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Disposable gloves
Intico Nitrile
Price: £16.99 Price per glove: 17p Type: Nitrile Rating: Contact: screwfix.com
THE Inticos tested were called large, but we’d recommend going up a size, given that we found them tight and tricky to get on, especially because there’s very little elasticity in the material.
OnceOnce inin place,place, theythey areare thinnerthinner thanthan average,average, andand weighedweighed thethe leastleast here,here, atat justjust underunder 4g4g perper glove.glove. ThatThat meant great sensitivity for delicate jobs, yet they were still tough –they passed the nail drop test. Unfortunately they weren’t so tough inin thethe faceface ofof petrolpetrol andand carbcarb cleaner,cleaner, whichwhich quicklyquickly meltedmelted them.them.
Clearly Professional Clear Vinyl
Price: £17.99 Price per glove: 18p Type: Vinyl Rating: Contact: amazon.co.uk
THESE gossamer-thin gloves weigh just 5g, but seemedseemed surprisinglysurprisingly tough.tough. TheyThey werewere comfortable,comfortable, too,too, withwith goodgood gripgrip andand sensitivity.sensitivity. DespiteDespite notnot havinghaving muchmuch stretch,stretch, wewe foundfound themthem easyeasy toto putput onon andand remove.remove.
TheirTheir scorescore sheetsheet lookslooks fairlyfairly healthy,healthy, becausebecause theythey passedpassed most of the chemical tests, with only the carb cleaner causing them to split. The real surprise was in the nail test: despite feeling tough, thethe ClearlyClearly ProfessionalsProfessionals quicklyquickly splitsplit whenwhen dropped.dropped.
Black Mamba Exam
Price: £28.98 Price per glove: 29p Type: Nitrile Rating: Contact: toolstation.com
OUR first piece of advice before choosing the Black Mamba gloves is to go at least one size bigger than you would expect. We ordered the 120 Large and they were very tight, which made them overly snug and tricky to put on.
DespiteDespite beingbeing thickerthicker thanthan average,average, theythey offeredoffered goodgood gripgrip and feel. They were also one of only two products to resist all of our chemicals. But to our surprise they failed the nail drop test, and the quality of the gloves was variable. At this price, that lost them points.
Spontex Handy Sensitive
Price: £4 Price per glove: 20p Type: Vinyl Rating: Contact: tesco.com
IF youyou don’tdon’t needneed a a hugehuge boxbox ofof gloves,gloves, thenthen thisthis packpack of 20 from Tesco could seem to make sense. There is onlyonly oneone fits-allfits-all sizesize available,available, butbut thethe troubletrouble isis theythey didn’tdidn’t actuallyactually fitfit eithereither ofof ourour testerstesters veryvery well.well. PuttingPutting themthem on was a real struggle, too, and resulted in several gloves splitting before we’d even begun the tests.
Once they were on, the grip and feel were good and they breezed through the nail drop task, but they failed when attacked with the carb cleaner and petrol.
NONE ofof thethe glovesgloves passedpassed allall ofof ourour tests,tests, soso ourour winnerwinner isis thethe gloveglove thatthat scoredscored thethe mostmost pointspoints forfor beingbeing a a goodgood all-rounder.all-rounder. TheThe AnsellAnsell TouchNTuffsTouchNTuffs areare decentdecent value,value, comfortablecomfortable toto wearwear andand providedprovided goodgood protectionprotection againstagainst ourour chemicals.chemicals. SecondSecond placeplace goesgoes toto Toolstation’sToolstation’s heavy-gaugeheavy-gauge own-brandown-brand product.product. TheThe thirdthird podiumpodium spotspot isis takentaken byby thethe comfortablecomfortable Sealeys,Sealeys, whichwhich offeroffer moremore sensitivitysensitivity forfor delicatedelicate tasks.tasks. 1.1. AnsellAnsell TouchNTuffTouchNTuff 2.2. ToolstationToolstation DisposableDisposable BlueBlue GlovesGloves 3.3. SealeySealey Prem.Prem. DisposableDisposable NitrileNitrile GlovesGloves www.autoexpress.co.uk