt foolish or as though you were “less of a man.”
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tt What about this session on the masculine journey stands out to you? What do you find yourself reacting to most strongly?
What we have now is a world of uninitiated men. Partial men. Boys, mostly, walking around in men’s bodies, with men’s jobs and families, finances, and responsibilities.1
A boy doesn’t become a man simply because he gets older. Becoming a man is a process. A boy has a lot to learn in his journey to become a man, and he becomes a man only through the active intervention of his father and the fellowship of men. He needs someone to show him how to throw a fastball, call a girl, and land the job. tt Do these realities stir up in you . . .
• Hopelessness?—“I never had that . . . I’ll never be the man I want to be,” or, “There’s no one who can guide me.”
• Pride/Arrogance?—“I’m a self-made man who made it because I didn’t need anyone else.”
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• Impatience?—“Journey? Process? Not interested. I’m looking for something quicker.”
• Yes!—“A map and a compass. Thank God!”
Most of us fake masculine strength. We present ourselves to the world as having an external masculinity that, internally, we know we don’t. Our journey involves coming to the point of admitting that we are unfinished men who need fathering. tt Where are you on the continuum of seeing yourself as an unfinished man?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
At this point, I’m not there!
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 | Yes! I’m there. Help!
tt Say a little more about why you chose that point on the continuum.
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Fathered by God
tt Where are you on the continuum of acknowledging you can’t do this yourself, that you need someone to guide you?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
At this point, I’m not there!
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 | Yes! I’m there. Help!
tt Say a little more about why you chose that point on the continuum.
We aren’t meant to figure life out on our own. God comes to us as Father. The primary way he presents himself in Scripture is as Father. The truth is, he has been fathering us for a long time—we just haven’t had the eyes to see it. tt What’s your internal reaction to the thought that God wants to father you?
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tion or event.
tt Have you experienced God as a Father? If yes, describe the situa-
Most of what God has been trying to do in my life is to come to me as a Father and initiate me. And most of what I’ve viewed as hassle, trial, or abandonment has actually been occasions where God was either trying to surface an unfathered place in my heart or take me through an experience to provide the fathering I need. tt Do any of the following statements describe the way you view the hassles, disappointing people, and challenges of life?
• “I’m just an idiot.” • “God has abandoned me.” • “God is surfacing areas he wants to father me in.” • Or maybe something else: “ _________________________.”
tt What is God currently doing to “initiate” you?
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CLOSING THOUGHTS AND PRAYER Press play on your DVD player. The remaining portion of the video will lead you through a few final thoughts and a prayer.
I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons. —2 Corinthians 6:18
GOING DEEPER If you’re truly wanting to embrace the untamed journey Christ has planned for you, you won’t be satisfied thinking about this just once a week. This section is designed for you to study the topic further on your own after your group meets. So make some time throughout the week (on your lunch break, instead of watching TV at night, or in the early morning) to read through these questions and consider what God’s saying to you here.
R The first discussion time can begin slowly and feel awkward. You can be vulnerable and honest with one another, which is initially uncomfortable but ultimately rewarding. Or you fake it, hide, or pose, and who wants to live that life?
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you find yourself reluctant to share your thoughts? Did you temper them or regret saying too much?
tt How did the group conversation and interaction go this week? Did
tt What did God impress you with or say to you as you were meeting with the men?
tt As a boy or a young man, where did you look for your definition or understanding of masculinity?
tt How about now?
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Fathered by God
Life will test you, my brothers. Like a ship at sea, you will be tested, and the storms will reveal the weak places in you as a man. They already have. How else do you account for the anger you feel, the fear, the vulnerability to certain temptations? Why can’t you marry the girl? Having married, why can’t you handle her emotions? Why haven’t you found your life’s mission? Why do financial crises send you into a rage or depression? You know what I speak of. And so our basic approach to life comes down to this: we stay in what we can handle, and steer clear of everything else. We engage where we feel we can or we must—as at work—and we hold back where we feel sure to fail, as in the deep waters of relating to our wife or our children, and in our spirituality.2
Has life tested you? It takes some guts to admit that you fit the descriptor “partial men, boys, mostly, walking around in men’s bodies.” And yet, if we are honest about how we often feel and view ourselves, it’s true, isn’t it? tt In what “worlds” do you feel like a partial man?
• In your career? • In the wild? • In the world of finance, personal budget, money management?
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• With a woman? • As a father? • In the spiritual world . . . with God? • With mechanical things? • In relationships? • In the arts? • Other: _______________________
tt What specifically makes you feel as though you’re lacking in these areas?
tt How has your journey taken you through those areas in your past and your present? Has God spent time initiating you in those parts of your life?
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Fathered by God
At any point in a boy’s or man’s life, God is primarily initiating him. So much of what we misinterpret as hassles or trials or screwups on our part is, in fact, God fathering us, taking us through something in order to strengthen us, or heal us, or dismantle some unholy thing in us. This is a distinctly masculine venture. tt What hassles, trials, and difficulties might God be currently using to initiate you?
We don’t know much about stages of development in our instant culture. But God is a God of process. An oak tree starts as an acorn. The Bible was written during a span of more than a thousand years. And a man begins as a boy. Far better for us—and for those who have to live with us, who look up to us—to rediscover the God-ordained stages of masculine development and honor them, live within them, and raise our sons through them.
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discourage you? Why?
tt Does the process involved in the masculine journey encourage or
tt Why is God the only one who can properly father you, properly initiate you?
PRAYER Spend time with God in prayer, asking him to give you an honest and accurate understanding of the events in your life and his role in them. Welcome him as your Father.
Father, it is you who lures me; it is you who has revealed a greater and deeper need for you; it is you who makes me hunger and thirst for more. I come to you, Father, as an unfinished man. I come needy; I come asking
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you to make me a whole man, a strong man, an initiated man. I invite you to disrupt, heal, encourage, deliver, convict, and counsel me as you desire. I surrender myself entirely to your fathering of me. Father, do this for me. Initiate me. I invite you. I give you permission to do whatever you desire that my journey would culminate in my living the full life you have for me as a man. Open my eyes to all you have for me in each of the stages. Come for me, Father, come for me. Amen.
NEXT WEEK Next week your group will discuss the second DVD segment, “Boyhood.� In order to be prepared to share your thoughts with your group, read chapter 3 from Fathered by God this week prior to your group meeting.
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