10 Best Post Ideas for Your Author Blog

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1. Excerpts from your book Post a few choice extracts from your book to attract your readers, add emotions and life to your words.

2. Interview your characters Imagine your book is a movie, and you are interviewing the main characters. What would you ask them? How would they respond? This will help you portray them more accurately.

3. Tell the story behind your story How did you come to write your book? What inspired you? Did you come across any challenges along the way?

4. Advice other writers As a published author, you are in a great position to share your wisdom with other authors,to share your views and get response from other authors.

5. A Day in the Life Share your day with your readers or share your daily habits. Some Flash backs can be a plus to it.

6. Discuss your inspirations with others What motivates you to write? Have you been inspired by any particular literary work? Or something else entirely?

7. Discuss Hot topics Discuss trending topics follow the latest news within the publishing industry this is one of the most engaging activity. Talk about any recent issues or debates that spark your interest.

8. Host a guest post Invite others bloggers to guest post on your platform. Often, they’ll return the favor, exposing your blog to a new audience and this will benefit you more.

9. Give review other books Writing review about other books within your genre is a good way to target your own niche and draw in readers to your blog. Most of all it will help you more to think and Create. It also prevents your blog from appearing too ego-centric.

10. Share Images Keep your blog visual!. Only text can be boring but supporting it with images is very reader friendly. Share more graphics to support your content, sharing an Info graphics will be great.

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