thriving past covid: safety trends
in campus dining
Thriving Past COVID:
Safety Trends
in Campus Dining
Guest Contributor: Marletha Booker, Thompson Hospitality COVID‑19 has forever changed the way that we work, live and do business. As universities and colleges around the globe wrap up their first post‑shutdown academic year, administrations are looking to understand how to move forward in higher education. While the world is slowly returning to a sense of normalcy, it will never return to where it was prior to March 2020. As trusted campus dining partners, our role is to understand the landscape of higher education, identify trends within the industry and create solutions that meet the ever‑evolving needs of our campuses. As you prepare for a new academic year, here are COVID‑19 safety trends are here to stay. Trend #1: Can You Repeat That? COVID‑19 caused an increased interest from guests in safety procedures. Now more than ever, campus communities want to know what steps are being taken to keep them safe. They want to be able to easily find this information and to be kept up‑to‑date on it. That is not expected to change anytime soon. How We’re Doing It: Not only do we share this information on each campus dining website and social media platform, we also provide updates through Forward magazine. What It Means for You: Reassure parents by directing them to any of these sites to learn more about the measures we’re taking to keep everyone safe. Feel free to distribute copies of this month’s issue of Forward magazine to students and parents. Our marketing department is available to provide digital resources regarding our COVID‑19 safety procedures.
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May 2021