Architecture Portfolio - Thomas Pentoney

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P o r t f o l i o

Thomas Pentoney 413-320-0223 Objective Seeking an entry level position as an Architectural Draftsman, Designer, and Building Information Modeler Education Roger Williams University : School of Art, Architecture & Historic Preservation Graduate with BS in Architecture, class of 2015 International Studies Institute: Florence Spring 2014 Windham Regional Career Center for Architecture & Drafting, 2009 - 2011 Under instruction from Architect Doug Bramble Leland & Gray Union High-School, Graduate class of 2011 Skills Proficient in : Auto-CAD, Revit, Sketchup, Photoshop, InDesign, Hand Drafting, Rendering, Model Building Experience with: Adobe Flash, Final-cut Pro, Illustrator, Rhino Previous Employment Nelligan White Architects, Manhattan NY, May-August 2014 - Architecture Intern Roger Williams University, Bristol RI , 2012- 2013 - Lab monitor Travel Italy, Florence - Five month Study Abroad program Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City - Three weeks of exploring South East Asian architecture Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy - Two weeks of traveling through European architecture Nicaragua, Dominican Republic - 2 weeks exposure to third world countries


About Me I am a graduate of Roger Williams University School of Art, Architecture & Historic Preservation with a Bachelors of Science in Architecture. I previously Studied in Florence, Italy at the School of International Studies where I was involved in an advanced urban studio design class. I have studied architecture for the past 6 years ranging from small residential homes to large urban city developments. Throughout my time studying I have collaborated with many creative individuals including a project in Florence where I joined a four student team comprised of three Italian students and myself. The variety of projects that I have worked on has allowed me to develop excellent communication skills, adaptability and a competency in developing new skills and methods of working quickly and efficiently. During my time at Nelliagan White Architects I was able to participate in the restoration of homes damaged in Hurricane Sandy as well as the restoration of public housing facades. This process involved checking off punch lists, documenting damage, drafting drawing sets for new construction and creating reports confirming the completed work. Driven and enthusiastic, I am dedicated to the implementation of good design principles, using a pragmatic and considered approach to each individual project. I am proficient in multiple computer programs used in the industry and am eager to expand my working knowledge.


I N D E X This portfolio is a selection of my studio, professional, and personal work from 2013 - 2014. Studio - (6 - 41) Professional - (42 - 47) Personal - (48 - 54)


6 - 11

12 - 17

18 - 23

24 - 29

30 - 35

36 - 41

42 - 47

48 - 49

50 - 54


I T A L I A N D O R M I T O R Y C O M P E T I T I O N SPRING 2014 During our Urban Design Studio in Florence, we devoted one week to designing a student dormitory with Italian architecture students. The cornerstone of our project was Contrast. We wanted to keep the basic features of Florentine; the symmetry, the square shape of the buildings, the courtyard, the stone, and the pitched roof, while putting these features in contact with their opposites; curved lines, asymmetry and bright colors. Enticing the public into the site became the over arching feature of our project, using contrast, an exception of the place. The Dormitory resides in the back curve of the building while the two column supported arms hold a lecture hall and a library.


View from Largo Pietro Annigoni


Site plan with dormitory roof highlighted in red


Second and third floor plans, Section looking East


Pathway connection between Piazza Delle Murate and Largo Pietro Annigoni


Exploded Axon diagram


B O S T O N B A C K B A Y T O W N H O U S E SPRING 2013 The concept of this three unit town house revolved around pushing into the site using geometry similar to the neighboring buildings. The town house is divided into three units; two flats on the bottom floors and a family duplex on the top floors. All of the bedrooms are pushed to the east side of the house, with living and dining rooms located to the west.


Front elevation showing the push and pull relationship between the facades


Left to right; Section perspective, Floor plans. The bed rooms are situated on the East side of the building, while open living and dining rooms are on the West side. A central stair acts as the vertical circulation


Model of townhouse. The push and pull of the facades allows for exterior balconies to be covered


Wall section and details of structure


Clockwise from top left; Interior owners unit, Push and pull of facades, Exploded axon with balconies noted in yellow and private spaces noted in red, Interior kitchen


R W U T E N N I S C E N T E R FALL 2014 Developed around the regular dimensions of a tennis court, this indoor tennis center contains six courts aligned in a linear fashion. Rotated and sloped to allow for indirect light and clear circulation, the center creates a covered passage-way from the northern section of campus to the parking garage. The relationship between the indoor and outdoor courts was studied to see how they interact with each other. Circulation through all twelve courts made it difficult to create a straight passage-way without dividing the building into two. Ultimately, to reduce the buildings foot print and create a green space on the site, the courts were separated. The center acts as a home for tennis and a passageway for students.


Exterior perspective from North Residence Hall


Site plan. The interior and exterior courts were separated, creating a green space between them linking the North Residence Hall with the parking garage


The tennis courts were separated into three groups of two, and adjusted to allow for natural light


The interior walkway allows students to circulate from the parking garage to the North Residence Hall, while being able to look onto the tennis courts


Clockwise from top; Section perspective, Facade study, Site diagrams.


R W U V I S U A L A R T S C E N T E R FALL 2014 The Visual Arts Center located in Bristol Rhode Island contains classrooms, galleries, and studio spaces designed to link students and facility in an open and organized plan. A unique program unites the diverse range of art studies into a socially enterprising facility meant to encourage lively interaction among students and faculty. The main circulation on the second floor cuts directly across the building allowing easy access between classes. Four review spaces are created by the placement of the circulation, and act as a buffer between the classrooms and the gallery. This art center was designed to act as a connection between residential and public spaces as a sculpture within itself, all while relating to the rocky area that covers the site.


Model of Visual Arts Center and surrounding site


Site plan


Model diagrams exploring arrangement of program


Clockwise from top left; First floor plan, Second floor plan, North elevation


Clockwise from top left; Entrance from South, Painting room, East elevation


P I A Z Z A F I L I P P O B R U N E L L E S C H I B I B L I O T E C A SPRING 2014 During my semester at the International Studies Institute, I participated in an Urban design Studio. Our project for the semester was to design and develop a public library with student housing in Piazza Filippo Brunelleschi. The piazza’s position between Brunelleschi’s Duomo and Rotunda inspired a design meant to communicate with both historical buildings. Greenery was incorporated into the design through the use of stepped seating and green walls, to re-establish the garden that once existed in the piazza. The library was placed on the top two floors to allow a visual connection between the public and the skyline of Florence, while the dormitory was connected to the street level.


View from above the Duomo looking North towards the site


Site plan. The library has views towards the Duomo and the Rotunda


Form Diagrams


Clockwise from top left; view towards Duomo, View from School entrance, Interior atrium, Interior of library


Public Piazza during the day and night




FALL 2014 The New Bedford Wind Energy Research Facility is designed to revive the cities historical relationship with the harbor and re-establish New Bedford as a vital port in a global setting through the integration of wind energy. The facility uses energy efficient strategies and community interaction to create an elegant design that incorporates the site and creates opportunity for the development of future business. The facility has key vantage points that overlook the marine commerce terminal, the center of New Bedford, and the southern site. The offshore wind farm at Cape May would utilize the Marine Commerce Terminal for repairs and storage while students and employees study and train at the facility.


Site plan. Several Industrial fishing buildings occupy the surrounding area, while the Marine Commerce Terminal covers the shore line


Clockwise from top left; View down street towards water, Entrance to Visitors center, View over pedestrian bridge towards accessible roof


Form and arrangement diagrams


From top to bottom; South elevation, Section looking North, Section looking East with Educational building on left and Industrial building on right


Clockwise from top left; Passage way between Educational and Industrial buildings, Visitor center with view into training pool, restaurant looking out to the harbor, wind tunnel observations


H U R R I C A N S A N D Y R E S T O R A T I O N SUMMER 2014 While at Nelligan White Architects we worked with the Local Initiatives Support Corporation of New York City to help restore houses that were damaged from Hurricane Sandy. This involved meeting with the owners and documenting damage. Floor plans were sketched and measurements were taken and developed into plans for renovation.


Clockwise from top left; Street Elevation of damaged home, Ceiling damage, Illegal stairs, roof damage. Images courtesy of Nelligan White Architects


Initial sketch of plan at site, updated floor plan to highlight main walls. Images courtesy of Nelligan White Architects


Auto-CAD drawings for renovations. Images courtesy of Nelligan White Architects


B R I C K F A C A D E R E S T O R A T I O N SUMMER 2014 At Nelligan White Architects I assisted in the documentation of exterior damage to New York City Housing Authority owned public buildings. Once the buildings were inspected for damage and documented, reports were sent to our contractors to start repairs. Another round of inspections took place to confirm that all reported damages were fixed and final reports were prepared and sent to NYCHA.


Clockwise from top left; Spalled and cracked bricks, Spalled sill, Replaced bricks, Replaced sill. Images courtesy of Nelligan White Architects


4 X 4


SUMMER 2013 The idea behind this project was to create a chair using only a 4 x 4 piece of scrape plywood. The chair supports itself without the assistance of nails, through the use of slots and boards.


Materials, cut pieces and final product


S K E T C H B O O K 2013-2014 Selected sketches from my travels to Italy, Spain, and Vietnam.


Skyline of Florence at night


Clockwise from top left; Battistreo Di San Giovanni, Piazza Santissima Annuziata, Piazza Della Republica


Clockwise from top left; Florence housing complex, Florence parking garage, Museu Nacional D;art Catala, Park Guell, Housing complex courtyard


Cathedral of Notre Dame in Saigon Vietnam, Bitexco Building in Saigon Vietnam


Sagrada Familia stairway, Sagrade Familia Crypt Column




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