“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10 NIV)
This is a guide to all of the service opportunities at North Naples Church. We believe God has given each of us unique gifts and called us to serve. As you read this guide, pray over where God might lead you to serve. If you’re uncertain where to start, please visit page 15 to discover your spiritual gifts, which can help guide your next step. When you find an opportunity that interests you, use the contact information and a staff member will get back to you.
Table of Contents Newcomers/Membership............................. 3 Kids...................................................................... 4 Adult Discipleship............................................. 5 Next Gen........................................................... 6 Recreation.......................................................... 7 Worship............................................................. 8 Music................................................................... 9 Missions............................................................10 Care.................................................................. 11 Communications & Outreach.....................12 Administration................................................13 Technology & Campus Security..................14 Spiritual Gifts...................................................15
Newcomers We are passionate about welcoming and connecting individuals to NNC. Our hope is that you’ll find us to be your church home. We do this by hosting First Experience, a monthly event where you’ll meet other newcomers, tour our campus, meet staff members, discuss ways to connect and, most importantly, we get to meet you! Connection Team: Be the smiling face that welcomes guests into Sunday services! You’ll get to wear a snazzy blue polo and be available at different entry points around campus to greet and answer questions like “Where do I take my kids?” and more. Frequency: Sunday (1/2 hr per month)
Membership After “trying us on” for a while, we invite you to take the next step and become part of our church family. New Member Follow-up: Love to chat? Catch up with new members three months after they have joined our church to see how they have gotten connected. Frequency: Anytime (1/2 hr per month) First Experience and Coffee with the Pastor Hospitality Team: Be our guest, be our guest! Help set up for First Experience and Coffee with the Pastor guests. Frequency: Sunday and Wednesday (1/2 hour • 1 x month each)
Contact: Peggy Ryba Membership Director 3
North Naples Kids We are so thankful for each child who walks through the doors of North Naples Church. Our North Naples Kids’ ministry teaches children Biblical truths in a fun and engaging way, through storytelling, music, crafts and games. WORSHIP & SPECIAL EVENT TEAM Kids’ Worship (Sunday mornings): Lead or co-lead a small group of children during the 9:30 or 11:00 am services. The lesson and materials are prepared for you and ready to go. Frequency: Every Sunday Times: 9:15am–10:45am and/or 10:45am– 12:15pm Wednesday Childcare: Childcare is provided when Adult Study Groups are in session so parents can enjoy the study while their child plays and has fun with friends. Frequency: Every Wednesday during the school year Times: 6:15pm–8:15pm
Sunday Morning Setup/Cleanup: Since North Naples Kids’ shares space with The Village School, all supplies must be transported to and from the buildings, set-up and cleaned up each week. Individuals are needed to facilitate setup and cleanup. Frequency: Every Sunday, and as needed for special events/projects Times: Sundays: 7:30am–9:00am and 11:30am–12:30pm
Sunday Morning Greeter: Enthusiasm, smiles and guidance go a long way to help our children (and parents) feel comfortable joining us on Sunday mornings. Frequency: Every Sunday, 1/2 hr Times: 9:15 & 10:45am
ADMIN TEAM Office/General Ministry Support: An organized individual is wanted to do administrative tasks such as lesson preparation, copying, cutting, organizing, etc. Frequency: Weekly, Flexible
Camp Counselor: Camp Counselors are adults or responsible teens who serve as a small group leader for a group of 4-8 elementary children. Frequency: Annually in the summer for 1–2 weeks Times: 7:30am–1:00pm
Camp Prep Team: There are many supplies to copy, sort, label and organize to prepare for camp. Individuals are needed for one to two work days. Frequency: Annually before camp, Flexible
Service Project/Fundraiser Coordinator: Individuals are needed to coordinate projects, recruit volunteer teams and facilitate the projects. Frequency: Quarterly, as needed
Kids Contact: Marlene Foord Dir. of Children’s Ministry 4
Special Event Coordinator: An individual is needed to coordinate the schedule of events, recruit teams to assist and facilitate the events. Frequency: Quarterly, as needed
North Naples Kids (cont.) ADMIN TEAM (continued) Volunteer Recruiter: The children’s ministry requires at least 10 volunteers each Sunday to run the program effectively. This person will help to ensure all 10 spots on a Sunday morning are covered and will provide reminders and support to volunteers as needed. Frequency: Ongoing, Flexible Grant Researcher/Donation Coordinator: Supporting the ministry with grants and donations is critical. This individual will research and connect with potential grantors and donors. Requires attention to detail and interest in learning about ministry needs and programming. Frequency: Ongoing, Flexible CREATIVE TECH TEAM Sunday Morning Tech: Sunday mornings require use of six separate computer stations to run the check-in process and worship services. This position is needed to ensure all computers are working properly and set up prior to family arrivals. Frequency: Every Sunday Times: Sundays, 7:30–9:00am and on call rest of morning Worship Environment Designer: Preparation of a fun and inviting worship space focused on our monthly theme is important for children’s ministry. A team of design-minded volunteers is needed to find creative and inexpensive ways to enhance and continually refresh the environment. Frequency: Ongoing, Flexible
Adult Discipleship Our Adult Discipleship ministry offers Study Groups that are designed to help us grow in our relationship with God and connect with people. Study Group Host: Hosts cultivate a welcoming environment and facilitate conversation so people can grow in their relationship with Jesus and others. Frequency: Dependent on leader’s availability Wednesday Evening Host: Welcome participants to our mid-week programming. Direct people to study groups, support facilitators and manage the coffee station. Frequency: Wednesday evenings, 5:30– 6:30pm Special Event Coordinator: Provide leadership in planning, coordinating and running various special events throughout the year. Frequency: Flexible Special Event Helper: Volunteers are needed for special events throughout the year. Frequency: Flexible
Adult Discipleship Contact: Cindy Bledsoe Exec. Dir. of Adult Discipleship 5
Next Generation Ministry The next generation is the future of the church. NNC is passionate about investing in future leaders. The Dock and The Landing are our youth and young professional ministries. They offer ways for middle, high school and young adults/professionals to experience the love of God. THE DOCK Prayer Team: Pray for the students in our church, The Village School/local schools and community. Pray for leaders to mentor and invest in the students, prayer for families. Task-Oriented Leaders: Variety of opportunities to select from: set-up/tear down, provide snacks and food as needed, attendance takers, photographers, bus drivers, tech team, mailings. Relational-Oriented Leaders: Lead at weekly youth programs to pour into our students through, games, small groups, and conversations. Cheer a student on at an extra-curricular activity and/or meet with them to encourage and help them develop a personal relationship with the Lord. Special Event Coordinator: Help to orchestrate set-up and running of many events throughout the year. Confirmation Leader: Walk alongside a group of students in their faith journey, as they take classes, go on retreats, build a stronger relationship with the Lord and take the confirmation vows. Administration Leader: Help with weekly administrative tasks in the student ministry.
Next Gen Contact: Rebecca Torres Dir. of NextGen Ministry 6
Youth Worship & Tech Team: Love to sing or play an instrument? Have tech skills? The Dock Youth Ministry hangs out together every Sunday night for fun, worship and a message. Individuals are wanted to be a part of the worship team through music opportunities or running the tech booth during youth worship time. Frequency: Sunday night practice, 4:45– 5:45pm. Sunday night youth and worship, 6:00–8:00pm THE LANDING Prayer Team: Pray for the young professionals in our church and community. Special Event Coordinator: Help to orchestrate set-up and run events throughout the year. Mentoring Leader: Walk alongside a group of young professionals in their faith journey as they build a stronger relationship with the Lord. Relational-Oriented Leaders: Lead monthly young professional programs to pour into them through study groups, conversations, and events in their lives that will ultimately help them develop a personal relationship with the Lord. Young Professional Worship Team: The Landing Young Professionals Ministry gathers one Friday a month for a time of fellowship and worship. If you are a young professional who loves to sing, play an instrument, or work the tech booth, join us! Frequency: Friday nights, several times a month 6:30–8:30pm
Recreation Ministry The goal of Recreation Ministry is to introduce others to Jesus Christ by creating opportunities for fellowship and service in leisure and recreation. Advisory/Creative Team: These individuals will be resources for material and information, liaisons with the congregation, and advisors providing counsel for Recreation Activities through the year. Frequency: Flexible Adult Team Sports Manager: Coaching adult teams involves some experience in sports as well as recruiting and relating with participants, attending team leader meetings, communicating with the congregation and more. Frequency: Varies Seasonally
Special Events: Special Events is a ministry of celebration and hospitality. People are encouraged to bring friends. The flexible volunteer will help with all phases of planning, promoting, ticketing, decorating, transportation, event day and follow-up. Frequency: Flexible
Upward Sports Volunteer: Upward Children’s Sports are detailed, organized and first-class leagues. Love kids and sports? Become a volunteer! No experience necessary. Excellent training resources provided. Basketball, Flag Football, and Soccer are each 10-week seasons. Frequency: Coaches: 1 night/week plus 1 Adventure Camp: Help create a weeklong hour Saturday mornings. Referee: Saturday adventure experience for youth. Planners will morning games, up to 4 hours available. schedule and book activities. Chaperones will have a genuine love of young people and a Fitness and Special Classes: Leading desire to build relationships with them. exercise class means you are in front of a Frequency: Spring Planning, Two Weeks of group of people leading them in a specific Summer Camp, fitness regimen. Devotional thoughts, Monday–Friday: 8:00am–5:30pm scripture, and prayer are all part of an effective plan. Pick-up Basketball Relational Leader: Frequency: Weekly, Varies Will be a hospitality ambassador for the church, greeting and welcoming pick-up basketball participants, monitor attendance and general tasks. Offer a devotion or a prayer before play. Frequency: Wednesdays, 6:45pm–9:30pm
Recreation Contact: David Ames Dir. of Recreation Ministry Recreation @ 7
Worship Ministry We believe in gathering to worship God. There are many ways to serve at Sunday morning services. TRADITIONAL WORSHIP Usher: Be the friendly face that hands a church guest a bulletin and/or passes them the offering plate during the 8:15 or 11:00am traditional services. Frequency: Sundays, 8:15 or 11:00am service Communion Server: All are welcome at the Lord’s table. As a communion server, you take part in the experience of serving guests the reminder of what Christ did for us on the cross. Frequency: First Sunday of the month, 8:15 or 11:00am service Liturgists/Offertory Prayers: Provide a special element of worship by leading the congregation in prayer. Opportunities are available for individuals to write their own prayers or recite a pre-written prayer. Frequency: Sundays, 8:15 or 11:00am service
CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP Usher: Be the friendly face that hands a church guest a bulletin and/or passes them the offering plate during our contemporary service. Frequency: Sundays at 9:30am Contemporary Service/Easter, Christmas and Special Services Communion Server: All are welcome at the Lord’s table. We celebrate Holy Communion every week in the contemporary service. As a communion server, you take part in the experience of serving guests the reminder of what Christ did for us on the cross. Frequency: Sundays at 9:30am Liturgists/Offertory Prayers: Provide a special element of worship by leading the congregation in prayer. Opportunities are available for individuals to write their own prayers or recite a pre-written prayer. Frequency: Sundays at 9:30am Contemporary Service/Easter, Christmas and Special Services
Acolytes: We are blessed to have youth serve as acolytes at our 8:15 & 11:00am services. Youth 3rd grade and up are invited to become acolytes and assist in worship.
Traditional Contact: Pastor David Ames Assoc. Pastor 8
Contemporary Contact: Tim Evans Dir. Contemporary Worship
Music Ministry The purpose of the music ministry is to spread the word of Jesus by inspiring the Naples Community through beautiful music. This is done through weekly worship and special concerts during the Concert Series. TRADITIONAL WORSHIP Sanctuary Choir: Do you love to sing? Join the Sanctuary Choir! Frequency: Wednesday night rehearsal, 7:30–9:00pm Sunday morning traditional service, 11:00am–12:00pm Adult and Youth Orchestra: We have a variety of ensembles that invite anyone who plays an instrument at any level to participate. Frequency: Select Wednesday night practices, Performances on various Sundays throughout the year Jubilation Ringers: Handbells are open to anyone who would like to serve in the music ministry. Frequency: Practices held September–April, Thursdays, 7:00–8:30pm
CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP Lift Choir: Love to sing? LIFT your voice with the Lift Choir. There are opportunities to sing on special Lift Sundays during the year. Frequency: Seasonal Monday night practices, Quarterly Lift Sundays throughout the year Contemporary Worship Team: Play an instrument or love to sing? Join the Worship Team. This special team leads the congregation into the spirit of worship with God every Sunday. Special opportunities are also available for The Village School Wednesday morning Chapel. Frequency: Tuesday night practice, 6:00–8:00pm Sunday Mornings, 8:00am Practice, 9:30am Service
Concert Series Volunteer: The annual concert series draws thousands onto our campus. Individuals are needed to fold programs, organize and facilitate meals for artists, usher and more. Frequency: Various opportunities September–May
Traditional Contact: Steve DeLadurantey Dir. of Music & Worship Arts
Contemporary Contact: Tim Evans Dir. Contemporary Worship 9
Missions Mission outreach is an important cornerstone of our faith as well as part of our church. We offer opportunities to serve at NNC, locally and internationally. AT NNC Time to Give: Provides Christmas gifts to children and families in need in our community. Volunteers are needed to label Angel ornaments, organize, and deliver gifts. Frequency: November–December FaithWorks: Provides an easy way to serve others by packing beans and rice for local shelters. Great opportunity for families to serve together! Frequency: Second Saturday of every month, 9:00am–Noon Food Packing: Food Packing Events are hosted quarterly at NNC and have packed thousands of meals for the community. Did you know food packing events can be arranged anytime? Contact us for the next food packing event date or to arrange one at your home or study group. Frequency: Semi-annually LOCAL Helps Outreach: Distribute food, clothing, household items and furniture to families in need in our community without charge. Serving Opportunities include: client assistance in the clothing showroom, receiving area, hanging clothing, front desk, data entry, food pantry, and truck pick-up. Frequency: Flexible, Varies
School Pantry Outreach: NNC partners with the Harry Chapin Food Bank to distribute groceries to Parkside Elementary School and East Naples Park. Distributions feed families of four for 3–5 days. Volunteers are needed to help with distributions. Frequency: 1 x month or 3 x month Immokalee Delivery Driver: We provide food and hygiene items to Guadalupe Social Services, Immokalee Friendship House, First United Methodist Church of Immokalee and the Immokalee Boys and Girls Club. Volunteers are needed to deliver items. Frequency: Weekly/Monthly Guadalupe Social Services Soup Kitchen: This soup kitchen is dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty through education. North Naples Church serves once a month. Our church provides transportation to and from Immokalee. Frequency: Second Tuesday of the month Girls Club of Immokalee: Monthly gathering for girls ages 5–12 at Bethel International Ministries in Immokalee. Women of all ages and girls ages 5–14, with their moms, can help lead the girls in arts and crafts, music, Bible verse activities and games. Frequency: September–May, Second Saturday of every month, 9:30am–Noon ONE by ONE Foundation Mentors: After school mentorship program for high school students to assist in preparation for life. NNC also provides Christmas gifts to the students through Time to Give. Mentors are needed to guide the high school students. Frequency: Varies
INTERNATIONAL Cuba Mission Trip: NNC sponsors three churches in the Holguin district of Cuba. The mission team will visit our three sister churches, stay at the parsonage, meet with the congregation and visit some of the missions. Frequency: Annually, usually first week of December
Haiti Mission Trips: Our mission in Haiti is a church and school on the Island La Gonave. Adults may serve on the Haiti Back-to-School Mission Trip in August and/or the Health and Wellness Trip in January. The August trip helps the teachers get ready for back-toschool. The January trip focuses on health and wellness activities to improve the health of the children and community.
Missions Contact:
Care Ministry North Naples Church cares about supporting those in need of comfort. Shut-In Care Team: Care for those who can’t leave their home by calling our shut-in members, sending cards and doing visitations. Frequency: Weekly, Varies Busy Needles: Use your stitching talents to make beautiful Prayer Shawls for those in need of care and love. Frequency: Wednesdays, 10:00am–12:00pm Flower Ministry Team: Prepare or deliver small bouquets for our shut-in members. Frequency: Arrangement on Monday mornings, delivery varies during the week, Flexible Stephen Ministers: A Stephen Minister provides high-quality, confidential, Christcentered care to people who are hurting. To become a Stephen Minister, one must attend the training and be certified by our church. Frequency: Training Sessions Vary, Meet with One Person Weekly
Prayer Team: Prayer is a vital part of the support we provide for one another. Join the Prayer Team in praying for our congregation. Frequency: Thursday mornings, 10:00–11:00am, Santuary 417 Memorial Service Ushers: Serve as an usher during memorial services and receptions. Frequency: Varies Hospital Visitor: Visit with those in the hospital or hospice. Training is offered and required in addition to tests and shots required by the hospital. Frequency: Weekly, Varies
Care Contact: Pastor Silvana Ferreira Assistant Pastor/ Congregational Care 11
Communications & Outreach Ministry In the beginning, God created. “Creativity is God’s gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God.” –Julia Cameron Photographers/Videographers Have a passion for capturing the life of the church? Photos enable us to tell stories of the work God is doing in the church. Individuals are wanted to take photos and videos on Sundays and at different church events. Frequency: Sundays and Special Events Editors/Writers Do you have experience in editing or writing? Individuals are wanted for blog writing and editing of NNC publications. Frequency: Varies/Flexible Artists Are you an artist interested in using your talents for God’s glory? Whether it be calligraphy, painting, or drawing, there are opportunities to use your gifts and talents. Frequency: Varies/Flexible
Communications Contact: Vanessa Fletcher Dir. of Communications & Outreach 12
Community Outreach Team We are passionate to introduce the Naples community to Jesus. NNC participates in various city events with 5th Avenue South and more as outreach initiatives. Join the team and help BE the church! Frequency: Varies NNC Loves TVS Team The Village School is the biggest outreach of North Naples Church. Opportunities are available to rock babies, read and tutor students, assist teachers in classroom, prepare outreach materials, and show appreciation to the faculty, teachers and families through coffee carts and more. Frequency: Varies Bulletin Assembly: Thousands of bulletins are printed each week in preparation for Sunday services. They require machine folding and occasional stuffing. Come serve and learn the behind-the-scenes of a church bulletin! Frequency: Weekly, Flexible
Administration There are so many great things that take place on our church campus. The Administration Team ensures all the behind-the-scenes tasks get done with excellence! Mail Stuffer: Special mailings go out several times a year. Individuals are needed to stuff, label, stamp and bring mail to the post office. Frequency: Quarterly Pew Stuffer: Sanctuary pews get a lot of love, week after week! Individuals are needed to stuff the pews with connect cards, offering envelopes and pens. Frequency: Once a month, flexible Christmas Volunteer Coordinator: Christmas is the wonderful time of year that we get to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Many things need to be done to ensure we are ready for guests on Christmas Eve including campus decorations, poinsettia set up, Advent families and more. An individual (or team) is wanted to coordinate volunteers. Frequency: Seasonal, Flexible
Building & Grounds Volunteer: Help prune, trim and weed plants to beautify our campus. Frequency: Flexible Campus Supplies Restocker: We are blessed to have a large facility that can accommodate services, groups and classes. Individuals are needed to restock the Sacristy and various meeting rooms with supplies from our kitchen. Frequency: Weekly, Flexible Drivers: Special church trips require a licensed CDL driver to operate church vehicles. Certification and training is paid for by the church. Frequency: Varies
Admin Contact: Maggie Riggall Office Manager
Technology Technology is an avenue that can be used to show people the love of Christ. Consider serving on the tech team! LiveStream Assistance: Through our LiveStream, we are able to reach hundreds of people each week. Individuals are wanted to facilitate the cameras used to record the the 9:30 & 11:00am services. Data Entry: We have a large congregation database that requires making sure our records are up-to-date. Individuals who are computer savvy are needed to enter and update information on our members and attendees. Frequency: Weekly, Flexible
Technology Contact: Anthony Yenshaw Dir. of IT ayenshaw @
Campus Security It is a top priority for NNC to be a safe environment for our church and school. First Aid Team Accidents happen! Be available during worship times to respond to medical emergencies. May include training opportunities. Frequency: Wednesday Night Programming, Saturday Night Service, Sunday Services and Special Events
Security Contact: Daniel Bledsoe Dir. of Safety/Security
Security Team Help keep our campus safe and secure during worship services and events. Individuals are needed to monitor the campus for safety concerns. Frequency: Wednesday Night Programming, Saturday Night Service, Sunday Services and Special Events
Spiritual Gifts
God gave each one of us gifts and talents that we can use to serve Him. The twenty spiritual gifts listed below are found in Romans 12, Ephesians 4 and 1 Corinthians 12–13. Discover your spiritual gifts by taking the United Methodist Church online assessment at ADMINISTRATION—The gift of administration allows a person to organize people and resources for greater efficiency, effectiveness, and success. APOSTLESHIP—The gift of apostleship compels people to reach out to new and unfamiliar groups and individuals to invite them into a relationship with God and community. COMPASSION—The gift of compassion moves people to action on behalf of those in need. DISCERNMENT—Discernment is a gift of deep intuition and insight. EVANGELISM—The gift of evangelism is the gift of faith-sharing and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to those we meet. EXHORTATION—The gift of exhortation manifests in people who offer encouragement, wise counsel, unflagging support, and empowerment. FAITH—The gift of faith is more than belief in Jesus Christ, but an abiding foundation of confidence that God works all things together for good, and that the people of God can rise above any obstacle. GIVING—The gift of giving is the deep commitment to provide whatever resources are needed to support God’s will and plan. HEALING—The gift of healing is not about transferring spiritual power to eliminate suffering and disease, but the ability to channel God’s grace and healing love to those who suffer physical, emotional, or spiritual pain. HELPING—Helping is a gift of support and behind-the-scenes effort that make groups, families, and congregations more effective. INTERPRETATION OF TONGUES—Those who are gifted to interpret tongues help build
bridges across cultural, generational, and language divides. KNOWLEDGE—The gift of knowledge allows people to automatically convert facts, data, and information into useful and important knowledge. LEADERSHIP—The gift of leadership is a visionary, and forward looking gift that enables people to stay focused on where God might be leading us as individuals, congregations, and communities at any given time. MIRACLES—Those gifted with miracles never doubt the power and presence of God in creation, and are able to help others see and believe in God’s power. PROPHECY—The gift of prophecy is the ability to speak God’s word to others, or more appropriately to be open for God to speak God’s word through us. SERVANTHOOD—Servanthood is the gift of doing for others, sometimes to the exclusion of meeting personal needs. SHEPHERDING—The gift of shepherding is the gift of mentoring and providing spiritual guidance to others to help them develop in the discipleship and faith formation. TEACHING—The gift of teaching allows people to transform data and information into life changing knowledge. TONGUES—The gift of tongues is a communication gift that allows people to speak foreign languages and convey concepts they never formally studied. WISDOM—The gift of wisdom allows people to understand deeper meaning and apply knowledge, beliefs, and experience to every day situations. 15
North Naples Church is a family, inspiring and equipping me to follow Jesus.
6000 Goodlette Frank Road North • Naples, FL 34109