It’s all about Official Policy 31 July 2012
Markets Bounce on Policy Hopes Although last week featured some lacklustre economic and earnings news, investors continued to focus their attention on the growing possibility of additional monetary policy action, particularly from Europe. For the week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 2.0% to 13,075, the S&P 500 Index advanced 1.7% to 1,385 and the Nasdaq Composite rose 1.1% to 2,958. Last week saw a real transformation in financial markets. All of it thanks to a single speech from European Central Bank (ECB) President Mario Draghi, in which he made the crucial comment: “We will do anything to save the euro, and believe me, it will work.” Immediately, Spanish and Italian bond spreads turned around, reversing a downward spiral into a calm and much more interesting outlook. However, talk is cheap and action is much more important, and so markets will focus this week on Thursday’s meeting of the ECB, and what it actually announces to support Draghi’s comments and those by other European leaders over the weekend. ECB needs to address monetary system The European monetary system no longer functions as it should; there cannot be a situation where a business in Italy is borrowing money at rates that are 4% higher than those for a similar business across the border in Austria. In addition, lending by northern European banks to their southern counterparts has contracted over the past six months, while the European interbank market has continued to fragment. Draghi made it clear that it was this part of the equation in which the ECB had to act to sustain financial stability. This is important, because there is a range of tools available to the ECB, including Securities Market Programme purchases of bonds, use of either the European Stability Mechanism or the European Financial Stability Facility, or even another Long-Term Refinancing Operation. Much of the news coverage has focused on the width of the spread between 10-year Italian and German bonds, but this is looking at the wrong end of the yield curve; it is at the shortend, among two-year bonds, where there is an extra 3.5% risk premium. This is an uncomfortable level for what is supposed to be a single monetary system.